A couple of days ago, frequent commenter Svensker talked about a friend of hers who had some problems, and I asked her to elaborate a little and find out if there was anything we could do to help. We emailed back and forth for a few days, and here is the back story:
I have an amazing friend on the west coast. She’s smart, funny, quirky and a fantastic artist, who designs intricately detailed, one-of-a-kind art quilts made from found textiles. A number of her quilts have been acquired by the International Quilt Study Center & Museum at the University of Nebraska. She survived a bout with breast cancer a few years ago but was feeling good as she approached her 5 year remission anniversary, she had a decent job as an editor, and life seemed pretty good.
Then a few months ago she got laid off from her editing job. She managed to keep up her health insurance, which is good,thing, because she was just diagnosed with liver cancer—treatable, but expensive, even with insurance. She was struggling to bring in some income (e-bay, on-line selling, freelancing editing, etc.) and seeming to do OK…then I didn’t hear from her. Called, e-mailed, nothing. 2 weeks go by. She e-mailed yesterday to say that she’d just got out of the hospital, where she was admitted after collapsing at home. Reason she collapsed? Malnutrition. Isn’t it lovely not to have enough money to pay for food AND medical expenses?
The doctor’s trying to get her strength up before they begin chemo, which they hope to start next week. My friend’s trying not to think about the fact that she is piling up huge bills on her co-pay and, at the same time, doesn’t have much energy left over to work. As an older single woman without any family to fall back on, her options right now are pretty slim.
If you’d like to “meet” my friend and see some of her work here’s a link to a show that Oregon Public Broadcasting did about her in 2000.
At any rate, I was hoping she would have some quilts for sale and we would be able to advertise those, but she has been too sick to do any of that, so here instead is a paypal link. If you can toss in a couple bucks to help out a member of the extended Balloon Juice family, that would be great.
Davis X. Machina
We could have a realistic floor under people, but only if we decided to have a ceiling. And no one has the stomach for that.
I’m not sure whether it’s because we don’t like some of the folks the floor would support, or because we all just know that someday we’d hit the ceiling, but there it it.
I have a snow day today, and Pay-pal gets the gas I didn’t burn, and the lunch I didn’t buy.
I’m in, have a sammich on me.
I agree with this post, Mr. Cole, and I’m glad to have helped out in my own small way.
Matthew Hooper
Tiny bit, but what I can.
Mister Colorful Analogy
Done. Please keep us up to date on her status; if more is needed, then I’ll do what I can.
Rob in Denver
You had me at "medical expenses." I know first hand what these can do to a family. Happy to help…
I threw some in the pot. I don’t tell this story a lot but before Grumpy Code Monkey, I was married to a brilliant man that succumbed to a horrible illness. During those days of his mental disintigration and death, my friends told their friends at their churches and email lists what I was going through.
I found myself receiving letters and cash from people I never knew. Many anonymous. The letters told me their stories and how they survived their challenging times. The money allowed me to pay our bills and not have to think about that piece of the puzzle for that time.
As much as my family was there for me, it was all those strangers sending me letters and dollars that helped me survive a pretty dark time. It was more the fact that these dollars came from complete strangers with genuine care and affection that affects you the most.
I take every chance I can to return that gift.
Ned R.
Done and done.
Josh Hueco
A few months back I had a sinus infection/chronic cough/green sputum/etc that would not go away on its own, so I went to the campus health clinic. I was diagnosed with bronchitis and bronchiospasms. They prescribed a generic Z-Pak as well as an inhaler and some codeine cough syrup. Because I had no health insurance (can’t afford it) the visit and meds cost me, a grad student, about $200 out of pocket, just for an amped up head cold. I can’t imagine what Svensker’s friend is going through. We really need to fix health care in this country.
PS – Happy to throw some shekels into the pot.
Glad to help. Interested to see what kind of impact BJ can have in this situation.
Malnutrition. In the United States, in a formerly middle-class (I assume) person. And she’s surely not the only one.
We have so much to thank the folks for who brought us the "ownership society".
I’m in, too.
Maybe when we next hear from a Santenelli type, we can remind them of the "there but by the grace of (insert deity of choice) go you". Because we’re all just one serious illness or extended job loss away from this woman’s situation. And that really is a sin.
Calming Influence
Glad to help, and wishing her well.
Just remember this next month—this isn’t something that’s going to go away soon.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
This blog has a big visitor base. If only 100 people gave $5 each, that’s 2-3 months of groceries right there, maybe more, depending on local food prices. If you can give more, please do so, but most of us should be able to manage at least $5, right?
Laura W Darling
This is so great, John. I was just thinking about her on my walk and wondering how she was doing and hoping a bunch of BJers jumped in the other day.
Was also wishing that you would do exactly this when these cases comes along. A very personal and productive way to use and mobilize your many
minionsDarlings.(Or DFHs, if you prefer: Darlings, Fans and Henchmans)
Edit: Also on my walk was thinking about the poster with the dog who’d been poisoned by the Xylitol. I’d like a follow-up on that since I think last weekend was the time period in which they’d know if the dog would survive?
I would help if I could because I know the agony. My mother died of Lupus in 1996. Poor and uninsured so the the Lupus went undiagnosed for an unknown number of years until it ravaged her body to the point of no return. Just brutal to watch.
