Without a doubt, the dumbest attempt to politicize the event on the plane yesterday that I have seen so far:
I suppose me might as well impose a death penalty on all suicide bombers, too.
by John Cole| 57 Comments
This post is in: Clown Shoes
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huh? Is this even true or is he pulling it out of his ass?
General Winfield Stuck
It was because Obama ended Bush’s preventive war program, otherwise Dick Cheney would have already had this guys nuts mounted on his basement wall of freedom.
I have to admit that the government’s plan to identify terrorists, putting the terrorists on a watch list, and then letting airline passengers and crews do the actual work of stopping the terrorists is working to perfection.
@General Winfield Stuck:
And here’s the General now. Sir, do you have any comment on the tragedy?
It seems like only yesterday that every slight, possible terrorist related incident was used to rally the ‘Murkins round the great president and stifle any criticism of said great leader.
What a difference an election makes.
Kooky Hoekstra and Pete the Heat Miser King are grade A puds who should take Alan Grayson’s advice and STFU.
Premptive Strike
In my opinion, not enough has been made of the Yemen connection. First do they have OIL? Almost depleted? Well never mind then, let’s get back to work on those plans for the Iran invasion.
General Winfield Stuck
Mr. Alvin rules. that is all.
Yglesias cuts to the chase:
OK, what is this?
Seems to be an article from last March.
Schipol’s security is normally better than the security theatre here-in the past when I was visiting family in the Netherlands they hand-screened my luggage and did a pat-down-doesn’t sound like that’s happening recently.
I also had to laugh at the ex-head of NWA’s security now in private industry saying that a full-body scan machine (at a million a pop) would have stopped this. NFW-he would have just had this stuff in his carry-on and would have just ditched into the restroom to strap this stuff on.
But hey-never let a fake crisis go to waste-right, Rep. King?
Some people say that Obama sent out Christmas cards to all the top Al Qaeda leaders.
Bob In Pacifica
How about arming the flight attendants?
no, but there’s a chance that the political opposition could be!
demagogues, ho!
Okay, so some guy lights his crotch on fire and we are supposed to run around screaming in fear now?
I mean, what could possibly go wrong?
@AhabTRuler: Who used to tell the joke about how the odds of there being a bomb on a plane were a million to one, so he always brought his own along, figuring the odds on there being *two* bombs on board were astronomical.
I was flipping around channels last night and couldn’t help giggling every time I clicked through the cable “news” channel region (I never stop there anymore) that they seemed in wall-to-wall coverage mode over a fucking firecracker.
How many hours of programming do you suppose they’ve devoted to endlessly discussion and dissection the incident at this point and at what cost? How many hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars worth of labor, airtime and electricity spent on a story whose actual information content, the actual news part, takes all of maybe 30 seconds to a minute to report in its entirety — maybe two minutes if you brought in aviation expert to try and come up with some possible stretch of imagination, even the most wildly tenuous scenario whereby one could bring down an airliner with a fucking firecracker.
If this stuff continues to sell advertising at this point, I can only conclude that a) we truly have become a nation of pussies and b) our country truly has the news media we deserve.
@SGEW: This.
Dare I go check what the bedwetters at The Corner are saying?
Glad I am not flying anytime soon.
Funny that the single most potentially effective security tool we have cannot be fully utilized because it may reveal that people are nekkid under their clothing. Oh, Teh Horrors!!
Hydrogen Peroxide? Are we sure this guy just wasn’t trying to give himself an inflight depilatory?
Maybe he had a hot date and he wanted that smoove look.
General Winfield Stuck
Mix it with Acetone and BOOM!!
@General Winfield Stuck:
Well, if you can get the good stuff in terms of peroxide. And if you can keep the whole mess cold, and … Well, niggling little details don’t matter.
Anyone else make the point that the “heroic” passengers didn’t thwart a goddamned thing? The device had already been activated, it simply fizzled. Probably because the clown either had low grade reagents or had no clue what he was doing. Acting after the fact may be noble and understandable, but no one prevented a fucking thing.
Also, in regards to the TSA, this obligatory XKCD reference:
Bag Check
I was just thinking the exact same thing as I read the headline at TPM:
If you thought pilots were already distracted enough by debating work schedueles when they should have been bringing the plane in for a landing in Minneapolis, can you imagine how distracted they would be by the accounting requirements that would be necessary to carry a weapon on the plane?
And how would an armed pilot have helped in this instance anyway?
Seems to me armed pilots are a recipe for more people dying from accidental discharges depressurinzing cabins leading to disaster than from terrorism.
But noone ever said conservatives were smart or anything.
Home of the brave.
@Tomlinson: Land of the…oh, wait…
wasabi gasp
I’m hearing the guy almost hyperventilated everybody to death by igniting a pair of Lanvin sneakers with the warm joy of handing poor folk a sandwich.
@MattR: Terror Attack Thwarted In Skies Over Detroit
I guess we mean Terror Attack Thwarted By Poor Chemical Handling Technique in Skies Over Detroit.
I breathlessly await the newest round of post-equine barn-door-locking from our Lord High Bedwetters, and will patiently wait for any analysis of the functionality of our sooper-seekrit Do Not Fly list.
@AhabTRuler: “I mean, what could possibly go wrong?”
You do realize that the NRA and these idiots honestly believe this to be the case, right?
