Again, another video you have to see to believe:
“It’s a matter of what’s in his heart. He’s a strong pro-life person,” press secretary Alice Stewart replies.
After all, like the origin of the universe or the existence of a supreme being, Dutch medical statistics are ultimately unknowable — just another of the unresolvable mysteries that have confronted us since the dawn of mankind. Who are we? Why are we here? What are the laws in the Netherlands concerning doctor-assisted suicide? We all have our own beliefs.
Santorum knows in his heart that elderly Dutch people are routinely euthanized against their will by doctors. He believes this to be true, no matter what the elite media tries to tell him.
In my heart, I know that Rick Santorum dabbles in buggery.
My better half is Dutch, Ricky is living in a fantasy world where whatsoever he thinks is true really is true.
Which is the problem. Because in his heart, he probably believes Iran is about to get a nuclear weapon so we should preemptively nuke them. Along with all the other non-Christian countries and maybe even a few non-catholic ones as well.
No fair winning the thread before a single comment is in.
Yeah, I have a few Dutch friends who are about ready to euthanize Rick if he doesn’t stop lying about their country.
Donna Moss worked for Bingo Bob, but she would have been canned from the Santorum campaign for heresy like that.
forked tongue
Isn’t that that Samantha gal? Going under cover to prank the Santorum people?
“In your heart you know he’s right.”
“In your guts you know he’s nuts.”
Santorum as the new Goldwater
The Dangerman
I’m just proud the Rickster knows that euthanasia doesn’t refer to the kids in Beijing (in his heart, he might know that to be so).
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@BDeevDad: Exactly.
Sanitorum and buggery have a very long history….
Ahhh talking points…. So helpful in discourse
Ben Cisco
More frothyness he just whipped up and pulled out of his a$$:
This dude is BAKED!!
gogol's wife
AAARGH! This makes me so sick. They are really heartless, soulless machines, aren’t they? She just keeps repeating the same phrase over and over, that doesn’t address the question, and then says snottily, “I gave you an answer.” Dutch people are so nice. She really doesn’t deserve the politeness this guy displays.
In that video still shot…why is the man on the left wearing a blonde wig?
In my heart I know that Kentucky beat Vanderbilt and won the SEC tournament yesterday and I don’t give a damn what the final score is reported to have been.
At least Jon Kyl had enough residual shame to go with “not intended to be a factual statement”.
Hey Ricky, doesn’t that religion of yours have something to say about bearing false witness?
“Pro-life” from birth to natural death!
So what is Rick’s position on death penalty?
Hewer of Wood, Drawer of Water
@Ben Cisco: Contradicting himself in the same breath!
“Limited government. Somebody who believes in a strong national defense. ”
And what experience does he have as commander-in-chief?
In my heart the invincible New England Patriots have 5 super bowl rings from 2001-2011. Don’t bother me with your “Facts”!
“just another of the unresolvable mysteries that have confronted us since the dawn of mankind. Who are we? Why are we here? What are the laws in the Netherlands concerning doctor-assisted suicide? We all have our own beliefs.”
Whoa! How did David Brooks get in here? How did he insert his wisdom into this article?
@Ben Cisco: I’m reminded of the claim that Sarah Palin was commander-in-chief of the Alaska Air National Guard, or whatever the heck it was. What is Santorum claiming to have been the commander-in-chief of?
This, in a nutshell, is why contemporary Republicans have no business being allowed anywhere near public office or any position of power.
If you can’t deal with the world and the common set of objective facts that define the way the world actually is, you are categorically unfit for any responsibility that involves dealing with those facts.
Gin & Tonic
@Ben Cisco: Also the only person in the race who lost his bid for re-election by 18 points.
@Ben Cisco: Stop insulting stoners. They never lie about anything more important than whether they’re going to share that bag of Doritos.
Fred Clark at Slacktivist has had some good insight about why people like Santorum love to pretend that there’s some kind of coalition in favor of killing old people that they’re bravely fighting against:
Rick Santorum and the Anti Kitten-Burning Coalition
Do we want a president who follows his heart and not the facts? His heart can say any old crazy thing.
Why Santorum is an experienced Commander-in-Chief:
he knows if you control Asia you get seven armies but holding SE Asia and Australia, and only getting four armies each turn, is the better strategy.
gocart mozart
I just read on a popular and reliable blog that Rick Santorum “dabbles in buggery.” How can this guy still be running for President?
Amir Khalid
It’s a pity the Dutch reporter was too polite to ask, “How do Mr Santorum’s pro-life convictions give him a right to tell lies about my country?”
