Recently got an email from a company based outside the Anglophone sphere of influence:
Finishing does 2009 and we are again thankful for once to deep interest and love of a customer.
It seems to be regret and miss something while feeling that we were always short,
but this year was a year having done that we were thankful for more by faith of a customer and love.Christmas is full by temporal happiness to have been delivered,
and it is day that chest be in a flutter with a thought only.We pray for you are glad at a mind of all, and the happy Christmas which love overflow.
We thank sincerely to a supports and cheer sending to our [company] during this year.
We appreciate that.
We [company] promise that we will give you to a make a present to develop more in the next year.
Please enjoy your happy Christmas!
Somehow, this expresses exactly how I incoherently feel about all of you here.
(I tried for a lovely red-and-green font, but FYWP.)
You’ve been fishing with Sarah Palin?
On second thought, I take that back. That writing is far too coherent for her.
It seems to be regret and miss something while feeling that we were always short – this is the only part I understand.
Because I both regret the fact that, and feel that I am missing something because, I am always short.
Always. Fucking always.
Merry Christmas, Anne Laurie!
I am plus who knowshow many, but i love you guys and I think that asiangrrrl is the awesome and I know that she has several virtual hubbies but to my knowledge no virtual wives and I’m just gonna put myself out there. I am technically both hetero and married but she’s just too cool . All of you can be the best dudes. Luv u guys. Gonna pass out now don ‘t take it personally. Xo — jen
Xmas Merry on eve to oneevery!
@Jibeaux: As one of her espoused, I give my blessing. If she agrees (and isn’t licking her wounds from the spurning of Tunch) welcome to the family. We’re a fascinating lot.
Hurrah… Late night open thread.
8am in Amsterdam. -2 degrees C. Snow turned to hard slush in the streets, but with the potential for more snow tomorrow. Actual winter a new experience for me.
Christmas preparations in full swing. Stores full of happy Dutchies buying expensive food.
Off to buy traditional Christmas biscuits and marzipan later, then preparing for Christmas lunch tomorrow. Very good sausages, potato salad, oven roasted tomatoes, stir fried samphire, followed by panna cotta with candied peaches. Not traditional, but limited by the tiny oven in our apartment.
Happy Christmas to all the minions, and to our fearless leaders.
It’s funny, but I always forget how short I am. I’m about 5’2″ but I was absolutely convinced for years that I was at least 5’4″, if not taller, and it was quite a shock to get re-measured and be told I was 2 inches shorter than I thought I was.
I still don’t quite believe it, which is why I forgot to ask my 5’7″ matron of honor to wear flats for my wedding, and why I look like a miniature bride in the pictures since I’m standing with my 5’9″ (at least) matron of honor, my 6′ tall husband, and his 6’4″ tall brother. They’re all hunched over like Obama bowing to the emperor of Japan so they can be in the same frame as me.
freelancer (itouch)
All your Claus are belong to Balloon Juice! You have no chance to wrap gifts save your time!
/Rake Palin’s 2009 Xmas ecard.
@ellaesther: I totally forgot to wish you Hanukkah samayach! I was even thinking of you while making the rugelach. They turned out fantastic although it certainly wouldn’t bother me to compare recipes.
I suspect we FHs would welcome a new Fake Wife. Keeping wifey entertained is a big job.
@Tattoosydney: Did you see someone wishes to join our familial unit? Personally I’m rather excited here!
Settle down, pervs. :)
Apropos of nothing:
the more the fake merrier, I say. Wifey would probably enjoy adding a straight woman to our little coven.
Why are you always picking on the gays?
Hey! You’re the drunken one making indecent proposals contrary to the teachings of holy Mother Church.
@Jibeaux: Okay we’re both in agreement. Now we just gotta get wifey involed in this.
BTW if you think WE’RE perved…just wait until wifey gets around!
freelancer (itouch)
Lol, extrapolate this and in 3 years, we are all Squeaky Fromme.
In all seriousness, tattoosydney, hope you’re honeymoon’s going swimmingly. So much love here that I’m getting nauseous. Maybe it’s the booze. Probably both.
freelancer +5
@freelancer (itouch): Personally I think this could be sitcom gold. Three’s Company but in reverse. After “Will & Grace” it just might work. Except unlike Will both Sydney and I would have sex lives.
wasabi gasp
Joyous day for prey on sum yung gai
freelancer (itouch)
Oh Snap!
