Back before Lily, our esteemed blog host John Cole mentioned he’d be open to adopting any dog “as long as it’s not a beagle“. Despite the contrary opinion of a certain much more widely read blogger, the video demonstrates just one reason why this is a wise restriction.
Also (h/t freelancer), as targetted marketing, this is kinda cool.
That video just made my night
Who dressed up a cat in a beagle costume?
Uncle Clarence Thomas
“Comfortable pair of shoes” – Day 29.
Just Some Fuckhead
You’d never be able to teach a beagle a cool trick like that.
Who’s the more widely read blogger? Can’t be TBogg, he’s got bassets. Oh, man, is it Sullivan?
Villago Delenda Est
And he’s off to take on the Red Baron!
On edit: Oh, the irony….the banner ad for me, anyways, is “Click here to learn the secrets behind training your beagle”
Last fall, my best friend’s parents rescued a ditched Beagle out by their country home. She was severely emaciated, but by Christmas she was running with the rest of their labrador pack, cutest thing you ever did see. Everyone who stayed over for the Holidays wanted to adopt Lady the pretty Beagle.
Joey Maloney
o/t for the open thread: Here’s the REAL meaning of “regretsy”:
Triassic Sands
That’s why it’s safer to have a Basset Hound — I can’t picture one of TBogg’s hounds pulling this off.
Anne Laurie
@Linkmeister: Check out the logo for ‘The Daily Dish’.
As JSF suggests, you can’t teach a beagle much, but their creativity in achieving new levels of annoying-ness is limitless…
Suffern ACE
My old dog, may her memory live forever, ended up in a pen like that. We even had bricks on the roof. So hard to build a cage without corners or doors.
@Joey Maloney:
I am once again glad for my obsessive reluctance to put personal information anywhere on the internet, because I checked my Etsy account and I never put any identifying information in my profile.
Joey Maloney
Is there any other actress who can say that her anus has been immortalized in song?
I love the admiring looks the other dogs are giving the one that got out.
@Joey Maloney: This is as close as I can think of.
Breaking news:
“A computer system that forecasts the spread of radioactivity has not been working due to malfunctioning monitoring posts around a troubled nuclear power plant in quake-hit Fukushima Prefecture.”
Nothing to see here.
@Joey Maloney:
I was thinking of this song.
Mary G
Why is there no real West Coast late night news? I’ve been in the hospital all day and am trying to find out what’s going out with Japan and Anderson Cooper’s show from four hours ago is running.
@Mnemosyne: Not quite her anus, but definitely in the pallpark. I am disappointed I did not think of it
@Mary G:
The Guardian’s live blog is very useful – that, BBC, and Al Jazeera are the best sources. Forget the US news outlets.
This picture just seems too dark to me somehow, that is for a scene in a nation as advanced as Japan:
@Mary G:
I was thinking the same thing, because I continue to hang out worrying. Though now I am worrying in bed, so I’ll crash soon I’m sure.
Joey Maloney
@Mary G: Other resources – Reuters’ live blog:
NHK (Japanese public tv) English:
Fucking beagles… I have a beagle/Jack Russell… Little fucker demands an iron fist or there’s no living with him. Give him an inch, and he’ll take a mile, along with the credit cards, car keys, and all the passwords stored on your computer.
Mary G
@BRJoey Maloney:
Thank you all; I will check those out. This chart cheered me up in the meantime. If Orange County is losing Republicans the end must be near.
Mary G
Tried to say thank you to BR and Joey Maloney but comment went into moderation for some reason, so thank you.
Also, This chart cheered me up. If Orange County is losing Republicans, their end must be near.
Anne Laurie
Whoa, that’s almost as bad as our rescue Gloria, who is probably half papillon… and half border collie.
Yeah, I didn’t think it was likely either, but my Midwestern Dog Guru says that people arrange for it to happen on purpose. As she describes the results, “It’s like building a loaded pistol into a pretty pink ipod case.”
Totally made the video. The yearning paw toward the cool-dog jailbird. I pretty much love it.
Beagles are quite wily, but they’re not the only ones. Gosh, I sure do love dogs.
Sarah Palin, “energy expert”:
Palin, or whoever writes for her, penned the following:
But if you look at the study linked to, you read:
It’s obvious that the totals are cumulative over 50 years. If it was per year, then the $145billion-payroll/54,700 comes to $2.6 million per worker per year, but $145billion/(54,700*50years) is $57K per worker per year.
