This sounds an awful lot like calling for the assassination of Harry Reid:
If this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and saying my goodness what can we do to turn this country around? I’ll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out.
I’m sure David Broder would approve and everyone knows that Real Patriots murder Senators. I’ve touched on this before, but how far away are we from Senators beating other Senators nearly to death again?
Chyron HR
That’s just silly. She meant somebody should take Harry Reid out to Olive Garden, for their unlimited salad and breadsticks with the purchase of an entree.
And then shoot him to death.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
The fraudian slips just keep coming from these loons. She ends her comment with taking out Reid language after extolling gun rights and slyly proffering armed revolution. And this nut has a good chance of becoming a sitting US Senator.
I am glad to live in a sane state. That is all I can say.
David Broder would certainly not approve. He would, however remind you that a Code Pink protester used a F bomb while talking about Iraq, so both sides are out of control.
This shit is making me crazy. It’s over the line, and NOT ONE Republican will stand up and denounce this, but damn, gotta get rid of ACORN and Congress pisses on MoveOn.
My tolerance for this shit is really low right now. A bunch of federal offices in the NW got envelopes with white powder in them yesterday. Just so happens my 22 yr old daughter happened to be the one to open the envelope in her office, and she got a lap full of white powder.
Yesterday pretty much sucked, waiting to find out what she had been exposed to and if she was going to be ok -which she is. Still, damn.
Domestic terrorism got really personal for me yesterday, and I’m sick and fucking tired of the “leadership” of this country not calling this crap out. The defacto approval of this toxic discourse just results in more of it.
She should be walking this shit back, pronto. Or the feds need to be investigating why not. I know, never happen. IOKIYAR, and her fellow teamorans won’t stand for it.
Cole Moore Odell
It sure would be a shame if you didn’t vote for me and something happened to your pretty little country.
Protection racket, plain and simple.
Because if Republicans don’t win, there will be no other option but to kill Senators. Similarly, if we don’t outlaw abortion, crazy people will keep murdering abortion doctors. I’m sure Megan McAardle is with David Broder on this.
Remember November
Perhaps we should implement the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive strikes? The good old Cheney 1% rule?
No. Also.
by the flaming hands of GoalPost Jesus, why must they stir up this fluffed-up, gun crazy rhetoric? This is 2010, not 1840, sweet Christ on a cracker!
Do we need a House on Seditious Activities commitee? I mean, the rarely enacted Adams Sedition act is on the books isn’t it? Nobody talked about “taking out” John Boehner, or putting crosshairs on John McCain?
or maybe we should call their bluff- maybe it’s the liberals buying out all the ammo. Did they check the receipts?
Bill E Pilgrim
@danimal: If someone complained about what she said, David Broder would protest that that person was being unfair to Republicans.
Count on it.
You say that like it’s a bad thing, but doesn’t it really depend on which senator is beating which other senator? Schumer beats down Graham? Kerry beats down Brown? Anybody beats down Cornyn? I’d approve of them even if it resulted in stacks of the Greatest Deliberative Bodies in the world lying all around the Senate Chamber.
ed drone
@General Egali Tarian Stuck:
Is that typo deliberate? Way to go! Wish I’d thought of that.
This site has so many wonderful coinings, of which “the John Birth Society” is my favorite, from several months ago.
@Remember November:
You owe me a new keyboard. Well played.
Mike Kay
Tonight’s speech is the most important address in world history.
The speech will make or break the next 10 administrations.
MSNBC and Chris Matthews will be providing special live coverage from the President’s orifice.
Captain Haddock
Future scenario:
Republican Blowhard: Someone needs to shoot Senator XYZ in the face with a gun!
Days after Senator XYZ is found murdered, with gunshots to the face:
Same Republican Blowhard (making the rounds of all morning “news” shows): I never thought my words would be so misconstrued by the mainstream media!
Bill E Pilgrim
@someguy: One of my favorite dialog exchanges from The West Wing:
Knecht Ruprecht
Senators beating other Senators nearly to death again
Sumner was actually beaten by a member of the House of Representatives, Preston Brooks. From South Carolina, naturally. [/pendant]
@leinie: Like I said earlier at Athenae’s place — hope they catch the chickenshit terrorists, and I hope they stick ’em in a dark hole for the rest of their lives.
