DougJ already linked to one of James Fallows’ excellent Atlantic posts on the Media Village Idiots’ deliberate misunderstanding of President Obama’s goals during his Asian trip. But I thought this quote from an unnamed government official in Manufactured Failure #6 : The Wrapup deserved to be highlighted:
“From inside our bubble, we thought we were doing what we should be doing. From inside the press’s bubble, I think it came across fine except for China. I think some of them wanted us to be rude to the Chinese leadership. That seems to be the standard for effectiveness. Not only is it bad form in general to be rude, and ineffective in Asia, but the last person on the planet who would be rude is Barack Obama. That is part of the reason he got elected.”
Is this fellow suggesting that Americans are willing to give up rudeness as “our” default foreign policy tactic?
Obama could cure our “rudeness deficit” in an instant by resurrecting John Bolton as our Ambassador to…just about anywhere. John Bolton raised “ugly American” as diplomatic strategy to high art form.
A Mom Anon
It would be nice if being a jerk wasn’t some sort of gold standard to strive for. There are times when it doesn’t work to be all mannerly and shit,but asshole shouldn’t be one’s default mode. Diplomacy won’t work in conjunction with rude and obnoxious,they’re pretty much the opposite.
It’s no wonder there’s a large segment of the population that is clueless about this though. Look at what passes for entertainment (and I’m about to sound like my grandma,lol). Being rude and backbiting is the whole premise behind most (manufactured) reality teevee. And one more idiotic “dude-bro” movie release or moronic sitcom isn’t exactly helping. There’s no real news on “The News” anymore, you have to spend large chunks of time to get any sort of picture as to what is really happening,so most people choose not to. Do not even get me started on what’s happened to education,which I believe is a huge part of the problem.
I’ve been re-watching the Ken Burns series on the National Parks System and truly wonder if the spirit and will to create those would have ever made it out of the idea stage in today’s culture of the moron.
James Fallows has a done a great service in batting down the WH Press Corps on this trip. I am happy for him that he is on Weekend Edition now as a regular. Nice to see that hard work and objective analysis are rewarded once in a great while.
Col. Klink
Sarah just found her foreign policy platform. If she promises to fling poop at foreign dignitaries in 2012 the press is bound to eat it up.
Regnad Kcin
Nothing new here; move along.
The Bearded Blogger
@A Mom Anon: Although I agree with what you say, I couldn’t help picturing grampa Simpson as I read it.
@cmorenc: I always thought American diplomacy would be much better served with Michael Bolton as an ambassador
I’d like to think this is true (that Fallows has effectively “batted down” the WH Press Corps, as opposed to merely written a correct analysis). One can be brilliantly correct in analyzing the foibles of others incisively, but does it matter if like a herd of chimpanzees they shriek, jump up and down, smash bannanas into their mouths and throw the peels (and occasionally their feces) right back at whomever they please, mocking and ignoring you at the same time?
How many times, for example, has someone effectively “batted down” the vile, stupid crap spewed by Sean Hannity on a nightly basis? And yet it makes no difference whatsoever to Hannity or his Faux News audience, who continue to eat up Hannity’s drivel as gospel truthiness.
The WH Press corps has a far broader audience out there who have never heard of James Fallows, even though we know exactly who he is and why he’s right about the WH Press Corps.
The Bearded Blogger
Wait… bowing to a japanese emperor is a faux-pas but massaging a german chancellor is not?
What about foot rubs? Hickeys? High fives? Are those okay?
Brian J
Maybe he should arrive two hours late when meeting the Germans, tell the British their food sucks and their teeth are terrible, have Michelle Obama’s tits hanging out when meeting the Pope and travelling in the Middle East, and call the Swedes, Dutch, and Norwegians stoner assholes when accepting the Nobel Peace Prize. That’ll teach ’em.
Meanwhile, the Defense Department is insisting that Lockheed Martin pay for cost overruns. I’m not sure if this is normal routine and if it will happen, but isn’t the fact that it’s being stressed a good sign for trying to decrease defense spending?
Brian J
Damn, I forgot to include the link for that story.
