My sentiment exactly, and fuck their exclusive contracts with what’s his name. I’m not going to be forced into getting Direct Teevee to watch NFL games. Now baseball, MLB gives to you a pay for streaming option, that I sign up for every season.
The Vikings aren’t doing very well right now. I hope they can adjust after half time and get some points on the damn board.
Just Some Fuckhead
Remember when they used to show the hot girls in the stands between plays? Did they stop doing that or are they all ugly in Houston?
Glad to see the Jets suspend that rotten son of a bitch. As a Dolphins fan (ouch, ouch, ouch, it hurts every time I remind myself), I think crucifixion might have been more appropriate, We have long memories— remember washed up old Joe Klecko and Marty Lyons wrecking Dwight Stephenson’s knee back in ’87?
Well, I do. Christ, I hate the Patriots, but the truth is I admire them too, maybe even more than I hate. That is a great organization, with a daring, intellectual coach. (Ask Wes Welker.) by way of contrast, the Jets are a bottom feeding scum factory. This will probably be the highlight of Miami’s year— sticking it to the Jets in an ugly game that was decided by a brilliant game from… our punter, Brandon Fields. Ugh. But I’ll take it.
Our poor defense is going to be wiped by the end. Our offense, on the other hand, will be fresh like daisies. Do I want to stay up for this?
My sentiment exactly, and fuck their exclusive contracts with what’s his name. I’m not going to be forced into getting Direct Teevee to watch NFL games.
I have DTV because it’s cheaper than cable, but I’m not going for all the bullshit packages. If our local Fox affiliate would have been located about five miles east of where it is, we would have had the game. But, because it’s on the west side of the river, nada.
@mr. whipple: That was brutal yesterday, wasn’t it?
Always. Playing Buffalo is like playing an evenly-matched bad version of ourselves. The ‘Snow Bowl’ was such an event, but at least we won that one. *sigh*
Son of ETA: Jesus, this game is going to go until 11:00 if they don’t stop with the flags.
Go go Ravens. In another display of Maryland pride, an SAT style question inspired by today’s events:
Q – Michael Steele:RNC as?
a. Brett Farve:Vikings
b. Lindsey Lohan:Sobriety
c. Charlie Rangle:Democrats
d. Lebron James:Cleaveland
Just Some Fuckhead
Prolly a good thing there are no Houston fans in this thread. It could get ugly.
OT: Grading finals the other day, I learned that I had a student this term named Jesus Bueno. (It’s a large course and I have a phalanx of TAs standing between me and the students.)
@debit: No kidding. And, no, Joe, this night is not any fucking different. Stop slavering over Favre already. The game is hard enough for me to watch! Aaaaargh!
@BruceFromOhio: Well, since I live in the fiefdom, it’s on for me! But, point taken. I just like to give Cole crap.
@debit: I think you can safely go to bed now. Sigh.
I’m taking a break from proofing my galleys (book comes out in January–be prepared to be inundated) by over doing it sportswise. MNF on the cheap flatscreen on the wall over my desk, Giants-Vikings in one window on my laptop, Mavericks-Bucks in another window beside it, and a tab set aside for the Heat-Hornets on the second screen for my workstation. Should my head be hurting right now?
@newhavenguy: My best friend, who has no interest in sports, was pissed off about that hit. She said, “He’s a trainer! He’s supposed to be helping people! Did you see the way he leaned into it?”
@Brian S (formerly Incertus): No, no, you’re good man. Its ESPN on the UVerse, whilst I hunt Rush tickets and other Solstice gifts on teh intertoobz.
Although if the Texans don’t make it at least modestly interesting, I prolly won’t last past The Fastest 3 Minutes. With the exception of Philly-Dallas, yesterday provided enough yawns and blowouts.
@jeffreyw: I posted a comment in my Gollum voice. Sorry.
@debit: The year before the Saints won the Superbowl, they went 8-8 and finished last in their division. They were a good team that year who just got hammered by injuries, but that meant they went into the following season playing a 4th place schedule. It shouldn’t be surprising that they busted up the joint a little. If the Vikings can get a quarterback and a coach willing to do some interesting things offensively, they can make a run next year.