Maybe Harry should ask Barack for a couple of Predator drones to fly over Angle’s house.
licensed to kill time
Gack, I can’t stand that fake-o folksiness holy do-gooder “my goodness” crap especially when you are saying something so vile. It’s reminiscent of Rumsfeld and his by golly twinkle in his eye while talking about war schtick. Holy Wankers, Batman!
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Or he could dig up an example of some guy with a sign at a rally saying something mean. Which he would then say is exactly the same as having the party’s nominee for senator threaten then life of senators.
Joe Lisboa
I came into this thread to find you guys had already beaten me to the punchlines. Again. Well-played but pity there is so much material out there. Hopefully the Crazy (TM) will finally rebound and lead to the heretofore unthinkable prospect of a Reid reelection. Thanks for the stupid-boost, Teapartiers.
Scott, it’s like everyone I go, I see more of this shit, where it’s ok to call for violence or terror against elected officials or people you disagree with. Maybe I’m hypersensitive because of yesterday.
Because the proper way to deal with a world not being exactly as you like it is to kill somebody. WTF? What is WRONG with people?
Right wingers really hate Democracy, don’t they? They lose an election and suddenly it’s time for an armed insurrection.
Brian J
And just today I was thinking that maybe, just maybe, some Republicans are growing up, after learning that Mitch McConnell wouldn’t travel to Nevada to personally campaign against Reid like Frist did to Daschle.
Oh well, what’s a quasi-call for assassination compared to the critical comments about a chief executive?
@Knecht Ruprecht: Who, in true “gentlemanly” fashion, went up to an elderly man sitting behind a desk and beat him into a bloody coma while a friend used a pistol to keep everyone else in the room at bay.
And his constituents applauded his actions, including sending him a bunch of new canes.
Nowhere in the 2nd Amendment does it mention the right to murder those whose political views you disagree with. The constitutional right to murder must be in their very own, special Constitution, just like money-worshiping is in their very own special Bible.
ed drone
@Remember November:
Alas, I think the “Alien and Sedition Acts” has been removed from the books, and/or declared unConstitutional. The Sedition Act expired in 1801, and was never tried before the Supreme Court (Marbury v. Madison, which established judicial review, was in 1803). I don’t know when the other three Acts expired, but the one about sedition is long gone.
There well may be acts of Congress that address the same thing, but that set of laws is gone.
Patriot 3
U.S. Senators in a fist-fight? Never happen. Too many expensive manicures at stake. However, rank and file wingnuts inspired by hate radio, hate televison, hate columnists, hate book authors, et al, will be the one(s) carrying out the mission(s).
Mike Kay
This speech is Obama’s Chandra Levy!
Al Franken is a former wrestler — he’ll take anyone on
Keith G
No. But, I do fear that it is only a matter of time before some sick fuck makes a focused attempt on the life of a leading politician. I imagine the Leader of the Senate has protection. Many others do not, yet.
I use “focused” because of the anthrax sent to Daschel’s office, which though directed at him, had little chance of hurting him.
Bill E Pilgrim
And thus it was unfair to the Republican for anyone to criticize her harshly, since “both sides do it.”
Just saying.
I have no idea how that went in from that angle.
The Moar You Know
@Knecht Ruprecht: Forget who originated the quote – “South Carolina; too small to be a republic, too big to be a lunatic asylum”
@merl: Hatred of democracy is the common thread that runs through all right wing movements. If they can dupe enough people into voting them into power, they’ll take it, but violence is always their preferred path to power.
Nethead Jay
@Martin: And what a goal! It went in because Brazilians can outer-side kick like whoa…
@Martin: As evil as the DPRK is, I was perversely cheering for them.
@Mike Kay: This speech is Obama’s missing “W” on the keyboard.
Rick Massimo
@Captain Haddock: “I said SHOOT him, not KILL him! COMPLETELY different! I have NOTHING to do with this!”
Ah yes, the grand traditions of South Carolina. Racism, revolt, violence in the face of superior rhetoric, infidelity (in more ways than one). The pride South Carolinians must feel on a daily basis should be overwhelming.
Actually, seeing Grayson v. McConnell in the Octagon would be cool.
And Boxer v. Inhofe would also get my popcorn money.
Hey Cole! Where’s our damn WC open thread?
‘Zil almost went nil against the Il (wow, capital I + lowercase l looks like a roman numeral).
@Punchy: Little known fact: the Beastie Boys actually have a license to 3.
