Is anyone paying attention to these?
Also, I just caught Tunch trying to escape again. Apparently he jumps up on a laundry hamper in my bedroom, and then pushes a screen open and jumps out the window. Devil.
by John Cole| 76 Comments
This post is in: Activist Judges!
Is anyone paying attention to these?
Also, I just caught Tunch trying to escape again. Apparently he jumps up on a laundry hamper in my bedroom, and then pushes a screen open and jumps out the window. Devil.
Comments are closed.
Allison W.
Nope. This morning Sully said she flip flopped on something. I didn’t read any further. I have no interest and say.
Apparently not. Not even the Village. Read a post on TPM that said the press gallery was empty.
Does the Village start the July 4th holiday earlier than the rest of the country?
General Egali Tarian Stuck
Not much, but reading some reporting on them. Things like wingnuts bashing the first black justice and Kagan’s admiration of Thurgood Marshall. I just chalked it up to the continuing GOP outreach to minorities, kind of like like the AZ laws. Them boys and girls are sharp as tacks.
Oh, let him run free. It will probably be the one thing that keeps him from eating you that morning you discovery you’ve been paralyzed from a stroke and can not feed him.
No. The meaningful part of the nomination process ended when Obama chose Kagan.
John, why do you bother trying with Tunch? He’s going to outsmart you again eventually, you know.
But yeah, I still just can’t believe that they’re basically saying ‘wanting to be like Thurgood Marshall is BAD! Because he was bla-I mean, a horrible judicial activist that wants to give bla-ahem, the ‘underdog’ a fair shake, and we can’t have that.’
My cat Page is trying to get into the guest bathroom and meow her head off for some godforsaken reason. Can’t be food, there’s a full bowl of dry meal she likes to eat. Can’t be the scooper, just did it this morning. Can’t be the need for an ear scratch, she hops away when I try to reach for her.
Comrade Mary
We obviously need a webcam in John’s bedroom. It may be the only way we ever get a picture of Tunch again (or, at least, a picture of his furry fleeing keister).
According to TPM and ABC, Kagan is killing them at the hearings. No, not in that way. Pity.
schrodinger's cat
Tunch is feeling ignored. He is suffering from the elder sibling syndrome, he realizes that he is no longer the center of attention and he resents it.
ETA: Tunch’s failed escape attempt is far more interesting than either the Kagan hearings or Sully’s tiresome blog.
Comrade Mary
@schrodinger’s cat: Why don’t you teach Tunch how to be there and not-there all at once, so John doesn’t have to worry?
schrodinger's cat
@PaulW: Is there a cat outside the window, that usually sends my boy cat into a mad frenzy.
I had a cat that could disappear out the front door and reappear a moment later behind me in the living room.
The first time it happened I just thought I’d had some kind of brain fart. Just imagined that I had just opened the front door for him just a second ago.
Then he did it three times in a row, Meow. I open door. He leaves. He appears behind me. Meow. REpeat,
The third time I let him out I tiptoedd to the door and watched him. The little bastard climbed a ladder that had been left against the wall outside and entered through an upstairs bedrom window, I turned around and when he trotted into the living room–already to meow at the door again!_ I was stganding there waiting visisbly pissed.
He stopped in his tracks, made eye contact, and fled to the safety of under the bed.
It depends on when the supersoaker slip n slide party is scheduled.
II can’t handle listening to all those blowhards in the Senate hog the spotlight. TPM has had excellent coverage, and the compilation of funniest moments is not to be missed. She has a mouth on her… I wonder what she will do to those legal eagles trying to impress her during hearings.
@PaulW: probably a mouse in the walls.
I would suggest that if a cat that… fluffy… can get up to the hamper and out the window, he’s actually in much better shape than many folks around this place have (cruelly) suggested!
The Dangerman
I’m not sure I’m buying this jumping thing; I have to call BS. Check for a block and tackle.
With his girth? I’m not sure that qualifies as pushing as much as ramming…
@wonkie: That is the best story I’ve heard this morning, and, I would wager, that I will hear all day. Indeed, I like it so much that I will be sharing the tale of your devious kitty with my cat-loving/blogosphere-ignoring sister! She, too, will be pleased.
