And I forgot about Chuck again and will have to watch it On Demand.
I really need to start thinking about more than the Steelers.
by John Cole| 97 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
And I forgot about Chuck again and will have to watch it On Demand.
I really need to start thinking about more than the Steelers.
Comments are closed.
Just Some Fuckhead
I wonder if this is what happened to Ted Haggard.
Speaking of the Steelers, I thought Tomlin’s attempt at gamesmanship re: Pouncey was cute.
“We haven’t ruled him out” even though he needed crutches to get off the team plane.
Ha, I finally have Cole beat in the disorientation department.
Nice Celts win over Lakers!
O. My. God.
Could I actually think that? In what impossible world?
This one.
So far the only ones excited about a possible Huntsman presidential run is the media and Democrats/liberals. I guess Republicans don’t think he is the next Great White Hope. I already saw pictures of him arm in arm with Obama with a big grin on his face. This will be fun.
Jon Huntsman has officially resigned.
I’m assuming Huntsman will spend the next few months wooing teahadi votes by trash-talking the Obama administration as a former insider on Glenn Beck to purge the libtaint.
Southern Beale
Rick Sanchez saving Egypt with the Twitter and the Interwebs.
What an ass.
TaMara (BHF)
@Just Some Fuckhead: Can’t wait to hear the commercial disclaimers on this one. “In rare cases may cause compulsive gambling and gay sex in otherwise straight men. Though not seen in clinical trials, some patients will begin to expose themselves in public.”
I don’t think it will happen either, but I really wonder what Mittens would do if Huntsman threw his hat in the ring.
All of a sudden, those safe interior western states with high Mormon populations would be in play.
You forgot about Chuck? Crazy Super Bowl brain.
Photos of him arm in arm with Obama? Will that be as bad for him as the hug was for Charlie Crist?
I was told men think about sex like every 10 seconds. Are you saying this is untrue?
J.W. Hamner
Can we just ban snow already?
Yea like whirled peas and saving babies…?
Dennis SGMM
This afternoon, around 3:30 we had a light plane crash in the San Gabriel Foothills just above town. It came down about 200 feet from a girls’ High School. These hills are very, very, steep and the aircraft came to rest with the wings nearly vertical. Both he pilot and the passenger were rescued, one of them was standing outside of the aircraft when emergency personnel arrived on scene.
Someone is either really good or really lucky.
Keith G
Maybe he is thinking about having a few drinks with Ben.
Today I was reminded of one of the few good points about AZ.
While the rest of you hunker down for a blinding snow storm, it was sunny and 70 here today.
Enjoy your blizzard!
The Dangerman
Fortunately, football is filled with sexual imagery, thus allowing multitasking.
Edit: I read someplace that this is the first Super Bowl in, like, forever without cheerleaders (neither Steelers nor Packers have a cheerleading squad). What will the sideline shots be of in the B-Rolls?
My spoilers for Chuck because of the blog boss but am I the only one who watched and thought Chuck was The Don? (brando)
Huntsman is probably setting himself up to be the candidate in 2016. I don’t think anyone has won the Republican primary without running in a previous primary since Goldwater.
@Keith G:
“Maybe he is thinking about having a few drinks with Ben.”
Don’t do it. Put on Lily’s Steeler collar instead and dance buck nekkid around the house, instead.
Well, well, well…
Bush Child, in a Break, Endorses Gay Marriage
Just Some Fuckhead
@TaMara (BHF):
If gang rape lasts more than four hours..
@lamh32: I’m shocked..just shocked..
next thing you know Laura will be for pro-choice.
Here’s the thing other than his Mormanism, and working for Obama admin, Huntsman greatest asset if he makes it out of the primaries is that he has less “baggage” than Romney, and for those mod gop, conserva dems, racist dems, racist gop, etc, he will become “the great white hope” that gonna bring that “Kenyan spawn” down.
I can see white males (Dems, Independent or Independent-leaning) who are not formerly in Dem/Liberal camp gravitating to Huntsman.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@lamh32: early in the Bush administration, the twins went to the wedding of a gay friend, and Der Shrubb is quoted in one of the post-admin books as saying he didn’t really approve of the anti-marriage campaign. You know, it was just what he needed to to do to win.
