Over the next couple of days, let’s try to figure out who we should try to raise money for in the fall. I’m of the opinion we need to do the money bombs in the next couple of weeks so that campaigns can spend appropriately, but what do I know.
I guess the first thing to do is figure out the name of the Democrat running against the teahadist in Alaska. We should definitely do something for him/her.
As a resident of Arizona, I would humbly suggest Terry Goddard.
Exhibit A
Scott McAdams, Elaine Marshall, Jack Conway, Barbara Boxer, Chris Coons, Joe Sestak, Lee Fisher, Virg Bennero, Alex Sink, Dan Malloy, Ann McLane Kuster, Carol Shea-Porter, Libby Mitchell, Bill White, Roy Barnes, Mark Dayton
It makes me gag to say it, but Harry Reid.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
A Social Security Caucus page, maybe? Only signatories of today’s letter? Not just the issue itself, but they’re fighting against Republican/Establishment talking points, which is at least as important in the long term.
Midnight Marauder
That would be Scott McAdams. And Joe Miller is really about to become a Rand Paul-esque gift that keeps on giving.
EDIT: If my main man Jack Conway is not on your final list, I will burn this blog to the ground.
General Stuck
I say we sell Alaska back to the Russians. Hell, lets give it back to them, Palin could see Russia looking down at her feets.
mr. whipple
Agreed, on both counts.
If you raise money for me I promise to spend it on rum and cheap wimmin.
I already gave McAdams a small gift, but I’d be willing to give more. Didn’t Rasmussen have him within 6? I can’t even imagine Alaska with two Dem senators. But crazier things could happen.
I would love some love for Kendrick Meeks, even if people are writing him off.
Surreal American
OT: The wingnut quest for gratitude regarding their excellent Iraqi adventure knows no boundaries (or decency). From Cal Thomas at Clownhall:
Mere words are failing me here as well.
Russ Feingold. Our only champion in the Senate who’s facing a tough race against a bagger.
Harry Reid and Barbara Boxer for sure.
A little help for Bill White, who is running for the Governor of Texas would be welcome. He’s the best shot the Dems have had in years and it would be sweet to see a Dem in the office that George W. Bush used to hold. He’s no firebagger’s dream, but he was a good mayor of Houston.
Last poll I saw was Rasmussen and had him within 8. Plus, Perry is refusing to debate White and that is getting a fair amount of attention in the state. Why won’t Perry debate White? What’s he got to hide? (Answer: a lot.)
gogol's wife
Richard Blumenthal
I’ve been giving money to the DCCC because I’m a lazy ass who doesn’t want to have to strategerize every stupid donation I make. Somebody’s got to do it for me. Also to my senator who is on the hit list and who we cannot lose!
General Stuck
Governor Numbnuts Brewer of AZ, flies her tea tard freek flag
Watch to the end.
via tpm
Almost PhD
Please save us from Carly Fiorina and lend Boxer a hand.
Surreal American
I wish Roxanne Conlin’s chances were better, because Chuck Grassley is long overdue for a pink slip.
I know it’s just due to all the video from last night, but I’d like to see the guy running against Jan Brewer get some money.
Scott Harper in Illinois 13. http://www.harper2010.com/ He seems like a pretty solid progressive voice, and the woman he’s running against isn’t much of an opponent — she got swept in and just barely retained her seat last time around. I think some cash could do him pretty good.
May I recommend John Spratt, Dem of SC (yes there are a few left). Fiscally conservative, enlightened, Chairman of the House Budget Committee in a tight race against Republican here. Really needs help..
Mike B
@Pussin: Harry Reid has plenty of money. I’d rather see the money go to those who need it — preferably ones who aren’t establishment lackeys.
Is there anyway we can clone Alan Grayson?
demo woman
Who needs the money? I think Harry has the money to defend his seat. Rand Paul needs to be defeated so Jack Conway would get my vote. What about New Hampshire candidates or Ohio candidates?
