I hate that the Steelers lost, but congratulations to the Packers. I’ve said for two weeks I felt the Packers were the better team, but you still hope for the best. The Steelers have no one to blame but themselves, and losing was a team effort. You simply can not give up 21 points on turnovers to a dangerous team like the Packers and expect to win.
At any rate, it was nice that the game wasn’t marred by a bunch of shit talk in the preceding weeks, a bunch of bad behavior during the game, and officials who feel the need to make themselves the center of the story. And again, congrats to the Packers!
Sorry John, but your team sucked up Ben’s KARMA!!
Evolved Deep Southerner
Cole. Dude. Sorry.
Bobby Thomson
Classy, John.
A graceful concession speech, John.
Yes very classy John.
Farewell, NFL. May your better angels win out and bring you back in September, 2011.
Sorry for the loss, John. Tunch is still Terrible, though.
‘grats to the Pack!
You are very gracious, John.
Um, do you think we could have a picture of Tunch and the piglets now plz? Kthxbai.
Studly Pantload
Yeah, well, I saw his tweet on the matter.
good game, entertaining commercials.
Very gracious, John.
It was a good game. Both sides fought hard and it was fun to watch.
Southern Beale
I feel like I was robbed of the first comment because I couldn’t get the page to load.
Anyway, I was going to say: Jesus loves the Packers. I was right.
Hey, the Steelers can hold their head up– it was a helluva game. THAT THE PACKERS WON!
What Siubhan said (pics please). We need to make sure the 4 legged kids are okay.
Here’s to secret hopes!
Have to say, the Packers earned this. After that first quarter, the Stillers ought to have gone home. They didn’t.
And, let’s all be honest, how often do you get a good game out of the Superbowl? This one was decided in the last minute. Nicely done (!), NFL.
Congrats Packers!
Not for nothing but I gotta say I have 2 fav commercials the Adrian Brody beer commercial (I find Brody oddly sexy???) and my #1 fav was the Detroit commercial with Eminem!
This is a very classy and gracious post on your part.
Thankfully, the shit talk was avoided because the Steelers sent the Jets to the showers where they belong.
The Steelers are a great team and you can likely look forward to more Super Bowl wins in the near future.
Thanks for the entertaining Super Bowl threads today.
freelancer (itouch)
The music’s a bit pompous, you’d think they just blew up the Death Star.
Mark S.
I still find it amazing the Packers could win a Super Bowl with virtually no running game. It almost cost them on the goal line being so one-dimensional.
Southern Beale
Score another victory for Socialism!
Very happy that the Lombardi Trophy is home … probably for at least 2 years by default.
Very happy that the Lombardi Trophy is home … probably for at least 2 years by default.
Good for you John. How is Tunch handling it?
Graceful, John. And yeah, Packers definitely deserved that win, bar none. What impressed me was, despite letting the Steelers back in the game over the second half, they managed to tamp down for that last possession the same way they tamped down on Pittsburgh in the first quarter. Definitely made the stops when it mattered. I honestly thought the defense was breaking down after Woodson got bumped.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
I’m so proud of this Packers team…They’ve been beat to hell all year long, but persevered…This game was the Packers’ season in a microcosm.
mr. whipple
Rogers gets MVP, Ben sprints out of locker room towwards nearest college bar.
Southern Beale
Score another victory for S0c1alism!
John, I’m sorry for your loss. Here in Cheeseland, I do wish my neighbors would quit with the firecrackers so that my resident noise-fearing dog can chill back out. Poor thing’s beside himself with all the noise.
@stuckinred: Hey, I saw your puppeh Ugga died. That’s tough dawg. Poor guy barely got a chance in the spotlight.
Gonna go food now, be back in a few.
Well said, Cole.
BD of MN
hey, it’s a bitchin’ camaro…
So the rich quarterback gets a new car too? Really?
Classy. John, I wrote this in the other thread:
Thanks for giving us a place to chat. They’re two great franchises, and the Steelers will back.