“come and knock on our door… da duh da dih da Da!”
Okay, CNN is usually ass but every now and again they produce articles like this:
I realize this situation really only applies to me on here, but this article really hit home with me. It really is one of my biggest fears involving the Dawg.
/psychologist’s couch
@freelancer (itouch):
It is, thankyou. It’s so cold here there’s little excuse to go outside, so we are spending our days reading together in front of the heater, eating (the Dutch do cheese, smallgoods and cakes very well), sleeping, indulging in various entirely legal substances, and watching Amsterdam life out the front windows. All good. Now if only I could stop waking up wide awake at 5am.
@Tattoosydney: I admit I am quite partial to smoked gouda, but any Dutch cheese is phenomenal to me. There’s a store here with a great cheese selection, they even have stuff I’d never heard of before from places I didn’t even know made cheese. It’ll make you fat but worth every single bite.
I always wondered why Will just didn’t go to the damn sauna or have a gaydar profile.
@Tattoosydney: Okay that show was on what six years? How many boyfriends did he have? Like four? Are you kidding me? A good-looking single lawyer in NYC? Unpossible!
freelancer (itouch)
the 23rd is the one year anniversary of my ankle surgery. I slipped on my driveway and landed on my left foot. I had a spiral fracture halfway up my tibia. The irony is that we are forecasted to have ice storms.
wish me luck, and I’ll keep you and yours in mind for a cure for your insomnia and a blissful end to your matrimonial launchspace. Night fellas, love you.
freelancer +6
It’s 2:18 am here, and I hear there’s a huge storm across the midwest, but it ain’t here. amazon is my god. And thanks, jibeaux, for the lovely comment on my blog.
So I’ll just leave this here:
Yesterday I bought an Edam with peppers in it, one with caraway seeds, and a french soft cheese that comes in its own pottery dish so you can heat it in the oven. Cheese Fest! Add in some pate made fresh with real foie gras, and it’s a pleasant if fattening Christmas.
ETA: I’m also addicted to Dutch Kip Kerrie – cold curried chicken salad. Yummers.
@Tattoosydney: Is the French cheese boursin? Or something I should know (being of French extraction but family having left like 500 years ago) but virtually impossible to pronounce north of Brussels? Whatever it is it sounds divine. So does the Edam with caraway. Did you see where they have the huge wheels they just roll to market?
@freelancer (itouch):
You have my sympathy and best wishes. I almost killed myself on an icy step on our first morning here, but survived with just a bruised back and injured dignity. How do you people cope with actual winter for months at a time?
/person from country where winter isn’t cold
FDL now against Bernie Sanders.
It really needs no other words beyond “lost their fucking mind”. Can we now add FDL to the blogs we monitor and mock? I think it’s about time and there needs to be some representation in there from the cuckoo part of the left.
I highly suggest avoiding Canada in December. Well except for Vancouver cause mostly all it does there is rain for pretty much no end. The Steam Clock is a fun sight though. And if you like Asian foods they have a huge variety there. Oh and no matter what if I ever do tie the knot I’m getting married in Stanley Park. It honestly is one of the most amazing places to just be for me. But I’m not biased to my little section of the world at all.
Let’s try that again:
It was his single payer amendment, which didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of being in the bill anyway, but what do facts have to do with it. FDL has seriously gone off the deep end.
Give climate change a bit more time and you may get to figure it out firsthand.
The french one is a “Saint-Felicien” – smells like feet, but when hot and scooped up with bread it’s, well, almost better than sex.
Hmm. It’s 9.30 am and I have the munchies. How did that happen?
Nothing like a funeral in -40 degree weather in Winnipeg. Even better when the airline loses your luggage like they did for my sister.
@arguingwithsignposts: Dammit there you go with those facts again. Personally I’d be perfectly happy with the Kucinich amendment passing as a separate law. If anyone bothers to read history (read: Canada) often it takes one state at a time before the feds catch up. Anti-slavery, womens’ suffrage, labor rights, the list goes on. The states are just gonna have to lead the way here.
I suspect where I come from the crippling years long droughts and frequent wildfires will be more of a concern.
