Expect all sides to redefine McClellan in order to either boost or reduce his credibility. To the Right, McClellan will have been the worst press secretary of modern times, and to the Left a man of extraordinary ability chased out of his job by Bush’s minions. The truth will be somewhere in the middle. When he left office, most people on both sides considered him a mediocrity at best. His status as favored punching bag for the hard Left can best be captured in the Keith Olbermann farewell McClellan received as he exited in April 2006. It will be particularly amusing to watch this fringe try to rehabilitate McClellan now.
Let’s see that rehabilitation of character that Ed seems to think is going to happen. Firedoglake:
For three years, Scott McClellan stood before the White House press corp and humiliated himself, saying things he knew were probably false or misleading, while pretending that by dissembling for his President he was serving his country. In now confessing his sins and spins, he still clings to the hope of redemption by saying, gosh, they meant well, even if they were all lying about everything.
No rehab there. Let’s try Too Sense:
McClellan has every reason to lie or twist events: making himself a sympathetic character helps him sell books and he wants to minimize the role he played in one of the most flagrant violations of the public trust by the office of the President in history.
Nope, none there either. Let’s try Steve Benen:
One can’t help but wonder, of course, if this is McClellan’s way of trying to save his own skin — as the Bush gang is condemned by history, McClellan doesn’t want to be associated with failure.
Of course, if he’d thought to speak up when it mattered, instead of after the fact, McClellan’s ability to make a difference might have had an effect. Now, it’ll sell books, but it’s a little late in the game.
Nope, no rehab there. Maybe the GOS:
Well, that’s one way to put it. Another might be to say that for three years he willingly distorted and lied about Iraq, about domestic spying, about secret prisons, about torture, and of course, about the White House role in the outing of Valerie Plame. Or he didn’t lie and, as the truth was revealed about these many issues, he chose to stay on and defend Iraq and domestic spying and secret prisons and torture and of course, the people who lied to him about their role in the outing of Valerie Plame. Which is it?
No mercy there, either:
What about the the Rude Pundit:
Hopefully, the book will tank, and McClellan will be reduced to blowing Hannity for nickels. Screw this obsequious pig-fucking son of a bitch, this grubby little man-whore, attempting to purge his soul of the taint and stench of death and sorrow while pulling in a buck or two. He’s not honorable enough to have fallen on his sword, rhetorically or literally. And he’s not even loyal enough to have shut the fuck up (at least an admirable quality in the abstract). He deserves a room in Hell lined with televisions playing his sneering statements of complicity on an endless loop while he’s forced to sit on a couch made of the bloated corpses of Katrina victims. Way too little, way, way too late, you miserable bucket of spooge.
That ain’t rehab in my book.
Even the libertarians are jumping on him:
According to press reports, McClellan says that the Bush administration lied to him about everything, all the time. Which sounds about right, though one gets to wondering either just how clever McClellan is or how dumb he is that it took him so long to figure that out.
No, Captain Ed, the fringe isn’t going to try to “rehab” this dick.
What will be funny is watching Bush sycophants attack him because he has dared to speak ill of W. That will be entertaining.
You know, you could have just written…
…rather than going and proving it.
No rehab here either. From WaPo, Anne Kornblut online Q & A:
Oh yeah, there’s gonna be BIG improvements in MSM reporting this election cycle. I’m really looking forward to the investigative report on the history of beards in the Vice-Presidency.
as I predicted yesterday (not that it was hard to predict), the WH is going for the ‘disgruntled former employee’ smear.
How’s that ‘making a buck off both sides’ strategy working out for ya, Simple Scotty? Not very well, it seems.
Proving once again that the right wing is convinced that we’re just like them, only with different policy issues. Sorry “Captain” Ed, some of us do actually have principles.
…to the Left a man of extraordinary ability chased out of his job by Bush’s minions.
