UPDATE:It’s not true! Wrong Scott Walker, apparently.
Bernadette Gillick is accusing Scott Walker of impregnanting his college girlfriend and, after encouraging her to get an abortion, abandoning her.
The girlfriend (who is going by Ruth) had the child after having been berated by Walker’s mother for trying to ruin Walker’s reputation. Dr. Gillick was college roommates with “Ruth” and was witness to these shenanigans. She claims she was present for the birth of the child. She also claims that after a paternity test, Scott Walker conceded that he was the father but then had nothing further to do with Ruth or the child.
Dr. Gillick says she decided to come forward after watching Scott Walker in the debate last week, droning on about his integrity and lookit me! I’m a Boy Scout! It pissed Dr. Gillick right off because Scott Walker has no soul.
I hope this is true. It’s like right out of Scandal or something. Scott Walker has gone Hollywood:
Bernadette Gillick was a college freshman in 1988 when she first met Scott Walker. It was spring semester, and she had just transferred to Marquette University. She was assigned a room in O’Donnell Hall (then a women’s dormitory), which she shared with her new roommate, Ruth (not her real name). Ruth was dating Scott Walker, who was 20 at the time, and, according to Bernadette, Ruth was deeply in love with him.
Midway through that spring semester, Bernadette alleges, Ruth found out she was pregnant. She informed her boyfriend, Scott, and initially he was supportive. That support changed to callous indifference for his girlfriend’s predicament after Scott informed his parents of the pregnancy.
Bernadette reports that at this point Scott began denying that he was the father of the baby, and when Ruth said she was considering an abortion, he claimed he didn’t care, as he wasn’t the father anyway.
Bernadette remembers being present when Ruth was dealing with the wrath of Scott’s mother, who allegedly admonished Ruth for trying to “ruin [her son’s] reputation.”
“I supported her [Ruth] as he [Scott] went from encouraging her to get an abortion, to telling me it was in my best interest to keep my mouth shut, to denying that he was the father and having his own mother call her and tell her to stop erroneously accusing her son of paternity,” Bernadette recounts.
It was a “horrible time” for her friend. “Imagine her being 18 years old and pregnant, walking around Marquette’s Jesuit Catholic campus with her boyfriend denying he was the father,” says Bernadette.
[read the rest at TRS-ABLC]
I wish I could say I am surprised by this.
Can someone explain to me why being a boy scout counts as a point of honor with the wingnuts but being a girl scout is somehow part of a lesbian agenda? did I miss something?
I’m always suspect of 11th hour revelations. No, it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s true, but who could possibly determine if its true or not in the 48 hours before voters have to pull the lever? That said, nobody should be surprised or too outraged if someone decides to ratfuck the ratfucking party.
@Valdivia: Boys good, girls bad.
Freddie deBoer
Man, he’s just a comprehensively shitty person.
Felanius Kootea
I’m reading here (conservative site, I know) that this story mixes up a Scott Alan Walker with the governor, who is Scott Kevin Walker. Apparently Gillick’s roommate denies that governor Scott Walker is the father of her child.
11 o’clock revelation, 99% chance its false and it will backfire by giving the Fox News idiots more fire for their persecution complex.
Did we learn nothing from the Bush DUI 11th hour revelation? God we’re dumb sometimes.
From the GOS – already debunked:
Southern Beale
I just saw that story on Twitter. God, I need a shower after just reading it.
It’s too late. The election is on Tuesday. Even if true it looks like political gamesmanship at this point. This should have come out a month ago.
Corner Stone
Not really a backfire as some kind of ratfuck against the D’s, IMO.
c u n d gulag
Well, to give Walker some credit, it’s not like he got caught with some meth-dealing teenage male hooker dressed as a Sherpa guide, with a kilo of blow, some of the kid’s Mom’s home-made meth, and with Walker hanging, dead, from the shower-curtain rod at some WI “No-tell Motel,” wearing a wet-suit, on Oxygen tank, handcuff’s, twist-ties on his ankles, and a Taser.
