Cleanup in aisle 4:
The McCain campaign is sharply disputing a claim by the New Mexico arm of NARAL Pro-Choice that it had three of the group’s members barred from the Arizona Senator’s event in Albuquerque yesterday.
A McCain aide, Jeff Sadosky, said hotel security and the Albuquerque police asked the abortion rights activists to leave the event after McCain’s campaign had given them passes to enter.
But I keep hearing on the cable channels that it is Obama who has a problem with women…
(Entire post idea stolen from a clever commenter from the other day.)
*** Update ***
And you remember the idiocy from certain Hillary supporters last month over Pattis Solis Doyle working for Obama? A refresher:
“It’s a slap in the face,” Susie Tompkins Buell, a prominent Clinton backer, said in an interview. “Why would they put somebody that was so clearly ineffective in such a position? It’s a message. We get it.” She said it was a “calculated decision” by the Obama team to “send a message that she [Clinton] is not being considered for the ticket.”
Well, guess what? Doyle approached Clinton before taking the offer and got her blessings:
She says the move to Obama came with “very complicated emotions” because of that past. So she checked with her old boss before joining Obama’s team.
“She’s a friend of mine and I just wanted to, both on a personal and professional level, let her know what I was doing and make sure that she was, you know, good with it. And she was,” Solis Doyle said.
The two exchanged phones calls — but kept missing each other — so Solis Doyle sent Clinton an e-mail. She said Clinton congratulated her and told her she was sure she would do a great job. The two have kept in contact via e-mail but haven’t had a chance to “really, really talk” since the primary campaign ended.
Reality is constantly a slap in the face to these jackasses.
Repeat after me. Obama does not have a problem with Jewish voters. Obama does not have a problem with women. Obama does not have a problem with Hispanics.
The media has a vested interest in making this election closer than it is- you all saw their performance in the primary, where every fantasy about Hillary coming back and winning was entertained, no matter how absurd, no matter that the race was, for all intents and purposes, over in March. So stop buying into the bullshit from the media, the McCain campaign, and the Hillary dead enders at NOIQ and other places.
She’d better bring a bulldozer because its an 800 pound gorilla turd:
And not just a rape joke, but a “women love to have the shit beat out of them followed by getting the shit fucked out of them by an animal” joke.
You know, I almost understand the trollop/c-word thing – he was tired, on the road, cranky, yadda yadda yadda. I’ve called people things I’ve regretted.
But a gorilla raping a woman and the punch line being that she enjoyed it just isn’t funny.
And it was the Secret Service who kicked the other old lady out. Remember, we all have to agree in order to have democratic events.
McCain has an abortion problem.
Eew, that sounds gross.
Man, if the village wasn’t protecting this campaign, they’d be toast by now.
Four months to go. How many times will the curtain slip between now and then, and how many bullshit stories aout Obama will we have to endure? It might be that this is the election cycle that kills the myth of the liberal media once and for all. I can hope, anyway.
That might have something to do with the existence of women like Ricki Lieberman. She’s batshit crazy.
Doesn’t Fiorina make the mess worse when she responds to a clean-up call?
Dennis - SGMM
So I hadn’t watched any of the MSNBC talking heads lately so I turned on the TV. I landed right in the middle of the panel discussing the candidates’ sense of humor. One remark jumped out at me. It was to the effect that Obama’s perceived seriousness kept him from being taken as a regular guy. Christ in the foothills on a tricycle, a regular guy? Do people want one of their drinking buddies for president? They tried that and look at the results.
Same show; one of the bobbleheads explained McCain’s Czechoslovakia gaffe as reflective of his knowledge of history.
So I turned the TV off again.
Mike S
Between the PUNTAS and the media I’d swear that Obama is losing by 50 points.
I find that the only I can stay informed about the cable news shows is through intermediaries like Cole, Colbert, and Stewart. Otherwise–mayhem.
John Cole
In before the additional Somerby links start.
The piles of stupid on cable regarding this election really is tough to take.