Right now, I just started in a new position after being unemployed for two months with NO unemployment benefits. I literally have $9 to my name ($8 of my own and $1 I found on the street) and my bank account is in the negative. Times are rough. I get my first check on Thursday and I will be more than happy to contribute then. Until then, I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.
John Cole
@Adrienne: Don’t. Giving when you are barely hanging on yourself makes no sense.
okie dokie. hope it helps.
No, I will give because it is in my heart to do so. Because Lord knows, she needs it. Because Lord knows I would want someone to have it in their hearts to do it for me if I’m ever in her shoes. Once I get my pay, I won’t be "barely hanging on" anymore. Truthfully, I have NO idea how I landed this position in the economy. It’s a better job than my last one and pays $10K more/year.
What Mr. Cole neglected to put into my little essay about my friend was my thanks to him for doing this. He’s not such a bad old egg, is he? And thanks to all of you for helping out and for your good thoughts and prayers. I am humbled and grateful.
as soon as i find my credit card that i left at home, i and the amorphess are in.
Laura W Darling
He’s really a soft-boiled egg inside that hard shell.
Or maybe an Easter egg with marshmallow center.
Or maybe a See’s Easter milk chocolate egg with Bordeaux center.
(But you can’t call a person his age "old", regardless of the type of egg you fancy him.)
Will you give us the occasional status on your pal, please?
Can’t contribute from the phone, but will do so when I get home tonight.
Comrade Scrutinizer
Thanks for this, John. I’ll do without that pizza this week. Let us know how we did.
Michael D.
In for $20. Not much, but a creative person can make that work for a couple days. I think you should keep us updated. When my partner gets back on his feet, I will be happy to kick in more.
I’m a firm believer that, after I pay my bills, buy groceries, pay into my savings, 401k, etc., if I have any left, it’s discretionary, and I am happy to give what I can to someone who needs it more than me.
If we can raise tens of thousands for a political candidate, we can help out a friend. Hell, $500 could fee someone for quite awhile.
Michael D.
And by WE, I mean YOU, because I am a non-citizen and I would never breat any law by finding a way to contribute to a political candidate when it is against the law for me to do so.
Ahem. Just sayin’.
It isn’t much, and it’s in gutless Canadian dollars, but I hope the thought makes up for small donation.
@Laura W Darling: We took Casey in on Saturday for more tests and got good news. His liver is functioning quite well.
Most dogs do not make it through this. We got very lucky. Wouldn’t it be great if every American could have as good if not better health care coverage as I would give my dog?
I did what I could. Someone should put her in touch with local services, the local food banks should be able to help out.
When she’s feeling better I still think a quilt auction is a great idea.
John, Thank you for posting about this and thank you Svensker for sharing your friends story. This is the first time that I used PayPal to make a donation and it was quite easy to do. Thanks.
mandarama, Eager Minion
Like Adrienne, I watched my mom go through her last illness poor and uninsured. With no insurance, she put off seeing any doctor until it was way too late. No hope of early detection for the poor. And while I got Medicare help (THANK GOD) for her chemo, etc., after she died (at age 52) I still had to argue with the anesthesia group–they wouldn’t accept "social programs" for payment.
I am honored to be able to help. I wish your friend recovery and peace while she gets through this.
I love the snark here and have been a daily reader since last spring during the primaries. I feel an inordinate fondness for our host and all of the regular commenters (I’m looking at you, Laura W. and JSF). So I know it’s inappropriate to want to offer hugs all around. How about if I called it "hugging this bitch out"?
John Cole
@bootlegger: I want a quilt- I haven’t had a new one in twenty years since my grandmother died and I don’t use it anymore because I don’t want it to completely fall apart.
I am sure Tunch would love a new one, too.
Dropped a few buck in the kitty. Gotta help when you can.
Obama is on TV now talking about Health Insurance.
Done. It was a pittance but hopefully it’ll help a bit. This situation brings out a few different thoughts.
1) As a Canadian, it never ceases to amaze me that amidst all its wealth, America has tolerated people’s lives being destroyed by the financial burden of illness. I’m glad that this may change soon.
2) It’s interesting how you (John Cole) have become a trusted intermediary for this sort of things. I just sent $10 out into the ether trusting that this isn’t some kind of hustle. I guess that’s pretty unremarkable these days but I still find it a bit notable.
3) for all her misfortunes, the woman in question is someone well known (at least in her local arts community) and has friends with the wherewithal to solicit the kind of help that we’re all giving here. How many people have the same kind of difficulties but no means to find help? (which goes back to my first point I guess).
As an always interested observer, I’m glad to see that our friends to the South have finally moved in a saner, more humane direction. The fact that they’ll ultimately be more prosperous because of it is just gravy. Meanwhile, the jackasses bray about tea parties. In any case, I hope this helps and best wishes to Mary Catherine as she gears up for her chemo.
I’m doing well right now, after several rocky years. I kicked in a Hundy.
John Cole
I’m working on a leap of faith, too. Svensker has been around for a while, a number of the commenters know each other and know this woman, so I trust them.
That reminds me. I should take down the paypal button that directs things to me on the left while this one is up so people don’t send me money by mistake.
