Some of you seriously need to get a grip:
John, do you have some kind of independent verification of this? Your word’s not much good on this. Couldn’t you have belonged under a different screen name? You were certainly beside yourself with offense when Journolist was finally brought down, and you’ve outed yourself as being fond of behind the scenes back and forth with other bloggers and public figures for which the eyes of your unwashed BJ regulars here are deemed unworthy.
You’ve got me dead to rights! I actually was a super secret member of JournOlist, using the pen name of “Dave Weigel.”
Seriously, people. I was never a member. And my problem with the publishing of the private emails had nothing to do with a fondness for behind the scenes chatter.
People who tenaciously cling to a belief in conspiracies aren’t afraid of them. They WANT the conspiracy to be true.
And this is because they lead meaningless lives.
Dear Conspiracy Theorists: get some fresh air. Or maybe have sex. Or volunteer to help those less fortunate than you.
What I’m amazed of is that the JournoList purging has spread to the left-wing bloggos, seemingly just like every single fucking right-wing meme eventually does.
We really are completely hopeless as a political wing, aren’t we?
Odie Hugh Manatee
Release the long form version or else!
Dennis SGMM
As a longtime, sometime, commenter, I can only say WTF? “…do you have some kind of independent verification of this?” I don’t believe that we’ve ever seen your Birth Certificate either.
Just sayin’.
General Stuck
Only the FISA court knows for sure
How do we know our generous host really isn’t a psycho Islamobloggist, too? We need an investigation, post haste!
I’ll come out, and admit it myself:
schrodinger's cat
You had a list but I eated it.
General Stuck
Are you now, or have you ever been a member of Journolist. I want to remind you, that you are under oath Ms. Coales
@schrodinger’s cat:
Bet it haz a flavor. Like stale cheez.
Tom Hilton
Oh yeah? Well, let’s see your birth certificate!
Glenndacious Greenwaldian (formerly tim)
Tonal Crow
John, now that you’ve got all that firebagger stuff out of your system, how ’bout discussing this egregious invasion of our liberty?
Missing the obligatory “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”
Cuz there wasn’t. With the Journolist I mean.
Winston Smith
I gave John Cole my baby to kiss and he bit it in the head!
Comrade Javamanphil
Is it irresponsible to speculate that John Cole is a secret member of the
gestapojournolist? It would be irresponsible not to!schrodinger's cat
@Kryptik: Tunch says it was neither nutritious nor delicious.
@Tonal Crow:
I’ve been waiting for a discussion on this too. However I figure they do this anyway…
Fuck. And I thought you were Ezra Klein. I mean seriously, we’re supposed to believe somebody’s mom named them that on purpose?
The Raven
I think you may be going to war over a misplaced comma, actually.
John clearly needs to go on double secret probation.
Just sayin’.
They could kill two birds with one stone and have sex with those less fortunate than them. They could even do it outdoors. Trifecta!
Dennis SGMM
Dunno, conspiracy-hugging seems, to me, to be close to religion. The requirement to find something big behind what just might be a series of random events is strong in some people.
@BTD: Except that you guys were plotting the Marxist overthrow of the United States, one lamestream media attack at a time! Yeah, nothing wrong with a little insurrection, eh?
T.R. Donoghue
This is one of those Juan Cole/John Cole issues, isn’t it?
whole lot of stupid going around the interwebs lately.
General Stuck
@Tonal Crow: Spies always ask for bigger ears and eyes, and modern communications offers a lot of wet dreamy possibilities for snoops to snoop on. The battle is with congress on whether to give it to them.
Maybe John Cole is really Rahm Emanuel. Maybe Tunch and Lily and Rosie are just photoshopped images used to deceive us. Someone must go check out this so-called John Cole’s countertops and tell us the truth.
@jacy: Yeah, with wetsuits, and, and, and dildos!
Like John (and Groucho Marx), I would never want to be in a club that would have me as a member, but in this case, the Journolist did not want me as a member so I respectfully (begged) declined.
General Stuck
@General Stuck:
Someday, I expect us all to have government code names. They can use my blog handle if they want, it’s cornerstone mr. G man.
I thought that particular comment was most likely snark.
Dennis SGMM
@T.R. Donoghue:
Lately? It’s been going on since IRC and newsgroups.
Omnes Omnibus
Link or it didn’t happen.
Omnes Omnibus
Link or it didn’t happen.
Tonal Crow
@Rosalita: This proposal compounds what Bush did by (probably) making it illegal to use strong encryption without giving government the key. So, not only can they warrantlessly tap your phone/internet/whatever other communication channel you’re using, but they’ll (probably) be able to prosecute you for using strong encryption over it, unless you give them the key.