Indeed, congrats to the Packers. They clearly deserved the win. As John said, you can’t turn the ball over 3 times for 3 TDs against a good team and expect to win. That being said, I’m glad that the Steelers made a game of it and I still had hope at the 1:59 mark.
Suffern ACE
Oh, great. They gave Rogers a camero down in Dallas where the roads are icy.
The Commenter on BJ formerly known as arguingwithsignposts
Good game both teams. Close one. Only marred by the presence of Jerrah Jones and GWB.
Joe Beese
Well done, Mr. Cole. That’s the most gracious concession speech I’ve heard since McCain in November 2008.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
It will probably be auctioned off, the proceeds going to Rodgers’ favorite charity.
Apparently there has been some kind of sporting event on…
What did I miss?
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): I figured as much but given the economic situation here in the U.S., it is still pretty obnoxious (IMO)
@Tattoosydney: A bunch of men running around in tight pants?
I admit it is one of the attractions to my watching the sport
@Yutsano: That is such a difficult breed but there isn’t much UGA can do about it.
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): Congrats.
@Batocchio: This. You’re a very gracious host John, even when we’re not the most thoughtful guests…
Phil Perspective
@Teri: There is also this:
Yes, I was an Oilers fan before they left Houston. And I wasn’t even 10 years old at the time. Earl Campbell rules!!
Very classy- now go have a drink (or six) to make you forget this ever happened (says the Pats fan still scarred by the 2007 postseason). You guys will be back next year with an o-line not held together by chewing gum and wire.
Studly Pantload
Yellow tight pants, at that. I do believe this was the first Yellow Pants Bowl.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
It’s a remnant from another time, when football players still had to work in the off-season. GM still does it because it gives them a chance to spotlight a sportscar.
I didn’t have a dog in this fight, but thought the Packers would probably come out on top going by the number of Packer jerseys in church today vs. Steeler jerseys (about 1/2 dozen to zero).
Now all you visitors get the hell out of Dallas. I’m tired of hearing the complaining about how we handle the crappy weather (stay home and let it melt).
Mike Tomlin is a class act.
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again):
Congrats to the Packers
Very gracious, Cole. I second the need for pics of the fur crew.
@Tattoosydney: Hi, hon. Something about big burly men hitting each other.How you be?
Mary G
@SiubhanDuinne: Yes, I am in Lily withdrawal.
Should I be pointing my finger skyward and thanking God for an exciting Superbowl?
JD Rhoades
Not only was that classy, John, it summed the game up in two paragraphs, while the professional sportscasters blathered on and on and on and said less.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Thanks, man. I just wish I’d been feeling good enough to watch the game at our Packers bar with my dad, my kid, sis and friends.
The Commenter on BJ formerly known as arguingwithsignposts
I wasn’t around earlier for the pre-game thread, but here’s what I would have liked to have seen from Pres. Obama re: the BillO interview:
BillO: Mr. President, how can we be sure the Middle East will be stable after this uprising?
Pres. Obama: Well, Bill, it’s like this: the sun goes up, the sun goes down. The moon goes up, the moon goes down … never a miscommunication.
That would have been teh awesome.
FSM bless the Pack. Big Ben still has less rings than Brady.
(yeah – I’m that shallow.)
@The Commenter on BJ formerly known as arguingwithsignposts: Oh my god. I would have paid mad monies to hear that answer from the prez. To any question.
Absolutely – except your big burly men all wear helmets and padding so you can’t see just how yummy they are, unlike proper football.
The guys are now ‘celebrating’ Bob Marley’s birthday and I’m watching puppy bowl
@Teri: Yes. Being only the second best team in football must strike the Steelers as a staggering defeat.
I’m sure Ben will feel terrible as he cashes his next humongous endorsement deal check.
If you want to get your mind off the game, Al Jazeera English is running a story right now about a family that works in the coal mines in Virginia. Seems strange to tune in for news about Cairo and see a story about American miners.
Worse, it ain’t even Dallas, it’s Arlington.