I will be (hopefully) in Edmonton in January. Any recommendations?
freelancer (itouch)
Well that’s a trick question, cause your winter peaks in my summer. So what you’re doing right now would be like me vacationing to Greenland right after the All-star Break and summer solstice. Just complete temperate insanity. As for why we deal? it’s because we’re dumb real Murkins who take pride in living in flyover states. We wouldn’t be Americans if we didn’t turn our suffering or misery into a pissing contest as to whose struggle sucks more.
@arguingwithsignposts: Thermal underwear and a rental car with seat warmers :)
@arguingwithsignposts: Yes. Stay warm. You’re gonna freeze your ass off.
EDIT: In all seriousness though there really isn’t much to Edmonton. It’s just a big oil town with a decent hockey team. The good news is it’s relatively flat.
can this circular firing squad get any larger?
@Tattoosydney: Don’t underestimate the craftiness of climate change. I get the feeling most of the world is going to see all sorts of extreme weather before this is all over. It’s actially kinda fascinating if it wasn’t gonna be so devastating.
@Yutsano: Well, that’s not as good as the time I went to vancouver in January a few years ago, but oh, well…
@arguingwithsignposts: Vancouver has better food and better scenery no doubt. It’s also ten times as big as Edmonton. However you should go if you can, it will be an experience and hey maybe you’ll mash up with a nice Canadian girl.
a guy can dream. I hear they have some awesome health care up there. ;)
Popping out of lurking because I had to comment…
My sympathies to those who slip on the ice, but staying in because it is -2C makes me chuckle. That’s practically shorts weather here!
Currently it is -22C in Regina with a windchill of -34C, that wind blowing the 10 or so cm of snow that fell in the past 48 hours. You cannot imagine the insanity of last minute Christmas shopping in these conditions. But the kids can’t wait to get back to building their forts/icerinks/snowmen.
Best wishes for a safe and joyful holiday season to all. Wherever you are, you make BJ a great place to visit.
(While searching for a pic to show you all what it’s like at the moment, I stumbled across this blog: . I have no idea who the author is, but it puts Regina in its best light.)
@arguingwithsignposts: My ex (before the Dawg) was a Canadian hockey player from Vancouver. A Sicilian nationalist and a bruiser of a defenceman. Everyone else thought he was brooding and moody but around me he lit up like a Christmas tree. It ended for rather complicated reasons. You could always ask if RedKitten has a sister. :)
@Yutsano: Hot toes! :) it is definitely hard to type with a kitteh leaning on the keyboard.
I went to grade school with a guy who ended up a defenseman on the Vancouver Canucks. I wonder if…? Nah. Definitely not Sicilian origin.
@arguingwithsignposts: Heh. Mine was in my lap commanding both hands for petting not too long ago. He’s now on the floor pouting because my brother scared him into vacating. Good for my typing, not so much for the adoration he commands.
If I may be so bold, why for are you going to Edmonton in the dead of winter?
@snowsim: He got looked at by the Avalanche for awhile but for whatever reason the deal fell through. It might have been because of visa complications (is there such a thing as a defenceman with a clean record?) he never really told me. He also got a look from the Coyotes. Last I heard he’s still skating semi-pro in Vancouver. Funny part is he’s from Whitehorse originally.
@Yutsano: speaking at a conference. that’s about as specific as I can get.
@arguingwithsignposts: You don’t need to get any more specific. Truth be told that answers my question. :)
@Yutsano: Yeah, I figure there’s got to be all of one conferences in edmonton in january, right? shhh.
@arguingwithsignposts: Hey if it gives you a good excuse to go to a strange city and crawl around, get drunk, and have fun, I say go for it. Just bring protection and enough bail money. Oh and the number for the American consulate close by just in case.
@Yutsano: ooh, the number for the consulate, good call. hadn’t thought of that. I spend so much time traveling it’s hardly fun any more, though.
@Yutsano: I’ve never heard of a player not making a team because of visa problems, but then, I’m one of those rare Canadians who hated hockey for years. Only recently have I started to watch it again, but that may be because I have a crush on Henrik Zetterberg.
(I also never say “eh”, but I have been known to drink beer, so my citizenship is safe.)