Except Bush II. Duh. I’m a doofus.
Seriously, I’m only 34, so I’m pass the wistful age of youth, so my cynicism knows no bounds.
I am the oldest grandchild in my family, so every other than me are obviously younger. The ONLY saving grace for this country is the youths. The majority of them even the “conservative” ones are just more relaxed about gay/civil issues.
The Dangerman
@TaMara (BHF):
So, if I read this correctly, in clinical trials, compulsive gambling and gay sex in otherwise straight men WAS seen. Lovely.
From the NYT article you linked (it’s discussing various other political relatives’ opinions on gay marriage):
Yes…because as we all know, all politicians are male, so their family members will be “wives and children.” Insert massive eyeroll here.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@lamh32: Yeah, I don’t know much about Huntsman, but it seems really odd to me that he thinks this is his time. I just don’t see a Mormon, or a reasonable person, winning the nomination, at least not in 2012
I don’t know that there are many white voters left for the Repubs to pick up, who aren’t already on board.
John McCain captured the same share of the white vote as Ronald Reagan in 1980. The demographic bomb is ticking. That’s why they’ve become so frantic.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
But he has to run this time so he’s in a good position for 2016. Ideally he’d be tapped to run as the VP running mate this go-round. That would put him in the best position for 2012. If Romney wins the nomination he won’t get that spot, though. Too much Mormon on one ticket.
The “worked for Obama” thing could cut both ways. Bad in the primary, but not so bad in the general. Just how many bad things can Obama say about someone when he hired him for the job as ambassador to China? The whole “great white hope” thing might work for him in the general too.
I don’t think he’s looking to win the nomination this time, though. It’s crazy’s turn to win. Either that or Romney, since it’s “his turn.”
true, but I suspect that if the teatards candidate don’t make it into the nom, when a “moderate” nom like Huntsman, they will at the least still rather vote for the white guy over the black guy…period.
Huntsman I think would be more palatable than Romney in that regard.
having said that, I also suspect for those who are so inclined any ole white dude will do.
Dubya did, although he of course ran on his daddy’s name. And Goldwater ran in 1960 as well as 1964. The last time the GOP nominated an “out-of-nowhere” candidate was probably Wilkie in 1940. On the Democratic side it is pretty much the opposite. Obama, Kerry, Clinton, Dukakis and Carter were all new faces.
Hey, I tried to post a link and somehow it got lost in cyberspace.
what gives?
OT here, but Hollywood has come to my little neck of the woods. They’re filming a movie here called “The Wettest County” (based on the novel “The Wettest County in the World”) with west central Georgia standing in for Virginia. I haven’t read the book but I’m told it’s about a family of Depression-era moonshiners. Shia LaBoeuf is in it with some other people that I’ve never heard of. Anyway, it’s quite a big deal here. Everyone’s wondering if townspeople will be cast as extras like they were in the Kevin Costner movie “The War.”
Speaking of Hollywood, Mr. AliceBlue and I went to see “The King’s Speech” last night. What a great story, with superb performances and some humor, too. This film deserves every award it gets.
That’s an awfully long turn, since 1960.
General Stuck
Glad to see the new Balloon Juice platform has provided it’s own set of gremlins and weird little tics. Whenever I left click the mouse on the empty space right margin, the left margin line starts blinking, until I left click on the left empty space margin to make it stop. Message received mighty FSM. IT LIVES!!
edit – but it doesn’t do it in reverse, so fucking cool.
Damn it happened again.
Oh well, I’m just gonna post the quote, ya’ll gonna have to check out politico if ya want the link.
“A Warning for Huntsman” (link at Politico)
Anne Laurie
I have to admit the phrase “stalking horse” flashed through my politics-addled brain when I saw the TPM piece. There are a lot of people who think the 2012 RNC nomination is Willard ‘Mitt’ Romney’s to lose, because Republicans believe in the “it’s his turn” succession rule, mostly. There are also many, many political observers who think Willard’s not gonna get any votes from some very important Repub voting blocs — the Talibangelicals who think Mormons are non-Christian ‘cultists’, and/or those who remember Romney as a “squish” secret-liberal who approved gay marriage & government death panels when he was governor of Massachusetts. If Huntsman, who is an openly not-Teahadist Republican, can split the hardcore temple-garment Mormon vote, this may be good news for conservatives but it’s only bad news for Mitt.