Tom Betz
I’ll second Bill White, as well as any Texas state rep contender who is within ten points of a Republican candidate or incumbent, especially in strongly-Spanish-speaking districts. This being a census year, we need to have Democrats in place in Texas for the next redistricting.
I nominate Billy Kennedy – running to unseat Virginia Foxx (NC-5). Each time I hear my fair state’s name mentioned on cable news, I cringe because I know I’m about to hear the current assholery Ms. Foxx is spouting. I know it’s a long shot but still plan on doing some canvassing for Mr. Kennedy after Labor Day.
I’m going to put on my best ‘pragmatic’ hat here and ask why you’re wasting your time and money supporting future blue dogs in red states where they A) Have no chance of winning and B) Will never help govern in a liberal fashion because it’s a right-wing country, dont’cha know.
Well, that was enough of that. Being that defeatist is hard work.
Closer to home for me, how’s about something for Cedric Richmond (D) of New Orleans. I’m not one for predictions, but I gonna bet right now, that Richmond WILL beat Cao (unless he doesn’t…LOL).
General Stuck
@NobodySpecial: You seem very sad.
Gotta keep us some lady Dems in the Senate. Patty Murray and yes to Barbara Boxer, if you please.
@General Stuck: And you see what happens when a Dem opponent has enough political sense to poke at a Republican’s glaring weaknesses? Now why can’t that happen everywhere?
demo woman
ABC Nightly News just covered Brewer’s debate performance. It was a fair and balanced presentation showing the “brain freeze” and the refusal to answer the question about beheadings. Her campaign released the statement that she had a “brain freeze”
Scott McAdams – currently major of Sitka, Alaska (where I live) – running agains Miller, but more importantly a great candidate.
You’ll get a lot of bang for your buck for contributions in Alaska.
Russell Edwards is running against Paul Broun, Jr. His theme is that it’s “time for responsible leadership” for the 10th district. (well, duh) A recent story in the Athens newspaper noted that it’s Rep. Jack Kingston who gets most of the earmark money for UGA, which is a major (the major?) economic engine for the county because it’s apparently against Broun’s “principles” to do anything for his constituents.
And that’s just the basic stuff outside, you know, how he’s freaking insane.
Russell Edwards for Congress.
Harper is a good guy and should have won in 2008. I’m not sure he stands much of a chance.
Is there some polling to indicate Spratt is in trouble?
I’d like to see some money thrown Alexei’s way
@demo woman: I’m just surprised they didn’t say that she lost her head. That’s just the kind of stupid joke the Village would have appreciated and let her off for.
General Stuck
Harry Reid is doing it, and suspect some others will, but I agree it should be everywhere and anywhere when a democrat gets the microphone, and isn’t. The ghost of ronnie roo still haunts too many liberals.
Patty Murray, Washington – up against Dino Rossi identified by CREW as one of the most crooked candidates in this year’s races.
Scott McAdams because he can win, and my relatives in Sitka vouch for him, and because having an all-Democrat Senatorial delegation from Alaska would be such an awesome refudiation of Snowflake Snooki.
And Barbara Boxer because she can win, and I vouch for her, and because Carly Fiorina lies more times per second than anyone else I’ve heard this season.
College Football!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anne Laurie
@General Stuck:
Mandatory sexist joke: Not while there’s a push-up bra available at any Nordstrom that takes RNC credit cards.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I second your motion; that’s a good line-in-the-sand letter in defense of Social Security. We need to remind people that Democrats want to protect Granny from ending up as a bag lady, but Republicans think anyone who isn’t at the very tip of the income pyramid isn’t a Real American(tm) and “deserves” to keep laboring until they (we) drop over dead.
El Cid
Right wing anti-Muslim baiting now attacks the holy 2nd amendment.
Like I’ve always said, these jackasses don’t believe in ‘the 2nd amendment,’ they believe in them having guns everywhere and the libruls and darkies and immigrants (or immigrant-looking types) to be unarmed.
John Cole
@Allan: Snowflake Snooki is so full of win.
