Sheryl Gay Stolberg in in the liberal New York Times pimps the marsh mouse myth:
Mr. Gingrich sees the stimulus bill as his party’s ticket to a revival in 2010, as Republicans decry what they see as pork-barrel spending for projects like marsh-mouse preservation.
Update: I’m late to the party, I see. Greg Sargent has more:
It turns out, however, that earlier drafts of the story did describe the claim as “misleading” — but Times editors removed that description from the copy, leaving the assertion to stand on its own. An email from the author of the story to a reader confirms this.
Joshua Norton
They’ve gone from zero to full-throated swamp fever in 30 days. That has to be some kind of speed record for total political melt down.
See, if you’re not born stupid, you have to pass a stupidity test to stay in the party. Rush administers it.
They just won’t die. I called a radio show today (something I rarely do) because the usually sane guy was pushing that "Fannie and Freddie caused the mortgage crisis" crap. I politely told him both the money amounts and the timeline don’t jibe with that. "You need to check your facts", he says. I said even if *all* of $2T F&F mortgages were bad, that still doesn’t account for the money amounts he had just mentioned ("tens of trillions"). "I just can’t talk to people like you *click*".
Are marsh mice really best preserved in pork barrels?
Formaldehyde would be a better option, unless it’s for eatin’ – then plastic vacuum packing is the best choice.
You haven’t had marsh mouse until you’ve done it sous vide.
Yes. My point exactly.
Seriously, how do they just keep moving from one bullshit story to the next?
Don’t any of them ever stop to think? WTF?
Ed Drone
I can’t wait till a high-speed train of marsh-mice from Disneyland to Las Vegas gets derailed by a sudden and unexpected volcanic eruption.
If they did, they wouldn’t be able to live with themselves.
I think this is what made Jindal’s speech so bad. Obama stayed at a high level – big programs, big plans, big idea. Jindal’s $140M ‘volcano monitoring’ was jarring because it wouldn’t even have been a big issue in many state budgets, and if that’s the biggest opposition he can come up with in a national speech against almost $1.5T in bank bailout and stimulus spending, then why would anyone care about Republican concerns?
The marsh mouse, the train (and they don’t even object to the train, just the destination of the train), volcano monitoring, etc. – they are just totally out of their depth. They’re throwing pebbles at tanks and wondering why nobody takes them seriously.
Despite the fact that the marsh mouse story is complete fiction, what the fuck is wrong with saving a species on the brink of extinction? I mean really, we human being have been responsible for the extinction of so many species I would think that in our enlightened times we would do anything and everything to stop yet another species becoming extinct. We are not gods, everything we do has some sort of effect on our world. The Marsh Mouse might well feed on something that feeds on something that effects our food supply. Bees are under attack right now, they are dying in great numbers, no one seems to give a shit, and yet a very wise man once said "if we lose the bees I give the human race four years" Mice matter, bugs matter,butterflies matter, and anyone who does’nt acknowlege this fact is a fucking moron to be honest.
They can’t – they would be subject to the great purity purge of 2009.
Sometimes the comedy just writes itself.
I’d like to report that BJ seems to be loading up just fine in Safari 4. And fast.
To be fair, she has said that she said that this was "misleading" in her original copy, which was edited out.
Comrade Stuck
They won’t be laughing so much when Homeless Marsh Mice march in the Gweat Willard Wingnut Weckoning.
Newt Gingrich’s Daily List of American Solutions (part 21 of 46)*:
465. Change the country’s temperature measurements from the Fahrenheit scale to the Rankine scale, which sets 0 degrees at absolute zero and doesn’t mesh with that commie metric system that Europe uses.
466. Switch toilet paper at all government buildings to single-ply. So-called treehuggers that use twice the trees to make the same amount of toilet paper! We’ll show them…
467. Pass a bill that forces members of Congress to refer to earmarks as "pork patties", defense cuts as "pig entrails" and tax hikes as "pig shit". What representative will want to load up his district with pig shit? Nobody, that’s who!
468. Replace all government cell phones with satellite phones. This is what REAL FUCKING INNOVATION looks like.
469. Have every Social Security office display the Ten Commandments.
470. Cut the capital gains tax.
471. See #470
472. Declare the first Sunday of every October to be Steven Seagal day.
473. Overhaul the census bureau and get rid of sampling.
*How’d I do? As well as the real Gingrich?
If bees were meant to survive, God would have equipped them better when he made them.
But yeah, conservatives used to care about such things as not fucking with the environment fearing the consequences, and then they all went insane with Jesus fever.
And yes, Safari 4 is teh win.
Tonal Crow
So the wingnuts are porking marsh mice again, eh? Why am I not surprised?
But but but… we can’t do that. It would require more satellites in space and (gasp) we’d have to launch them and (gasp) then we’d have to fund NASA and then (gasp) that’s not a taxcut!
Otherwise, spot on.
Comrade Stuck
The Great Pollinators. Besides being a vital link in food production, Ganja will never be the same.
