Via the Political Carnival, this Orly Taitz meltdown is must-see tv:
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
The thing that all the Democrats and the Blue Dogs need to be made aware of is that this is who is showing up raising hell at the health-care meetings. They are the same people that believed the Clinton Chronicles, spent the last eight years waving American flags while singing Let the Eagle Soar, the same people who then changed into NOBAMA t-shirts and traded racist emails with each other after going to Palin rallies, the same misfits who then carried poorly spelled signs to tea parties. This is the fringe. Just ignore them.
I hang my head in shame that it took me until right this second to see the O-RLY angle.
I fail at the Internets.
These people are the guy I sometimes get stuck behind in traffic leaving my office park who has a bumper sticker that reads “why do we never hear about Obama’s white half”.
General Winfield Stuck
I watched this earlier and could not help feeling pity for this poor woman. She’s crazy as a shithouse rat and nobody can do anything about it. If she wasn’t wasting news cycle time and stirring up the birther nutbags, I would just say get some help lady and ignore her. Sad commentary she can get anywhere near a mic.
schrodinger's cat
Is she for real?
Comrade Darkness
Not Found
Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn’t here.
The WP gods agree with you.
This is too much deep philosophy. I think WP is at risk of becoming sentient.
She’s in Tel Aviv.
She’s calling journalists brownshirts and comparing them to Nazis.
Just a surreal observation.
The Grand Panjandrum
This was entertaining. And speaking of poorly spelled signs I linked to this in another thread but I’ll spam you with it anyway. TRANSPARANCY! But to get the full effect you have scroll down to the guy with the sign that says he doesn’t have healthcare but he don’t want no Obamacare.
As the videos of these townhall events come out and the birfers get some air time I think enough people will understand that we are seeing Palin rally redux.
This was… yeah… something else to watch. Wow.
Um. Where do we start with people like this? She’s got those crazy eyes, you know?
This was the first time I got a chance to see this. She is nuts. I love it that she is getting so much airtime at about the time the nuts are showing up at the health care forums being held by congresspeople. At some point (and we maybe past the point) it is going to set in with 60% of the American people that the right is made up of nearly nothing but crazies and that 60% will not let the right within a million miles of power the rest of their lifes, if they can.
The Grand Panjandrum
This person has evidently never heard of the “just one drop of African blood” maxim. Of course, it should also be pointed out that we do here plently about his “Muslim” side.
And Suster is Jewish to top it off.
I remember when I used to laugh and point at my parents generation because they had people who ran around ranting about how fluoride in the water was a plot to poison us all and Dwight Eisenhower was a secret communist. Hahaha, what a bunch of maroons! Can you believe how gullible people were back then! That’s what I thought.
If my folks were still alive, I’d be apologizing to them right about now.
Wouldn’t all the right wingers who care about this insanity be unhappy with her non-American accent?
General Winfield Stuck
This reminds me of the waning days of Captains Quarters, which was when the primaries were getting started. I spent a lot of time trolling there and was astounded at the depth and energies these people had put into unwinding phantom Clinton Conspiracies. Especially the ChiCom connection that Hillary was a super duper triple agent working for the China Reds and of course with the Clinton’s passing them vital US secrets.
In their minds, (wingnut Clinton Chroniclers) were intricate and detailed evidence proving their theories. Dates, meetings all over the world, sometimes minute to minute accounts of what the Clinton’s were up to on Foreign trips. Mind boggling, the insanity. And now they have their tin foil hats tuned to the Obama frequency.
Ron Beasley
The only thing the Democrats have going for them at this point in time is that the Republican party looks like an asylum that the lunatics have taken over.
General Winfield Stuck
Wow, I just got a scary WP error page.
Damn, I’m glad she’s the face of the birther movement.
She leaves the only people who this might appeal to, wondering why this hysterical furriner is telling us that our president is illegitimate.
I was also wondering what the hell she was doing in Tel Aviv. It would be nice if someone would revoke her citizenship while she’s over there.
i love her shifty little eyes, before she starts talking.
but i simply can not stand to listen to her, nor to people trying to talk over each other.
I saw that Tbogg posted this last night I agreed with him then.
But mostly, I just got pissed about it. Again.
Don’t go to Orly Taitz’s official website. It serves up about a thousand kinds of malware.
A) The webmaster sucks,
B) She’s deliberately planting malware on people’s machines,
CURSE YOU, WP SUPER CACHE! *shakes fist*
Wow…I keep watching this video as it shows on different blogs, and I’ve concluded that I am either a masochist or one of those people who slows down to view disastrous wrecks on the highway.
Can you imagine this dentist drilling in your mouth? Or representing you in court with her correspondence school law degree valid only in California? She’s way more than bugfuck crazy. She needs Thorazine, stat.
You site loaded shittily. I hadda refresh the screen then WOLAH! it was fine. Better ask for yo 8 benjies back.
She really looks like a guy with a bad wig.
Didn’t that Orly Taitz play that creepy “blonde” in the David Lynch movie “Wild At Heart?”
Capn America
Only in America can someone born in the USSR accuse the president of not being a citizen.
This just convinces me more that Orly Taitz is really a performance artist in drag, and this is his masterpiece.
BTW, that can’t be her real voice. That’s Michael Palin playing a woman. Also.
I used to think Orly Taitz was mAnn Coulter’s brother in drag, but this clip made me realize that she’s actually Sasha Baron Cohen in a pink blouse.
C’mon, you’ve never seen both of them in the same room, have you?
Capn America
Only in America can someone born in the USSR accuse the president of not being a citizen.
[…] Ms. Taitz, a graduate of the RuPaul Institute of Advanced Cosmetics Application Sciences and confidante of the popular blogger known only as “Brick Oven Bill” is reportedly the leader of the mysterious far-right cult phenomenon known as “The Birthers”. She is shown here, caught on video after wandering apparently undetected into an cable tv studio where she was taped during a rambling, barely coherent diatribe she began after comandeering a live video camera from a seriously wounded studio technician […]
Bad Horse's Filly
@freelancer: paintchip-eating
Lead poisoning (slaps forehead) that explains so much.
This is who is showing up. FreedomWorks is who is raising hell.
She looks like she’s wearing a pajama top and sitting on her hands at the beginning.
Someone obviously told her that all the hand gestures make her seem crazy…which is true, but misses the forest for the tree.
Ruh-oh, gremlins back.
Here’s ABC (the one in Oz) interviewing the “little old grey-haired guy in Adelaide” whose birth certificate Orly & Co swiped. Read or, if the accent tickles you, listen.
Meet my parents, sigh.
This, however, is why I support the space program.
Survivor: Mars, starring Orly, Chuck Norris, Pat Boone, and Glenn Beck, would be a terrific program–you wouldn’t even need to put it on your tee-vee.
Yeah, I saw Milbank and Cillizza have a new video.
Oh, you mean the WP errors. That too.
And in further Orly news, Taitz denies that the Kenya BC is a forgery and claims that the Bomfort BC “was created to try to discredit my efforts”.
Also, somewhere on Freeper, and unfortunately I can’t find it now, someone wrote an e-mail to Orly about the malware on her site, and got back a response from Orly that said she was sure Google was in on the conspiracy and that she had informed them she would be adding Google to her RICO suit if they didn’t stop warning people that her site was full of malware.
Oh, happy happy joy joy!