@asiangrrlMN: Yeah, that was the crux of the matter. Miss Chef cared not a whit, while I thrive on it. It has to be just some, too much and it gets bitter. Then there was the whole salt versus SEA salt topic, I gave up after that.
@debit: Indeed, but do you put it in your guac? I propose so.
@burnspbesq: Two picks on Manning, and still up 21-3? Zoiks.
@BruceFromOhio: Well, there was a NYT article about how it’s an allergy of sorts. Those who do not like it (such as me) thinks it tastes like soap–which it does.
@burnspbesq: Don’t be too sure of that–oh, hell. Who am I trying to kid? It’s over.
@BruceFromOhio: Yes I do. Habanero pepper, lemon juice and cilantro. The other holy trinity. (The original is garlic, lemon juice and basil.)
@asiangrrlMN: I used to think it tasted like soap until I quit smoking. Then I couldn’t get enough of it.
@asiangrrlMN: Yeah, I feel you on that. There’s some worry that New Orleans will lose the Hornets unless attendance comes up. My opinion, even though I haven’t lived there in 12 years, is to let them go. The economic benefit of any team in any sport is almost always overblown, and that’s assuming that it’s not harmful to the city or state where the team resides. Louisiana has better things to spend its money on than a basketball team.
@debit: AYE! Decent habaneros are tough to acquire, so I mix Trinities and go cuh-razy wid the garlic, sometimes cheat a little lime (depends on the quality of avacado). No matter how much gets made, there’s rarely anything left to cover for later.
@asiangrrlMN: As you will, I’m hip. Eat what you like, like what you eat, and that fish sandwich has set off a ricochet that’s going to end in the kitchen right after Berman’s Favre star fuck.
@Brian S (formerly Incertus): You sound like my neighbor. He has five, yes, five TVs in his garage—one big screen and four smaller ones around it. He sits out there on a folding chair and watches them all at once.
Sports aren’t really my thing (I can enjoy the occasional NBA game), but I have to admire that sort of excess.
@Brian S (formerly Incertus): That’s where I stand on the issue. We have so many other cash needs–a stadium for a professional team should not even be on the list.
@MikeJ: That’s kinda how I feel about it. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of cilantro in Asian cooking. I can take it in small doses. But, from what I read, people who like it don’t think it tastes like soap.
It’s likely genetic why it tastes like soap to some and delicious to others, but the exact explanation isn’t really known. So the lovers and haters are both wrong. Or right. Depends on your epistemology.
@suzanne: It’s the first time I’ve ever done it, and I’ll probably never do it again. I’ve given up on both football games and the Heat have won, so I’m down to a tight game between the Mavs and Bucks–tighter than it should be, frankly–and I’ll eventually bring myself around to the galleys for a second look.
It seems like there have been more attempts to go on fourth and short this season. And with pretty spectacular results.
ETA: .. and Texans settle for three. 28-10 Ravens midway in the third, and I’m sticking a fork in it, it’s done. Peace out, cilantro haterz!
Corner Stone
@Loneoak: It tastes like soap AND I love it.
What does it mean Dr.?
It ain’t over til it’s over, but it’s over.
Congrats Balto fans!
And let me just say as a Steeler fan, Steeler fans everywhere are rooting for the Ravens to have the opportunity this season to avenge their loss last week.
@Corner Stone: You had a foul mouth as a child and came to love punishment.
Final score Giants 21, Vikings 3.
Iggles at the Swamp next Sunday, winner has the inside track on the division title.
Corner Stone
@BruceFromOhio: I’m making my style guac.
Two Hass avocados
Can of rotel, drained
Two fresh jalapenos
Garlic salt
Fresh ground cracked peppercorn
Lime juice
I love cilantro in my home made salsa.
Corner Stone
@MikeJ: I was an angel as a child. Unfortunately, circumstances dictated I kill that sweet boy. He wasn’t going to make it.
The moment you’ve all been waiting for is here. The 3rd annual Assclowns of the Year is up, with 50, count ’em, 50 of 2010’s biggest assclowns. So pop some popcorn, take a pull off the eggnog and curl up with your monitors because this one will split the skies.