Actually, I could imagine that one or two of the dimmer bluenecks at D.U. might say something like this in comments, and that could well be good enough for Special Ed to claim that the entire Left is saying it.
there are certainly plenty of beards in the GOP…
LOL! No, it’s not rehabbing weenee McClellan in my book either. Sums things up pretty nicely in fact.
Thanks for serving up that post, John. I found it to be hilarious and gratifying.
Captain Ed:
A man of extraordinary ability? Where have I heard that before? Oh, yeah:
John Hinderaker:
It’s funny when they start eating their own.
God Bless the Rude Pundit (and John).
My immediate reaction upon hearing Anne E. Kornblut bring the stupid is that my dear departed border collie would be a better reporter.
The Moar You Know
Here’s a better question; can we find anyone who doesn’t think Scotty would look better with a boot lodged in his ass?
Are we allowed to use the tired old “He’s trying to sell a book!” line now that the shoe is on the other foot?
Disingenuous Wingnut Rhetoric Marker Detected: Aborting Text Read.
I think it is interesting that as the right is busy pillorying McClellan’s abilities as a front-man, it has largely failed to dispute any of the accusations in his book that are being reported.
The guy’s ability as a spokesperson has nothing to do with whether or not he encountered Rove in a cover-up.
who gets the nickels?
What she chose to suppress — as she and her colleagues have, for the past seven years — was her immediate snigger, “Yeah, right. Well, at least the rubes believe that. Now, about those bearded VP candidates…”
Mr Furious
I don’t want to simply paste it in here, because it needs the visual accompaniment…
My thoughts on McLellan are here.
rob! wins.
The righties always assume we will do the same thing they would have.
Keep on keeping on dickheads. Thats why you have been and will continue to keep getting your ass handed to you.
Inability to adapt(thinking outside your little box) has always been a species killer.
Plus you know what they say about assuming.
The Captain’s claim doesn’t even pass a simple logic test though (I know).
McClellan’s claim (the one that the “Hard Left” would, allegedly, be spinning to make true) is that he lied all the time, or in the alternative that he was too dumb to know he was being lied too all the time. How does casting McClellan as a “good” press secretary make that claim stronger?
Wouldn’t the expected response from liberal commentators be, “We’ve said all along that McClellan was a shitty press secretary that lied all the time, now even he agrees with us.”?
I’m shocked, shocked, to find out that a White House Press Secretary lied to the public.
I don’t think that McClellan deserves a room in hell. He should instead be interviewed on Fox news by all the Bush enablers, with Bill Kristol providing a cameo appearance. The echo chamber of lies, denials and rationalizations will make for great, if pathetic, comedy relief.
The short answer is, of course the press will be duped again. The press, and in particular the White House press corps, get a thrill out of being invited to dinners with Beltway insiders, of bellying up to the important and the powerful, of being able to brag that they know a guy who knows a guy who is a mucky muck in the X Administration. Covering the news honestly and informing the public barely registers on their “to do” list.
The short answer is, of course the press will be duped again.
They already have. Hence McSame’s nickname “St. BBQ”.
Captain Ed = Always Wrong
I thought you were the one who issued that memo. If the man said it was going to be a warm sunny day out, I’d grab an umbrella, pack a parka, and throw on snow boots.
The right-wing “we know what evil lefties do before they do it” projectionist narrative is nothing new.
The White house is “puzzled” by his disgruntledness. Puzzled and, yes, “bewildered”.
They probably loved him like a son.
Poor dears.
p.s. as we said in my youth: Don’t Buy Books From Crooks
Tony J
And in a few months time, with a Democrat in the White House, the MSM will defend their new-found disrespect and distrust of the Presidency by reminding their viewers how the “McClellan Thunderbolt” of May, 2008 ripped the scales from their eyes and exposed the danger inherant in trusting anything a politician says.
It just, y’know, didn’t fully sink in until after the Election.
The Moar You Know
This may prove to be really an unfortunate choice of nickname should he make good on his threats vis-a-vis Iran.
