The title says it all. I spent the afternoon at the DMV dealing with driver’s license stuff, then the rest of the day on the phone with insurance agents and AAA.
Long story short, I am in a pissy mood.
Here is a virgin thread.
by John Cole| 54 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
The title says it all. I spent the afternoon at the DMV dealing with driver’s license stuff, then the rest of the day on the phone with insurance agents and AAA.
Long story short, I am in a pissy mood.
Here is a virgin thread.
Comments are closed.
Robin G.
:cherry pops:
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
Bob Dylan is offering a free download today and tomorrow only. Sounds pretty damn good to me.
If I could give you a link to Hola Fruta, I would.
Does that mean there’s no booze in it? Send it back and bring it back right.
Colonel Danite
For all our faults in Illinois (Blago, Shimkus, Stroger, etc.), we do have an easy renew-by-mail driver’s license process.
Laura W
Turn out all the lights and chant your mantra for an hour.
Edit: Here’s a neato song I used to love. Most of you kids probably won’t know it.
Comrade General Stuck
Don’t need a thread.
The life story of this blog.
Well you could always amuse yourself, you know, say by going to the Queen of Birfers petition site and sign the petition with, you know, amusing names and comments, because it’s not like I was bored all afternoon or anything.
Or you could go over there and try and guess which ones were me!
Can we throw this thread into the volcano?
Wow, absolutely perfect timing. I’m right there with you (in crabbiness, that is).
John Cole
@Colonel Danite: I quit driving for several years, forgot my license expired, and had to go take the stupid damned written test and then take the driver test again. “Shit. This expired.” It was irritating and took three hours.
I also had a Larry David moment and argued with them about several of the questions on the written test which were just really stupidly written questions. Check out this gem from the practice test:
A policeman is at a traffic light and motions you through a red light, do you?
a. Wait for a green light
b. Obey the police officer and go through the red light
c. Run over the police officer
d. Sound you horn after the light turns green to alert the officer
What kind of stupid question is that?
At any rate, I am now street legal again, so mom and dad will shut up about having a damned car. I’ll probably keep taking the bus though, since driving irritates me so much.
I can’t help but like this song: Fucking in Heaven.
Oh, and John Cole = Lucy van Pelt!?
Followed by this: Donald and Lydia.
jake 4 that 1
So is Michael Steele. Also.
Laura W
@John Cole:
Are you aware that this involves being trapped in a small space with other people in larger numbers and far more unknown states of sanity and hygiene than a carpool?
@John Cole: On my test they had one that was:
Blind pedestrian is partway through the crosswalk when the light turns green, do you:
a. wait for the pedestrian to proceed through
b. honk your horn loudly
c. proceed forward and nudge pedestrian with your vehicle.
It was c, of course.
The Other Steve
I go with d.
-A Concerned Citizen
@The Other Steve: well, c will get you glocked, in a minute.
That’s the one you picked right?
I hate driving as well. I used to have a 5 minute ride to work that is now 40(My office moved).
Driving sucks.
Here’s a kitty pic to cheer you up.
@Laura W: Yeah, but that’s what makes it fun. And in my case, it gives me fodder for poems on occasion.
Another kitty pic. I thought it looked a bit like Tunch.
From a well-known state’s driver’s manual. I think all states have just about the same rule.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
A good news story with a kitten, two wonderful drivers, and one asshole driver who deserves to spend eternity on a cheese grater dipped in lemon juice.
James K. Polk, Esq.
If you would like to feel less pissy, I highly recommend taking a little walk.
You will lower your blood pressure and burn off some of the hate.
Get your mp3 player out and put some earbuds in to avoid interacting with the hoi polloi.
Nature is a big plus. Tweeting birds and whatnot.
@Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse:
Brings back memories. I snatched a cat off the freeway. Off the center divider, to be exact.
I am here to tell you, it is not a thing that I would suggest that anyone ever do. I should have been killed and had I been killed, they would have nominated me for a Darwin Award. I deserve no medal and no praise.
The cat turned out to be a pretty good pet.
This was 33 years ago.
I’d go with instructions from the little known states unless the unknown state has some better idea.
Well, just find a state that says that the driver should ignore the officer directing traffic, and let’s compare and contrast.
I can tell you three states not to look in, AZ, CA and NY.
So you only have to examine 47 driver manuals.
And, are you the ricky who used to be a well known popular singer?
Pat Boone, maybe?
Trying to imagine what was going through the DMV guy’s mind during the driver’s test…
The Cat Who Would Be Tunch
@Laura W:
Taking public transportation helps build your immune system, no?
On a different note, did anybody catch this today?
Cheney: Obama will “never make it in the major leagues"
I’m still working my way through the New Yorker article, which is by Seymour Hersh, but what the hell is that even supposed to mean? And where’s Chip Reid to defend against this outrageous attack on a former Veep’s honor?