Maybe when we next hear from a Santenelli type, we can remind them of the "there but by the grace of (insert deity of choice) go you". Because we’re all just one serious illness or extended job loss away from this woman’s situation. And that really is a sin.
This is why I tossed my share in the pot. I’ve been extraordinarily lucky (so far) and I hope I never forget it.
John, can you put up a reminder later this week? Paypal gave me an error message, but also said "check account later." My bank emailed last week that they were sending me a new credit card and # because of some security breach.
I’m in, and happy to help. Please keep us updated on her status. Re: food banks, a fine idea, but when you’re sick, alone and with little energy, it’s rather difficult to get to, much less take advantage of, such resources. There but for the grace of God is exactly the right sentiment. Been sick and alone, been homeless, now I’ve rebuilt a life from the rubble of my past existence, I’m glad to share. Glad I transferred a chunk into Paypal a couple of weeks ago, as it was ready to go.
I put in what I could, too. My mom died at age 35 from breast cancer and it always makes me glad to hear about someone surviving it. We’ve come so far in treatment since when my mom had it. Glad to hear liver cancer is treatable.
It’s really moving to see how the community here pitches in to offer whatever help we can. I was in an argument with an old friend who is very much a "the Republicans’ problem is they aren’t conservative enough" type and, in an attempt to explain why safety nets are important, I brought up a relative who, due to assorted circumstances both social and economic, will, upon the death of her husband, be without any sort of pension, and have very little in Social Security (like about $35 a month little). That’s all she’ll have. And my friend’s response was, "Well, that’s too bad. But I don’t want you to think I’m unsympathetic. I hope things will work out for her." And the thing is, I know he does genuinely hope things work out for her, but not enough to actually want to see anything done on a governmental level for her and people like her. And hope, oh that buys a TON of food and medicine. Argh.
I should note this same person spent 3 years in the Coast Guard and got his degree from a state university and yet proudly proclaims he’s never taken ANYTHING from the government. The amount of self-delusion some people have is astounding to me. It’s funny in a sad, pathetic way, because he’s, thanks to schooling, in a better economic bracket than his parents. He’s an example of how government aid (state universities) actually can do long-term good for individuals. Darned if he’ll admit that, though.
Anyway, to spend time on a site where the readers are willing to pitch in to help a stranger AND also recognize the need for reform on a larger level makes me happy. May Svensker’s friend be back making quilts soon.
null pointer exception
I am incredibly lucky to have a great job that basically pays me well to sit around and surf internet and learn new technologies these days, so I kicked in whatever I could.
Good luck to your friend Svensker and cheers to John for being such a good samaritan.
Elroy's Lunch
Elroy (the cat) sez he’s donated on behalf of his owner because no one should have to forgo eating in lieu of medical bills. Not in this day and age. Ever.
Just Some Fuckhead
Wingnuts are all about donating to folks in need. That way they can decide if the recipient is worthy enough to help. Any other way and someone undeserving is liable to get some goodies. See Frost, Graeme.
Laura W Darling
@mandarama, Eager Minion:
Oh Christ. You know what this means? Fuckhead is gonna be demanding his own stable of minions now. As if he weren’t unbearable enough as is.
(Thank you.)
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
I was going to spend some Paypal funds on a Jackie Moon jersey, but that seems kinda frivolous.
Get well soon, Svensker’s friend.
Laura W Darling
Thanks for the good news!
I took my two geriatric cats to the vet last week….90 min of numerous tests = $600.
I’m having tests on my body this week and am sweating my $1,000 deductible because I know my insurer is gonna find a way to throw the tests into the deductible instead of considering them part of the in-office stuff that my $20 co-pay covers. Fortunately, my doctors will take payments. My vet does not.
Shorter Laura W Darling: What gex said.
@John Cole: Fine quilts in my neck of the woods fetch over $1000 for a king size. The local quilt shop does a pretty brisk business.
I have some from my aunt and grandmother, we use ’em quite a bit because they’re so comfy.
I’m definitely up for a quilt auction.
Just Some Fuckhead
Thanks for the kind words. Please direct all endorsement opportunities to my management team. Laura, I want to run yer comments by my life coach before I react to them.
Comrade Stuck
@Just Some Fuckhead:
They are ususally helpful provided the recipient of their love swear allegiance to Jesus. Not that Jesus, the wingnut Jeevus.
I have some personal experience along the lines of what this woman is going thru. As soon as I dig up my newish pay pal account password (haven’t used it yet for anything) will be sending a few bucks, and a few every month until she gets weller, so keep the PPbutton up senor Cole.
Laura W Darling
@Just Some Fuckhead:
If I were you, I’d start with yer sober companion.
Done. And am now off to the my state’s Food Bank site to see if I can set up a regular monthly donation, because for every FOB (that’s Friend of Balloon, not an Asian slur) who can get their story heard, how many go without help?
Comrade Stuck
I’m in as soon as I get home from work.
John, I am in exactly the same position with my Grandma’s quilt.
Done. The choice between feeding yourself and getting the medicine you need is chilling to think about.