I thought of the O RLY connection before but wasn’t motivated to put this together until now. This is the best I could do with a brief Google image search:
Josh Huaco
Whenever I see that woman’s name I see ‘Oily Taint.’
@Bad Horse’s Filly:
All I can say is thank FSM for Superfund in my area, otherwise I might could have been a T-bagger myself!
Of course it’s all Obama’s fault, what isn’t?
We need to start a new blog game — show us a vid, and we hafta guess it as either legit or SNL.
Someone on some other blog was wondering whether this was the debut of “Natasha Baron Cohen”.
@Colette: This. Gotta be the next Borat-ish movie which show how shitty the media is.
General Winfield Stuck
Yea, and I can’t believe Memerandum has her site up on it’s page right now. I clicked it like a dumbass and got the “warning sign”
@Josh Huaco
At least a man’s taint serves a purpose…
@dmsilev: My vote is for Andy Kaufman love child who’s trying to prove himself worthy of dad.
Brick Oven Bill
All I really expect out of my political leadership is for them to be honest with me. I’ll take it from there. Then they continuously lie and misrepresent things to push their agendas (public election funds, FISA, smoke taxes, you can keep your health plan if you like it, on and on and on), and it makes you wonder.
Who is this guy and why will he not release the paperwork documenting aspects of his life? The press would have had a fit if George Bush had refused to release his college records. Silence for Obama.
Good for Orly Taitz. You know a woman is making a valid point when people make fun of her looks and compare her name to genitalia-related body-parts.
OT, I know, I know, the primaries are over, but WashPost has an “inside the 2008″ article detailing the Obama/Kennedy endorsement. I found it a very interesting read. With Bill Clinton in the news, it makes it a more interesting read.
Check it out:
href=””>How Obama Snared The Lion of The Senate
I think there is a certain amount of peril in simply ignoring these folks, John. No one should try to engage them in a serious conversation because they are obviously not interested in such a thing.
They do need to be humiliated.
If you leave them alone, all they will do is fester. I am increasingly alarmed and increasingly convinced that this movement will produce one or more people who will try to violently harm the President or other government officials. They are just that crazy, just that unhinged and, scariest of all, they are absolute true believers in the truest racist, jingoistic sense of the term.
They personally and their views need to be thoroughly humiliated at every opportunity. To simply leave them alone is not going to work.
Steve V
I’d like to know which judge’s courtroom she filed that fake birth certificate in … some of those federal judges can be mighty prickly about having crap documents submitted to them.
But really, this is funny and everything but it’s just beyond tragic that this woman has been allowed to appear on national television.
Put. The. Spray-paint can. Down!
While I agree that she may be crazy, I think Shuster came out the dick in all of this. Shouting down someone as they start to answer you, Chris Mathews style, does not a journalist make. This is more like the Russert gotcha school of investigative reporting. There was apparently one correct answer and she didn’t give it in the first sentence. And ooh, she called me a brown shirt.
And then the questions about what she thinks about what Coulter said about birthers. And Rove? Who the fuck cares either way? What does that have to do with anything?
I was glad to see someone asking about the Hawaii birth announcements. That point in and of itself makes the whole argument absurd. Let the woman respond (that the mother tried to avoid immigration fees), refute facts if you can, put her statements in context and let people decide. Or don’t bring her on the show. Cutting her off after 10 seconds is not fierce. It’s just rude. Saying “This person called you crazy. What do you have to say to that?” is just lazy and stupid.
And the smugness from these two hosts. Geez. There’s nothing to celebrate here. It’s the same shallow approach that shows itself in the healthcare debate, or any other issue for that matter. Regretfully I think Orly Taitz came out better in this exchange, and that’s saying something given that I think her opinions are ridiculous.
And by the way, for the sake of argument let’s say Obama was born overseas – wouldn’t Obama be a citizen by virtue of being born to an American citizen?
Dr. Cole, dude! Orly is a MOSSAD operative.
I kid you not.
Just Some Fuckhead
Nathan Lane called and he wants his wig back.
Goddamn the stoopid is strong with a colored man in da White House.
wouldn’t Obama be a citizen by virtue of being born to an American citizen?
silence ! facts are part of the liberal conspiracy!
Cat Lady
@Patrick: I agree that they need to be humiliated, but if you watched the video, what on earth would it take to humiliate her? Humiliation works when you have a sense of proportion and a basic understanding of the paradigm of the way the world works. She’s psycho, and stops short of putting her hands over her ears and saying la la la la I can’t hear you. Really, all sane people can do is stop sticking a microphone in front of her, because that video almost, not quite, but almost borders on exploiting the mentally disturbed. I laughed and shook my head, but it’s clear she’s unhinged. She’s gone all in, and it won’t end well for her.
Rec: I think it has to do with mom’s age that makes overseas a problem. On L but I think that is right.
Here is the singular fundamental priciple of the Right: the ends justify the means. It is the glue that holds the Straussian neo-cons in a conjoined death spiral with the religous true believers who possess a privileged and unasailable access to the Truth that can justify all.
You know, they never got around to filming a sequel to Marathon Man.
General Winfield Stuck
Has to be natural born, or on American soil. Not a question of being a citizen by being born by an American citizen. Or something like that.
Whats scary is that she won’t even accept the possibility that she might be wrong. Birth Announcements in the local paper? Obama’s grandparents planted it. COLB? Forged. Ann Dunham, American Citizen? Well she wasn’t 21 so not really a citizen.
The disconnect is amazing.
Obama’s mother and grandparents, people who by all accounts were fairly lower middle class their entire lives, apparently were the Hawaiian versions of the Corelone family with all their influence and connections.
Just ignore them? I disagree. Give videos such as this one as much publicity as possible; let the rest of the nation see for themselves that these people are seriously bonkers.
OK. Yeah, I’m going to comment on a champagne popper of badness in this video which includes a supernova of craziness.
I’m not ignoring the supernova. It just stands on its own w/o the need for comment.
So, back to the champagne popper of badness.
This is MSNBC. Supposedly a news channel. but the Professional Journalist(TM) feels the need to make a funny face/voice when he says the words “alleged birth certificate that supposedly…”
Look. If this story is too crazy to give a straight into to, then why oh why do news stations have to cover it? No, I’m not saying that the birther thing is a Lie-beral plot to mock conservatives. What I’m saying is that MSNBC, while not leaning in the same direction as Fox News, is just as much an Infotainment outlet.
They put her on, not because she is news, not because they are trying to discredit anyone, but because this is better TV than Jerry Springer.
That would be fine on Comedy Central. It would be fine on youtube. But the fact that all the TV news networks have turned into clown colleges is not funny. It is tragic
you don’t understand Orly’s purpose.
She has dual US/Israeli citizenship.
She is bffs with Alan Keyes.
This is the constituency she represents in Israel, the israeli version of our birthers.
“Some revelers took an intermission from the partying to express to us their hatred for the Iranian people. And a group of teenagers launched into a virtually unprompted diatribe against Barack Obama, referring to him as a Nazi, a Muslim, and a “Cushi,” which is Hebrew slang for “nigger.” When questioned about the source of his opinions, one teenager proudly declared himself a “gezan,” or a racist.”
Orly is here to make sure that Obama doesn’t pressure the Israelis to reveal their secret nuclear arsenal or to freeze the settler movement.
