A lot of you know how little attention I like to pay to the polls, because they fluctuate, are just a snapshot, and anything can happen. However, the way things are currently trending, with Obama close to opening a double digit lead in several national polls, several state polls are pretty shocking:
Obama +10 in Virginia
Obama +6 in North Carolina
Obama +7 in Ohio
If McCain loses Virginia, Ohio, and North Carolina- Boom boom, out go the lights!
Love that song.
Plenty of time yet. Have you heard about Bill Ayers?
Oh no you don’t – I’m not falling for the "Dems lead in Ohio" bit again, not with Diebold lurking around.
I’ll see your Bill Ayers and I’ll raise you Keating Five, with about three to four times the advertising budget. Which one has to do with the economy again?
Btw, I absolutely love how Obama saved Keating as a sort of "October Surprise". McCain probably thought he was out of the woods on that months ago.
Is it too hateful to love watching McCain stew in his own juices???
McCain in the slow cooker–might make good soap, but I’d hate to have to eat it. Ew.
I’m sure Governor Palin is following these polls. All of them in fact.
Wrong conjunction there. Should be "If McCain loses Virginia, Ohio, or North Carolina- Boom boom, out go the lights!"
McCain can’t afford to lose any other Bush ’04 states at this point.
John Cole
@DarrenG: Sarah Palin said conjunctions are elitist.
Has anyone else noticed that if you spoonerize Sarah Palin’s name, it is Parah Salin?
I’m sure that must mean something.
@John Cole:
… and possibly terrorist.
I see and raise the Military Code of Conduct, adultery, misogyny, ….fuck it, all in.
Who was it that said a shelter should be built for commas after the way she abuses them? Heaven forbid Bible Spice learn to use a damn semicolon.
and some anagrams are:
Nasal Harpi
Piranha Las
Sharia Plan
A Sharp Nail
Anal Sharpi
Ah, Liar Naps
A Hapi Snarl
The Grand Panjandrum
I posted this in the last thread but Erickson and his RedState buttboys are close to throwing in the towel. Awwwwww … But … but … But … if only everybody knew about Obama’s involvement in the failure of Fannie and Freddie! If … if … if a frog had wings he wouldn’t bump his ass every time he jumped. Jesus the comments are priceless in that thread.
Polish the Guillotines
"I’ll take Anal Sharpi for $200, Trebek."
The Grand Panjandrum
@cleek: Parish Anal
John Cole
@The Grand Panjandrum: I know of this website called “balloon juice” where some guy named John Cole wrote a big front page post about the very Red State post you are spamming in every comment thread.
Scroll down, nub.
Joshau Norton
If the elections were today, Obama would get something like 353 Electoral Votes. I’m sure it will fluctuate during the onslaught of mud coming from the right, but for now it’s good news.
In a way, it’s a good thing that Hillary flushed out all the crap that could be used against him. Now the press pretty much reacts with big yawns about how it’s all old news.
Laura W
RedState Gaboons:
Um, two spelling and punctuation errors in the first two paragraphs?
Call me an uppity elitist…I refuse to read blogs, or books, that are sloppy and stoopid. I’m one of those snobs who believes that good writing is a sign of a good mind. Or a mind, period.
(er…should be candidate’s right?)
OT: looks like The Atlantic website is getting a new skin as well. Man, looks like BJ started a trend.
Sorry, I was being facetious. But I still think there’s plenty of time, and lots of scum to be thrown (they’re gonna run out of mud).
The People's Glorious Pantload of Studliness
and some anagrams are:
I get: Darth Mader.
And we move steadily closer to total McPOW melt-down.
My only fear is Bush will flip out at the same time and our TV doesn’t have a split screen feature.
Me too. I haven’t heard that song in ages.
U must h8 mai coments;
Joshau Norton
Whether they’ll admit it or not, most people know that McCain is one balky teleprompter away from being transformed from a grizzled warrior into Grandpa Simpson.