Josh Hueco
Not to get all gooey or anything, but I think it’s cool that we Juicers can take a break from our usual snarkery and breaking chairs over each others’ heads and pitch in to help somebody. Would it be rude to ask how much $ this post pulled in at the end of the day?
done. and thanks for the food bank idea, Hana —
hugs all around.
*breaks chair over Josh’s head*
(just to keep the universe in balance, you know)
The Cat Who Would Be Tunch
Just a thought, though it’s an obvious one. It would be nice to have some updates in the future to see how she’s doing (with her permission, of course). Hopefully, the generosity being shown by everyone here will make a marked difference.
Michael D.
Happy Birthday, Dr. Suess!
Ned R.
@Michael D.: A marvellous day for a birthday (as it’s mine as well — and being born on Dr. Seuss’s birthday is a fine thing!)
Michael D.
And now that I wrote that, in hindsight, I probably could have come up with a more creative way to say it. :-)
Free At Last
Clicked and found out I have a small balance of cash on PayPal – a returned deposit on a rental. Money I never knew I had – best possible way to spend it.
We be The Quilt.
I will definitely kick some money in as soon I can. (Hopefully, there is a check waiting for me at home!)
I am sending her lots of positive energy with emphasis on abundance and health. That’s something I can do right now.
Kirk Spencer
@John Cole:
Then make one. Honest, a tied quilt is easy – it’s one of the projects I use for teaching beginners how to sew. A "properly" quilted quilt is harder, and you need a good longarm or a frame to keep from going mad (though I’ve done it without either just to prove I could – madness takes its toll, but is not permanent). But a tied quilt? Easy.
(My favorite "crap it’s cold" quilt, made by my grandmother, is tied. The reason is that you can get away with a heavy or even doubled batting, one that kills the hands or machine for "proper" quilting – and this is doubled woolen batting.)
Josh Hueco
(rubs head) Haha…thanks.
(reaches up, grabs pool cue, swings at hana) :)
Thanks to KDP mentioning his PayPal balance, I was reminded of the money I had sitting in PayPal from a returned item from ebay. I just donated it.
I’ll throw some in when I get home…
Just Some Fuckhead
@Kirk Spencer: Why doncha start him off with a small yellow towel and build from there? (Although in my gut I just feel like quiltmaking is the wrong direction we wanna go here.)
J. Michael Neal
I guess one advantage of massive medical bills is that I don’t sweat this. I’m going to pay out my $3,000 deductible plus my $3,000 out-of-pocket every year, guaranteed. So, there’s no sense arguing about any particular bill.
J. Michael Neal
My mother makes art quilts. They aren’t any good for keeping warm, since they tend to be about 2 feet by 2 feet. Instead, I have about four quilts made by my ex-wife’s grandmother. For some reason, she didn’t take any of them when she left.
I’m in.
I’m mostly a lurker here, but I’m in.
Done. Happy to help out. Keep us updated, Svensker.
Hell.. I’ll throw in 50-80. I’m doing well. I consider it a downpayment on a quilt. :-) In addition, I will ask OPB or Think Out Loud program to do an expose or something. It’s time to have that debate in Oregon.
Laura W Darling
@Just Some Fuckhead: I was truly sitting here trying to imagine what a Friday Night Open Quilting Thread might mean to my life.
The Moar You Know
This is America, goddamnit, not a single fucking person living within our borders should be suffering from malnutrition.
@Laura W Darling: Laura, I must have missed the explanation as to why you are now Laura W. Darling.
I say I missed the explanation because I know there must be one. You wouldn’t just switch it up like that without telling us why, so what’s up with that?
@The Moar You Know:
Exactly. It’s just outrageously cruel. I can’t imagine. It breaks my heart. – Malnutrition? Are you fucking kidding me?! – was my first reaction.
Kirk Spencer
@Just Some Fuckhead: Hey, HE is the one who said he wanted one.
hmmm. Yellow towels. Yeah, that’d work. Use "real" Terrible Towels for accent blocks. Black bias tape for the bind, black yarn for the ties. Use heavy batting and a flannel sheet for the back and it’d be warm enough to consider taking to the game.
One thing to note, no matter how much money you have we are all one health incident away from going completely broke. It’s what so dangerous about our health situation in this country.
Done like dinner, with hugs and good wishes from Canada.
The state of healthcare and health insurance in your country is a crying shame. I was reading an article in Glamour a few months ago talking about women who were basically uninsurable, because the insurance companies aren’t interested in covering anybody who might not be a source of profit.
Yes, we do have private insurance companies here, and yes, they can be money-grubbing arseholes just like your insurance companies. But at least that basic safety net is there, paid by our taxes.
When I go into the hospital in August to have my baby, I won’t be walking out with a bill. When my grandfather went into the hospital for a leg infection that had spread throughout his body, and wound up dying, we didn’t have a bill to worry about on top of all of the other stress. When friends of mine lost their 5-year-old to leukemia, they didn’t have a huge financial burden on top of their heartbreak. That’s the way it should be.
For people to have to lose sleep or forgo basic necessities due to medical bills when they’re already sick, or suffering, or dying? That’s fucking obscene.
South of I-10
I’m in for a little and wish I could give more. Best of luck to Svensker’s friend and some healing vibes her way.
