Long day today. Any good news out there? I’m afraid to even check memeorandum or the NY Times.
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Long day today. Any good news out there? I’m afraid to even check memeorandum or the NY Times.
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Well, I’m making chili, and that’s good news for me!
Awaiting the results of our gubernatorial primary. Many towns still hand count ballots here so it could take some time.
Kendrick Meek beat the Multi-squillionaire for the FL Dem Senate nomination.
In other news, I’ve decided to translate *Atlas Shrugged* into LOLcat. Here’s the first sentence:
According to TPM, Mama Grizzlies’ annointed candidate in Alaska is bound to lose. Endorsements aren’t terribly important in actuality, but some bad press for St. Sarah is never a bad thing.
General Stuck
John Boener wants Obama to fire his entire economic team, and then himself.
Top Marine General in Afghanistan tells Obama to suck an egg, and quit giving “sustenance” to the Taliban, and for the CiC to shut his yapper about all this peace craze shit about pulling out next year..
The godbotherers are wondering if Obama was babtized to prove he’s a Christian, so no, nothing but the same ole shit, and good news only for John McCain.
@SiubhanDuinne: Don’t you just love it when self-funders get their butts kicked?
The problem is, you’ve improved the wretched book already!
mr. whipple
Front page, back page
I got news for you
Hey Cole,
I like puppies and kitties and such and such, but have you ever had a thought of helping out people instead? Maybe instead of helping rescue animals the site could collectively help a student, maybe a vet student, with a scholarship to school perhaps?
She’s backed a lot of losers lately. But doubtless a dazed and confused billionaire heiress tea-bagger will triumph in the Wyoming race for deputy witch-hunter, and the Mama Grizzly narrative will roar triumphantly once more in the minds of our glorious media.
That’s had me helplessly giggling for a while now.
mr. whipple
@General Stuck:
I want boner to fall asleep on his tanning bed, cook and split open like a hot dog.
Professor @ Berkley tells his students to reclaim the California Dream–
General Stuck
@jp2: We have helped out individuals in need a few times. But somebody has to take care of the furry critters, so why not BJ. Suits me fine due to people generally being assholes. Why don’t you start a blog to help a student. Here is a wooden nickel to git you started.
I don’t know how many will care about this, but Satoshi Kon died from cancer today at the age of 47. Kon was a Japanese animator, best known for the films Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers, Paprika, and the the anime series Paranoia Agent.
Kon seemed well on his way towards a global critical recognition of his work. It’s pretty stunning to hear of him passing at such an early age.
@SiubhanDuinne: WIN!!
You know, you could probably cut and paste a bunch of matoko_chan’s posts, cause she writes like a LOLcat. Or she did before she started liking boysenberry pie so much.
I understand we’re having some sort of elections tonight. Whoop-dee.
Wake me up in November. Of 2012. I’ll need the month to prepare for the end of the world.
Does Fox News contributor Sarah Palin take News Corp shareholder and jihadi terror funder Prince Waleed al-Taleel’s blood money when she cashes her pay check? Will she give that money back?
Just askin’…
I bought the Season 6 Lost DVD and am getting ready to watch the new 12 minute bonus segment called “The New Man in Charge”.
I’m so excited – new Lost!!!
I’m savoring it like a good Xmas.
Well, that’s telling it, and telling it the way it needs to be told. That said, I wouldn’t be surprised if wealthy donors put the screws on and get him fired for “inappropriate conduct” or some such weasel-wording.
Omnes Omnibus
@morzer: My father suggested that I read Atlas Shrugged when I was a teen.* He thought I should be exposed to it and go through that phase. I simply could not get through the first 20 pages.
*He also suggested a lot of other books of far greater value. He was trying to expose me to a variety of ideas and points of view.
@mr. whipple: Acid rain continues to decrease and the Gov via the EPA may improve standards to further reduce this problem – Cap and trade worked! (for reasons that could never work for CO2 and would maninly be a gold mine for wall street (we’d get the shaft) if we were ever stupid enough to use it for CO2 control. A carbon tax could work but we the worthless middle class and poor would pay the lion’s share of that plan but it would help curb AGW compared to any other idea and could cut the defecit.)
So – either we get screwed and wall street gets rich, or we get screwed and the Gov can meet SS payroll, or we do nothing and all energy companies get rich, we get the shaft and billions die in pain and hunger as temps/oceans rise == never mind, the news sucks!
