Have at it.
*** Update ***
Goodness, a lot of people died this year.
It occurred to me this morning that the absolute happiest time of the week for me is Sunday morning, sitting on the couch with Tunch, in my pajamas and slippers, drinking coffee, watching CBS Sunday Morning, and reading the paper. It may be the best hour and a half of the week.
"with Tunch in my pajamas" is very poor, very misleading, but very funny sentence construction…
Steve V
The Boston Globe, I believe, has a photo essay of 2008 deaths … some of them are local people I didn’t know but most of them were well known. There are almost 70 people.
John Cole
@Punchy: comma fail.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
Now we know the payback Tunch demands for John’s long absences. The late addition of a comma won’t hide the truth from us.
(And yes, that was my thought, too: so many good people lost this year.)
Laura W
Sky dining. Vomiting I can believe in.
I have vertigo just watching that. People with too much money and no class, once again.
Ughhhhhhhhh. David Gregory.
@Steve V:
This week’s NY Times Sunday Magazine is their annual "Lives They Lived" issue. Very well done.
"how he got in my pajamas, i’ll never know."
pretty much the same sunday morning ritual, john, except i’m surrounded by cats.
Fluffy can’t fit in my pj’s yet. But he’s working on it. And David Brooks on MTP makes it harder to enjoy Sunday morning as we should, by declaring president-elect Obama is as arrogant as the almost past president.
CBS Sunday Morning is probably one of the best things on the teevee.
John Cole
Rich Lowry’s performance on MTP is the most embarrassing thing I have seen in a long time.
Ditto Sunday morning.
Except, the cats act as blankets all night, so when the morning comes, they wander off to their own corners of the house.
The bistro table on my front porch replaces the couch,(hey I live in Fl), and I share my eggs with the macaw who screams "WHAT!!!!!" to anyone with the temerity to walk by talking on their fricking cell phone too loudly, and too early.
Libby Spencer
Good morning Juicers. I hate the Sunday bobbleheads. They usually just irritate me so I just wait for Culture of Truth to do the translations. Much more entertaining.
At my place, I have an easy reading linkfest of some stuff you may have missed. Just scroll past the Glenzilla post that you probably saw.
Just Some Fuckhead
Reading about your happiest time, it occurs to me I don’t have a happiest time.
Comrade Jake
@John Cole:
That MTP roundtable was pretty thoroughly useless. What did we learn? W was a terrible President.
Comrade Stuck
@John Cole:
Though he did admit there likely is national paradigm shift to the left. Probably caused K-Low’s tiny heart to skip a beat.
Sunday Morning in often the best 90 minutes of the week (unless they have that pompous ass Ben Stein – Spaghetti how I have grown to hate that doofus).
The one thing that is better is if I sleep late & miss it and wifey sleeps later so the damn TV does not get turned on till much later.
Katie B
Enjoy it while you don’t have kids. I miss those days.
A Bears win n Vikes loss (go Giants!) gets the Monsters of the Midway in da postseason. GO…..uh….er….(whinces)…..Kyle (gulp) Orton!
Rich Lowry on MTP was slipper-tossingly absurd.
I especially liked the part when he said that Obama was wanting to double the defense budget. First off, I have no idea if that’s true because Lowry seems to like making crap up. But, if so, do you think his increase in defense BUDGETING (not spending) might be because he wants to actually budget for the true cost of the Iraq war, instead of special allocation after special allocation, which allow you to fund it outside of the budget?
That’s when I left the room to go make pancakes in the fancy Ebelskiver pancake pan my mother in law gave me from Williams Sonoma. They were good and all, but it was about triple the work of normal pancakes.
Fuck, another conspiracy theorist.
Duke of Earl
@Katie B:
If you are a reasonably diligent parent and the kids are fairly normal they will grow up and eventually move out and you will have your quiet mornings back. It only seems like it will take forever, when you look back after you will wonder where the time went, there’s a Harry Chapin tune about that.
Grandkids are much more fun, you get to spoil them to a fare-thee-well pretty much when you want to and then drop them back on mommy and daddy for the inevitable crash and burn. If you are smart you will have picked up considerable wisdom in the years between becoming a parent and a grandparent and it’s worthwhile to try to pass a bit of this on.