The Moar You Know
@Adrienne: Exactly. I wouldn’t expect such a thing to happen in Mexico, let alone here. Haiti? Sure. Parts of Africa? A given. But the United States of America? A cancer patient who can’t afford to eat?
This must stop, folks. This shit ain’t right.
Comrade Stuck
More like criminal. Sometimes I think our wingnuts want to keep our current health care system to weedle out what they consider the weak link human chaff. A kind of Darwinian plan toward making a more productive society. But of course they don’t believe in Darwin or his heresy of evolution. Doesn’t mean they can’t practice it though.
@Laura W Darling: Make it a General Needlework thread and I’m so in. I have a counted cross stitch I’ve been working on for… oh… eight years or so…
I’m in. No one should be on the brink of starvation because they have to pay for a serious medical problem.
I know how much my parents paid out-of-pocket after their insurance coughed-up, during their illnesses, and am grateful as hell that my Dad had made enough money to cover it. I also know most people are not that lucky.
Josh Hueco
@Comrade Stuck:
I don’t think it’s the mendacity of wanting the weak to die off. I think it’s a belief that "unearned" beneficence makes its recipients dependent and servile; that and not wanting to pay for said beneficence. Also, resentment at those who they see as getting "something for nothing." I call it Prodigal Son’s Older Brother Syndrome.
former capitalist
I’m in, and happy to help. Keep us posted, Svensker.
This outpouring of support makes me feel good about being a BJ’er.
Great job, guys.
Laura W Darling
@Adrienne: It was born in a moment of profound inspiration that only Ben Stein, CatHat, Joe the Plumber and a bottle of Aussie Shiraz Rose could have birthed. A true confluence of graces, if you will.
Re. Catastrophic Illness and Injury: I’ve said this once before but for those of you with, or more importantly, without, medical coverage, you seriously owe it to yourselves to look into Aflac’s individual policies. You don’t have to get them through your employer any longer. I have the Accident, Cancer and ICU policies. $80/month. Rates never go up. The accident is not even age-rated.
I sold their stuff for about 2 minutes in CO and processed a LOT of claims. They pay. And they don’t try to screw you out of what you bought from them. YOU keep the cash they pay you. You have no obligation to even disclose that you have their coverage. For instance, if I received a cancer diagnosis this week, they send me $5,000 immediately. They pay pre-defined cash amounts for every single treatment, ambulance, air ambulance, hospital stay, surgery…often travel expenses. Likewise with the Accident policy.
Not only can it help with deductible and co-insurance and not covered stuff, it is really designed to pay for food and housing and cars to avoid medical bankruptcies.
I could only a few bucks but every little bit helps right? Thanks for giving us a way to help John.
Comrade Stuck
@Josh Hueco:
The end result however, is often death to those without access. Wingnuts are stupid, but not so much as to not understand the consequences of their beliefs, whatever they are. It’s like the Air Force of a country that drops a bomb on a house full of civilians to kill one opposing soldier hiding inside. They believe it is the right thing to do, and the laws of war back them up, but do they have the right to cause innocent people to die, in order to preserve the sanctity of their beliefs, however technically legal.
There are tens of thousands of Americans who die each year because one parties ideology. I say fuck them and their beliefs.
**I understand what your saying and am not trying to start a fight:)
Hey, John ~~
Due to lousy financial housekeeping over the years, I often find myself flat broke the first two weeks of the month (rent is due on the first), and usually flush (well, flush-er, so to speak) post-15th of the month.
Is there any chance you might consider a reminder post on the 15th or thereabouts?
Michael D.
Looks like Michael Steele will be the next to encounter the wrath of El Rushbo!
Just Some Fuckhead
Just to affirm Aflac, we’ve got a bunch of supplemental coverage through them and it seems like every time we turn around we’re getting a check (or twelve) for this or that. Usually a complete surprise too. (Well, to me anyway, there’s a good chance Mrs. Fuckhead is on top of that stuff.)
Highly recommended.
@Laura W Darling:
That’s the one I’m going with.
And, just to pay John back for his sweetness and generosity, I am totally in with flooding his blog with needleworking threads.
Thanks again to all. Consider my cockles officially warmed.
Polish the Guillotines
I’m in for a lot less than I’d like. Here’s hoping for the best for Svensker’s friend.
@Laura W Darling:
On this site? Nothing good, I can tell you.
Laura W Darling
@Steeplejack: Word. I think my snark at John’s expense was not quite overt enough.
Kirk, I make my own quilts too. Double batting with a layer of thinsulate in between. Tied is the ONLY way to do that thickness.
Hopefully, the PP link will be kept a couple of days.
Comrade Stuck
Not unless weaving tale tales can keep you warm at night.
The Moar You Know
@Michael D.: It’s on now, bitches!
My prediction – Steele will not last one month as head of the RNC.
I’m late (it’s 8am here), but I’m in.
I’m in too.
Good luck, friend.
Comrade Stuck
@Michael D.:
Malkin is not happy with Mr. Steele and gives him a spanking for slacking on his wingnuttery.
I have no idea what the White House/Alinsky agenda is. Probably communist of one sort or another, no doubt.
@Comrade Stuck: Saul Alinsky was elected president? When did that happen? Damned this good weed.
Josh Hueco
@Comrade Stuck:
No worries. :) I get what you’re saying too. It’s blind adherence to ideology and an unwillingness to deal with the effects of said ideology.