This is the latest meme of the MSM – Obama takes himself too seriously. On, Jack Cafferty’s question of the day was exactly that – “Does Obama take himself too seriously?”
Intelligence is not the main prerequisite to land a spot on cable news, unfortunately.
Definitely. I love how they keep lambasting Obama for “only” being up by 5-10 points, as if he has to beat the points spread.
Especially when the answer to “why isn’t Obama winning by even more?” is clearly “because the media is going out of its way to defend McCain and gloss over his many, many fuckups.”
Mike S
Sothe question remains. Is she Alegre or one of the nut cases at No Quarter?
But the polls only have Obama up by eight points. WHY IS HE DOING SO POORLY?
This is the loopy da loop segment I get whenever I think it’s safe to go into the Babble Parlor. It’s like the TV is permanently tuned into Pundit Hell of some Twilight Zone episode that never got made.
John Cole
This Jesse Taylor ending to a post was awesome:
That made me laugh out loud.
Mike S
Is it just me or does that make no sense whatsoever.
Very creepy. Seems like every comment I make lately somebody already said it while I was typing. Three shakes of salt over the shoulder ought to fix things.
Thanks for the update on Doyle, John. Now, who still has an account over at TalkLeft?
John Cole
I guess that was kind of inside baseball.
Bob Somerby’s reason to exist is to chronicle, over and over and over again, in excruciating detail, the press misdeeds toward Al Gore in the election of 2000. A considerable portion of that consists of the idiotic “I want to have a beer with him” chatter from the media regarding Bush (and they, of course, did not want to have a beer with Al Gore. See also, John mcCain and BBQ, every candidate with a (D) after his name is elitist, etc.).
And I say this as someone who reads Somerby every day, so I am not complaining.
I apparently do.
Holy shit, Jeralyn is advocating the release of Susan Atkins from prison!
Mike S
It was the context in this post that doesn’t make sense to me.
I love Bob. The man ridicules everyone who deserves it.
Yes, but what about the Ashbringer?
Just Some Fuckhead
On of your more astute commenters called that one at the time, IIDSSM.
It stops at 1992?
And begins at 1919.
Wait! I read where there were unconfirmed reports by forth-party rumors suggesting that there may be a hint of Obama SD’s willing to move back to Hillary. The post urged everyone to “not to give up the fight”. And yet, you say it ended in March?
You sure? I got a twofer on those two in my latina wife. And she is one pissed off latina with Obama’s transcending ways this past month. The former Obama girl has been trying to get her earlier campaign contributions refunded. Some of her pissedoffness even spilled over on to me when I told her good luck with that.
Obligatory troll protection: Yeah, I know this is just anecdotal. Oh, and how bout a good rallying cry: The Republicans are always worse!
Absolutely right. Obama’s problems, such as they are, are with white men.
The Other Steve
Thank God, Hillary is not our nominee.
Mike S
Would that be the wite men that the NY Times wrote about today? You know, the ones who like Obama and McCain by roughly the same numbers?
Hillary would be holding town hall meetings with McCain.
…with white men like Fred Hiatt and Rush Limbaugh, sure.
This is totally OT but I tried to send it in an email and it came back and I found it fascinating and wanted to share.
From Paul Krugman’s blog.
So, I’ll just add that I too am delighted that Hillary is not our candidate. I am an old lady and not a Latina, so I only fit one category. Well, maybe two since I am old.
Just Some Fuckhead
Two potential running mates join Obama on the campaign trail.
Jesus, I think the strategy is to make HRC look palatable in comparison to some of these other monkeys supposedly being considered.
Just Some Fuckhead
Sam Fucking Nunn??? He’s been dead for twelve years and he stopped being a real Democrat before that. Bayh ranks right up there for me with a bowl of oatmeal and a warm enema. We are doomed.
Off topic — Have let my Freak Flag Fly and signed the petition for the new Department of Peace.
DFH’s shall inherit teh earth and serve Chocolate Ice Cream to the world.