El Cid
If you’re going to come up with bullshit, untrue ‘pork’ spending allegations against Democrats, is ‘preserving marsh mice’ the best you can come up with?
I mean, if it’s mice you want, how about "Nancy Pelosi’s special stimulus program to have San Francisco scientists teach gay field mice to cook organic Muslim tofu for Saul Alinsky ACORN offices!"
These fucking wingnuts are so far removed from the fact of things that hey have got themselves into a bind. If we lose the bees, if we lose the fucking bees we are well and truly fucked, crops will not be polinated, which basically mean no vegetables, ever, at all. No vegetables ever, which also means that there is no hay for the cattle, which means there is no meat, which means that the entire human race is doomed to starve. Why the fuck don’t these people make the connection?
Not to mention that the fucking bill never earmarked money for that. The is money targeted at that kind of activity, for which scientists could apply for the purpose of saving the yummy mouse. Ditto for the train from Disney to Vegas, there is no earmark for it, only money that can the states can apply for that includes these kinds of projects.
They prefer to distract you with their left hand while the Right hand is masturbating under the rain coat.
@El Cid: I think that’s on the menu in the Tenderloin.
Doug, you missed the rest of the story on this one. See here.
God created the Earth for Americans 6,000 years ago, and will always provide for us. If the bees die off, then the commie vegan liberals will lose their arugula and will be forced to eat BBQ. It’s all God’s plan, you know.
Ella in NM
@Ed Drone:
Make that a high-speed train of marsh-mice who recently quit a gang and just got their tatoos removed for free traveling from Disneyland to Las Vegas gets derailed by a sudden and unexpected volcanic eruption.
Conservatively Liberal
Indoor pot growers don’t need bees! Though we may be still be able to get stoned there will be no munchies if the bees disappear. That would be depressing.
Manifest Destiny Bitches!
@El Cid:
I’d love to see what they would say in response to some of their own’s ideas for the stimulus.
To add further insult, this happens to have the added benefit of being true.
(I hope I linked correctly… sorry if I didn’t)
Off topic I know but watching Stevie Wonder at the Whitehouse on PBS. What a genius. Love, love, love "Sir Duke".
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
Just to be the pedantic bastard I always wanted to be– if we lose the bees, we won’t lose the human species.
Man is too adaptable; an omnivore with a truly phenomenal range of potential foodstuffs.
The species wouldn’t go extinct– but we would lose our high energy civilization, coupled with a major die-back due to famine and warfare.
Some of us would survive– their lives nasty, brutish and short, but they will survive nonetheless.
Jesus, I need a drink.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Steve: OMFG.. so all this time we been wonderin’ if the liberal writers or conservative publishers had more influence, it’s been the goddamned editors??
Oh yeah and Michelle looks amazing. Loving the green dress and the hair! Oh my.
@Ivan Ivanovich Renko:
That explains Velveeta…
Comrade Stuck
Soylent Green with a nice Chianti?
Comrade Stuck
Hey now. I lived on Velveeta in college. That and a little John Barleycorn. Well, a lot of JB actually. Nutrition out the yazoo!
No it doesn’t.
It does explain Red Clam Chowder.
Tonal Crow
We indeed will be well GOPed in that case, but we won’t lose all vegetables. We will lose most production of many tree fruits (which includes nuts), and lots of other crops like strawberries and raspberries. Some green vegetables (e.g., salad greens) will be OK. See for much more detail.
Incorrect. Grasses are wind-pollinated.
Incorrect. We can get along just fine on vegetables, many of which will still be available if honeybees disappear. BTW, the major grains (wheat: , rice: , corn: ) are wind-pollinated, are are soybeans.
Wanna bet?
Unless our entire species can survive on a diet of mushrooms and seafood, we’d starve.
Okay scratch that, we would survive. But we’d be better off dead.
I thought that was just chunky Clamato… but at least it’s not the petroleum product that is Velveeta.
@Comrade Stuck: I’m glad you survived. Heck, I’m amazed you survived.
Actually the right hand is trying to pick your wallet which it seems to believe is buried deep in your ass. And it’s wearing a chafing iron glove.
David Kurtz @ TPM, on CPAC:
That explodey sound you hear is John Fogerty’s head spontaneously combusting.
Velveeta is a key ingredient in delicious fudge and soup.
And I’m sorry but nothing explains Haggis except that the Scotts are a bunch of fucking sick and ax crazy bastards.
Tonal Crow
We indeed will be well GOPed in that case, but we won’t lose all vegetables. We will lose most production of many tree fruits (which includes nuts), and lots of other crops like strawberries and raspberries. Some green vegetables (e.g., salad greens) will be OK. See for much more detail.
Incorrect. Grasses are wind-pollinated.
Incorrect. We can get along just fine on vegetables (with B12 supplements), many of which will still be available if honeybees disappear. BTW, the major grains (wheat , rice, corn) are wind-pollinated. Soybeans are self-pollinated.
@TenguPhule: OK, now it’s time to defend your statements:)
I get the Velveeta-soup relationship (texture), but fudge? I can only believe that you’re not referring to the chocolaty kind, but rather to the kind I prefer to not think about during dinner.