Of course McClellan is a liar – they all are. If their address was our WH, then they are all liars, traitors, and terrorists in their own right. So Scotty wrote a book? Its a sure bet our beloved idiot in chief is not capable of reading it. Bush doesn’t ‘remember’ snorting cocaine? Do you right siders really believe that? Yeah, and Clinton didn’t inhale – yeah, sure. All the rats are jumping ship – Bush is toxic. I thank the right siders for making his downfall so very easy. You supported and revered an imbecile; now you get what you don’t deserve – you get your country back. I accept your apology.
Seems the longer Captain Ed is in the Malkin submissive stable at Hot Air the more delusional he becomes. Who the hell would want to “rehabilitate” or put that little dweeb, McClellan, on a pedestal? All the stuff in the advance excerpts I’ve read so far about the admin ginning up an unnecessary war, lying, the press not doing its job, etc. falls firmly in the “No Shit” category. No revelations from Scotty there.
McClellan was just a shorter version of Baghdad Bob. Whether willfully or just cluelessly repeating the admin’s
“propaganda”lies (call it what it was), Scotty projected all the stature and truthiness of B. Bob.At least Baghdad Bob was a lot funnier. Like when he was giving press conferences saying U.S. soldiers were running away and committing suicide in the desert rather than face Iraqi forces, while in the background behind Bob you could see M1s doing thunder runs in downtown Baghdad. Cracked me up. Baghdad Bob had flair. McClellan would just sweat and squirm while telling lies. No quality anywhere in this administration. Better assholes, please
The commenters at Red State are precious. “He sucked at his job” … “he was useless and now he’s biting the hand that fed him” … nothing about his claims that the whole fucking Bush administration has been a complete and utter moral and ethical clusterfuck, just that McClellan sucked at his job.
How does one rate a press secretary anyway? Is it by the vehemence he uses to spout lies? I mean, the job is one of obfuscation, so I would say that Scotty was a pretty damned good pres secretary, if you want to lie your nation into a war.
On the plus side, he did knock down the Sun Sphere.
Then there’s this nugget on McClellan from Jules Crittenden. It has a wisp of wingnut honesty, if there is such a thing.
kid bitzer
the rude pundit does a good job living up to the name–rude and funny, too.
but will the press ever get aggressive again?
sure it will: as soon as there is a democratic in the white house.
then the press will go all attack dog, all the time, on issues of the same urgency as whitewater, the travel office, and gore’s choice of sweaters.
they are capable of attacking. they’re just in the tank for the republicans–a combination of sycophancy and fear. battered spouse syndrome.
and that remains true despite the fact that a majority of journo’s skew somewhat liberal in their personal politics. they may have personal views somewhat to the left of median voter. but years of being beaten and bullied by the right wing has left them a cowering puddle of pusillanimity.
so we can look forward to many more years of republicans getting a free pass no matter what they do, and democrats getting raked over the coals for non-issues.
The problem with selling out to crapheads is that if you turn on them, the people who critized you for doing it at the time won’t make you their hero, and the people you served while you were doing it will demonize you.
Which is a reason, you know, not to sell out to crapheads in the first place. A fact that a lot of people in Washington are no doubt contemplating right now.
My comforting words to them: Fuck you. You fucked us, so fuck you very much.
Chuck Butcher
I got the news about the proposed book when it hit the publishing online rags so I tossed off a post. My site was buried for a couple days due to a confluence between the date and my title and Google’s search protocols.
At 5PM my sitemeter went nuts, so I looked. Still on google at #1. I think it’s funny, people are winging into an 11/07 post that says “so what”
I always found McLellan a repellent beady eyed prick, and that hasn’t changed. What I really want to see is some archival material in which Scotty Flopsweat is praised to high heaven by some wingnut hack and contrast that with what said hack is now saying about him.
I call bullshit. If McCain gets elected, none of that will ever happen. Suggesting that it would happen to a Democrat just proves that you’re a raging BDS gay-kissing welfare racist liberal.