Sure, it’s part of the DFW metroplex, but if the stadium were in Hurst/Euless/Bedford, nobody would be saying it’s in “Dallas” – they’d all be giggling that the Superbowl was at H.E.B.
So awesome not to see that. And on the day Brady just became the first unanimous MVP in history.
Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen
Nicely put Cole.
And at least you don’t have to watch Bill Belliflop slobbering all over the trophy.
@Tattoosydney: I don’t think they pad the butts and arms (that is what I look at). I like the ‘proper’ football players too but more their legs.
@The Commenter on BJ formerly known as arguingwithsignposts:
That would have been perfect.
The halftime show. Wow. Just a new low in entertainment.
Who the fuck are the Black Guy Pees?
That was just terrible.
Just put Randy Newman out there with his piano and let him make stuff up.
Oh, that I could take these puppies home on the Puppy Bowl
Ash Can
You’re a good guy, John. I’m sorry the Steelers lost, but I’m delighted that the Packers won. Two great teams, and a dandy, entertaining game. Kudos all around.
Great idea, but the NFL is way too fucking stupid to ever consider it.
Quaker in a Basement
All around, a championship game the league can be proud of.
Part of being a fan is understanding when your team just failed to show up. (See: 2004 World Series. The Cardinals forgot to hit. AND Jeff Suppan got thrown out trying to steal third, which I will undyingly remember because I was in the hot dog line when it happened. That was the entire story.) I believe John that the Steelers did not, especially with the turnovers.
It’s OK, John. Let’s hope that there is football next year at all.
Sorry for the Steelers loss, Cole, but your sentiments are very well put. It’s just a game and you are right–it was refreshing that there was no pre-game bullshit and also that the refs let them play.
Pitchers and catchers report later on this week I think.
@Tattoosydney: Well, I like my mens with their brains mostly unscrambled, so I’m in favor of helmets!
ETA: The GaGa Lady. We MUST have her as the halftime entertainment next year.
/blistering sarcasm
@BGinCHI: I can’t see Randy Newman’s name without thinking of the Family Guy episode where they mock him.
Nom de Plume
it was nice that the game wasn’t marred by…officials who feel the need to make themselves the center of the story.
Um, John, I appreciate you being a gracious loser and everything, but the officials did try to make themselves the center of the story, and once again it was in favor of the Steelers. I followed about a half-dozen live blogs of the game, and the consensus was that Pittsburgh would win because they were getting all the calls.
Nothing personal against the Steelers franchise.
I just can’t help but be happy that uber-creep Roethlisberger played like shite in a Super Bowl loss.
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): But those new Camaros are frickin ugly, almost as bad as the T-Birds with suicide doors.
Omnes Omnibus
It was a hell of game.
Good close game between two tough and classy teams, with lots of classy fans, if these comments are any measure.
Brett who?
I’m glad I don’t have to pay the taxes for that stadium, and that I don’t have to be concerned with game-day traffic. Heck, there were not as many private jets flying over my house today heading into the Addison airport as I expect would be if the new stadium had been rebuilt at the site of the old stadium.
But having the Dallas Cowboys play in Arlington is just some kind of wrong, and I’m not even a Cowboys fan.
@Omnes Omnibus: He lives! Your heartbeat back to normal?
Couldn’t get the game on my TV (no cable, and around here you need cable) so I kept track of it on the radio, at ESPN’s online gamecast, and here. Thank you John Cole!
Winers never rape and rapists never win. Unless they’re white. And rich. Dammit.
That video screen at Cowboys Stadium was huge. It looked like from TV it could cover the length of the field below. God knows how big the electric bill is for firing that thing up.
Time to move forward, genial host.
Backyard Brawl basketball tomorrow at 7:00 eastern.
Here’s hoping for a Dubya/Condi/Powell-free Super Bowl next year.
Omnes Omnibus
@asiangrrlMN: It will be. The Pack just has to do things like that to its fans. It is some weird passive-aggressive thing on their part.
Christian Sieber
John Cole is a classy host as always.
However, the thread title should be, “Does this mean I have to turn my blog green?”