And haggis is wonderful, if prepared correctly. Although I do love me some crazy Scots… sticks and all.
Laura W
@nikita: Thanks! Just flipped over. I HATE how damn happy in love that First Couple is. Make me sick.
Good Lord, lookit Michelle’s green dress. Have the men in this thread seen her in that dress yet?
Yeah, I’m not making this up.
It actually tastes really good. The velveeta gives it a creamy texture and you’d never know it was there unless somone told you.
Calorie rich as all hell though.
Yeah…and we’re losing bats, too.
@TenguPhule: Wow – that’s just all kinds of wrong. I might have to try it. I humbly stand corrected.
But I will forever defend the haggis.
Bubblegum Tate
OT: Are there any CPAC infiltrators out there? I’d hate to think we’re missing out on all the unintentional comedy that lies therein.
You would indeed think that good Christians would look after God’s Creation and not let all the hard work that He put into Intelligently Designing all those little animals and plants go to waste. Evil evolutionists of course would of course just see the mice die out because it’s survival of the fittests you know.
Funnily enough things are just the other way around and the ones who are supposed to be compassionate are not even faking it.
Tonal Crow
@Calouste: Ja. Ja ja ja ja!
Anton Sirius
Haggis is just a big sausage with a more inventive casing. Don’t be hatin’.
The only correct way to prepare it is to never start at all. >;P
@Bubblegum Tate:
Matt Cooper (yes, that Matt Cooper) is covering CPAC from the inside at Talking Points Memo.
And filling designed by the Spanish Inquisition.
@TenguPhule: Maybe if we covered it in Velveeta…?
Well, it couldn’t possibly make it taste any worse. ^_^
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
Thus my need for another drink.
Renko +1
@Laura W:
I know! They do seem disgustingly happy. I love that they are really opening up the whitehouse so much. Cocktail hour on Wednesdays and Stevie Wonder concerts. I wonder who I’d have to bribe to get tickets to a WH event?
kommrade reproductive vigor
The GOP is afraid there won’t be any money left to save their asses.
Joshua Norton
Hmm. I take it you’re not that familiar with the barfable recipes that Kraft has been churning out over the years. Doing things with prunes, cream cheese and mini marshmallows and such. I recall that they had one recipe for Eggs Benedict make with Miracle Whip that would have gagged a goat.
K-R-A-F-T * buuurp *
@nikita: I also love the way Michelle dresses. After the last eight years, it’s nice to have someone with so much style.
Comrade Stuck
Not to worry. As long as we have Corn (wing blowed poll) and chemical factories we can survive just fine of High Fructose Corn Syrup and Yellow Die # 5. We practically do now.
Just Some Fuckhead
Back away from the corn alcohol, Mr. Stuck.
@Laura W:
Got a linkie Laura?
Comrade Stuck
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Oops. Lazy typist Unfortunate Pun alert.
Mike in NC
CPAC has a round table on this very subject tomorrow. Tinfoil hats will be issued at the door.
Just like with the honey bee thing.
These people want the entire system to collapse. Then tax cuts for everyone!
Comrade Kevin
I could see using cream cheese, but velveeta? Ick.
Try it before you scoff. You’d be surprised.
Not like say, Haggis, which I have seen, smelt, tasted and immediately vomited.
Is it really that bad? I mean how bad can bad can sheep stomach taste?
No, if bees disappear, it won’t be the end of the human race. As a matter of fact, GOOD NEWS! The exciting new career field of
human plant-pollinating will help get this country back on its feet by drastically reducing unemployment!
The MSU dairy farms used to (probably still do) sell blocks of what they called "chocolate cheese", which was essentially a very rich fudge product. So you could presumably make up a batch of ‘Velveeta fudge’ using actual food-grade cheese, and get something worth eating. But only in very small cubes at a time, because never mind calories, the stuff was wonderful but you could feel it coating your tastebuds on the first bite!
If you have to ask, consider yourself fortunate.
Damned at Random
I figured out the marsh mouse connection in the recovery bill. There is money (250 mil if memory serves me) set aside for flood prevention programs, of which up to 30 million can be spent by a single state. The assumption by the right is that the entire 30 mil will be spent by California on the San Francisco wetlands and so the true beneficiary is not the city (which will receive flood protection as the wetands soak up excess water) or San Francisco Bay water quality (wetlands purify storm runoff before releasing it into the bay), but the lowly salt marsh harvest mouse and other denisens of the wetlands.
The trick was not to search on "salt marsh harvest mouse", or "mouse" or "endangered species", but by searching to "$30,000,000 – the figure Hannity and co have been shouting about for the past month.
I have started my re-employment training by practicing rubbing my ass on all the flowers in the park near my home.
So the Right is against efficiency?
@JGabriel: Formaldehyde would be a better option, unless it’s for eatin’ – then plastic vacuum packing is the best choice.
You people clearly know nothing about " rel="external">proper post-mortem preservation
To wit, this.