OK so maybe it wasn’t a firecracker (the original report that I heard seems to have been later revised and extended). But the rest of my rant still stands.
licensed to kill time
This attempt was about as effective as that ass bomb that turned into shaped charge and only ripped the guy a new one.
@raholco: Yeah, I was just there in late Oct (unfortunately for my Oma’s funeral) and the security seemed a little more laid back than in times past, though I have never seen them do full-body pat downs except at random. When I was there in April, they had individual screenings at the gate (vs the mass screenings as everyone comes into the gate areas) while this time we did the mass screening thing. I wonder if the Dutch equivalent of the TSA has had major budget cuts or something. (Unsurprisingly, I have always found the Dutch security much more pleasant to deal with than TSA – by orders of magnitude.)
@Bob In Pacifica: That would certainly cut down on customer complaints!
@donovong: My brother is unfortunately flying home from Schipol tomorrow. He travels with insulin so it ought to be really interesting. I feel bad for him.
licensed to kill time
Eventually we will all have to wear airline supplied paper suits and slippers once we’ve been thoroughly strip and cavity searched. Or maybe they’ll just go with the knockout gas and we all fly unconscious to our destinations.
“Sleep in Safety” Airlines, the only way to fly!
i couldn’t imagine a safer outcome than the one envisioned by the NRA – hot lead flying at 1000 ft/s in a pressurized aluminum tube at 30000 feet.
Corner Stone
@wasabi gasp: Honestly, I don’t know what hidden lair you retreat to for solace but fer God’s sake please continue to venture out of it and entertain the rest of us.
You are on fire! (and not like the douchebag on the plane either, but actually rocking the commentariat here at BJ)
Corner Stone
I’m just thankful that coming back from Tucson recently they didn’t shock me into compliance for the last hour of the flight.
I agreed to have my balls wired up as a safety precaution, and somehow remained rock solid as we flew over NM, West TX and into IAH.
That was a close one.
I mean, are you fucking kidding me? I can’t access my fucking carry on for the last fucking hour of the flight? Fuck you, you goddamn jackboots. I need some some fucking Trident, mmmkay?
Not to mention I work for a living. Are you going to sedate me now? Jeebus X. Machina Christus.
Corner Stone
@licensed to kill time: The TSA will sell us all approved outfits and pre-screening passes. We’ll only have to pay a little extra if we ask for the rubber gloves to have lube while they pre-inspect our personages.
I flew with my 5yr old recently and when we went through security he asked me some common sense questions I was unable to answer re: security and flying.
If a 5yr old can figure out that we’re all a bunch of morans for agreeing to this stupid Big Brother shit for the illusion of “security”, I mean c’mon!
Of course, he is an actual evil genius so maybe he’s not the right sample group.
@Corner Stone: Hey c’mon, you can’t tease and leave like that! What were some of the five-year-old’s questions?
Corner Stone
@SiubhanDuinne: Listen, the kid’s figured out how to make the plane fly backwards in the Nintendo Wii’s Resort Dogfighting game, in about 2 weeks.
Don’t ask me how because I’ve watched him and I still don’t know.
And honestly? When he starts asking me about comparative volume? Where do you go from there?
But essentially he said words to the effect of, “What could my shoe$ be made of that could hurt anyone, but I could still walk in them?”
“Doesn’t it feel silly to hold your pants up when you have a belt?”
“What do they think we’re going to do?”
licensed to kill time
@Corner Stone:
And it will be promoted as the bestest thing evah.
” Leave your worries at the gate, plane won’t blow up and make you late, Fly Real ‘Murkan Airlines ! ”
(any other airline means you have something to hide)
@Corner Stone (#42):
Well, this one at least, I can answer – plastic explosives; that requires a blasting cap to detonate, if I recall correctly.
Corner Stone
@licensed to kill time:
And strangely, if it happens during the Obama administration then anyone who has a problem with it will be castrated by the online community.
“Why won’t you open your ass to be inspected?!”
“This is the best we could get! Obama is powerless against the Senator from Naboo!”
Corner Stone
@henqiguai: Funnily enough, we discussed this for a bit. I was unable to convince him.
Corner Stone
@licensed to kill time:
If you’re innocent then why aren’t you flying Real ‘Murkan?
licensed to kill time
@Corner Stone:
Real ‘Murkans aren’t afraid to spread their cheeks. They’ll be wearing Big Brown Eye lapel pins along with the dangling teabags on their hats.
“And you shall know them by these signs….”
Corner Stone
@licensed to kill time: Actually, I envision a time where we’re all implanted with an enema like in the move “The Right Stuff”.
I mean, that’s the only way to be 100% sure, amirite?
Master Mahan
Obviously this incident proves how vital arming pilots is. If the pilot in this plane had had a gun, all the people on that flight might still be alive. *cough*
@Corner Stone: Thanks. Smart kid.
Corner Stone
@SiubhanDuinne: Hmmm. Yes. The first time I gave him a Jif-to-go peanut butter pak he ate some, looked at it, looked at me and said, “This is a really good delivery system.”
I could go on but, eh. “that’s my boy!”
@Corner Stone: Heh. Funny kid, too.
CNN was awesome last night–at one point they interviewed a guy who was like, 30 rows behind this dude. What, exactly, is he going to be able to tell you?
Corner Stone
@Darkrose: Cue the Will Ferrell routine.
He’s the only one who could do this justice.
Actually you’re just a fucking idiot.
no blasting cap, a battery will detonate C-4