Greg Sargent reports that Obama aides will sit down with GLAD and other groups next week, which is interesting in itself and a good step, but because I am at heart twelve years old, his headline made me laugh:
Obama Administration Set To Hold Powwow With Big Gay Groups
I know we like to refer to things as “Big Oil” and “Big Pharma” and whatnot, and maybe there is history here I am unaware of, but “Big Gay” just makes me think of South Park.
Maybe they’ll come up with a Big Gay Plan :-)
Big God, Big Gays, Big Guns — American policy in a wingnutshell.
Thuuuuuper! Thanks for atthhking!
Big Gay Al
I’m just super! Thanks for asking!
Laura W
I dunno. If “Mr. Big” was good enough for Carrie Bradshaw to say “I do” to, I think the name is fine.
Mrs. Big.
Death By Mosquito Truck
Just call ’em anti-Obama groups. They’ve been complaining about him since he challenged their queen in the primary.
Mike in NC
Will this be construed in the MSM as throwing Native Americans under the bus? Or something. David Gregory will sort it all out on Sunday.
John Cole @ Top:
I must me 9 at heart then, because I think it would be hilarious if a lobbying group were to actually call itself Big Gay.
There’s a “size queen” joke in there somewhere, but it’s a little too early on a Saturday morning for me to come up with it…
@Death By Mosquito Truck:
No one who wears turquoise pant suits has ever been my queen, thankyou.
That said, Michael D. will be here in a minute, and you’re all in SO much trouble.
Maybe they should put out a CD: “Music From Big Gay”.
Laura W
@Tattoosydney: Yer funny.
Obama will be on MSNBC live making more funny jokes from some correspondents’ dinner in a few.
If I could EVER remember where CSPAN is on my DTV, I would be there. My steak has totally distracted me.
I’ll bet the rest of my steak it exists and holds a place of honor in Tattoosydney’s collection.
Death By Mosquito Truck
Gosh, maybe having people publically express their disappointment with the administrations current direction on GLBT issues made someone think this should be addressed. Whoda thunk it?
@Laura W:
How you?
Comrade Stuck
It’s nice you have a sense of humor.
Laura W
@Tattoosydney: I am rarely happier than when our Prez is bringing the snark. OH. He just said he reads blogs every day!
(More when he finishes.)
Ahhhhhhh! He’s calling out MIKA! Ahhhhh!
Exactly! Glad I’m not the only one.
Also, I am unaware of any history other than South Park that would yield such a phrase. I do know that some of us would argue that we are not represented by the mainstream groups, if that’s what “Big Gay Groups” are — but LOL, I can’t even type that without laughing!
Huge lol @ JenJen and Big Gay Al
Oh yeah and fuck word press
moose head +12
To me “Big Gay” brings up an image of the Village People doing YMCA.
Death By Mosquito Truck
I’m imagining the Big Bang: Big Gay with Big Oil, Big Pharma and the Big Ten.
kommrade reproductive vigor
There’s a joke about smoking a peace pipe in there, but I’m not going to stoop to that level.
Michael D.
I’m not sure I get this. Anyone who knows me knows I have a great sense of humor about being gay. I even laugh at all the jokes. Top pick-up line at a gay bar:
“Excuse me sir. Do you mInd if I push in your stool?”
Oh Michael D, that is so naughty!
Laura W
@Tattoosydney: I liked your video offering.
So I’m such an idiot that I’ve been looking for my favorite Sade on youtube for a while, looking for “Color of Love”, which is not the name of the actual song. Lo and Behold: Kiss of Life.
I do not know how men can watch this woman sing and move and not spontaneously combust. I do, and I’m not even ghey. Much.
“Big Gay Groups…”
Oh they say they’re big, but most men suffer from that delusion…::rimshot::
Wait, maybe this isn’t the right thread to use “rimshot.”
@Darkrose: Nah. Couldn’t be.
Hey, would somebody move this bus from on top of me?
@Comrade Stuck:
I kid. The “gay” thread got pretty heated, I know. I tried to stay out of it for the most part, mainly because I agree with both sides. I have sympathy for the argument that a lot of the gay groups that claim to represent me are simply expecting change, because it’s the right thing, rather than buckling down and doing the work to make things change.
It annoys me more than I can say that Obama seems to regard change as a low priority, rather than a high priority amongst so many other high priorities. However, I have a great admiration for his ability to somehow foment debate, stand back and watch, then step in and use the impetus of the debate to solve the problem, and hope that is what he is doing with DADT and marriage.
I also think it’s easy for straight people to dismiss (or more charitably, not comprehend) what it feels like as a gay person not to be able to get “married”. It just doesn’t seem as important as other things. Then again, women’s right to vote probably didn’t seem important during WWI.
I come from a country where gay sex was legal 30 years ago, where I could join the army or get a visa for an overseas boyfriend to live in Australia 20 years ago, where HIV was treated as a preventable disease not a political football, and where my hubby and I have all the rights of a married couple (except the damn word “marriage”), so I might not have the fierce urgency that my US compatriots have…
@Michael D.:
No offence intended I promise. I saw a line and took it.