Ummm … probably not Dave Meijas … http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/dailypolitics/2010/09/dave-mejias-will-he-stay-or-wi.html
Anne Laurie
You and Maeve make him sound very worthy. I admit it charms my not-very-Inner Tribalist to make a very public “Vote McAdams, he’s a good Democrat and owes nothing to Palin” donation. Just imagine the sheer Awsum of the tantrum should “her” chosen local rep get whipped by DFH bloggers!
@John Cole:
Agreed. Snowflake Snooki is my new favorite name for the Horror from Wasilla.
@John Cole:
I read Allan’s comment, thought the same thing, then saw your comment. Get out of my head. And off my lawn.
Dee Loralei
@John Cole: It made me LOL as well. It so needs to be a tag.
@Ailuridae: Yes, his opponent just released a (GOP) poll showing he’s in a dead heat. Spratt won’t release his but says he’s got ‘breathing room’. But I think he’s in more trouble than that–there will be a big Republican turnout because of our Gubernatorial race (we’re talking Nikki Haley here) so there you are…
@Violet: I don’t get it. Is there a reference here? If I put the phrase “Snowflake Snooki” into Google will I wish I hadn’t?
Gary McDowell in MI-1.
Abortion aside, Stupak was good for MI on all other issues. I think the internet owes us after claiming his scalp.
I vote for giving money to the DCCC as well. I don’t like to play God.
Am I the only one who quickly read the title of this post as “ActBlue for the Fail?”
If you do, you’ll get a link to a post on rumproast.com. Read it. Some of the comments are priceless.
Bill Hedrick in CA came close to toppling my corrupt congressman, Ken Calvert, in 2008. He could use some love.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@stormhit: “claiming his scalp”? I thought Stupak licked his finger and stuck it in an open socket.
This. Despite the dislike I have for Blue Dogs it is tough for me to argue in any individual case that I prefer the Republican in a given district.
So that means you’re pledging right now not to bitch and moan when, say, McAdams and Sestak get to Washington, join the Blue Dogs, and become besties with Ben Nelson?
Personally, I’m willing to take the risk because I do think that having a Democratic butt in the seat is always better than a Republican, but does this mean you’re promising right now not to whine about how conservative the Democrats from red states are if they get elected?
ETA: And I am sincere here. I’m hoping the two of us can come to the same kind of agreement that Siskel and Ebert did when they agreed that the fucking WASPS cause all the problems in this country.
mr. whipple
John Cole
@stormhit: LOLWUT?
Stupak spent a year and a half making sure his smug mug was in the spotlight, then he wilted under pressure.
Probably just spent the year raising a fuss to raise his profile for the GOV. race.
@Ahasuerus: I’m sure Sarah and Scott are just having a little tiff. But I did enjoy this:
Made me laugh.
And apparently, Snooki is a person. Who gets paid more than Lindsey Lohan. Maybe this is her? I guess I can see the resemblance.
I can see that Cole’s job isn’t getting any easier.
Can we please not give to the DNC in a generic fashion??
After the support of Blanche Lincoln against Bill Halter I can’t and won’t give any money to the Committee. I’d prefer to go through Act Blue or DFA, or just give straight to candidates.
Patty Murray needs help, and please god no Fiorina!
@DougJ: Yeah. But it’d have been better to give through BJ. Give this blog some pull or something. I’m eager to be pandered to.
Comrade Kevin
There’s an awesome ad on the left side of the page as I’m typing this…
“Stop Unchecked Liberal Power. Join Today!” then, in teeny tiny letters, it says it’s from the RNC.
TaMara (BHF)
Unfortunately the polls in CO show Teatard Buck up over Dem and Obama favorite Bennett by 9 or so points. So I would say, he’d be my choice. As much as I liked watching Buck take down Jane Norton, he would be more than a disaster as a Senator and his entire platform seems to be anti-woman, anti-anything Obama.
If anyone wants some entertainment, read up on how the GOP is imploding here, trying to get their own candidate for Gov. off the ballot by tomorrow (the deadline). The entire race has been fraught with drama, accusations of plagiarism, lying about qualifications and good ole’ Tom Tancredo splitting the party by running under a third party banner. Gotta love it.