@Remember November:
You win the internets.
Mike Kay
This speech is Obama’s Katrina and the Waves moment!
And don’t it feel good – YEAAAAAAG!
I’m still cheering for North Korea. They’ve done an amazing job against Brazil. I hope their goalkeeper doesn’t get executed for missing that shot. I can’t imagine the pressure those guys must be under.
You really want to see Boxer beat up on an old woman like that?
Huh? Inhofe’s a what now?
@Nethead Jay:
It went in because he’s lucky and the goalie is terrible. That was a cross.
My hunch is that you will see bloggers beating each other to death first …. but that’s just one person’s opinion.
As for Angle, she is even crazier than she has been portrayed so far. The woman is an absolute insane sociopathic nutcase, a member of what we used to call the Nut Fringe of American politics. The Fringe has always been there, the only difference now is that the media presentation of them has shifted such that their insane views can be portrayed as almost legitimate or respectable. It’s the Summer of 2009 phenomenon in a sense, when suddenly crazy shit like “Death Panels” started to show up in media talk as if there were such a thing or ever could be.
There are times when the non crazy people have to step up and assert control, and this is one of those times. It is necessary that we work our asses off this fall to get out the vote and outnumber the crazy fucks at the voting booths.
Nethead Jay
@bartkid: Nice matchups. Might I suggest Weiner vs Cantor…
Ash Can
At this rate, Angle will find herself with an assassination conspiracy rap on her hands. This senatorial election campaign ought to make for a pretty entertaining summer and fall, if she can keep from getting her clueless ass hauled in before the campaigning even starts.
Keith G
@Nethead Jay: I hear Cantor hits like a Brownie.
Alex S.
I thought the money quote was this one:
“That’s why I look at this as almost an imperative. If we don’t win at the ballot box, what will be the next step?”
She is basically saying that if you lose an election, you should kill the winner.
mr. whipple
@Mike Kay:
This is Obama’s ‘malaise’ speech, except he’ll urge us to not wear sweaters because it’s hot, and by not nationalizing BP 99% of Robert Reich voters will disapprove.
@stormhit: Yeah, I have to agree. That’s a 0% chance shot on the run with any non-English goalie.
The ESPN announcers just mentioned that the DPRK fans are hired Chinese to come and pretend to be DPRK fans. That’s pretty sad when you need to go to mainland China to find people sufficiently unopposed that they can go to South Africa.
And goal #2 for Brazil. That’s more like what I was expecting.
@Ash Can: Actually, as long as the campaign goes on, she’s relatively safe as long as she doesn’t directly call for Reid’s assassination, like “Somebody needs to kill Harry Reid!”
As long as she’s saying stuff like ‘take him out’ she can claim that she meant electorally, and any law enforcement action could be construed to be politically motivated.
El Cid
Where in the Constitution does it say that conservatives can’t threaten or blow away liberals and other races?
And that’s the match. Oh well.
If anyone else said to take out Senator Reid, that would be more likely to be about killing him than when his …
opponent in the election for his seat, says it.
In this case DougJ was hoping to be outraged.
I am sure that Angle will give many more clearcut statements to be outraged over.
It is similar to calling Obama worse than Hitler, Stalin and PolPot over lukewarm healthcare reform. What do you call him when he puts you in concentration camps?
Nethead Jay
@stormhit: Hey, thanks for the corroboration! I mean, seeing as you’ve been wrong on everything so far in the football threads, I can take it as such, right… ;-p
Brazil up 2-0 now.
“Won’t someone rid me of this meddlesome Majority Leader?”
El Cid
Nancy Pelosi. [Or maybe Sean Penn, or Jane Fonda.]
@ed drone:
Yup I come here for the fraudian slips & John Birth stuff :)
@Alex S.:
Why didn’t someone think of that in 2000?
I’ve been watching this shit progress for decades. When you abandon the cerebral, and embrace the visceral, this is where you end up. Surprise, surprise.
Alex S.
I guess that a controversial Supreme Court ruling and a faux mob was more in line with “compassionate conservatism”.
I predict the same members of the media who were convinced Hillary wanted Obama to be assassinated, just like RFK, will have no problem giving Angle the benefit of the doubt on this one.
And Another Thing...
@Nethead Jay: Nawww…it should be Debbie Wasserman-Schultz v Cantor.
In answer to your question: too far.