She has that exactly right, and what does that say about our press.
El Cid
Man, we were so awesome and effective when John Bolton led our international presence.
I mean, Captain Kangaragnarok would just show up somewhere, scream “FUUUUUCK YOOOUUU” to everybody, drop his pants and moon ’em, and then have his staff make explosion sounds.
And man did it work. We achieved soooooo many diplomatic goals.
I mean, look how HUUUUUUUGE that ‘coalition of the willing’ was, and how many resources all those other nations kicked in at our efforts for a, um, SURGE in Iraq.
El Cid
If he had been a Real American who didn’t hate the troops and love pal’ing around with Bill Ayers, Obama would have walked in, slapped the Chinese leader in the face, and then would have drawn a revolver out and made the guy dance by shooting at his feet.
It’s what Stephen Seagal would have done, so obviously the U.S. press establishment is correct.
A Mom Anon
@The Bearded Blogger: Yeah,lol,I know, onion on the belt and all that. Hell I FELT old writing it.
The Grand Panjandrum
We now a president who isn’t a half-bright atavist and the establishment media just doesn’t quite get that. But not being born of poltically royalty does make one suspect in the eyes of the Villagers. Never got Clinton either.
The Bearded Blogger
@The Grand Panjandrum: They’ll be edgy and uncomfortable until another blue blooded John Wayne impersonator takes office. Or until big media finally collapses and they have to work for a living
Brian J
@The Grand Panjandrum:
You’re definitely on to something. I just hope that shit is over with by the time I’m elected president.
I’ve never really read Fallows’ blog. I generally just hang around the Atlantic for Ta-Nehisi Coats and (more frustratingly) Sullivan. I just might have to change that.
Hunter Gathers
Why do I feel like the powers that be are nothing more than sociopathic middle-aged adolescents ?
@Hunter Gathers:
Because they are.
I don’t know how he’d do as an ambassador, but I’m in favor of anything that keeps him out of a recording studio for a few more years.
A Mom Anon
@Hunter Gathers: Because they are. They are worse than the stereotypical jr hi level drama crap. Worse because they have more money,power and idiotic influence. They were wronged in 7th grade and all of us have to pay for that. Some girl wouldn’t talk to them,or they got bullied for lunch money,or humiliated in the locker room,and it’s now payback time. (and I say this as a mom of a kid who’s been bullied,I’m not making light-it causes damage)
I can’t think of a better case for mental health coverage to be included in any sort of national health care plan than this pack of self-absorbed assholes.
The Bearded Blogger
@drkrick: lol! That’s an added bonus to the sensitivity and empathy that Michael would bring to an ambassadorship, as opposed to John, who kind of reminds me of the KFC coronel
I just think they’re completely conventional people. They’re most comfortable when the President conforms to their expectations of “President”, and when he doesn’t, they object.
What’s been surprising and a little disconcerting is how former President Bush fit their template, completely.
I did not know that.
If Obama gave these guys what they want, what they’re demanding, really, he’d be Bush.
It explains a lot about the press and the Bush years.
Brian J
Actually, I think a rousing performance of “How Can We Be Lovers If We Can’t Be Friends?” would go a long way towards getting people to open up to us.
I think this sums up the good old days of American Diplomacy.
@The Bearded Blogger: No terrorist fist bumps, though.
Harlan Sanders
@The Bearded Blogger: That’s a slur, I say, suh, a vile slur. I demand satisfaction. Pistols at dawn?
The Bearded Blogger
@A Mom Anon: I recently made a dude who was making his doctor’s thesis on bullying… he attributes a lot of society’s ills to it.
The US’s disease is a mental disease for sure. I once read somewhere on the internet that GWB was a symptom of a collective mental disease
Obama is naturally polite, like most Kenyans that I’ve met.
Have a sense of humor about it at least, for example, we can self-caricature.
If only Obama would go over there and ask for directions really loudly. Then we’d see some progress.
