A couple of the teenagers at our Thanksgiving dinner told me they were going out a midnight just to watch the Black Friday madness. I wondered what could be entertaining about a bunch of shoppers, until I saw this video of the ruckus over $2 waffle makers at some Wal-Mart. As a bonus, it shows what the kids mean by “crack kills”. Here’s an open thread.
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comrade scott's agenda of rage
This video demonstrates why we as a species are doomed.
I see the “Americans Elect” frauds are advertising here. I wonder if we could have some fun with them by all suggesting they all nominate Barack Obama.
Johnny Coelacanth
Ah, the dignity and elegance of consumerist capitalism on full display. Makes ya proud to be an American, don’t it?
In OT, apparently, the NBA has decided we must not be spared the onset of professional basketball. Another shot in the war on Christmas is fired.
@Princess: Do it! ^_^
Greatest capitalists evah!
I heard the three wise men got in to a scrum over who got to carry the frankincense.
Is it illegal to take something out of someone’s shopping basket? The store technically owns it until you purchase it, so can these items be stolen from you? If not, what stops people who are willing to go to these lengths to get an item from just taking it from someone else’s cart?
Tim O
I’d like to see a side by side video of this and one of people in Sudan fighting for a cup of rice for some perspective. This is true madness.
The Kanamits can’t get here too soon.
Can you even make a waffle iron for $2? Or is this just some loss leader to get people in the store?
Perhaps mistermix’s teens have the right idea for Black Friday: public mockery and (Youtube) humiliation.
Open-thread bait:
All I see is a lot of fuss over something that’s probably never going to get used more than once.
Villago Delenda Est
They’re asking me “what’s my issue?”
My issue is hedge funds, and the people who run them. Both should be banned.
It couldn’t come at a better time for the OWS movement. It’s an incredible intersection with “I can’t afford anything unless I camp out at Wal-Mart” and just how unimportant a waffle maker is when you risk your life for it.
Eat pancakes, people!
Rick Massimo
Has McMegan or anyone at NRO made the obligatory “How come you never see a video of that happening at Saks Fifth Avenue? No, I don’t mean anything by that; I’m just saying” post. Because you know it’s coming.
Villago Delenda Est
You can with Chinese prisoner labor.
Villago Delenda Est
OK, now this is a mixed bag.
On one hand, the NBA has been playing basketball on Christmas Day for as long as I can remember…and I’m thinking like ’63/’64, that time frame. Because I can remember unwrapping my Johnny Seven One Man Army while an NBA game was on.
On the other hand, playing basketball on Christmas has been declared part of the War on Christmas by who knows how many Christianist loons out there, who object to everything but rabid Mammon-worship on that most sacred day. Like the NBA doesn’t worship Mammon in their own way, too.
Cat Lady
I think I’d rather be pepper sprayed than butt cracked, but to have that even be an actual shopping choice gives me a sad.
I think I will have pumpkin cheesecake for breakfast again today.
The Ancient Randonneur
I love it! The rubenesque blonde woman bending over and giving us the “plumber’s crack” shot hits just the right note for the Walmart Waffle Iron Riot video.
@The Ancient Randonneur:
At the very end when she turns sideways, you can see that her pants are below her belly on the front, too. What is holding them up? At one point her shirt was up far enough to see her tramp stamp. A nice punctuation mark to the crack. Upside down exclamation point – she must speak Spanish.
These people are insane. I don’t get it at all. They must get a rush from that kind of shopping, like some people do from drugs. Why else would they do it?
@comrade scott’s agenda of rage: It’s certainly tempting to see things that way. Vast, undeserved rewards for a grotesquely corrupt and incompetent overclass, in whose hands ever more power and privilege are being concentrated, bread and circuses (= waffle irons?) for the proles. Meanwhile, of course, Rome is burning (looming economic catastrophe, global warming…)
This reminds me a scene in a novel I read years ago. the setting was the border with Mexico. In the story tourists threw coins off a bridge and laughed while watching impoverished children fight over the money.
On a lighter note, sort of: I once witnessed a rather clever rip off of Walmart. i was sitting on a bench inside the store waiting for someone. From where I sat I could see the lines to the cashier, the way out the door and the greeter person who checks sales slips on people leaving.
I sort of noticed two women get into a line at the cashier’s. One had a few small purchases and one ws carrying a big box. As the line moved the woman with the big box sort of drifted off towards the way out. She hug there for awhile. Then her partner appeared, having paid for her stuff. The partner’s sales slip went to the hand of the gal with the big box who held it so it would show. They marched out right by the greeter who saw the sales slip and assumed it was for the box.
It was such a slick operation that I almost didn’t believe my eyes. I just sat there debating with myself: did I really see that?
Linda Featheringill
@The Ancient Randonneur: #20
Excellent choice of words!
Not to be rude, but many of those people look like they’d benefit from fewer waffles, not more.
It all depends on the quality of the waffle maker. I mean, a damn good non-stick waffler is nothing to sneeze at.
