Somebody go back to town and get a shitload of dimes!
There are enough one liners in this movie to float the Titanic…
Headed out in a little bit to see “A Single Man.” I love Colin Firth and am curious to see how he does in this film. He’s gotten such rave reviews for his performance.
But on AMC it’ll be cut to pieces. Really not even worth bothering with if every line is hacked apart.
It is physically impossible for me to watch the campfire scene without collapsing on the couch in a pool of laughter. Call me juvenile, but farts=funny.
What did you expect? “Welcome, sonny”? “Make yourself at home”? “Marry my daughter”? You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… republicans
@MikeJ: Second that. Get the DVD and enjoy it in its uncut glory.
Cool. I’ve been playing the “We’ve got to protect our phoney-baloney jobs, gentlemen” bit all week this week.
Such a beautiful day here today. Spring like, until the next storm rolls in. And I am being pulled by evil forces, I suspect, into watching The Wassilla Wingnut, Starburst the Writhing Natives tonight on Cspan. Somebody hep hep hep me!
I got an email from OFA this morning titled “Pass Health Care Reform Now” and linking a page on mybo labeled “Finish The Job”. Apparently OFA is trying to do a campaign to get people to write letters to newspapers and Facebook posts to pass HCR “now”. I’d post the whole thing but, you know, blockquote.
I emailed them back and said something along the lines that I was heartened to see OFA taking this up and that I’m happy to participate, but it seemed weird to have the President’s organizing arm trying to get me to go out and argue we should pass health care “now” when the President himself is talking about passing health care “in a few months, after the jobs bill is done with”. I asked if they could clarify what exactly the plan is on passing health care, so that I know what plan to argue for and don’t just sound like a crank ranting about reconciliation and boxcars. Doubt I’ll get a response. Oh well, at least now both OFA and MoveOn are pushing in the right direction on this one?
We’ll take the chinks and the niggers, but we won’t take the Irish!
comrade scott's agenda of rage
Blazing Saddles is on AMC.
Which means between the constant commercials and the fact they’ll cut out *everything* worth watching, they’ll ruin the entire thing.
I don’t get AMC since they switched to the commercial/hackthemovietodeath format, I mean it’s like watching movies back when there were 3 networks, nothing else. And some movies, like this one, simply can’t be cut/bleeped/dubbed.
That’s why I’ve never watched a movie on AMC since they switched. I don’t know why they still even exist.
oooh, that chowder looks REALLY good, jeffreyw. I heartily approve of your liberal applications of bacon.
Children of Men is on the Space channel tonight (SyFy for you folks), so we’ll probably watch that. I also have to finish sewing drapes for Sam’s room.
And yes, Blazing Saddles is definitely a classic, right to the very end. “They hurt Buddy! Let’s get ’em, girls!”
It’s never as funny as funny on TV, when they bleep all the N-word jokes. The censors mean well I know, but they completely miss the point.
General Winfield Stuck
Kentucky demolishes LSU at LSU in mens hoops. They were just awesome the first half I watched. Calipari is a real coach with some big time talent, talent that mostly are freshman.
Where dark glasses, and carry a big silver cross. And, whiskey also helps.
Yah! Erick Erickson on NBC Nightly News! It burns!
Mike E
@ploeg: The N-word is notably missing on AMC, obviously, but there was a time when the ‘bean scene’ was de-pootified as well.
I believe ‘Saddles’ and ‘Young Frankenstein’ were done in the same year. Genius.
General Winfield Stuck
@Annie: I hope to talk myself out of it by showtime, we’ll see. I like Science Fiction Horror./And yes , I am talking Sarah Palindroid and her army of moronic mental midgets.
Dang, just got home from a great walk to find out there was a mid-air collision (1 plane, 1 glider) right near my office. Scary. I see the gliders all the time near there.
JeffreyW love the pix of the dog and the deer.
@jeffreyw: I made your chicken & tomatos dish tonight. Fabulous. The SO scarfed it down and went back for seconds.
@ploeg: Yeah, I’m dying down here. Maybe Downey will catch fire in the 2nd half.
I can barely stand to watch movies on TV anymore because of the way they cut them up. If it’s funny they ruin the timing; if it’s suspense, well they ruin that, too. And the further you get into the flick the more commercial breaks there are. But this all makes me nostalgic to watch Blazing Saddles again.