That’s very sad news. Paprika is really a great piece of work. Of course, 47 is too young to lose anyone, but when they have such talent it feels worse somehow.
General Stuck
@mr. whipple: Have you seen a pic of him lately? He looks like the time I got drunk on Islamorada during spring break, passed out on the beach and woke up looking like an egg yolk.
mr. whipple
@General Stuck:
You too?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Me too. I wonder if LOLspeak would make objectivism more understandable?
This thread appears to be approaching its own self-created event horizon.
@soonergrunt #16: I can haz archives?
Good news? Nope. Good eats, maybe.
Omnes Omnibus
@soonergrunt: I had read The Lord of the Rings years before.
General Stuck
The violence in Mexico along the border with the US sounds like it is growing and moving north. From my little town’s newspaper on stray bullets from shootouts between the drug cartels fighting other drug cartels and Mexican authorities. It is really getting bad with no end in site.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I have struggled valiantly with Ayn Rand myself, and I have yet to grasp why a moderately intelligent adult should take such crude and debased writing seriously. That’s before we get to the vicious assumptions about human societies and economics, not to mention the disasters achieved by her admirers. It’s like reading the Lord of the Rings as written by the Lord of the Nazgul after Sauron’s victory.
I sent out both my article revisions and my save-the-date postcards. Good news…for me, anyway. Also, my kitty has been markedly more cuddly now that the weather is cooler. Her affections are totally instrumental. Sigh.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Liz Cheney sez wut?
Onion News Network says Time is going to be coming out with an adult version of the magazine:
mr. whipple
I sold a bunch of stuff to a bankster this week. Trickle down in action, babee.
The Dangerman
@mr. whipple:
I may need new glasses; I first read that as “cock split open” and after appropriate levels of disturbance in the Man Force, I reread it correctly.
gogol's wife
@General Stuck:
I can always count on you to say what needs to be said.
I bet you Joe Klein is frantically buying Politics for Dummies as we speak, while denouncing evil bloggers for shrilly demanding elitist levels of knowledge.
Apparently the latest pets being abandoned are alligators. They found two in the Chicago River just in the past few weeks. They found one in Massachusetts that was still wearing its collar (though presumably without ID).
Reggie the alligator mocks their puny efforts. Even Steve Irwin couldn’t catch him and it was two years before a parks employee spotted Reggie napping behind a fence and captured him by closing the gate. Even then, he managed to escape his enclosure at the LA Zoo and they had to increase its fencing after Reggie escaped and made it as far as the loading dock.
mr. whipple
Ha! My wife suggested some quality time later tonight, because there’s nothing on TV.
20 years. 20 long years.
Fuck chance of that.
What it is?
That’s awesome. “The beloved children’s character ‘Joe Klein.'” Heh.
My kitty has finally conquered her fear, after living here for almost three months. Woohoo, Scout!
LOLcats are more coherent.
@SiubhanDuinne: First real laugh of the day! I haz a glad!
demo woman
Does Rick Lazio remind anyone else of Betty Boop? His hair style is so thirties. I wonder what Carly Fiorina thinks of his stylist. Matthews smack down was a thing of beauty.
@WereBear #11: Oh, good. Helpless giggling was kind of the idea.
It just seems like the right thing to do now. I translated Wagner’s *Der Ring des Nibelungen* into a long series of limericks several years ago, and am just tweaking and within weeks of submitting the lot to *Opera News*. For realz.
Jewish Steel
Our first rescue foster dog comes on Saturday. We are eager and excited to help him begin to adjust to a new life. And a little uneasy about his “separation anxiety” which has created $1000 worth of damage at his current home. But I haven’t been defeated by a basenji yet.
So that’s kinda cool.
@The Dangerman:
2nd laugh of the day. Wheeee!
@mr. whipple: And that’s #3. I love this place.
@Jewish Steel:
Careful, in numbers, they beat the hell out of the Green Revolution.
RIP Neda
@Jewish Steel: A basenji? You are very lucky. When I was a kid my grandmother’s neighbor had one and I used to play with it all the time. A very catlike dog.
Viva BrisVegas
@General Stuck:
It’s time to teach those godless Quakers a lesson, and the heathens at the Salvation Army.
@SiubhanDuinne: I can hardly wait. How many pages, how many limericks? And what do you do every time Wotan sits down and tells us the whole story again?
Site upgrade request: please add author names to individual posts in the RSS feed.