He just schtupped some female teenage meat, and walked away from any sense of responsibility, so, for Conservatives, it’s ALL GOOD!
My only thought is, why didn’t this come out earlier?
ah! silly me. Forgot the number 1 rule.
Sir Nose'D
As bad as I think Scott Walker is for Wisconsin, I am not buying this story based on the evidence presented so far. Even if it was true, I don’t think it would lead to a single Walker voter defecting. IOKIYAR.
@Valdivia: MOAR cookies for us. That’s how I see it. =)
Boy Scouts ban atheists and gays. Girl Scouts don’t.
@Sir Nose’D: I’m pretty sure you are correct.
And I’m fairly certain this story is bullshit now that I’ve looked into it a little.
Love child stories aren’t very interesting in this age of inexpensive DNA tests. Either he is or he isn’t, and it can be determined with virtual certainty fairly quickly, so there isn’t much use in speculating.
@c u n d gulag:
” it’s not like he got caught with some meth-dealing teenage male hooker dressed as a Sherpa guide, with a kilo of blow, some of the kid’s Mom’s home-made meth, and with Walker hanging, dead, from the shower-curtain rod at some WI “No-tell Motel,” wearing a wet-suit, on Oxygen tank, handcuff’s, twist-ties on his ankles, and a Taser. ”
Of course not.
GOP is big into hierarchy. You are talking about GOP political operative and Congressional perks there, not something for a pissant state gov flunky.
How many Scott Walkers were there at Marquette?
Daniel BiceJune 3, 2012 at 3:15 amReply
I am getting a lot of emails because of this post. Two things: (1) I tracked down and talked to Dr. Gillick’s freshman-year roommate at MU yesterday, and she adamantly denies that Walker is the father of her child. Yes, she got pregnant as a first-year student, but she believes Dr. Gillick is mixing up stories; and (2) I Can Read CCAP has taken a family court suit involving Scott Alan Walker and mixed it up with the governor, Scott Kevin Walker.
@Randiego: damn I don’t know how to post a link.
big grin. perfect way to see it.
I had no idea this was so. I thought institutionally they were the same at the top, so obviously this isn’t the case.
Not sure what the truth is, but I am dubious. Rumors like this need more proof before people should start posting about it.
Even if the story were true, it looks like a desperate attempt at a last minute smear. This rarely works and tends to create a blowback.
West of the Cascades
@Valdivia: Interestingly, even though the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts were both formed about the same time about 100 years ago, they’ve always been institutionally separate. I think it’s been about 20 years now that the Girl Scouts have officially been accepting as far as sexual orientation goes.
This story re: Walker just sounds fishy, given the timing and second-hand character of the accusation – and apparent denial of the story by the first-hand character involved.
Weakly-sourced gossip that will play right into conservatives’ victimhood/union thuggery narrative.
I’m so glad the internet is a place where we carefully think things through before opening our mouths.
These last minute stories always backfire on the dems. Even when they’re true like Schwartzineger and sexual harrassment claims in CA.
Oh what the fuck.
“so far we have not been able to independently verify Bernadette’s account”
Blog about your garden or some shit, this is sleazy.
@West of the Cascades:
Thank you for this bit of information, since I am truly ignorant on the history of the scouts. I am always fascinated by parallel institutions that seem to be equal in every aspect and yet differ so much in results, outlook, sops etc.
Corner Stone
Not sure of the purpose in such a tightly contested last minute recall race.
Looks pretty questionable to promulgate such thinly sourced material.
James E Powell
Kind of makes you wonder if the Dems are the source of the story, no?
This is disgusting, I mean, who would let Scott Walker fuck them?
FWIW, I think it’s already been disproven. We just have to gain solace in the fact that Scooter’s been fucking us in the ass, sans lube, for about a year and a half now.
Fuck the Balloon Juice reputation, drive those TRS pageviews right?
ABL 3.0 won’t pull this shit.
@Valdivia: They aren’t the same, but the GSUSA was founded after Juliette Gordon Low met Robert Baden-Powell, so it was founded as a kind of sister organization.