@Phyllis: We really liked it. So simple but so good. A commenter on the whats4dinner post called it “coq au vin blanc” from a recipe book he has had for 35 years.
South of I-10
@jeffreyw: Ooh that looks delicious! Mr South just made gumbo. We have some friends coming over for the first Mardi Gras parade of the season.
@South of I-10: Mmm…gumbo! I bet a pot of crawdads would work in that chowder.
I once watched Blazing Saddles on the ABC Family channel. It was unrecognizable. With all of the jokes edited out, it was like some sort of surreal anti-narrative.
Even cut up, this is still a good movie. I just love the Madeline Kahan scenes. I didn’t realize that Cleavon Little had died. I just googled him to see what he was up to. So sad…he died of colon cancer in 1992.
Just remember, that no matter what you decide, we, at BJ, are all here for you and can bring you back to reality at any time. More like slapping you around a few times…but, hey, common sense solutions involve common sense and soluting, as Lady Sarah would say.
Just remember, that no matter what you decide, we, at BJ, are all here for you and can bring you back to reality at any time. More like slapping you around a few times…but, hey, common sense solutions involve common sense and soluting, as Lady Sarah would say.
And, please don’t discount the whiskey….
South of I-10
@jeffreyw: We are thinking about boiling some crawfish next weekend, it’s been so cold they are really small and expensive.
@Violet #2
I saw “A Single Man” a few weeks ago. Really stunning performances by everyone involved. It seems to be showing only in the low-traffic “art houses” which means not many people will know about it, but it’s very fine. I’d like to see what you have to say after you get back.
“And I am being pulled by evil forces, I suspect, into watching The Wassilla Wingnut, Starburst the Writhing Natives tonight on Cspan. Somebody hep hep hep me!”
“Son, you’re on your own.” That’s you punishment for being a Kentucky fan.
Tip of the day: don’t upgrade to iTunes 9.0.3 on XP. It froze my computer repeatedly even after a total uninstall/reinstall.
Well yes, there is that. I found him to be quite enjoyable in Sin City (which is one of the few movies that I could watch over and over and never find tiresome.)
I watched Blazing Saddles a week or two ago, unmangled and uninterrupted by commercials (on TCM, maybe?), and was impressed by how well it holds up. Favorite forgotten line, by Slim Pickens when the Western brawl crashes onto the set of the musical at the end of the movie. As he’s about to hit someone: “Piss on you–I work for Mel Brooks!”
I am gearing up to watch Bullitt on TCM in half an hour. Haven’t seen that one in quite a while.
the Force be with us this year. Your kittehs Hurley and Laettner will be humming “My Old Kentucky Home” afore the year is out.
demo woman
It’s chilly and damp in GA today and MIss Moxie and I curled up on the sofa and watched Iris on Netflx instant. The movie is about Iris Murdoch and her battle with Alzheimer disease. Judi Dench and Kate Winslet played the role of Iris and the acting was terrific although the story was tragic. Wish that I had some of Jeffrey’s chowder to eat while I was watching the movie.
Can’t wait to watch the Puppy Bowl tomorrow!
I’m sure you’ve said, but I don’t remember: whereabouts (generally) do you live, to have all that lovely snow-dusted acreage and deer wandering along the dogpath and all?
I always enjoy looking at your photos, even if I don’t post every time to say so.
@jeffreyw: I’m already working on variations in my head. I think my next iteration will be to make it with Italian sausage.
@Demo Woman #47: haven’t watched Iris since it came out what, ten years ago? For some reason I have never warmed to Kate Winslet but I love Judi Dench. And I am crazy nuts for Jim Broadbent — I’d cheerfully watch him read a milk carton.
@SiubhanDuinne: Hmm.. I answered but the post didn’t show up, I answered again and WP said you’ve already posted that. Refreshed and still not there. Here goes again..Glorious Southern Illinois!
Madeline Kahn (Lilly Von Stuhp) is definitely the best thing about “Blazing Saddles,” but it’s unfair to blame all the cheesy jokes on Mel Brooks, as Richard Pryor was one of the main writers on that film. Nice work by all, IMHO.
Young Frankenstein remains my favorite of Mel Brooks’ work, and again, Madeline Kahn was one of the best things in it, along with Terri Garr. Favorite line, “PUT. THE. CANDLE. BACK!”