That gives submissives a bad name and I am sure being in that stable would violate SSC and even if it was Consentual doesn’t mean it is safe, or sane for that matter.
Billy K
Atrios was just talking about this yesterday. Why is the truth always in the middle? Is it just easier for small minds that way? Believe it or not, sometime one side is wrong – or a LOT wronger – than the other. Why are we stuck with this idea of “the middle” being pure and correct?
Billy K
Also, people seem to be forgetting McClellan comes from a political family. His mother ran for Governator here in Texas last election. She’s been part of the GOP machine for decades, as has he. He’s probably just worried his association with the Bush crime family will keep him from hooking up with a different syndicate – or getting his mother and/or who knows what other family member elected.
oooh. nice one, wingnuts! McClellan is a Hamas apologist !
What’s done is done. What’s important now is to recognize and challenge the ‘complicit enablers’ of the Bomb Iran movement. The same strategies of manipulation are starting again, although probably with a bit more sophistication. We can’t throw pies in Bush’s face, but his scumbag enablers in the press corps are fair game.
Too late Scotty … you have the blood of hundreds of thousands on your hands, just like the rest of them. At least you might donate your book proceeds to the families of those hundreds of thousands of Iraqis you helped kill.
Dennis - SGMM
Has Tony Snow issued his “Nuh-Uh!” editorial denial yet?
Where is this “Hard Left” of which Hannity and his ilk speak? I’ve been looking for them for years, and all I can find are a bunch of corporate fluffers and lame wafflers. Kucinich wandered in the general neighborhood of Left and was quickly sent packing. Now we’re left with a pack of weasels who tremble at the thought of being called “liberal”, and I sadly include the MUP in this crowd.
Two reasons. One, it’s easy, while really understanding the two (or six) different views is hard.
Two, it gives the appearance of fairness and balance to people who don’t understand what those things really are.
In the latter view, “fair” means saying that the truth lies somewhere between the idea that 2+2=5 and the idea that 2+2=4. So let’s call it 4.5. That’s … balanced.
Pilots (ones like me with weird senses of humor) used to tell the Mountain At Night joke:
Flying at night, over an area not covered by our chart, we know a mountain is nearby that is either 6,000 or 7,000 feet high, can’t remember which. Solution? Split the difference, and fly at 6,500 feet!
Funny, if you are a pilot. But when you have the relationship between government and public information working that way, toxic.
Do me a solid and store that little nugget away somewhere in Tupperware so the next time there’s any question as to whether Captain Ed knows his elbow from his ass when it comes to what liberals think you can trot it out and provide the definitive answer.
I like to think I have a pretty good understanding of conservative motivations and mindsets. I don’t agree with them, but I can predict them to a pretty high degree of accuracy. Captain Ed obviously has no fucking idea what anyone thinks, and I would hope that would disqualify him from any rhetorical authority whatsoever.
You know, rehabbing him may have have happened in the past, but the past is gone and people are too pissed off to play nice like that, even for political advantage. Blood will be the only quencher of the fire now.
>tremble at the thought of being called “liberal”
So true. Long past time to redeem the term. Maybe it can piggyback on the word “bitch” because I’d like to do more liberal bitching myself.
how bout this for the ad blurb:
“DC’s own Bahgdad Bob justifies his lies to the American People!”
It’s amusing that the Cap’n thinks that we have to “rehabilitate” lame-o johnny-come-latelys like McClellan to somehow prop up our case against Bush. Because we’re so light on ammunition or something. Because there are so few people who dislike Bush, we have to seize on them all and hold them up for adulation.
McClellan ain’t no Richard Clarke, and he’s more than a couple of years too late to boot.
Isn’t this basically just the advanced version of “he’s just trying to sell a book?” Handy for, let’s see … people who are in fact just trying to sell a book?
McCain as president would send the press corps(e) into Reagan II mode. God it would be ugly. I’d have to become a monk, I think. Or move to a remote island and break the tv so it only received the weather channel.
Oh, news fucking flash. I’m so freaking tired of this society of willful morons, I almost can’t take it any more.