I anticipate that the mistake will be corrected soon, so gather your screenshots!
Like Shecky, I own a Beagle/Jack Russell mix, and all I can say is, where the fuck was this video 12 years ago to warn me off?
Mine never was as ingenious as the one in the video, but she did figure out how to make stairs out of a set of drawers (pulled the bottom drawer out the furthest, second from bottom a little less, etc.) and has survived chicken bones, cocoa-powder covered chocolates, rat poison, and an entire corncob (swallowed basically whole, mind you.)
When she is hungry, which oh by the way is all the goddamn time, she throws things at you – she’ll pick up a sock or a plastic bag or, a few times, a playstation controller in her mouth and flip it at you.
For awhile she figured out a method by which she was invariably able to escape from a leash while on a walk. As soon as you moved in a direction she wasn’t anxious to go (which, btw, was never in a straight line) she’d go into a downward-dog position and pull against – would be out of the collar in about 1.5 seconds before you even knew what was going on. And once that happened, she’d be a mile away before you even got up to running speed.
Also, she keeps getting shot down over France.
Mark S.
I doubt she’ll bother correcting it.
If the Tea Party Went Downtown: I thought they already did. Some Harvard economist thinks teabaggers will be down with ending the mortgage deduction and more toll roads. I doubt it. But there’s plenty of horseshit analysis, such as:
Glaeser doesn’t want to spend any money on infrastructure but wants everyone to move to metropolitan areas:
He also wants to discourage home ownership (by eliminating the mortgage deduction) and commuting (by not building any roads or infrastructure). We can’t all live on Manhattan.
I admit sprawl’s a problem, but Fonzi of Freedom solutions leave a lot to be desired.
freelancer (itouch)
Hey, thanks AL for the hat tip. Much better to do what that guy did, if you’re gonna go Poe, than what this girl did. Fake or not, my first impulse is to want to break her smug nose with my fist. She makes a parallel point about theism in the face of natural disasters, but she’s not helping.
Nevermind that there are actual Christian missionaries who see Japan as a ripe opportunity to spread the word to those most ruined by this event. It’s the Shock Doctrine applied to critical thinking and one’s worldview.
Joey Maloney
@Quiddity: I anticipate that the mistake will be corrected soon, so gather your screenshots!
Really? I anticipate it will be repeated about thirty times in the coming week on Fox News, show up on the Washington Post op-ed page before April Fools’, and be settled conventional wisdom before May Day.
So, just like the blog world at large and even here at BJ, false propaganda that all is well and the Japanese nuclear circus … I mean crisis is just fine – this pile of stupid has been running wild. This utter lie and bull is being fueled and powered by real idiots: An utter lying asswipe and total piece of shit Oehmen who claimed that all was well because no radiation to speak of had escaped the plant, and this human pile of waste wrote a long essay on why no one need be concerned and since he work at MIT and was an expert it burned across the internet and was seized upon by pro-nuke sites and … well, look here (taken from Salon):
“Oehmen, it turns out, does work at MIT but has no special expertise in nuclear power. And his key claim — that “there was and will *not* be any significant release of radioactivity from the damaged Japanese reactors” — appears to have already been proven false.
“So does Oehmen actually work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology? Yes. But not in the nuclear engineering department. He works at an entity called the Lean Advancement Initiative, which focuses on business management issues”
Of course, mean while, the plant has been (temporarily) evacuated due to high radiation levels from (they think) the burning fuel in the storage pool in reactor #4 (or just steam) but all efforts are focused – you’d think this was amistake in the report – rather reactor #3. Gee, I wonder why? Oh, that’s right its fueled with both enriched uranium and weapons grade Plutonium!
The major news of currently running concerning the horror of the Japanese quake and what major concern of BJ? Well lets post a video of cute dogs… what, BJ is now a fluffer of Andrew Sullivan and his approach to journalism, in spades?
So Cole, what gives? Burned out or just giving up trying to fight the long battle.