Concensus thinking when Huntsman first took the ambassadorship was that he was smartly taking himself out of range of the 2010/2012 RNC pig pile, waiting to return once the arsonists had finished to lead the long-ignored “moderate Republican” voters to a new center-right nirvana. There’s very little chance the far-right extremists will finish their jeebus-blessed path of destruction in time for a “moderate” to make any progess in 2012, but perhaps Huntsman’s found some incentive to kneecap his fellow Mormon this time, rather than waiting till 2016?
Being a losing VP candidate is the kiss of death for presidential aspirations. No one has pulled that one of since FDR.
New episodes are posted the day after air. Five episodes are available at a time.
@AliceBlue: Carrolton?
Gin & Tonic
Losing VP candidates seldom go on to win the presidency later. This is not a statistically good strategy.
I’d rather the President win against a viable candidate. The idea that the Republicans would rather have a Huckabee or a Palin appalls me. As much as we mock them they could win. I don’t have enough money to emigrate to another country.
Any BJer’s watch Downton Abbey? Some Brits are trying to compare it to Upstairs, Downstairs in both positive and negative ways but they shouldn’t. It’s different.
@Anne Laurie:
If a Mormon gets the nom in 2012 and goes down in the general, it’s unlikely a second one will get a chance 4 years later.
Huntsman running in 2012 would be to sabotage Romney, methinks.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
So Huntsman is just getting in line for ’16 to be his turn? That makes more sense, gin up his name recognition, establish his bona fides with the pundits.
My money before was on Pawlenty–bland, midwestern white guy– but then he tried to out-Palin Palin, now I’m betting on Thune.
The Dangerman
It’s interesting to watch up close and personal; I was an extra in a Lindsay Lohan flick. For the quality of the end product (it was a horrific POS), they worked on each scene really, really hard, shooting each one over and over and over again to get it “right” (and, again, it was a POS; how many times must the good movies shoot a shot to get it “right”?).
If those 2nd Amendment remedies aren’t workin’ for ya, you can at least share makeup tips on lookin’ good 14-16 hours a day (and oh, does she ever look good). h/t Chait
Alas, since my doubly devastating Fantasy/Patriot losses, I have completely given up football. This has left a huge gap in my life, as up to that point I was intensely following all aspects of the game – for Fantasy purposes, primarily. But the Patriots were such a fun team too! Double alas!
Mostly for DougJ because he likes different(odd) drinks.
Just in time for your superbowl party. The Beibertini:
1/3 Cup Coconut Cream
2/3 Cup Pineapple Juice
1/4 Cup Light Cream
1 Banana
20 Strawberries
Blend ingredients with ice. Pour into four martini glasses. (To make it alcoholic, add 1.5 oz. Three Olives Bubble Vodka to each glass.) Top with whipped cream, Pop Rocks and Blow Pop garnish. Baby!
And then drink it while listening to Justin Beiber.
Anne Laurie
What I thought, too also. But who wants him to sabotage Romney — other (sane) Republicans, or the Shadowy Eleven-Dimensional-Chess-Playing Forces of the other team?
It would be irresponsible not to speculate, if you get my drift…
Omnes Omnibus
@cathyx: Could I just shoot myself instead?
Ah, now the worm turns…
Huntsman is fluent in Mandarin, and was the ambassador to – wait for it – CHINA! Under OBAMA!
Talk about Manchurian Candidate! This guy’s clearly a closeted commie! He’s not just going to take your guns away, he’s going to kill off all but one of you kids, and force sterilization on all of us! Mandatory abortions!
Then he’ll force you into work camps! For the good of the state! And send tanks into every Tea Party event!
Yeah, this guy’s got a chance.
@The Dangerman: I think all filmaking (and songmaking to a lesser extent) involve countless hours of repetition. It’s the nature of the craft. I thought of being a film major many, many years ago, but gave it up due to the mind numbing mundanity of it all. I had some friends who did go into the biz, after a couple of years of “Grip” and “PA”, they all ended up in Law School and as Lawyers. Less repetitive, maybe!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@cathyx: Justin Bieber is going to be on Letterman tonight. I wonder how long it took CBS to get him to agree to that. If the old man’s feeling grumpy, the kid could be scarred for life. If he’s bright enough to get it. But I have a feeling it will be really boring.