@snowsim: I also cannot rule out the possibility they decided not to pick him up because he fancies gents and isn’t shy about saying so. Of course I wouldn’t recommend saying the six letter F word around him. It’s liable to put you in the hospital before you can blink.
Damn, I really hope that wasn’t the reason. I may be a straight female, but I long for the day when players can be out.
@snowsim: I really just need to haul my ass up to Vancouver and hunt him down. I still have a few unanswered questions from our relationship I wouldn’t mind resolving plus I just want to see how he’s doing. I don’t really have much of an excuse, it’s only a six hour drive plus I can afford to take a few days off if I wanted. I guess I can figure that all out later.
BTW I’m really kicking myself now. I have another good friend who graduated from the RCMP academy in 2006 and he invited me to his graduation. I unfortunately ended up not being able to go, but it would have been fun to drive with his parents all the way from Vancouver to Saskatoon, with a certain stop in Regina. Then I could say I’ve been to your fair city.
thanks. Have a great Christmas. You are right – I can’t imagine what that winter is like. I’m from south east Australia, where summer is very hot and dry, and winter is coldish and wetish. Actual freezing conditions for me are something that happens every five years at most
Our equivalent extreme is the summer drought – baked, parched, stinking heat, where your sweat dries instantly and to no discernable cooling effect. Nasty but not quite as perilous as snow and sleet. Unless you are a sheep. Or a sheep farmer.
Amsterdam is lovely. The snow is just a slightly slippery icing on it. Today is sunny, clear and (for me) blightingly icy.
@Tattoosydney: I just want to say right now I’m officially blaming you for getting “One Night in Bangkok” stuck in my head. Just because I can’t resist sharing the misery:
@Yutsano: Six hour drive along the Pacific coast? You have NO excuses not to do it!
Ermm… The RCMP Academy is in Regina. Not that Saskatoon isn’t a lovely city, with a real river and everything. (Our main body of water is a slough turned into one of the largest man-made lakes in North America.)
@Tattoosydney: That summer sounds more than a little familiar. But one of my friends spends most days figuring out how to make the move from Ottawa to Australia. I think it’s just for the tennis Open.
I do envy you your wonderful time in Amsterdam. Enjoy! And step carefully. I’d send you the ice-grippers mail carriers wear here, but I don’t think they’d get there in time.
@snowsim: D’OH! I think the ultimate destination of the trip was Saskatoon. Or he mentioned Saskatoon once. Or something. Somehow Saskatoon got stuck in my head. I was invited however and still blew the chance to go. Those graduations are invite only and I highly doubt I’d get another opportunity.
Half of the drive for me is going west, then going north once I hit Seattle. It really is a beautiful drive even for when I leave town. In fact I even make excuses to go on that freeway every chance I get it’s so much more scenic than going on the highways in town.
@Yutsano: I did the Vancouver-Bellingham trip a few times (my mom live in Bellingham & it was cheaper to fly to Vancouver) and every time I wished I could live anywhere along there. I’d have to get a hybrid car though, because I know I’d be out driving around so much there is no way I could afford the gas. Eden.
The world is your oyster. However, I understand that one town is very like another, when your head’s down over your pieces.
I really liked Bangkok as a stopover. It’s friendly, chaotic, cheap and fascinating. And there are elephant statues everywhere which made real husband very happy.
I suspect I will survive without them, but thanks. The locals are so assured – kids running, people striding along, even little old ladies, head down and determined through the slush and ice. Whereas I just look terrified, thinking about every step.
Thankfully the dutch also make good blankets and central heating.
@snowsim: I applied for a job in Bellingham once. Even got two interviews before they ultimately passed on me. I have a feeling if I tried again I might just get it. I’m pursuing other opportunities first (FYI I have a job, it just doesn’t seem to be going anywhere right now) but I’m keeping that on the back burner.
@Tattoosydney: A pachyderm obsession? Don’t they have pills for that sort of thing? Did you sneak a purchase of a teak one just to see the expression on his face when you get home?
Okay, it’s 2 am and I’m pooped. One more day of work plus tomorrow I have to work on my Christmas present to myself before I go to the grind. Y’all have fun and thanks from coming out from under lurking status snowsim!
