It appears that Josh Marshall watched the same press conference we talked about below:
Rep. Boehner (R) just said that the GOP alternative stimulus bill will create over 6 million jobs over two years with half the amount of money of the Democratic bill. Anybody have any idea where he got that number?
I actually have a picture of House Republican study group researching that figure, and it might provide some clues to the origin of that “6 million” figure:
While there is every reason to be skeptical about the Democratic plan, because there is no way to know if this really will provide the job creation they claim it might, the Republicans are just flat out making shit up right now. Steve Benen has more.
J Royce
If tax cuts are so stimulative and beneficial to the economy, why haven’t they worked?
After all the tax cuts of the Bush Administration, it seems a bit strange we are sliding into Depression.
And John McCain said he knew exactly how to capture Osama bin Laden. Give me a break Republicans. If you know how to do all this stuff–why didn’t you just do it?
Tonal Crow
Ja. Republicans make s*it up whenever it suits their purposes. This is because it’s easier to make an argument by lying (lies are infinite and perfectly flexible) than by telling the truth (which is singular and obstinate).
I tell you, they know rhetoric.
Somebody needs to ask Boehner If He Knows Where They Came Up With That Figure. He’s clueless. The chemicals that he uses on his face has done as much damage as if he had played football.
I’m guessing that Boner is figuring on deporting all the illegals working for sub-minimum wage, thus magically creating all kinds of fine "jobs". The new version of Let Them Eat Cake? Let Them Mow Lawns.
@BerkeleyMom: They’re worse than the mob, shaking us down for protection. They’re the ones we need to be protected from.
Michael D.
I just want to say something off topic. I love Jimmy Carter. I am friends with is daughter, Amy, so it was never anything personal. I used to hate Cater as a president, but NEVER as an ex-president – I have ALWAYS admired him for his ex-predident work.
I’m just saying this because I am watching him on CNN now.
I love that man.
There’s a good reason to be skeptical about the Dems plan, but I don’t think it rises to the level of every good reason :)
It’s about as solid of a plan as we could probably hope for realistically. Is it perfect? Nope. Is it horrible? not even close.
It’s all become so intolerably redundant, now, I want to shoot myself.
Joshua Norton
They must get their material from Cartman. They used to make jokes about being "South Park republicans". I guess this is what they meant.
@Michael D.:
I always felt that Carter was trying to micro manage his office when he was President and that is why he was not successful. Just my opinion but you are right that he is a great man.
I’m pleased that the all the repubs voted not. Many are from moderate states and maybe they will soon join the unemployment line. In the Atlanta area the wait is anywhere from 2 to 4 hours.
@JL: He was also in the impossible position of 1) having to clean up the worst excesses of economic fuckuppery of both LBJ and Nixon and 2) being squeezed by OPEC. And the work he did, especially by appointing Volcker and starting to get a handle on inflation, made it possible for the growth that eventually followed. Carter doesn’t get enough credit for that.
You know what, at this point, let’s just go all in Dems only, better stimulus package and no Repuke input, If it works to build confidence back in the market and to get more people employed plus some nice infrastructure projects done, then I will call it a success, Do the repubs even understand how badly they are coming across… It’s like a 50 car pile up of stupid and so hard to look away… As for incurring more debt that shit has already sailed except we have nothing to show for it so a few trillion more and some bridges and trains and maybe a 21st century power grid is fucking worth it
Lee from NC
@J Royce:
Along those same lines, all I can think of these claims of creating 6 million jobs with a paltry fistful of dollars is…
"Really? Then why, after 8 LOOOOOOONGGGG years of Bush, many of which were with a completely cooperative Republican Congress and the rest of which were with aDemocratus Spinelessus Congress, have we experienced some of the biggest job losses in decades?"
"NOW you have an awesome plan that is just awesome? NOW?!! "Cause I gotta tell ya, it sounds like you’re bullshitting to me."
That’s really the only reaction I have any more.
And we’ve found the WMDs. They’re just north, south, east, and west of Tikrit!
And we’ve got the Whitey tapes!
And Terri Shavio lives!
@Incertus: True
"Cause I gotta tell ya, it sounds like you’re bullshitting to me."
What I wouldn’t give to hear those words said to Boner by any member of the media.
Tonal Crow
That’s wrong, you libtard. They’re east, west, north, aaaaaaaand south of the Tigris! And it’s not "Drill, drill, drill", either. It’s "Drill, baby, drill!"
Joshua Norton
You mean besides the usual breed whose only instinct is to destroy? Who circle like flies around malodorous causes, unable to commit to anything beyond intangible principles? When their cause of the moment is proven wrong they are craven, but unapologetic. When they are right they are triumphant and gloating, parading across the cable networks and demanding accolades.
Besides that?
I’d also say that they come across as suffering from Asperger’s Syndrome on top of everything else I just mentioned.
It’s just simple applied WingerMath. Everyone knows facts have a liberal bias. Don’t use any, you are a ‘movement’ conservative.
Speaking of a load of shit, that photo is just how I picture movement conservatives: Widestanders lined up on message.
Politically Lost
My first thought, when John said he had a picture…
I won’t link to it.
Chuck Butcher
Well, the House Republicans voted against, totally. What a surprise…
Comrade Kevin
@Joshua Norton:
When was the last time that happened?
Wherein Michelle Malkin bashes the idea of "getting things done" in Washington:
Joshua Norton
@Comrade Kevin:
Yeah. I tried to change it to "when they think they’re right" but the internets told me I wasn’t allowed to edit my entry. Go figure.
*-Pokes John-*
New Tag needed.
Oh ha ha, John Boner!
I can name that tune in 3 notes!!
Ben Richards
Re: Jimmy Carter
Either here or at SN! recently someone made the great point that running down Carter is an integral part of the wingnut beatification of Ronald Reagan. I had never thought of like that, but it makes a lot of sense to me.
Joshua Norton
Not to mention discovering cold fusion, magnetic monopoles and the Higgs Boson…..
Sorry, my irony circuit overloaded.
Josh norton says:
Sorry to have to correct you, but Republicans are never ever right, they are just slick liars…
Mike in NC
I saw a reference on another blog about how Boehner looks like the host of a really lame TV game show. Looks more to me like the world’s most cold-blooded, constipated undertaker. With a broom handle stuck up his ass.
Selling Ted Haggard and Larry Craig sex tapes
The Labor Department just released the unemployment number. It’s 6.5 million, including the 1.7 million who were unemployed last year and haven’t found work.
I bet that’s where they got the number. The number they have equals (+/-) the number we need.