I like McAdams, seems like a real good guy
@gogol’s wife:
seconded…that McMahon wench is throwing millions of her wrestling treasure chest at her nasty campaign…
I know it won’t do a damn bit of good, considering how well Marsha! Marsha! Marsha! sucks up to her rich constituents…but I’d love to have Greg Rabidoux as my congressperson here in TN-7. Blackburn is a complete wingnut idiot who sounds like a whining mosquito, and is less sensible.
James Hare
I’ve already given some, but I think you should consider Tom Perriello. He’s in a difficult fight for a southern Virginia district. He beat a turncoat idiot by the name of Virgil Goode (he was a Democrat but turned tail when Bush was elected) and he’s still running strong. He’s a real progressive voice from a district that certainly needs one, but doesn’t necessarily appreciate it. He also seems like a genuinely good guy who is in this for the right reasons.
Some more love for Patty Murray here. It’s hard to believe she could actually lose to Rossi, but I guess we can’t take anything for granted this year.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Rosalita: there’s something surreal about the CT Republican Party the WWE mogul to represent the party of gin&tonics and Ralph Lauren gold clothes
Can we do a rat-fuck page to support Christine O’DonnelL in DE? (kidding, of course)
Gary McDowell, running to replace Bart Stupak in my hometown district (very much a swing district) where his opponent is making repeal of the healthcare law his primary campaign issue.
A comparison of the webpages (Benishek’s and McDowell’s) makes it clear just how much energy and passion is behind the teabagger’s campaign vs. the staid, cautious Demmiecrat.
@James Hare:
What do you consider to be “running strong?” I read today that he is down 25 points. I’m not familiar with the district and don’t know how reliable the numbers I saw are. But, 25 points down does not sound like running strong to me, particularly since Perriello is reportedly more liberal than his district. There is a lot of need; I think it will be difficult to perform the triage that will probably be necessary.
I totally agree with you, that’s more or less what I meant.
Bryan Lentz, running in PA’s 7th (the fightin’ 7th!) for Sestak’s old seat. He was originally planning to run for it in 06 but bowed out to run for state rep instead. He’s a good guy, and a good lib’rul.
Dino Rossi is a two time loser for governor and I suspect the Washington state right will be highly energized to finally give him “his due.” I’ve donated to Murray and will try to do more – whatever happens at BJuice.
Not sure I agree. Polling on this has been all over the map and Patty has a ton of dirt still in the powder keg to use against Rossi. She hasn’t even dragged out the double sore loser card yet, plus Rossi made several huge unforced errors in his first uninspired ad. Actually I’m itching for Didier to grow an ego and insist upon being on the ballot even though the law says two candidates only. The bloodbath would be too sweet.
@NobodySpecial: because Mark Begich has been such a fucking problem?
@John Cole: Credit where credit is due, to my pal Betty Cracker.
what, no love for the Greene guy from S.C.?
I mean the repubs got all those batshit crazy, totally unqualified people who might actually win, and we can’t even have ONE?
@Mnemosyne: I don’t think anyone really disagrees that the fucking WASPs are the problem. I think my problem is that after a year when we were told that primarying conservative Democrats was bad because Blue Dogs were the best we could ever get and we should never bitch about legislation not being progressive enough because progressives simply didn’t count….
…that for many of the same people to now be pushing for us to donate time and money to A) A progressive dem in one of the most backward ass states in the Union and B) An early favorite of the netroots in PA who was roundly mocked by many of the same people and held up as a symbol of why progressives don’t count. So you’ll just have to pardon me if I snark a bit.
Tarryl Clark, currently a Minnesota State Senator, who is running against Michelle Bachman in the Minnesota 6th Congression District.
Tom Perriello from VA 05
He’s in a conservative district yet he’s had the cojones to vote for the stim and the health care bill. He might not be a flaming super liberal hippie or anything, but my actual Congressman is Blue Dog bastard Glenn Nye from VA-02 and I am not voting for him much less giving him money.