But I’m more sad than snarky about this: what does it say about our Great Recession economy that a relatively staple item like a waffle maker gets the riot treatment where it was once a vanity choice item like Tickle Me Elmos?
boss bitch
A waffle iron that will sit in a cupboard under the sink.
Speaking of the Waltons…it struck me that they’re the only billionaires on this xkcd infographic who can’t seem to pay their employees a marginally decent wage. That I know of.
Has anyone done the math on how much the average taxpayer is subsidizing those $2 waffle makers in social services? Not including these subsidies, of course.
Jay in Oregon
Pretty soon they’ll drop the pretense of civility and just start doing Thunderdome-style deathmatches for the privilege of low, low Black Friday prices.
Maybe it can be a promotional a tie-in with the release of The Hunger Games/The Running Man 2-pack Blu-ray set.
I didn’t realize waffle irons were that popular. I’ve never owned one, and don’t plan on doing so any time in the foreseeable future.
If they were selling KitchenAid stand mixers for $2, I could understand the throw down. But WAFFLES?
Richard Fox
Caligula used to scatter money amongst the Roman populace to watch them crush each other while grabbing the loot. We have progressed though. No Caligulas lurking in Wal-Mart. Or maybe I am just an optimist…?
BD of MN
kitteh pic to share: Tigger annoyed that BJ is getting attention instead of where it should rightfully be paid…
I got one as a gift and use it occasionally. Certainly not worth fighting over.
I saw that scene live. About 40 years ago we were driving into Italy and there was a sharp 90 degree turn just after the boarder. About 8-10 kids where standing at the corner begging. Some people tossed coins out of their cars & the kids would dodge traffic, risking their lives for loose change.
@BD of MN: Love it. Reverend Jim is big enough to completely cover my screen when he stands in front of it.
Linda Featheringill
@BD of MN:
Tigger is handsome. Maybe you could do a little of both?
The real irony is that those same waffle makers have probably been sitting around all year unsold at $5.99 because customers recognized it was a piece of trash. I doubt if any of those customers even knew what they were buying, but something in a box for $2 MUST be a bargain!
@BD of MN:
What a gorgeous kitty. Love the photo. He’s jealous of Balloon-Juice.
BD of MN
@Linda Featheringill: he’s making the rounds, currently on my wife’s lap…
“Things are in the saddle and ride mankind”—H.D. Thoreau
No matter how bad I wanted a waffle iron, the sight of that butt crack would have stopped me cold.
Why does Wal-Mart hate Baby Jesus and want to make him cry? They spoil his birthday season with pepper spray, tazers, handcuffs and yelling people!
@Richard Fox: No, they own Walmart.
@Trakker: Seriously. I can’t imagine thinking waffles were THAT delicious. What did the cop say about the woman with the pepper spray—she was “competitive shopping”. That’s what these people are doing. Though I have no idea how you decide who wins. Just steal and be done with it.
No football today huh?
you can take my life, but you’ll never take…my waffle iron!!!
@trakker #37 above: exactly. junk. the whole lot of it. i never ever ever shop at walmart, but last year i won a $50 gift card from a contest at work. after the card sat on my desk for about 9 months, i decided to just go to stupid walmart and use it. i picked up a few items, and as i walked around to round out the $50, the items i picked up literally fell apart. before i even left the store. so i dropped the junk somewhere and bought some thumb drives and other computer stuff that you cant really eff up, and split. i was in there about half an hour, and had a thorough headache. utterly depressing place. i am entertained by this, though. is that on me, or on the heavy woman with her pants hanging off her ass?
@WereBear: In one of MSNBC’s stories about the black friday riots, Brian Williams atually mentioned that this is something that the 1% don’t have to subject themselves to because they don’t have to give a shit about what’s on sale. It was a surprising comment.
Dr. Loveless
“He remembered how once he had been walking down a crowded street when a tremendous shout of hundreds of voices – women’s voices – had burst from a side-street a little way ahead. It was a great formidable cry of anger and despair, a deep, loud ‘Oh-o-o-o-oh!’ that went humming on like the reverberation of a bell. His heart had leapt. It’s started! he had thought. A riot! The proles are breaking loose at last! When he had reached the spot it was to see a mob of two or three hundred women crowding round the stalls of a street market, with faces as tragic as though they had been the doomed passengers on a sinking ship. But at this moment the general despair broke down into a multitude of individual quarrels. It appeared that one of the stalls had been selling tin saucepans. They were wretched, flimsy things, but cooking-pots of any kind were always difficult to get. Now the supply had unexpectedly given out. The successful women, bumped and jostled by the rest, were trying to make off with their saucepans while dozens of others clamoured round the stall, accusing the stall-keeper of favouritism and of having more saucepans somewhere in reserve. There was a fresh outburst of yells. Two bloated women, one of them with her hair coming down, had got hold of the same saucepan and were trying to tear it out of one another’s hands. For a moment they were both tugging, and then the handle came off. Winston watched them disgustedly. And yet, just for a moment, what almost frightening power had sounded in that cry from only a few hundred throats ! Why was it that they could never shout like that about anything that mattered?”