Col. Klink
The arrogance and contempt for all forms of life ‘non American’ that now drips from our petulant national press is how this nation will die if not soon corrected. 2009 is not 1999. We have lost a great deal of our clout, money and power around the globe. Obama’s attempt to right this wrong are met with mockery by the Punditocracy who can’t entirely grasp that we’re not exactly fighting in our prime anymore. They want more of the Mike Tyson show, even if the body can no longer hack the beatings.
The Bearded Blogger
@Morbo: That map’s actually better at geography than a lot of people. Did you see that australian guy who convinced a lot of americans that North Korea occupied the place where Australia is supposed to be? I think it’s this one but I don’t have vid here:
Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle
@cmorenc: Chuckie Todd(on Twitter) tried to belittle him. Or maybe it was Todd’s way of telling the rest of Versailles not to talk about Fallows.
El Cid
The problem with George W. Bush’s style of diplomacy was that it was too moderate, respectful, restrained, intellectual, and disappointingly passive.
That’s why we need somebody like Sarah Palin who will be as dramatic as her fans fantasize, insulting, unmoderated, completely and utterly uninformed and 100% uninterested in changing that, and teeth-chatteringly provocative.
She would be able to go into any diplomatic meeting and scream at them “ACCEPT JESUS AND TITHE TO MY CHURCH OR I WILL NUKE BOMB YOU” and then her fans would be let down because she had been so weak and passive.
See, a Real American would just go ahead and nuke bomb everywhere, including the USA, so that it would force Jesus to come back and finally all the survivitards on the right would get to use their fruit cellars and MRE’s they stocked up on.
I intend to go Galt for real in the very near future as I’ve recently dug out my copies of The Fountainhead & Atlas Shrugged. Before I do so, however, I have a question. Is there an order to Rand’s books that should be read or can I jump into either of these two right away?
Thanks for any tips & advice.
@Morbo: That was fucking awesome. Yeah, being rude would go over SO WELL in Asia.
@Col. Klink:
It was amazing to watch, because it was just a flat-out refusal to accept a change.
Press were told that the point of the trip was not “deliverables”, ie: a photo op and a signature.
I know this because Candy Crowley laid the objective out, and then got huffy, essentially. She opined on CNN that this was not the usual order of events. Usually, the President only travels if he has something tangible to bring back. But, they were told and they did understand.
They wouldn’t accept it. They’re using the word “deliverables” to describe the “failure”. So, precisely the opposite of the stated objective.
It’s not that they didn’t understand Obama was using a different approach. It’s that they flat-out refused to look at it in any other way than that which is traditional. They revert back to the template.
The Bearded Blogger
@Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle: You know what pisses off village idiots more than anything? Good journalists, and thoughtful, serious analysts.
Dickwhisperers, the lot of them
@robertdsc: My advice: buy a 1985 NES and some mega man and mario bros cartridges on e-bay if you want to completely waste your time. It’ll be way more fun.
@robertdsc: Um, why the hell are you reading Rand? You realize that will be time you can’t have back, right?
@El Cid: You’re cracking me up. Keep it going. Better to laugh than to cry.
@kay: Yes, and Obama always fails to conform to their expectations, so they always complain.
The “ugly American” — who, after all, is not only rude but ignorant and, indeed, smugly ignorant of his or her own ignorance — is the reason that in the course of living abroad for 14 years, I was told time and again that I was not “like” an American.
It offended me then, and I still find it stupid (I am very “like” an American — I was raised here and my sense of fairness and good manners and democracy are all very, very culturally American) but I understand its roots — and if I had been abroad during the Bush years, I might have embraced it.
In spite of all my disappointment in Obama (and it is not insignificant), we are certainly back at a point in history where being called “American” by a foreigner need no longer be an insult, and I am certainly grateful for that.
@robertdsc: No they’re pretty much both worthless. Don’t forget to take them with you. You’ll need toilet paper, you know?
@The Bearded Blogger:
John Wayne is another example of a well known person who represented all the stereotypical american “values” in movies playing rugged, ultra masculine, patriotic, heroic roles that enthralled misty eyed fans who believed reflected the real John Wayne.
Far too many people prefer fantasies to realities.