On the spit this year:
George W. Bush (45)
Glenn Beck (26)
Lady Gaga (50)
BP (4)
The Cat Food Commission (17)
The Pope (8) and much, much, MUCH more!
Wow, Jon Stewart just absolutely shat on Senate Republicans.
I actually like the Texans, but if you didn’t see this one coming, you haven’t been paying attention. The team has top 5 talent and they have stretches of brilliance, but the only way to describe them is losers…
Corner Stone
Man, the Phillies next year…that’s gonna be nasty.
@Corner Stone: And yet…I don’t hate this. As someone who enjoyed watching Cliffy work in a Mariners uniform.
@asiangrrlMN: A lighter shade of indigo. Immensely happy that I no haz to get up early tomorrow. Debating what to subsist on for dinner tomorrow and kind of drawing a blank. Otherwise pretty much nothin’.
@Yutsano: Glad you’re back on second shift. I’m contemplating what to have for dinner tonight.
@asiangrrlMN: I ate a big bowl of cereal when I got home, but we had a potluck at work so that seems to do for now.
And putting this under the category of so wrong, yet so right.
I just came back from that game. I’m exhausted. It was lost in typical Houston football team fashion. Make your fans suffer horribly, bring them hope, and then stab them deeper in the heart than if you’d just not shown up to play.
@Yutsano: And, because you gave me the name, I had to look her up on YouTube. Now, I am not speaking to you (I do not like Asian pop for the most part). Except, I kinda dig Shonen Knife. Doing the Ramones.
@asiangrrlMN: Hehehe. I even had one particular song in mind for that too. Not telling you which one.
Remember though, we’ll always have the Belle Stars.
I live five blocks away from Minnesota. I can’t watch the game (other than on an illegal streaming broadcast). Fuck the NFL and Disney/ESPN!
Chris Wolf
Someone’s afraid of the Ravens.
Enemy of my enemy…. war makes strange bedfellows… inherent weakness of Big Rapey Ben…. hmmmm….
General Stuck
My sentiment exactly, and fuck their exclusive contracts with what’s his name. I’m not going to be forced into getting Direct Teevee to watch NFL games. Now baseball, MLB gives to you a pay for streaming option, that I sign up for every season.
The Vikings aren’t doing very well right now. I hope they can adjust after half time and get some points on the damn board.
Just Some Fuckhead
Remember when they used to show the hot girls in the stands between plays? Did they stop doing that or are they all ugly in Houston?
Glad to see the Jets suspend that rotten son of a bitch. As a Dolphins fan (ouch, ouch, ouch, it hurts every time I remind myself), I think crucifixion might have been more appropriate, We have long memories— remember washed up old Joe Klecko and Marty Lyons wrecking Dwight Stephenson’s knee back in ’87?
Well, I do. Christ, I hate the Patriots, but the truth is I admire them too, maybe even more than I hate. That is a great organization, with a daring, intellectual coach. (Ask Wes Welker.) by way of contrast, the Jets are a bottom feeding scum factory. This will probably be the highlight of Miami’s year— sticking it to the Jets in an ugly game that was decided by a brilliant game from… our punter, Brandon Fields. Ugh. But I’ll take it.
Our poor defense is going to be wiped by the end. Our offense, on the other hand, will be fresh like daisies. Do I want to stay up for this?
Corner Stone
Ahhh, Cole. Common ground at last.
Corner Stone
Texans 52 yd FG attempt! Feel the mojo bitchez!
Spoken like a true Browns fan!
Corner Stone
Battle Red in the motha fuckin hizzie!!
Just keep up this run defense, Baltimore; just nothing like what happened on the first play again for the rest of the night and we’ll be fine.
mr. whipple
That was brutal yesterday, wasn’t it?
Corner Stone
jesu de cristo
@General Stuck:
I have DTV because it’s cheaper than cable, but I’m not going for all the bullshit packages. If our local Fox affiliate would have been located about five miles east of where it is, we would have had the game. But, because it’s on the west side of the river, nada.
I think Disney’s motto is “Do Evil.”
S. cerevisiae
Start pounding with AP. There’s still time.
Running against the Ravens D is like running against a fucking wall. At the end of every run is Ray Lewis, arms wide.