Sam Nunn would be an excellent choice for his foreign policy experience. Of course the fact that he’s racist and homophobic could hurt.
Look, all I’m saying is that the only reason that the race is anything but a blowout is because white men support McCain over Obama by double digits. That’s all. Without the white dudes, McCain wouldn’t even be remotely competitive.
Davis X. Machina
At this point Sam Nunn’s foreign policy experience is about as useful as a very accurate map of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
The Grand Panjandrum
Which is the year his first grandchild was born? Correct?
Confirmation that I should not have cable or satellite TV. I can have my intelligence insulted for free anytime I go to a MSM website. Plus, I can get free porn with one click.
Chuck Todd talked about Obama’s slim to decent lead in the national polls, but stronger lead in state polls. He said that 4% is close according to the electoral map, 6% is a comfortable electoral vote lead and 8% is a blowout.
It would be nice if a larger swath of the electorate starting noticing that the Emperor’s stenographers are taking dictation naked.
On the other hand, before we get all worked up about how much evil influence the MSM is having on this election, can somebody answer a question for me?
Remember the mighty AM talk radio empire of the Right.? Rush and his friends, the kingmakers of the GOP.
Remember those mighty lords of the conservative media machine? Who worked themselves into a frenzy about 3 of the candidates in the GOP primaries who were totally unacceptable – apostates and heretics and bumbling fools all, to be cast into outer darkness. I think they were named John McCain, Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee, respectively.
With all of the influence that Rush, et. al. had, there was no way those guys were going to pull in more than a tiny fraction of the GOP votes in their primaries.
So how did those guys do anyway? Didn’t they finish in the bottom three or something? Funny how the candidate who is annointed by the media always wins, huh?
Dennis - SGMM
“You say “potato” and I say “potahto,”
“You say “tomato” and I say “tomahto…”
John Cole
Anyone watch Dan Abrams tonight?
Mark Klaas was on and he looks horrible, as if the has let the murder of his daughter consume his soul (and I understand it is risky to say that, as who knows how I would react in his shoes, and some degree of anger is understandable(. He is simply overtaken with anger and rage, and not the fleeting kind when an issue upsets you. He looks like a deeply, deeply troubled and angry man, and I really feel sorry for him.
This is really weird. The Politico did this (not very funny but pretty accurate) piece on McCain’s gaffes and towards the end the guy wrote the Hodge decomposition for de Rham cohomology of a Kahler manifold on the screen and called it the Hodge conjecture.
I think the same thing every time I see Fred Goldman on the tee vee.
Can you translate that into something a high school drop out career enlisted sailor could understand?
Phoenix Woman
Anyone watch Dan Abrams tonight?
Mark Klaas was on and he looks horrible, as if the has let the murder of his daughter consume his soul (and I understand it is risky to say that, as who knows how I would react in his shoes, and some degree of anger is understandable(. He is simply overtaken with anger and rage, and not the fleeting kind when an issue upsets you. He looks like a deeply, deeply troubled and angry man, and I really feel sorry for him.
It’s really odd, how different people are affected in different ways by tragedies like this. I think of Patty Wetterling, whose son Jacob was taken by a probable sexual predator four years before Polly was abducted. Mark Klaas has at least some sort of bitter closure: He knows what happened to Polly, though it is horrible knowledge indeed. Patty Wetterling has spent nearly twenty years not knowing if Jacob was murdered or sold or if he somehow managed to escape but couldn’t get back home again. The likelihood is all too strong that he suffered a fate similar to Polly’s, but Patty has no way of knowing that for certain.
The Moar You Know
It has, in many ways; it also made him a celebrity. Polly’s mother was the custodial parent, not Mark – but he’s the one who sought out the cameras and the fame.
Who knows what goes on in Mark Klass’ mind? Richard Allen Davis did a world-class job of IRL trolling of Mark at his murder trial, and to be denied the pleasure of strangling the man who claimed, as an attempt to defend himself against child-rape charges, that your dead daughter’s last words were “Just don’t do me like my Daddy does” would be enough to destroy any capacity for joy I’d possess.
