Sorry for dropping off the face of the earth. I heard there was naked hiking on the Appalachian and took the day off. Someone tell the old people the wrong date next year. Also, Death by Mosquito Truck- you really gotta shave your back, bro.
Actually, comcast decided I didn’t deserve to have access to this site.
Comrade Stuck
I knew it.
We thought you had finally gone galt.
Politically Lost
Being a fur bearing animal myself, I always get uncomfortable when those of us with manback are mocked.
I know that I’m closely related to chewbacca but, let’s be clear about this…I didn’t give my permission for it.
I’ve told my wife that I draw the line at ear hair. I’ll do whatever it takes to prevent that. Laser, earpindectomy, whatever it takes man.
Glad Mark Sanford didn’t kidnap you on the AT.
Reminder to post Other People’s Pet Pictures. You did ask for one.
Sanford puts your Galting to shame, John. You, of course, already know this.
Here’s hoping you didn’t run into a naked Mark Sanford.
He’s off in Kenya looking for the Lost Wingnut’s Gold. You know, the birth certificate.
Where are those pet pix you promised? Sigh, while we are waiting, surfer dogs to the rescue! (The bulldog and the basset hound totally crack me up. Btw, two Jack Russell Terriers won their divisions. Time to get Ginny and Guesly a board.)
Naked Galting….Yehaw!
I now have a vision of a glibertarian Ice-T singing “Let’s get buck naked and GALT!”
John Cole @ Top:
But then you’ll miss it!
(So will I.)
Keith G
I been having trouble getting to random sites. Figured the tubes were just tired.
Better than naked mopping — we all know how that turned out.
Bad Horse's Filly
Well I’d love to stay and play with all of you, cause you’re so much fun, but the new Evanovich* has arrived and I must read. Put Dirty Dozen Ears to the Wall on and I’m good for the night. See you all tomorrow.
*In case anyone thinks that’s a totally shallow read, I’m also reading the Extraoridnary Chemistry of Ordinary Things and finding out I might actually like chemistry.
Has anyone sent the basset hound surfing to TBogg? I can’t get into his comments, but he’d love it.
Open Thread requires animal pics and updates. It’s a law we passed while you were gone.
shelley matheis
‘Naked Hiking Day’, eh? Guess they want to get it in before the mosquito season really gets under way.
Saw those surfing canines on the news. Hang 20!
Um, tweekers put John’s galting to shame.
Tim (The Oher One)
Cole, are you high ? You sound “blitzed” in this post. In a good way. Maybe I’m just not getting the sub-text.
Who gives a sweet damn if anybody thinks it’s a shallow read? I’ve never understood why people need to apologize for just enjoying a good story. I love reading what many would view as “fluff”, and make no apologies for it.
RIP Ed McMahon–8OsQM
Fuck Mark Sanford, Fuck John McCain, and Fuck Norm Coleman
and Richard Nixon can be skull-fucked too.
So, I’m betting Sanford doesn’t actually show his face tomorrow.
@Krista: I scour the budget book tables for “pool” and “beach” books. I really don’t need anything heavy and the fluff is just fine.
No apologies for liking it.
I like this one.
DougJ bait: Michael Scherer, at it again.
Mousavi, Celebrated in Iranian Protests, Was the Butcher of Beirut
Nice to see at least one journalist do some quality reporting as opposed to meaningless bullshit like Judy Woodruff’s pathetic and clueless interview tonight with Lindsey Graham and John Kerry debating the tone of Obama’s rhetoric on Iran.
The Newshour with Jim Lehrer used to be a useful antidote to cable news but it’s becoming as big of a joke as any other tv news program
Laura W
@ninerdave: Please join us in the previous thread. That seems to be the happening place for all things Sanford Fun Related.
Comrade Stuck
So is Calderone from the WATB Politico.
New rules to press.. Take yer proteeecals and shove ’em sideways..
Comcast? The real culprit probably was Tunch, wanting more attention.
As long as you were hiking with Lily, America’s ok with it.
@Laura W:
Oh that’s about all I have to say about Sanford, except I sincerely hope he’s ok.
Johnny B. Guud
Great news:
Johnny B. Guud
Damn block quoting….
Zuzu's Petals
I have twice posted this on the wrong threads. Last time, I promise…but it’s a good one.
NYT: Walpin an “embarrassment” to DOJ for “mishandling” Roy Cohn case
Comcast must have some kinked up cables somewhere, they shut me out a couple of times today, too.
And thanks again John for the delightful EcoDrivingUSA ad. It’s gorgeous. (Did you happen to see Pam while you were out naked hiking on the AT today? Sounds like something she’d be into…)
kommrade reproductive vigor
@DonkeyKong: Well you can’t have a good teabagging with your clothes on.
So who’s been hiking the Appalacian trail?
Left Coast Tom
I had trouble a month ago finding a trail underneath knee-to-waist high snow. Now I know what it was like for the Donner Party.
Little Dreamer
If not you, then who?
The weird thing is that while Sanford was looking for Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate, he ran into OJ, who was still looking for the “real killers.”
And apparently, Sarah Palin can see Appalachia from her window.
And in honor of Naked Galting Republican governors, Joe Cocker singing Randy Newman’s You Can Leave Your Hat On.
@D-Chance.: The only thing missing from that article: Any shred of evidence of impropriety. It’s not like Kaine just didn’t show up for work one day. Idiot.
I can haz false equivalence?
Am I the only one to find it ironic that D-Chance wants to make a point about missing people by linking
Hm. I couldn’t access Washington Monthly for a bit today, either. Oh noes! Dez in mah toobz, killin’ duh librul sites!
Damn, but it’s hard to type that way.
You just ruined one of my favorite sexy songs. Bastard.
Sorry about that. It just seemed to fit the strangeness of the situation (as currently reported) so well.
So, with all of the weirdness surrounding the SC governor’s Naked Galt experience, and the lack of rational explanation, how about Earl Scruggs and Steve Martin doing Foggy Mountain Breakdown?
Wait, that’s that Steve Martin! He’s good! This song is perfect, so you are mostly forgiven for ruining a great sexy song. When I played your first video, all I could think about was Governor Sanford with a hat covering his, um, bush.
Comrade Darkness
@ninerdave: So, I’m betting Sanford doesn’t actually show his face tomorrow.
I bet he does. I think the man is such an egotistical f*ckwad that he is incapable of seeing that he’s done anything outside his rights.
Also the king has no clothes.
What D-chance describes isn’t hiking, it’s a fishing expedition. Republicans in Virginia want Democrats to have to explain where they are 24 hours a day in the hopes that they’ll a) make a mistake or b) not want to tell everybody in the world every detail of their lives.
It’s certainly nothing like Sanford’s going AWOL. Just more dust to throw in the air to cover Republican corruption.
** Atanarjuat **
Has anyone here ever shopped on Woot? In case you haven’t, it’s one of those deal-of-the-day Web sites.
What makes it unique among other such daily bargain places is not that they don’t often sell useless crap (which they do), but the intro to the product description is usually hilarious.
Today’s is called “Sanford & Sling” — as in our favorite Travelling Governor and Hiking Correspondent, Mark Sanford.
“Believe me, being the governor of a small Southern state is no picnic at Fort Sumter. So every once in a while, I just need to drop out and get my head together, dig?”
I think Sanford went Galt. Naked.
Little Dreamer
What does one do in Buenos Aires?
Drugs? Pussy? Any other clues?
Robin Soderling broken by the immortal Marcel Granollers-Pujol. That was his name! Thank you for putting this on the main page.