Went to my local Borders bookstore (DC), and there were a bunch of 20-somethings outside holding signs about Pam Geller. Apparently she was inside, doing a staged reading of some hate pamphlet. Don’t know what she wrote. I try not to click any links to her site, since I don’t have the Nazi-babe fetish.
I guess I would be concerned about giving her more publicity, but at this point in the media death-spiral she’ll be on every night with Wolf Blitzer anyway. I still don’t think anyone knows who she is, so she escapes being personally identified with her bigotry.
Anyway, I was pretty heartened that some kids knew enough to protest her. Apparently they just figured it out and organized it spontaneously, since the kid I signed my email with said that they were with a totally new group.
I wonder when the Atlantic is going to publish a version for adults? And what happens to the beloved children’s caricature.. I mean character.. Megan McGargle?
My kids are going back to school tomorrow? State law says traditional calendar can’t start before August 25 (tourism lobby). Schools start every year bang on August 25 unless it’s a weekend. Guess what day my son’s birthday is? Poor kid.
@Jewish Steel: Basenjis! Awesome dogs. They are sensitive and will pick up your emotions.
Remember, keep your cool. Projecting calm leadership…
Well this is good news:
Stimulus added millions of jobs in Q2
Omnes Omnibus
@morzer: Someone throws pink Himalayan salt on her and she shrivels up like a slug.
Oh damn, that’s right on point. I’m too busy polishing my “Sorry we didn’t do jack about the global warming thing even though we could have, sweetie” speech for my daughter, but the “Sorry we let California fall to ruin” speech should probably be priority dos.
And oh, yeah, vote Megs because she’ll run it like a bidnez.
Satoshi Kon died, at 47, so no. There is no good news. Ever.
@jibeaux: It’s not so bad. At least your son’s friends are all around on his birthday. My oldest’s birthday is earlier in August and all he does is complain that everyone is away on his birthday. It is very hard to please kids.
I think I can roughly encapsulate John Galt’s 90-page radio speech:
Omnes Omnibus
@beltane: Mine is early August and it always sucked as a kid. My understanding is people do half-birthdays now so kids with summer b-days can have a partay.
Bruce (formerly Steve S.)
Republicans will take control of Congress in 2011 and the White House in 2013. They will fuck things up so badly that an even farther right third party will be formed and will take control in 2017. The good news is that the blog permit Balloon Juice will be forced to purchase will only be $1000/year, $5000 for the Google-Verizon tier.
Can’t we just cut it and say:
At this point the author experienced a severe internal gas leak. We resume our tale 90 worthless pages later….
Omnes Omnibus
@Sly: You know, if you throw in wallah and something about memetic selection for IQ, it really does sound like matoko_chan.
Wow, I’m watching Rachel & it appears this election is going to be Boehner vs Obama. That speech this a.m. was “a major speech”. I.did.not.know.that!
Also2, when O gives his Iraq speech on 8/31 in primetime; Boehner will answer the speech. Wow, just, wow!
Guess you go to “war” with the wannabe speaker you got! Wow! I’m stunned.
@Omnes Omnibus:
You mean as in:
Wallah. Everyone knows Matoko was memetically selected for boysenberry pie preference, cudlip!
Jewish Steel
These are our current basenjis. Amateur thespians.
Can’t we just call Boehner “Agent Orange” and leave it at that?
Omnes Omnibus
@morzer: Cudlip? I never got that one. I have yet to pie anyone, but she got close.
Oooh, the top two candidates in our primary for governor are separated by only 36 votes. The good news is that both of them are excellent; the better news is that turnout was very high for a primary.
@soonergrunt: Is it okay to ask how you’re doing? I keep wondering but I haven’t wanted to ask…
Deep Thought:
Muhammad Ali, a Muslim, torched the summer Olympic games in Atlanta in 1996.
@mr. whipple: What a delicate phrase – quality time. Does that mean what I think it means?
Fine by me, but I’m sorta partial to “Boner”. That’s what me & my husband call him. :)
Is that all they’ve got? Even with the prez at 45 job approval, I’m going w/him instead of Boner everytime. I’m trying to picture the two of them debating or something……
Omnes Omnibus
@MikeBoyScout: He is black also too.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I don’t know what it means either, but perhaps that’s the point? After all, meaning and Matoko seem to be parallel lines most of the time.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@jibeaux: My kids started yesterday, with our last one starting kindergarten.
Your son shares birthdays with my dad and a 10 year old (tomorrow) friend of my middle son.