Just got a Blu-Ray player and watched “Moon” with Sam Rockwell. This is the best low-budget SciFi film I’ve seen in years. Definitely worth a look, and the HD version is nothing short of spectacular, from a first-time director as well.
My Cousin Vinny is on the TV. I just love that movie…
Glorious Southern Illinois, very nice. (I’m originally from the other end of the state, West Suburban Chicago.)
@SiubhanDuinne: I have a sister that taught school in Arlington Heights, retired after 30 and moved back down.
Ben Richards
I am at monster jam houston with my 3 year old son. Gravedigger just flipped over!!!!!
@jeffreyw: I know (or at least *used* to know) Arlington Heights reasonably well. I’m from Oak Park (couldn’t be prouder! If you can’t hear me, I’ll shout a little louder! I’M FROM OAK PARK! etc.) Have always found the southern part of the state very attractive and soothing. No wonder you’re always so mellow.
Never mind the language and the jokes; the first (and last) time I saw Blazing Saddles on teevee, they cut the farting sounds.
That is just wrong. Wicked wrong.
demo woman
@SiubhanDuinne: The scenes between Judi Dench and Jim Broadbent were amazing. The movie was so draining that I then watched Tortilla Soup. Hector Elizondo plays a father of three young women and except for the food, the movie was a B at best. Jeffrey would love the food scenes.
The original is much better: Ang Lee’s Eat Drink Man Woman (1994). Check it out.
I’ll just leave this here. Sound familiar?
In such a spirit on my part and on yours we face our common difficulties. They concern, thank God, only material things. Values have shrunken to fantastic levels; taxes have risen; our ability to pay has fallen; government of all kinds is faced by serious curtailment of income; the means of exchange are frozen in the currents of trade; the withered leaves of industrial enterprise lie on every side; farmers find no markets for their produce; the savings of many years in thousands of families are gone.
More important, a host of unemployed citizens face the grim problem of existence, and an equally great number toil with little return. Only a foolish optimist can deny the dark realities of the moment.
Yet our distress comes from no failure of substance. We are stricken by no plague of locusts. Compared with the perils which our forefathers conquered because they believed and were not afraid, we have still much to be thankful for. Nature still offers her bounty and human efforts have multiplied it. Plenty is at our doorstep, but a generous use of it languishes in the very sight of the supply. Primarily this is because rulers of the exchange of mankind’s goods have failed through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence, have admitted their failure, and have abdicated. Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men.
True they have tried, but their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition. Faced by failure of credit they have proposed only the lending of more money. Stripped of the lure of profit by which to induce our people to follow their false leadership, they have resorted to exhortations, pleading tearfully for restored confidence. They know only the rules of a generation of self-seekers. They have no vision, and when there is no vision the people perish.
The money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization. We may now restore that temple to the ancient truths. The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply social values more noble than mere monetary profit.
Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. The joy and moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits. These dark days will be worth all they cost us if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered unto but to minister to ourselves and to our fellow men.
Recognition of the falsity of material wealth as the standard of success goes hand in hand with the abandonment of the false belief that public office and high political position are to be valued only by the standards of pride of place and personal profit; and there must be an end to a conduct in banking and in business which too often has given to a sacred trust the likeness of callous and selfish wrongdoing. Small wonder that confidence languishes, for it thrives only on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection, on unselfish performance; without them it cannot live. Restoration calls, however, not for changes in ethics alone. This Nation asks for action, and action now.
Our greatest primary task is to put people to work. This is no unsolvable problem if we face it wisely and courageously. It can be accomplished in part by direct recruiting by the Government itself, treating the task as we would treat the emergency of a war, but at the same time, through this employment, accomplishing greatly needed projects to stimulate and reorganize the use of our natural resources.
Finally, in our progress toward a resumption of work we require two safeguards against a return of the evils of the old order: there must be a strict supervision of all banking and credits and investments, so that there will be an end to speculation with other people’s money; and there must be provision for an adequate but sound currency.
I’m afraid times will need to get a LOT harder before another FDR would be possible in the US. His wisdom is not obvious to, and is in fact rejected by way too many.