Anne Laurie
@Southern Beale: How’s your new ‘visiting’ puppy doing? And how big is he, anyway? (I tried commenting over on your personal blog but my lack of social-networking ID seems to have foiled that.)
@JPL: Yep, even got my husband addicted. LOL. I agree it was different–acting is much better and the costumes are incredible.
Nope. Gay, in Meriwether County, pop. 150 (or thereabouts).
Southern Beale
Not to be all Debbie Downer but this story about Outdoor Adventures Whistler managers ordering an employee to brutally destroy 100 sled dogs — many of which he’d raised from pups — broke my heart.
@Calouste: @Gin & Tonic: Hmmmm…good point. But then, this is not your grandfather’s Republican party and these are not typical times. It’s hard to say how that strategy would work out. But you’re right, the statistics aren’t on his side for that.
@Anne Laurie:
Not sure it would be good news for conservatives, unless you’re speaking of the teabagging type. If Mormons split their vote in the primaries it could allow someone like Sarah or Huckabee to win the nomination. Or maybe if both of them run they’ll split the fundie vote and allow room for a TPaw or Thune or Newt to swoop in.
It’s going to be interesting watching all the jockeying for position and out-teabagging each other they’ll be doing, that’s for sure. Interesting and terrifying. I can’t imagine any of those people being President without it being a disaster for the country. Shudder.
Thread needs more sammich.
@Omnes Omnibus: I wouldn’t mind just a taste to see how it is. It sounds kind of smoothy-like. Then drink one on the beach with vodka in it.
Keith G
@JPL: I loved Downton Abbey. Good story with really deep characters for that or any other genre. The occasional over melodrama was made up for by great actors. Hard to compare with US/DS since Downton Abbey’s first series was such a short run.
Talk about being left wanting more.
Southern Beale
@Anne Laurie:
The new pup is doing well, thanks for asking! He’s 6 mos old, according to the vet … he’s still little, haven’t weighed him yet, he’s a bundle of energy. Really adorable. Full blooded pit bull, vet says.
He’s settled in marvelously, though. Loved hoarding all the squeekie toys, loves to romp with our other young dog. He’s a hoot. Oh, loves to hump on his bed. Yeah I guess it’s a boy dog thing. We have an appointment to have his nads snipped next week. I have a feeling “owners” are non-existent but I feel like we need to wait a week just in case.
Southern Beale
I probably should get rid of the ID thing on my blog but man I just got inundated with SPAM like you would not believe. It was like dozens of comments selling cheap Taiwanese porn and Forex trading stuff and all sorts of god awful crap.
Yep, I noted that a couple posts later. Forgot about the Son of a Former President exception.
@Keith G: They’re shooting season 2! We’ll get it early next year, I assume. It will be interesting to see how they handle “The Great War”…
@Anne Laurie:
Or…who wants to sabotage Huntsman? Why are the suggesting he run now? Given the “Manchurian Candidate” aspect of his background, perhaps someone is trying to bring him down now so he’s not viable in 2016?
Who wants someone else to win? Who are the big money people being TPaw and Huckabee and Palin? Anyone know? What about Newt and Thune? Is anyone backing them? Who’s interested in bringing down Romney and/or Huntsman?
Southern Beale
Well apparently there are a rash of “birther bills” in state legislatures around the country which would keep Obama off the ballot because Hawaii won’t release a long form birth certificate. Can’t imagine this will pass constitutional muster …. but with the Teanuts on the courts you never know.
@Southern Beale:
If legislatures somehow use birther crap to keep Obama off ballots, there is going to be an uprising. I can only imagine just how ticked off people will be at wingnuts for doing something like that.
@Southern Beale:
“Hawaii won’t release a long form birth certificate”
Well, at least they aren’t demanding the ‘vault copy’ with verified authentic kerning anymore.
See, authority has given them a sense of responsibility.
Or, they have already been corrupted by power and a betraying the Tea People.