Josh Huaco
Just say for a moment that the president really wasn’t born an American citizen, that he was born in Kenya. So what? Part of this country’s narrative is that anybody can come here, and with a ferocious work ethic and some smarts go as far as they want to go. Why not the presidency? Wouldn’t an immigrant president be a sign of America’s strength, instead of a threat?
/realizes he’s asking a rhetorical question.
Ignore them? Nah. They’re our best weapon!
Get these crazies in front of the cameras at every opportunity. Link them indelibly with Republicans and conservatives. When someone thinks about a Republican, we want them to think of one of these wackos.
We will never convince these crazies to vote Democratic. Geez, they’d burn a guy like Republican like Lugar in effigy. But, we can hang them like an albatross around the necks of the right-wing.
Well to be fair, you can understand why they moved heaven and earth to “authenticate” their mixed race grandchild. They just wanted to ensure he had every chance of someday being President. After all, that’s what all the other miscegenated families were doing, six years before Loving vs. Virgina. They all thought their babe in swaddling clothes some day was going to end up in the White House. Who wouldn’t run out and forge a birth annoucement, etc., under those circumstances?
With any luck, this will continue through the next two elections.
C’mon, Birfers! C’mon, you magnificent bastards! Don’t let those silly “facts” things get in your way! Keep on keepin’ on!
“That would be fine on Comedy Central.
It would be fine on youtube.
But the fact that all the TV news networks
have turned into clown colleges is not funny.
It is tragic”
This is so sadly true, joe.
(sorry, the blockquote, etc, not working)
According the lunatic Internment Camp Malkin, Michelle Obama used her father’s big time connections as a sewer worker to climb up the ladder of success.
Between that idiocy and Uncle Arthur Laffer warning about the government getting a hold of Medicare and Medicaid, I am convinced the nation is so full of idiots that it is too late to save it.
The important thing about this story is what it tells us about America. We are the land of endless opportunity where any American, no matter how humble their birth or unlikely their background, can study, work hard, climb the ladder of success and then have unhinged racist nutjobs loudly question not only their patriotism but their very citizenship while the latter are egged on by rancid opportunists and smirking dunces in the media infotainment complex. What a country!
Nice hair, lady. Did you give your stylist the cover of “Dusty in Memphis” as a reference?
@Josh Huaco:
Josh, read Article II of the Constitution:
“… No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States. …”
@General Winfield Stuck:
How do people get away with saying that?
The constitution requires that the president be a natural born citizen
There is no clear statement ANYWHERE in US law defining the term “natural born citizen”
There is a court case somewhere that decided that 2 citizen parents + born on US soil -> natural born citizen. In that same court decision, the judge mentions that some folks think that 1 citizen parent + born on US soil or 2 citizen parents + born on foreign soil -> not natural born, but then goes on to state that that case wasn’t about that so the decision specifically does not affirm either of those claims.
Anything beyond that is just people talking.
Now I think the most sensible way to proceed is to equate “natural born” with “citizen at birth,” but then, that is just me talking.
Orly thinks otherwise (fine). But she does not present it as her opinion of how it ought to be, but she presents it as if it were settled law. (stupidly and transparently dishonest)
But no one seems to call her on it to her face.
Birthers tell Chris Dodd to kill himself:
“Barack Obama clearly said, all you should do is take a painkiller. How come we just don’t give Chris Dodd painkillers?” shouted one man. “Like a handful of them at a time! He can wash it down with Ted Kennedy’s whiskey — oh excuse me, scotch!”
Ditto as said above. You cannot ignore this woman because she is dangerous. She is calling for POTUS to be executed, she is encouraging her followers to take up arms and revolt, she is telling members of the military that they do not have to follow orders from an illegitimate CinC. She is dangerous and she must be stopped. One man is already dead at the Holocaust Museum because of her madness, possibly more. She has actively encouraged people to take up arms and defend themselves against “Obamas brownshirts” and she appeals to the lowest common denominator. She is actively discouraging people from having their children vaccinated against any disease (particularly swine flu) because it is all part of Obama’s plot. She is dangerous, and she should be mocked and villified every chance we get. The more her face is out there and the more people get an opportunity to see her utter lunacy the better. Every last vile word that this bitch posts is logged, is screenshotted, and is forwarded to the relevant authorities, as it should be. The folks at Politijab (one of who’s posters blew the Kenyan BC as a fake from an Australian template) are very serious about taking down this woman. If you want to join us please do. (apologize for the blog pimping but this is important)
Did she withdraw her complaint? She attached a forged document, right? And now she knows it’s a forgery?
I think birthers would be better served demanding some documentation from Orly.
What-all do they know about this person?
Even Glenn Beck thinks the birfers are full of shit.
Even Glenn Beck thinks Orly is nuts.
Orly: Glenn. Beck. Is. Calling. You. Insane. Glenn. Beck.
Josh Huaco
I know what the Constitution says. I was just asking, So what? How would it be a bad thing if there was no citizenship requirement in the Constitution, and that any capable immigrant could someday become president of The Greatest Country on Earth(TM).
I’m not terrified of an idiot like this – I’m terrified that, as others have said, she’s able to even get on MSNBC. I’m terrified that the Right seems to be getting all the news cycles – and I hate that our media can’t seem to have a quality control knob to weed out this shit because they are all ratings bitches.
@Patrick: I agree that they absolutely should not be ignored — both for the reason you cite of the danger they pose to the President, and because I believe that the extent to which the “respectable” right is quietly (or not so quietly) letting these folks have at it is in fact a threat to democracy (I waxed horrified about this over at my own place today, if you want to read me worrying about the state of our democracy) BUT, I disagree on the humiliation front.
Humiliation makes people who are already irrational even more irrational, and to my mind, more dangerous. They need to be shut down, repeatedly, with a minimum of fanfare and a minimum of poking-them-with-sticks.
An earlier BJ post had a link to a DailyKos diary with details about a townhall meeting in which the rabble was quieted, and that approach makes the most sense to me: Just quietly, firmly, not give any quarter. (,-lessons-shared.)
Comrade Dread
Or we could go with the MacBeth route and figure it means any kid vaginally born to an American woman. Sorry, people who got delivered via C-section. You’re outta luck. Kindly get out of our country.
She doesn’t sound Murkin.
Ha! I heard her interviewed on NPR’s On Point last week and thought the very same thing!
General Winfield Stuck
You are correct that the natural born requirement in the constitution was not clearly defined. But I believe the standard of being born on American soil has been the accepted standard via what court cases have settled on. I may well be wrong, but If so I will blame my Civics/government teachers in High School and after, which is where I got it.
@Josh Huaco:
Wouldn’t hurt my feeling a-tall to have an immigrant convince us that s/he deserves to be President. But it would take passing another Amendment, which I doubt would ever happen on this issue. If anyone ever came on strong enough to get that process started, s/he’d be too old to serve by the time enough states ratified it.
steve s
The MSNBC guy did a terrible job of managing the conversation. At several points they were each lengthily talking over each other. Taitz still came across as crazy, but the MSNBC guy looked somewhat incapable.
Orly Taitz… i love the name. Birf certificate, she can has them.
We should call her “LolCat”
If the right wing has to be dominating the airwaves, I’d rather it be a freak show like Orly than some truthy-sounding “analyst”.