@morzer: Not that funny for a certain demographic.
@Betsy: Your comment about your kitty reminded me that I have been wanting to ask all the cat people on BJ…
I didn’t let my new kitties into my bedroom for the first 10 days after I got them because that had been my space with my sweet kitty that I had lost and I wasn’t ready to let that go yet.
Now, 6 months later, they still won’t sleep with me. Any suggestions?
@WaterGirl: Thank your lucky stars.
I remember Obama kicking the crap out of the assembled might of the GOP on camera, so what Little Johnny B is going to achieve on his lonesome is hard to imagine. Presumably FOX will only show Boehner’s poutitude and cut away as Obama slices and dices him, but the other networks ought to do a little better.
Lee B.
Good news? Sure, here you go. McMansions are Out Out Out:
Coincidentally (though not, considering how often Ayn Rand comes up) I am reading Goddess of the Marketplace, marketed as the “first bio” of herself.
Well written and interesting; Rand was antisocial from a very early age. And was contemptuous of her own feelings. And I already feel really sorry for the husband.
Really sorry.
Nor is Boehner. Ponder the effect on the working stiffs among us of his ignorance, arrogance and hatred of non-billionaires, if he does get his flesh-hooks on power. Until then, he’s toxic, gaseous and has an unnatural color. The resemblance seems close enough to me.
@morzer: never mind
@81 Omnes Omnibus:
Oh Noze!
And yet, Eric Robert Rudolph, the Atlanta Olympics bomber, is associated with the far right and was connected with the white supremacist Christian Identity movement.
Quick! Let’s get after those Christian centers of worship in Atlanta for some to be specified
reasonCRAZY.Omnes Omnibus
@MikeBoyScout: I’ll pass. I can get a note from my doctor saying I am too sane to take part.
Can I just say how sorry I am for the people of Arizona. They have a choice tonight between John McCain and a guy who is too stupid to realize that taking campaign contributions from a guy who was convicted of bribing government officials isn’t a smart thing to do.
mr. whipple
Thread needs more liberal brie.
The Pirates won because Matt Holliday’s clutchness turned into a pumpkin. (Popped up with the bases loaded and one out.) (I classify this as good news even if John tuned out years ago.)
New Yorker
I’m sure I’m way late to the party here, but when did “Little Green Footballs” abandon the dark side? I remember how much that blog used to unnerve me because Charles Johnson wasn’t a shrieking harpy (like Malkin) or a money-grubbing sociopath (like Limbaugh) or the mediocre son of royalty (like Bill Kristol); he seemed like a genuinely intelligent, thoughtful guy, and yet he was among the nuttiest of the wingnuts.
So imagine my pleasant surprise when I discovered how much he stands up for the right of Muslims to practice their religion in an old Burlington Coat Factory. And for science and reason. And for the separation of church and state. Jesus, he quotes Rachel Maddow all the time now!
I guess he is as smart and thoughtful as I originally believed, and he finally saw the light. Kudos to him for that.
mr. whipple
They may sleep with you, they may not. They are a mystery.
@burnspbesq: I’m pulling for the idiot for two reasons:
A) Grandpa needs to retire. It’ll only happen if he loses an election.
B) The moran will be easier for the Dem candidate to beat.
Plus Goddard is still favored in the gubernatorial race last I heard. So there could be some hope should Hayworth manage to beat Walnuts.
I also count as good news Kendrick Meek winning the primary if only because the other guy was a really, really bad candidate. Of course now Crist is not the only sane candidate in the race anymore.
Chris W
I like “The Syracuse Mascot”.
@97 4jkb4ia:
Buccos win? Must be the sunspots.
Well, at least JD Hayworth did reveal how crazy the wingnuts are. Even McCain got some licks in:
When even John McCain can make you look ridiculous….
cudlip = cud lip = cow?
Damned if I know.
@New Yorker:
It’s been a little while. Six months? Maybe even a year? He’s certainly ticked off some of his rabid teabagging readers, that’s for sure.
Isn’t the problem with the three way race between Crist, Meek and Rubio that now Crist and Meek could split the sane (or saner) vote and Rubio could squeak through? I haven’t followed it all that well, but it seems like there could be some sort of issue like that.
Omnes Omnibus
John Waterbury Cudlip, perhaps?
I was wondering about the moment in Lawrence of Arabia when Auda and Ali start throwing insults, including the immortal:
“Thou tulip”.