DL Hughley: You know what we do, we talk like we’re talking now. You have your view. I have mine. We don’t need incendiary rhetoric. Like rush limbaugh, who is the de facto leader of the republican party.
Michael Steele: No, he’s not.
Democrats are not subtle. We need to work on the Limbaugh Segue.
I’ve never used paypal before. It’s easy. I had considered it a "slippery slope of spending", because I was afraid I’d start buying odd used items that I don’t need, but it’s a good cause.
I’m new on this board, but have really enjoyed reading the posts every day. This request for help gives me a reason to jump in here. I just got home from the hospital where I was visiting my 34 year old nephew who just received a liver transplant (autoimmune disease). He’s doing great. It makes me so humble to think that humans are so generous, especially when so many negative things are going on. This kind of generosity makes my day!
J. Michael Neal
@Laura W Darling: What sort of screening for pre-existing conditions does AFLAC do?
Mike in NC
Currently out of work but what the heck? I sent a modest contribution.
Laura W Darling
@J. Michael Neal:There are questions asked of the potential policyholder during the enrollment interview, especially for the Cancer and Hospital product lines, and coverage can be declined for pre-existing conditions. But this doesn’t apply to all of the policies, and I think they are more "fair" in what they do exclude than other insurers (ie, maybe putting waiting periods on coverage start dates for certain conditions instead of tossing them out totally for the life of the policy, or saying that if this condition has not existed for x number of years it will be covered, etc.)
I just tried to google some clear guidelines but none came up easily.
I’m almost positive the Accident policy has no PEC clauses at all. Even that one, in and of itself, is of huge benefit, especially to parents with young kids. (I suspect that’s where the Fuckhead Family is raking in the dough.)
I would encourage you to make a call to a local rep and ask. I’ve been out of the loop for two and a half years so I hate to mislead or misrepresent.
Studly Pantload, Would Be Minion of John Cole
Also currently outta work, but grateful that I have enough to share a little.
This place has become one of my favorite haunts lately. I’m in for $10.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Laura W Darling:
Yeah, for when the kids fall down or get a black eye or burn themselves with a cigarette. It’s like paid training.
I’m in for $30. I remember sifting through my mom’s bills after she had a bilateral mastectomy following a breast cancer diagnosis. The insurance company sent a copy of the operating room bill. $50,000. It didn’t include the cost of the anesthesiologists, OR nurses, etc. I remember almost collapsing before I realized that they were just sending a copy of the bill for her records and they would pay it. Not a good feeling at all. We’d have had to sell her house for sure if she wasn’t insured.
@Laura W Darling:
That’s because it’s a little-known fact that doing needlework actually disables one’s snark-o-meter for the length of time one is working on the needlework. No one knows why. But for some reason, the sight of batting, embroidery thread and paper patterns temporarily turns normal, snarky, sarcastic people into genial old ladies* who just can’t wait to see how the "Wreath of All Seasons" turns out. Not that I would know anything about that (almost done with Autumn!).
Knitters, for some reason, seem immune to this.
*men, too. I’ve seen them wax enthusiastic about the subtle shading on needlepoint pillows they’ve made. (It’s not wimpy because it has a lighthouse on it, you see.)
Zuzu's Petals
Done. Thanks so much for posting this, John.
Svensker, your friend is lucky to have you in her life, and John in her corner.
I see she’s a Portlander. I’d bet there are some good groups in the area that might look in on her if she’s willing … anybody know more?
Also from north of the border, consider me in. I can only marry but so many Americans (total so far: 1) and bring ’em back to Canada with me, so this is my next best alternative.
If we weren’t so culpable in what we accept by way of life for our Aboriginal people, I’d feel more like we had the moral high ground. That said, you all gotta get single-payer insurance, not just Universal health care.
The reaper went through the offices today, with layoff notices.
I felt a lot better after donating.
The kindness and generosity in this thread brought me to tears more than once. But I am a tie died DFH. I tend to think of the big picture problem. This woman has a good story and a provenance. JC used his sizable forum to help her. What of those who don’t have either? Those who aren’t artists or don’t have connections? Maybe even people who aren’t likable at all? Giving to this single case is a snap shot of good hearted people helping out one another and it makes my liberal heart beat anthems. What of the many thousands who suffer without these connections? Will Obama really be able to implement national health care after what corporate big brother and his wall street jackals have done to us? I doubt it. If passing the hat is the best we can do for the many in this situation, we are hosed.
In. And The Moar You Know speaks for me: This is America, goddamnit, not a single fucking person living within our borders should be suffering from malnutrition.
Grateful to be able to help someone. Even if only a little. Hope she can get food stamps while recovering. They can certainly help.
Rob F
Done and done, from Canada.