What time is it? Rick is strong pro-life.
Where am I? Rick is strong pro-life.
How did I get here? Rick is strong pro-life.
This is an excellent point. I’m quite certain David Gregory will ask him this on Sunday morning between blowjobs….
How dare you besmirch buggerers with such slander!!!….
@Mnemosyne: Fred Clark is awesome, thanks!
Are we sure lil’ Rih is Catholic? Because this sounds soooooo evangelical; the Jack Chick “faith not works” stuff. All you have to do is believe with all your heart and everything else is negotiable.
It is why Xantians have a disregard for facts and reality. What you do doesn’t matter to God! Keeping that belief in the air; that’s the ticket! That will keep you out of the Lake of Fire.
Hey, they’ve only said they want to post the Ten Commandments, not that they want to follow them!
To paraphrase Leona Helmsley, commandments are for little people…
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
Why is Santorum behind me? Rick is strong pro-life.
@Anoniminous: Why is that a better strategy?
Bruce S
“I gave you an answer.” WTF?
Apparently Ricky has hired one of those talking dolls with a string that you pull to get a half dozen sentences repeated over and over as his press rep. I’ve seen this woman before. She’s disgusting.
Frankly, after watching Game Change the other night, I came to the conclusion that crack whores have more integrity than many of these campaign operatives. And if that comment strikes anyone as offensive, I apologize for any insult to crack whores that might have been inferred by the comparison to a GOP campaign operative.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
I wonder how one can “dabble in buggery?”
Perhaps this is how best to describe Roman plutocrats during the late Republican era who took on “boyfriends” before they got married and embarked on their political career.
Dabble In Buggery is also a great band name, maybe not.
“Conception to Natural Death”
Is he against every major medical advance of the last 100 years?
Is he against these high blood pressure medications I take? Should I just let myself naturally die of a heart attack or aneurism?
I read that as “doubles in baggery”. Which is also quite likely.
What he is saying,”The end(prolife) justifies the means,Lying. Also too, This is why abortion prolifers lie about all sorts of things,including abortion causes breast cancer.
@Amir Khalid: He’s pro-life, not pro-honesty.
Roy G.
In my heart, if Jesus were to return to earth, he’d cock-punch Santorum.
Peter Herb
Wait do you have video tape or is this just a tease?
@cathyx: Or as we used to say about Bush, “That voice in your head isn’t God, it’s your ego!”
It’s easy to defend and you can sit there, piling-up the armies until they reach the ceiling, and then sweep out and conquer Teh World!
That poor truth speaking Santorum press hack, beaten down by that polite Dutch reporter, who kept harping on the irrelevant detail that Santorum’s facts are wrong.
65 and overs have a higher life expectancy in the Netherlands than the US, so obviously they are forced to kill them off, for money, right? That makes sense to me, I know it in my heart.
I would rather be old here, on Ryan voucher care, because I would have a better chance than in the slaughter house of the olds, Godless Netherlands.
I can’t wait to see Santorum’s performance in the Presidential debates if this is the artillery he’s bringing to bare. Nothing wins over the mushy middle independent vote like petulantly pounding on the podium screaming “I am strongly pro-life! Stop attacking my free-dumbs!” as the answer to every question.
Don’t forget those unnatural deaths in wartime! Hey, maybe Rick really is a Christian after all! Wouldn’t that be unusual?
Bruce S
Earlier today Martin Bashir showed how you deal with these people:
@Ben Cisco: It’s actually true that there’s only one candidate in this race that has any experience as commander-in-chief. Unfortunately for Little Ricky, it’s Obama.
This is an example of how only Americans can truly understand how America and her politics work. I mean, to a foreigner, the press secretary’s repeated non-answers must be bewildering. The thought process for that poor Dutch guy must have gone like:
– she must not be aware that they’re using the wrong numbers so let me help her out…
– what the hell is she talking about?…
– english is my second language I must not be communicating right…
– wait she just said the same damn nonsense, WTF?…
– and that’s it, that’s all I’m going to get as a response?…
– uh…
– Americans are strange…
Yeah, random Dutch reporter, I feel your pain. But as an American, I could have saved you the trouble and told you not to bother.
Christ, it’s not as though they could go looking for anything in his head. I am so close to hugging any invading Dutch-led army coming with butterfly nets and an XXL white jacket to wrestle this election to the ground for the good of the universe.
Felinious Wench
@Roy G.:
In my heart, he’d do so, then lovingly forgive Rick for getting in the way of his fist.
“Dabbles?” Au contraire, the man is an accomplished expert!
Cuz that’s what Jeesus would do.