The views and tenets of the Girl Scouts are pretty divergent from the Boy Scouts, and have been for a long time. GSUSA is all about inclusiveness, even when it meant updating their pledges (God stuff) to do so. The Boy Scouts? ummm, not so much.
True or false, it doesn’t change the fact that Scott Walker is unfit to be Governor of
West of the Cascades
@Valdivia: Several lesbian couples at the church I go to have daughters who are in Girl Scouts, and it’s a real sense of pride to them that the Girl Scouts are so institutionally different than the Boy Scouts. Apparently when “scouting” became a big deal in the first couple of decades of last century there was a conscious effort by the founders of the Girl Scouts to keep it an all-female organization in terms of its leadership. With evident benefits a century later …
I blame my youth in Lat Am for my ignorance of all of this! :)
@West of the Cascades:
truly inspiring. We women-folk can make things work eh?
That’s so repug of him just more of those family values
This is probably the only time I will ever say this. This one REALLY is one of those both sides do it things. This has all the appearances of one of those crazy fear mongering conspiracy theories that the right wing loves to trot out daily.
Heck of a job ABL Vista Home edition. You have totally become all that you claim to despise.
Evolving Deep Southerner
I’m on the “This is some sleazy, sloppy shit” side of this one. I think the responsible thing would be to take this shit down, in fact.
I just hope “Operation Rally the Deer Hunters” was enough to offset this embarrassing shit.
@Valdivia: Hehehehe. In fairness, I think a lot of people reared in the USA tend to believe they are run by the same people as well.
David Koch
Looking at the polls, and it’s hard to see how Walker loses.
The aftermath will be predictable.
The corporate media will say this means DOOOOM for Black Gay Abe Lincoln, ignoring the very same polls that have him ahead by high single digits in Wisconsin.
The blogosphere will freak out and blame
their parentsHonest Gaybe for not buying them a pony with his magic unicorn bully pulpit.Then they’ll move on and put their genius together to jinx Elizabeth Warren.
No, they’re nothing alike. BSA requires that troops have a sponsored organization. The largest sponsor is the LDS church who sponsor between ⅓ and ½ of all troops. Catholic and Methodist churches are other large sponsors. Some are sponsored by PTA groups, but surprisingly few.
By comparison, GSUSA don’t require sponsors, so most troops are unsponsored – some parents got together and formed a troop.
That one distinction means that LDS in particular has huge influence over BSA policies – to the degree that it wouldn’t be entirely unfair to say that national BSA structure is just an offshoot of the LDS church since the national organization can’t enact policies that the LDS would oppose or else they’d lose almost half of their charters, and maybe more if the Catholics opposed the policies as well.
The girl scouts don’t have that kind of national-local pressure. Sure, they’ll lose some of their charters through a policy change, but just a handful. BSA was a nightmare to work with. GSUSA has been a dream. The difference is unbelievable.
even more interesting. Proof of the pernicious effect of corporate sponsorship. This would make a great case study!
I am now tempted to say:
Viva las Niñas Malas ;)
/not so veiled reference to the Mario Vargas Llosa book. And yes I know he is sometimes a bit of an idiot libertarian but man, can he write.
@Evolving Deep Southerner: I agree with the crux, except that I think it would be more responsible to provide a huge fucking update (at the top of the piece) that redacts it. Taking it down would seem sort of weaselly to me, like it was put up to stoke some anger and then it was ran away from. But basically, I agree with your underlying point.
Thankfully for some of us, there are plenty of women with low standards.
@David Koch: It’ll come down to ground game, as usual. This will be a strange election in Wisconsin – I wouldn’t put too much stock in the polls. He could win by more than the polls suggest, or lose by a lot. But if Dems are able to turn their GOTV machine up to 11 and the GOP can’t counter, he’ll lose.
@Valdivia: Viva las Niñas Malas! Cosigned. Arguably, “bad little girls” are responsible for more good things in this world than the patriarchy would care to admit.
@hhex65: cointelam
OK. Well, whatever.