C Turner Joy
calipygian Says:
Can you translate that into something a high school drop out career enlisted sailor could understand?
Come on, slowboy. Try to keep up.
In mathematics, a Kähler manifold is a manifold with unitary structure (a U(n)-structure) satisfying an integrability condition. In particular, it is a complex manifold, a Riemannian manifold, and a symplectic manifold, with these three structures all mutually compatible.
Did that help? : )
can you mount a gun rack on it ?
C Turner Joy
cleek Says:
can you mount a gun rack on it ?
Personally, I can’t imagine a better use for it.
In “red states”, yes. Coastal elites prefer to eat it raw and thinly shaved with arugula and lemon juice.
…that your dead daughter’s last words were “Just don’t do me like my Daddy does” would be enough to destroy any capacity for joy I’d possess.
Oh, dear God.
My family’s buried two children by dint of freak accidents. That’s the worst pain a human can endure. It ravages marriages and whole families.
I think you’re being cruel to accuse him of seeking fame. What would you do if your child were abducted, raped, and murdered?
God bless Mark Klass. I wish him peace.
Phoenix Woman
I remember when Davis made that vile libel of Mark Klaas. I wonder how many hours it took him to dream that one up? Then again, I imagine he was already, as a child molester/murderer, in a prison situation with nowhere to go but up and the gas chamber in his future; he may have been hoping he could bait Klaas into killing him on the spot.
Just Some Fuckhead
Child killer discussions always make me sleepy as hell. Or it may be the late hour. Either way, I’m going to bed.
But the polls only have Obama up by eight points. WHY IS HE DOING SO POORLY?
They’ve been saying for so long that bills in the Senate need 60 votes to pass that they’ve started to believe that 54% doesn’t count as a real win (although Bush can win with less than 50%. Heck, they’re still treating him with respect at 23%).
I agree with cyntax above that the only way to watch TV news is thru the clips that appear on web sites and The Daily Show. It is just too goddamned stupid to watch raw. Same with what passes for political coverage on NPR. Man, they suck.
Original Lee
I think the reason the press is bringing up this “why isn’t Obama doing better” in the polls crap is because they want to make it sound as if Obama has to win by 20 points or so to be legitimate. Prepare for massive voter fraud litigation, regardless of who wins the election.
WRT the free pass the press is giving McCain on flip-flops, I think it’s because of his reputation as a maverick. He can say whatever he wants, and nobody takes it seriously if it deviates from what he said before, because mavericks are allowed to change their minds to suit the circumstances.
I’ve come to the conclusion that McCain supporters feel they know what they’re getting with him, sort of like a lava lamp. It’s fascinating to watch, it gives off a nice warm glow in the dark, and the patterns are totally random, but by golly, you know what you’ll get when you plug it in and turn it on.
Look, all I’m saying is that the only reason that the race is anything but a blowout is because white men support McCain over Obama by double digits. That’s all. Without the white dudes, McCain wouldn’t even be remotely competitive.
Thankfully, white men are not the majority. They hold ALL of the power and control most of what we read and hear, but they only have one vote each (well, legally).
Conservatively Liberal
Personally, I prefer the Floyd Rose Pro over the Kähler. The Kähler requires more maintenance than the Floyd, and I prefer the locking nut on the Floyd. Plus the Floyd just looks cool.
Desert Hussein Rat
Truthfully, Hillary has, publicly, anyway, been pretty much all class since she finally realized it was over, and endorsed him.
It’s a damn shame some of her dead ender supporters can’t say the same.
Desert Hussein Rat
Truthfully, Hillary has, publicly, anyway, been pretty much all class since she finally realized it was over, and endorsed him.
It’s a damn shame some of her dead ender supporters can’t say the same.
The Moar You Know
There is an object lesson in the tales of both companies. Kahler fought those who were copying his design and went into bankruptcy doing so. Floyd licensed his to anyone who wanted to make one and retired a comparatively (we are talking the guitar industry, not a lot of money there) wealthy man.