So, it gets darker as the NYT reports:
“Japan’s nuclear crisis intensified dramatically on Wednesday after the authorities announced that a second reactor unit at the stricken Fukushima Daiichi plant in northeastern Japan may have ruptured and appeared to be releasing radioactive steam. ”
This speaks for itself – Cole, you need both a Japanese thread and a nuclear thread every morning – for god’s sake, there must be some good news in Japan as people dig out and restore their lives … the nuke situation justs goes from worst possible to … well, events that make the worse look not so bad … shit.
As AGW bites, we will need nuclear but this just proves that american know-not is the worst possible solution – can we please have a Candu reactor, sir?
@DBrown: I think the word you are looking for is “worster”. Hope this helps.
DBrown, Cole is fast asleep. It’s an open thread so you can remind us of the devastation in Japan. When I awake, the first thing I do is go to the live feed at BBC to see if the reactors blew.
Watching the dog video was a welcome relief. I have seen cats scale before but never a dog.
Hillary Rettig
Hairy Houdini
Just wondering – Japan made the worlds first female robot that is fully capable of having sex … so where are robots for nuclear power plants that can make repairs inside the deadly radioactive buildings and allow cooling water to be feed into the cores? Sex but no repair bots …
A Humble Lurker
What the hell is wrong with you?
A Humble Lurker,
damn good point, LOL
James Hare
Sullivan ran that video a few years back and thought it was cute. I don’t think he has any illusions about beagles. Of course, one of his dogs is an impostor.
Southern Beale
Billionaire car dealer leads recall of Miami Dade County Mayor… the issue, as always, was property taxes, which the mayor increased to fund necessary city services. The billionaire car dealer, former owner of the Philadelphia Eagles, spouted claptrap about “empowering the people” and “taking the community back from the politicians” and fiscal austerity and blabbedy blah.
This is a billionaire telling people this. And they bought it.
People are fucking morons.
@Southern Beale:
They have gone from shirtsleeves to bourgeoisie to lumpen-proletariat in three generations. That has got to be some sort of record.
@Southern Beale:
Especially since property taxes (more specifically, land taxes) are both the most efficient and most just form of taxation.
Steer clear of Schipperkes, as well. Mine will find a way to get at any food that isn’t locked in a bank vault. There’s no table she can’t get on top of, and she’ll snatch a sandwich right out of the hand of a large adult male without hesitation. When it comes to food, she never stops looking for the main chance. Oh, and she also escapes through the real and electronic fences and returns with disgusting bones from Lord knows where. Good mouser, though.
I’m not sure I’d want a dog that’s smarter than me . . .
@Southern Beale: I believe that it was the “higher property taxes and a simultaneous salary increase for many county employees” that did it.
I’m not saying the county employees didn’t deserve a pay raise, but when the story is “they raised your taxes and it all went straight in their pocket” it’s hard to mount a rational defense that anybody will pay attention to.
Beagles! Great video. I love the reactions of the other beagles.
We have 2 beagles and the youngest one turns 8 tomorrow but still behaves like a human toddler. Every evening around 8:30 she starts to misbehave to get attention. She then acts abashed and sad (even if the scolding is half-hearted) and then “begs for forgiveness” by crawling into our lap. Then she falls asleep like a big baby. Every night we fall for this. She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body and is one of the sweetest dogs I have ever had. But she is naughty. A friend of ours breeds beagles and refers to all of this as “beagle drama”, so apt.
@Mary G:
I think those “declining to state” are too ashamed to admit they are republicans.
This is a great video of a young horse playing with an oversize ball:
It appears in this case that the ball bests the horse but it’s very entertaining none the less.
@freelancer (itouch): I gotta say, I found her very very boring. But, yeah. Whatever. Very juvenile of her.
Anne Laurie, beagles are very cute. Glad I don’t have one.
I have a mixed breed about 40 lbs who can scale any fence, wood and chain link, broke out of 2 kennel cages, and learned to unlock and open the house windows to escape. After many long days and nights trying to entice her back, only to have her turn tail and run, she would return filthy, tired, and nourished by garbage. We had private dog trainers come to the home. They had excellent strategies but we were unable to be consistent enough to stop her darting out of the door every time we left for work, etc.
After $3,000 surgery to remove the popsicle stick that preforated her intestine, we installed an invisible fence. Trained her to the perimeter and she’s been contained in our house and yard ever since.