It sorta is – though I wouldn’t call it corporate sponsorship so much as a hierarchical reconsolidating of authority. Church members give authority to church leaders, and rather than take that authority back in the scout troop leadership, they double down and grant authority over that to the same church leaders. They never actually take control for themselves.
Makes you wonder how a member of the LDS church would behave in a position where there should be no higher authority.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Martin: my theory is people who want him out will be more motivated overall than those who want him to stay, so it may be closer than the polls suggest, but I’m not betting the mortgage, or even enough to pay a summer gas bill, on a happy ending
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
I like the DK diary pointing out that this movie was made in 1981, pointing out that whether it was true or not, a third party should not have been the one to leak the story.
Thanks for the update ABL! and to anyone still bashing her for furthering this piece, I’ll take you seriously only after you post on your own blog every day and are never incorrect. So in other words, about half passed never.
somehow this rings a bell. Is there a case of someone these days trying to achieve such a position? If only I could think of it….
That’s my personal motto :D
Obviously, in a well-orchestrated conspiracy involving a Hot Tub Time Machine, a flawed condom, and a 1988 dance party involving the Official Motion Picture Soundtrack* to “Dirty Dancing”, the other Scott Walker appeared just to take the blame for the real Scott Walker.
After all, somebody had to work against the conspiracy involving the Most Islamistest Clock-al-Matic device that allowed superdemon Barack Hussein Destroyer-of-Whiteness Kwisatz haderach Ruler of Worlds to infiltrate the power centers of America using the clever “Let’s put some birth announcements in a Hawaiian newspaper” ploy.
*Patrick Swayze was poisoned before he revealed the secrets, though sources say there are many hints revealed in these cryptic lines.
Evolving Deep Southerner
@gaz: That would work, too. It’d work better, in fact. But just leaving it up there as-is while the commenters underneath it just wander on and off topic …
I don’t know. I wonder if Mr. Cole has seen this and what he thinks about it. I can’t believe he’d be happy about it, although I don’t know if we’d ever know it.
This post is in poor taste and should not have been submitted. I despise Scott Walker, but a poorly sourced story like this at this point in time is highly suspect. Responsible bloggers (I would hope) would refrain from spreading gossip so close to the election.
Evolving Deep Southerner
@Evolving Deep Southerner:
Also @gaz #53
Shit. Didn’t catch the update before I posted, obviously.
@Evolving Deep Southerner: she updated her post.
ETA: lol – comment lag is a beeyotch
@gaz: Oh please. The story that was linked said it wasn’t verified. If I was posting on my blog I wouldn’t have linked to this steaming pile of speculation in the first place.
The reason it got jumped on so fast was on the off-chance it was a scoop so it would drive huge traffic. This site is ABLs sandbox now, and she just took a big shit in it instead of making a pretty castle.
I hope those sweet TRS checks are worth the steady erosion of your credibility, ABL.
“Is it irresponsible to speculate? It is irresponsible not to.”
@blahblah: Where’s your blog? I haven’t seen it.
Oh wait, you don’t have one? You criticize from the sidelines, punk. It’s easy to be a critic. Much harder to produce.
I can’t help that it’s so easy to be a critic in this case.
@blahblah: Leave it to you to take the lowest hanging fruit. This is why I should take you seriously? Don’t you have any hobbies?
My God, this was truly embarrassing. Brietbart-level journalism from part-time resident hysteric ABL.
My God, this was truly embarrassing. Brietbart-level journalism from part-time resident hysteric ABL.
Evolving Deep Southerner
@gaz: Yeah, but I’ve been thinking more about the “All of y’all shut the fuck up, she made a mistake and updated her post, you try blogging and see if you don’t fuck up from time to time” response, and I’m not buying it. If ABL claims herself to be a journalist, and claims to have unearthed this fact herself (and she doesn’t) then that argument doesn’t hold water. If ABL is an aggregator of other journalists’ work, and posted this piece of shit, then that argument SURE doesn’t hold water.