You know, I realize a great deal of the decline of critical thinking comes from an overly egalitarian point of view that makes everyone an expert (“pfft, what do scientists know?”). But I still find myself wondering every single day, what differentiates the average “policy analyst” from “random opinionated asshole at the end of a bar”. It certainly doesn’t seem to be applicable knowledge.
Cat Lady
OT, but the Boston cop who emailed the jungle monkey screed was just on a local Boston talk show with his lawyer, who made the case that because Obama made a bad joke on Leno about the Special Olympics, IT’S EXACTLY THE SAME!
And, in case that doesn’t convince everyone, they’re suing the city for denying him his civil rights.
General Winfield Stuck
And also under “The Flag” would qualify as natural born. Where a baby of American citizens is born on a US military base out of country, or at some embassy. Like John Sidney McCain.
Brick Oven Bill
Another sign is that Gibbs tells us there is nothing he can do to silence debate over the birth certificate issue. The Administration is then likely involved in taking away the livelihood of the Army Major who asked the question, and removing the press credentials of the reporter who asked the question.
This, of course, may all be a cheap political stunt to discredit opponents. But there already is a body-count. In either scenario, Obama should come clean. The President is being greedy.
Comrade Jake
What I want to know is: who goes to see this woman to get their teeth cleaned?
You underestimate the winger mind.
The theory bouncing around the wing-o-sphere right now is that the Kenyan BC is the original that the Australian BC is the forgery.
Now, hang on, it gets bumpy from here.
There are some problems with the Kenyan BC that was passed around the intertubes yesterday. It has a couple of jokes embedded in it (the document number and the name of someone who signed it), but there is ANOTHER original Kenyan BC that has a different document # and a different signature, so THAT is the real original, and the one that was passed around yesterday was hacked by o-bots.
Now the problem with that theory is that the hacked joke BC that was passed around yesterday came directly from Orly’s website. So the website was obviously hacked by o-bots.
But a problem with that theory is that Orly has a post in her website’s forum last week asking about the joke signature as to whether it was real – and THAT makes no sense (because the o-bots didn’t add the name to the BC till it was released on the weekend), so the o-bots have clearly hacked her forum.
So you see, it isn’t a forgery. It is everything ELSE in the known universe that is the forgery. (Oh how I wish I had just made all that up)
Comrade Dread
If a soldier refuses to follow orders, then they had better expect consequences. The military does not take a shine to that type of behavior. (see “soldiers refusing to deploy to Iraq”)
Just Some Fuckhead
@Brick Oven Bill:
Only you can silence you, Bill. Lead by example, be the change you want to see in others.
General Winfield Stuck
@Brick Oven Bill:
Nope Bobalu, He’s playing you dumbass rubes like a cheap Fiddle, feeding out as much rope as you want. Watching you dance in teh Hoedown a crazy.
steve s
Yeah, but they’re getting coverage while looking like stupid loudmouthed bigots. While the other side is getting overage for discussing health reform legislation. That contrast is probably being noticed by a fair number of people.
The birther crap is on the same level as the truther crap and those who believe that the moon landings were faked. It’s merely people who want to believe that they know the truth despite the forces working against them to keep the “lies” perpetuated.
That said, trying to paint everyone on the right with this brush is itself a lie. People can disagree on the health care issue or cap and trade or any number of policy issue and not be the sort of evil pricks you seem intent on casting them as.
Nim, ham hock of liberty
Well the 14th amendment makes it explicit that born on US soil = citizen, and nobody seriously suggests that this citizenship by birth doesn’t satisfy the “natural born citizen” requirement of Article II – regardless of the parents’ citizenships. So that’s where the assumption comes from, presumably.
Whether a statutory citizenship conveyed at birth for other people (e.g., John McCain) meets the Article II test hasn’t been specifically addressed, but there’s basically no chance that any court would ever conclude that statutory citizenship at birth is not coextensive with “natural born citizen.”
Mail-order lawyer “arguments” notwithstanding.
Wow, she sounds just like my ex-mother-in-law. Same accent, with the same birther nonsense exploding from her mouth. Same wig too. I love the birthosphere more and more every day. It is like a gift from heaven, making a long-sustained Democratic majority entirely probable.
@Brick Oven Bill:
Yes, it’s all Obama’s fault that you all look like idiots. For lo, he is a puppetmaster, and you are naught but a tangle of string, without the capacity for self-reflection or independent judgment.
The second part at least is pretty much what the rest of us have been saying all along…
General Winfield Stuck
Just like clockwork, a new meme is born as the last one dies a drab death. Seems Obama has put out a memo asking people to inquire about getting loonie claims delivered from Wingnut Central on what is in his plan, and what is RW bullshit.
In unison, Greater Wingnuttia is howling that Obama is seeking ratfinks to blow the whistle on their misinfo. Disturbing the Narrative is a crime in their world, and now we have howls of foul that the O thwarting the truth. Lordy, think of the little children.
Orly doesn’t have any respect for her adopted country’s legal system. She files horseshit. She doesn’t hold up her end. This isn’t Russia, sweetie. A complaint is supposed to mean something, as is her signature, and she’s not pro se. She’s called to know one or two of the rules.
Did she know it was forged when she filed it? How long are courts supposed to humor her with this game?
Brick Oven Bill
Well then, Just Some Fuckhead, behold my lead:
1. Questions regarding the President’s birth certificate are giving rise to fringe modern militias, as detailed in Janet’s Domestic Terrorism documents; and
2. The President has promised to operate transparently; and
3. This issue is consuming valuable time that could be put to better use elsewhere; and
4. This issue is giving rise to doubt in some Citizens’ minds regarding the President’s eligibility to hold his office.
5. This whole thing could be put behind us in, like, 5 minutes.
I, Brick Oven Bill, call on the Administration to release the same birth certificate that they released to Joe from Annenberg to Orly. I also call on the President to release his college transcripts, consistent with the disclosures of his predecessors.
@General Winfield Stuck:
I have a rather impressive State Department document complete with red seal and signed by Dean Acheson certifying a “Report of Birth, Child Born Abroad of American Parent or Parents” issued by the American Consulate in the place of my birth. I believe this qualifies me as a natural born citizen.
burnspbesq Johnson is right:
Here’s the link to the Dodd video:
Protestor In Connecticut: “Treat” Dodd With Handful Of Painkillers And Whiskey
Yeah, this is gonna get ugly real fast folks. And now you have some “liberals” who want to “confront” the “protestors” head on, so instead of discussing health care at these town hall forums, now it gonna be some sort of “gang war”. This is stupid.
No one said that GOP can’t also have town halls, so why don’t they have them also. There needs to be REAL DEBATE, not this fake ass outrage shit the organizers of these “protest” are trying to make happen.
I know I might get flamed for this but the political discord on both sides of the debate is just stupid.
You don’t like the ANY Dem plan, but your party ain’t providing any alternative, so you’re gonna BULLY people who actual maybe coming to these town hall meeting to find out what’s going on, and to ask questions they may have. Instead, they have to be in the middle of a dumb ass shouting match because of a few idiots, and their puppeteers.
If I had some legitmate questions for my rep/sen, I would be really pissed at these people…Dem or Conservative.
@Brick Oven Bill:
I do not think that word means what you think it means. For instance, when Dick Cheney presses for a war of choice that he will personally financially profit from via his shares in Halliburton, that is greed.
Is that what he meant by “Present at the Creation”? (which is a great book btw. I just so rarely get to chat about books by former Secretaries of State.)