… and down goes Schaub for a big loss …
@MAJeff: You are in the viewing area or you are not. ESPN didn’t pay all that money to let a competing game be broadcast in their area.
Corner Stone
@BruceFromOhio: “Temba, his arms wide.”
@Corner Stone:
‘Ray Lewis with motherfucking sails unfurled’ is more like what I was thinking, but you have the general idea.
@efgoldman: I do! Kinda, sorta.
@debit: Yes. Stay up with me. You won’t regret it. Heh.
Gah. Brett Favre fapping. My ears!
Cole, you do know another game is going on, right? Jackass.
ETA: Why not more on Brett Favre? Because he’s not playing, jackass!
@mr. whipple:
That was brutal yesterday, wasn’t it?
Always. Playing Buffalo is like playing an evenly-matched bad version of ourselves. The ‘Snow Bowl’ was such an event, but at least we won that one. *sigh*
14-0, take away the run game, good, good.
@asiangrrlMN: Our poor defense.
Son of ETA: Jesus, this game is going to go until 11:00 if they don’t stop with the flags.
Go go Ravens. In another display of Maryland pride, an SAT style question inspired by today’s events:
Q – Michael Steele:RNC as?
a. Brett Farve:Vikings
b. Lindsey Lohan:Sobriety
c. Charlie Rangle:Democrats
d. Lebron James:Cleaveland
Just Some Fuckhead
Prolly a good thing there are no Houston fans in this thread. It could get ugly.
OT: Grading finals the other day, I learned that I had a student this term named Jesus Bueno. (It’s a large course and I have a phalanx of TAs standing between me and the students.)
I think I will name my first born F. S. M. Bueno.
@asiangrrlMN: Cole, you do know another game is going on, right?
Unless you are haunting, or happen to live in one of the contractually obligated broadcast fiefdoms, it’s pretty much invisible.
ETA: … and I look up to see a Giant run replay for the end zone, 21-3. OK, so not completely invisible. Yikes!
@debit: No kidding. And, no, Joe, this night is not any fucking different. Stop slavering over Favre already. The game is hard enough for me to watch! Aaaaargh!
@BruceFromOhio: Well, since I live in the fiefdom, it’s on for me! But, point taken. I just like to give Cole crap.
@debit: I think you can safely go to bed now. Sigh.
Brian S, yes.
@asiangrrlMN: Holy shit and AAAAAARRRRGGGGG!
Brian S (formerly Incertus)
I’m taking a break from proofing my galleys (book comes out in January–be prepared to be inundated) by over doing it sportswise. MNF on the cheap flatscreen on the wall over my desk, Giants-Vikings in one window on my laptop, Mavericks-Bucks in another window beside it, and a tab set aside for the Heat-Hornets on the second screen for my workstation. Should my head be hurting right now?
Brian S (formerly Incertus)
@BruceFromOhio: is another option. Just don’t blow up the feed on me.
Hell yeah, throw it to Sidney Rice!
@Zach: I’ll take Lindsay Lohan:Sobriety for $500, please, Alex.
Hey. Hey!
I think they shoulda fired the guy, though.
@Brian S (formerly Incertus): Congrats on the book! And yes, your head should be hurting.
I also need to keep telling myself that the worse we do this year, the easier our schedule will be next year. Silver linings, Deb. Silver linings.
And in comes the 3rd stringer.
Dear FSM, do you see what the fucking Senators are doing to the fucking Thrashers?
S. cerevisiae
God, this game is brutal. It’s turning into a war of attrition.
I owe Buck a fish sammich, ya see him have him go here to collect, and thank you.
Corner Stone
@Just Some Fuckhead: I’m making fresh guacamole and homemade tacos.
We’re a second half team anyway.
@newhavenguy: My best friend, who has no interest in sports, was pissed off about that hit. She said, “He’s a trainer! He’s supposed to be helping people! Did you see the way he leaned into it?”
@Brian S (formerly Incertus): No, no, you’re good man. Its ESPN on the UVerse, whilst I hunt Rush tickets and other Solstice gifts on teh intertoobz.
Although if the Texans don’t make it at least modestly interesting, I prolly won’t last past The Fastest 3 Minutes. With the exception of Philly-Dallas, yesterday provided enough yawns and blowouts.
