(Ben Sargent via GoComics.com)
There’s going to be so much competition for Biggest Republican Jackwad tonight, Diaper Dave Vitter tried to sneak a head start. With his usual finesse & skill:
Alleged Senator Will Grudgingly Attend Obama’s Speech Instead of Watching Football
A small handful of Congress’s most childish and impudent Republicans have decided that they have better things to do tonight than to listen to the president’s ideas on how to spur job growth. South Carolina senator Jim DeMint refused to attend the joint session of Congress unless Obama writes his proposals down on paper first. Illinois representative Joe Walsh said he refuses to be a “prop” for Obama and decided to hold a forum with local small businessmen instead. And then there’s David Vitter, the family-values, prostitute-patronizing senator from Louisiana. Vitter decided not to attend the speech tonight because he wanted to watch football…
But then something awful happened: That wily ol’ sonofabitch Harry Reid decided to schedule a vote on patent reform for right before Obama’s speech, and a symbolic vote of disapproval over raising the debt ceiling for immediately after, as a way to compel Vitter and the other Republican child-men to actually attend…
Kudos to Senator Reid, for giving the Las Vegas bookmakers an edge on tonight’s “Which Greedy Old Prick will be the first to disgrace himself during the President’s Speech?” odds. Click the link to NYMag‘s Daily Intel for full details, and jazz hands.
speaking of “boycotting” the speech. I see that Boner issued a release earlier to day urging his GOP congresscritters to mind there manners and not skip the joint session.
That and Reids vote scheduling just may make some of the putz show up…jackasses.
I’m guessing maybe Boner’s office got some calls damning him for members of his caucus not showing up.
Top Republican urges no boycott of Obama speech
Enhanced Voting Techniques
And favorites on who which GOPer is going to start screaming at Obama in the middle of tonight’s speech? I think the Right is so stoked with rage they are just about to.
Southern Beale
Here’s another big protest for the mainstream media to ignore, because the protestors failed to wear tricorn hats and knee britches…..
I’m kind of interested to see if there’s a push for more “green jobs” in the speech — because it would help me make sense of what was going on with that whole pollution-regulation affair.
While it’s fun to watch Republicans squirm, I’m not really clear of the purpose of compelling attendance. So all the GOoPers show up. They all boo in unison. They all act like clowns. The base eats that shit up, and apparently no one else gives a fuck.
They’re assholes at the back of the class throwing spitballs. What do you hope to gain by compelling attendance?
Not about the speech but since this is an open thread, did you all know that Alan Grayson’s five children are named Skye, Star, Sage, Storm, and Stone? The last two are twins.
I’m getting a kick out of the Bush people attacking Parry on social security. After all, it was the Bush people who launched the assault on Social Security by trying to privatize it in 2005.
Gawd. What a kick to the nutz — a GOP insider saying Parry is dumber than Palin.
Completely O/T, see if this doesn’t clutch at the ol’ heartstrings, just a little.
Thank goodness I have to go to my daughter’s back-to-school night tonight and miss the speech. I mean darn, I have to miss it.
The President’s Speech
by BooMan
Walsh is the biggest fucking dickhead, even if someone else tries to dethrone him tonight.
His abject fucking stupidity and selfishness knows no bounds.
He’s like a dick superhero.
@Nutella: A family member named his little girls Byrdie Blue and Cricket Sue. My sister’s comment: “I hope they don’t have another one, they’ll probably name it Tater Tot”.
With the passage of time, the names now seem perfect—can’t imagine calling them anything else. They are spunky little girls and I guarantee any crap coming their way about their names will be handled.
The Dangerman
Can’t bring myself to watch any speech about proposals that won’t pass Congress; honestly, this feels like a mistake (and I’m a card carrying Obot; Chair of the local Chapter) to hold a joint session as opposed to, say, a Town Hall someplace.
Oh, the question; Biggest Jackwad? Vitter already shot his wad, so I’m going with Ol’ Faithful, Cantor.
Remember the asshole who shouted out “You Lie” as the last joint session?
Who will be the racist asshole to outdo this by calling out “Commie (N-word”)?
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
Jackass Paul Broun still won’t show.
From the comments I’m seeing…..
Firebaggers before: The President needs to be bold and show leadership! Go big or go home!
Firebaggers After: $450 billion? LOL. Like the GOP will ever pass that. Why Is he wasting his time?
I’d guess their beef is that he’s being crass and obvious about destroying it, instead of lovingly describing how great it would be to make people hand it over to Wall Street.
@The Dangerman, since no proposal that will actually help the economy can pass the House GOP, what would you prefer? With the Republicans in a position where they have the power and the political incentive (along with the indifference to human suffering) to block any attempt to improve the economic situation, all that’s left is to somehow educate the voters that the people responsible for that situation are the congressional Republicans.
It’s not going to be easy, since people always blame the president rather than members of Congress they’ve barely heard of, and the media certainly won’t be cooperating, but what’s the alternative?
Cris (without an H)
Since it’s an open thread: Song quiz at cleek’s (41st birthday edition)
Linda Featheringill
The comments by Booman are interesting. We’ll see what happens.
For anyone who wants to go somewhere very different:
I threw this up at the very end of the dead female vocalists thread:
Over the years the memory of Janis’ power faded. Then the fantastic Festival Express movie came out a few years back. Jesus. And she was so sweet and vunerable too. Which I’d also forgotten. I hadn’t listened to her since the 70s. Anyway the thread got me thinking. For the enjoyment of those who want to go elsewhere for a bit.
Cry Baby
Who could follow that?
Tell Momma
Kosmic Blues
Chad N Freude
@Southern Beale: Ignoring this protest isn’t such a bad thing. It’s a real live example of actual Union Thuggery, which is how it would be pitched by the media and then forever after by the Republicans. The fact that it is a renegade action unsanctioned by the Union would not be acknowledged.
Bitten by a radioactive dick, Joe Walsh attained unflappable pen1s powers!
Do kids get crap about their names any more? I guess I’ve spent too many years in schools with lots of low income and minority kids, many of whom have totally made up names. I’ve never heard a kid make fun of another kid’s name and only the newest (generally white, middle class) volunteers or teachers even remark on the craziest of names.
Wait, I thought they were Slye, Smurf, Scarf, Splooge, and Scab.
What amazes me is the way these Repubs feel free to diss the President the way they do.
I’m not aware of this kind of behavior ever being exhibited toward a President before. Don’t think this says too many good things about the state of politics or governance in this country–or about the kind of people who belong to the Republican party.
I also hope these fools realize the day may come when the shoe is on the other foot,and that “what goes around comes around.”