Because people have gotten so nuts in the last few years, it’s much easier to be driven anywhere, than to drive myself.
Case in point: during the blizzard last Thursday, an idiot was tailgating the car in front. That wreck shut down the right hand lane, causing a traffic jam in the left because nobody will allow other drivers to get in front of them. I would hate to see the traffic in a really large city when it snows.
Leelee for Obama
Thyme Zone,
I wanted to let you know your riff on the rare condor totally ate my "Doge"! I was happy there was no drinking happening when I read that.
Consider your message a PSA. It reminded me that I’d forgotten to renew my tags back at the end of January. I’ll just have to hope that no county sheriff pulls up behind my car before I receive the new stickers.
Land & Gentlemen, I give you your Nation’s Capitol.
You’re crabby? My dad died last March & and he named me executor. His estate was little more than nothing when you factor in 4 sisters. I’ve spent hundreds of hours this past year on hold with people from India to the Philippines to Wichita, Ks. You don’t even know crabby. Questions you would not believe; forms that practically drove my insane.
But I’ve got his Jeep pickup in the drive I have yet to put in my name even though I have 7 forms from ex-wife & sisters, a death certificate and 3 other state forms filled out. I can’t bring myself to go to the DMV & do it.
@The Cat Who Would Be Tunch:
where the hell are all those people who were complaining that Obama didn’t treat Cheney with deference?
Seems to me that the old order was that the previous occupants of the white house drank a big cup of STFU for the next president’s term.
Hey, at least you didn’t have a dental implant today. I don’t know if the surgery or writing the $1900 check hurt worse. (With more to come.) Insurance is supposed to pay 60%, but I’m anticipating a hassle.
Origuy +1 (Vicodan)
kommrade reproductive vigor
@AhabTDefenestrator: Beat me to it. People living in the fucking Brazilian rain forest would deal with snow better than the idiots around here. Hell, you don’t even need actual snow flakes falling from the sky. Just the threat of snow and everyone goes DEFCON 3.
Shit.. I’ve been reading blogs too much. I somehow shortened ‘insurance agents’ to insurgents.
Not blowing my own horn or anything, but I set BJ, RR and Wonkette loose on the Orly petition, it is a thing of beauty, it truly is.
Not to get all regional on you, but the DMV in Martinsburg is superfast. How often does someone speak well of a DMV? That’s how good the one here is. I remember when I first moved out here it took hours to get through a line in order to get anything. Last time I was there, it was 5 minutes from beginning to end on a fairly typical Friday. Scoreboard Berkeley Co.
john, you know you don’t have to tell us you’re a member, that’s what the "anonymous" stands for.
oh, you said a a a !
never mind.
You’re crabby?
I go out to my car this morning to discover a flat tire. A few minutes later, I discover that the key to the locking lug nut is somehow not where it should be, in the trunk. A half hour later, after much cursing and skinning of knuckles and inept use of pliers and wrenches and such, I start calling car dealerships and tow companies. Two and a half hours later, I’m told that the tire is not only irreparable–there’s enough wear on all the tires that I should really replace them all. I arrive in my office at 4:00pm, ready to go to work!
Get behind the wheel Miss Daisy, the free ride is over.
from my perspective, John Cole is much more Charlie Brown than Lucy Van Pelt….
to paraphrase Tom Waits, the keyboard has been drinking, not me, not me, not me, not me, not me
A virgin thread, and I end up with sloppy 47ths…
In the sad news dept., Lorne from ‘Angel’ died of heart failure.
His intro
@Leelee for Obama:
I have a great recipe for Condor L’Orange around here somewhere ……
For some reason, I like to make a batch and then eat it for three days.
Corner Stone
@Corner Stone:
Uh, is there a decoder ring for that post?
I have no idea on earth what you are talking about.
@Corner Stone:
Oh, you looked up the movie.
Alrighty then.
guest omen
pbs frontline is covering the healthcare crisis next. sounds like fun. i look forward to being told how i’m not really covered even though i have insurance.
By an odd coincidence, I am crabby because MetroStink made buses run less frequently or not run at all on all three routes I was depending on. Could not face C&J with this. But I did log on and rec two diaries.
(Yesterday MetroStink implemented all the cutbacks because the taxpayers wouldn’t give them any more money because of their own stupidity) (Cost overruns and the like: the taxpayers may have been greedy but I can’t say they were stupid)
However, this blog lifted my mood considerably. It is VERY late, but if Paul Krugman thought about the political consequences of what he was saying he might not have been out there harshly criticizing the Bush admin and gaining the trust of many readers who expect him to be a straight shooter. His responsibility is to them too.