Apparently, they’re being less Marshall-centric today, but whatever… There’s been too many lately for anyone to still follow these.
schrodinger's cat
@ellaesther: Are you calling Tunch fat? Sizist.
@Comrade Mary #10:
Very fine win.
Brian J
I haven’t been paying attention, but this TPM article describes her sense of humor. I don’t know what I think of her views, but I think I like her as a person. Not that that means anything, but still.
Given that both MN senators are on the Judiciary Committee, and that MPR is giving it heavy play, yes, I am listening to the hearings.
Once again, I’m pleasantly shocked how intelligently articulate our Senators are.
Put the fence up – now.
Nope. I tuned out early on after hearing one of the GOP senators suggest that people who lived in parts of Manhattan were, by definition, not mainstream Americans.
There’s no serious discussion going on, just conservatives building up rationalizations for voting against Kagan.
By comparison, here is a bit from former NY Times reporter Linda Greenhouse on the confirmation of Justice Stevens, which took place three years after the Roe v Wade decision.
Sentient Puddle
This, from @PeakVT:
I lost any interest in the hearings when I saw a clip of Grassley asking Kagan whether or not she believed that the right to bear arms was handed down to us by God. I don’t know how you can even begin to parody this stuff.
Brian J
@General Egali Tarian Stuck:
I’m not sure if it will be as damaging as some on our side think. For one thing, do most young people really know who he is? It seems like it’s meant for their side, and it will, sadly, probably be effective.
peach flavored shampoo
I think there’s a very good explanation why Kagan and Lindsey G hit it off so well yesterday. Perhaps they share a common…..interest, sort of……?
I’m guessing that’s not that part that Giuliani lives in.
I listened to above five minutes of questioning by Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III of Alabama. He wanted to know if she was a “progressive jurist.” She said she didn’t know what that meant. So he repeated his question. File this one under #americaisstupid
I love sneaky kitty stories…
Central Pennsylvannia Humane Society of ALtoona
Does anyone live in Pennsylvannnia? I’m asking because this is sort of a an open thread. I am facebook friends with an outfit called Dogs Deserve Better. I followed a link there to a newspaper article about a dog that was confiscated when some guy got arrested for something. The dog, Isaiah, has been abused and neglected all of his life. If no one adopts him, he will be euthanized. The animal shelter does not release to dog rescues ( quite a few don’t surprisely). Since shelters now charge pull fees it is’t likely that anyone will rescue Isiah. I live i Washington state. I will pay the pull fee if someone in Pennsylvannia will save isiah. I just can’t stand the thought of him suffering all his life and then being killed by a shelter. My email is lkoerber889at aol dot com
Brian J
@Sentient Puddle:
The right to bear arms handed down from God? Give me a goddamn break! Where in the Bible is that?
This morning, I finished last week’s article in The New Yorker on Huckabee. There are a couple of spots where he bristles at the idea of his Christian background influencing the way he governs. In some ways, it’d be something I’d agree with, such as combating poverty, but there are certainly legitimate questions about his views on evolution. No, it’s not directly related to most legislation, but it does reflect the way he looks at the world. It’s perfectly okay, I think, to ask him and other guys about stuff like that, especially he and his cohorts in their party are going to bring it up so frequently.
I loved it when she punked some Senator yesterday (might have been Sessions). Senator started a line of questioning that was obviously going to be about terrism by asking her where she was on Christmas Day. Her response was that since she is Jewish, she was probably at a Chinese restaurant.
South of I-10
Nope. I’m glued to Weather Underground watching Alex. He is a huge storm, I am getting rain bands here. My best to ya if you’re on the north side. Brownsville is going to take a hit.
Brian J
I really hope he runs again and somehow wins. Not only will his ludricrously corrupt past bring him down, but the energy generated by the spinning done trying to justify his marches in gay pride parades and dressing up in drag could power New York for weeks on end.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@Brian J: Of course it’s meant for their side. Mostly the 28 percenter true believers, that are already primed to come out and vote this Nov. This is the point I make. They are fixated completely on this coming election, and conducting themselves for that short term goal.