@jeffreyw: I posted a comment in my Gollum voice. Sorry.
Brian S (formerly Incertus)
@debit: The year before the Saints won the Superbowl, they went 8-8 and finished last in their division. They were a good team that year who just got hammered by injuries, but that meant they went into the following season playing a 4th place schedule. It shouldn’t be surprising that they busted up the joint a little. If the Vikings can get a quarterback and a coach willing to do some interesting things offensively, they can make a run next year.
@jeffreyw: You are making me cry. I want that so much.
And, FYWP. And, it’s gonna be the last man standing!
@Brian S (formerly Incertus): Don’t want them to, really. Then they might get their stadium.
ETA: Lunchtime.
@Corner Stone: OK, big argument I got into with another chef – do you put cilantro in guacamole?
I insisted, yes.
ETA: That fish sandwich looks awesome.
@BruceFromOhio: No! Ick ick ick (I hate cilantro).
@debit: Lol!
So THAT’S what it takes to score on the Ravens D.
Gotta remember that for 12/26.
Sorry, haters, no Manning tears tonight.
@asiangrrlMN: GET OUT! Cilantro is wonderful.
ETA: Great, now I want something with cilantro and there’s nothing suitable in the house.
@asiangrrlMN: Yeah, that was the crux of the matter. Miss Chef cared not a whit, while I thrive on it. It has to be just some, too much and it gets bitter. Then there was the whole salt versus SEA salt topic, I gave up after that.
@debit: Indeed, but do you put it in your guac? I propose so.
@burnspbesq: Two picks on Manning, and still up 21-3? Zoiks.
@debit: Tastes awful to me.
@BruceFromOhio: Well, there was a NYT article about how it’s an allergy of sorts. Those who do not like it (such as me) thinks it tastes like soap–which it does.
@burnspbesq: Don’t be too sure of that–oh, hell. Who am I trying to kid? It’s over.
@BruceFromOhio: Yes I do. Habanero pepper, lemon juice and cilantro. The other holy trinity. (The original is garlic, lemon juice and basil.)
@asiangrrlMN: I used to think it tasted like soap until I quit smoking. Then I couldn’t get enough of it.
Brian S (formerly Incertus)
@asiangrrlMN: Yeah, I feel you on that. There’s some worry that New Orleans will lose the Hornets unless attendance comes up. My opinion, even though I haven’t lived there in 12 years, is to let them go. The economic benefit of any team in any sport is almost always overblown, and that’s assuming that it’s not harmful to the city or state where the team resides. Louisiana has better things to spend its money on than a basketball team.
I gotta back up my favorite fan grrl here, cilantro sucks serious ass.
@asiangrrlMN: Why don’t cilantro lovers just get some liquid soap to pump onto whatever they’re eating?
Just Some Fuckhead
Can you trolls try to keep it on topic?? Ravens @ Texans not Fish Sandwiches @ Tacos or Jesus @ Manning.
Christ, the lot of you should be banned.
Ah hah hah. Yeah, I think I’m going to go to bed.
ETA: And all you cilantro haters are crazy.
Obama invented cilantro. Worse than Bush.
@debit: AYE! Decent habaneros are tough to acquire, so I mix Trinities and go cuh-razy wid the garlic, sometimes cheat a little lime (depends on the quality of avacado). No matter how much gets made, there’s rarely anything left to cover for later.
@asiangrrlMN: As you will, I’m hip. Eat what you like, like what you eat, and that fish sandwich has set off a ricochet that’s going to end in the kitchen right after Berman’s Favre star fuck.
@Brian S (formerly Incertus): You sound like my neighbor. He has five, yes, five TVs in his garage—one big screen and four smaller ones around it. He sits out there on a folding chair and watches them all at once.
Sports aren’t really my thing (I can enjoy the occasional NBA game), but I have to admire that sort of excess.
Sixteen punts between the two teams.
Sounds like the G-men are about to get screwed out of a safety.
EDIT: Make that seventeen.
@Brian S (formerly Incertus): That’s where I stand on the issue. We have so many other cash needs–a stadium for a professional team should not even be on the list.
@MikeJ: That’s kinda how I feel about it. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of cilantro in Asian cooking. I can take it in small doses. But, from what I read, people who like it don’t think it tastes like soap.