Where is myiq2xu(tm) when you need him/her/it?
@electricgrendel: What ? by whom?
Goal DPRK! Nice one, too!
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL! North Korea, well done! They aren’t giving up!
And they had a shot there to tie it too. Wow.
Alex S.
Uh wow, at this level North Korea might beat Portugal and Ivory Coast.
Mike Kay
This speech is Obama’s Keith Moon trashes hotel room moment.
Nethead Jay
@And Another Thing…: Hmmm, yeah that’s got possibilities too.
Mike Kay
Who thought that?
Joseph Nobles
Sharron Angle is so loopy — if we didn’t have Alvin Greene, we might be wondering how the hell she got the nomination.
Jim C
Is it me, or in that nifty sweater does Dunga look like the Old Spice man?
@Mike Kay: I actually don’t remember a single member of the media who was inclined to give Hillary’s comment a non-crazy interpretation, although I’m sure they existed.
licensed to kill time
@Mike Kay:
This speech is Obama’s 27% Solution.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
This speech is Obama’s Mayan day at the beach.
@mr. whipple:
An MSNBC news announcer tried to compare it to Monica Lewinsky (!) with logic that I could not follow.
Mike Kay
This speech is Obama’s Vanilla Fudge mud shark moment!
Wow – ugly game for Brazil. Gotta give credit to the DPRK, they played damn hard. Kaká was completely neutralized and I think Robinho neutralized himself. ;-) Graças a Deus, Maicon was actually playing to win out there!
@Joseph Nobles:
Re: Alvin Greene
I saw a slashdot posting on voting machine fraud in SC
related to Greene winning. It may be the most logical explanation.
@Alex S.:
At this level, Brazil might lose to Portugal and Ivory Coast… they’ve definitely got a lot of work to do before Sunday.
Mike Kay
Now tha’s kinky. How the fuck do you connect an oil spill to cigar phallus play? Maybe this is what Ed Rendell meant when he said Clinton would be in “a wet suit”.
J.W. Hamner
Weird… I was just listening to David Blight lecture on Sumner getting beaten into unconsciousness by Preston Brooks. Honestly, listening to what was going on in the wake of the Kansas-Nebraska act makes things now seem pretty tame. I mean, dozens and dozens of people died during Bleeding Kansas… and you want to talk about a sea change elections? Try 1854 and 1856.
I don’t imagine this is very comforting, but be assured that it could be a lot worse.
Come on, were you guys really rooting for North Korea to win over Brazil? I can understand rooting for the underdog, but…really? North Korea?
On the one hand, we have a race-theory dominated totalitarian crap hole; and on the other, we have a multinational, multi-racial, and multilingual democracy.
I love seeing racist state mythologies smashed wide open. I only wish Brazil had swept them more authoritatively.
Alex S.
@Mike Kay:
Hmm, in both cases, something spilled…?
I didn’t watch their game, but I heard it was underwhelming as well.
At the moment, Germany is towering above the other teams… but Spain hasn’t played yet.
@The Moar You Know:
James L. Petigru 1860. Born, raised, died in South Carolina.
“South Carolina; too small to be a republic, too big to be a lunatic asylum”
Whoa. For a minute there, I thought you were talking about rooting for the US in the 2006 World Cup against Ghana.
at first i thought ‘oh, this is just clever passive-agressive word play’. then i realized this is the broad who honestly put forth the idea of paying your doctor in chickens, and i realized ‘oh shit, this is some serious batshit here.’
sorry, lost to the woman who honestly put forth the idea etc etc.
damn, thought i had a good point there.
I am pretty sure people were rooting for brasil even back then it was a dictatorship. In the world of soccer North Korea is the underdog, only twice at the world cup versus Brasil, five time winner.
And the played quite fair, the only yellow card was for an brasilian player. And the goal was nice.
No, that was the establishment candidate, the saner of the people running for the nomination. She lost because she wasn’t batshit crazy enough for the teabaggers.
@TD: More accurately, you have the impoverished citizens of an oppressive state having the moment of their miserable lives in competition against an elite team of internationally famous millionaires.
The World Cup is about the players and the football.
@Jim C:
I’m on a horse!
@ someguy
I don’t really get it.
The United States is totalitarian, and lacking in multinational and multilingual communities?
Again, really?