The update was the right thing to do, but the original, breathless post is a piece of shit and the update doesn’t un-ring that bell. ABL’s a sporadic and, overall, not that prolific poster, at least not here. That the first time she’s popped her head in the door here in a while is this piece of shit … I know she doesn’t post for me, and she has little reason to give a shit what I think of her, but whatever regard I had for her work is much lower now than it was before I read this post, update or no update. If you would presume to write for public consumption, you owe your public – whatever that public may be – better than this.
President Obama awarded Juliette Gordon Low, founder of the Girl Scouts, the Medal of Freedom posthumously last week.
And the thread has devolved into the utterly predictable trolly hate fest.
ABL I don’t know how you do it. You’ve attracted a permanent mob of whiny little butthurt bitches. That kind of attention would tempt me to fire a handgun randomly into crowds of straight white men.
Tommy, brietbart doesn’t redact. Ever. you’re a fucking nova monkey.
@Evolving Deep Southerner:
I sure hope you hold Charles P. Pierce to the same standards. You must hate him. He’s been wrong on more than one occasion and has said so. Also every traditional newspaper everywhere. That’s why they have a corrections section.
Funny, FDL frontpaged this story last night and updated it hours ago.
Ah, DailyKos was the source… Reminds me why I don’t read there or at The Huffington post… Among others…
Due dilligence is just not practiced.
@Heliopause: So you are saying that ABL’s turnaround time is better than FDL’s. Maybe people should take their whingefest over there.
@Nellcote: awesome sauce
@gaz: This sort of poor reporting is exactly why I don’t read FDL. I read BJ because of the normally legitimate issues raised, and I expect better than this. By the way, I am neither a troll nor hateful, and I resent being categorized as such.
@David Koch: Ditto. With Cole right out in front contributing as much as he can to the steaming pile of stupid.
@blahblah: cointel it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere
David Koch
I’m Shocked!
I’m Shocked!
Swift was wrong, you can make a silk purse from a sow’s ear.
David Koch
Just words. If he really meant it, he would have done it while she was still alive in the 1920s. But no. Besides, he didn’t really want to do it, we force him to do it.
@Evolving Deep Southerner:
I addressed this already.
“ABL’s a sporadic”
I agree. So what? I could say the same thing about John Cole. BFD. Don’t read her. Skip past her posts. It’s not so much that the criticism is invalid. It’s the sheer goddamned volume of it. And the number of people who pile on EVERY FUCKING TIME. The vast majority of it coming from SWM’s who have had their fee-fees hurt by her once or twice, and now stalk her all the fucking time. It’s tiresome, and it’s sick. To your credit you don’t seem to one of them (that I’ve noticed) but you seriously don’t need to join the fray. This has already been played to death. Trust me, you have no need to be concerned that withholding your own judgement of her might render your opinion invisible. There’s always a dozen fuckwits willing to step up and make the case for you. Be a gentleman FFS, and be aware of the nasty dynamic here at BJ when it comes to ABL. It’s there, and it’s very fucking real.
” and, overall, not that prolific poster, at least not here.”
Most of her body of work is now at Raw Story. So you can go there and judge her work. I don’t see how prolific of a poster she is here should mean anything to anybody. If anything, it should make you glad.
“That the first time she’s popped her head in the door here in a while is this piece of shit”
Funny, tbogg pulled the same fucking thing WRT to his final post on George Tierney, Jr’s supposed apology. On his OWN BLOG. And when the commenters corrected him he said he didn’t care. Funny how I don’t see a bunch of these same people piling on over there.
This just in: real Scott Walker still a dick.
Warren Terra
I saw this in a comment thread here last night and thought then it was poorly sourced and more likely than not to blow up in the faces of anyone foolish enough to attempt to advance it. I like ABL, but I’m not surprised she jumped into it with both feet and without looking.
Corner Stone
@Heliopause: Does your link go to something posted on May 29th on purpose? Or is there a mixup?
I’m loving how people don’t seem to even be following the link before giggling their balls off.
@David Koch: Ditto. With Cole right out in front contributing as much as he can to the steaming pile of stupid.
Corner Stone
Based on what, please?