(Response: “But this is a tulip that the Turks could not buy!” Zing!)
I have yet to work out why someone would be called a tulip in the midst of the desert, but still… I was working on a theory that Matoko just misspelled tulip, or misheard the original line.
Oh, they’re all over the place the last few weeks. Kinda hard to miss, and to understand.
@jwb #54
@efgoldman #60
Ooh, thanks for your interest! Right now it’s at 26 stanzas but I have done some compression which doesn’t really serve the narrative. Hence the tweaking. I promise to let the BJ community know immediately if *Opera News* actually accepts it (need to find out their policy on unsolicited, er, manuscripts). If they reject it, BJ will have right of second refusal :-)
General Stuck
Some Hummingbird love wouldn’t hurt either.
@WaterGirl: I’m doing OK. The surgery is scheduled on the 8th of September.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I wonder, is there an older, richer, whiter electorate than a Republican primary in Arizona? It will truly represent a stunning comeback if John McCain’s twenty million dollar campaign overpowers indicted but not convicted TV weatherman JD Hayworth, as George Stephanopolous et al will tell us tomorrow morning.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Yeah, but it’s equally pathetic that the Democrats can’t come up with candidates to beat either McCain or Kyl.
Some genuinely good news:
Of course, I expect the Koch brothers to do their damnedest to eradicate this Soshulist critter stat.
Omnes Omnibus
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: A Republican primary in Connecticut would come close.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Greenwich, Connecticut would be interesting.
@soonergrunt #109: You mean all that key lime lemon meringue strawberry rhubarb cherry apple stuff?
Possible good news on the oil spill front:
Maybe it’s all a bunch of bp-hooey though. Some more time will tell.
ps: the code you use to do blockquotes sucks monkey balls, too.
Ty Lookwell
Well, we got new kitties today. A spunky grey tabby and a very, very, very timid and shy black and white, with sad and scared eyes (and a clipped ear), who crawled under a pillow when we brought her home. Oh, man. (oh, and: both girls)
name suggestions?
@SiubhanDuinne: Just 26 stanzas. I’m impressed! That’s darn good compression. Hopefully, Siegfried didn’t wind up too pixilated.
ETA: You did preserve the immortal: Das ist kein Mann, I hope. That and Siegmund and Sieglinde running around in Walküre refusing to notice the sword stuck in the tree are my two favorite absurdist Wagner moments.
@Jwb #120: Well, it really needs to be longer. Or better. Or different. It’s pretty good now but quite unbalanced, so on I tweak.
@Ty Lookwell: Spunk and Wagnoze
Omnes Omnibus
@jeffreyw: Groan.
@stuckinred: Sounds like you need some attitude adjustment!
General Stuck
NO! Damn. I loved Paranoia Agent and Perfect Blue. Yet Boner is still walking around. Dammit.
@mr. whipple: I will take that as a yes. That’s a good one. I will have to remember that.
@jwb #120 edit: Oh absolutely, they’re in there! And Wotan “turning a blind eye” on the shenanigans.
I CANNOT WAIT for the Lepage production next two seasons at the Met. My mouth is watering.
ETA: I assume you know Anna Russell’s take on the “Ring”? (“She’s his aunt, by the way.” “His mother was a Gibich.” “I’m *not* making this up, you know!” And the best of all: Erde sings “Be careful, Wotan, be careful.” She then bears him eight daughters.)
Such lulz.
@SiubhanDuinne: lol, or channeling her from right before her sudden conversion to berry-pie worship, “lawl….wallah….BULLSHYT!”
@soonergrunt: Glad you are hanging in there. Rather than dreading the 8th, I think I will look forward to the 9th as the day your surgery is over. :-)
The Lost epilogue was cute and sad, simultaneously. Good little bit. If you liked Lost, you’ll like “The New Man in Charge”.
@WaterGirl: I was actually thinking a few days after that when the incision stops hurting.
I saw “Walkure” here in Los Angeles in June. Fabulously sung and played, but the staging (by Achim Freyer) was waaaaaaaaaaaay out there.
SF Opera is doing it next June.
Long day here too. Day 3 of replacing my side fence. The physically hard stuff was finished yesterday, the carpentry was all today. Started at 7:30, finished half an hour ago. Took an hour break to have the nice licenses hygenist poke at my teeth. Was 91 today and in spite of drinking about 55 gallons of water to stay hydrated, managed to piss off everyone within a 4 mile radius of me at some point during the day. I doubt I’ll have all the thorns removed until tomorrow – the fence was behind my wife’s favorite roses.
