With the Letterman boycott and what I’m sure must be some kind of NBC/MSBNC boycott already going, this means wingnuts won’t be able to watch any networks:
Rep. John Shadegg says all Americans should “boycott ABC” for the network’s plan to air a “one-sided” townhall meeting on President Obama’s healthcare plan.
The Arizona Republican tells The Hill that it’s “outrageous” that the news network intends to air a 90-minute primetime special Wednesday evening featuring Obama talking about his plan, which includes a “government-run” option.
All they need is Fox – or so I’ve heard.
1. This is how they ensure that the fanatical are only listening to the one true prophet: Fox News.
2. When will Shadegg admit to an affair?
Wait a minute… haven’t wingnuts been boycotting ABC ever since they “edited” that neocon-y propaganda piece, “Path to 9/11”?
Heck, I’ve been boycotting ABC ever since they took “Full House” off the air!
Comrade Stuck
Shadegg is a notably special fruitloop who stands out among all the other fruitloops.
This is my favorite of the conservative cons: complain about a lack of a fairness doctrine but raise funds by railing against a Black Helicopter imposed fairness doctrine.
That show did have a very catchy theme song.
But it also unleashed both Bob Sagat and John Stamos on an unsuspecting world.
I eagerly await the day the Republicans throw a fit that none of their constituents are hearing about their plans to boycott a major network because no one is watching the coverage of their boycott plans. Oh sweet irony of life.
If a Republican holds a boycott in the Appalachian Woods, does he make a sound?
I guess everyone who works for KNXV-Phoenix and KGUN-Tucson is a Democrat – now.
Comrade Dread
If one is loyal to The Party, one only needs Fox News and talk radio.
True. But it is always entertaining to take someone who only knows Sagat from his Full House/AFHV days and expose them to his material now.
I wonder, if we’d thought ahead could we have convinced them the DTV changeover was a communist plot?
Little Dreamer
They still have Fox, which educates them in how philandering governors and politicians are always Democrats, despite evidence to the contrary.
I hear the RNC will be having a White Elephant sale soon.
Was there an Annie Laurie boycott while I was on vacation, or is she hiking the AT?
Well, heck yeah. That’l work. Boycott ABC (and Disney too? That rocks) Now that we all know Sanford is a Democrat (courtesy of Fox News), the public is getting fed up with those scumbags.
But seriously, as a Democrat, who has just read that multiple polls say > 70% of public favors a public option, I welcome Shadegg’s stupid move.
BTW, as long as topic is Stupid GOP Tricks: TPM says that Sanford’s wife asked him to leave two weeks ago for a trial separation, because she discovered the affair (or affairs?, not sure which). She said she did not know where he was because, well, she did not particularly want to know where he was for awhile.
So, he did not need to skip out on his family on the sly. So, why did he botch his Argentinian Tango so badly? Why didn’t he fake pre-arrange a fake private business trip down there? I can excuse sorry ass contrite apologies from a sketchily contrite busted adulterer. I cannot excuse bumbling, except as a Democrat, I love it!
@mcc: Hahahahaha! That would have been so funny. Let’s see, what else can we get them to boycott?
“Two Republicans have been outed for having affairs this week.”
“Okay, what’s the good news?”
“It wasn’t with each other.”
It makes sense, because ABC is the closest competition to Fox News for the Wingnuttiest Network award. Therefore they are the biggest threat to Murdoch’s plan to enslave the white race.
Who can forget the Charlie/George flag-pin debate? And ABC Radio broadcasts an endless loop of MUSLIM TELEPROMPTER SOROS ACORN.
And the commenters at ABC.com make Glenn Beck’s audience look like Netroots Nation.
I’m always amazed at how many wingnuts comment over there. Esp given their percentage of the population these days. Sometimes I wonder who’s paying wingnut commenters or if someone is using a spam bot that knows only how to spell ACORN, TELEPROMPTER, and CHICAGO.
Which, as Josh Marshall pointed out, not only got exclusive access to the Bush White House all the time, but bragged about it.
Thomas Levenson
What’s delightful about this is that if the boycott were to become a true wingnut meme, then in the ratings we will have something of a quantitative measure of the extent of greater (sic) wingnuttia; whatever the predicted numerical decline in ABC’s viewership, I’ll take the under.
Peter J
@Comrade Dread: Two Words: The Aristocrats!
David Letterman got mildly carried away, but his heart was in the right place. Sarah Palin is an asshole and an abomination who deserves to be ridiculed whenever possible.
John Shadegg can go fuck himself.
I think Obama should do healthcare Cheney style. Completely behind the scenes with no public input or concern for the opposition.
Isn’t that what we’ve gotten use to?
Brian J
Here’s an idea for the Republicans: come up with a plan–any plan–and then have the leaders from the House and Senate contact one of the major networks to do just what Obama is doing. If it really makes a difference, insist that it’s ABC. If you do nothing more than have someone read a Milton Friedman article from the Hoover Institution, it’d be a lot more credible then what you guys are doing now. And hell, if you insist on hamming it up a little and feel the need to have someone good looking like we have with Obama, have Katherine Heigl, Meghan Fox, and Olivia Wilde take turns talking about how free market health care gets them all hot and bothered. It certainly couldn’t hurt.
Mike G
Heck, I’ve been boycotting ABC ever since they took “Full House” off the air!
I’ve been boycotting ABC ever since they put “Full House” on the air. What a piece of dreck.
Digital Amish
yeah, heaven forbid that Americans be subjected to a serious, in depth discussion (one hopes) on health care insurance. All we really need to know is the health care reform = communism.
Fuck Shadegg and all the like minded encephalitic cretins.
South of I-10
There were actually protesters in front of the local ABC affiliate. We are convinced they are being paid. I can’t believe anyone is insane enough to protest a TV show in this heat.
Just unplugged TV + cant see any news or lib shows Now I see what Helen Keller went thru
Bob In Pacifica
I’m boycotting the History Channel. They always have the Nazis losing those WWII reruns. Must the liberal fascists running the network.
ABC responded:
I’ll bet the WH was thinking it would be healthcare discussion day on the teevee in the lead up to the Prez show tonight.
It seems Sanford screwed that pooch too.
That ABC response is golden — makes the Republicans look like the petty children that they are.
@Doug J
But you’re okay with the Olsen Twins?!?
Any chance we can get the Far Right to boycott my blog? I need the traffic.
Perhaps he’ll call for a return to the fairness doctrine.
Jim Pharo
It’s like Eddie Izzard’s constantly “jihading” everyone in in his special “Dressed to Kill,” which included a jihad on the fruit guy for bad fruit.
This is what Republicans do when they don’t have anything else.
Florida Cynic
@South of I-10:
They were out in front my local ABC affiliate, too. I honestly had no idea who the numbnuts waving signs in 4 lanes of traffic and 90+ degree (heat index towards 110) weather were until I caught a look at the “say no to socialism” sign and the minuteman hat. Do these people not work? Hell, with that sort of behavior, maybe they’ll Darwin a few out of the crowd.
@DougJ: Be fair. While Sagat did, indeed, suck on that show (and on Funniest Home Videos), he is genuinely a funny guy. Maybe it’s just the contrast, but seeing him do stand up, or his gig on Entourage, away from the family friendly pap on primetime, is pretty awesome.