It may help them some in the short term, but these tactics do nothing to help them attract minority voters in the future, and will not help their overall image with moderates and independents they need to win in 2012. That will show up to vote then, that may not this year.
It is desperation with racist overtones, and trust me, minorities, whether black or brown or whatever pay attention to this crap. And all signs demographic point to more future minority voters. They are smoking political crack, where the high doesn’t last very long and you crash hard when it’s used up.
Sentient Puddle
@Brian J: Evidently, it’s somewhere in the Conservapedia Edition, published with a grant from the NRA.
But seriously, his reasoning for asking that question was totally moronic. The Declaration of Independence says that we are endowed with some inalienable rights handed down to us by a creator, and yes, this doesn’t have anything to do with the Constitution, but if it’s government that grants these rights, can’t government take them away?
To her credit, Kagan had a look on her face that was all like “What the fuck are you rambling on about?”
@schrodinger’s cat: Fluffy! I SAID FLUFFY!
I’m watching them because I needed a break from the oil spill and Congress ignoring unemployment. A lot of DADT from Repugs along w/Citizens United which Sessions thinks equals Brown vs Bd of Education. Huh? Abortion today it appears.
I do see how she would be a “consensus builder.” She’s very Obama like.
@PaulW: Say “Show me” and follow her in there. If she wants to draw your attention to something, let her.
Don’t really care, because she’ll be confirmed, and I’d rather skip the freak show of Beauragard Sessions asking “sincere” questions.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
I noticed that too. Similar gracious charm, but quick on her feet and not afraid to toy back with thrust and parry to the senators. Even the wingers seem taken aback by that energy. It will be interesting how this affects Roberts and Scalia, and Kennedy especially. I adore Sotomayor, but she is much more studious and intellectually oriented. Probly from being a judge for so long.
well, now that you’ve found tom, don’t forget to look for dick and harry.
perhaps some time in the cooler would help.
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: Agree. It would be hard not to like either of them.
I thought she was a poor choice, because she doesn’t fit my Ideal Judicial Background ideas (which I cling to, because I’m RIGHT!, goddamnit to hell)
I haven’t been able to watch the hearings.
I watched short clips last night though and I thought she came off very well.
I can see why she’s promoted as “persuasive”, as far as temperament and general approach. She is.
Corner Stone
Corner Stone
No, and it’s odd as I usually am pretty excited to watch lesbians.
Corner Stone
@Comrade Mary:
I know there are some insomniacs on this blog (and I feels for ya), but if you wanted to put people to sleep I can not think of a faster way than showing a room that’s empty for 16 hours a day, then filled by one man, two dogs and a cat.
Comrade Mary
Google “Rule 34”. I dare you.
I understand the reasoning, but I have a feeling that Kagan’s going to turn out to be a very pleasant surprise on the Court–not in a very visible way, but in the end results.
Jim. A. Nee. Christmas.
The Founding Fathers were so right about the separation of church and state. Now if only the TP’s saw it that way.
I said I would listen to her testimony, and then turns out I really can’t, other than soundbites, and I’m really not committed enough to watch it after her (inevitable) confirmation.
BUT, what little I saw I was impressed. If they wanted someone who is likely to be persuasive, to “win over” others, they got that.
Tunch’s quality-of-life has obviously deteriorated to such an extent that he’s forced to reconnoiter the neighborhood to see if there’s a better life out there somewhere.
Brian J
@Sentient Puddle:
I would fly to D.C. to high-five her if she came back with that.
Brian J
@General Egali Tarian Stuck:
Fleas correct the era
I listened a little yesterday and today — Pacifica radio’s been livecasting the confirmation hearings. By chance, each time I turned the radio on yesterday a Republican was talking, and it was (briefly) fascinating to hear how ignorant, stupid, smug, and arrogant each of them was. I think Coburn wins a prize for an “Imma let you finish but…” flourish, in which he didn’t let Kagan finish so much as a single sentence before interrupting, but all of them were amazing. (Each time, I didn’t know who was talking until afterwards, but — surprise — it always turned out to be a Republican.)