Just Some Fuckhead
Irresponsible blogging doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It’s carried on the wings of breathless idiots like Mike Kay.
Evolving Deep Southerner
@gaz: Hey, now. I’m not a kneejerk ABL hater. I read the headlines of her posts. Sometimes I read, sometimes I don’t. This one was a little bit hard to read past. Settle down a little. Shit, what’s done is done.
OT, but Cory Booker take note, this is what a GOOD surrogate sounds like!
This Week: Obama’s Stephanie Cutter vs Romney’s Eric Fehrnstrom
David Koch
When Walker wins, you can thank the vaunted Blogosphere for fueling a backlash (once again) days before the vote.
I wonder how they’re gonna fuck up Elizabeth Warren’s chances this fall.
that gives me a happy.
@Corner Stone:
Sorry, don’t understand.
@David Koch: Well, we don’t need to worry of course, because you are voting Green so it’s all okay, amirite? Also, PONIES!
Corner Stone
@Heliopause: When I click on your link I get this:
Ode to Obama
No idea why, so that’s why I asked.
@Corner Stone: That link was posted yesterday. It says so right there at the end of it. Your browser must be broken. Either that, or you’re
an idiotdrunk posting. I’ll withhold my opinion as to which is more likely.gaz
@Josie: I wasn’t directing my post at you. To be clear, I was directing my post at the usual suspects who segued this incorrect FP into a personal attack on ABL. Perhaps I should have been more clear.
I said above that I think the story is bullshit as well, long before I directed my ire at the usual suspects (who only seem to come here and comment when it’s ABL who posted)
@Corner Stone:
When I click on it it goes to http://my.firedoglake.com/phoenix/2012/06/02/did-self-styled-mr-morality-scott-walker-father-a-love-child-in-1988/
Has your browser slipped into one of those Star Trek temporal thingies?
@Just Some Fuckhead:
OK, I plead ignorance. Who is Mike Kay? I even tried the google and couldn’t figure it out.
@gaz: Thanks.
Corner Stone
@Heliopause: Weird. Three different browsers take me to the Ode to Obama post.
I guess I’m just meant to read more poetry.
Did I mention “heh”? Heh.
longtime lurk
@gaz: Ok gaz, we get it. This “incorrect FP” just sort of happened. No one is to blame, right? Anyone pointing out how irresponsible it was to post it is just one of the “usual suspects” engaging in a “personal attack on ABL.”
Corner Stone
BTW, those are always my favorite episodes of ST:TNG.
Evolving Deep Southerner
@gaz: Just one more thing, and then I’ve got to go make dinner, but …
I’m aware of the nasty dynamic, and I’ve seldom been a part of a conversation under an ABL thread of any kind. But this kind of thing does get to that “soft bigotry of low expectations” thing. Do you think, for a minute, that any of the other front-pagers here – Cole included, perhaps especially Cole – wouldn’t have received the same reaction after posting a POS post like this?
David Koch
@gaz: people like you don’t get it. i have a conscience and I stand on principle. i won’t vote for the lesser of 2 evils. that’s why I won’t vote for Barrett. Walker’s victory helps my cause as he will trigger a complete collapse (Barrett merely slows the inevitable decline), which will lead to a backlash. with both parties discredited, people will turn the Green party to usher in a new political order.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Josie: He’s a frequently banned Balloon Juice troll. He goes by “David Koch” now because isn’t that funny as hell???
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@MosesZD: No, actually, DK wasn’t the source, except it was the source of the debunking.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Honestly he should have gone with Grover Norquist, sorta fits his “thing” with people who don’t fellate Obama every second.
Corner Stone
Everyone poops. Bygones.
ABL @ Top: UPDATE: It’s not true!
Oh, well. It’s not like the sanctimonious creep hasn’t done other sinful things to criticize, like stealing from the poor and middle class to give to the rich.
Ironically, if Walker had a baby out of wedlock, that would be one of his more forgivable sins.