Mike Kay
@chopper: no, no. That’s a different wingnut. The Chicken lady lost the primary. This winger wants to end fluoridation of water.
can you give us a plausible scenario under which this speech could be ruining presidencies 60 years hence?
@Stroszek: I wouldn’t exactly call the NK soccer players “impoverished citizens” having “the moment of their miserable lives.” NK follows the Soviet model of showering riches upon its national athletes, even as the rest of the population starves, because success in sports is one of the few ways for the country to get good PR.
I wouldn’t say the athletes are scum for accepting one of the few routes to success that are available in a country like NK, but they’re not exactly working-class heroes, either.
This is a call for armed insurrection if they cannot win elections. Period. There is no ambiguity here. No “maybe she meant” weaseling. When she refers to the nation “arming”, “keeping ammunition in stock” and fighting for liberty in “Second Amendment” kinds of ways–referring to them factually, not figuratively–she is not speaking in metaphor.
She is talking about firearms. She is talking about using them in armed rebellion against the United States government as a “remedy” to losing elections. She is talking about a second Civil War.
There is no limit to how hard she needs to be smacked down for this. I defy anyone making excuses for her to describe–in detail, with quotes and explanations–how what she said was metaphorical.
You fucking can’t.
Mike Kay
@steve: he could say the north vietnamese and the public option attacked two US ships in the gulf of tonkin.
Mike Kay
only 3 more hours before secret republican barack obama betrays us with a corporate giveaway to BP and willy wonka.
The way I see it, North Korea’s government survives in part because its brutal nationalism draws heavily upon the exploitation of xenophobic and racist sentiments. While the average North Korean may be terribly oppressed, and there is certainly a level of “false consciousness” deliberately cultivated amongst them by the government, that dynamic is often evident in racist communities. Racism remains disgusting, and, to my mind, it’s always good to see its delusions punctured.
the USS public option. Sounds good.
On the other hand, remember the public option doesn’t sound quite like remember the maine. (the mileage of FDL may differ).
Mike Kay
This speech is Obama’s New Orleans Saint’s onside kick moment.
I was cheering for the underdogs. I’m not excited about North Korea as a country. What they do to their own people is awful. But they aren’t exactly a football powerhouse. Brazil is. I’m always happy to see a team that isn’t expected to do well hold their own and give a bigshot team a bit of a challenge. So yeah. I’m cheering for North Korea.
To put it another way, I would still have been rooting for Jessie Owens to take home the gold, even if he wasn’t competing against another international powerhouse; say Romania, under the Iron Guard.
I would still have been rooting for Jessie Owens to take home the gold
He was representing multicultural, non-racist america after all.
An america were the president wouldn’t even see him.
Come on, his very presence there was a major stepping stone in racial relations within the United States, and a significant mark of the distinction between the United States and Nazi Germany. It also marked an early step in our future progress on that front, even if said progress was bloody and terrible in its own right.
Mike Kay
@IM: but that’s because FDR and Harry Hopkins were busy organizing their corportist new deal giveaways to wall street.
Well, Owens later claimed he was actually treated better in germany, at least according to wikipedia. Anyway, did the newspapers (and half of the population) say in alabama root for him?
Your example seems to be a bit self-congratulating, regarding the cirumstances.
FDR was just the puppet of that wall street speculator Joe Kennedy.
I’ll tell you what the next step is, Ms. Angle. You lick your wounds, congratulate your opponent, and spend the time until the next election figuring out what you did wrong and why the voters preferred the other candidate. You don’t start an armed insurrection to try to overthrow the will of the American people. ALL the American people, Ms. Angle, not just the ones who show up at your rallies and tell you how wonderful you are and how horrible the other side is. This is the United States of America, Ms. Angle, not some banana republic that has a new constitution every few years. We’ve been doing it this way for 231 years, and with the exception of some racist malcontents who thought they had a right to own other people, everyone has gone along.
If you can’t win with your ideas, don’t try to win with guns.
Now wait just one doggone, I said just one doggone minute, here…when Preston Brooks caned that no-good Yankee Sumner near to death, he was standing up for the proud (if nothing else) citizens of what would later become the Palmetto State.
I live in this here Palmetto State of denial, and I take umbrage, I said umbrage, at this calumny against Mr Brooks. He was a representative in the House of Congress, not a Senator as you so vilify him. He had to walk from one end of the Capitol to the other to seek out his vile target and subject him to the punishment entitled to him. To this day, Mr Brooks is a proud reminder of just how far we’ve fallen…(irony, you take it from here.)