Libby Spencer
If you’re talking to me, thanks for scrolling down that far. If you don’t have a happiest time, you probably need to make one for yourself. Taking a few days off from reading politics and spending time outdoors helps with that.
"Laura Bush not amused by shoe incident"
Clearly, when al-Zaidi threw the shoe at George dub-yuh, he was trying to entertain Laura Bush. It’s a shame she was not amused, because the incident was actually about her.
al-Zaidi should be grateful that Bush spent trillions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to invade and de-stabilize his country. There’s just no pleasing some people, especially the liberal Iraqi media.
Besides, when Bush said he plans to win "Hearts and Minds", he never said anything about "feet", so he’s still the greatest president ever.
The Other Steve
This is my Christmas Present to all of you. A recipe clipped from the pages of the Chicago Tribune some 35 years ago by my mother. Basically you are starting out with a dutch baby pancake, but rather than powdered sugar and lemon on top, you are making a banana filling that is Delicious!
This is my all time favorite food for breakfast. It goes well with sausages, and orange juice or an earl grey tea as you want the citrus to lighten the taste of the butter.
4 Tbsp. margarine
3 eggs
2/3 cup flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1 Tbsp. sugar
1/2 cup milk
1 tsp. grated lemon peel
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
Place 2 Tbsp. margarine in each of two 8 inch cake pans and place in oven for 5 min. while mixing pancake.
Place eggs in blender or mixer; beat until frothy. Combine flour, salt and sugar; add to eggs, alternating with milk while blender is going. Add lemon peel.
Heat two round cake pans or one 10" iron skillet with heatproof handle in oven for 3-5 min with rest of margarine in each. Swirl margarine to cover pan. Divide batter between pans and bake 18 to 20 minutes at 400 degrees F. while preparing filling. Serve banana filling by folding pancake around half of it and topping with second half.
1/3 cup margarine
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup orange juice
3 bananas, sliced
Melt margarine; add brown sugar and orange juice. Heat until sugar dissolves. Add sliced bananas heat, but do not boil. Remove pancakes to plate. Pour half of mixture on pancakes. Fold pancake and pour rest of mixture over top. Sprinkle with nutmeg if desired. Serve hot.
Serves 4.
@ the other steve:
That sounds delicious. Will make it for new year’s day…
My mom would occasionally make something similar with apples, but I love bananas.
Zuzu's Petals
Ah, just wait ’till retirement, where every morning is happy time…well, except for the TV shows. The only thing that makes it even happier is if I’m playing with the grandbaby … or maybe waking up at a beachfront cottage on Kauai.
It is nice to have the cats perking up and stretching and being happy because you’re awake. And since Sunday is a wet food day, it really is happy time for them.
About people dying this year: I keep wondering if it seems like there are a lot going because the boomers are starting to hit the falling-off-the-perch age, or if we boomers are just starting to notice because of reaching said age.
I always prefer Saturday mornings…I can still be lazy, drinking coffee and reading the paper while in my jammies, but I still have pretty much the entire weekend in front of me, and that makes for an even happier Krista.
Although this morning was very nice. My guests were finally all gone, and after sleeping in until 9am, the hubby and I sat in our pyjamas eating cinnamon rolls while watching Coronation Street on the new 40-inch LCD.
@Zuzu’s Petals: I’m still working on my LTP to move to Hawai’i after we retire. No luck so far…
Anybody catch TPM today with the Bush folks inking a strategic deal with Georgia. That’s fucked up… The guy is trying poison all the wells before heading out. Son of a bitch.
Zuzu's Petals
I have the second-best arrangement. I have relatives there, who give me the real Aloha treatment when I visit.
Comrade Nikolita
@Duke of Earl:
My mother said she was going to do that with my kids one day, because my grandma did it to her when my brother and I were younger. ;) We used to go visit her in Vancouver in her apartment, she’d usually feed us or give us some sort of sweets, and then send us home with our parents. I miss those days (she passed away 5 and a half years ago, when I was 16).
Zuzu's Petals
Forget what I said about the cats making for a happy day.
I just discovered the velvet skirt under the Christmas tree has been freshly peed- upon.
The Other Steve
Yeah, the dutch baby was based on a German dish which used apples. Those are tasty too.
But I really love the banana one. Yum!