I unexpectedly got paid for a bar photograph today so found money is spare money and I sent it. I have been ranting for years (ever since I moved to this country) about the absolute CRIMINAL condition of the health care system in this country, it is not only immoral it is CRIMINAL that doctors etc., are making millions a year and living the high life while people are dying for want of care. I have said this before (and will say it again and again until people tell me to shut up) the problem is that people go into the medical profession in this country to make money. It is not a "calling" as it is in the UK (and other places with socialized medicine) if you listen to Rush/Hannity and their ilk, you know the "greed is good" crowd a doctor who is making millions a year is ENTITLED to discharge someone from hospital without life saving surgery because said millionaire doctor is not going to get paid. You have a conversation with a local family practitioner in the UK about that kind of behavior and you can pin your ears back to receive some salty language in response. There was a couple on GMA this morning, husband lost his job and therefore his health insurance. His wife just had knee surgery, between the two of them he is paying $36,000 a year for health insurance, they are going through thier savings, 401Ks etc., at a rate of knots, next to go will be the house so they can keep their insurance. As I said CRIMINAL! Glad I was able to help, if only a small amount.
PS) We represented an anesthesiologist 10 years ago when I joined the firm, he was in a contract dispute with the hospital, his salary $33,000 a month, you know what he did to earn that? He sat on his exercise bike and worked out while he watched(supervised) the nurse anesthetist do all the work. You tell me that makes sense.
Laura W Darling
@Nicole: That was very, very funny. Is there a way to reactivate the snark-o-meter while fondling fine yarns, threads, patterns and such? If yes, I would fully support said open threads. (Ha! Get it?)
I was just thinking that if John were to attack quilting with the same ferocity he exhibits while furminating Tunch, exfoliating his feet, trimming his nose hairs, scrubbing his floors, and neti-potting his sinus passages…we could all be in for a long 2009.
But then, some of "us" could also consider getting real lives of our own so we had somewhere else to be on Friday nights and didn’t know so many creepy details about blog hosts.
She should take a trip to Thailand and do the treatment there. Fuck these insurance people You probably could put the same money in some other place and get the same care for less cost and more comfort, privacy and dignity.
My cc still broked, but this post made the front page of reddit WTF.
To tie more threads together, I’m just back from working on a cross-stitched ‘Sea of Life’, complete with lighthouse, while watching the tv news (because I would rather watch other people shovel their walks than shovel my own). This is the project I started when my dear friend told me her brother had been diagnosed with Stage IV kidney cancer… every time I pick it up I say a p…. I mean, I hold positive thoughts for him, which of course means nothing in a scienterrific universe except that it makes me, my friend, and maybe even her brother feel just a little better. The needle arts are great for positive-thought exercises, and eventually you end up with a nice gift / auction-item as a bonus…
Grex, I’m glad your adorable little Esky survived his poisoning. Now, off to futz with my Paypal account. Er, and shovel snow.
I live in Lincoln, Nebraska and have been to the National Quilt Museum. Beautiful, marvelous creations! I tossed a little in the pot. Hope all goes well.
@Laura W Darling: I spent a time of my life drawing things in silk, I have a piece on my wall right now of a dragon hatching from an egg from an illustration of Peter Dickinson’s "The Flight of Dragons" done purely in silk, done purely from eye, no patterns or anything, I just sewed it as I saw it., I still think it is one of my best pieces ever.
Laura W Darling
@Litlebritdifrnt: Photo it and post it to Flickr. Next time there’s a wild open thread we can throw up links to some of our favorite artistic creations instead of our pets.
Ash Can
Adjusted for Balloon Juice context.
And yes, I’m in too. A sawbuck ain’t much, but they can add up. Best wishes.
Very nice to read this thread at the end of the day. I’m in too.
I’m in. Let us know. Some of us can do monthly.
Why we all should give.
My husband survived war. In the middle of the war, after he had lost almost everything, my husband met an American doctor who had arrived to help distribute aid for children.
When the war ended, the doctor contacted him and asked if he would want to come to the US for graduate school. My husband thought why not as he had to rebuild his life. He had his mother and brother to care for, as well as others in the family.
He told the doctor that he had no money for school. The doctor told him not to worry, that he would find him a scholarship.
After arriving in Boston, he received a bill for tuition. He took the bill to the doctor and asked about how the scholarship would pay for the bill. To my husband’s shock, the doctor said that he was the scholarship and wrote a huge check for the entire tuition as well as for his living expenses.
The doctor explained that life was a circle, and that the only thing he asked in return was that my husband would help others when he had the chance.
To this day, even when we have had little as we put his, his extended family and eventually our, life back together, we always believe we should give to others when we can.
Tom Human
$25 to her…. throw in a $5 if you can!
Veronica Kovachi
There are many organizations that can help artists in emergencies.
1. Foundation for contemporary ARts
2. Change, Inc.
Emergency grants for artists in all disciplines needing help with rent, medical expenses, utility bills, fire damage, etc. Grants up to $1,000.
Change, Inc.
P.O. Box 54
Captiva, FL 33924
Phone: (212) 473-3742
Website: http://www.artisttrust.org/node/346
3. Max’s Kansas City Project
The Max’s Kansas City Project provides emergency funding and resources to professionals in the creative arts, primarily in New York state. Individuals who have made their living through their art form, either professionally or personally, and demonstrate a financial need for medical aid, legal aid, or housing. The maximum grant is $1,000.
Max’s Kansas City Project
P.O. Box 53
Woodstock, NY 12498
Phone: (845) 679-2593
(212) 545-4151
Fax: (845) 679-2593
Website: http://www.maxskansascity.org/funding.htm
4. Artists Fellowship
Grants for emergency aid to visual artists and their families, primarily in New York.