@jeffreyw: Woot-woot! The chef agrees with me!
debit, glad you can enjoy it now!
ETA: … and Ravens return for a TD. This one is pretty well wrapped.
@Just Some Fuckhead: Vikings and Giants also on topic for an NFL Open Thread.
Yes! Terrorist fist jab!
This game sucks. I’m outie.
Cilantro tastes quite differently to different peoples’ tongues.
It’s likely genetic why it tastes like soap to some and delicious to others, but the exact explanation isn’t really known. So the lovers and haters are both wrong. Or right. Depends on your epistemology.
Brian S (formerly Incertus)
@suzanne: It’s the first time I’ve ever done it, and I’ll probably never do it again. I’ve given up on both football games and the Heat have won, so I’m down to a tight game between the Mavs and Bucks–tighter than it should be, frankly–and I’ll eventually bring myself around to the galleys for a second look.
But not yet.
It seems like there have been more attempts to go on fourth and short this season. And with pretty spectacular results.
ETA: .. and Texans settle for three. 28-10 Ravens midway in the third, and I’m sticking a fork in it, it’s done. Peace out, cilantro haterz!
Corner Stone
@Loneoak: It tastes like soap AND I love it.
What does it mean Dr.?
It ain’t over til it’s over, but it’s over.
Congrats Balto fans!
And let me just say as a Steeler fan, Steeler fans everywhere are rooting for the Ravens to have the opportunity this season to avenge their loss last week.
@Corner Stone: You had a foul mouth as a child and came to love punishment.
Final score Giants 21, Vikings 3.
Iggles at the Swamp next Sunday, winner has the inside track on the division title.
Corner Stone
@BruceFromOhio: I’m making my style guac.
Two Hass avocados
Can of rotel, drained
Two fresh jalapenos
Garlic salt
Fresh ground cracked peppercorn
Lime juice
I love cilantro in my home made salsa.
Corner Stone
@MikeJ: I was an angel as a child. Unfortunately, circumstances dictated I kill that sweet boy. He wasn’t going to make it.
The moment you’ve all been waiting for is here. The 3rd annual Assclowns of the Year is up, with 50, count ’em, 50 of 2010’s biggest assclowns. So pop some popcorn, take a pull off the eggnog and curl up with your monitors because this one will split the skies.
On the spit this year:
George W. Bush (45)
Glenn Beck (26)
Lady Gaga (50)
BP (4)
The Cat Food Commission (17)
The Pope (8) and much, much, MUCH more!
Wow, Jon Stewart just absolutely shat on Senate Republicans.
Corner Stone
Hells to the Yeah Texans!
Corner Stone
Plenty of time here for the Texans.
Corner Stone
Am I the only one watching this? Awesome!
Corner Stone
@Loneoak: Thanks for finding the link. I was too lazy to Google it. I rest my case.
@Corner Stone: I no haz the cables, so I am not watching. Go, Texans, though.
ETA: I’m watching now. Don’t ask how or I will have to kill you. It’s tied! Go, Texans!
Corner Stone
Corner Stone
Ravens have zero juice left. No wind, and no gas!
Corner Stone
@asiangrrlMN: We’re going to OT big baby!
You Don't Say
Gooooooooooooo Texans! OT!
Corner Stone
This is nasty!
Fuck you Redding!
This is a good game. Texans can’t get a playoff spot, can they? Doing all this for pride?
@Corner Stone: I know! Let’s go, Texans! DEFENSE!
ETA: I’m watching the Food Network during the commercials.
@Crusty Dem: Well, you got the first part right….
INTERCEPTION! (I’m hoping).
Crusty Dem
Anyone who’s watched the Texans this year knows the Ravens will get the ball first and drive down for a quick FG..
mr. whipple
Wow, who’d a thunk it?
Corner Stone
@Matt: Not in the AFC South.
If they were in the NFC they’d be in 1st.
Corner Stone
@Crusty Dem: Man, go suck crusty donkey balls somewhere.
Old Dan and Little Ann
Fuck the ravens.
Corner Stone
I love Brian Cushing. Reminds me of me. Physically, I mean.
