Remember the Whitey tape? And the bare arms? And then remember when Michelle Obama’s approval ratings were “higher than her husband’s”? Well, suck on this, Obamabots.
Michelle Obama’s poll numbers slide
This never happened with Laura Bush. And that’s why George W had the moral authority to lead the country while Obama never will.
If you think that’s bad, wait till they release little Sasha Obama’s favorability numbers!! I hear she doesn’t poll well amongst the white supremacist demographic.
She’s also unable to bear children, and the Obamas are adopting a baby boy because of that. Yay, tabloids!
First Lady’s have poll numbers?
Well, I think Eleanor Roosevelt was actively despised by the RW.
Ash Can
They really do have absolutely fuck-all, don’t they?
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
What’s this about Michelle Obama, a pole and sliding?!
Of course her poll numbers are sliding! In fact, everything in the country is sliding.
Right into the shitter.
Why the hell are there polls about liking the first lady? This is like taking a scientific poll on if you like Barbara Walters. i.e. REALLY FUCKING POINTLESS.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
Oh well, so much for passing health care in the Senate…
And that garden is going to get plowed under and replaced with a parking lot and a Starbucks.
Oh I see, she’s not everything we feared she’d be. A little less Oprah, a little more Angela Davis I guess is what they want, no?
How can we possibly pass healthcare reform or fix the economy with a “disappointingly traditional” first lady only approved of by 2/3 of the country? How can we not start impeachment proceedings for this President> We need to get this disgusting couple out of the White House before Michelle does something really appalling, like serve tea.
was this a strategic vision poll?
mai naem
Why,oh, why did the left not go after Bush like this? We might have been saved from some of the excesses if they had gone after him on shit like this.
Well, she *did* hug the Queen of England. I guess it was all downhill from there.
This would never have happened if only Michelle had had the good sense to send Malia and Sasha to a school where Fred Phelpsian demonstrators didn’t want to go demonstrate in front of. (Yeah, and don’t use a preposition to end a sentence with, bitch.)
Siubhan +2
@mai naem:
Well, uh, I’m pretty sure the Iraq war still would’ve happened even if people have made a bigger stink about Laura Bush possibly being a Stepford Wife.
Slid from 72 to 61 per cent approval? She is very unpopular now, I guess. That is worth a thousand word plus story, fer sher.
What with nothing else going on at all, like US-Israel stalemate on settlement policies, in-fighting in Iran over negotiatons with US and allies, Afghanistan decision coming up, health care reform, global warming legislation, unemployment. And all the politicking associated with that.
I guess the news is pretty slow these days.
Don’t fuck with my distribution costs! I’m making a lousy two-fifteen per segment and I’m already deficiting twenty-five grand a week with Metro! I’m paying William Morris ten percent off the top, and I’m giving this turkey ten thou per segment, and another five to this fruitcake! And Helen, don’t start no shit about a piece again! I’m paying Metro twenty-thousand for all foreign and Canadian distribution, and that’s after recoupment! The Communist Party’s not gonna see a nickel of this goddamn show until we go into syndication!
Someone should find out how well Jesus or Santa Claus polls. Maybe their numbers are dropping too?
@dmsilev: She hugged an old white woman? Who does she think she is? And all while her husband is trying to kill grandmas around the world!
Jesus Fucking Christ, the Politico comments are a cesspool that makes Free Republic look good by comparison. I just had the stomach to go through the first 20 comments, and had to stop when I found this:
Notice the lovely conflating of the Ft. Hood shooter with Obama, the “Party: Democrat” attempt at …something, and the oh so charming content of the message.
@MikeJ: Network? I was just thinking about this movie too.
General Winfield Stuck
Them big letters skeered me DougJ/ Shame on you for that. Otherwise, I guess we will just have to get a new FLOTUS.
Bad Horse's Filly
The wingnuts wish they had a 61% approval rating. Idiots.
@mai naem: Because Bush was the decider. And as the media and he and Cheney told us repeatedly, they didn’t care what the ‘merkin people thought.
I don’t care. She’s magnificent.
Of course, by encouraging people to eat fresh, unprocessed food, our First Lady has shown herself to be a liberal fascist.
How dare she come between a man and his Cheetos?
@dmsilev: I noted the exact same thing in the Politico comments, and planned to write a post using the word “cesspool” as well. You beat me to it.
These racist, immature idiots are a disgrace to everything decent in this world.
kommrade reproductive vigor
I, have a dream. And in that dream a member of the White House Pressed Corpse asks Gibbs about this [looks at J. Tapper] and he steps down from behind the podium, punches out that bastard’s lights and says “Any other stupid question, bitchez?”
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
She’s only 3 times as popular as every elected Republican. Meanwhile, Boehner and McConnell have approval ratings that hover somewhere between OJ Simpson and Roman Polanski. I think we need Dick Cheney’s daughter on every Sunday show to tell us what this means.
