Alright, the gig is up, you comedians at Hillary is 44:
Big Media tool Barack Obama has finally made a decision and chosen Big Media favorite Joe Biden to join the Chicago circus. Biden is an experience patch on the flat tire of experience which is Barack Obama. This deflated tire won’t roll.
* * *
Celestial choirs sang this morning because Hillary Clinton was spared the pestilence of even being considered seriously by the Chicago thugs for membership in their circus. Hillary Clinton and Hillary Clinton supporters were insulted once again. But we are happy about this latest insult. This latest Obama insult confirms once again our view of Obama and makes our opposition much easier. NObama. NOvember.
That has got to be spoof. DougJ, are you responsible?
*** Update ***
And all these years I thought The Narcissist was Lex Luger.
Isn’t it actually considerably more insulting to Hillary (and to women in general) to presume that she’s some kind of hypersensitive shrinking violet who feels snubbed by everything always? And isn’t it pretty offensive to Clinton’s professionalism to believe, as the HillaryIs44 people do, that she’s being completely disingenuous in her support for Obama (isn’t that what they accuse him of?) and is really just winking in their direction?
Hillary’s a big girl. She’s not an emo highschooler who cries when the popular kids make fun of her. She’s fine.
And by saying that, I feel much more loyal to her than these idiots.
I wonder if Senator Clinton answered that 3 a.m. phone call and if so, did she have the experience and judgment to do the right thing?
What next? Scrutator was spoof? Blogs 4 Brownback too?
Say it ain’t so, Shoeless Joe!
wasabi gasp
I’m dying for a B/W image of Hillary’s face photoshopped with the crazy eyes of Charles Manson. Also, swapping the forehead swastika for a Venus symbol.
The text “3AM” on it might be super-cool creepy, too.
Crank out the t-shirts.
Joe Biden: Like Hillary, Without The Baggage
Over at Talk Left, Big Tent Democrat and Hillary’s Lost Crusaders are apoplectic
wasabi gasp
Maybe the proceeds of said t-shirt could pay off her debt.
That would be the shit.
Meanwhile, like her or not, her statement on the choice is classy:
You’d sort of like to see one of these douchebags acknowledge that Hillary doesn’t seem all that apoplectic herself.
John Cole
Hillary has been find ever since her “White People Won’t Vote for him ’08” tour ended. The problem is she let them get so ramped up for so long when there was no chance she was going to win. Now they are all un-moored and in crazy land, and there is nothing you can do to bring them back. At this point, it would not surprise me to see even Jeralynn announce she is voting for McCain.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
I invoke the 28% rule in these matters. If Hillary can’t talk them down now, she wasn’t going to talk them down back then.
Dug Jay
by kos
Wed Jan 31, 2007 at 08:04:49 AM PDT
This is nothing. Wait until nexts weeks PUMA plan to steal, excuse me, take back Hillary’s rightful nomination from the unqualified black male becomes an Epic Fail.
Then you will see un-moored.
And Republican ratfuckers are happy to string them along, laughing at them the whole time.
I don’t get how the PUMAs can be upset, though. I mean, we’ve got Raiden as a VP nominee!
Shorter PUMAs:
My candidate wasn’t picked! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Now I’m going to vote for the guy who believes the polar opposite of what I believe.
Really? I’m not a fan of hers at all, but my impression is that Jeralynn’s consistently said she’d vote for the Democratic ticket. Is she now changing her mind?
I’ve pretty much given up on TalkLeft as it mostly seems to moderately inane to completely insane posts by BTD, followed by piles of stupid comments.
It is 9:59 here on the West Coast, and Chris Matthews will soon hit the airwaves. He will love the Biden pick, and I am anticipating a healthy heaping of mid-morning man lust.
Well, fine! Like, Hillary didn’t want to go to the prom with Barry anyway! She’s glad he asked Josie instead, now she’ll show him by going to the prom with Johnny!
Um, Jeralyn said she is not sure about voting for an Obama-Biden ticket.