“This might be a game-changing moment where the Texans win it or the Ravens win it”, or neither! Sheesh. Go, Texans!
ETA II: Gaaaaaah! Gaaaaah! Gaaaaaaaah!
You Don't Say
Woooooooooooooooooooooo! Go Texans!
Corner Stone
C’mon Texans! Let’s wear these little Fuckheads out!
@Brian S (formerly Incertus):
Holy crap! I can’t believe the Bucks won! I hope they start to get it together. I think they miss Delfino, but hopefully Bogut will stay healthy now.
Corner Stone
Jesus Fucking Christ!
mr. whipple
Corner Stone
Corner Stone
Hmmm, 5 and 8.
Crusty Dem
@Corner Stone:
that’s what happens when you root for Losers.
Corner Stone
Mike Tirico, I would cock slap you right now if I could, you smug sonovabitch.
Corner Stone
@Crusty Dem: Dude. Go find a nice door frame somewhere.
@Corner Stone: Same as the Vikings, I think. ::sulks in corner::
Corner Stone
@asiangrrlMN: Well, if you want to sulk over this way we can talk about it.
Even the fail is big in Texas.
@Corner Stone: My team sucks. Your team sucks. Sigh.
Dear Matt Schaub,
In this holiday season, please be sure to take some time to get away from all the pressures of NFL life and go fuck yourself.
Your friend,
I’ve seen worse fuckups. Two words for Falcons fans as to why their team is #1 in the NFC:
Garrett Hartley.
Corner Stone
@asiangrrlMN: No, I don’t think you understand.
The Texans just lost to Fuckhead’s team. Why should I even bother getting up tomorrow?
@Corner Stone: Oh, shit. I didn’t realize the magnitude. Oh, I know. Your kid! (Whew).
Crusty Dem
@Corner Stone:
I actually like the Texans, but if you didn’t see this one coming, you haven’t been paying attention. The team has top 5 talent and they have stretches of brilliance, but the only way to describe them is losers…
Corner Stone
Man, the Phillies next year…that’s gonna be nasty.
@Corner Stone: And yet…I don’t hate this. As someone who enjoyed watching Cliffy work in a Mariners uniform.
@Yutsano: Hi. How you be? I’m midnight blue.
@asiangrrlMN: A lighter shade of indigo. Immensely happy that I no haz to get up early tomorrow. Debating what to subsist on for dinner tomorrow and kind of drawing a blank. Otherwise pretty much nothin’.
@Yutsano: Glad you’re back on second shift. I’m contemplating what to have for dinner tonight.
@asiangrrlMN: I ate a big bowl of cereal when I got home, but we had a potluck at work so that seems to do for now.
And putting this under the category of so wrong, yet so right.
I just came back from that game. I’m exhausted. It was lost in typical Houston football team fashion. Make your fans suffer horribly, bring them hope, and then stab them deeper in the heart than if you’d just not shown up to play.
@Yutsano: Um, you got that half right. Then again, I’m listening to this, so I can’t really talk.
@asiangrrlMN: I could counter with Bonnie Pink. I’ll hold that card for now, but I gots my eye on you young lady.
@Yutsano: And, because you gave me the name, I had to look her up on YouTube. Now, I am not speaking to you (I do not like Asian pop for the most part). Except, I kinda dig Shonen Knife. Doing the Ramones.
@asiangrrlMN: Hehehe. I even had one particular song in mind for that too. Not telling you which one.
Remember though, we’ll always have the Belle Stars.
@Yutsano: You know, I did not like that song when it first came out. However, the more you play it, the more it grows on me.
This one? If so, you’re on the virtual couch for the night.
Doubly so if it’s this one.
ETA: I am now going to poke out my ears with my rusty pitchfork.
Whew, glad I called it a night when I did. I get enough of that come-from-behind-to-tie-and-then-trip-on-their-own-cleats bullshit from the Browns.
@Corner Stone: Awesome, that looks tasty, got to give it a whirl – and I see you are a limey.
Cilantro in the salsa ALWAYS.
ed drone
I’m a Redskins fan, so we blow it BEFORE getting into overtime. Snap the PAT over the head of not just the holder, but the kicker!
I must admit it was an amazing end to a pretty good game.