So much good news for conservatives, so little time.
mai naem
@Ash: Also too, she grows watermelon in that garden.
The only honorable thing for her to do is resign as First Lady.
It’s the anti whitebread bias of the garden. Check below: tomatoes, peppers, TOMATILLOS (!)
Plus the beet-lobby backlash. I sent B. Obama an e-mail telling him to let her plant beets. If Barack had the guts to tell people to eat their beets, then he would be respected, and is wife would poll better than a measly 61% approval rating.
Mystery solved. Next.
Bobby Thomson
@mai naem:
I’d like to welcome our visitor to America. May I suggest you start with Eric Boehlert’s book on our media?
Comments about a Republican First Lady are beyond the pale, and quickly followed by tearful apologies, if not resignations.
Comments about a Democratic First Lady are just saying what everybody is thinking, and shut up that’s why.
@Nick: Very nicely done. That’ll show that durned Michelle Obama!
@kommrade reproductive vigor: I second the suggestion. Motion passed! Rusty pitchforks needed.
@robertdsc: I agree. I love our FLOTUS. Period.
@dmsilev: Funny. All I see when I read that is, “OMIGOD! SHE’S BLAAAAAAAAACK!” Maybe I need new glasses.
@jl: “I sent B. Obama an e-mail telling him to let her plant beets. If Barack had the guts to tell people to eat their beets, then he would be respected.”
I hate to say this, but this sounds surprisingly like BoB.
Keith G
@jwb: yup
@jwb: It was supposed to be a joke, so I take that as a compliment. And I am a DougJ spoof, also (that is a joke, a joke, folks).
@jl: I figured it was a joke, but the syntactic structure was very BoB-like, so well-done DougJ spoof18, jl.
@jwb / #36
ZACKLY what I was thinking!
@mai naem: I assume that is snark. What group ever went after Laura Bush? Most of the jokes were sympathy jokes about her having to stay doped up to get through the day (which I did not like at all, BTW). Or even the Bush girls, until they ripped through Argentina like a hurricane? (which I did not object to at all, but I think at that point jokes were unavoidable and understandable). I think political families should be off limits no matter what, until they decide to take an explicitly political role, as in the Cheneys.
I do not remember such vicious comments about Laura Bush, and none about the Bush girls until they went ‘rogue’ -which was not a very big deal in my book.
Gaia-damnit, I VOTED for her! Such hideous betrayal must be atoned.
OTH, this is good news for Joe Lieberman.
Oh, was she black, too?
@SFAW: But she was a librarian.
I guess that explains her support for LaRouche
I have not liked a Single First Lady since Mother Maybelle Carter, and I wasn’t pleased with her performance at Ryman after June married the junkie.
Is OJ higher or lower than Polanski? Is that because
Polanski is blamed for The Two Jakes?
Better that, than the two dirts.
I will have you know, I have the hots for and am deeply in wuv with both Michelle Obama AND Laura Bush So, show your proof, or, I will challenge you to a duel, for honor’s sake!
@ricky: That is very excellent First Lady Judgery. We all should aspire to that standard. Thank you.
No problem, except … proof of what? That Laura’s not black? You really need to blockquote or sumfin’ so that I has an idea of to what you are referring.
@SFAW: That she supports LaRouche. I thought the referent was obvious. Sorry.
I have the pistols already picked out. And the misty meadow at dawn also. And my second, who I will warn you is very flexible on protocol, and a very good shot. Too.
Look, pal, you’re the one who said she’s a libertarian.
Bubblegum Tate
Beyond that, she’s politicizing the Food Network by appearing on Iron Chef. You know who else lived behind the IRON curtain and had a CHEF? Stalin.
This is like saying Dick Cheney polls somewhere between Herpes and AIDS.
@SFAW: LibRARIAN. Sheesh!
And since when is LaRouche a libertarian? He is… what is he anyway?
But no proof, so, duel.
@Bubblegum Tate:
FTW! Iron Chef, Stalin. Awesome.
Randy P
I hate to say this, but this sounds surprisingly like BoB.
I’ve thought about writing BoB-spoof posts once or twice but so far I find it impossible to figure out what makes a BoB post so BoB-like. The essence eludes me.
As you wish. Meet me at …. hmm, let’s see … how about 125th and Lex? Tomorrow at around 6:15 AM?
If I’m not there on time, please feel free to start without me.
Bubblegum Tate –
Although your comment was a beautiful thing, for the next time, try “Iron Cross” instead of “Iron Curtain”. That way, you can have it come out to be Hilter.
Regular Reader
For those that would like to retain any faith in humanity, I would strongly advise against reading the comments accompanying the Politico article.
oh really
How long will it be before we discover that Bo is the most unpopular dog ever to inhabit the White House? Will the Senate consider censure? Can the House impeach the First Pet? Is Bo’s citizenship in order? Enquiring minds want to know.