The good news is that all but trim is done, so the pets can roam free again. Between us and the neighbor, that’s about 10 animals. Ah the joys of furlough…
Good News?
Firming up plans to have solar heating put on the house. Expensive but “the figgers” say we’ll break even in about 3.5 years and it’s free heat for the rest of our lives.
Here in New Mexico just about solar anything makes sense.
@SiubhanDuinne: I love Anna Russell!
@Sly #66: Iz purrfick!
demo woman
Rick Scott won the republican primary for Governor…
@burnspbesq #134: I am looking very very hard at the exchequer to see if I can justify a trip to NYC in spring 2012 plus a week of expenses plus halfway decent tickets to the Met for the full cycle. I’m enchanted with what I’ve seen of Robert Lepage’s concept, and Debbie Voigt, and if Bryn Terfel can just stay healthy. . . .
@demo woman:
Good lord.
Has the Florida GOP gone totally bonkers?
@soonergrunt: I believe she spells it “BULLSHYTT”. God is in the details.
@demo woman:
I’ve paid zero attention to this race. Who is Rick Scott? Is this a big deal?
Omnes Omnibus
@suzanne: Stop proseltyzing.
@Anoniminous: Is that a rhetorical question?
General Stuck
@Martin: LOL, sounds a lot like work. Am just about finished with my work bench and have the new table saw assembled to sit on it. Pretty soon will find out if it will saw the small logs into even smaller boards for pic frames. Just hope the kickback pawl works right so as to not injure the innocent or break any windows.
Omnes Omnibus
@Martin: Is that?
All right, it’s 8pm here, which means we should start getting election results. McCain is expected to beat Hayworth handlly (thank God, because I don’t know how much longer I could listen to that lying motherfucker without damaging my television. I’m pulling for Parraz on the Democratic side. In the general, I don’t realistically think any of the Dems have a chance against McCain. The guy is idolized here. I’m really hoping Goddard can hand Brewer her ass on a platter in November. He’s an institution here, and Brewer is a fucking uneducated racist moron. Extreme heat during the day and a storm at night kept turnout embarrassingly low. So we’ll see.
It is so cute when the NYTimes makes typos in their excitement:
Personally, I’d like to see a little more basklash in our elections.
Mike in NC
Had a job interview today. Fingers crossed…
@Omnes Omnibus: LMMFAO.
Ever since I got banned from Brewer’s Facebook page, I’ve run out of people to annoy and mock. Thank God for Matoko.
@Mike in NC:
Good luck!
Seems like being a real estate mogul in Florida maybe isn’t the best background to have given the current real estate climate. “Vote for me. I made tons of money selling you overpriced property and laughed all the way to the bank.” Hmmmm….
@Mike in NC #150: Yes indeed, fingers, toes, eyes. . . . Good luck!
Gretchen D
Good news? Well, here in Colorado, Gov. Ritter thinks medical pot funds will help make up the shortfall in the state budget. I love it. As a prosecutor, he was against it. Now, as Gov., he says, “I was not in favor of medical marijuana, but I’m also a lawyer and the governor and I believe in the law. And it’s the law in this state.”
More or less.
Scott was the CEO of a company that paid a whopping $1.7 BILLION dollar fine for Medicare – Medicaid? – fraud. That should go over real nice in Florida.
@Ty Lookwell: Aw, kittehs. How about Gouda and MooCat? Pics when you can.
@The Dangerman: That’s how I read it as well. “Cock split open.” Hm…..
@Mike in NC: Good luck!
Good news. Nope. Nada. Sorry, Cole.
@Ty Lookwell:
Tabitha and Shadowlands.
@Mike in NC: As many things as are physically possible for me to cross are for you good sir!
@Yutsano: Including your boy bits? Hiya, hon. How was the nasty city of Seattle today?
@asiangrrlMN: Couldn’t tell you until the morrow. Felt like the stuff you sometimes find on the bottom of your shoe so bagged the whole exercise for today. It’s fine there’s not a huge time pressure there.
♫ Nothing’s good, the news is bad
The heat goes on and it drives you ma-ad … ♩
@Yutsano: You getting sick?
Good news: PZ Myers is recovering from his heart surgery.
@General Stuck: Hey, progress! Don’t sweat the windows. They can be fixed better than the innocent can.