Cat Lady
People can disagree on the health care issue or cap and trade or any number of policy issue and not be the sort of evil pricks you seem intent on casting them as.
Yes, that’s true, but that isn’t happening anywhere on the right that I can see – the policies are called “evil” because the evil pricks are saying the policies are being promoted by an illegitimatesecretmuslimofascistusurper.
What did I say about the paint?
And to think, our tax and economic policy from 1981-1991 was dictated by a curve Laffer drew on a napkin.
Anne Laurie
Our Evvil Gubmint Bureacrats insisted petroleum companies remove lead from gasoline in the early 1970s because idling autos were poisoning the very air (& soil). If I had stronger google-fu, I could probably find the graph that charts mean SAT scores against the EPA-tested levels of atmospheric lead particulates — the 15-year correlation was pretty striking, IIRC. Don’t know when (if?) the USSR decided to de-lead their petrol, but if Dr. Taitz is any indication the answer is “not soon enough”.
Ben Tre
it became necessary to destroy America, in order to save it…
a neocontradiction
General Winfield Stuck
Yup, that’s my understanding from doing some very minor research. If anybody gives you any guff, tell them General Stuck says aunteeminaz is a righteous Natural Born Murkin. I’m sure they’ll be impressed.:)
@Brick Oven Bill:
I, Brick Oven Bill, call on the Administration to release the same birth certificate that they released to Joe from Annenberg to Orly. I also call on the President to release his college transcripts, consistent with the disclosures of his predecessors.
#1, that’s comedy gold and
#2 when you’re in a hole, the first thing to do is to stop digging. When you realize that you’re in an uncomfortable and embarrassing position because of a fantasy you’ve indulged too much and for too long, the first thing to do is to stop making shit up.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Brick Oven Bill: I hope you don’t cause another mentally troubled individual to take more lives. Is your vanity worth more lives?
@ joes527 / 7:25 pm
You just gave me a HUGE headache.
@Anne Laurie: Not the original study, but a media story about it:
@Cat Lady:
Howard Dean was on the radio today, debating a former Blue Dog Democrat. It was interesting. I better understand Blue Dog Democrats. I finally figured out what the big deal is for them on Medicare reimbursement rates, and I think it’s legit.
The host limited calls to those from Democrats, because that’s just the state of the thing, and he admitted it. This is a debate among Democrats. I don’t know what Republicans are doing, but it isn’t debating.
They have to join. They have to offer something, as the price of admission to the grown up table. The onus isn’t on me to draw them out or soothe them or carefully cajole them. If they want to scream and hurl insults and wave those stupid signs, they can do that, but I’m not playing. I don’t want to.
steve s
On the contrary I think critical thinking has been doing nothing but increasing for hundreds of years.
Funny line from last night: “The man who wrote many of the speeches for President George W. Bush is now working on his memoirs. The book will be called ‘Me Do Bad Job.'” –Conan O’Brien
I’ve often suspected that to be the case. I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to be much richer in the real known universe.
@Brick Oven Bill: Oh, fuck off & die with your BS speculation.
Mike in NC
Fixed. Or be prepared to suffer the consequences.
Not everyone on the right. Just 50-55% of them, according to the polls.
The irony of making this comment on a thread about people who believe things that just aren’t true should not be lost, so I’ll point it out.
@General Winfield Stuck:
If not I can always fall back on the “not by caesarean” argument.
Can you provide a source for those numbers JGabriel? Perhaps a link?
Except in the south, where it exceeds 70%. And Posey’s birther bill picked up a new cosponsor last week, bringing it to ten.
Brick Oven Bill:
Tell you what, BOB. Orly can have the “Got To Be Real” Obama Birth Certificate when George Bush gives Dan Rather his real military records.
Mike in NC
B.O.B., when was the last time you changed your underwear? You really need to come clean…
@Brick Oven Bill
“3. This issue is consuming valuable time that could be put to better use elsewhere; and”
Could you please explain this? Whose time? If you mean the President and/or members of the his administration, please provide some evidence. If you’re complaining about your own valuable time, Orly’s valuable time, or that of birther Congressional representatives, then, I think you’re barking up the wrong tree. If you all choose to pursue this with your own valuable time, then you only have yourselves to blame for wasting it.
Also, just for future reference, in recitals like yours, the “and” would only follow the penultimate declaration. And you garbled your formatting with respect to items 4 and 5 on your list. The senior partner would no likey your recitals (for formatting reasons, it’s your high school geometry teacher who wouldn’t care for the actual content).
IMO, town hall meetings are not that helpful. A lot of it is people stepping to the mike to deliver a lecture, or a fully-formed and unshakable opinion, clumsily disguised as a question.
They work for local issues, because local issues are straightforward and uncomplicated. You’re either FOR the school levy, or AGIN it. I’m not sure listening to twenty random questions and answers on national health care reform gets you any further than you were when you arrived.
I’m willing to pretend, though, because “Town Hall” sounds all New Englandy and Founderish.
I think you probably have to read a lot on health care, unfortunately.
I am a judge in upstate New York. I once had an atty in front of me just like Orly. It was truly the worst day I ever had in Court. She was so concerned about perceived unfairness, she never put any proof in evidence. Seriously, can you imagine this nutjob in Federal District Court attempting to prove what “relatives could have done” in 1961?
Cat Lady
That is really interesting, particularly that the host mentioned that only Democrats are interested in discussing policy. That’s some cold fact you won’t hear on TV right there. I suppose that since cable wants to only talk about Republicans, that they’re all angry dbag-waving morans probably helps the cause more than hurts. It’s the Blue Dogs that are exposed now. That’s where the deal’s going to end up going down, if it doesn’t go.
BTW, if you could say in 10 words or less what the issue is re reimbursements, that would help a lot of us understand, because I just keep thinking, WTF is their problem?
Joe Lisboa
Just quietly, firmly, not give any quarter.
Did someone say No Quarter? God, I hope not.
I’m not sure what you’re talking about Makewi.
Are you saying that Dick Cheney did not retain options or stocks in Halliburton as VP?
Are you saying that Dick Cheney did not push for war in Iraq?
Are you saying that the Iraq War was not a war of choice?
Or that Halliburton, particularly through it’s subsidiary KBR, did not profit from gov’t contracts during the Iraq war, many of them no-bid contracts?
Or that Halliburton stock didn’t increase in value during the Iraq war?
Cause I’m pretty sure all five of those things are true.
waving American flags while singing Let the Eagle Soar
I almost spit my drink laughing at the one. Close call. Good line.
Your a funny person JGabriel
How easy was it to flush your statement of –
…he will personally financially profit from via his shares in Halliburton…
– down the memory hole?
It’s better to have the appearance of truth than to actually add truth to the world? Take a bow, you might as well be a birfer.
Because the truth is that the Cheney’s did not “personally financially profit from via his shares in Halliburton”. Did you know that?
Anne Laurie
Thanks, MikeJ.
Finally, someone found the real birth certificate. Someone tell Orly, please.
Speaking of hilarious conspiracies, it’s well known the Bin Laden family was an investor in Arbusto Energy, the company created to give W. something for his resume. Not much was said about this in the news, or Drudge, if I recall correctly. Now, imagine Obama having the Bin Laden’s as an investor in a sweetheart created company? Just imagine the current furore – we’d probably already have civil war.