Indeed. Only a week out until pitchers and catchers report.
Ash Can
@BGinCHI: Halftime is when you get up and go to the kitchen and get something to eat, and fetch another beer, and mingle with the other people at the party, and make sure the kids have all had something decent to eat and haven’t just been raiding the plate of cookies that one of the moms has brought over. Who gives a crap about the show?
Although, I must admit that, at the neighbor’s party we went to tonight, we did watch a lot of the show, and pointed and laughed at all the mistakes and flubs. The best, though, was at the end, when the mopes in the blockhead costumes came marching out. We were all roaring at that, kids and grownups alike. I commented at the end that I thought the show turned out to be a little more entertaining than had been intended.
And college lacrosse starts this weekend.
YEAH BABY! Of course Gibbs is hurt as aforesaid.
Uncle Clarence Thomas
YAY, soshulists win one!
BOO, poor people lose another one –
White House Office of Management and Budget Director Jacob “Jack” Lew wrote in an opinion article for The New York Times that Obama is willing to cut financing in half, saving $350 million, for community service block grants that cities and towns that allocate to grassroots groups for them to provide basic necessities for poor people.
This is the kind of work Obama did as a community organizer at the outset of his political career, so “this cut is not easy for him,” Lew wrote.
We all hope that President Obama recovers quickly so that he can make more deals with the honorable Republican Party.
Dubya turns up and the Rangers lose.
Now he’s done it to the Steelers.
Who’s next?
Oh, wait….
The BMW rich guy prison ad early in the game – was I the only one hoping it was about some Matt Taibbi-inspired program for banksters and brokers?
Only a week left for the Cardinals to re-sign Albert Pujols.
If they don’t get it done, Bill DeWitt will replace Don Denkinger as my all-time most hated sports figure.
@Ash Can: I bounced a friend’s one-month-old during it, but even that didn’t make it go away.
I think I drank too slow in the first half.
Rookie mistake.
edit: By “bounced” I mean in a nice, rocking motion sort of way. I like babies.
The Cardinals were playing against a team with incredible momentum, and, instead of trying to play within themselves, slow the Redsock’s roll, etc, the Cardinals panicked early and began swinging for the fences, so to speak, on every play. Of course they failed miserably.
@Omnes Omnibus: As it was, it will always be. And it’s weird that it’s all across Packers nation…
My wife is from Madison, WI. I told her I was rooting for the team wearing gold.
So, when do pitchers and catchers report?
It’s a brand new season for the Pirates! And Nationals!
(Yes, I’m blessed to have these 2 winners as my hometown team and current local team.)
@drkrick: It was an Audi commercial, which proves my theory that those elaborate ads serve the narrative but not the product.
The ad folks are fleecing those stupid capitalists, I mean cudlips.
My condolences.
@Poopyman: Don’t forget to take a flashlight when you go down to the cellar, cuz you’re gonna be down there for a while.
The New York Jets and Giants play in East Rutherford, the Washington Redskins play in PG County, the Buffalo Bills play in Orchard Park, FC Dallas plays in Frisco, the Chicago Fire plays in Bridgeview, the LA Galaxy plays in Carson, the Los Angeles Angels play in Anaheim … your point would be?
@gbear: T-birds never had suicide doors.
That’s classy, John.
This was one of the best superbowl games I’ve seen in years. I would have been bummed if the Packers had lost, but still proud. Good football, some brilliant moves, some unfortunate mistakes, almost always excellent playing. Good clean playing. Can’t feel bad for long about that kind of superbowl game, win or lose.
If it’s close at the end, Dixon will outcoach Huggy Bear.
Hugs, John.
Suffern ACE
Regardless of the outcome, I think the worst thing is that I am now seeing orange/teal everywhere and I’m annoyed at something I never thought to be annoyed about before.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@handy: The video screen is 152ft by 72ft. It is larger than a basketball court.
We did, however, record the Puppy Bowl on our DVR, and I am CRANKED to watch that tomorrow. :)
Pujols would look really good in blue and orange, playing first at Citi Field and hitting behind David Wright.