Today was opposite day. I tuned in to hear someone asking an intelligent question in a humorous and self-deprecating way, and — naturally — it turned out to be Al Franken.
In none of these instances did I hear Kagan get to say anything of substance. I don’t think the Republicans really care what she has to say anyway; they just want to fling poo. It sounded like Franken was actually interested, but that’s Franken.
Quite a contrast between Republican day and Democratic day though.
schrodinger's cat
@Comrade Mary: That depends on whether Tunch is a particle or a wave?
@Brian J:
I wonder what the tea baggers or Huckabee would make of the new prime minister of Australia, Julia Gillard, who has said in recent interviews that she does not believe in God, but has “great respect for religion.”
I don’t care about any politician’s religion, but I could never vote for for anyone who did not accept evolution.
I dunno, John.
Yesterday’s escape and his prompt re-appearance seem to suggest that your boy Tunch might do quite well if allowed to spend some quality time outdoors, even sans fence (so long as your street isn’t too busy).
All of my kitties have been indoor-outdoor cats. Yes, I have lost one to the street – it is a fairly busy one – but on the other hand, none of them have ever been fat. Current kitty does quite a good job at keeping the neighborhood rodent-free and has co-existed safely with the street for 6 years now.
peach flavored shampoo
Are we sure about the “one” here?
Corner Stone
@peach flavored shampoo: Hola Fruta!
@General Egali Tarian Stuck:
She’s a New Yorker. What did they expect? Judicial philosophies aside, I imagine that there’s going to be some lively conferences from this group of justices once Kagan is confirmed.
That cat? Jumping TWICE? Somehow, I just don’t see it. Maybe with, like, a nap in between or something…
@Jennifer: Our current cat was happy indoors for a couple of years and then one day he seemed to “decide” that he wanted to be outside. Several months of diving to grab the kitty before he got outside when someone opened the door followed. After one episode when my husband’s elderly mother was almost knocked down the stairs by my son diving to catch the cat, we gave up and installed a “kitty door” in the kitchen window.
He comes and goes as he pleases, is slim and sleek and remains as affectionate as always. I know that he will likely have a shorter life, but he is so much happier now.
And Bubbe is safe from being knocked down the stairs…..
By the way, do you know why cats don’t like iPads?
No mouse.
Isn’t it obvious, Cole? Tunch hates Thurgood Marshall.
Either that, or the new dog is bothering him more than you think.
@Fleas correct the era:
Do you think we’ve finally entered the Al Franken Decade? I was told to expect it 30 years ago.
“pushes a screen open” is code for “barely leans against the screen”
Polish the Guillotines
The three big takeaways from the Kagan hearings:
1. Kagan is a master of Borscht-Belt one-liners
2. Charles Grassley thinks God packs heat
3. Thurgood Marshall hated America
That is all. You may now return to watching the Vuvazela Cup.
@schrodinger’s cat: not a wave so much as a tsunami.
Steaming Pile
@ellaesther: I was going to suggest that he just let Tunch escape because he could use the exercise. We have a cat like that. Her favorite human left last October for the USAF, and she was despondent for some time. Vet weighed her in at 14.6 lbs., and I think 8 or 9 would be a reasonably healthy weight for her. As she got over it, I see her getting more active. I let her out with the other kitties, and she seems happier than she’s been in a long time. The beauty is, the longer she stays out, the less time she spends at the food bowl.
found this today on the ‘net…seems appropriate for Grassley
Sour Kraut
If he gains enough mass, he could collapse into a singularity. Better let him out for the world’s sake…
Yes, I listened to about a third of her testimony. She’s bright, funny, and apparently a walking encyclopedia of constitutional law.
Her questioners are lying fakers who are just using the hearing as an opportunity to make speeches, and maybe get famous for tripping her up.
She is much too smart to be tripped up, and watching the one-sided contest is rather amusing.
Also too, I just like the way she thinks and talks.
I have listened a bit because MPR had our senators questioning her. I like her responses, her grace, her deflection, and her feisty attitude. Other than that, I don’t care much for the kabuki theatre.
Cole, are you sure Tunchie isn’t a bit freaked out with Rosalita being a new member of the household?