Another gem from Fox:
In Eric Bolling’s mind, Warren Buffett may be a socialist now.
That skepticism was shared by the Fox Business News host after the renowned billionaire again stated in a New York Times op-ed on Monday that the rich needed to pay more in taxes. In a heated debate with Columbia professor Marc Lamont Hill, Boiling was steadfast in slamming Buffet’s opinion and President Obama’s “socialist handbook.”
“What is this, is he completely a socialist and he’s playing into Mr. Obama’s hands of “Tax anyone who makes money’ and give it to people who don’t work,” Bolling asked.
Hill replied: “So basically anyone who disagrees with you is a socialist? Now Warren Buffett, one of the greatest profit makers in human history, is a socialist? I mean, come on. He’s simply saying people need to pay their fair share.”
Actually, Professor Hill, you’ve nailed it. Anyone who disagrees with a wingnut is a socialist. And probably a communist. Definitely a liberal fascist. With gay tendencies.
Heh. What buffoons the entire NewsCorp stable are.
Speaking of which…
Guess the father/son team of Rupert and James may be having another appearance in Parliament coming up:
Oh this is gonna be good. I’ll have to make popcorn.
Warren Buffett, the new George Soros?
Judge a man by his enemies.
Linda Featheringill
You got it. Anyone who disagrees with these people is a [fill in the blank].
And I imagine that various “insults” ebb and flow in popularity. Would these be orchestrated or spontaneous?
But that particular criticism of Buffett is kinda funny.
I see the soshulist-in-chief has a real bus to drive over us now.
Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen
@Zifnab: Beat me to it.
Increasingly the Faithful fReichtard must feel like poor Dr. Bennell. Everywhere he turns reaLAMEricans have been replaced by mindless soshulust DRONES!
Please keep baking, it obviously works for you.
I am definitely a socialist-communist-Islamist with latent lesbian tendencies.
Oh, yeah. The Daily Mail is a right wing rag, but they have a very nice time line summary of the Murdoch’s lies to Parliament, and a nicely readable selection of the evidence.
In a nutshell, Murdoch and son told Parliament that a single rogue reporter was behind all the phone hacks. Meanwhile, it was standard operating procedure, the fired rogue reporter got payoff money, and a Murdoch lackey got to be the press officer for Prime Minister Cameron.
I’m betting that Murdoch instigated the recent riots to shift attention from his dirty dealings.
Ash Can
I feel sorry for Professor Hill. I can imagine he’d be more than a little miffed at being set up to waste his time debating a moron.
To the Bolling’s of the world, the meaning of socialist is inconsequential. To them, the true purpose is name calling. There’s no rational backing for applying the label, it’s all about denigrating and dominating someone you perceive to be your adversary.
It’s what happens in arguments when facts don’t support one’s position.
And probably has a black great-grandma, too.
The biggest challenge for us this election cycle is going to be disentangling the two threads the right and its messengers have purposely entwined: 1) taxing the ultrarich and 2) taxing everybody else who works. These guys have successfully convinced much of America that Democrats are looking to boost taxes on small-business owners, middle-class families and everybody else with whom these low-info voters identify. Pushing the “you’re subsidizing worthless layabouts!” buttons is always a smashing success, but to hear people like Bolling tell it, 98 percent of America doesn’t work and the upper 2 percent is supporting us all.
This message shouldn’t be so hard to get out there, even with nearly the entire media working against us: you pay your fair share of taxes. It’s time for America’s wealthiest 2 percent, whose income/wealth is in the range of (insert gobsmacking number that helps Joe the Plumber finally twig that we’re not and never will be talking about him) to pay their fair share, too.
The Ancient Randonneur
AND Bo Dietl on air with him? Anyone know what Victoria Jackson has to say on the issue?
Hill Dweller
Bolling is the d-bag who held up a safety deposit containing burnt currency as the sacrifice he made on 9/11.
Bolling(like Murdoch) is a real piece of shit.
Yup. The fact that George Soros is a full-bore capitalist who supported anticommunist groups behind the Iron Curtain hasn’t stopped them smearing him as a Nazi-loving left-wing commie Elder of Zion, usually simultaneously. So now we’ll hear more about how sinister and lawbreaking Berkshire Hathaway is, and how Buffett finances abortion mills grinding up poor Christian children to make snack crackers for the Hollywood Elite.