@Omnes Omnibus: I think it’s a Midwest thing. “Oh, yah, sure, we don’t want to beat them by TOO much, doncha know?”
@Suffern ACE: Didja see this link I linked earlier about teal and orange? It’s a fascinating read.
General Stuck
So So Sad (
Take heart Cole, couldn’t have happened on a more important hysterical date. Guess who just turned 45?
@4jkb4ia: Wasn’t he picked off trying to decide whether to run home or not? I remember that Ortiz fired a rocket (who knew!) over to third with Suppan leaning off the base and got him.
Comrade Luke
Watching the interviews with the Green Bay players on ESPN, I’m very impressed. They’re very articulate.
I wish I could say the same about Steve Young.
The Steelers at the end showed class. No hitting on the snaps for the kneel-down, just stood at the line and took it. Like a team that had been there before and expected to be back again.
I really wanted to Aaron Rodgers or someone from the Packers to get up on the stage and just scream, “FUCK BRETT FAVRE!”
@burnspbesq: The Angels don’t quite fit in with the other teams you named. Their owner named them the Los Angeles Angles of Anaheim for marketing reasons. you know good and well Los Angeles will always belong to Big Blue.
Omnes Omnibus
@asiangrrlMN: I’ll be honest. The Steelers had a hell of a lot to do with this game being tough. They were scary.
@KG: Sure, and get cock pics on his phone for a week.
A really good game between two very evenly matched teams: one whose quarterback kept throwing to guys in the wrong uniform, and the other whose quarterback kept throwing to guys who dropped the ball :)
I watched with neighbors and friends. Since we’re Seattlelites, we of course rooted against the Steelers, so we’re pretty pleased with the final score.
Ash Can
@BGinCHI: I thought the music was pretty good, but the sound was fucked up in the beginning, the lip-synching was off at one point, a whole bank of floor lights was out, and whoever came up with the bright idea of those guys with boxes over their heads should go back to designing costumes for kindergarten Christmas pageants. The entertainers did their best under the circumstances, but the production was a train wreck. We got some good laughs out of it, though.
Mark S.
My sentiments exactly. I think the Steelers are just dandy but I hate Ben so much I wanted them to lose.
My girlfriend’s dad has been to a couple games there and he says you end up just watching that thing instead of the field. It kind of defeats the purpose of going to a game. I can do that at home and not have to sit in traffic for a couple of hours.
And I’ve driven around Arlington. I bet the traffic’s a bitch after a game.
I wonder whether American football has a lower injury rate than our four (unpadded and unhelmeted) kinds.
A quick google doesn’t give me any indication.
I know. It would be fabulous. She could wear a Terrible Towel.
Oh, wait… um…
/edited for typo
@Suffern ACE: Didja see this link I linked earlier about teal and orange? It’s a fascinating read.
Actual link included with this comment.
@KG: It would have made me very very happy.
General Stuck
Feetsball and basketball only exist for temporary winter entertainment for the boys of summer to rest up for the next season. The Reds are gonna be awesome pawsome this year, with enough blue chip pitching to field two competitive teams.
GO Redlegs!!
@BGinCHI re: Randy Newman – because nothing represents the NFL in the 21st Century quite like a 68 year-old white dude playing piano.
@Ash Can: You get an A in generosity.
@Omnes Omnibus: Very true. The Steelers came to play in the second half.
@Tattoosydney: Probably not as to the former. With all the bulking up the American ‘ballers do, they hit something nasty. As for the GaGa Lady, I just don’t get the whole phenomenon. I am so freaking old.
@Donut: Mick Jagger turns 68 this year and Bob Dylan? 70 in May.
But OK if you like Slash.
That’s very funny.
I don’t care about soccer, I don’t care about any American League teams, and, except for a couple teams, I only care about the Chiefs and who is playing the Cowboys (I always root against the Cowboys).
So I don’t care where other teams’ stadiums are located. I just think that, as someone who has disliked the Cowboys his whole life, and who has lived in Dallas for at least a decade, I don’t think it isn’t quite right that the Cowboys are no longer in Dallas. Being in DFW is close, but just not the same.
