I don’t know if this means he’s essentially conceding, but now he’s working for the same outfit that put together an infamous push poll message-testing poll last fall.
Washington, D.C. (January 22, 2009) — Republican Jewish Coalition Executive Director Matt Brooks announced today that Senator Norm Colelman (MN) has agreed to join the RJC as a consultant and strategic advisor. In this capacity, Coleman will help the RJC as it plans for the future and looks at ways to continue its historic record of growth and success. Coleman will also provide strategic guidance on important policy matters affecting the organization and the Jewish community. In addition, Coleman, a tremendously popular speaker, will travel around the country on behalf of the RJC, speaking in Jewish communities across the country on the state of current affairs. Finally, Coleman will also help the RJC recruit and expand its national leadership base. Coleman will not engage in any lobbying on behalf of the organization.
RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks said, “We are thrilled and honored to have Norm Coleman join us at the RJC at this critical time. We look forward to having the benefit of his experience and wise counsel to help the RJC plot its future course. We are confident that in a few months Senator Coleman will return to his seat in the Senate, but until that time, we are eager for him to travel across the country on our behalf and to be an important voice within the organization.”
No link yet, this is a press release.
Update: Ben Smith has more.
Last call, Norm.
Reverend Dennis
He’ll pull bigger audiences than Bush. I guess that equates with tremendous popularity now.
Coleman is Jewish? A landsman? I’m… appalled.
They might have wanted to wait until Coleman’s bribery allegations had been settled.
On the other hand, maybe it’s just another case of IOKIYAR. What a surprise!
Wait, being popular is a good thing? Republicans have told me for months, reaching a crescendo on Tuesday, that popularity was a sign of evil.
So the RJC wants to hire Coleman because he’s evil?
OT, but funny: wonder what Breitbart would have to say about this:
Bush’s Depressing Goodbye Party: One Staffer Gets Job at Abercrombie
Full story in Slate. Turns out, the outgoing administration had a hard time even booking a band. Love this part:
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
That’s funny, Coleman doesn’t look Druish.
Aaron Keyak
Here’s the RJC link – http://www.rjchq.org/Newsroom/newsdetail.aspx?id=997553a3-39d6-49f1-b684-d7e3d586c03a
Nah, he’s not conceding. This is just a part-time job he’s taking on the side to help bridge the gap between election and re-election. It’s like taking a second job to help pay the mortgage. Except in this case "mortgage" = "astronomical legal fees" and "first job" = "job you just got fired from".
former capitalist
Norm Coleman, the University of Iowa Law School’s least distinguished graduate. Enjoy the part time work, big guy. Hey, do you get benefits from this gig?
John Cole
What kind of expert advice can Coleman give? I mean, didn’t he just lose his seat to a comedian?
@John Cole: How to switch parties as they are on their way down, and other tips for success. So glad Worm left the Democratic Party.
How to be a loser and still make money.
Don’t forget, he’s also lost to a wrestler.
I understand Lender’s Bagels is hiring, too.
Joshua Norton
Well, he obviously is a master of the Flowbee. Maybe they’re looking for a spokesthing.
@MikeJ: Oh, good God, I nearly forgot! Fortunately for him, he’s shameless. Otherwise it would be hard to sleep at night.
I have to tell you, I almost did a spit-take on my monitor when I read "spokes-thing". Damn, that was good!
priscianus jr
At this point, working for the Republican Jewish Coalition is a bit like working for the Flat Earth Society. But no doubt it’ll pay the rent. Enjoy, Norm.