Days like today make me appreciate that there are guys willing to frame houses, tar roofs, carry a rifle in fucking Afghanistan day after day for not enough money. I don’t want to think about how many consecutive days of this it would take before it seemed somehow tolerable.
@asiangrrlMN: If I am (and honestly it’s hard to tell) then it’s pretty mild. I think I just didn’t sleep well is all. Like I said no big pressure or hurry on my end so I’ll just go tomorrow and life will be good.
@Yutsano: I hope you’re not getting sick. Glad that there’s no rush for you to get things done. I am fucking tired. I’m gonna go take a nap. I may be back later–or not.
Anne Laurie
@Jewish Steel:
You have succeeded in making me feel a little less negative about our Accidental Adoption papillon-mix, who has decided to mark her first anniversary here by re-igniting the dominance wars.
And you are indeed cool. Mazel tov!
Any Good News?
@soonergrunt: That works, too! I had thought that maybe the hardest part was facing the surgery, but yeah, no pain would be good, too. We’ll go with that.
Anne Laurie
@mr. whipple:
Obligatory “Cats and women are the only two species Man has never tamed” reference…
@roshan #168: Good for The Economist! That took balls, and grace.
Anne Laurie
@SiubhanDuinne: It’s Ramadan. Certain people should take the medical exemption from fasting, because low blood sugar makes them even sillier than usual. Or else they should only post after sunset, but then not as many people would be around to irk.
Oi. Results are coming in, and they’re not thrilling. Joe Arpaio’s lapdog Thomas is winning his primary for Attorney General. Rodney Glassman, who kind of sucks, is beating Randy Parraz for the Dem nomination for the Senate race. Sigh.
Something Fabulous
@Ty Lookwell
@ruemara: I loved Paranoia Agent and Perfect Blue.
…and there you go!
@Mike in NC:
fingers very crossed. good luck
Triassic Sands
Yep. Somewhere out there is an asteroid with Earth’s number.
I kinda liked this bit of science news, a discovery of a “rich exoplanet” solar system
Link here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-11070991
Of course, I’m waiting for some wingnut to complain that this new solar system is to close to Ground Zero.
Annnnnnnd, now we got our own Don Rickles!
Presenting Triassic Sands
@Ty Lookwell:
Name suggestions: Nina and Iris.
Heard a little girl in the store call her sister Nina tonight, and I spent a few minutes wondering what her name was, or what would go with a Nina. Never did hear her name, but decided Iris would be cool.
@Anne Laurie: That’s why I post after sunset! Or right before sunrise, depending on how you look at it. Plus, all the late-nighters are here, and they are the coolest. But, I do not want endless talks of pie in my late-night threads, thankyewverymuch.
@Steeplejack: Hiya. You still around?
@Yutsano: Hi! I do love pie, just not that particular kind of pie. I did not nap, so I will be going to bed early.
@asiangrrlMN: It’s really because you loooove pie. You can admit it it’s okay hon.
And did someone say Nena?
@Yutsano: Um, no, but I LOVE that song, so ta.
@asiangrrlMN: And out of nowhere the sound just totally died on my computer. It was working earlier and my headphones are plugged in. Gggrrr.
FYWP. I had a minute left!
And, of course, it reminds me of this song.
@Yutsano: WTF? Criminal! Fix it!
P.S. Did you see in the broken thread that I am thinking of being Palin for Halloween?
@asiangrrlMN: It’s fixeth. Don’t ask me what difference it made restarting my computer, but it did. And yeah I saw the Palin thing, you’d never make it past basic research without gouging out your brain unfortunately.
@Yutsano: That’s happened to me sometimes. The sound will cut out, and it’s fine upon restarting the compy. Weird.
Palin, yes. I think that would be a problem. I am considering being a 50s wife with a bottle of Valium in one hand and a double-martini in the other. I don’t want to be anything stereotyped or cliched (which leaves out everything related to night, darkness, vampires, etc.).
@asiangrrlMN: Mad Men wife! Mad Men wife! How awesome would that be? Or an Asian twist on Marilyn Monroe? Now you got me thinking…
@Yutsano: I don’t watch Mad Men, but from what I’ve seen here, yeah, that’s the general idea. Oooh, Marilyn Monroe? Hm….Of course, there’s always, sigh, Dita Von Teese.
A friend of mine suggested a stripper on crutches after breaking my ankle wearing these.
FYWP in advance.
And, naturally, this is the one time I don’t get caught up in mod. FYWP!