Artists Fellowship
47 5th Ave.
New York, NY 10003
Phone: (646) 230-9833
Website: http://www.artistsfellowship.com/home.html
5. Craft Emergency Relief Fund, Inc.
Immediate support to professional craftspeople facing career-threatening emergencies such as fire, theft, illness, and natural disasters.
Craft Emergency Relief Fund, Inc.
P.O. Box 838
Montpelier, VT 05601-0838
Phone: (802) 229-2306
Fax: (802) 223-6484
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.craftemergency.org
6. The Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Foundation
Emergency Grants program provides financial assistance to painters, sculptors, or printmakers facing an unforeseen, catastrophic incident. Grants given on one-time basis for specific emergencies such as flood, fire, or emergency medical need. Maximum grant is $10,000; typical grant amount is $4,000. Applicants must be able to demonstrate minimum of 10-year period of involvement in a mature phase of work in order to be eligible. Program does not consider requests for dental work, chronic situations, capital improvements, or projects of any kind; nor can it consider situations resulting from general indebtedness or lack of employment.
The Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Foundation
Emergency Grants
380 West Broadway
New York, NY 10012
Phone: (212) 226-0581
Fax: (212) 226-0584
website: http://www.gottliebfoundation.org/emergency_grants.htm
7. The New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA)
Offers lists of emergency funds for artists in a variety of disciplines affected by recent natural disasters. Go to http://www.nyfa.org, click on the "For Artists" tab near the top of the page, and then click on Emergency Resources.
Submit a concise one-to-two page letter of inquiry indicating your request. If the foundation is interested it will send a standard application form.
Here is a sample letter of inquiry:
Dear Mr. Smith,
Situation: I have been out of work for three months and I am seven and a half months pregnant. Saddled with a debt of $25,000 and with more piling mortgages, health, groceries, and utility bills, I am deeply in need of financial assistance at this critical junction in my life.
Cause of Unemployment: I was laid off by my last employer quite abruptly. I was not given two weeks pay nor any prior warning. Now that I am in my third trimester of my pregnancy no employer will hire me. Besides, it is getting extremely difficult for me to walk or move around at this stage, thus making it difficult for me to look for a new job.
Emergency Funding: I am seeking your assistance to pay one month’s rent and health bills. It is at a time of great need that I am asking you to help me with my living and medical expenses until my baby is born. My scheduled date of delivery is November 1st. The total amount requested is $3,000.
Artistic Background: I am a watercolor artist and a member of the Watercolor Association of Eagle County, Idaho. I have participated in over ten watercolor exhibitions and also present weekly seminars on the topic at my private studio.
Please consider my emergency grant request at this time of great need. Thank you.
Sarah Lunn, MFA
MORE Emergency GRANTS:
8. Ludwig Vogelstein Foundation Artist Grants
varies; see application guidelines : Applications are being accepted for the Ludwig Vogelstein Foundation grant. Grants ranging from $1,000 to $3,000 are awarded for specific projects on the criteria of merit and need; the foundation is especially concerned with those who have no other source of funding. Eligibility: artists and sculptors working in various media (note that the Foundation does not fund photography/digital video/film projects of any kind). For submission guidelines, please send a request to Ludwig Vogelstein Foundation, Inc., PO Box 510, Shelter Island, NY 11964-0510.
9. John Anson Kittredge Educational Fund
Grants awarded to artists in very special circumstances. $1,000 – $10,000. Initial contact by letter stating purpose, amount requested, period of funding, supporting letter.
Application Address:
P.O. Box 2883
Cambridge, MA 02138
10. Myer Foundation: Economic Relief Grants
Economic relief grants to needy individuals who are distressed or suffering as a result of poverty, low income or lack of financial resources, including as a result of natural or civil disasters, or from temporary impoverishment, loss of employment, death or incapacity of a family wage earner or damage to home and property; to provide health care to those who cannot afford health care or whose health insurance or financial resources are insufficient to cover medical needs. Grants range from $2,500 – $5,000
An application form is not required. Proposals should be made in letter form. See web site for details regarding information required:
Application Address:
20 West 64th Street, Suite 15-U
New York, NY 10023
Email: [email protected]
The Haven Foundation
The Haven Foundation is a national, nonprofit organization making grants to freelance writers and artists experiencing career-threatening illness, accident, natural disaster or other emergency or personal catastrophe. The Haven Foundation is a small fund providing grants of up to $25,000 per year, renewable for up to five years (pending approval of renewal application).
I had an aunt die from liver cancer, it’s no way to go. But I’m confused…
The doctors told us that liver cancer wasn’t treatable because the liver doesn’t spontaneously get cancer, it gets cancer from other infected systems elsewhere in the body and by the time it reaches the liver it’s too late to do anything.
Did they err?
@Litlebritdifrnt Anesthesiologists have to carry a whole lot of malpractice insurance. Both anesthesiologists and OB/GYNs have obscene malpractice insurance rates. You didn’t say if that $30k a month was take home or included things like his malpractice insurance and/or was paying off his medical school loans.
May God bless her. I’ll pledge to give every two weeks (my pay schedule). Anyone care to match my pledge?