@Death By Mosquito Truck:
There’s my size queen joke.
Thanks DbMT.
Big Gay.
OT: John, the Art of the Possible blog is no longer active, and the archives have been wiped. The other bloggers on there have their separate sites though, most of which are already in your blogroll (Kevin and Roderick’s sites are here and here).
Just letting you know.
@ Laura W
Nice song, but christ, That had to have been the most boring concert ever. This coming from a Quebecer that saw Jimmy Buffet in Atlanta. THere are a lot of drunk good looking women in the south. God love you Americans.
@Laura W:
Very nice.
The ghey gets it, I promise.
Random dance track plug: Sing a song in Japanese. I am a little Röyksopp obsessed. AhabTRuler, are you there?
Speaking of the they. I got hit on yesterday on the train by some drunk gay dude. I’ve never been hit on before so I wasn’t quite getting the signals. I figured out after Awhile because he kept talking to me in low tones so I could hear. Finally though he leans in and told me in a pitched low voice “That shirt looks good on you.”
I was wearing jean shirt for crissakes! The light turned on and my reaction was to roll my eyes. Then I felt kinda pissed and used since he didn’t even put any thought into it; shit I think I am worth more that! I had to leave I couldn’t take it. How women put up with this shit is beyond me.
@Laura W:
Bought it in 1992, before I discovered proper dance music. It’s in a box somewhere.
Jean shirts? I’m surprised you got hit on.
At least it wasn’t “Excuse me sir. Do you mInd if I push in your stool?”.
@Cain: So, you’re basically saying that you don’t mind being hit on, the guy just needs better pick-up lines?
Big Gay.
(I thought I posted this but seem to be wrong).
When I think of Big Gay…
Hell yes. Mind you, I wouldn’t be expecting too much from drunk gay dude on a train.
In our world, the best pickup line tends to be “Would you like to have sex with me?”
ETA: Wtf? I can post this, but any attempt to post the seminal (and I mean that literally) gay video clip, the Village People singing “Sex over the phone”, gets sent to moderation?
Apropos of nothing, in the great words of Fergie, Jib Jab is so 2000 and late.
So much win
Laura W
Well yeah, I guess if you consider mosh pits, headbanging, crowd surfing and puking through your nose and ears exciting, I can sorta see your point there.
There’s yer trouble, right there.
Hey, thanks!
At least we can agree to agree on the song.
@Laura W:
Let me know.
Laura W
@Tattoosydney: I don’t want to be the one to break it to you, Darling, but you are so totally gay.
@Death By Mosquito Truck:
Could you please stop being an asshole? Thank you.
@Laura W:
Yes. Yes I am.
Laura W
So sad. I was all ready to find Melissa at the other end of your link.
Seriously. Hot. Woman.
Death By Mosquito Truck
Fuck you.
@Laura W:
Mistakes made by another in another lifetime.
Bring it ON, Girlfriend.
Zuzu's Petals
“Powwow.” I can’t believe they said “powow.”
I mean really, when’s the last time you’ve seen that in a headline?
He wouldn’t have gotten anywhere, but I don’t mind a little artistry, amirite? In any case he was drunk.. smelled like a sewer too.
In Indiana, the gay guys would love to hit on the straight guys.. get em all drunk and take em home. I’m not sure how that worked, but it worked. Some of the straights though would work it in their favor and get them to buy them drinks and then say “say, no thanks dude, I’m straight” sros ome stuff like that. towns. :-) Guys can be total bitches too. heh. I find the whole social dynamic funny…
Zuzu's Petals
@Laura W:
Aaaand…we have video:
Part 1
Part 2
And representing the feminists, Salvatore Bonpensiero.
The Sopranos, people. The Sopranos.
Mouse Tolliver
Of course, it also helped that the A-Gays have threatened to cut off the DNC’s access to the Big GayTM machine until they start producing results.
That sounds like a bad reality TV show. Oh wait, it was…
Seriously, I hear what you’re saying, and I think it’s more than appropriate that it makes you understand what some women go through a little more clearly.
Zuzu's Petals
News alert:
Bonus: It was a gay pride tie-in. Talking about the upcoming Gay Pride Day parade, he said “Where else could you see 300 guys dressed up as Sarah Palin?”
Whoot whoot ! ! !
Well, Margaret Cho has a great bit about unleashing al gayda on the rightwingers who cussed her out. She said they had training camps where they offered pilates. Heh.
Laura W., Sade doesn’t do much for me. I dunno why. She’s very attractive, but she’s not my type.
There was some minor good news for gays today:
They can now get passports under the names recognized by their state through marriages or civil unions.
Not massive, but I think it is part of Obama’s strategy to chisel away at DOMA without giving the right-wing noise machine a massive point to rally around.
@Calouste: Thanks for posting that. Good news, indeed.
Johnny Pez
The Homintern? The Gafia? The Lavender Lobby?
“i likes ’em big, honey.”
Big Astro-Glide?
The Gay Team?
Film Actors Guild?
er, um,
it’s GLAAD
65 comments, and no one says anything?