(You kids are too young to remember either Armand Hammer or Roswell Garst. More than one big money type really was cozy with the Soviet Union … if there was money to be made from it. Same with Prescott Bush and Nazi Germany. But none of that is nearly as treasonous as advocating for slightly more progessive taxation.)
We are all Liberal Fascists now.
@Ash Can: He agreed to a debate on faux. He should have known the odds.
and a Youpee! for movement on NI.
And probably has a black great-grandma, too.
The biggest challenge for us this election cycle is going to be disentangling the two threads the right and its messengers have purposely entwined: 1) taxing the ultrarich and 2) taxing everybody else who works. These guys have successfully convinced much of America that Democrats are looking to boost taxes on small-business owners, middle-class families and everybody else with whom these low-info voters identify. Pushing the “you’re subsidizing worthless layabouts!” buttons is always a smashing success, but to hear people like Bolling tell it, 98 percent of America doesn’t work and the upper 2 percent is supporting us all.
This message shouldn’t be so hard to get out there, even with nearly the entire media working against us: you pay your fair share of taxes. It’s time for America’s wealthiest 2 percent, whose income/wealth is in the range of (insert gobsmacking number that helps Joe the Plumber finally twig that we’re not and never will be talking about him) to pay their fair share, too.
“What is this, is he completely a socialist and he’s playing into Mr. Obama’s hands of “Tax anyone who makes money’ and give it to people who don’t work,” Bolling asked.
Yes, all money collected by the federal government, every cent, goes into the pockets of young bucks.
…”who looks French”.
Oh no, I quoted Bolling’s quote and am in moderation because of the soshulist part.
Dang gumit.
@scav: Counter Point
@Zifnab: Yup, they’re getting them confused a lot.
Culture of Truth
and an anti-colonial British Kenya New Guiniean Indonesian witch doctor
The thought of Roger Ailes picking a fight with Warren Buffet kind of tickles me a lot.
I think I know where my money would be in a fight like that.
It must be true. I heard it on a promo for Limbaugh, before I changed the channel.
The funny thing is that Carnegie was a robber baron, with an interesting philanthropist twist.
The modern Republican Party can’t get past that gathering and accumulation of wealth stage.
hmm a previous version of this post is stuck in moderation heck. Hopefully, this one passes the muster
It must be true. I heard it on a promo for Limbaugh, before I changed the channel.
The funny thing is that Carnegie was a robber baron, with an interesting philanthropist twist.
The modern Republican Party can’t get past that gathering and accumulation of wealth stage.
Han's Big Snark Solo
Wait, what? Um, so we should be taxing people who DON’T make money? This guy really doesn’t understand taxation. Of course we should tax people who make money, who else are we going to tax?
Han's Big Snark Solo
Wait, what? Um, so we should be taxing people who DON’T make money? This guy really doesn’t understand taxation. Of course we should tax people who make money, who else are we going to tax?
Good lord. These people really do have shit for brains.
Back when I used to watch Fox (I wanted to see which was greater: how far they would go vs. how much I could take; I lost), I thought Marc Lamont Hill was one of the bright spots of their pundit royales. He rarely yelled, had thoughtful defenses of his positions, and in general could be counted on to be the most mature person in the room (although that isn’t too difficult at Fox).
Mildly off-topic… but I remember, back in the day, when people actually thought that left-wing ideological differences made a difference (Quick, what’s the difference between a soshalist and a communist?). But… that was then…
Suffern ACE
@Bulworth: Well, a lot of it goes to students and old retirees and technically soldiers aren’t part of the private workforce as its traditionally defined (and we actually prefer it when soldiers aren’t working so hard, since that’s called “Peace” and usually goes with “prosperity” as things we want to have.).
Meanwhile, Paul Ryan and other Teatard Congressmen will be charging $15 admission to their Town Hall meetings to keep out the “riff-raff”:
Roger Moore
Obviously there must be something wrong with anyone like Buffett who wants to gasp give his wealth away to charity rather than pass it down to his offspring. I’m not sure if that makes him a sociаlist, but it certainly makes him something other than a proper Galtian Overlord.