Dennis - SGMM
Dana Peroxide weighs in:
Billy K
No, I see it as he’s trying to scrub his/his family’s reputation so they can continue to do what it is they do. Now, snitching is not a good way to show the other criminal GOPers you’re trustworthy, but I think after this Administration is gone, anyone with the stink of Bush on them will be left out, so it’s better to snitch and distance than be loyal to the most odious Republican ever.
Tsk, damning with faint praise.
BTW, “an admirable quality in the abstract” is dog whistle for the Washington Ethic: Loyalty is the last refuge of scoundrels. No matter how badly or how many you fucked over, you can still be okay if you are just loyal to the cause (the boss, the machine, the party).
In DC, they live by this code.
Mmmm …. I’m waiting for when Dana jumps into the self-exculpatory memoir biz. Should be a laff.
I realize that rehabbing George McClellan is taking a long time but, then again, his policy of never engaging the Army of Northern Virginia was exacerbating to the naive, inexperienced, one-term Congressman from Illinois who happened to be President at the time.
Oh! You meant Scott – er, nevermind! You mean this isn’t the Civil War blog??!!
thanks, milo.
…is that the obscure Simpsons reference i think it is? are you saying Scott McLellan is like Martin Prince?
if so, brilliant!
Actually, President Doofus was in Mesa, Arizona speechifying up a storm as only he can (President Bush Visits Silverado Cable Company, Discusses Economy, Tax Relief):
nah. it’ll be her, sara taylor, and condi rice in Playboy’s “Girls with Bush” theme issue.
am i the only one that caught the joke JGabriel posted @ 1:19?
It’s clear from his fat ass and waistline that Scotty is just trying to earn a few ducats to keep shoveling the bearclaws and Ho-Ho’s down his top hole.
dr. bloor
There’s a pretty good joke to be had here involving Dick Cheney, Vice-Presidential “beards” and Lynne Cheney’s literary girl-centric inclinations, but I can’t quite piece it together.
They’re probably not so fond of her since she went Indy (after starting her opportunistic career as a Dem, and turning her coat to R when it was expedient) to run against Bouffant Rick.
Thus proving that the venerable tradition of bitin’ the hand that feeds you runs strong in Clan McClellan/Strayhorn/Keeton/Rylander, etc.
Rehab? Fuck that, his name is on the jail cell next to Perino’s!
Scott McClellan is a man of extraordinary ability who was chased out of his job by Bush’s minions.
If that’s the case, then Alan Colmes should be asking for a pay raise.
Oh, great, some idiot commenter just made John’s blog a candidate for quote mining. :-)
Damn asynchronous communication medium! My comment wasn’t aimed at you, cbear.
I hope McClellan uses his book to show how Bushco worked the press; who they bought, who they had something on, who they use to feed stories and how they set things up. You know, things that would help the democratic process more than just another ‘Bush is an asshole’ story.
He knows what happened, who did it and how. While I doubt it, McClellan is at least in a position to be a sort of hero. Who knows?
fixed for Playboy.
Paging Jeff Gannon…
The beard question was just perfect…
Be sure to keep him, Bush, and Mcsame tied together in the our campaign to defeat and reject the Bush regimes.
The best part is that once it becomes clear that Ed’s crystal ball is a little cloudy and liberals actually still think McClellan is a douche, he’ll use it as further evidence of the depravity of Teh Hard Left! Like ‘They lack Christian forgiveness!’ or some similar nonsense. In other words, the Wingnut hypothesis:
The Other Steve
It’s been funny watching the various press secretaries. Ari and Scott seemed to get pretty stressed out by the job, despite both having a reputation for bullshit.
Even Tony Snow couldn’t hack it.
This latest woman, who I don’t even remember her name, seems to be having no problem. She just pleads constant ignorance, and I’m sure not reading the newspaper or watching TV helps her greatly.
Scott McCowardly Worm should be subpoena’d for an impeachment. If Bush were impeached on his last day in office it would still be worth it.