@Tattoosydney: A nasty fall will do that to you, make every step seem like it’s on a skating rink slicked up with dish soap and marbles. Just give it some time & you’ll get your ice legs back.
If you could find a way to turn their cheese into boots, you’d be set.
@Yutsano: Good luck with the job non-search! If you end up in Bellingham, let me know (Google my nick and chances are you’ll find me), and I’ll see if I can remember my favourite spots about the place for you.
Thanks for making my de-lurk painless. But I think I haven’t been lurking enough…what is your present to yourself?
Sleep well.
Free At Last
I see that the post on FDL is getting lots of negative commenters now, with several saying good bye to FDL. That is a hopeful sign.
Larger? Yes. Stupider? I’m going to vote “no”, with some reservations. These dipshits got to primarying *Bernie Sanders* so damn fast, Teh Stoopit is strong in them, perhaps even rivaling Palin. Did they say anything about dead fish going with the flow?
Anyone up watching history being made in the Senate?
The states are already leading the way in many respects. Some states have very good insurance regulations (Vermont and Minnesota being the best in my estimation) while others stick their citizens into the Thunderdome with claims agents and leave them to rot.
You’d be surprised how much of our health care disparities are defined regionally. If you lopped off a certain section of the country, the United States would probably jump a dozen rungs in the OECD ranks when it comes to health.
Probably a high correlation between the states with decent regs and policies and the states who are sending more to Washington than they get back. Probably an equally high correlation between those two and how blue they are.
Assuming we cannot get decent HCR at a national level, the implications of state level reform are somewhat interesting, in a states-rights kind of way.
Final vote happening right now. Harry Reid, if possible, sounds passionate. Good news and bad news here related to politics in the ‘Burgh. Theresa Heinz Kerry has announced she has breast cancer in both breasts. I know people hate her, but I love her and this is sad news. In better news GOP State Senator Jane Orie’s off ice was raided yesterday. Rumor has it that it is in regard to illegal political activity on behalf of her sister, Judge Joan Orie Melvin. This is a sister act of great destructive force here that I would love to see taken down. This is a wonderful Christmas gift, I must say. Makes the Senate bill go down a little better for me.
Oh, and Harry Reid just made a funny when casting his vote! Fucking Reid is a comic! Hilarious.
El Cid
Listening to C-Span as the Senate votes and the Republican callers are boo-hoo-hoo-ing.
I just learned from a caller that the deal is un-Constitutional because no bill can treat states differently on taxes and benefits.
And Olympia Snowe votes no. Good thing we put so much weight on negotiating with her.
I wish we could write all our legislation on a minority committee of 3 conservative industry-favored Senate Democrats and 3 “I’ll never vote for any of your damn legislation no way no how” Republicans. Awesome.
OMG — a caller from here in Georgia with strong Southern accent in favor of the bill! ‘Bout damn time!
It’s official!
El Cid
LOL did y’all see Harry Reid vote NO by mistake !? The entire Senate burst out laughing and he quickly made the change, but that was funny stuff.
geg6 I also was very sad to hear the news about THK. That 2004 team (the wives anyhow) have had way more burdens put on them than they deserve or that the law of averages would suggest.
And now the real sausage making begins. Go, Nancy, go!
Who is more disappointed right now: The Anti-Government Right or the Anti-Corporate Left?
Sure feels odd to frame the question that way, but I am curious.
yay we have reform bill. is Inhofe still out sick?
El Cid
C-Span caller: “I’m friends with my urologist… and he says several of his colleagues will quit altogether if this bill becomes law… He said he had to do some emergency surgery in England and he said the conditions were absolutely horrid… If this thing is not repealed, then I predict there’s gonna be a war over this.”
Tea Party!
El Cid
@valdivia: Jim Bunning said ‘outta here’.
Yes, now it gets interesting. Now we find out how many votes Nancy held in reserve, because I’m pretty sure the basic plan is to take the Senate bill with minimal changes – most related to speed of implementation. I do not expect great change in conference. In fact, I rather expect that there are a host of “progressive” congress critters lighting candles in thanks to Nelson and Lieberman, right now.
@El Cid:
got it. All those Rep senators who hate climate change sort of meld in my head! ;-)
The funny thing is that these people screaming about socialism have NO idea what is in the bill. Idiots.
