Off to a Cole family reunion. Thirty to forty people who share my bloodline. Should be entertaining.
Or frightening.
by John Cole| 22 Comments
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Off to a Cole family reunion. Thirty to forty people who share my bloodline. Should be entertaining.
Or frightening.
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Looking to pick up chicks, eh?
John Cole
Hey- this is West Virginia, you know.
Are you a breeder or a protector?
Frightening usually. At mine, the person who put it together announced to the gathering the existence of a previously unknown; apparently, the 4tehlulz ancestor that came from Ireland had an affair soon after he got off the boat.
Hey, get off my dingy!
The Grand Panjandrum
It was the first thing that popped into my mind. But, I would NEVER stoop that … never mind.
I hope its not like my reunions where alcohol, guns and 4WD vehicles always give evidence as to why we should all belong to MENSA. Or not.
Have a good’un, JC.
I’m always the designated lifeguard at our family reunions.
Apparently my relatives either lack the ability to swim or possess an outstanding ability to act like they’re drowning.
Who’s bloggin in your absence? Can we get Jake please? PLEASE?
Beth in VA
So you’re going to scare them?
We’ll miss you today. Have a good time.
Have fun, John!
Here’s a little Rodney Dangerfield:
The population of West Virginia is smaller than I thought!
Probably all living within a five block radius, right? Sorry, couldn’t resist.
When my family manages to have a reunion, we look like the freaking United Nations. My family on both sides has long been equal opportunity fuckers. A proud family tradition I did my utmost to uphold until the SO. Guess we’re sort of the anti-WVs.
Perry Como
Could you leave the door to the blog propped open while you’re gone? kthxbai
What’s particuarly frightening about family reunions is to rediscover just how vastly your situation and worldview has diverged from people who closely share ancestry and DNA. In some cases, it even seems appropriate to measure the gap in light-years, since some “relatives” seem to now inhabit an entirely different planet than the one you know. In other cases, the discomfort is for quite the opposite reason – damn! you haven’t escaped some unsettling family resemblances or traits nearly as much as you’d somehow convinced yourself you had.
Heh. Same here. For extra fun I’m probably the least liberal person in my family. Nothing spells a-m-u-s-m-e-n-t like five little old ladies of various hues expressing their opinion of Bush2.
That’s a lot of vampires at one time; keep an eye out for anemia.
I find it fascinating when families get together- on purpose.
Mine doesn’t, and there are good reasons for that. So I am always riveted at the family gatherings of other people. I like to observe the undercurrents and the interactions. Its great stuff!
jake wrote,
Well, I didn’t have to put up with Close Encounters of the K^3^ kind.
Seeing my grand-parents return fire probably didn’t help either. ;-p
In mine, while there are one or two toward the farther ends of the political spectrum, the large majority of my family leans center-right. Fairly conservative, but not the Party of Bush 28%ers joke version.
When I told my dad I had contributed more than a dollar or two to ACLU, he couldn’t have looked more bewildered if I’d told him I’d just returned from Mars hanging out with Jesus who appointed me his 13th disciple. That was fun.
i vote for frightening. the thing about family reunions is you’re stuck with a bunch of strangers whose only excuse for being together is someone else’s sexual encounters.