Ash Can
@A Mom Anon: Hear, hear. One of the many reasons I’m still pissed off at Ronald Reagan is that he ushered in the era of American foreign policy, and politics in general, being one gigantic dick-waving contest. I was a student of government and political science in Washington DC during both the Carter Administration and the Reagan Administration, internships with the executive and legislative branches included, and the difference was huge. Reagan took the government from zero to asshole overnight. He was hardly the first to do that, of course, but this time around it’s had a more lasting effect. Like you say, boorishness seems to be the gold standard these days, and the rise of the wingnut Republicans had a lot to do with it.
Despite the fact that I’m a potty-mouthed grouch on this forum, I strive for civility in RL. My husband and I stopped watching prime-time TV even before Bottle Rocket was born, and we’re constantly vigilant now of his TV watching and online activities. We insist upon him learning civil behavior, toward peers and adults alike, regardless of what other kids do or say. And we’re lucky enough to live in a community where (most of) the other parents do the same, and the local school reflects this. But it involves pretty much ignoring the entire mass media/entertainment industry. And believe me, when all is said and done, we’re not missing much.
@El Cid: What absolutely dumbfounds me is the fact that these shitheads are the perfect embodiment of “foregn policy failure,” in every possible sense of the term. They don’t just celebrate mediocrity, they celebrate outright failure. It’s so completely counterintuitive it makes my head hurt. Ow.
So a committee of the South Carolina legislature is considering whether to bring impeachment charges against Sanford for, among other things, bringing shame and ridicule upon the state.
I know that the rules of evidence don’t necessarily apply with their normal force and rigor in impeachment proceedings, but it seems to me that they may have some difficulty proving causation. Wasn’t South Carolina shameful and ridiculous long before Sanford went walkabout?
I live in a small conservative town. The White House press corps are as or more wedded to tradition than the older, stodgier members of the local Rotary Club.
They’re already offended that the Obama’s are holding the first state dinner outdoors. If Michelle wears a sleeveless gown, expect sanctions.
What a fraud he was. The nice thing about Blago is he didn’t run around touting his thrift and morality.
dan robinson
The meme in the Village that we need to be ‘in your face’ is tiring andd is a short term means of conducting foreign polcy. This reminds me of the story of the Dade County deputy sheriffs who tried to overthrow Papa Doc in 1958. Being brash, arrogant and firstest-with-the-mostest as a foreign policy may work sometimes, but other times, not so much.
Sarah just found her foreign policy platform. If she promises to fling poop at foreign dignitaries in 2012 the press is bound to eat it up.
Col. Klink,
Did you mean “eat it up” figuratively or literally? If it’s literally, I will start watching the Sunday morning shows again if you can guarantee me that George Will be on eating poop. I would even watch Fox Friends & Whatever to see Steve Douchy eat shit.
@kay: Is. As far as I know, the fucker is still governor of SC. Hypocrite.
@El Cid:
That’s it; I’m done with the internets today. El Cid wins ’em.
@kay: The idea is to continually administer a set of tests constructed in a manner that he can’t pass (the bow is a recent example: if he didn’t bow, he would offend by projecting haughtiness and arrogance; if he bows even a little, he would offend by projecting deference); the whole point to these tests is to show that he doesn’t conform, that he can only exhibit his otherness, that he is therefore not a real Merkin.
The Bearded Blogger
@burnspbesq: lol! yes
@Senyordave: It’s not too distant from what they are doing now
TPM is reporting that Obama is planning to send 34K more troops to Afghanistan. This, to me, is the first really, really disappointing move he’s made. Have we learned nothing from Russian history?
Just WTF is the endgame there? This is a bad, bad move on his part.
Screw him. He had the unmitigated gall to make himself the national point man on opposing stimulus funds for South Carolina, which has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country, under his leadership.
That guy takes golf trips to Ireland?
He lectured those people on hunkering down and going without, because doing that served his national political ambitions, all the while spending weekends at that elaborate beach house.
I believed then and believe now his politico wife completely played the national press, although she didn’t fool the South Carolina paper. They’re both disgusting frauds.