@El Cid: somehow I ended up in moderation (probably soci–lism). I just said thanks for the info.
El Cid
OMG — C-Span caller “Bunny”: “I’m so disappointed I’ve taken my Christmas tree down, I’ve taken my Christmas wreath off my house, I’ve taken the lights down, this is supposed to be a nation under God and it isn’t… This is God’s holiday for the birth of his son [and the Senators have ruint it…]
C-Span host: “You took down your Christmas tree because of the Senate health care bill?”
“Bunny”: “I certainly did and I’d like to see every light in the nation go out, and especially in the White House…”
Host: “Why are you so opposed to it?”
“Bunny”: “Because it’s divisive between my son, who is younger, and myself… It is genocide on the seniors with this hospice…”
@El Cid:
who the hell are these people who call CSpan???
Tomlinson: Well, much as I have been a pessimist about this bill, I am hopeful that Pelosi can put some progressive stuff in there, if only around the edges. My personal hope is they drop the excise tax and put the House provision of taxing high income earners back in. That would make it much more palitible for me.
That’s a fair bet, but maybe they index the excise tax and go with a lower high-income tax to make it revenue neutral. Split the difference.
Sort of a shame, because that cadillac tax really is a worthwhile addition.
El Cid
@valdivia: Just people who want to call in and be heard. You get a variety of sane people and a lot of pure cranks. Occasionally you’ll get people complaining that the CIA is exerting mind control via microwaves on them, etc., and sometimes you’ll get experienced persons or researchers on some issue.
How memes take hold: Kelly O’Donnell on MSNBC talking in some amazement that Sens Franken and Lieberman were chatting cordially after the HCR vote, and she contrasted this with the episode the other day when Franken was presiding during debate and “cut Lieberman off.” I guess this has already taken hold. Makes it sound as though Franken leaped in there, interrupted Lieberman, stomped all over him, when in fact he was merely complying with the rule to move things along. A small item but it jumped at me. Maybe because I don’t like Kelly O’Donnell much anyhow.
BTW, 60-39 and Inhofe was there today. Anyone know which Republican didn’t vote?
El Cid
@SiubhanDuinne: Bunning.
Thanks, El Cid.
Demo Woman
Happy Day! Today is a busy day of cooking and getting ready to feed 17 supper. May all of the BJ’ers have a wonderful holiday.
@El Cid:
wait the CIA is *not* using microwaves to brainwash us? The things you learn on the intertubes! ;-)
@snowsim #49 / 3:57 am
Regina, eh? I lived in Regina for a year when I was in grade 6. Long story. We lived in the Balfour Apartments. I remember feeding ducks on the lake in Wascana Park. Later I also used to visit my relatives during the summer — they had a place in the Qu’Appelle Valley. Lovely times.
I went back to Regina on business last spring for the first time in 55 years. Bitterly cold, at least for this acclimated Southern gal, but I really quite liked the general look and feel of the city. Oh, and we took a bus down to the Weyburn oil fields and were *just this close* to the turnoff to “Dog River.”
(Love love love me some “Corner Gas.”)
There is a West Wing marathon starting on Bravo for anyone interested. Ends at 1pm today. I’m gonna settle in and watch even though I need to make one last run to the grocery for the ingredients for twice baked potatoes that I forgot yesterday.
I’m such a nerd. I just realized I’m about as curious about what will come out of the conference committee as I was curious about what waited for me under the tree on Christmas morning when I was five.
Have WW on right now. It’s the In Excelsius Deo episode from the first season, which always makes me cry at the end. But alas, I have to go to work. It will be a short day but still.
Back later in the day but if I miss you (by which I now mean y’all, even *all* y’all) have a wonderful Christmas.
El Cid
@Sly: That’s not nerdy — that’s just realizing which thing will affect you more long after Xmas day.
El Cid
Other C-Span whiner: ‘this bill is a slap in the face…’
Has ‘thrown [or conversely ‘thown’] under the bus’ been used yet?
So far my favorite is Treebagger lady.
@geg6: Theresa Heinz Kerry, is a wonderful woman and I love her spirit and kind heart. Stupid media could not understand her because she was not a typical first lady they’ve used to see. The news of her cancer is very sad.