ETA: Fuck yeah! I was able to use a Cyrillic а in sociаlist without tripping up the spam filter. Take that FYWP!
The other part of this is the relentless lie that Obama is giving all the tax dollars of hard working Real White Americans(tm) to shiftless black folk (all black people are on welfare) and Latino illegal aliens in exchange for their votes (all the illegal immigrant Latinos are stealing white people’s identities and voting the Democratic Party Line).
This nicely dovetails with the lie that all unemployed folk are just lazy dolts who find it easier to cash UI checks than to get a job, and the fantasy that if you eliminated all government programs except the military and cut all tax “loopholes,” then you could lower the tax rate to a biblically approved 10% (ya know, like tithing), and jobs would pop up faster than a Rick Perry fast draw contest.
Just Some Fuckhead
Conservatives are just trying to muck up a perfectly good word by associating it with the parasitic overclass.
Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen
Hell, most of its voters can’t get TO that stage. But hey, you never know when Jesus will leave a few million dollars under your pillow so better create a thick protective layer of ReaLAMErican spittle around the rich, just in case you become one.
Cole, you need to post this picture every time someone makes the soçialism charge.
Soçialism didn’t arrive as a charge against Democrats until Obama arrived on the scene.
kd bart
In the end, this is good news for John McCain.
Jay in Oregon
Yes, when I think of someone who is as rich as Warren Buffet, they first thing I think is “what a dupe!”
I’d pay $15 to tell Paul Ryan to go fuck himself. I’d also donate $15 for someone else to tell Paul Ryan to go fuck himself.
Han's Big Snark Solo
Anybody else having vanilla comments hung up in moderation?
Roger Moore
Sure they can. They just think the “benevolent causes” the money should be distributed to are restricted to ones that will help subsequent industrialists with the accumulation of wealth part. After all, that will provide even more benefits to those “benevolent causes” in the future!
WGN-AM out of Chicago has their own stable of hosts who run from apolitical to moderate to fairly strong right. One of the rightiest is Milt Rosenberg who does the overnight show. Milt’s a former professor (of Philosophy, I think?) from the University of Chicago, and he’s enjoyable to listen to when they’ve got a panel on the Peloponesian War, or baseball, or 19th century opera, or whatever, so I tend to tune in, and then beat a hasty retreat.
The thing that ruffles my feathers is that he pretty much never includes any sort of dissenting voice on anything in the poliitical realm. He’ll have a guest panel of three guys on, each with their own view of how Obama’s a useless failure destroying the country. See? Diversity of opinion.
Anyway, I think it was last night, the topic was the most recent urban unrest, both in American cities, and that in England, and the panelists were guy and some NRO columnist. So, NRO guy explains that this is all because (John Galt), and blackconservative guy says “well, not quite. The fact that they’re out selling drugs in the cold is proof they want to work. It’s SOCIAL liberalism that’s destroying the word, not economic.”
And thus a lively debate of what aspect of liberalism was most to blame for all the world’s ills was begun.
Mike in NC
Will they be serving $350 bottles of wine at that event?
sock puppet
My wingnut in-laws, who happen to be lovely people, have been boycotting Dairy Queen for sometime now. The reason is Warren Buffet owns it or somesuchthing. Couldn’t understand why he was worthy of boycotting for them, but now I see it. BTW, they still won’t eat Heinz ketchup.
Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen
@Thoughtcrime: Brave, brave, brave Sir Ryan!
Also, too. Huh?
Yeah. Wow. Moving one’s family out of the state he was elected to represent says a lot about what he thinks of Minn. But now he can also say he wants to spend time with his family in order to avoid constituents.
Sigh. Eric Bolling. That surname indicates I’m probably related to him. And I don’t suppose when he talks about giving working people’s money to those who don’t work he meant Alice Walton.
@sock puppet: That’s cool. From what I’ve been able to tell, most wingnuts could stand to boycott Dairy Queen for the rest of their lives. Remind them that Buffet doesn’t own any produce stands or running shoe companies.
@Keith: Here you go.
Judas Escargot
@sock puppet:
My SO tried to make a little money doing Pampered Chef shows a few years back, and got similar refusals from some of her older GOP friends for the same reason (Buffett owns that too, or at least did then).