Southern Beale
Well when I said “Hawaii won’t release a long form birth certificate” I meant whatever the birthers’ issue is, other than the fact that the president is a black man and a Democrat of course. Honestly I don’t know the finer points of birtherism.
Precisely. Don’t look at the carrot at the end of the stick, look at the hand holding the stick.
ETA: We’re not talking about Mubarak anymore, are we? “Look over here!”
Anne Laurie
@Southern Beale:
Yeah, our rescue Zevon didn’t lose his till he was five, when his original family abandoned him w/his complete medical history at a shelter. (In retrospect, I think this is because he’s a chronic escapee/runaway, but sheesh, that’s one more reason to remove the hormonal stimulus early!) Zeev remains an incurable pillow-humper, so we keep a couple of those fuzzy sherpa-covered beanbag-shaped beds around, and when he goes for our blankets or the couch throw he gets told “Humpy, Zevon!” Nice that he can be re-directed, but boy do I wish he didn’t have such an addiction…
P.S. Don’t blame you at all for using the ID thing, it’s my incompetence that’s the problem. May all spam-producers catch persistent simultaneous cases of jock itch and fingernail fungus!
That’s an interesting point. Maybe that’s why Huntsman decided NOT to wait until 2016. Huntsman runs this time around to be a Mitt stalking horse, ensuring the candidacy goes to … Huck? Palin? … whoever, and then runs for real shebang in 2016.
@Keith G: I found the writing remarkable which of course added to the character development. The relationship with the sisters although exaggerated, seems true to form. The only thing I found ironic was when O’Brien looked into the mirror and said she wasn’t that person.
Maggie Smith is amazing. I still remember the Prime of Miss Jane Brodie.
I can’t wait for Season two.
That works for Huntsman in a couple of ways. First he gets his name recognition out there this cycle. Second, Romney (Mormon) has a lesser chance of winning, so no “Mormons can’t win” baggage in 2016. Third, if Palin or Huck win the nom but lose horribly in the general it may prompt the GOP to try to turn back the crazy tide a little. Huntsman would be an ideal non-crazy GOP candidate to run in that case.
2000 for the GOP was something of an outlier, there really wasn’t anyone who was next in line. I suppose if he didn’t go stupid with Prop 187, Pete Wilson might have been next in line. Or Colin Powell. But other than that, there wasn’t anyone coming off of 1996, that was the next logical choice
Keith G
@JPL:My one issue, and it is not a complaint, is the Maggie Smith’s character was written in a manner used for many aged stars – the font of sharp tongue retorts. As I watched, I realized that I wished there was a lead role for Dame Maggie to take on. She has so much talent and craft to bring into her art. I hate that older actors are most often relegated to decor. Somebody needs to write her a script.
@The Dangerman: Maybe the overabundance of “takes” is a clue that things are not going well??
Made the mistake of heading over to espn to hear the measured, well articulated comments of sports fans on the super bowl. Sweet Jesus, what a shitshow! Haters gonna hate, but the “rapelistburger” thing makes it sound like he is the only player on the team. Yeah, he is an asshole, but what about Troy as a counter narrative? This guy, more than any other Steeler, deserves another ring. To hear the entire city of Pittsburgh torched in the name of big ben is disturbing, even in the idiotic world of sports fandom. I live in L.A., but grew up in Wheeling, WVa. The Steelers organization was an inspiration to me as a poor child growing up in that region post-steel industry, and I still find inspiration in that organization today. So I say… Go Steelers!
Ugh. This is my first comment here. I will work on the snark.
The crackpotiness never seems to end. These people really want to kill us all.
Georgia Republican’s bill would do away with driver’s licenses
“A Republican in Georgia’s House of Representatives has introduced a bill to eliminate driver’s licenses, arguing that the documents are an unnecessary infringement on personal freedom.
Rep. Bobby Franklin, who represents the Atlanta suburb of Marietta, defended the bill to skeptical reporters on Monday, who questioned whether it would be a good idea to eliminate oversight of Georgia’s drivers.
“One of your inalienable rights is the right to travel, the right to move about without needing your papers,” Franklin told WSB in Atlanta. “You shouldn’t have to have permission from the state to exercise a right that has been inalienably given to you from your creator.”