Chuck Butcher
Crist is clean shaven, Christ on the other hand…
Bubblegum Tate
Also: Baghdad Bob was fuckin’ awesome. That dude had the best comedy skits ever.
Stormwater Quality
McClellan would be easier to forgive if American troops and Iraqi civilians hadn’t been dying every GD day for the last 5+ years. Ed is such an idiot. Like we need an obvious cash-in vanity project by Scott Effing McClennan to validate our positions.
wasabi gasp
It takes a huge heave-ho to make a splash, when throwing somebody overboard from a sunken ship.
Check out this from BTD:
And, if the third moon nearest Orion’s belt is lined up with the Small Dipper due to the gravitational pull of my dog’s ass, Clinton would be entitled to another 7 delegates and a new toothbrush. Or something.
Can someone pretty *please* define what GOS means?
Billy K
Dana Perino. She just doesn’t care, and she doesn’t even bother to pretend. She may as well just get up there and say, “we’re just riding this out til January 09.” This is the gal who didn’t know what The Bay of Pigs was.
Billy K
Good OS. It’s a Linux variant. Google it up.
Can someone pretty please define what GOS means?
I believe it stands for “Great Orange Satan”, i.e., Daily Kos.
Tom Hilton
Political rehab is a more complicated matter than substance rehab, and it usually takes longer than 28 days.
Thanks Sam.
Billy K
Ahem. What about me?
Boring Talkleft Dumbass = BTD = 100 delagates subtracted from Clinton because I (nightjar) said so.
kind of an off white
GOS is another name for the Republican Party. It’s an acronym* for “Grotesque Overton Shifters.”
*Actually, it’s an initialization. Didja know that it only counts as an acronym if it can be pronounced as a word, like NATO or SCUBA? Just found that out recently, so I’ll be sharing this knowledge with everyone I encounter, even knowing full well they don’t give a shit.
you know what’s meant by a “beard” right?
Jimmie Jack
Maybe Dana perino thinks the Bay of Pigs is a G.O.P. pool party for Bush’s and Cheney’s WH staffers????
I think GOS stands for Grape Oil Salesman.
Grumpy Old Shitstain? Oh wait, that’s McCain.
Lumberjacks in love?
Off topic
What Dunkin Donuts should have said:
Just when I think this pathetic horse’s ass of an embarrassment of a president has said every stupid thing on earth, he manages to add to the collection.
I’m not sure even Yogi Berra could have done better.
Shorter wingnut talking point: “Stop snitchin’!”
OT but somewhat related: this hilarious picture at Wonkette of Bush chest bumping an Air Force cadet at today’s ceremony. Ranks right up there with “Awesome speech, your holiness.”
Okay, the link showed up in preview, but here’s the address: http://wonkette.com/393832/scott-mcclellan-cant-ruin-george-bush-juniors-day“
I find it disturbing on several levels. What in the world is wrong with this man?
Never mind, I don’t care. Just make him go away.
w vincentz
I predict that Scotty will have a very big future role to play. One that Pelosi and Reid failed on.
He will a very important witness in tesimony at The Hague.
He’ll save his ass by flipping, and the FUCKING WAR CRIMINALS will be found guilty.
Mark my words. The rest of the WORLD is watching. They’ve waited for a long time, as have the “hippy protesters” like me, the one’s that were accused as being “unpatriotic” for voicing objections to the fallicies that cause so many to die for their lies.
Justice WILL happen. Scotty will play a role to make up for his previous “assholeness”, and the real assholes will hang on the end of a rope like Saddam.
Innocent Bystander
I’ll be more impressed when McSpoonface announces he’s donating 100% of the books proceeds to the real victims of the policies that he aided and abetted – our troops and the innocent Iraqis. It probably won’t be a windfall (not really a hero on either side of the divide), but it would at least mean he’s not profiting from the pain and anguish he helped to promote.
afferent input
That’s funny. I don’t remember the rightwing nutjobs kicking Scotty to the curb before he wrote his tell-all. Now all of a sudden he’s was an incredible crap-tacularistic press secretary, the worst in history.