The difference is so vast. The question I’ve been asking myself – how do we get over this? Or are these types of nutjobs a permanent part of the American landscape? I can’t imagine all the drunks of the 1800’s particularly friendly or well spoken.
General Winfield Stuck
Apparently, she has already accused Chief SCOTUS Justice Roberts of treason. And also, I think of Supremes staff of trashcanning her documents. I don’t know how she could top that, but somehow I think she will find a way.
Oh, Mak, you’re such a card!
Here’s a Daily Kos / Research 2000 poll showing that only 42% of Republicans believe that Obama was born in the US, compared to 83% of Independents and 92% of Democrats.
And early polling data from a PPP poll in VA shows a remarkably similiar 41% of Republicans believing that Obama was born in the US.
But I’m sure you knew about these polls already, and were just being a jackass.
General Winfield Stuck
Your right, he donated his profits to the Easter Bunny/ What a sweet man/
Tamron’s “bish plz” face after Orly threatened to ruin her broadcast career was priceless.
@Cat Lady:
Health care bores the hell out of me, but I got sucked in to the S-CHIP thing because the local lefties knew I would bite for kiddy health care, so I’m trying to keep up.
Medicare reinbursement rates are scored, and rural areas start with a lower score. That’s rational, because it’s based on a couple of factors, one of which is what things cost, and another is “skill”. So, if you’re in a rural area, and you get cardiac care from a family practice physician, instead of a cardiologist (because there is no cardiologist) your area gets less from Medicare. Rural House members fix that, by lobbying for extra funds on top of the score. Orzag wants to take that power away from Congress, to slow cost increases. That’s a good idea, even Republicans like it, but Blue Dog Democrats get ripped off without “negotiated rates”, or the extra money they add.
Physicians don’t want to practice in rural areas, for a number of good “lifestyle” reasons, and if they’re also paid less, they will flee in ever-greater numbers.
Wow. Not a math wiz eh JGabriel? That poll shows that of the 11% of those polled who didn’t believe that Obama was natural born, 52% of them were Republican. Not 52% of Republicans.
Want to dig deeper or just fold now?
@General Winfield Stuck:
I’m not really sure what to make of your Easter Bunny comment. I do believe that you don’t like the man.
Nim, ham hock of liberty
This is irony, or something.
Please re-read the chart.
If your interpretation was correct, there would not be a “yes” column under the demographics.
In other words, 28% of Republicans don’t think he is a citizen, and 30% aren’t sure.
Petard -> hoist.
Maybe it’s just me but doesn’t Makewi seem very, um, concerned?
Nim, ham hock of liberty
Alternatively, just clicking on the link in the kos summary makes it explicit:
QUESTION: Do you believe that Barack Obama was born in the United States of America or not?
ALL 77 11 12
MEN 75 12 13
WOMEN 79 10 11
DEM 93 4 3
REP 42 28 30
IND 83 8 9
General Winfield Stuck
I’ll like him better when he’s playin’ Pinochle with the Devil./
Aw, sorry Mak, but you’re wrong. My math SAT score was 750. And here’s the pretty table:
Daily Kos/Research 2000 Breakdown of Birthers by party:
Yes No Not sure
Dem 93 4 3
Rep 42 28 30
Ind 83 8 9
Now, if the table was only a breakdown of the 11/% that didn’t believe Obama was a natural born citizen, then it wouldn’t include a “Yes” column, would it? Obviously, it’s a breakdown of the entire poll results by party.
Guess you didn’t do too well in math or English.
Sigh, DougJ, is that you again?
I’m not concerned at all. I’m pointing out your errors. I’ll tell you right now I’m not one of you and I oppose pretty much everything being attempted by this administration. So suck it.
General Winfield Stuck
No shit Sherlock. Not git yer happy ass to a local teabag/birfer party where you can be all the idiot you can be.
You can put this video in the library as the moment Orly’s 15 minutes of media freakdom was over. When Coulter and Beck say you’re crazy, it’s time to up the meds. Don’t look behind you Orly, no one’s following.
We’ve got a car rebate to kill. The last thing we need is more gas available by subsidizing fuel efficient cars. Fascists.
Cat Lady
Thanks for that info. The MSM will stay distracted with the nuttiness on the right, but I hope the battle with the Blue Dogs will start to get more attention. I just really, really wish Harry Reid wasn’t Harry Reid.
General Winfield Stuck
Who the fuck knows anymore? Treat them all with malice and let God sort out the spoofs. that’s my motto.
In other words, 28% of Republicans don’t think he is a citizen, and 30% aren’t sure.
You’re right, the story was worded badly but the source table has the data. Of course 28% is NOT the 50-55% originally claimed, unless you want to pretend that there is no distinction between the 2.
I think the truthers have about the same percentages.
Mike in NC
Cheney’s did not “personally financially profit from via his shares in Halliburton”. Did you know that?
Serial draft dodger has a skin flute that needs tuning. Ya up for that task?
Donald G
Hospital provided ceremonial birth certificates are not proper birth certificates. They have no legal standing and cannot be used for identification purposes. Only state issued certificates are proper and have proper legal standing.
No shit Sherlock. Not git yer happy ass to a local teabag/birfer party where you can be all the idiot you can be.
Well I would, but I’m waiting for you to return the paper mache supplies you borrowed from me for your last run at the truther / bush is the devil festival. How’d that sweet pink tank turn out btw?
Man, that Kenyan/Australian forgery… it looks like the person folded up a blank piece of paper and then photoshopped the text onto a picture of the folded up piece of paper. I could be wrong, but I lol’d.
In my best reggae dancehall growl:
Woman from Moldova jus’ a mash up the place
All she wanna see is his serfiticket
Taking out the Major Kooks with her dental drill
Challenging Judge John Roberts with her birther skillz
Marshalling the syphilitics with the gross buboes
Helping them when the bank tries a house repo
Dental, legal, real-estate
Ooh ooh she got the serfitickets
Booyaka booyaka, got the serfitickets
Am I the only one who thinks this wingnut is a drag queen? I mean, seriously??
@General Winfield Stuck:
@Cat Lady:
I live in a rural area and my House member is a winger. There’s a difference between Blue Dogs and wingers. Trust me. I’d take one in a minute.
General Winfield Stuck
Don’t be silly, Bush is far to dimwitted to be the devil.
Donald G
Following on from my previous comment: Since Orly’s initial premises are wrong, any argument that follows from her premises is wrong. She’s nucking futs and anyone who buys into her reasoning can’t reason their way out of a paper bag.
Someone needs to take a look at video of her appearances and do a line by line breakdown of her utterances and point out each and every error, no matter how trivial. Do a Murrow vs McCarthy smackdown showing her to be a crazy, treasonous, seditious lying liar who lies – with limited knowledge of this country’s constitution and legal processes.
This hypothetical smackdown must preserve and present as many Taitzian meltdowns as possible to show her (and, by extension, her followers) to be utterly unhinged.
Bob In Pacifica
I’m a conspiracy theorist. These people give conspiracy theory a bad name.
It’s not so much the hand gestures that make her seem crazy as it is the CRAZY that makes her seem crazy.
@Cat Lady:
I haven’t read the Waxman-Blue Dog compromise, but Howard Dean was singing their praises, for “not leaving the table”. I’m for staying at the table, because the alternative is waving signs and screaming at each other.