I think they both suck, but of the two, the Floyd sounds far better – which isn’t saying much.
It is possible, but quite difficult, to set up a traditional Strat-style trem to stay in tune – and you get the enormous tonal benefit of using a real bone nut. You do use a bone nut on your Strat, right? :)
The Wilkinson isn’t a bad system either, but the roller nut can cause you some problems if the bearings seize up, or if they corrode and fail to make full contact.
Damn, one comment and I’m off to the races. I’ve retired from luthiery, but I can’t let it go.
dan robinson
Media exists to sell advertising.
Conflict draws consumers of media.
Media will generate conflict as a way to attract viewers.
Conflict is the heart of drama.
Ergo, they are all drama queens.
Sometimes, one cannot measure sorrow or anger by degrees, but must humbly acknowledge that some anguish is all-consuming. See, for example, Ingmar Bergman’s “The Virgin Spring,” or compare Antigone’s decision to accept the ramifications for her defiance of all civil authority in order to perform the burial rites for her brother, Polynices.
Conservatively Liberal
Graphite on my MIA Peavey Patriot (strat copy), and I have the strat style trem on it balanced for both directions and it returns to center every time. It took some re-engineering to dial the Peavey in, but it is a clean, easy guitar to play and the action is low and fast. A far cry from what it was like new back in ’84. I got rid of the ‘Hot Rails’ type pickups and put Seymour-Duncan Pearly Gates neck (PG-1(n)) and a TB-4(b) Trembucker in the bridge, both wired to 500k push/pull pots so I can select single coil on either one or both.
I have the Floyd Rose Pro on my Jackson Rhodes RR3 Pro flying V, but it came with the ‘Licensed’ Lo-Pro Jackson ‘Floyd’ which was a piece of junk (knife blades wore dull in no time and the post bolts were loose and sloppy). I pulled out the MOTO (Mother of Toilet Seat) sharkfin inlays and replaced them with Indonesian Mother of Pearl inlays that I cut and fitted to it. I ditched the ‘Duncan Designed’ pickups and replaced them with a Seymour-Duncan Jazz (SH-2(n)) in the neck and another JB Trembucker in the bridge. I used the same 500k push/pulls and coil splits on it too.
I am now repainting my Rhodes, and I just put the final primer coat on tonight. Hit it with 600 grit tomorrow and then lay down the base and mid-coat colors (white base w/ neutral pearl mid and fine metallic blue bevels), then a single coat of clear with a smidge of HOK Ice Pearl (fine glass flake) and HOK purple pearl in it, and then top it off with the final clearcoats. I filled and reshaped the Floyd cavity so it fits the outline of the FRP like it was designed that way.
Yeah I am a guitar nut, and so is our son…lol
You are right about Floyd making the right business decision though. Kahler fought the system and lost. Floyd rolled with it and it pays him well to this day. I like the Original Floyd or the Pro, but his SpeedLoader system is not to my liking at all.
With four springs on the claw and 52-11’s for strings, I have plenty of sustain and resonance…lol
“Look, all I’m saying is that the only reason that the race is anything but a blowout is because white men support McCain over Obama by double digits. That’s all. Without the white dudes, McCain wouldn’t even be remotely competitive.”
The white men who are in the bag for McCain are those who would not vote for a Black man. They will be the same till they gasp their last breath. I cannot say they are absolutely blue collar. I know one example from a listserv I no longer participate in who is an attorney. He had a kindred spirit there who is a small businessman. They tossed out Muslim and other mistaken identities about Obama for weeks. Then shortly before I left both of them used vile epithets about race. So I am sure the racial slurs were exactly their reasons and nothing else for not supporting Obama.
Mark Klaas followed and led other parents who battled their grief by being immersed in a cause as a memorial to their wrongfully dead child.
Bill In OH
And fingers like vice grips, I’d imagine.
Conservatively Liberal
Yup, and the calluses to match! I use flatwound strings, so at least I am not filing my fingertips off.