I know some folks don’t approve of the shock collar that is the critical component on the invisible fence. I wasn’t happy about doing it. But this dog was a danger to herself. We were worried sick for nights on end when she ran away. Now we are all happy, content, and she is a perfect house dog.
quaint irene
Hee. When Shulz’ comic “Peanuts” first became wildly popular in the ’60’s, there was a run on beagles at pet stores. And subsequently, a lot of buyers remorse when people found out how much effort they needed.
Same thing happened when the live remake of ‘1001 Dalmations.’ came out.
@quaint irene: True — but the funny thing is just how “right” Schultz got the beagle persona. Mine performs Snoopy’s “supper dance” perfectly. It’s hilarious.
They are not effortless dogs, but they are stellar companions. When they’re not hunting for snacks…
@MikeJ: I’m sure that granting city employees a raise didn’t help him but the big issues were more reckless choices. Supporting a new baseball stadium with millions of dollars (when Miami has been burned by bad deals in the past, like the Miami Arena which didn’t even get a decade of use before they built the new bayfront arena) and giving a raise to his chief, bringing him over 200k/yr. Then he’s tarnished by his police buddy spending millions in polluter-chasing money on tvs and weapons. Then he gets criticized for spending his $800/mo car allowance on a new BMW – and says he won’t give it up, despite being provided vehicles for transport by the city.
Then, after all that, he asks for a 12% property tax increase.
Personally I’m fine with paying city employees a living wage and if the CoS duties require a person who could be making 200k out in the private sector then I don’t think we should be low-balling and ending up with the candidates of last resort.
But this guy is too fucking stupid to be in office. You can’t live a public life of excess and pal around with embezzlers and THEN ask your populace to sacrifice.
Having grown up in South Florida I feel confident they’ll replace this clown with a different clown. But putting this off on a billionaire with an axe to grind is just wrong. The mayor spent 1M fighting this off – he’s no poor victim of a vendetta or being punished for making hard decisions.
Paul in KY
Anne, could you get Bootlegger to put up a link to our Balloon Juice NCAA Group? Thanks!
Johnny Gentle (famous crooner)
Um, is anyone else worried about that beagle? It leaps out of the frame and the video ends shortly thereafter. That’s quite a height for a dog, much less one jumping awkwardly.
Video needs a soundtrack – how about Thin Lizzy’s Jailbreak?
@Johnny Gentle (famous crooner):
I think Andrew Sullivan put this video up months ago, and assured that the beagle was fine.
Love me some beagles.
Allegedly, girl beagles roam less than the boys. Whatever, they are great pets, Mr. Cole’s views notwithstanding.
trixie larue
overture from the Great Escape.
@Johnny Gentle (famous crooner): Knowing beagles, the videographer had to run and catch the rascal, he was likely heading for the hills in the never-ending search for something to eat.
Personally, I love that little guy. Reminds me of me.
I love Beagles. Their determination, or as I call it cement-headedness, to bring whatever comes into their minds to fruition is unparalleled. This beagle decided he was gonna try to get out through that space above the door (notice the boards nailed there – he’s done this before), and he just kept at it no matter what until he made it happen. I just wish it was possible to direct this ability, but it only seems to work for ideas the beagle has on its own.
My wife was sold on the idea of a beagle until we talked to a couple beagle owners. Not that they didn’t love their dogs, but they were a lot more work than we, as a couple of first time dog owners were looking for. They sure are cute little bastards, though.
@58: Beagles are surprisingly tough, agile, and well-coordinated jumpers, in addition to being Houdini-dogs. I have seen my guys jump from that height no problem. That’s one thing with beagles that an owner has to watch for: unlike most dogs they have zero fear of heights. The snoopy-on-the-doghouse thing? Yes. Constantly.
My cousin calls them “circus dogs” because they’re so hyper and agile and clever, but unfortunately they absolutely do not respond to cattle prods. I had to latch every cabinet and can never ever leave edible things lying around (including underwear, books, neclace pendants, DVDs, remote controls, cell phones…) I also had to convert my downstairs “office” to a dog kennel because the neighbors were complaining about the barking.
What makes beagles so redeemable is that they’re extremely sweet, social and upbeat. They’re also an excellent cat substitute if you need a mouser: they are rodent-hunting dogs by breeding. They’re way less cranky than their cousins the basset hounds, and have fewer health problems. Definitely not a breed for everyone though.