And Vice President Avon Lady isn’t in any position to for her and hubby-dude to take over the Oval Office – no matter how many times they try to convince our lying eyes that the Veep debate was a tie (or that she even won, if you’re really chugging the Kool-Aid).
Suuuure it was.
These polls help me in bringing more voters to the D ticket. Hinting to fence sitters that the people are making up their minds,don’t you want to join them? Telling R’s how can you vote/give to a loser like McSame? You voted for candidate X in the primaries ,no? You hated Mcamnesty ,remember? The bandwagon effect works both ways.Scoops up the wafflers and dilutes the kool-ade.
Unless you are Ernest Hemingway.
The Grand Panjandrum
@John Cole: Alright give a break. I actually have a life outside of this blog and can’t read every post. So don’t fuck with me or I won’t vote for the MUP because you hurt feelings! (And I live in a swing state so you could turn this entire election and put Johnny Drama and Bible Spice in the White House. I don’t think you want THAT riding on head Mr Cole.)
That’ll teach Cole to mess with me. Harumph.
This time fear will not work.
This time America is voting for Hope.
This time is our time.
Obama/Biden 08
My name is Donna, and I approve this message.
I can’t wait until tomorrow nights debate. I can see McCain having a melt down in front of our eyes.
Or L. Ron Hubbard.
Perry Como
Wyatt Obama: All right, McCain… you called down the thunder, well now you’ve got it! You see that?
Laura W
Nose! I could never hate LOLcat speak. It always makes me LOL.
(Way to use the semi-colon!)
Message board posts, comment threads, and informal e-mail exchanges between friends are exempted from my haughty, highfalutin judgments.
If you write a blog, or worse, a book, you should be smart enough to edit your own shit or get a damn editor.
Say whuh?
Have you read the crazy shit that guy wrote?
Comrade Jake
I’ll be thrilled to see Ohio go blue, I really will, but I just don’t see it happening. I’ve met too many people from that State. It’s got a stubborn streak to it, and not in a good way. It’s like they’re determined to vote Republican because they can’t admit they were wrong.
GOP purges vets and active military from eligible voter lists.
The buzz here in NC is of the high voltage variety. These volunteers, who’ve been at this for sooooo long, have more energy today than they did when the first Triangle HQ’s opened pre-primary. It’s electric!
And also, PAINFUL unscrambled is FU Palin. Therefore and such as, even, also.
And nobody has turned this into an antichrist email yet? Man, Democrats are fucking weak.
Joshau Norton
Everything I know I learned from South Park. And it was amazingly accurate.
Mormons, too.
Perry Como
Is it too early to start calling McCain, McFuckUp?
Laura W
Or Ann Coulter?
OK, never mind.
test post from phone. and no way Obama takes NC
I love that album. Bought the original on vinyl in 1979; have Boom Boom on my iPod–it is great cycling music.
As for McCain and the rest of the Lunatic Right: They are in full flop sweat mode. Tucker Bounds was on MSNBC this morning channeling Palin’s talking points and Nora O’Donnell was clearly thinking, "Tucker, you are full of shit and no one is buying it anymore. Don’t you think it would be a little classier to go out graciously?"
Hilzoy ended a post the other day with a statement that bears repeating:
Sometimes, I try to imagine what it will be like for John McCain when this campaign is over, and he realizes how completely he has destroyed his character and his honor. I cannot imagine that it will seem worth it come December.
I hope he spends a long time feeling ashamed.
Comrade Jake
Sully, being ruthless. When he’s right, he’s right. And devastating.
Well Sarah can keep going on her Obama smearing Palinpalooza tours.
John McCain, can talk to about 100 elderly citizens a day, and continue calling Barak Obama everything but a black man.
Nothing at this point is going to change anything.
McCain has lost his second and last bid at the White-house.
I won’t be surprised if he doesn’t even make it long enough to run for another senate seat. I imagine he probably won’t be with us after next year.