This is very bad, and must be fought.
@Tonal Crow: Well, I don’t see it as an invasion of our liberty. I see it as a stupid idea given easy and widespread access to personal encryption software. Fuck, state law requires me to encrypt my mundane work data to a degree that the NSA would be hard pressed to unpack. This law would simply allow them to decrypt the layer outside of the uncrackable state-mandated layer.
Damn, between the Journolist accusations and the Firebagging in general, I’m just LMFAO reading the blog today.
I’m sure it’s not as funny to you as it is to me, Cole. But the hysterics are somewhat amusing to me today nonetheless. John Cole, a member of Journolist! I mean, that is just fucking hilarious to me.
Tonal Crow
@General Stuck: Yeah, the battle is in Congress. And also, alas, with Obama and his spies, who’re asking for this shit.
@jacy: It would all come good if Playboy would just sponsor Habitat for Humanity.
Is that a tool belt or…….
Jim, Foolish Literalist
John Cole has Judge Crater in his basement.
That’s pretty good. Funny. Spoken with true birfer-like clarity of mind and deep thinkering: “Do you have some kind of independent verification your Muslim daddy didn’t destroy your Kenyan birth certificate? Because it just so fits in our brains.”
Apparently washing doesn’t improve intelligence for some.
Tonal Crow
@Martin: If this goes through, that software will probably be contraband, and any unauthorized user will, presumably, be subject to federal prosecution. I doubt it will be common or easy to get if that happens.
schrodinger's cat
There is no John Cole, its Tunch’s website, John Cole is his nom de plume. We have seen Tunch but have we ever seen John? I rest my case.
It’s very suspicious the JournOlist folks were clever enough to *not* collect a list of names of all the people *not* part of the list. If we had that list, we could definitely prove that John was *not* part of it. Or we could prove that John *was* part of it by showing that his name was *not* on the list of people *not* in JournOlist.
I smell conspiracy!
I agree, this is good stuff. Hey John, I heard Jane Hamsher called Roethlisberger overrated!!
Warren Terra
We have only your word on this, Mr. Cole — if that is your real name.
I think the key thing here is that in addition to finding the fact-free claims about Cole absurd, we shouldn’t back down on Journolist itself. I’m sure it was often smug and frequently stupid, but there was nothing wrong with it, and we should let neither the morons of the right nor the manic progressives of the Firebagger “left” claim that it is. It bothers me that this has become one more thing they can trundle out as an assumed automatic Bad Thing, without even needing to justify that assumption, just as they’ve tried done with the words “liberal” and “socia|ist”, just as they’ve seemingly made it a truism that Ronald Reagan was a big tax cutter who shrunk the government.
John, can you provide independent verification that you’re not the one who really fired Conan from the Tonight Show?
These emails you’ve been getting, they don’t sound like people who read this blog.
Did the dentist give you some crazy/sweet drugs?
Provide us with some independent verification of exactly at what point you stopped beating your wife. We’re waiting.
Tonal Crow
@BH: What I wanna know is when he stopped beating his CAT.
“This is one of those Juan Cole/John Cole issues, isn’t it?”
No. Neither one was on JList, unless Juan Cole was lurking and never ever posted.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodinger’s cat: Actually we have seen images of a “cat” purported to be “Tunch” placed on the “internet” by someone purporting to be “John Cole.” If you can’t see what’s going on here… but I’ve said too much.
El Cid
I was pretty offended by that recent story about the US military members in Afghanistan who regularly killed Afghan civilians for sport.
I must have been there doing it too.
Thankfully Chuck is coming on in 25 minutes.
I haven’t read through every post in every thread, but I hope everyone realizes that the original FDL post that started this is from March.
Yes, you’ve been caught red-handed.
I sentence you to watch every remaining Pirates game this season. And don’t give me that shit about cruel and unusual punishment. The Pirates have sucked for 18 years in a row, so while it may be cruel, it’s not unusual.
I thought it was common knowledge that the rascally crotchety lovable character John Cole is a DougJ spoof.
Dennis SGMM
@Tonal Crow:
The myriads of overlapping agencies in our mighty security forces don’t know what to do with the mountains of data that they already have. People who really do want to send encrypted messages will come up with new methods. There is, for instance, stenography freeware available that enables you to hide a text message within an image file. All this amounts to is another reduction in our right to privacy in the interests of national security – no one will be any safer for it.
Crusty Dem
I had assumed that “Glenndacious” was writting as a spoof. Which is something I’d never known before DougJ et al done ‘learned me a few years back. Between BJ and the Onion, I have finally attuned my spoof/parody/idiot radar.