Those folks at TalkLeft are nuts. Are they really democrats? I mean BTD and Jeralyn have gone nuts and don’t even get me started on the commenters.
On a similar note from a commenter at TalkLeft:
they are cultists
Door #2.
You only have to look at the comments at TL to see Jeralyn’s true colors. They’ve been an utter cesspool of rabid Obama hatred for months now, and she shows no interest whatsoever in cleaning them up. And if anyone speaks up in defense of Obama, they get banned in short order.
There’s no doubt where Jeralyn stands.
It wasn’t even 3am here when the text message went out. I guess he only meant to offend Hillary supporters in one time zone.
Thanks. I guess she was hoping against hopes that Obama would pick HRC.
right. the timestamp on mine says 4:50am.
Bummer. These Puma People have really lost sight of what the election is about–stopping the GOP. One man against his party? Not likely. McCain would pack the court the rest of the way with hard-right judicial activists and continue to wipe out any hard-won gains the left has made on civil rights and environmental protection. But, I guess if it means they don’t get their way, well to hell with all their purported values.
I guess in the relatively balanced, dynamic equilibrium universe we have to have nutjobs of our own to carry the 28%er banner. Man, does that ever suck. They have become what they hate.
PUMA: Hillary Before Country
As much as I wish I could claim credit, the Hillary dead-enders have gone so far that it isn’t possible to spoof them anymore.
What’s weird to me is that I just never thought that Hillary had the charisma to be the center of a personality cult.
Jeralyn sniffed out a reason not to vote for him. Biden is too tough on crime.
She predicts:
And that will be her reason to ultimately not vote for the ticket. I am not that old, but I don’t recall a presidential campaign organized around “tough on crime” themes. This is BS on several levels, but it’s worthless delving too deeply into this sort of reasoning. It’s just thinly veiled crazy.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Wasn’t Hillary Clinton born in Scranton, PA? Joe Biden was born in Scranton. Obviously the Obama campaign chose Biden as a slap in the face to all the Scrantonites that supported Hillary.
Your feeling is accurate.
You might want to give Nixonland a read then, to find out about all the fun you missed out on by being born too late for all that.
Also, in case anybody tries to tell you otherwise, the 1970s sucked.
The music was good.
Some of it, anyway.
JD Rhoades
When are they anything else?
I can’t remember which loony tunes website it was (possibly NQ) where they were insisting that she was being “forced” into supporting Obama, that she had a “gun to her head” and that you could “see the pain in her eyes”, etc. Real strong leadership, there. She can’t stand up to the person they regard as the weeniest candidate ever, but she’s supposed to stand up the the terrists? But these people are beyond logic, because they’re just! so! MAD!
wasabi gasp
The 70s rocked.
But my perspective may be somewhat skewed, since the only issues I had to deal with was stuff like duct-taping the hole on my Big Wheel.
Last night I posted on the TalkLeft thread where Jerlynn basically quotes the Ron Fournier article in full. I also responded to one poster who asked if she was being too sensitive about the 3am text. Here are the replies I received.
Compare and contrast TalkLeft with Taylor Marsh.
Blue Buddha
Agree. I was born in the early 70’s, so I still remember the late 70’s, and what I remember is that everything was godawful filthy and grimy.
If you look at film, TV, ads, photos, etc. from the 70’s, you’ll notice that there’s always this yellowish, beige and brown tint. This wasn’t due to limitations of filming/video technology… things were actually that fucking awful back then.
I think she’s saying Obama’s going to run Willie Horton ads against McCain, though for some reason I seriously doubt it myself.
It’s not charisma that drives it, just a vagina and white skin. Any other white female politician up against Obama would have had the same result. Clinton played the ‘how can he be winning without winning WASPs’ meme a bit too hard, so all the PUMAs got permission to be victims in all of this. They’re rallying around their victim identity, not her charisma. She was just the catalyst.
Isn’t Hillary Clinton in her 60’s?? I just don’t understand what this “Hillary is 44” argument is all about!