The Democratic Party would be in a much better position if we had more Tom Perriello’s. But we need to at least keep the one we have.
@Nick: Not at all. In fact, he’s been a pretty good repudiation of your favorite line.
Tarryl Clark is running a fairly good campaign against Michele Bachmann. I don’t live in the district (I proudly live in the one Muslim-represented district in the nation), but I’ve given to Tarryl and will again.
Bachmann is all kids of crazy, as Juicers well know. And now she’s even doling out cashola to her fellow MN Republicans via her PAC.
So help out Terryl, will ya? tarrylclark.com
Anne Laurie
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
As the Romans knew, Money has no odor. (Although certain Real Americans(tm) believe it has the odor of sanctity, because ‘sanctimony’ is not in their vocabulary.)
Sorry if this ends up being a duplicate of sorts, but I’m suggesting Tarryl Clark, who’s running against über-nut Michele Bachmann in Minnesota’s 6th.
McAdams! He seems to have a real shot at this. Rasmussen (!) just changed the race from solid R to leans R. And how sweet would it be to stick it to LaPalin. Read more about McAdams here:
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Nellcote: If nothing else, forcing the RSCC and the NRC to spend money in Alaska is a good thing
Tarryl Clark to take down crazy ass Bachmann!!!!!!!!!
I donated to McAdams today, so go ahead and throw him more love.
Harry Reid.
Barbara Boxer.
what the hell makes you think Scott McAdams is a progressive? He may not be a Ben Nelson Blue Dog, but he’s not Al Franken.
and most of us didn’t really have an issue in Pennsylvania with Sestak, the issue was in Arkansas, that’s where a primary was fucking stupid. Pennsylvania and Arkansas are two different states.
BTW, how’s Sestak doing?
…yeah. so much for standing up for true Democratic values being a winning strategy.
what happened to the guy who ran against her last time? The one with the endearingly geekish name, Elwyn or Elwood or something like that.
I remember well the blizzard of donations he got from all over the country after Bachmann Underdrive made her brilliant comment about investigating “unAmericans.” I personally sent him fifty bucks. Too bad he couldn’t pull it off.
@Nick: Yep, that’s you, a standardbearer for true Democratic values like rolling over and playing dead in the face of Republican opposition.
Elwyn Tinklenberg was a decent candidate with, yes, an endearingly geekish name. He was a town mayor and then state transportation commissioner so an experienced pol.
But, to be shallow about this – as the 6th district seems to require – geekish seems not to be endearing to this most right-leaning part of our state.
And, though I bat for the other team so I’m not the best judge, I think Tarryl is a lot closer to la Bachmann in the hotness/MILF category than Elwyn could be.
It’s gotta be those middle-aged starbursts – and taxophobia – that drive Bachmann’s voters. Otherwise my 6th district neighbors are just stupider than I can bear to imagine.
Oh, and I don’t actually know what Elwyn’s up to. I think he’s out of the public eye at the moment.
thanks. And if this Tarryl can win by out-MILFing Bachtwit, so much the better.
I have a soft spot for this guy, though I’m told he’s very unlikely to win. He cold-called me, and when he said he was from Virginia, I asked him about the Uighurs, and he not only knew about them, but was generally good on civil liberties and torture. Ex-Air Force, quite nice, knowledgeable.
But, like I said, unlikely to win. Sigh.
Chris G.
@Violet: A White win in TX would also give us a role in redistricting, which would be a big asset in a state that size. Along similar lines, helping Alex Sink win in FL would probably be a better Sunshine State investment than Meek.
Except for McAdams, I suggest BJ stick to House candidates. Most Senate races are so expensive that anything less than $100K won’t have an impact. House races tend to be much cheaper.
That reminds me….
What do people think of Brian Lentz? He called and left a voice message a few months ago because I donated to his campaign in 2008, but I never called back because I’m a jerk and out of his district. Anyone know how he’s doing? Does he need help?