People need to not bring this shit up if they don’t actually know it’s true. Now Walker gets to look like a victim of those mean lying liberals who are out to smear him. That’s really fucking helpful. I’m talking more about Dr. Gillick here than ABL, before you all rush in to call me a hater.
Yeah, that rumor was kind of sketchy looking to start with; I mean, I can imagine Walker having a hatesex child, but not a love child.
Evolving Deep Southerner
I think I’ll jump up a post and read about ‘maters a while.
Roger D. Morris
You know… you guys are pathetic. So eager for this story to be true. Like all of a sudden you figured out what the recall is about — illegitimate children! Oh boy, what a bad week the left is having, as you must even realize by now.
grandpa john
Easy for Walker to prove he is not the father, just release the long form birth certificate of the child in question. Dems are expected to debunk all the wild ass shit tossed at them by releasing documents so let the repubs do the same.
At what point does Cole just admit ABL brings way too much polarization to this site and tell her thanks for your contribution, but it ain’t working out? She has her own outlets. Enough of this low-rent nonsense already.
Walker should do innocent, uncontroversial things like blowing up innocent people with missiles.
@David Koch: I hope you find your Pony. Honestly and truly I do. I just won’t hold my breath. And when Walker successfully defends against the recall effort, I’ll try very hard to not hold it against you.
Go Beavers!
Corner Stone
“low-rent”? Ooohhh, ouch.
To answer your question, no idea when Cole gets it but if you look at the related TRS link you’ll see the 5 comments there.
Soooo….20 to 1 here…no mystery on the flip side.
longtime lurk
@Tommybones: Polarization? Sure, but what about just plain embarrassment?
This story was already debunked well before it was posted here. Lazy, irresponsible blogging at its worst. Clown shoes.
Corner Stone
How would an elected US official gain the power do the kinds of things you mention here?
Sounds ridiculous to me.
@Evolving Deep Southerner: I’m just saying that is well covered ground already – on this very thread – and attacking ABL directly doesn’t serve anything, especially when the proprietor of this blog, other front-pagers and even several other blogs are guilty of the same things. That’s all. I even took pains to exclude you from the ABL hater brigade, while still attempting to make the point that I think you took it further than was necessary or constructive. I stand by that.
So, salacious rumors of what Scott Walker allegedly did at university 25 years ago is terribly important to these liberal loons, but discussing what out current POTUS allegedly did at university makes one a tinfoil hat wingnut.
Got it. Glad that’s all cleared up.
@longtime lurk: I take no exception to the first several comments here that called out the article for being crap, and requested an update.
As far as the usual suspects, if you don’t know who they are you haven’t lurked for very long.
It is possible to call out the post without attacking the poster. Or for those that so gleefully attack the person responsible (which never ends well in any case) to at least be consistent in their zeal to attack the other front pagers when they do the same.
the farmer
Show us Scott Walker’s long form birth certificate so we can be sure he didn’t have his middle name changed from Alan to Kevin.
Just Some Fuckhead
@gaz: Smother much?
Keith G
“Look at This!”
ABL must be back.
Gullible Obama supporters. Who could have imagined?
@myiq2xu: Your nick says it all. Illusory superiority, it’s what’s for dinner, apparently.
BTW: If your screenname were actually true, your IQ would have to be well north of 300. And no, I didn’t take some stupid internet test that told me I haz a smart, and entered me to win a free iPod. Nor do I put much weight into IQ tests to begin with, because I’m not – you know – stupid.
You’d save yourself a lot embarrassment by changing your nick. The fact that you’ve held onto it for so long speaks volumes. It doesn’t leave the impression that you think it does. Quite the opposite in fact. You’d know that if you weren’t – you know – stupid.
Fucking lol.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@myiq2xu: Not everybody can be as shrewd as the HIllbots. Ever find the whitey tape? How ’bout when Lanny Davis found Obama’s kindergarten essay that proved… something.
Corner Stone
And FTR, we’re not “deafeningly silent” about this issue, we’ve got bigger things to worry about.
If it’s the wrong scott walker, why is this post still up?
It is still up because the blogger is irresponsible and immature.