The example I used could certainly be seen as self-congratulatory; I clearly have no idea how I would have been socially conditioned if I were living then. Though, it must be said, it was originally constructed to clarify the previously posited argument. It clearly failed on that front.
“Well, Owens later claimed he was actually treated better in germany, at least according to wikipedia.”
=/ as long as he didn’t live there, or anywhere else in Europe, I suppose that might be true.
=/ as long as he didn’t live there, or anywhere else in Europe, I suppose that might be true.
I don’t know. How did the black community in France or the UK fare in 1936, compared to the US? One
has to be careful not to ret-con the history of the US (or any other country).
If conservative Tea Baggers like Sharon Angle want to kill their political opponents …
… and liberals say that’s a bad thing …
… how long will it be before the “moderate” position heralded by the Washington DC press corp is that it is OK to beat up political opponents? Or shoot at them, but only to wound them?
Splitting the difference. Bipartisan compromises, and all that.
secondedThirded. Chalk full of delicious Win.Steve
@IM: I’m sure Jesse Owens was treated quite well. Goebbel’s Ministry of Propaganda issued a directive prior to the Games: “The racial point of view should not be used in any way in reporting sports results; above all Negroes should not be insensitively reported. . . . Negroes are American citizens and must be treated with respect as Americans.”
It’s not that the Nazis weren’t racists, of course (of course!), but they were quite savvy in perceiving an opportunity to use American treatment of blacks as a wedge issue. After all, if blacks are scorned in America but welcome in Germany, doesn’t that show you how enlightened the German state is?
Of course, Jesse Owens wouldn’t have even run the 4×100 relay in Berlin if we hadn’t benched two Jewish athletes to appease Hitler.
I was more alluding to the fact that Nazi Germany occupied large segments of the European mainland during the height of their power, and most non-Aryan, non-White individuals were ummm…”uncomfortable” under their rule.
The question of comparative racial relations is interesting, though only tangentially related to my original point. In so far as it is, it is only to point out that North Korea has an extraordinarily racist state ideology, and many NK citizens, like other citizens who have lived under similar regimes, believe themselves to be genetically superior beings (especially compared to those with darker skin tones). And while most societies display racist (or at least racial) thinking to some extent, not all are guilty to the same degree.
While the United States is surely not a post-racial paradise, and neither is Brazil, neither are as saturated in racism as North Korea. I just can’t help but think that any North Korean World Cup victory, especially against a football powerhouse like Brazil, would be taken–domestically–as a vindication of those perverse theories, and hence serve to strengthen them.
I feel bad for North Korean citizens, and would like to see them rejoice over something, however this particular event seems like a perfect propaganda tool for the support of a malicious mythology.
Whatever. There is no need to propagate a comic book version of the american past. Next you will tell me that the US started Word War II after the germans bombed pearl harbour with the objective to stop the holocaust.
And North Korea hardly needs a soccer victory to keep up their political system. It’s approach to public relations is straight out of 1984. Even a 0:10 result against Brasil can be represented as an victory.
So I won’t judge the north korean team on the political system of their country just to give myself a hollow feeling of moral superiority.
Tell you what.
Next time north korea faces another soccer dwarf – say the US – I will root for the more democratic nation.
Go USA! Saudi-Arabia for ever!
I dunno, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were all imprisoned after getting back home for having contact with foreigners.
@Remember November: Amateurs “buy” ammo. Pros have their own bullet press.
OT, sorta
This seems both bizarrely remarkable — a 21st-C. version of a Kipling tall tale from the outer reaches of the Empire — and the kind of thing to (calmly) worry about when Senate candidates talk about taking out their opponents and the 2nd Amdt in the same breath.
@Origuy: Bravo!!
Please, I implore you, send that comment to Angle’s campaign headquarters. Please.
All hat, no cattle.
Conservative yahoos like Angle will never actually bring the guns. They’ll wait for someone else to do it, then bitch that they never, never, never meant for anything like that to happen.
They are mealy-mouthed pussies.
They should bring the guns if they have the nerve, and see how far they get. If they think other folks are going to roll over and take that kind of bullshit, they have another thing coming.
Reid should make her say it to his face. I doubt she’d have the spine.
Cowards and children, the lot of them.