PS All I really know about him was that he was an Iraq vet and impressed me enough when he was interviewed by Sam Seder that I threw some cash his way when I heard him. I don’t really remember why I liked him so much though.
Chris G.
@RalfW: IIRC, Tinklenberg was up for another run but the local DFL decided to endorse Clark, instead. As someone who’s lived in MN for almost a decade, I still cannot understand how the frakking DFL works.
Chris G.
By the way, why aren’t we doing this this year?
Alexi Giannoulias.
Working hard, good progressive, and being hit by a ton of money from people who want the fun of winning “Obama’s” senate seat.
Chris G.
Chris Carney in PA-10 went out on a limb for HCR and his opponent is genuine sleaze — he went after Carney for being by his wife’s bedside when she had breast cancer for surgery instead of signing on to some damn abortion bill.
Mary G
@danimal: This! Most people think Ken Calvert has a safe Republican seat, but I think he can be had. We might as well tap into some of the anti-incumbent sentiment around (He voted for TARP!).
Hedrick did 48% without a great deal of support last time. I only saw one sign here on the coast.
Also, Barbara Boxer has some outfit that starts with “Crossroads,” which I think is Karl Rove’s new organization, constantly running ads with the scary music from the Exorcist saying Barbara Boxer voted to cut $500 million from Medicare and nursing homes might not take you in when you need them if she gets re-elected. It’s making me want to kick in the TV.
And he can flat out ball (unlike our beloved President)
You think Sestak is a blue dog? You are perhaps confused, or in possession of information the rest of us don’t have.
You don’t need to remember why you liked Lentz. You just need to send him some more cash. You will not be sorry.
That SurveyUSA poll is pretty sketchy; a similar poll taken last month by that group was roundly derided for underrepresenting liberals and minorites in the district. A poll taken two weeks ago by a conservative firm had Perriello down 49-43, which is probably a lot closer to the truth.
Typing this on my phone and not sure if a decision has been made yet, but I’d like to humbly submit Steve Driehaus in the Ohio-01. He’s a freshman, having taken out Steve “Combover” Chabot in a tight race. Now, he’s a pro-lifer, but no way does a pro-choice Dem get win in heavily-Catholic Cincinnati.
But, Driehaus has been pretty good, and, back during HCR, he held one of the more contentious town halls, and under extraordinary pressure, ended up being one of the last Democrats to break in Pelosi’s favor. I thought it took a lot of courage for a freshman Dem in a GOP town to do that, and I think he’s earned our support.
He’s in another tough race against ol’ Combover, who wants his seat back, and Driehaus could really use our money. If you pick any Buckeye, I hope you’ll make it Driehaus. And, sorry everyone and we do love the golf billboards down here, but no way is Boehner going down. Throwing any kind of money down against Boehner is foolish, if you ask me, and although his opponent, Justin Coussele (sp?) is top-nothch, there are tighter, more winnable races more deserving of our charity.
He doesn’t get the press of some of the other wingnuts, but I’d very much like to see John Shimkus (IL-19) go down. Sadly that doesn’t look possible. According to 538, he’s raised 158 times (!) as much money as his Dem challenger, Tim Bagwell, who also ran against him in ’04 and lost 69-34%.
@phillygirl: I believe you. I hope John includes him, then. Let’s get this ball rolling!
@Anne Laurie: Count me in. Also, too, would like to request support for Harry Mitchell in AZ-CD 5 rather that Terry Goddard v. Jan Brewer. It will take something more to affect that race than the epic debate failure. Sad but true.
Oh hell goddamn yes, 1K times.
Shimkus is a sack of shit.
Someone please talk me down from blaming the IL Dem party, who are so corrupt and pathetic that they consistently fail to find and groom good candidates. The current governor’s race (with the batshit crazy Lieutenant Gov guy who actually won the primary but had to withdraw) is a good example. And of course the geniuses behind Blago.
You know, the GOP is bad enough, but some of the state Dem parties need a cleaning.