@jwb: Exactly. Damned if he does, and damned if he doesn’t.
James Fallows is essential reading if you want to understand Asia, China, and America’s relationship to both. He is a national treasure in this respect.
The only downside is that most Americans don’t know and don’t care a fig about China and Asia.
Thankfully, Obama does and Fallows respects that in him. The Village respects nothing but their own narrow, selfish, ignorant pronouncements.
@Brian J:
That, linked with the policy of “Sure we can have more war. That will be an X% surtax … payable in advance.” would shut the war machine down right quick.
I agree with you. Clinton never passed the media tests either, though. Let’s face it: they thought he was akin to a used car salesman. They treated him with contempt. The best part of Clinton’s book was where he wrote about never feeling as if he belonged in any of the elite schools he went to. He never really cracked the code. That was the vulnerability they saw, honed in on, and beat to death.
Remember this: Clinton took endless shit from the national press for what they deemed excess emotion: “I feel your pain”. Obama takes endless shit from the national press for what they deem elite aloofness.
Former President Bush was just right. To them. Which tells you a little about them.
@kay: You miss the point, those unemployed South Carolinians just needed to find themselves wealthy Argentine mistresses and they all would’ve been fine.
@asiangrrlMN: NPR started a piece on the trip with how impressed a student in Shanghai was that Obama greeted the town hall meeting there in the local dialect. A little bit of politeness, dare I say empathy, indeed goes a long way.
The stimulus politicking has gone down the media rabbit hole. I apparently dreamed that sequence.
Sanford made himself a national figure, for thrift. Don’t expect anyone to call him on it.
@kay: Actually, I don’t think the MSM particularly liked W—they were just afraid (still are afraid) to offend the GOP machine. The only thing I ever sensed that they liked about W was that he didn’t make them feel inadequate. They do, however, have a strange love for Cheney.
Brian J
Lets hope we start moving in that direction.
Randy P
@El Cid:
I always loved Steven Seagal, mainly because his martial art is Aikido, something I’ve studied a tiny bit. “Wait a minute”, I thought when this guy hit the scene. “Isn’t Aikido supposed to be all non-violent and about letting the other guy hit first so you can redirect his chi? How cool is it to have an Aikido action hero?”
Anyway, it wouldn’t have been shooting guns at the feet. That’s more of a Clint Eastwood thing. I think it would have been a good sankyo. Which is all about making people dance with a wrist hold.
Randy P
Well, in my high-school Ayn Rand phase, I read Atlas Shrugged first (except John Galt’s 50 page speech, I’m not sure anybody has ever read that). When I read The Fountainhead later, it struck me that it was a kind of larval version of Atlas Shrugged. So probably it makes more sense to read that one first.
I hope you all forgive the shameless pimping for some friends here, but since it’s an open thread, here goes…
Women on Top Will be opening for theCAUSE Sat at PDs Pub in Pittsburgh PA- 9pm.
I hope this fine sample is enough to whet your whistle!
I keep forgetting to close tags
cripes, what am I doing wrong?
Joshua Norton
And like all the uber-macho, chest beating, right wing pea brains of his ilk, he never put his ass on the line to back up his big mouth and had his movie studio get him a deferment.
Obviously, his guilty conscience was one reason he became such a superpatriot after the war.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@robertdsc: Read them in the order they were written, The Fountainhead, then Atlas Shrugged. Afterwords, read Anthem to really get into it.
When you’re done, read the Bible, and try to reconcile that the same party attempts to claim ownership of both of these. The cognitive dissonance will clear your brain.
As for everyone else, I think everyone needs to read Rand. If we’d only read Mein Kampf, we would have known what Hitler was planning. If we don’t read Rand, how will we know that she planned on destroying America by telling executives that they are more important than they actually are. Most executives don’t realize that they are the business people left behind trying to convince the government to make everyone buy the same thing every year.
Ash Can
@Face: Not to diss TPM, but Obama was absolutely, positively sending 40k/44k/60k troops to Afghanistan right up until the point a couple of weeks ago when he rejected every recommendation that had been made to him on the subject. Based on the inaccuracy of all the rumors that have been reported on so far, I’ll believe it when I see it.