And Palin? She’ll go back to Alaska and be shocked that McCains fancy DC lawyers have left her high and dry, to face that music there. She will either be recalled as Governor, or impeached. She will be tarnished. No one will want a ex-impeached or recalled Governor running for public office.
The People's Glorious Pantload of Studliness
Sully, being ruthless. When he’s right, he’s right.
Yes, Comrade. But when he says, "What they’ve seen [in Obama] is something quite unremarkable," I have to take issue.
Obama is, in fact, in every way an eminently remarkable politician. Yes, Big Dawg would have also withstood this barrage of horse poo we’ve seen the McCain folks spewing, but Obama comes without the distraction of bimbo eruptions.
I truly will not be surprised if the Obama administration turns out to be a once in every 50 to 100 years type of administration. Certainly, the times will afford him every opportunity to mark his mark in the history books.
ronathan richardson
It’s actually more like if McCain loses Virginia, Ohio, or North Carolina, then boom boom…but I appreciate the reminder of the classic track.
Oh, like I’m gonna click a youtube link after what you pulled earlier. ;-)
I was thinking Peter Wolf, but turns out the lyrics are about makin’ out … so, not so much.
Conservatively Liberal
That’s what you get when you boil an old horse like McCain, glue. And it won’t taste like the glue we all used to eat in the 1st grade.
Г-жа demimondian
"Boom boom, out go the lights" isn’t about making out. It’s about domestic violence.
Love the song — hate the lyrics.
Perry Como
@Г-жа demimondian:
In my house we call that foreplay.
There is speculation at 538 that Indiana could be in play. Certainly, it is possible for Obama to win. From what I could read from the comments, Indiana is usually the first result to show up. If Indiana turns blue, a lot of people seem to say that we can all go to bed as the election is over.
An Indiana win would send shockwaves across the republican party. At least they’ll still have Kentucky and Tenneseee those guys are crazy. Still heavily red regardless of how bad it would be for them. We shoudl see if any of us blue states are paying for any of their services. :-)
I was somewhat surprised that Bush won the college vote at Purdue. I grew up in West Lafayette, and I had a great experience there going to school. In college, I think I was only called ‘nigger’ once by a bunch of drunk people in a car going at speed down a main avenue. I did the preequisite "fuck you". (we had a mixed group of whites and browns in our group, and we were drunk too :-)
Mark S.
Speaking of fivethirtyeight, it gives McCain a 1.67% chance of winning the election if he loses Ohio. I also don’t think McCain has any chance if he loses Florida, and they’re projecting Obama there too.
I think McCain is pretty much toast.
Not the linked song, but Peter Wolf is about domestic violence?
Dancing in the dark
To the radio of love
(Lights out, a-ha)
I don’t really see it.
Zuzu Hussein's Petals
Whoo-hoo, I just heard from the Obama Counsel for Change/Voter Protection team.
I’M GOIN’ TO OHIO ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
So excited I can’t tell you. Now that I am retired, it is the first time I can do actual legal work for a campaign.
They’ll be telling me the details soon, but I know for sure this California girl will be in a battleground state on election day.
WHOOO-HOOOO ! ! ! ! ! ! !
John Cole
@Г-жа demimondian: Agreed. But we are talking about McCain’s lights, not women.
Conservatively Liberal
Congrats! Go kick ass and take names, then tell us all about it afterward. :)
Zuzu Hussein's Petals
Thanks ! I am literally jumping around the room with excitement.
Comrade Kolkhoznik Jon H
Wow! Hugh McColl, the North Carolina ex-chairman and CEO of Bank of America (retired 2001), a former Marine, has endorsed Obama.
Considering that he built the huge North Carolina bank – the one that isn’t going tits-up, he probably has quite a bit of influence there.
Г-жа demimondian
@Conservatively Liberal: Actually, I think her job will be to keep people from inappropriately taking names.
Roxxors, ZHP! Come back with good stories for us, eh?