Fascinating. He’s one of the 1% for sure, but it’s interesting that the entire concept of 99% and 1% is entering discussions of things like Black Friday. Never would have happened without OWS.
@Dr. Loveless: there is little in modern american society that that book does not cover. the other bits were covered by huxley.
@Dr. Loveless:
Perfectly apt.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
Here in Rockwall, TX, they had a woman who was faking a pregnancy attempting to fake labor when the store was going to open at ten in an attempt to distract the other shoppers so her partner could get ahead of them. He, for some reason, had a crowbar as well.
Jay Gould said “I can hire one-half of the working class to kill the other half.”
The Waltons have one-upped him and managed to get the Working Class to pay for the privilege.
Joseph Nobles
@Dr. Loveless: Thank you.
Next Black Friday we must have a reality series. “The Real Black Friday Shoppers of Las Vegas” ought to do the trick. Hold auditions. Have the series regulars do practice runs. Then give them all a $1,000 Visa gift card on Thanksgiving and the people who bring back the most loot at retail price (must have receipts dated on Black Friday) wins a million dollars. Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is revocation of citizenship and immediate deportation to Somalia.
Joseph Nobles
@johnsmith1882: Neither Huxley nor Orwell dreamed that we would willingly sign up for a constant state of electronic surveillance on our cellphones and Facebook.
@gbear: Day-um. I would not have expected that from Brian Williams.
This reminds me of the scene in “A Tale of Two Cities” when the wine cask breaks in front of DeFarge’s shop and the peasants are sopping it up with their kerchiefs. There are many other parallels to today’s world. The rich don’t run down poor children with their carriages and leave them to die, but they do put their polluting industries in poor communities and kill them slowly. Google Koch Industries + Crosset, Arkansas.
@WereBear: I went back and found the link. It’s not an unqualified endorsement of OWS by any means, but it’s surprising that he even mentions that there is a class difference in the way we shop.
@BD of MN: very nice. maybe all us cat people could try to get similar poses (cat with BJ) and submit them :).
After the S-CHIP and Affordable Care Act fights, I suspect some of the rich also want to withhold healthcare for sick children, too.
@Villago Delenda Est: They play on Easter which is the most sacred day in Christianity, but I don’t hear the loons objecting to any “war on Easter.”
@jon: Clearly you do not live in a red state where there is a Waffle House on every corner.
The video was shot in Arkansas near Little Rock btw.
Reread 1984: Party members purchased their telescreens. The only thing Orwell missed was that the all-seeing surveillance mechanism needs to be sexy and provide quick-cut entertainment.
Rita R.
Instead of mocking the working class and poor people involved in these “riots,” we should be saving our derision for the retailers that encourage and enable this kind of behavior with the relentless hawking of Black Friday and “door-buster” sales and the like. Honestly, what did they expect when they dumped a pile of $2 waffle-makers on the sales floor? They want those scenes in the news — come and get your whatever crappy product for cheap now before they’re all gone! It’s all hype and PR.
@Dr. Loveless:
came here for the 1984 reference! Thanks Dr Loveless! http://www.george-orwell.org/1984/6.html
@Rita R.:
And Wal-Mart is clearly skimping on security in order to get those pictures. They could easily avoid riots and deaths using simple crowd control measures like wristbands, but they want that footage and news coverage.
They’re actively encouraging bad behavior in their customers, and the news media can’t get enough of it.
The true professionals are the ones who get staff to help them load the TV into the car.
Back in the old Soviet Union, where the state stores would sell stuff randomly whenever it was available, shoppers used to carry bags with them on the off chance that they saw anything good for sale, and they would get on lines without even knowing what was being sold, believing that anything worth lining up for was worth having. And we are superior to the Soviets exactly how?
John Weiss
@Cat Lady: At least her pants didn’t fall off!
As much money as he is presumably paid, I’ll confidently say that Williams is still not a 1%er, just one of their more high-profile lackeys.
I mostly agree, and I’m glad you brought up Tickle Me Elmos because honestly, crazed consumption isn’t all that new. When I was a teen in the 80’s working at a K-Mart, I saw the Cabbage Patch Kids craze with my own eyes. If only we’d had cellphone cams back then, because when we would get shipments of those dolls in, the crowds looked and behaved exactly like these waffle maker freaks.
Joseph Nobles
@Zagloba: Ah, yeah. Thanks!
@Rick Massimo:
I had the same thought, and then I remembered Enron: “Yeah, now she wants her fucking money back for all the power you’ve charged right up, jammed right up her ass fucking $250 a megawatt hour.”
The 1%ers don’t have any special moral high ground.
Paul in KY
@Geoduck: I would think 2 million a year would get you into 1% land.