@Chris G.: The good ol’ Wiki says that Elwyn dropped out when, right out of the chute, another competitor to Tarryl, Maureen Reed, had already raised $250,000. So I don’t think it was about the DFL endorsement, which came well after El’s decision to drop.
Also, too, I’m not sure why having Tarryl get endorsed is a mystery. She’s been the state Senator for about half of the 6th’s territory for 5 years, so she can convincingly say that a good chunk of Bachmann la-la-land is OK with her holding office to represent them.
Tarryl’s not, from what I can tell, stupid, a bad campaigner, (or corrupt), and while I’m certainly not a campaign strategist, I think it’s smart to have a woman run against Bachmann. Dilutes the straight-guy urge to vote for the hot one .
I’ve been so focused on the Senate races that I’ve almost forgotten about the Gubernatorial ones. Thanks for the reminder. Getting Bill White elected, as a lot of you guys have already noted, would be a great win. Other good Gov candidates include Mark Dayton in Minnesota, Alex Sink in Florida and Jerry Brown in California (although I can’t imagine our small contributions here will make much of a difference in those states), and Libby Mitchell in Maine (who’s running against a teabagger).
My favorite candidate in the Senate races is Jack Conway. Even though he’s opposed to cap and trade, he’s a great politician and progressive on most of the other issues. I’m sort of surprised the DSCC hasn’t made him into a poster boy of sorts for Democrats in hard to win states and in tough election years, given how tight that race is right now. I know some of that is due to Rand Paul being completely nuts, but it’s not all of the story, given how conservative Kentucky has become.
Bennett in Colorado. He is leading the charge to reform the filibuster in the Senate, and also was one of the people who restarted the fight for the public option at the last minute, saying that he’d rather serve for only one term than not fight for what was right. And he went to a way cool undergrad school. ;)
Are we so purist now we won’t accept anyone who deviates from the party line?
Scott is not afraid to use the “P-word” here in Sitka. He’s an awesome candidate. He is sane and intelligent. You should see him apply Roberts Rules of Orders to the City Assembly meetings here in Sitka – he applies them to allow comment and input rather than stifle it (contrary to the previous mayor) but he insists on intelligent discourse.
The issues here in Sitka are local, but he is on the side of a lot of progessive issues and is a great candidate. Miller, OTOH, is a crazy wingnut. A recent poll put Murkoswki as write-in or Libertarian (she’d have to change her stripes but the libertarians are talking to her) ahead of Miller or Adams.
Scott decided to run for the Democratic nomination during the Democratic convention (held here in Sitka) because nobody else would go for it. It was assumed Murkowksi had a lock. Now that Miller has beaten her among the Republican voters (indepenents outnumber both Dems and Rebublicans in Alaska) it is more up for grabs but Scott has to get his name out there and convince voters he is sane compared to to Tea-bagger Miller.
Rusty Nails
How about important races at the state and local level?
The author of prop 8 in California, Andy Pugno, is running for State Assembly. Aside from the prop 8 issue, this is an important race because it could possibly give the democrats in Sacramento the two-thirds needed to actually change tax levels and pass a budget, something the state desperately needs.
His opponent is Dr. Richard Pan, a Harvard trained pediatrician, who needs the money to compete with Pugno who is using the prop 8 donor lists to basically print money.
Trying to hold onto Congress is important this year, but we should remember that state and local elections also have plenty of tea partiers and wingnuts on the ballot.
Since I don’t have any spare money to donate, I’ve been hoping someone who’s good at ‘video snark’ will take on all the fall campaign ads, turning them inside-out and upside-down (so to speak), and posting them on youtube.
My other hope is that bloggers will post a list of all the corporations and mega-funders that are paying for campaign ads – and the products they offer – so we can stop buying everything they sell. Brawney paper towels and Stainmaster carpet (from the Koch Bros) come to mind, for instance.
Considering how many corporations will now be buying ads, I may have to cut back on all sorts of services, and buy all my food from the farmers’ market, but that’s probably a lot better for me, my budget, and the economy anyway.
bob h
Tom Perriello is one of the sharpest Congressmen around. But is he a lost cause, given the preference of Virginians for a dogpatch dumb, Republican rube?
McAdams would seem to be the best bang for the buck. An inexpensive state to run in, he has good values, his opponent is a nut, and the netroots could represent a large fraction of his support.
(This way of thinking recognizing Markos’, among others, remark that this is a long term project we are embarked upon.)
I second Aaron’s remark. Scott Harper IL-13 is a good man and Judy Biggert the 6 term incumbent is the worst kind of hypocrite. She hosts government grant supermarkets and job fairs after voting against the bills with the money for them. She voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and for the Stupak Amendment while fighting against health care reform of any kind tooth and nail. Now she has the gall to co-sponsor a new ERA Amendment bill to try to give herself cover. She’ll go anywhere in the district for a photo op with a recycling company or Argonne Lab where they’re doing alternative energy research but when it comes time to vote she’s right there with Joe Barton trying to make sure we keep subsidizing 19th century energy sources at the expense of the 21st century. And why not? There’s not a single house rep in Illinois who has gotten more campaign cash from BP than her.
water balloon
Tim Bishop from NY-1 is a solid Dem in a 50/50 district who’s being targeted by the tea party and has less money than his likely challenger. Firedoglake ran a poll on the race during the healthcare debate trying to intimidate him into not supporting the bill. He voted for it, but it will be a very close race.
Korea Beat
Ron Klein and Mike Mcintyre, who are running against the “Jack Bauer Republicans” — guys who abused prisoners in Iraq and are proud of it. if we are going to defeat the pro-torture strain in American thought then these guys need to go down in flames.
Plus Klein and Mcintyre have gotten very, very little money through ActBlue so far.
I would definitely put money towards Tom Perriello, Jack Conway, Scott McAdams, Taryl Clark, Bill White and any other Dems who voted for HCR.
And the dude running against Shimkus, even if he doesn’t have a chance, because I fucking hate listening to Shimkus during hearings. What a jackass.
There is a stunning opportunity in Alaska to do a democratic sweep. The teatard that took Murkowski out is a real tool supported by caribou barbie quity pants who Alaskans disdain and the right amount of money to run a decent campaign for Scott McAdams will not be that hard. He is number one on ACT Blue right now! Smart good guy! In addition Harry Crawford the “D” house candidate running against the corrupt and hopeless seemingly congressman for life Young and gain another D seat in the house should be supported in a big way. Young was almost beat last time around and he could easily topple this time. These are seats that the “R’ have ruled and the time is now to take em back! Support McAdams and Crawford!
@lamh32: I am from New Orleans too, and I would advise against donating to Cedric Richmond. He has a lot of corruption allegations and ethics charges facing him, so even if he wins, it will cost our party down the road. I suggest Charlie Melancon for Senate.
I would like to nominate Beth Krom, who’s running against do- nothing John Campbell in the 48th Congressional District. Beth is currently on the Irvine City Council, and has been the Mayor of Irvine as well. She was voted as this year’s Democracy for America’s Grassroots All-Star so she has a lot of support. In this district, money walks the walk, so she will need help to compete. This is a winnable seat and all birthers must go down and go dawn HARD!
Perriello is one you could feel really good about giving $ to. He reminds me of Paul Wellstone, honestly. He squeaked into office in a conservative district, stuck to his guns on supporting PPACA (he also is a pro-life Catholic and voted yes on the Stupak amendment) and has held town halls at every opportunity, respectfully engaged critics in public (including some very rude Tea Party types), dealt with actual threats of violence to himself and his family, and generally worked his butt off both to help his district and to conscientiously answer to his constituents.
However, he already has a ton of money and is either going to win or not. It is fair to say that he’s a bit more liberal than his district – though I think it’s more accurate to call him a liberal populist than any other kind. At the margin I don’t think additional dollars are going to have as great an impact in his race as elsewhere. But I can’t bring myself to actually say don’t give him more $.