Maybe the crazed GOP base disrupting the town hall meetings of Democrats will have a rallying effect, among Blue Dogs and others. When you’re surrounded by crazy people, the differences of opinion among the sane become less important.
“That said, trying to paint everyone on the right with this brush is itself a lie. People can disagree on the health care issue or cap and trade or any number of policy issue and not be the sort of evil pricks you seem intent on casting them as.”
Wrong-o. Any damage to the relatively sane parts of the Right that results from being associated with the wackos is entirely self inflicted.
Let me repeat so that I am not misunderstood.
Lie down with dogs, get fleas.
The People rest, Your Honor.
Yes, I’m including both the “No”‘s and the “Don’t Know”‘s among the birthers, since it’s such a common rhetorical trope amongst them to say “I don’t know if Obama’s a citizen or not; he should show us the birth certificate,” even though the birth certificate is posted on the internet and has been verified by several organizations.
Which means you’re slightly right. Instead of 50-55% of the GOP being birthers, I should have said 55-60%.
@Nim, ham hock of liberty:
Actually, if anyone on the Right were a real originalist rather than an intellectually dishonest opportunist, they would tell you that “natural born citizen” has the same meaning today that it had to the Framers in 1787.
Spend an hour with Blackstone, then come back and tell us if you still think McCain is eligible to be President.
Ben Richards
@chuck: If we’ve lost Glenn Beck, we’ve lost Middle America…
I’m just playin’ Con Law Calvinball, just like my fellow Jersey Boy Sammy the Squid Alito.
Ben Richards
@JGabriel: KBR was spun off from HAL in ’03 after a pre-pack asbestos bankruptcy. HAL’s profitability was mainly due to the tremendous run-up in oil and natural gas prices from ’03 to ’07. Now, some portion of the run-up was due to the war in Iraq (mainly oil prices, nat gas is not nearly as fungible as a globally traded commodity). However, that being said, the $140 price per barrel seen in early 2008 was NOT solely due to the war – I would argue that it was mostly due to a weak dollar, supply and demand fundamentals and speculation by commodities traders.
Lastly, I am not sure that Cheney held on to his options while he was VP, I would have to check that.
Disclaimer – not blanketly defending DC here; he should be warming a seat in the Hague right now…
Chris Johnson
In fairness to the TV anchors talking over Orly, it’s pretty plain to see that the lady’s capable of hysterically expostulating her line of ‘birther’ literally without drawing a breath. It’s obviously not possible to get a word in edgewise, so their problem is mostly that they don’t try. Orly is also very loud, so they cannot quietly try to interrupt, so again they don’t try.
Doesn’t leave them looking good, but I don’t see that they had a lot of options as long as they INSISTED on having her on TV in the first place. The alternative to what they did would amount to giving her an unpaid political advertisement in which she burst on the screen, babbling her birther stuff, and went on for however many minutes they gave her, with no cross-examination of her ideas at all.
Wile E. Quixote
I don’t know why they don’t just cut the crazy bitch off. Just cut her off and let her yack into the microphone and say “Orly, until you cease with the crazy you’re we’re turning the sound off”.
Wile E. Quixote
I’d like to see them get someone on after Oily Taint was on and go through her bullshit one item at a time, most specifically the “Both of your parents have to be US citizens in order for a child to be born a US citizen”. I’d also like someone to start accusing Michelle Malkin of not being a US citizen based upon the fact that neither one of her parents were US citizens when she was born here. In fact her father was here on a student visa, just like Barack Obama’s dad.
Wile E. Quixote
Oh, and here are some <a href=””appropriate t-shirts and other merchandise that best describe how to deal with the birfers.
Wile E. Quixote
There was supposed to be a link in the post above but WordPress ate it and is no longer allowing me to edit posts. The link is
If anyone from WordPress is reading this you need to know that you fucking suck and your software fucking sucks and that you’d better get your shit together ASAP because if you don’t having an entry on your resume that says “I worked at WordPress” is going to go over with recruiters about as well as saying “Can I fuck your dog in the ass and wipe my dick on the drapes when I’m done?”
@Makewi: Just like Cheney didn’t benefit big time from using the the special tax breaks put in place after Hurricane Katrina even though he didn’t donate one fucking dime to hurricane relief. Not. One. Dime.
Oh, he’s a saint, that Dick.
Dull. Fucking. Tool. This. Makewi. Is.
Because the people who don’t want to draw attention to what they consider to be his “good” half?
I hope that I can articulate this clearly…
The Blue dogs are playing a role IMHO…they are a proxy — the opportunity for the other side to latch onto cover to actually make a bona fide effort to negotiate…its too far across the divide for the progressives to offer that..
My guess is that the Democrats are ready to do the deed without any Republican assistance but to remain fully capable of negotiating and punishing — they have to run the Blue Dogs option for a while…
See game theory, tit for tat and Axelrod’s research on evolution of cooperation —this is pretty slick stuff —
Orly and her compadres are just diversion and camouflage for retreat while not looking completely powerless…they do not have a strong position and the Insurance lobby’s reactions betray their weakness. This is the Nazis blowing up bridges and the like as they retreat to their devastated core….
We are living in dangerous and interesting times but I am fascinated by how this is playing out right now…Of course you never know ….
Comrade Darkness
@Litlebritdifrnt: she is encouraging her followers to take up arms and revolt
Since when did the red blooded ‘mericans decide it reasonable to follow a Ruskie in usurping the elected leader of the u.s.? This is like red dawn, but where the nra and the nascar crowd joins up with the invading army.
@Josh Huaco: No citizenship required at all? Yikes, that’s just insane. I’d be okay with something like “Natural born or naturalized citizen for some length of time.” but I want the president to actually be a US citizen for sure.
Comrade Darkness
@General Winfield Stuck: Don’t be silly, Bush is far to dimwitted to be the devil.
No doubt. Hell would have been flooded on his watch and THAT we would have noticed.
@General Winfield Stuck: Little late for the response, but my point re: Obama’s possible citizenship as a son of a citizen is that Taitz’s point was that his mom did all these shenanigans in order to let him into the country. This doesn’t have to do with his qualification to be president. It was supposed to be a counterpoint to the specific claim that the forgery was so he could get past immigration.
I realize it’s futile to try to disprove every conspiracy theory. But if I were a journalist I’d spend a couple of hours looking into the specific claims to disprove them. Would the mother really need an immigration lawyer? Should there be records of the parents getting in an out of the country? Is there clear evidence that the “Kenyan” birth certificate is fake (there’s a whole point about Republic of Kenya insignia). If you don’t want to spend time debunking the claims, because they’re so preposterous then don’t invite a guest to make these claims.
It seems like other than Rachel Maddow, nobody bothers to do any homework. Making faces and doing air quotes doesn’t count. They make the exact same face when someone mentions single payer or closing Guantanamo or raising taxes. I don’t want Orly Taitz to be discredited by virtue of David Shutser’s disapproving smirk. Just do your goddamn job.
Comrade Darkness
@oscarbob: OT, but how seriously would you, a judge in upstate NY, treat grand jury tampering by the prosecutor’s office? I let it go because I didn’t think it changed the vote of the jury, but it left me with about as much confidence in all things law enforcement as this Gates thing did.