“I hope this is true…”
@arguingwithsignposts: I for one think that it’s more responsible to keep the original wrong post for the record, preceded by a retraction of it than it is to scrub it.
Scrubbing a post is what people do when they want to hide from their errors.
Issuing a correction – especially at the top, where it will be noticed before the rest of the post speaks to a level of integrity that scrubbing just doesn’t have.
Scrubbing is the kind of shit that you see the wingnut fever swamp do when they post something so egregious that it is embarrassing. It’s not as bad as failing to issue a retraction, but it’s certainly not honest.
Maybe you have a different take on why ABL should attempt to bleach her errors out of the public sphere, rather than issuing a correction. If so, I’d be curious to know what it is. Right now, the only thing I can think of is “Some idiot may skip the bolded update and take the article in, minus the correction, despite it being presented clearly and succinctly.” If so, I think the people in question have comprehension problems that far outweigh anything that ABL could do about it.
Also the nice thing about keeping it posted – with a link, and a correction is that it is possible to rebut it at the source by pointing back to the link. If it were erased, it would just enable the zombie lie further.
Conservative Stud
Yes. Yes, you are.
@gaz: I would be much more agreeing with you if she just erased the whole thing and said “look, I fucked up.” or crossed out the whole thing and then an apology. This is breitbart level bullshit. I would expect better from ABL, and Balloon Juice.
“… or crossed out the whole thing and then an apology.”
Good idea.
Bullshit. The only person you’ll ever take seriously is yourself, and you take that person far too seriously for their own good.
@burnspbesq: You are too funny. A professional tax cheat, a warmonger, and a rape apologist.
There’s a few people I take seriously. But none of them are you.
ETA: Actually scratch that. I take you seriously. I just don’t respect you, and I happen to think that you are a Bad Person(TM)
@burnspbesq: FTR, I reboot and reset from thread to thread, because forums are like that. People will flame. I make exceptions for trolls, and people who are repeatedly evil. IOW, you. I do have another policy. I won’t reply to you if you don’t reply to me first. Just so you know.
Anyway, I have grocery shopping to do, so flame away. Just don’t consider my silence to be anything more than me being absent from the board.
It was idiotic to post this. The only reason you wd touch this stuff ABL is if you think of yourself as a propagandist.
Corner Stone
Holy Crap! Elvis May Have Been Abducted by Aliens!*
*must credit BreitABL.
Jim Treacher
Oh well! ;)
@Jim Treacher: Jim Treacher Fucks Dogs!
Person of Choler
Poor drowning Wisconsin lefties: grasping at lead sinkers.
Somebody done got linked to.
Good god, with Kreacher here, we have all had our commupance.
If we get three years of douchebags muttering about conspiracies regarding birth certificates, he might have a point. Instead, KOS of all places was out front debunking this, even though the person who generated this rumour was, at first, sounding like she was credible.
There is nothing for the left to be embarrassed about here.
longtime lurk
@Xenos: “There is nothing for the left to be embarrassed about here.” Couldn’t agree more. But for ABL and John Cole on the other hand…
gardenia breath
still only 5 comments on the RS post. 146 here! do the math.
i see her engaged in twitter wars with drone-people a lot. more occupied with her detractors than her supporters. i guess that means she doesn’t have the time or interest to comment on this embarrassment. not an ABL-hater but noticing a downward spiral. anyway, i guess i don’t understand why people tweet every 5 secs and engage in twitter wars, so there’s that.
and what happened with the grio gig?
just wonderin’
gardenia breath
i think she’s too busy engaging in twitter-wars with drone-people to bother with being embarrassed about this. she’s is more preoccupied with her detractors than her supporters. still only 5 comments ont he RS post! do the math.
whatever happened with the grio gig, btw? just wonderin’
Corner Stone
I first read this as, “There is nothing left to be embarrassed about here.”
And I was pretty sure you are right.
A Conservative Teacher
I eagerly await the apologies and ‘my bad’s’ from all the gullible close-minded fools who fell for this obvious and utterly baseless smearjob.