No rehab from me either.
You don’t get any thanks, he’s a windows user he has no use for your Linux. You loser! Get a real OS!
i urge him to file suit against the DNC to ensure they heed his brilliant legal reasoning.
i’m sure nothing bad would come from the MSM shining its bright lights on the comments at TL.
w vincentz
Scotty is the inside guy that put his heel on the toothpaste tube. Sure, he tried to sell the “toothpaste”.
Now these mutha fuckers are trying their damndess to put the toothpaste back into the tube. Watch what these talking points will be, repeated often, from the same “playbook”.
Their words include “puzzlement”, “disgruntled”, “poor CIA intelligence”…la de fuckin’ da…
HANG FOR YOUR CRIMES NOW you neo-con assholes.
Justice will be served in The Hague with Scotty’s testimony.
It’s about fuckin’ time!
The people of the planet watch and wait.
Remember Nuhremburg. (sp)
Dennis - SGMM
As nauseating as Snotty Scotty is the press that almost unanimously turned a blind eye to their responsibilities in the run up to the Iraq war. Remember when Bush told the UN weapons inspectors to leave even though Saddam had agreed to let them inspect wherever they wanted to – including his presidential palaces? The press made a big deal of that, didn’t they? Of course they asked people with expertise if a nation with the resources possessed by Iraq could build a nuclear weapon too. And who can forget how the press did the five minutes of Googling that it took to prove that the Niger yellowcake uranium document was a forgery?
I just heard Tweety say that the press was manipulated by Bushco. My ass. They were uncritical cheerleaders for the war. Tweety saying with a straight face that the press was manipulated by Bush is just as cynical and self-serving as Clinton saying that she was misled by Bush on her AUMF vote.
You can’t cheat an honest man.
errrr no, in reference to crist and his in the closet status though, a beard is usually the token wife/husband of a gay person, usually a gay male married to a female. That question getting slipped in there was hysterical.
Tweety? the guy who led off a segment, in 2002, about people protesting the war with this:
fuck him. i don’t care how many wingnut losers he knocks over, five years later: he enthusiastically beat off to this war every goddamn night, and shit on anyone who opposed it. fuck that hack.
read this and weep.
w vincentz
“You can’t cheat an honest man.”
Dennis, my friend, you nailed it!
every time I hear that boob talk down to me and everyone else with better than a sixth-grade education, I have to resist the urge to eat a skullfull of shotgun pellets.
If I can just make it 8 more months….
Not to change the subject (!?) but I read this in a Kos story just now:
Can the expressions ‘lack of intellectual honesty’ and ‘intellectually honest’ be thrown under the bus along with ‘thrown under the bus’?
Try this instead: “She’s a liar”.
Dennis - SGMM
Thanks to America’s politicians of both parties, the machine-making place is located in fucking China, moron.
But that would not be politically correct, another gift from the clinton’s IIRC.
w vincentz
Not to worry. Those Chinsese capitalists (that we created) only develop our inventions and market them back to us.
Ok? We create, they make.
No problem. As long as we get rid of those that inhibit our creativity (NCLB advocates). We’ll be just fine, as long as we keep thinkin’ “outside o’ da box”.
Now…back to the topic.
I remembered reading about Crist being a tad “light in the loafers,” so I told my girlfriend that there was no effin’ way that McCain would tap him as a potential VP and risk embarassing revelations in the press that would make the McGovern/Eagleton affair look like a polite disagreement over who took the last danish at breakfast.
But then McCain actually did throw Crist’s name in the hat, and now my better half is calling bullshit on me. Please someone, help a brotha with a cite on this gossipy nugget.
I don’t have one but it is my understanding he has been asked this question directly during a campaign and he denied it. If I were you I would start with the search function over at Americablog.com.