For polling numbers to mean anything, those asked have to be at least as intelligent as your average Australopithecine. However, these polls are asking 21st century Homo Ignoramus Americanus subjects, and they have regressed to the point of being far less intelligent than hominoids that lived 4 million years ago.
Today’s Americans give a whole new meaning to “I Love Lucy.”
We are doomed.
@Regular Reader:
It’s not confined to Politico. That is, racist cretins will post their crap onto many news sites which allow reader feedback, whenever there is a story featuring Michelle Obama. And some of these people clearly have a missionary zeal to express their bigotry wherever they can, and often seem to be working from a script.
OTOH, my “faith” in humanity, such as it is, has never been influenced by bigots or their scat.
@SFAW: That sounds too far away. I’ll be doing waffles instead.
Chad N Freude
I regret having gotten here so late and missing out on the stimulating analytic discussion, but I am surprised that no one identified the real issue here. It’s not Michelle Obama’s absolute poll numbers, it’s the rate at which they’ve changed, the First Lady’s First Derivative.
Chad N Freude
And let’s not forget (my personal fave) that Laura Bush opposed stem cell research because
Below 70%?!? Gotta be the hula hooping. People are jealous of her mad skilz.
Personally, I find her fabulous, and I don’t care what her poll numbers say (even if they are still higher than her husband’s). Michelle’s an ass-kicker in the best way possible.
I’m tired of watching these media jackasses stalk this family. Also.
@Chad N Freude:
Good one (to the power of m).
With those muscles in her arms, she should be ashamed of making other women look bad. Sorry, we’ll have to chop off the arms or start cramming Krispy Kreme hamburger sandwiches down her throat.
Of course, I’d kill for those arms. And her body. *sigh*
What the fuck is this shit? Does she even have any titles besides First Lady, like Madame Secretary of Growing Healthy Fucking Vegetables?
I can’t believe anyone at Politico gets paid for this shit.
I thought the Politico was just the usual crap, but after seeing this thing, now I’m really in awe of their crap-fu.
I mean, it’s a subtle flourish that’s easy to miss, but they’ve actually combined two levels of weaselly opinion ventriloquism: not just that Some People think this, or that “White House observers” say this, but White House observers say that some people think this! The only way to surpass this degree of it’s-not-MY-idea-it’s-just-what-they-sayism would be for Some People to write that Politico writers report that White House Observers say that Some People think this– if this perfect cycle could be achieved, no new bullshit woulf ever need to be added to the system!
woulf=would. ff.
Would you be asking that question if Bo were white? On the other hand, it’s obvious that the only reason he’s there is because of “white guilt” syndrome by the Obamas.
If they’re home-made, I’ll be over in a little bit.
Me, too, but Mrs. SFAW might have something to say about that.
If that’s true, you need to get out more.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@Hob: And the words of the prophets were written on the
studio^bathroom^ walls.IndieTarheel
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
*golf claps*
Well, grain of salt. Our rigidly conventional media also believed that Barbara Bush was some sort of national maternal figure.
I think it was because she has white hair, and wore sensible shoes. Clearly it had nothing to do with how she behaved, or is. Actually. In reality.
They’re not real original thinkers. They’re most comfortable when the First Lady looks like their mom.
The way to approach Politico is this:
Any writer or reporter at Politico is more conventional and upset by even minor deviations from the set script than any random member of a small town Rotary Club.
Think “small town perpetually outraged gossip”.
It’s like a race to the bottom on a rigid insistence on conformity over there.
You can blow out the Politico Search Tool by searching for the words “some say,” Just sayin.
Why didn’t my link work? Here it is.
I was all of nine in 1988, but I remember at Christmas dinner, two of my aunts were literally crying over the fact that Reagan wouldn’t be President anymore. “I wish he were my daaaaaaad,” one wailed. This taught me two things:
1) A lot of people are looking for surrogate parents when they vote;
2) Adults shouldn’t always be taken seriously.
Aunt Wailer now prays daily for the conversion of our President to Christianity.
That’s because she looked like the guy on the Quaker Oats box. People connected her with memories of childhood mornings eating a bowl of oatmeal.
Bubblegum Tate
I’m saving that one for my IslamoCommieNazi Christmas Special. (Because you know who else liked the color red and the even of distribution of wealth as represented by toys, right?)
@arguingwithsignposts: My guess is, they think those two words are full of literary resonance because they read Frost’s “Fire and Ice” in 7th grade English.
Also, they thought the point of that poem was that the world will end in lukewarm water.
Also, they thought that would be a good thing.
This is nothing compared to the Hillary hair commentaries of the early 90’s.
@YellowJournalism: Very true.