Franklin took tough questions on the bill from a CBS Atlanta reporter who questioned what it would mean if children were allowed to drive cars.
CBS Atlanta’s Rebekka Schramm asked Franklin, “How are we going to keep up with who’s who and who’s on the roads and who’s not supposed to be on the roads?”
Such tough questions! To a Republican idea that is just insane. Hey, drunk drivers- this one’s for you!
@Arundel: Stoplights are also an insufferable impingement on my freedom of the right to travel.
@Anne Laurie:
It’s not just boy dogs, Molly enjoys humping both ends of whatever dog of whatever sex plays with her, she’s a bit confused I think…..
Keith G
@Arundel: Well at least there goes voter ID.
I tried making raw frozen banana “ice cream” tonight. Surprisingly good. Going to try again, in different flavors.
General Stuck
Well, this is just peachy. We just got a winter storm warning of 6 to 12 inches and sub zero temps, AGAIN. The southern desert living brochure said nothing about shit like this. Hello, frozen water pipes.
General Stuck
And just bought the kindle version of The Family, about religion and power politics in this country. Supposed to be a stunner. Might be a good book to blog for the reading list.
Unless you live in AZ and look brown.
So, over the last couple years, our household has gone from 4 pets to none. All 4 pets we had were strays or from the local shelter. In the past, in the South, all you needed to do to get a pet was breathe air, pay some money, and promise not to kill and eat them.
We now live in the Pacific NW, and WTF. We have started looking into getting a dog, and it’s just insane the hoops you have to go through to get a dog from a shelter.
Am I just behind on the times? I am as big a pet lover and supporter as I believe is possible, but I can’t help thinking that some organizations go completely overboard with the requirements for pets, including non-refundable fees for each pet sought, applications, interviews, home visits, not to mention the long lists of prohibitions (no kids, no smoking, must have a fence X feet tall, no exhaling air too quickly, etc.).
I can’t help thinking the world has gone insane. Am I just completely off base? Are shelters euthanizing pets because of ridiculous requirements? Christ. I guess it’s better that a dog be dead than live in a house with a kid. :P
@BombIranForChrist: you should see what it’s like if you want to get a pure bred dog of some sort.
Freeze ripe banana. Peel. Squirt with chocolate shell. Eat. Yum.
@BombIranForChrist: I was surprised when I went through it 6 and a half years ago in NJ before I got my Ellie. The woman who ran the rescue group that I got Ellie from was so rude and overbearing that I came closing to telling her off (and would have if Ellie had not been so cute). Even more shocking was a different group not only asked for references but followed up and called them, something that no employer of mine has ever done.
S. cerevisiae
@General Stuck: AL GORE IS FAT!
Jeff Master’s weather and climate blog
It’s good to hear I’m not the only one.
I can understand some level of precaution for sure. I know that I’m a decent person, at least in re: animals, but shelters don’t know that, and they want the pet to have a good home.
But on the other hand, I can’t help thinking that some of the rules and bureaucracy has less to do with the pets than it has to do with the personalities, biases, and grudges of the people who develop and administer the adoption process.
I’m probably going overboard, as usual, but I can’t help thinking of old movies about orphanages and the mean overseers who officially Care For the Children but unofficially use the children for their own, less than noble needs.
Yes, I got addicted to Downton Abbey last night. Hadn’t paid much attention but last night’s episode was so interesting.
And now a longer wait than for a baby for a new episode.
Where is the justice?
Anne Laurie
Remember the old saying: “Sometimes volunteer labor is worth exactly what you’re paying for it.”
Seriously, people can get… over-possessive about what qualifies as a “good” home for the animals they’ve rescued. But if you really can’t work with one particular shelter (or even one particular volunteer at that shelter), there should be other groups you can work with, right?
We adopted our first rescue papillon through the internet — the Spousal Unit actually flew from Boston to Dallas so the little guy could come back as ‘carry-on luggage’ rather than be shipped as cargo. After Flash’s death (we still had two other papillons, from a breeder, one a ‘pet quality’ show-ring reject & one retiree), we petitioned to adopt a particular dog and were rejected as “not the right home for her”. But we had no trouble adopting Zevon from a different breed-rescue group. I’m sure the right dog / cat is waiting for you, it’s just a matter of being patient about the process…