Yes! It was a slap in the face to the hard working white Americans of Pennsylvania and West Virginia!
I feel sorry for the poor rats.
Blue Buddha
It means that she’ll be the 44th president.
Suggesting they’ll run a “tough on crime” campaign does not indicate much clarity of thought. This would seem to be consistent with the Jeralyn I’ve seen on blogginheads. She doesn’t strike me as particularly bright or clearheaded.
Ninerdave: I’ve seen the “I didn’t ask for your opinion” response a few times over there. It’s a bizarre response. I don’t know what sort of person would think that internet forum threads are their own personal soapbox from which they can spout crazy without fear of dissent.
That describes most of the righty blog world, I think.
Well, Biden it is. I guess Obama’s the nominee and he’s got a right to choose a running mate who won’t really help him lock up the Presidency. I used to think Hillary would have been a bad choice, but now admit, after Obama’s lax and less-than inspiring last few weeks, I was hoping for it. It would have been an exciting pick that would breath new life into a lackluster campaign. It would have finally settled the Hillary deadenders down, a real benefit. But lucky for Republicans, they now have gold mine of gaffes to dig from as circumstances required.
Yay for Obama. Yay team. Yay . . . snooze.
John Cole
Even that is nonsense. The core of the Clinton campaign was experience, and Biden has been a Senator since 1972. Hillary has been a Senator for eight years. In other words, for 16 of the years that Biden was getting, you know, experience, Hillary was the…. First Lady of the US or Arkansas.
Give me a fucking break. Biden is imminently more qualified than Hillary. Granted, he does not have a va-jay-jay, which seems to really be the only experience some of these guys are looking for.
No it wouldn’t. Most of the Hillary supporters are already on board. The Hillary “supporters” that are left, over at places like TalkLeft, won’t accept anything less than having Hillary at the top of the ticket.
wasabi gasp
Yeah, appeasing the whiny asshats of perpetual victimization would have been inspiring. Can I get a hug?
So the same things that CNN wants when its abductees.
That’s nothing that a quick trip to Thailand can’t fix.
Tim (The Other One)
I missed the PUMA briefing. What does this stand for ?
Tim (The Other One)
” Also, in case anybody tries to tell you otherwise, the 1970s sucked.”
Other than the fact that everyone was doing WAY too much blow, there were some good moments.
wasabi gasp
Propping Up McCain’s Ass
Yes, of course. Surely they would have treated Hillary Clinton with nothing but cautious respect, given their track record.
Party Unity My Ass
So it’s hoo-has and va-jay-jay? Hold on, let me write this down so I can decipher the next John +8 post…
Maybe the
new-and-improvedactually functional site could have a glossary in the right column.NR
Give me a break. Biden is many things, but boring is not one of them.
Yup – that’s kinda how I remember it too. Take a look at when the EPA was created and the Clean Air act was signed, then factor in how long it takes for those things to have a noticeable impact on the enironment, and it makes more sense.
But I was thinking more about the general sense of malaise after the Vietnam war ended badly from our POV (and the right-wing dolchstosslegende gathered momentum here at home) and then we found out about the killing fields in Cambodia.
Domestically how could you not love a decade which featured the 1972 election, Watergate, Nixon being pardoned by Ford, double digit inflation and unemployment, high gas prices, and the US generally being mocked, humiliated and ignored around the world (Iranian embassy hostage crisis, anyone?).
Did I forget to mention having to pay 18% interest to get a mortgage if you wanted to borrow to buy a house? That is, if you were one of the lucky few with a perfect credit history going back at least a decade or more who could get any kind of loan at all. That did wonders for the economy.
Not that those things have any relevance to our world now.
Stagflation is unimaginable today, the banks are overflowing with money and easy credit, interest rates can only go down, the housing sector is booming, and the US has never been more powerful or respected than it is today. Also, I eagerly look forward to the parades and huzzahs from the right when we leave Iraq, and I can’t imagine there will be any misuse of the Presidential pardon anytime soon.
