Here’s a morning election thread to discuss Romney’s meh win in Michigan last night for those of you who went to bed early. A Santorum victory would have been more fun, but it’s still amazing to me that the Republicans are about to nominate a man about whom videos like the one embedded above could be made on essentially any issue.
Speaking of videos, this Santorum spot showing Republican primary sheeple acting like lemmings (via) is a classic.
Remember that spot when Romney starts saying “let the healing begin”.
Did you notice that all of the people seemed to be white and that the guy who took off his sweatshirt at the end seemed to be wearing a sweater vest? Wow…just, wow.
c u n d gulag
Yeah, it was a real nail-biter!
Of course, Mitt didn’t bite his own nails – he hired a manicurist to bite them for him.
And Santorum spent the day biting the stigmata nails on his palms, and not the ones at the ends of his fingers.
Omnes Omnibus
@Olaugh: Nah, there was one guy who, if you squint hard enough, might be Hispanic.
so mitty thinks people from the other party crossing over in an open primary to weaken a candidate is wrong and unethical even though he himself admitted doing it a number of times.
of course he’d be such a hypocritical shitheel. why assume otherwise?
I have to say that, as political ads go, that one is pretty damn good.
That’s a damn fine ad. Too long, but I hope Obama hires whomever made it.
lucky for Santorum that Steve Jobs is dead ’cause he’d totally be suing them right now. but not for plagiarism as much as taking an awesome ad with fabulous cinematography and turning it into complete tripe.
Of course the candidate advocating for complete GOP control of womens ladybits accusing Mittster’s GOP of 1984 chicanery is pretty cheeky.
@Montysano: Well, it’s a ripoff of Apple’s 1984 Macintosh ad and it’s far less successful 1985 “Lemmings” ad.
Santorum’s folks only steal from the best, I guess.
Chait thinks Olympia Snowe may be planning to run for president (maybe with David Boren) on the Citizens Elect ticket. I am by nature a worrier, but my worry is that this might pull more votes from Obama than Romney. Am I wrong?
Linda Featheringill
Leggo my ad!
It looks like we are a step further away from a Santorum presidency and thank goodness for that. The guy scares me on so many levels.
It looks like crossing over in an open primary didn’t have much of an effect. Darn Americans! They’re just too honest!
do any of the rethug ads even have a token colored person ?
@EconWatcher: boren who ?
Linda Featheringill
A writer over at GOS says that everyone is afraid of Santorum.
Joe Bohemouth
This is nonsense. First, despite her moderation Snowe is a fiercely partisan Republican. If she were inclined to flip parties or go indy she already would have done so. Second, she has never had an interest in connecting with a national audience outside Maine and I don’t see her getting the bug at this age. Third, she is old and maybe not in the best health. Fourth EVERYBODY CHILL THE FUCK OUT BAM GOT THIS. SteveM style concern trolling run wild.
Since there are still plenty of boneheads around who stubbornly refuse to admit that voting for Nader in 2000 turned out to be a colossally counterproductive move, and still plenty of people who take Tom Friedman aka the “Mustache of Understanding” as a serious thinker, then no, you are not wrong.
El Cid
Did Santorum recruit some Ron Paul guys? This has that sort of messianic / militia-movement passion.
Egg Berry
@cmorenc: Not to mention that Olympia Snowe has all the charisma of a banana slug.
Linda Featheringill
From RedState comments:
[A conservative with excellent grammar. Wow. :-)]
I found Erick’s essay interesting, too. Will I be excommunicated for saying that he wrote something that I liked?
@Egg Berry: That’s still more charismatic than Mitt, so she has that going for her.
@Linda Featheringill:
The net effect of “Operation Hilarity” was to motivate enough of the remaining undecided bona fide Republicans to consider “electability” as a much higher priority than ideological purity, which more than offset the influx of Kos Democrats. You may quibble that there really weren’t very many among bona fide GOP voters truly “undecided” between Romney and Santorum”, which is likely true. Nevertheless, what there were a WHOLE LOT MORE of were bona fide GOP voters truly undecided about whether to bother to turn out at all, until the Santorum “JFK makes me barf” gaffe crystallized for them just how pernicious Operation Hilarity was for their party’s chances to defeat Obama, if Santorum won Michigan.
“Operation Hilarity” was not merely ineffective; it was likely a counterproductive flop. But you’ll never get Kos (who was absolutely in love with the idea) to admit the enormous number of critics at his site were right about this.
@cmorenc: It’s not counterproductive if his goal was to show his relevance.
I expect to see Kos on This Week soon.
you are sorta funny with your titles.
I don’t care if Little Ricky wins. I only care if Little Ricky stays in it long enough to push Willard to self-financing.
You are wrong. Despite the whine fests we heard the first couple of years, Obama is and has always been very popular on the liberal and moderate-liberal side. We have no reason to pick a more conservative third party candidate. On the GOP side there is huge dissatisfaction with their options, and plenty of reason to pick a more liberal third party candidate. It’s certainly an attempt to suck away liberal votes, but it’s an attempt by idiots who truly believe Americans want to gut the safety net because it’s best for us all.
@Linda Featheringill:
I got a real kick out of Erik’s essay this morning. Especially the part where he said,”if the economy continues to fix itself“.
The damn Invisible Hand prefers Obama!
Southern Beale
In non-Romney news, feel the Newt-mentum!
Okay, it was $1,000 a head, and sure it’s Chattanooga, not exactly gazillionaire central. But several of the people there attended in their “official capacity” (i.e., the mayor) and didn’t pay. But I just thought it was funny.
The paper also reports a 40% drop in ballots as early voting ends.
Still nothing from Balloon Juice on the media’s burgeoning hard-on for an Iran war? Peace is a boutique-liberal issue fit only for professional lefties like Glenzilla, right? No pet causes like opposing mass slaughter around here!
Thanks, Balloon Juice, for having the courage to cover what really matters: yawntastic GOP dustups over a moot nomination. Fight the power.
General Stuck (Bravo Nope Zero)
LOL, there will be no healing. There may be restraining orders and a Secret Service tail on Gingrich, but no healing.
Uhh…what? Do we have a massive troop build-up on the Turkish border I’m unaware of? Iran and Israel are making noises at each other like they’ve done for years. And Israel won’t do shit if we don’t back them up.
Will someone cache Santorum’s website and that “lemmings” commercial (Apple ripoff which I cannot get to run)?
So Santorum cannot pull a Huntsman and scrub the place (with holy water) once he capitulates to Romney.
Sorry, but I stop reading the moment the word ‘sheeple’ is used. I really hate that word.
Somebody with mad skillz should do a video parody of Romney a la Johan the Euroweenie pimping Gevalia coffee.
Stepping off a private plane? Check.
Not your average American? Check.
Peddling something you’re not sure you want or need? …
J.D. Rhoades
Sorry, but I stop reading the moment the word ‘sheeple’ is used. I really hate that word.
I have the same reaction to “fee-fees”.
@chopper: Thanks. I hadn’t seen that one.
Actually it’s good they are all white. At least he is honest about who he is appealing to. I hate some of these ads with token non-whites in the name of diversity. There have been times when someone locally has come up to me and asked if my kids would like to be in some video because they need diversity. I may be wrong, but I found it deeply offensive. I’ve felt like saying “why don’t you just put a black face on and be done with it” (never have said it of course, but that’s how I feel).
My take away from the ad:
1) the GOP admitting that their voters are lemmings
2) the GOP admitting that the Bush Admin ran the country off a cliff
Stating the obvious should not be but is refreshing.
Romney’s Acceptance Speech
Milbank is an insufferable emmessemm asshole at heart, but he does occasionally produce something good.