Odd thing is, how would they know that? Someone must be making sure these folks know who and what to boycott.
If Bolling and his wife, if he has one, made less than $26,400 a year, I doubt he would think it would be unfair that he doesn’t pay federal income taxes. He probably doesn’t even know what the income level is for the 47% “lucky duckies” not paying federal income tax including senior citizens and even if he did, I’m sure he doesn’t care. People with paychecks like Bolling collect have no clue. A reality show with Bolling trying to live the life of a “lucky ducky” for about 6 months would be great tv. He could demonstrate how much better he would manage his finances than those lazy freeloaders.
@Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen:
Oh, you mean bravery like this?:
Comrade Dread
Pretty much. If you don’t agree 100% with the tribe, you’re an enemy.
If they could, they’d ship you off to a labor camp in Siberia for re-education.
ETA: In moderation for quoting the post. Good times. :)
My working class father, who just got told by his union that he would have to contribute more to his healthcare and retirement, said “Warren Buffet should be shot for supporting socialism”
Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen
@Thoughtcrime: Exactly.
When voters raised their ugly heads,
[Shut up you soshulust!]
Sir Ryan turned his back and fled!
[I did not!]
Bruce S
Look – to the buffoons who dominate the GOP’s current discourse, conservative economics guru (& monetarist theoretician) Milton Friedman was a proponent of the treachery of “big government”:
There is barely any such thing as conservatism left, in any coherent or “Burkean” sense – the GOP is a gaggle of rabid reactionaries, exuding “populism” and fueled by exotic paranoid theories, profound ignorance and cultural resentments.
Once again, my favorite tax example. Married couple, 2 children, money is $100,000 in dividends from a Trust. Lucky duckies who don’t have to work.
Income Tax for 2011: $690.
Can you say, “Thank you, Bush Tax Cuts?” I knew you could.
PS: Same couple, income from wages: Tax for 2011 is $10,650.
Don’t sweat it. I’m quite closely related to a rather prominent uber-wingnut. It used to be embarrassing when I’d see him on TV. Now I mostly don’t watch TV, so there is an upside to it.
@Martin: I’d watch more TV if Frank and Milt Bolling still played middle infield for the Braves.
Paul in KY
@NonyNony: Mr. Ailes buys his ink in barrels. Mr. Buffet does not. I wouldn’t be so sure who would win (or be perceived as the winner) in that pissing match.
geisha gurl
That picture sums it up. I didn’t hear the “soshulist” label when GWB was handing out $600 stimulus checks(which was like handing out party balloons on the Titanic, and saying “good luck”)
Paul in KY
@Brachiator: That is obscene. Pres. Obama needs to show that & flog it.
In the eyes of the pig people at Fox, “socialism” is now a catchall that has expanded to encompass anything other than cutthroat, loser-bleeding-out-in-gutter social darwinism. The big project for the next several years for those on the left is to point this out repeatedly, with neon, dancing girls w/ arrow signs, etc. It’s important that this is done before the incessant drumbeat drowns out our collective memory of why social democracy came about in the 1st place.
Disagree with these tards? Then ,yeah, you’re a commie nazi socialist and definitely GHEY. Also possessed by DEMONS. You need to lurk moar on Free Republic and Townhall to get the full Dominionist splendor of the new improved Five Minute Hate, Republican style.
“I ,for one, welcome the rule of our bug-eyed Bircher overlords.”
El Cid
yeah, but a whole five minutes sounds like a lot of work… can’t they just give us a 30 second hate-bite?
“You kids are too young to remember either Armand Hammer or Roswell Garst. More than one big money type really was cozy with the Soviet Union … if there was money to be made from it. Same with Prescott Bush and Nazi Germany”
Joe Stalin kept Fred Koch’s (yes, the Fred Koch who started Koch Industries) nuts out of the fire – Koch fled the US because he had ripped off a bunch of other people’s patents. Joe Stalin had him build 15 petroleum plants (Uncle Joe didn’t care about patents either) in the USSR, which provided Fred the bankroll to come back to the US. And boosted Stalin’s economy quite substantially in the process.
Everybody who was anybody did business with Nazi Germany.