Iris is powerful,especially if you have been personally affected by alzheimers. It’s actually a bit of an ordeal in that case. I happen to love Kate Winslet but I was astounded at Jim Broadbent, and was thrilled to find that he had won an Oscar for the role.
“The sheriff is a ni” [Bong,Bong]. “The sheriff is near.” ” No dagblam it,dadgum it, the sheriff is a ni” [Bong,Bong}.
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Somebody go back to town and get a shitload of dimes!
There are enough one liners in this movie to float the Titanic…
Headed out in a little bit to see “A Single Man.” I love Colin Firth and am curious to see how he does in this film. He’s gotten such rave reviews for his performance.
Hey where the white woman at?
But on AMC it’ll be cut to pieces. Really not even worth bothering with if every line is hacked apart.
It is physically impossible for me to watch the campfire scene without collapsing on the couch in a pool of laughter. Call me juvenile, but farts=funny.
What did you expect? “Welcome, sonny”? “Make yourself at home”? “Marry my daughter”? You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… republicans
@MikeJ: Second that. Get the DVD and enjoy it in its uncut glory.
Cool. I’ve been playing the “We’ve got to protect our phoney-baloney jobs, gentlemen” bit all week this week.
Coincidentally, I just saw Blazing Saddles for the first time last night. It’s actually really great, very reflective of a foregone era.
I could watch Mongo punch out that horse a million times and it would be awesome every. single. time.
General Winfield Stuck
Memento is on Netflix instant
Such a beautiful day here today. Spring like, until the next storm rolls in. And I am being pulled by evil forces, I suspect, into watching The Wassilla Wingnut, Starburst the Writhing Natives tonight on Cspan. Somebody hep hep hep me!
Got EPU’d on the thread I linked these pics on, so here they are again:
Hey! Look!
Did you see that?
@General Winfield Stuck: Anger, fear, hatred, the dark side are they.
After a hard day at work, it’s great to be headed home.
And to sit down to a nice chowder.
Click my name for the recipe.
I got an email from OFA this morning titled “Pass Health Care Reform Now” and linking a page on mybo labeled “Finish The Job”. Apparently OFA is trying to do a campaign to get people to write letters to newspapers and Facebook posts to pass HCR “now”. I’d post the whole thing but, you know, blockquote.
I emailed them back and said something along the lines that I was heartened to see OFA taking this up and that I’m happy to participate, but it seemed weird to have the President’s organizing arm trying to get me to go out and argue we should pass health care “now” when the President himself is talking about passing health care “in a few months, after the jobs bill is done with”. I asked if they could clarify what exactly the plan is on passing health care, so that I know what plan to argue for and don’t just sound like a crank ranting about reconciliation and boxcars. Doubt I’ll get a response. Oh well, at least now both OFA and MoveOn are pushing in the right direction on this one?
We’ll take the chinks and the niggers, but we won’t take the Irish!
comrade scott's agenda of rage
Which means between the constant commercials and the fact they’ll cut out *everything* worth watching, they’ll ruin the entire thing.
I don’t get AMC since they switched to the commercial/hackthemovietodeath format, I mean it’s like watching movies back when there were 3 networks, nothing else. And some movies, like this one, simply can’t be cut/bleeped/dubbed.
That’s why I’ve never watched a movie on AMC since they switched. I don’t know why they still even exist.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
That’s what I mean. That won’t be in the movie. They’ll either cut it or dub something stooopid overtop it.
Yes, the fart scene.
Mel Brooks will do anything for a laugh.
oooh, that chowder looks REALLY good, jeffreyw. I heartily approve of your liberal applications of bacon.
Children of Men is on the Space channel tonight (SyFy for you folks), so we’ll probably watch that. I also have to finish sewing drapes for Sam’s room.
And yes, Blazing Saddles is definitely a classic, right to the very end. “They hurt Buddy! Let’s get ’em, girls!”
It’s never as funny as funny on TV, when they bleep all the N-word jokes. The censors mean well I know, but they completely miss the point.
General Winfield Stuck
Kentucky demolishes LSU at LSU in mens hoops. They were just awesome the first half I watched. Calipari is a real coach with some big time talent, talent that mostly are freshman.
GO CaTs!!
@comrade scott’s agenda of rage:
Yep, I see what you mean. Oh, well, there’s always Tennessee blowing out South Carolina on ESPN.
@General Winfield Stuck:
Where dark glasses, and carry a big silver cross. And, whiskey also helps.
Yah! Erick Erickson on NBC Nightly News! It burns!
Mike E
@ploeg: The N-word is notably missing on AMC, obviously, but there was a time when the ‘bean scene’ was de-pootified as well.
I believe ‘Saddles’ and ‘Young Frankenstein’ were done in the same year. Genius.
General Winfield Stuck
@Annie: I hope to talk myself out of it by showtime, we’ll see. I like Science Fiction Horror./And yes , I am talking Sarah Palindroid and her army of moronic mental midgets.
Bad Horse's Filly
Dang, just got home from a great walk to find out there was a mid-air collision (1 plane, 1 glider) right near my office. Scary. I see the gliders all the time near there.
JeffreyW love the pix of the dog and the deer.
@jeffreyw: I made your chicken & tomatos dish tonight. Fabulous. The SO scarfed it down and went back for seconds.
@ploeg: Yeah, I’m dying down here. Maybe Downey will catch fire in the 2nd half.
Ana Gama
@me: OMG, what’s the world coming to?
I can barely stand to watch movies on TV anymore because of the way they cut them up. If it’s funny they ruin the timing; if it’s suspense, well they ruin that, too. And the further you get into the flick the more commercial breaks there are. But this all makes me nostalgic to watch Blazing Saddles again.
@Phyllis: We really liked it. So simple but so good. A commenter on the whats4dinner post called it “coq au vin blanc” from a recipe book he has had for 35 years.
South of I-10
@jeffreyw: Ooh that looks delicious! Mr South just made gumbo. We have some friends coming over for the first Mardi Gras parade of the season.
@RedKitten: Clive Owen is hot.
@Bad Horse’s Filly: Oh my! Glad they didn’t fall on your head.
@South of I-10: Mmm…gumbo! I bet a pot of crawdads would work in that chowder.
I once watched Blazing Saddles on the ABC Family channel. It was unrecognizable. With all of the jokes edited out, it was like some sort of surreal anti-narrative.
Even cut up, this is still a good movie. I just love the Madeline Kahan scenes. I didn’t realize that Cleavon Little had died. I just googled him to see what he was up to. So sad…he died of colon cancer in 1992.
@General Winfield Stuck:
Just remember, that no matter what you decide, we, at BJ, are all here for you and can bring you back to reality at any time. More like slapping you around a few times…but, hey, common sense solutions involve common sense and soluting, as Lady Sarah would say.
And, please don’t discount the whiskey….
@General Winfield Stuck:
Just remember, that no matter what you decide, we, at BJ, are all here for you and can bring you back to reality at any time. More like slapping you around a few times…but, hey, common sense solutions involve common sense and soluting, as Lady Sarah would say.
And, please don’t discount the whiskey….
South of I-10
@jeffreyw: We are thinking about boiling some crawfish next weekend, it’s been so cold they are really small and expensive.
@Violet #2
I saw “A Single Man” a few weeks ago. Really stunning performances by everyone involved. It seems to be showing only in the low-traffic “art houses” which means not many people will know about it, but it’s very fine. I’d like to see what you have to say after you get back.
@General Winfield Stuck:
“And I am being pulled by evil forces, I suspect, into watching The Wassilla Wingnut, Starburst the Writhing Natives tonight on Cspan. Somebody hep hep hep me!”
“Son, you’re on your own.” That’s you punishment for being a Kentucky fan.
Tip of the day: don’t upgrade to iTunes 9.0.3 on XP. It froze my computer repeatedly even after a total uninstall/reinstall.
@South of I-10:
Well yes, there is that. I found him to be quite enjoyable in Sin City (which is one of the few movies that I could watch over and over and never find tiresome.)
I watched Blazing Saddles a week or two ago, unmangled and uninterrupted by commercials (on TCM, maybe?), and was impressed by how well it holds up. Favorite forgotten line, by Slim Pickens when the Western brawl crashes onto the set of the musical at the end of the movie. As he’s about to hit someone: “Piss on you–I work for Mel Brooks!”
I am gearing up to watch Bullitt on TCM in half an hour. Haven’t seen that one in quite a while.
General Winfield Stuck
the Force be with us this year. Your kittehs Hurley and Laettner will be humming “My Old Kentucky Home” afore the year is out.
demo woman
It’s chilly and damp in GA today and MIss Moxie and I curled up on the sofa and watched Iris on Netflx instant. The movie is about Iris Murdoch and her battle with Alzheimer disease. Judi Dench and Kate Winslet played the role of Iris and the acting was terrific although the story was tragic. Wish that I had some of Jeffrey’s chowder to eat while I was watching the movie.
Can’t wait to watch the Puppy Bowl tomorrow!
I’m sure you’ve said, but I don’t remember: whereabouts (generally) do you live, to have all that lovely snow-dusted acreage and deer wandering along the dogpath and all?
I always enjoy looking at your photos, even if I don’t post every time to say so.
@jeffreyw: I’m already working on variations in my head. I think my next iteration will be to make it with Italian sausage.
@Demo Woman #47: haven’t watched Iris since it came out what, ten years ago? For some reason I have never warmed to Kate Winslet but I love Judi Dench. And I am crazy nuts for Jim Broadbent — I’d cheerfully watch him read a milk carton.
Nasty shitty day in Atlanta, eh?
@SiubhanDuinne: Hmm.. I answered but the post didn’t show up, I answered again and WP said you’ve already posted that. Refreshed and still not there. Here goes again..Glorious Southern Illinois!
@Phyllis: Mmm…sausage will make any dish better.
Madeline Kahn (Lilly Von Stuhp) is definitely the best thing about “Blazing Saddles,” but it’s unfair to blame all the cheesy jokes on Mel Brooks, as Richard Pryor was one of the main writers on that film. Nice work by all, IMHO.
Young Frankenstein remains my favorite of Mel Brooks’ work, and again, Madeline Kahn was one of the best things in it, along with Terri Garr. Favorite line, “PUT. THE. CANDLE. BACK!”
Just got a Blu-Ray player and watched “Moon” with Sam Rockwell. This is the best low-budget SciFi film I’ve seen in years. Definitely worth a look, and the HD version is nothing short of spectacular, from a first-time director as well.
My Cousin Vinny is on the TV. I just love that movie…
Glorious Southern Illinois, very nice. (I’m originally from the other end of the state, West Suburban Chicago.)
General Winfield Stuck
Neil Young – Helpless – with The Band/Last Waltz
for our Canuck friends.
@SiubhanDuinne: I have a sister that taught school in Arlington Heights, retired after 30 and moved back down.
Ben Richards
I am at monster jam houston with my 3 year old son. Gravedigger just flipped over!!!!!
@jeffreyw: I know (or at least *used* to know) Arlington Heights reasonably well. I’m from Oak Park (couldn’t be prouder! If you can’t hear me, I’ll shout a little louder! I’M FROM OAK PARK! etc.) Have always found the southern part of the state very attractive and soothing. No wonder you’re always so mellow.
Never mind the language and the jokes; the first (and last) time I saw Blazing Saddles on teevee, they cut the farting sounds.
That is just wrong. Wicked wrong.
demo woman
@SiubhanDuinne: The scenes between Judi Dench and Jim Broadbent were amazing. The movie was so draining that I then watched Tortilla Soup. Hector Elizondo plays a father of three young women and except for the food, the movie was a B at best. Jeffrey would love the food scenes.
@PeakVT: Now you tell me! I haven’t had any problems with it though. Knock on wood.
God darnit, Mr. Lamarr, you use your tongue prettier than a twenty dollar whore.
Johnny Pez
In case anybody has failed to mention it so far, the storm managed (for once) to completely miss New England. No snow at all.
Excuse me while I whip this out!
@demo woman:
The original is much better: Ang Lee’s Eat Drink Man Woman (1994). Check it out.
I’ll just leave this here. Sound familiar?
Party like it’s 1933.
I’m afraid times will need to get a LOT harder before another FDR would be possible in the US. His wisdom is not obvious to, and is in fact rejected by way too many.
Iris is powerful,especially if you have been personally affected by alzheimers. It’s actually a bit of an ordeal in that case. I happen to love Kate Winslet but I was astounded at Jim Broadbent, and was thrilled to find that he had won an Oscar for the role.
“The sheriff is a ni” [Bong,Bong]. “The sheriff is near.” ” No dagblam it,dadgum it, the sheriff is a ni” [Bong,Bong}.