Yup – the 1970s are soooo ancient history. The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades.
Party Unity My Ass.
“He’ll have to figure out which of the seven kitchen tables to sit at.”
J. Michael Neal
I would never have picked Taylor Marsh as the one for whom the therapy would take, and return to sanity. Maybe there’s hope for me, too.
ThatLeftTurnInABQ – nice summary of 70s malaise, there. The other thing that’s nothing like those days is that, back then, there was a big oil shortage and gas prices went nuts.
Thank God that’s over with!
Watching the Biden intro speech I gotta say: who let the dogs out?! Who?! Who?! Who?! Who?! Who?!
That man is going to be like a fuckin’ rat terrier on The Crazy Ol’ Man’s ass. If nothing else it should be fun.
The 70’s sucked? Are you forgetting velour shirts? That was awesome! But the weed sucked compared to today and America made crappy beer. So on balance I’ll take potent smoke and kick ass beer.
J. Michael Neal
That Farrah poster.
1973 gave us Little Feat’s Dixie Chicken.
That album is chuck full of great music–Dixie Chicken (with Bonnie Raitt), Two Trains, Roll Um Easy (FANTASTIC, and pared down to two guitars, feels like the best preaching ever), On Your Way Down (good advice for the GOP), Kiss It Off, Fool Yourself, Walkin’ All Night, Fat Man in the Bathtub (heh), Juliette, Lafayette Railroad ….
And, in 1979 Lowell George died. It still chokes me up.
Just Some Fuckhead
PostMenopausal Ugly McCain Admirers
Celestial choirs. Wow. From this, you would half expect reports of the Sun Queen being directly assumed into heaven to sit at the right hand of the Divine Goddess that Rules All. Or at least to get a recurring role on Gossip Girl.
The Clinton cultists, like the typical conspiracy theorist, not only ignores reality, they constantly re-interpret everything so that it confirms their distorted world view. Unfortunately, the PUMA crowd is aided and abetted by the media. For example, unless you look hard, you would never know that Senator Clinton has made at least six appearances on Obama’s behalf, which directly contradicts the “conventional wisdom” that she is a reluctant supporter of the Democratic Party nominee, or is sitting at home feeling insulted.
To be fair, not all of these cultists are white or even female. Wasn’t there a recent “Hardball” clip that featured an interview with two irrational PUMA people, one male and one female? They were united not by their gender but by their delusions.
I don’t think so. Part of the Sun Queen’s cult is built around the idea that she is not only the Bestest Woman Ever, but as the wife of Bill Clinton, she — and only she — has earned the right to become the first woman president. Had Obama nominated Kathleen Sibelius to be his running mate, PUMA supporters would still have gone nuts.
Melissa McEwan is crying into her giant teddy bear.
I’ve never seen a primary campaign go out with such boorish behavior. The race was over on Feb. 5. Any and all outrage since has the same relevance as a home theater geek arguing their HD DVD isn’t a doorstop.
Goldberg says that if it was a deliberate Hillary reference then that reflects poorly on Obama and offers an update pointing out that if it wasn’t a deliberate Hillary reference then that reflects poorly on Obama.
Blue Buddha
Someone posted an article at the Great Orange Satan which slices and dices every PUMA argument against Biden:
Summary: Hillary considered Biden as a running mate, and just praised Obama’s decision.
zuzu's petals
If it went out at 2:16 am, ditto.
The guy must get paid by the word. No other explanation.
zuzu's petals
Oops, wrong thread.
You guys realize of course that it is Matt “GOP” Drudge who’s pushing all the “Obama is dissing Hillary” stuff. Yesterday he had two pictures of Clinton up there and only one of Obama.
Any guess on that “unnamed Democratic official” who said Hillary wasn’t vetted (except for 2 years of opposition research?” My guess is Begala.
It’s exactly her lack of charisma that they relate to. A snub against her (real or otherwise) is a snub against them.
You’ve come a long way, baby!
BTW, some of the comments here are just belly-busters. This is genuinely funny stuff.