@Punchy: I saw it as ‘he bubbles in doggery’.
Roger Moore
I’m sure it has something to do with two wetsuits and a dildo.
in his heart you’ll find him skullfucking a kitten sans protection
This response is straight up craptacular. I love Risk.
You want to start a fist fight? Cash a match worth 30 armies while holding Australia and then fuck over your friend who holds Asia.
We had to stop playing Risk – flipping the board once your friend screws you is an art form that needs to be appreciated more – and eventually moved to Axis and Allies.
@gbear: Or boondoggles in idolatry, but that might better fit one of the others.
Actually, not to go all OT on you, but that’s not what “Faith, Not Works” means. What it means is that you can’t buy your way into God’s grace, through good works or prayer or buying candles in church, etc. All God asks is belief and we can’t even be sure of that — God’s grace is beyond our understanding and beyond our “earning.” It is expected, of course, that if you do truly do believe in God and accept His grace, then you will, as a matter of course, do good works because that is the natural behavior for a believer.
Thus endeth today’s lesson.
@Bruce S:
Ouch. I watched Game Change last night, and I think it’s going to stick as a popular culture consensus of historical record. I did not feel sympathy for Palin at any point and I thought the performances in the film were all pretty great.
@Zifnab: I’m actually kind of nervous about Obama debating Santorum. Santorum steadfastly believes every lie that comes out of his mouth. I’m concerned about the visuals if Obama has to start out every single response with ‘Rick, that’s completely untrue’.
You know the debate moderators aren’t going to factcheck until afterwards.
Santorum spelled backwards is Murotnas. I think we all know in our hearts what that says about his secret priorities.
No One of Consequence
@steve @ 22
I dunno… His wife’s uterus?
– NOoC
” Murotnas ”
Isn’t that some expensive single malt whiskey?
These are deep waters, indeed.
If it’s in his heart, why won’t he consent to a left wing surgeon going in there with a knife to find it?
@Svensker: You have it right. The Xantians… not so much.
Sad to say, Alice is from Arkansas. Not a surprise though. Before signing on with Santorum, she was Bachmann’s spokesperson. She should be getting better at this.
@jl: Ahh, I’d assumed it was some secret replacement for Christmas, with all the kindness and giving bits drained away as per the new doctrine he’s clearly working with. But I’ll sign up for the single malt instead.
@gbear: Hasn’t he been a teacher? I’ll bet he figures out a way to cope — he’ll have run into loutish ignorants before and had to talk around them.
Midnight Marauder
I see no evidence to support that conclusion. Her employer is Rick Santorum, after all.
Sm*t Cl*de
Ah, Santorum:
“I’m running to be the commander in chief for America” [in contrast to Romney running to be its CEO].
Apparently the important part of the US is its military, which it is his ambition to have under his control. Interesting, but not the sort of thing I would personally admit.
A less generous person would see his words as a desire to bring the civilian part of the US into the military system.
Peter VE
Rick Santorum — and, incidentally, have I mentioned recently what a colossal dick he is?* must be hiring his staff based on the Charles Pierce criteria.
* ™ Charles Pierce
Saint Frothy douchles in baggery.
Also, in my heart I am certain that Santorum strangles kittens in Satanic rituals. And, come to think of it, he does look like the kind of creep who would get off on that kind of thing. Better check his yard for kitty skeletons.
@Midnight Marauder: By “getting better” I mean learning to phrase the same non-answer differently.
“Fuck Your Buddy” IS the winning strategy in Risk.
Or Diplomacy – the game or Real World – for that matter.
Exactly why we stopped playing both: bad for friendships.
Polifact rates this statement as “Holy Crap! Fire up the Ratfuckinator 3000, because this is going to require industrial scale production of spin, bullshit, and lies!“
Dave C
GOP 2012: We reject your reality and substitute our own!
Rick wants to be president, and his campaign spokesperson was picked off of the scrap heap that was the Bachmann campaign? I should trust that this candidate can make a competent hire?
In fact little ricky was buggered by his parish priest. This has caused him a lot of turmoil. On one hand he knows he is someone special, chosen by Gods own representative on Earth to provide a service. On the other hand he knows sex is dirty and awful, sinful and shameful. That sweaty nervousness, those soulless eyes, are his internal conflict unable to resolve itself.
“Dabble” sounds so limp.
Could dabbling achieve actual buggery?
Bugles in Haberdashery
@Schlemizel: It has occurred to me more than once that this may be the case.
saved me from writing it (and I’m not Christian).
The “faith not works” is used in a common Catholic slander of Protestantism.