El Cid
El Cid
@El Cid: YES! C-Span caller just whined that “they shoved it down everybody’s throats!” This is better than a Wonkette performance live!
El Cid
C-Span caller: ‘I oppose the bill ’cause people like me ‘ll be goin’ ta jail…’
Host explains subsidies.
Caller: ‘Yeah but we done tried to get Medicaid.’
This repeats twice, then host says ‘thank you’ and moves on.
The Grand Panjandrum
@El Cid: Who knew the teabaggers were also into deep throating. Good for them. It might relieve some of the stress they feel living in the New World Caliphate.
harlana peppper
President will be speaking this morning on passage of hc bill. You can catch it on CSPAN.
Think he’ll say he never supported the PO in the first place?
hee hee
El Cid
The Grand Panjandrum
Uh-oh mandating insurance will now force low wage earners to turn to crime to pay for it!
“Bunny”: “Because it’s divisive between my son, who is younger, and myself… It is genocide on the seniors with this hospice…” Oh Lord, do these people even know what “genocide” is? On the bright side her son is sane which is good. It means we are winning the young. My cousin is so excited because she is 24 and works in a crappy job that does not provide insurance; now she will be under her parents’ insurance.
grumpy realist
Merry Mithras and Happy Solstice, everyone! Am here in Chicago, where everyone is wondering when The Big Midwest Storm is going to hit and what it will do when it does. I think rain + sleet is on the agenda for today and tomorrow. Ugh.
Am finishing up files at work (almost everyone has already vanished) and helping a friend find a last-minute Xmas gift.
Suggestion for anyone who wants to avoid wrapping paper and has a sewing machine: get some polyester brocade and a bunch of cord in different colors. Sew goodie bags, using the cord as a drawstring. (Use zig-zag stitch to hem edges and to sew selvages to inside of bag.) Make bags in whatever size you need–I made a long skinny one with a round bottom for a bottle of wine and it came out extremely well. Made several bags several years ago to cover presents for a friend and they were a great hit.
Other possibility (even more versatile): hem edges of large square of brocade, use as furoshiki to wrap gifts.
El Cid
@The Grand Panjandrum: That’s what a caller just said on C-Span. This bill will force people to turn to crime… Were you just joking, or our we exerting right wing caller thought via The Force?
El Cid
OOOOOOH! C-Span caller asked if anyone can tell him how it’s different what Al Qa’ida is doing to the Muslim religion compared with what Republicans are doing to the Christian religion here. OUCH!
The Grand Panjandrum
@El Cid: I was watching.
BTW we new thread above.
Merry celebration of the principle holiday of a religion that has spread death and destruction and anti-rationalism throughout the world, friends. Enjoy it like Republicans in the traditional way – persecute some women or muslims.
Aargh. Y’all are making me miss the west coast even more than I already do. The DC snowpacolypse helps, but I miss hills!
The New York Times:
Senate Passes Health Care Overhaul Bill
How nice that you got a christmas email from Yoda!
Yet another asshole who I bet couldn’t find Vermont on a map. I’d bet a good 50% of voters in this state for Sanders could give a shit about ‘progressive values,’ just about getting shit done and looking out for rural people and farmers.
I guess I should send him an ‘ilu’ Christmas note after all this….
Also, I love you assholes too. <3
@SiubhanDuinne: How fantastic to see another Reginian (however short term) on BJ. And a Corner Gas viewer! Although I just moved back here a couple of years ago, one summer while I was visiting, we did the day trip to the set in Rouleau. Got great pics of the little ones sitting on six foot hay bale rolls in a nearby field.
And to all those anxiously awaiting HCR, best wishes from the home of Medicare.
@grumpy realist: Brilliant ideas! This origami-enthusiast will enjoy attempting that.
Happy War on Christmas, juicers!
I have a complaint! You guys manage to have all this fucking fun without me! Damn it.
@Jibeaux: I accept! You will be FW#1. I haz two FHs (both of whom you’ve met) along with an entire thread and an outstanding proposal to Tunchie which he has yet to accept. Welcome to the family!
Now, next fake spouse should actually be someone with whom I can knock boots….
@Yutsano: Rub it in, why don’t you. And, I am not a perv. I am just highly-sexual. Harumph.
And a colorless green ideas sleep furiously to you too!