Zuzu Hussein's Petals
Oh, you betcha ! ! !
Laura W
ZuZu a GoGo!
Please do not ask me why but I was wondering if they would take you up on your offer as I was trying to go to sleep last night. (I think I was trying to remember if I donated $ to Obama after I told you I would in your honor when you posted about this a while back.)(I did.)
Hoping you have a lap top and can update us as you go along?
Anyone besides me hear the dulcet tones of the fat lady warming up backstage?.
One though that occurs to me, if McCain had any of the honor and integrity that he ascribes to himself, he would have gone out in an honorable and gracious fashion rather than the shit slinging finish that he is preparing, this of course sounds the death knell to the self perpetuated myth that he ever had any honor or integrity
Make sure you tell us where they are sending you. I am an Ohio attorney and they have contacted me several times but have not replied. I would like to do it but I am already going to be out Thursday and Friday of that week with CLE.
By the way, ABC is out with an Ohio poll showing Obama up in the mid to high single digits. 5 Ohio polls have come out in the last few days 4 of them showing that result (Rasmussen had McSame slightly up).
We may be looking at a blowout.
Zuzu – congrats – I am going to go and watch Michelle speak here in Jacksonville tomorrow, I am so excited. Got special tickets from the campaign (thanks for using our office). Taking me mum, she is very, very excited (she is from England remember), she bought herself an Obama t-shirt on Saturday in Wilmington and will be proudly wearing it tomorrow. Will let you all know how it goes :)
Conservatively Liberal
Yes, but you have to take names of those who are attempting to take names! ;)
Punchy, I know you’re not exactly Nate Silver, but Obama taking NC is looking more likely than not. We have A-A’s, we have several metropolitan areas chockablock with non-troglodytes, and we have a lot of folks out of work. Obama’s had ground troops here for a long time, and the primary really helped him build an operation here. You may or may not remember that NC went for Obama over Hillary big, big, big time. North Carolina: Not Really All That Backwards. You Might Be Thinking of South Carolina.
Also, Liddy Dole isn’t looking too good. She might not want to show her face around NC after…wait a minute. She never shows her face here. Never mind.
Zuzu Hussein's Petals
Laura W – Wow, I am so honored! Yes, am looking for a laptop ’cause the idea of not being able to post or e-mail is just too much.
Napoleon – I’ll be sure to let you know when I find out where I’m going. Very cool that you’re an Ohio atty… I hope you think about seizing the day and having a great story for your grandkids!
A blowout would be pretty nice, but there’s a part of me that thinks it’s gonna be very dirty on the ground that day.
Litlebritdifrnt – Sounds like you will have a ton o’fun…amazing how much good energy there is out there.
Anne Laurie
When I lived in a neighboring state, my Michigander associates told me Ohio’s sullenly self-destructive political habits came from too many pellagra-ridden Appalachians living downwind of the tire factories. There’s a more sophisticated political analysis that has to do with the Taft crime family (exemplars for that other Rethug crime cartel now in possession of the Oval Office) having retained Ohio as a little political Lichtenstein ever since the Teddy Roosevelt started RICO-ing the original robber barons during the last Gilded Age. But if Ohio stays Republican after the last eight years, it’s past time to start testing for groundwater toxins… now that all the factories have been dismantled and shipped off to our new Chinese overlords.
forked tongue
OK, in a rare instance, I actually do have something to add: I’ll be the first in the thread to mention Little Walter.
Thank you demi, I was going to make that point as well, but never got around to it.
Г-жа demimondian
That song has always bothered me. Like I say, I love it — but loathe its message. ("I always thought I treat her nice // When I get her in my sights // Boom, boom! Out go the lights." is pretty direct, you know.) Still, the music, the urgency, and the lyrics are a coherent unit. You can’t listen to the song without recognizing the mixed undertones of sexualized violence, even if you can’t make out the words.
— demi "Yes, I *did* study voice in college. Why do you ask?" mondian