Oops, never mind posting a link on Crist’s bearded status… I paid a little visit to Down With Tyranny! (your one-stop site for all things gay and Republican) and whaddaya think I founded? This.
The schadenfreude, it burns.
PS, I think I recall reading recently that at one time he was married.
Emptywheel: “I still don’t recommend buying McClellan’s book. I will buy it and tell you all the good parts.”
w vincentz
I have absolutely nothing against gay people, in fact, one of my sons is gay. I continue to love him.
That said, I do have a prolem with posers. Ya know, like the Refuks that constantly gay bash while keeping their own preferences secreted. The list is very long. Start with Craig (pleaded guilty), Foley, keep going. The GOP is filled with ’em. I wish they would just come out of the closet, but it seems they feel safer staying hidden and advocating agains “same-sex marriage”.
FUCKIN’ HIPPOCRATES! (or how ever the fuck ya spell it).
Chuck Butcher
Evidently not, some things take awhile to leak out into the absolute sticks where I live and write. There are a handful of places in this country that more “out of the loop” than my home, by not by a heck of a lot.
I have worked with and have friends in the LGBT Caucus, but obviously, they’re out and since I’m a hetero construction guy in a town of 10K my daily cultural experiences…
I completely support Scott McClellan testifying for a war crimes tribunal.
Jebus. I think I really like Rude Pundit.
Hmm, I think I said something in an earlier thread about this craven simpering enabler who had neither the honor nor if he ever did the shame at the loss of it to redeem himself by seppuku, as suggested by an esteemed B-J regular. Nice to see RP agrees.
Captain Hed:
No one at this late date in the criminal and farcical years of the Bush regime can continue to pretend up is down, black is white, lies are truth, corruption is justice, and the substantive accusations of the Left (which includes everyone who is not defending Bush or his homunculus, McCain) become the unjust criticisms of the Right, and the hero-worship of the Right becomes the sins of the Left. Not without a clinical case of projection, not without being a paid whore to “catapult the propaganda”.
Captain Hed. Not Ed, Hed. Because he’s always on his knees fellating Bush and his friends.
Thanks for the link Mr. Furious:
And when Scotty Boy makes it back from his IED scout tour — not that I hope he makes it back — we will send GWB, Cheney, Rummy, Wolfowitz, Feith, Gonzales, Bremer, Rice, and a platoon of other neocon criminals for a minimum of 5 tours of the same. The fuck we shouldn’t. A number of those in uniform are already looking at 5 tours.
Jebus I hate these people. Really really hate these people. For the unspeakable things, terrible things, cruel things they’ve done to so many innocent people, to so many service people, to so many citizens, to this country.
They did it for ideology, for political gain, for personal inadequacies, for the belief that might makes right, for money, for power. And they did it from the air-conditioned comfort of their offices, sitting in front of their computer screens, with a secretary to screen calls, Fox News on the widescreen, a masseuse in-house, and a chauffeur to take them home after a few drinks after work.
This is the banality of evil.
Paul L.
John Amato : Crooks and Liars
Rove calls Scott McClellan a Left wing blogger. The attacks on him have started
The interview with McClellan on morning talking head shows was the first combative interview I have ever seen with Mr. McClellan.
Funny how the media only begin to do a facsimile of their jobs when it comes to defending the president’s crimes.
The media are collaborateurs in the massacre in Iraq the same way that the Rwandan radio was.
And they smell the Hague, so like Rove and Libby they are getting their story together.
Oh and just like the run up to the war, the coverage of McClellan’s book has NO LIBERALS NO INDEPENDENTS. Just scotty and the new whitehouse apologists.
Doesn’t matter to me what his motivations are now, I’m just glad he wrote it. I always felt McClellan was ill at east about lying, which comprised 95% of his job. The man was just doing his job, which was to dodge and obscure the truth as much as possible.
Of course, we all like to think we have more integrity than to whore ourselves out in this way, but let’s admit it, some of us would, especially if we really believed in and respected our ‘great leader,’ at least in the beginning.