Glenn Greenwald pretty much wrote the book on this phenomenon with Great American Hypocrites. He definitely touched on all the high notes.
The Accidental Blogger
As if scheduled by this blog post/feed, Richard Cohen thinks Barack Obama is a bad man. His reasoning has something to do with Obama being nuanced and pragmatic, which makes Cohen feel uncertain about what he is doing. Idiots, the lot of them.
The continues.
They now have a 10 point
planlitmus test with which to determine ideological purity, drive away independents, and further secure their electoral fail.Without even looking, let’s guess some of their 10 points:
1. Tax cuts
2. Deregulation
3. Earmark reform
4. Offshore drilling
5. 500,000 more troops for Afghanistan/Iraq
6. Freeze on government spending
7. Tax cuts
8. Take our country back/stop soshulism
9. Expansion of government only when it pertains to imposing morality on others (i.e. banning abortion/gay marriage)
10. Threaten to bomb any country that disagrees with us
What do you think? Am I in the ballpark?
Again, the liberal media totally misses the point!
American foreign policy is not supposed to be rudeness. It is supposed to be belligerence, dominance, and bullying.
Our esteemed prior president and his vice president, the honorable Richard Cheney, established a foreign policy based upon the neocon principles of world domination thru military might. For eight great years, our leadership ruled our country with the belief that ‘fear is more important’ than cooperation or being liked.
As that turned out so well, it is regretable that The Chosen One has failed to follow thru!
You’re thinking long-term, which the GOP doesn’t do. 3 of the 10 items on the real list involve blocking HCR, so the list will be fairly out of date as early as January.
Others you list are too policy driven and therefore too risky. The 500K troops establishes a position to be defended. Instead they ask that conservatives do whatever the military asks them to do. Puts all the heavy lifting on the generals and turns Congress into a puppet state – which is much more appropriate for the GOP.
phoebes-in-santa fe
@The Bearded Blogger: How about yelling across a conference table, “Yo, Blair”?
How about attending a solemn ceremony at Auchwitz, held in the winter, wearing lumber jack clothing?
Those are REALLY good examples of the fine points of Bush/Cheney-era public behavior.
As my previous comment is showing to me as being under moderation, I should perhaps point out to the moderators that there is such a thing as satire! I am making fun of republicans by stating things that my republican friends tell me they believe!
the order is: watch a spongebob square pants marathon, while drinking a shot of fine whiskey for every jellyfishing episode. Then, burn the Ayn Rand rape porn in a bonfire on your ex’s yard.
Good luck!
How do people “report” he is doing x, y or z before the man announces the decision he’s made? Weren’t there several different numbers being “reported” just 3 weeks ago? Combine that with the overall damned if you do damned if you don’t situation with afghanistan and this just makes things worse.
Randy P
Don’t take it personally. That’s some sort of automated thingie. I got caught by it the other day. There are keywords that kick it off. Oddly, one of them is s-h-o-e-s, as that is apparently associated with auto-spam.
Another one, the one that I think got me, is “sociaIism”. I learned the trick is to substitute a capital “eye” for the letter “L”.
I wish this was satire. But even the supposedly liberal media measures Presidents by how total their power is over the rest of the world; They may at times have different aims- like freedom for Tibet, say, or human rights in Africa;
But their posture is the same- how effectively can our President coerce and bully Them into doing what we want?
No one reading this, in fact very few people alive today, can remember a time when America was not the preeminent superpower.
This is the first time in our memory when we are facing an friend/ adversary that isn’t shocked and awed by our power, and the neocons are bewildered.
The notion of facing other nations as equals to be respected and cooperated with is terrifying to the schoolyard bullies.
No wonder Jonah Goldberg longs for the day when we could “pick up some crappy little nation and throw it against the wall.”
Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion
@El Cid:
@A Mom Anon:
I don’t see that changing. It’s really all Republicans are good at, anymore.
@El Cid: “Captain Kangaragnarok.”
Nomination for lexicon.