Comrade Darkness
@rec: Little late for the response, but my point re: Obama’s possible citizenship as a son of a citizen is that Taitz’s point was that his mom did all these shenanigans in order to let him into the country
She doesn’t need to do that. She’s a citizen, so baby obama would have had citizenship as an option, no matter where he was born.
I could be wrong, but my take, after a brief search, is that “natural born citizen” is actually established US law. As an interesting aside, the law at the time of McCain’s birth, in 1946, would bar him from this status. To correct this obvious unfairness, the law, passed in 1947, retroactively accorded McCain and many others the status of Natural Born Citizen. Current law, which also applies retroactively, bestows Natural Born Citizen status on many different groups, including someone born abroad, of a single American parent, that, at the time of birth, is 18+, and has resided in the US for at least 12 of those years. As far as I can see, this is all about nothing. Even if BHO was born in Kenya, he’s still a Natural Born Citizen under current US law. Sorry that I’m not including links, but I found this out in under 5 minutes of search (ignore opinion/political sites).
Here’s what I’ve come up with concerning the legal question of citizenship:
The 14th Amendment defines citizenship this way: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” But even this does not get specific enough. As usual, the Constitution provides the framework for the law, but it is the law that fills in the gaps.
Currently, Title 8 of the U.S. Code fills in those gaps. Section 1401 defines the following as people who are “citizens of the United States at birth:”
* Anyone born inside the United States *
* Any Indian or Eskimo born in the United States, provided being a citizen of the U.S. does not impair the person’s status as a citizen of the tribe
* Any one born outside the United States, both of whose parents are citizens of the U.S., as long as one parent has lived in the U.S.
* Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year and the other parent is a U.S. national
* Any one born in a U.S. possession, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year
* Any one found in the U.S. under the age of five, whose parentage cannot be determined, as long as proof of non-citizenship is not provided by age 21
* Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is an alien and as long as the other parent is a citizen of the U.S. who lived in the U.S. for at least five years (with military and diplomatic service included in this time)
* A final, historical condition: a person born before 5/24/1934 of an alien father and a U.S. citizen mother who has lived in the U.S.
* There is an exception in the law — the person must be “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States. This would exempt the child of a diplomat, for example, from this provision.
Anyone falling into these categories is considered natural-born, and is eligible to run for President or Vice President. These provisions allow the children of military families to be considered natural-born, for example.
Now I’m no legal expert but based on my intense use of Google and cutting/pasting I would say Obama is easily qualified since Hawaii was a state in 1961. Here’s the website where the summary came from:
Hey, I didn’t mean to bold that last part there at the bottom. That just happened all on its own so don’t read anything into it. Unless you want to!
..No one can explain why with Obama’s mother being a citizen, why would she have to make up a fake Hawaiian birth certificate in the first place? She was just an average young woman married to a Kenyan student. What would she be “setting up”? Like she would know that someday her son would want to be President? If so, why would she pick Hawaii to try to get him a birth certificate? Why not Kansas or anywhere else? Could it be cause she, ahem, LIVED THERE?
Again, no one has implied that his mother was not a citizen so this whole thing about birth certificates, etc is just bull anyway, since by definition he is, through her, A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN — even had he been born on the moon..But he was born where his mother lived at the time, Hawaii.
And at no time, do we hear the major media just shut this shit down . Its like allowing screamers to assert that the world is flat and there is no gravity over and over — to give liars and fakes a right to the microphone to lie and lie over and over…
I stopped buring newspapers over a year ago and will not buy another. They deserve their fate
She’s managed to do quite a bit of damage, no? I mean you’ve gotlarge numbers of people who’ve bought into this fantasy and enough suspicion among others to use later when necessary.
End result, in some minor way, maybe more, Obama’s legitimacy has been undermined. The more you refute her clais, the more legitiamte they become. In ny case, the ball is in play.
She’s part of the Israeli pushback against Obama. Nice job.
bob h
Looking at the videos, it is clear the New Nazis are not some urban elite. There is a lot of obesity, bad physiques, etc., that suggests the lower social orders.
Orly should not be ignored.
She should be taken into custody by the Secret Service.
She should be placed in the care of a residential program designed to protect the clinically insane from themselves.
This would also help protect the president. An article on DailyKos this morning reports “since Obama was elected, threats against the president multiplied by 4 timesand over 7 million gun background checks were reported by the FBI.”
Obama Gets 30 Death Threats Daily
Rob C.
Yes, we can roll our eyes at them and continue to mock and demean them but the fact of the matter is their tactics are working. The racism, the fear mongering, the substitution of hysteria for reasoned discourse are all taking their toll on progressive policies being moved forward.
Politicians in Washington DC are terrified of them. Have you seen the deer in headlights expressions of politicians confronted with these drooling imbeciles at their town hall meetings?
And the mainstream media is enthralled by them, refusing to call them out for the fascist nutjobs they are and never confronting them with simple questions that would point out the obvious fallacies in their reasoning, not to mention their entire world view.
So by all means, let’s laugh at them. Then let’s see who gets the last laugh when health care reform dies by the wayside, like it did in 94 and the 40 Republicans in the Senate and their counterparts in the House continue to bitch slap the “Super” Majority Democrats we fought so hard to place.
A lot of folks in the 30s didn’t worry about Hitler because they thought he was a buffoon.
@Brick Oven Bill:
If honesty is your standard, BOB, why do you lie so much?
You know, these people are idiots and rightly deserve mocking and humiliation and shaming, particularly since they don’t know when to cut their losses and shut up. That said, it’s all fun and games until someone pulls a Ryder truck full of explosives up to a federal building and murders 100+ people.
Here in Atlanta, you can head down to Centennial Olympic Park and see the sculpture still bearing a shrapnel mark from (bloodthirsty coward) Eric Rudolph’s bomb. All it takes is one crazy but technically adept nut who feeds on this garbage to turn this from a laugh-and-point funfest into something serious and deadly.
I still remember this aspect of the 90’s quite well, and we seem to be headed in the same downward spiral of descent into paranoid lunacy on the part of a few unbalanced individuals. It’s getting really hard to find this stuff funny anymore.
In closing: Orly Taitz is nucking futz!!!
Check out my Official Fake Kenyan Birth Certificate
oh cmon it had to happen.
I think it’s dishonest to include the “don’t knows”, but then I don’t really care.
Igor Marxomarxovich
How you tell when politician lie?
Comrade Pelosi blink
Slick Willy rub nose
Dumb Donkey Gibbs laugh…Hehaw..he..haw..he..haw!
I Igor produce Barrack Milhaus Hussein Obama Birth Certificate at
I think it’s dishonest to “not know” when there’s a massive pile of evidence pointing to the fact that Obama is an American citizen and always has been such.
But hey, I “don’t know” whether the moon landing really happened. Why won’t NASA send the so-called moon rocks to me, so I can inspect them? The fact that they won’t simply raises more questions! But I’m not saying either way, ya know, I just want the questions answered.
I hope someone, somewhere out there has copy of the long form ,real bc and it gets leaked out.Is there anybody out there who would not want to see it.I don’t think so
I really don’t give a fuck. I have no interest in Obama’s “long-form” birth certificate, whatever that is supposed to be. I don’t care because I ALREADY SAW OBAMA’S FUCKING BIRTH CERTIFICATE.
So there’s at least one person who doesn’t want to see it, strawman.
Wingnuts, keeping people drinking since… frick I dunno.