Last year, one of you posted in the comments the most amazing set of tomato stakes/cage/teepee and for the life of me, I can not find them. They were wood, and they sort of fit together to form rows of angular cages. Anyone remember what I am talking about?
Open Thread
by John Cole| 60 Comments
This post is in: Garden Chats
The Somebody suggested this might be post-worthy: Koch Bros. pwned by the Yes Men and others at the Lincoln Center.
I have no tomato-related advice.
Just Some Fuckhead
Drawing a blank.
@Just Some Fuckhead: Anything like drawing a muchness?
The definition of obscura is…
No idea. But Gardener’s Supply Co. is a good place for that kind of thing. I like their tomato ladders, because they’re sturdy as all hell and will probably outlive me, but they have a lot of trellis options. I’ve never found anything like the choices in any stores.
Was it a stick?
I have no tomato-related advice either but since this is an open thread: McArdle opines on Groupon. She does not approve of their discount deals on Lasik surgery. Commercial competition for medical services? That’s crazy!
She likes commercial competition when it comes to talk about HCR or the public option, though, doesn’t she?
Anne Laurie
Willow trellises? Garden maypole?
I’ve decided I really like these, with late-season assistance from these, but my ‘garden’ (random variety of planters, mostly standing on/around a strip of asphalt) is a lot more, shall we say, shabby-chic than your Germanic sense of order can probably tolerate, John…
anyone watching the Smallville finale?
In other news, Jane Hamsher calls someone a sexist and misogynist for no sound reason.
Maude has a hollow square tallish cage made out of cedar.
There are a lot of sites on how to make your own, I didn’t include any for obvious reasons.
FWIW, here’s what I do:
Drive tall (8′) stakes (I use 2x4s ripped down the middle and sharpened at one end) into each corner of the bed. Screw shorter lengths across the two short sides of the bed up as high as you can reach. Lie longer pieces lengthwise on top of those, making a rectangle about 7′ high that mimics the outline of your bed. Tie twine to each long piece over every tomato plant, letting it dangle down to roughly ground level. As the tomatoes grow, wind the main stalk (pinching suckers) around the string. Just keep winding as they grow and you’ll have them trained straight up for easy access and great ventilation. And it’s essentially free if you have any scrap lumber in your garage.
Ooh ooh ooh….can we see some more self important fucker’s bitch and moan about ABL because she won’t validate them!
Somewhere in here.
I’ve been meaning to do porch tomatoes, but The Man* won’t let me.
*Condo Association
Sharp objects are not recommended in this case. Mops are on the no no list as well.
I like ABL.
@Maude: So don’t sharpen them, and just bang harder. Use duct tape instead of screws. Wear a helmet.
Hey, good faith. Imagine that.
Bob Dylan: China Didn’t Censor My Set List
Was this it? Freestanding Tomato Trellis via cathaireverywhere.
lovin’ TRMS and her expose on all things Coburn
another reason to despise goldman sachs. you don’t need another one to hate the cowboys and yankees:
Legends Hospitality, the concessionaire co-owned by the New York Yankees, the Dallas Cowboys, and Goldman Sachs, allegedly pockets the 20 percent service fee attached to food and drink in violation of New York law, according to a class-action lawsuit filed against the company by three Yankee Stadium servers this week.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: Ah, scott beat me to it. But also on that thread, Jeffrey had these:
…which I also liked a lot.
Roger Moore
Somehow, I’m imagining John trying this and having no hair left on his arms or legs by the time he was finished. I’m thinking he should lash the thing together with bailing wire and twine.
I got nothin in wood.
Blog overlord, quick favor to ask. Is there a point to having posts on this site where comments are barred? The comments (including some of the bitching back and forth) are a large part of what makes this site great (at least in my opinion). But it gets diminished when posts are made with comments closed like “LA LA LA LA LA LA LA I’m not listening to you. I’m rubber and I’m glue”, etc.
EDIT – this comment has nothing to do with the posters content or the current blog meltdown with it, just that closed comments are really a drag and detract greatly from the site. If the post isn’t worth comments it’s not worth posting.
Oh, obligatory “I hate ABL”. Or was that “I love ABL”? I can’t remember what day it is so I don’t know if it’s love or hate day.
@KANFSU: And the best part about JeffreyW’s flikr is no matter if you go forward or back, it’s an amazing trip through food, kitties, puppies, hummingbird moths… and hummingbirds!!
Thanks jeff!
That could never happen here.
And it is glorious day here in Perth. Unfortunately it will be spent inside cat sitting our two new kitteh adoptees Puffin and Flounder.
Stay away from the saws, Cole. We know how you are.
Instead, I recommend splitting your logs into trellis-sized twigs with grenades or a high-caliber rifle, and wrap the whole thing with razor wire.
Make sure you put it on your roof, too. Tomatoes love that.
Don’t buy the cages. They are made by people who jump off of buildings.
Make your own — c’mon Cole it ain’t so hard.
After weathering the total scourge of stink bugs last summer, nice red tomatoes here we come! this summer.
Don’t buy those damned Chinese cages. Build your own and use your own damn mind.