Unfortunately, this has leeched into my other reading/watching, with hilariously error-filled results. Examples:
Ok, I may have doubled up there, but spoof vs idiot is a tough one..
General Stuck
@Tonal Crow: The spies have a separate mandate from Obama from congress. They can bypass him and go directly to congress if they wish and argue for new tools to meet the mandate congress has formerly given them. Obama can join in and support that request and formerly construct specific legislation and submit it to congress, or congress can construct and pass their own legislation, though always subject to a presnit veto.
And in this case, it seems the proposal will come from Obama, likely has a collaborative effort to form legislation that is not yet settled on.
I don’t think it is unreasonable for the government to expand eavesdropping to the internet if done under probable cause and through the courts, like with telephones and other means of communication. The big problem seems to be specific to the nature of the internet and it’s problem with hackers exploiting back door means of access. And that could be a nightmare for everyone involved.
edit – but then there is the Patriot Act, and I would fully oppose allowing it to be part of the mix, so I agree, this is likely to be further invasion of privacy with dubious constitutional foundations.
Who controls the British crown?
Who keeps the metric system down?
Mornington Crescent
There’s no truth to the rumor that the JournOlist adminstrator was actually Christopher Marlowe.
Emily L. Hauser/ellaesther
Emily L. Hauser/ellaesther
@Mornington Crescent: Also no truth to the rumor that it was really Paul, who is dead. Or a walrus.
Omnes Omnibus
@Emily L. Hauser/ellaesther: Cole-bot!
max hats
“John Cole” is a pseudonym used by Rahm Emanuel for astroturfing operations.
I’m officially on overload on this issue. I just went and listened to the list song from “The Mikado” and it put it all into perspective. I think.
Dennis SGMM
@General Stuck:
Yep. Ask anyone who’s been involved with Oracle for very long about back door vulnerabilities. Mandating back doors is lunacy because people will find them and the recent stuxnet virus episode suggests that state actors are willing to use any vulnerability to craft an attack, let alone eavesdrop. Non-state actors are likely rubbing their hands with glee at the thought that our own government is poised to make their work easier.
@Mornington Crescent: course not, he was Sir Francis Bacon.
No, but anyone actually watching the Pirates sure is unusual.
the farmer
John Cole, do you deny that you and Rahm Emanuel were married in a secret ceremony in Brazil in 2009?
Your denial only makes it more true!
Tonal Crow
@Dennis SGMM: Yes on all counts. Also, terrorists and dedicated criminals will still use strong encryption while keeping their keys secret. This bill deprives citizens of Liberty while doing precious little to enhance their safety.
Obama needs a real spanking on this one. Sharpen those LTE pencils.
um, excuse me? Has everyone forgotten that as recently as last week, two of the three major credit scoring entities, plus the primary servicer of Internet payment transactions, were on record as refusing to verify the existence of any alleged “John Cole”?
El Cid
This seems like a good time to block a program like this:
Powerful political and business leaders first prefer that the poor and struggling just quietly starve and die, and next prefer that they receive little and punitive welfare and unemployment benefits while being derided as parasites, and they never endorse any system of public employment, because of course no one wants any suggestion that soshullism works.
So there was a private Google forum (however private a forum with ~400 members can be) with journalists and academics as members. And? They talked amongst themselves? Oh. My. God.
That it caused (and still causes) such poutrage among some people, and led David Weigel to resign from The Post, makes me question those peoples’ (a) sanity, (b) level of intelligence, (c) motives, and, often, (d) all of the above.
Bruce (formerly Steve S.)
Sure, John. And Accountability Now is a “PAC”. Sure thing.
It will be easy enough to put this to rest. Give us access to all your e-mails since 2007. If you have nothing to hide then there is nothing to worry about.
@El Cid: After all 24% of the wealth for the top 1% is not that much. Gee, I feel bad for the guys at the top.
Bill E Pilgrim
Maybe she meant Emily’s List.
Fran’s List?
Nixon’s enemies list?
He speaks with a list?
Okay, I got nothing.
Who is John Cole?
schrodinger's cat
@WereBear: How is your bebbeh kitteh?
Dennis SGMM
@Tonal Crow:
As far as exchanging messages it would be simple enough to use brute force discovery of passwords to find any number of unused email accounts registered to perfectly innocent people and to use them until they were compromised. Imagine the fun when the FBI hauls in someone’s granny for exchanging strongly encrypted messages with the Kombinat.
John Cole@top: Dude, nutpicking your own comments for a crank like tim? That’s weak tea.
Wile E. Quixote
@John Cole
But how do we know you’re not Mel Torme?
The Pale Scot
Also, I have independent verification that John knows SASQUATCH ISRAEL!
And I paid for knowledge by having to look up how to spell SASQUATCH. Why isn’t in the spell checker? Obviously a conspiracy is afoot.
@Tonal Crow: Uh, no. That’s simply not possible. Fuck, nobody could be in compliance with HIPAA if they did that.
This idea is far more stupid than it is evil.
If not JournOlist, then exactly what super-secret cabal of evil liberal miscreants ARE you a member of, Cole?
I’m sorry to have to say this, but you all are fools. How can you not see that John Cole has hypnotized you with his shiny blog and his NLP (Nomnomnom Lily Puppeh) and his “Steelers” code language.
And so much for the attorney-client privilege.
It is rare for me to be pissed at Greenwald for understating the seriousness of a threat to civil liberties, but I am in this case.
No, Glenn, you can never win.
The Dangerman
…unwashed BJ…
For the love of Pete, please wash first.
@schrodinger’s cat: He’s doing marvelously, thanks.
Here’s his latest portrait.
If you look close, you’ll see he is developing the slit pupils that control the light and let him actually focus his eyes.
@burnspbesq #67:
They’re all on JournOlist
They’re all on JournOlist,
And they’ll none of ’em be missed,
I’m sure they’ll not be missed!
It’s their world John. You just live in it.
Kerry Reid
Well, if you can’t prove you weren’t on JournoList, then clearly you must have been.
Also, we will need to see your real birth certificate.
By the way, has anybody ever seen Jane Hamsher and Orly Taitz in the same room?
@WereBear #92:
Can. Not. Stand. The. Cute. Ness.
Kerry Reid
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
Shit, I knew I should have read all the comments before jumping in. Apologies.
@SiubhanDuinne: Yeah. It’s a good thing I’ve had so much kitten experience… or we couldn’t stand it!
@Camchuck: LMFAO!!
So cute and so reminiscent of my kitten when I was a child.
Great pic!
That's Master of Accountancy to You, Pal (JMN)
@WereBear: I am John Cole!
I am, tonight, but I’m a Reds fan so I have an interest in this game…
@That’s Master of Accountancy to You, Pal (JMN): No, I am John Cole!
Always the dick, never the member.
How DARE you, sir?! How dare you have private conversations with other people without telling ME, your semi-regular, completely-unknown-to-you reader?! It’s an outrage, an OUTRAGE I tell you!! The next thing I know I’ll hear that you’ve been having PHONE conversations with family members that you haven’t released transcripts of! You have a blog, sir, and that means you answer to teh internets now. When you poured your soul into the series of tubes you made a deal. I demand you release the tapes of your conversations with Tunch now, sir. Your denials of such tapes are based only on your word, which is not much good around here – after all, it is merely an abstract of your original thoughts, not the official document.
John Cole is right.
How do you have time to ponder all this preposterous crap?
Here’s a quick check on your sanity:
1) Go to a local store (hardware, grocery, plumbing, restaurant, etc).
2) Rant about the JournOlist to your server, check out person, etc.
3) If the person helping you has no idea WTF you are talking about, you are nuts.
4) If the person helping you rants with you you are both nuts.
All right! I admit it! I’m the Lindbergh baby!
Wah wah! Goo goo! I miss my fly-fly dada!
Emily L. Hauser/ellaesther
@Omnes Omnibus: I would wear that button proudly. Were it available for purchase. Not that I’m sayin’. I’m just sayin’.
/glance at upper right of screen… >.>
@WereBear: No! I am John Cole!
@schrodinger’s cat: I have. And now, he must kill me.
@WereBear: Insanely cute kitteh! Squeeeeeee!
By the way, the idea of Cole belonging to ANY group has me snickering.
We’re all John Cole.
And John Cole is all of us.
We are O-Borg.
All shall be assimilated.
Resistance is futile.
Nous sommes tous John Cole.
@anonymous: Ooooh, it sounds so much sexier in French!
just cause I thought we’d not gone meta enough.
That Very Serious look that they have as wee kittens gets me every time.
that guy sounds about as rooted in reality as Glenn Beck is. I had no idea that some on the left were as obsessed with the Journolist conspiracy as the tea party is. Actually, with the exception of Tucker Carlson, I didn’t think many conservatives really cared much about Journolist at all.
This cranky sense of humor is what makes me come to this blog every day
Now fess up John, you are the mole Tucker Carlson put on journolist, aren’t you ? Either you or Tunch ;)
Robert Waldmann
John Cole is nut picking again. Or is it not nut picking if you pick your own nuts ?