Think about how Madonna was marketed, then compare the two. I only give Lady Gaga credit for one thing: she does have a decent voice. But the schtick is re-packaged Material Girl.
@Tattoosydney: Teal and orange sounds more like something you drink over crumpets and cucumber sandwiches than a colour scheme. I am more than willing to admit that could just be me however.
Hi hon.
Quaker in a Basement
@BGinCHI: Aw heck! You want 80,000 people suddenly becoming all ironic and sarcastic?
Mark S.
You do realize that the Cowboys played for 40 years in Irving?
Suffern ACE
@asiangrrlMN: Yes, I read that. Now I will find movies and commercials less enjoyable than I otherwise might. But those are the risks one takes when clicking on a link.
My tastes run more towards Marc Ribot, Lou Reed and David Hidalgo, but thanks anyway.
Another Commenter at Balloon Juice (fka Bella Q)
@honus: Au contraire, from 1967 — 1971 TBirds had suicide doors. See, e.g., photo here
Nice concession post John.
@Mark S
Dammit I’m an idiot. So ignore everything I’ve said tonight except for the parts about church, what sports/teams I dislike/like, and my take on what happened to the Cardinals. I’m going to bed, and will hopefully engage my brain tomorrow. See-ya!
Or an organic shampoo. Or an 80s theme bar. Take your pick.
Comrade Luke
You gotta admit that the “I want to sleep with her I want to sleep with her I want to sleep with her” was a least a little funny.
I have consulted “Faithful”, and you are correct, sir or madam. He broke for home twice.
Bobby Thomson
Thanks, John, for the nice words. I’m happy the Packers won, but you’re almost spoiling it. It was a good game – too good, in my opinion.
Bubba Dave
Upside of being at the game: check one more off my bucket list. Downside: Horrific lines to get in, $10 beer, long trip home.
Imagining Brett Favre at home crying into his Vicodin? Priceless.
cole, youre a gentleman. that, in a nutshell, is why i read this blog religiously. good shit indeed.
I can’t stop laughing. My lord I’m glad the Packers won. My gosh I don’t like the Steelers.
Wow, I guess I’m gentlemanly, too. Since I put that in much more polite terms than I would like to.
Pittsburgh got their asses handed to them in a milk bucket from a bunch of cheeseheads. That’s gotta hurt.
New Yorker
I’m glad that we keep getting great games (and this one looked like it was going to be a blowout early). Each of the last 4 Superbowls (since Giants-Patriots) has been an absolute thriller, and it’s been a very long time since we’ve had a boring blowout (which was all too common in the 90s).
Now if only the World Series could follow suit. We haven’t had a 7-game series since Angels-Giants in 2002, and the last truly exciting World Series was Marlins-Yankees in 2003 (which went 6).
This game has set rapists’ rights back at least fifty years. :(
@Evolved Deep Southerner:
Just this.
bob h
I could give a rat’s ass about pro football, but Saturday I saw the very fine play about Vince Lombardi and his Packers, “Lombardi” in NYC. At the end they held a prize raffle, and I won an autographed copy of the David Maranis book about them. So I was sort of pulling for my Packers.
No one I know in real life was going for the Steelers and I live in fucking Minnesota so you know we hate the Packers pretty hard.
Why do you call them Stillers?
I don’t really follow sports, but as a true mstie I have to say “Packers won the Super Bowl!! WOOOHOOOOO!!”
Polar Bear Squares
Classy, John.
And although I’m so happy your team lost, I feel bad for you personally. You guys fought to the end tho. Nothing to hang your head about.
Suck it bitch.
Yea I’m drunk still
Cole, you are a sportsman. Those are good words, with an honest take on what happened yesterday.
Still, remember when you were a kid? A loss like that would have torn your guts out. Not to mention the pocketbooks of all the big talking, put-their-money -where-their-mouths-are Pittsburgh gamblers who took a bath yesterday.