The real doctrine was that paying the church a lotta cash, deeding them your land, (submitting to buggery perhap?) and otherwise obeying the hierarchy (works) did not bring your sorry ass grace, you had to be as Christ (faith). And then, of course, your works would be truly Christ-like.
We had to stop. Really. I love my friends and we have played every board and card game known to man but nothing brought out the assholeishness in us like Risk.
Assholeishness should be a new Balloon-Juice catch phrase.
Deep Thought:
As the runner-up in the 2012 GOP nomination process Rick (dabbles in buggery) Santorum is the de facto GOP Front Runner in 2016.
Did anybody check that woman”s back to see if there was a wind up key?
If Little Ricky is an honest Christian he can, of course, provide a name of a Dutch person who was euthanized against their wishes.
I can’t believe no one has hit the obvious:
Yours is shorter and sweeter. :)
Aside from maybe Sweden, in my experience the Dutch have the most widespread English fluency in Europe. (And I include the UK.)
Also, the Dutch have described themselves to me as being blunt. At one conference, I ran into a Dutch acquaintance after checkout. He told me that the desk clerk had done the ritual “And how was your stay, sir?”, and he’d said it was horrible and listed all the things that were wrong. He said she was taken aback and not sure what to do. I said something like “In the US, we’d just say something like ‘fine’, even if it wasn’t, and maybe it’s the same in Spain. “I’m Dutch,” he explained. “That’s our way.”
Wikipedia seems to back him up: “Dutch manners are frank and can be described as a no-nonsense attitude, informality combined with adherence to basic etiquette.”
So my guess would be the reporter realized he was not going to get a real answer and that he could make her seem like an enormous idiot to his home audience by making her robotically repeat her talking point.
Ben Cisco
Sympathy for ANY of that lot is wasted:
Chuck Butcher
You do have to wonder about a Party where it is acceptable to say, “not intended as a factual statement.”
I see this as an opportunity to make a point. Rih brought up health care in the Netherlands which is superior to health care here in the good ol’ USA and much, much cheaper.
Life expectancy NL (#16 in the world) is 79.8 years. Life expectancy US (#36 in the world) is 78.3 years.
Health care cost per capita NL $4063. Health care cost per capita US $7538.
And nobody in the Netherlands has to spend their last days on earth on the phone begging an apparatchik of the insurance company to approve a treatment.
link link
@Shinobi: Damn! beat me to it. How about ‘dabbles? say rather, exults, glories in, and you can be sure it’s what he’ll do the country and the world given a chance’.
Santorum is a pederast, or else I’m the Queen of England.
Throughout the entiretity of my gastro intestinal tract, I feel that Santorum has a firm position. It’s a gut feeling, but I digress.
Was anyone laboring under the illusion that Little Ricky was a member of the reality-based community?
And I don’t know about buggery, but I have heard tell that he spends a lot of time with Mickey Kaus and that goats follow them around a lot. Would it be irresponsible to speculate? It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
It might be fun to start a quirky independent band called “They might be lying”.
Always with the either/or.
that’s not what “Faith, Not Works” means. What it means is that you can’t buy your way into God’s grace, through good works or prayer or buying candles in church, etc. All God asks is belief and we can’t even be sure of that—God’s grace is beyond our understanding and beyond our “earning.” It is expected, of course, that if you do truly do believe in God and accept His grace, then you will, as a matter of course, do good works because that is the natural behavior for a believer.
Let me guess — you’re a Lutheran? Yes, that IS what it’s supposed to mean. But (and I’m talkin’ to you too, wrb), I think you guys miss the point. WereBear’s got it right for a sort of generic evangelic (Catholic, Protestant, whatever) of the current vintage. He refers to it as “Xantian”, which I never heard before — I sometimes refer to it as “Christianoid”. If that’s a distortion of Protestantism, it’s not WereBear’s fault. And besides, why does it have to be faith OR good works? I heard that reformed crackhead on the subway fifty times tell everybody on the train that it doesn’t matter WHAT you do, you can’t get right with God unless you’re born again, and I still think he’s an a $ $ h o l e on a spiritual power trip.
pseudonymous in nc
And the Dutch aren’t naive about American spokesbot bullshit, either. My guess is that the reporter was trying to find the politest way to say “so, he’s just going to keep lying because his supporters are too dumb to know better?”
Triassic Sands
It’s not “in your heart” that Santorum is dabbling in buggery.
Watch out behind you!
In my heart, I believe that Rick Santorum is a blithering idiot. I’m glad to know I’m actually right on this one.
Julia Grey