OT: In other news, the second and third reactors at Fukushima may have melted down. So not one, but three plants are likely to have a glob of melted/melting radioactive fuel at the bottom of their containment structures. Oh, and the building for reactor four is in bad enough shape that they think it might collapse.
Oh and love ABL. Always have always will.
Funny, I have always thought she was quite clever in her writing. But then again, I am someone who thought GG was on to something until I realized he was in it for the money.
I generally don’t have much patiences for converts, except for John. He’s made the real conversion — except that I wish he would retract some of the things he said about John Walker.
that is all sorts of awesome. Thanks for the link.
I am a veritable black thumb around all plants so no tips from me for John and his tomatoes.
@Roger Moore: Last year I put mine together mostly with twine. It worked great, though a screw or two in the right place can sure help, amirite?
General Stuck
Maybe we should only have garden threads, that seem to have flummoxed the trolls on how to destroy it. We could mix it up some maybe with art threads, underwater basketweaving, etc….. To keep a step ahead of the zombie borg recalibrating to our Phaser frequencies.
Are you talking about GG Allin? Because I agree, he completely sold out. I liked the Murder Junkies, but the Texas Nazis were totally commercial.
Does anyone know what kind of porn UBL liked? I need to know this.
[Ducks a bit, blushes, shuffles feets, mumbles.]
I’m sure we’re working our way up to the leak that it was gay-scat-bukkake.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: Hey, Thanks! I forgot that I posted this! I was just thinking that I should post a picture of my vertical trellises, but I am too lazy to open an account at Flickr or someplace. I have raised beds (2x10s) with the metal corners from Gardener’s Supply. I have tried other methods, and those corners are excellent. The vertical supports are just 2x4s scewed together to form basically a square, upside-down U. I used 2x4x8 for the side supports, so they go about 2 ft. into the ground. Dearest Hub cut a couple of 1x6s with an angle at each end to cover the top decoratively (because I am anal-retentive about stuff like that) and the front of the frame is covered with pig wire. The frames are about 6 ft. wide, and support 3 tomato plants each. I tie the branches to the pig wire with cotton string as needed. The frames stay in year-round and look pretty nice, I think. Last year, I put a path of 12″ cement square pavers all the way around both beds to make access easier (and to make it look prettier)
J.W. Hamner
I’m sort of obsessed with the Modest Mouse song Float On right now. Just thought I’d throw that out there. It’s like a 7 year old song, so I’m not exactly being cutting edge… but I thought I’d share. Yay Internets!
Jewish Steel
@J.W. Hamner: That is one badass song. Great lyrics.
Best tomato cages evah! Use the re-enforcing screen they use in concrete slabs. Stuff is very heavy duty. It is six feet tall with approx four inch squares so it is easy to stick your hands through to to tie or adjust plants. Just make a cylinder out of the screen with a two or three foot diameter and you are all set. Easy as pie. They last for years.
J.W. Hamner
Great song, always has been – good album as well.
Comrade Mary
klaatu42, the guy who does those great talking animals videos got his two minutes of fame on The National tonight. Scroll to the 23 minute mark for the feature.
wow. That is a new low even for HER.
Cole, I’m disappointed. You had an opportunity here to make a bleg but close the comments, which would have to be some kind of apex for trolling your own blog, and you blew it.
Used to be a CA organic/best practice type. Let ’em vine around on the ground; eat the good ones, give the bad ones to the pigs. Eat the pigs.
Hey, everyone send Cole an email recommending fasteddie9318 for the next addition to the front posters. FE93 has what it takes fer sher for the front page of this here miserable lefty blog.
OT, I find this priceless…
Oops, forgot link/source:
Stephen Colbert To FEC: I Don’t Want To Be The ‘Chump’ Without Unlimited Corporate Cash
More statements from the powers that be regarding the terrorist raid.
Dave Trowbridge
Just get yourself six feet of foundation wire per tomato plant (7′ high, 6″ mesh). Bend it into a 7-foot high cylinder, and keep it from tipping over with one of those 8-foot, 2-inch diameter garden stakes. As the tomato plant grows up inside it, keep pushing the branches back inside. The big mesh makes it easy to pick tomatoes. Ugly, but incredibly effective. And cheap.
Bonus: at the end of the season you can cover it with transparent plastic film and extend your tomato harvest.
Random link: competitive bunny jumping. With pictures of bunnies looking very determined as they sail over 2′ jumps. Very cute. The video might cause tooth decay. ;)
Oh, this is rich: The Greenbaggers are jumping all over the darling Slacktvist, Fred Clark.
Good thing Fred is as tough as he is beatific. And his Judeo-Christian-Muslim-Pagan-Atheist commenters have his back.
Storm + high voltage + very dark sky = teh alienz haz landed.
@hilzoy: WABBIT SEASON!!
I have nothing tomato related to offer, but if you look here you can see Otto and Juno enjoying a car ride.
Having a pretty good night at work, but I’d rather be home with my wife and pups…I’ll have to make do with five balloon juice tabs open.
something like this?: