It’s day three after That Black Guy Shoved Healthcare Down Your Throat, and wingnuts around the country are still crying about it.
I dare not hazard a guess as to what happened to poor Jan Schmidt — she very well may required medical attention after her outburst. As for Michigan’s GOP former spokesperson Matt Davis, presumably he is still lighting torches and muttering about freedom.
Pssst… Jean Schmidt. AKA, my nutburger of a Congresswoman.
Citizen Alan
Honestly, going after the head of the Mississippi Tea Party isn’t shooting fish in a barrel so much as shooting a dead fish that’s been stapled to the floor at close range with a shotgun. One might as well expect to housetrain a feral pig than expect any sort of reasoned or even coherent response out of a creature like Roy Nicholson.
Mark S.
It would be treason not to commit treason.
@JenJen: Soon to be ex. You can stop giggling now. Or not.
Linda Featheringill
Does Mr. Nicholson have any idea what armed rebellion must have on its side in order to be successful? Or, and maybe this is more important, do his followers know?
The Establishment in any place at any time probably has more and bigger guns and more soldiers and more dependable supply chains and better technology.
On the technology front for instance, a group of people who obviously cannot use Google are considering violent uprising against the US Government? That is so sad that it’s not even funny.
If Mr. Nicholson loved the people he is leading, he wouldn’t call for such reckless action.
I’m sure Roy will be the first one manning the barricades.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
For all their WAR talk, they would melt like whipped butter in the face of actual resistance. Unfortunately, some of them determined to find this out the hard way.
Davis X. Machina
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant): I’m not waiting for the revolution — at least these people’s revolution.
It’s hard to storm the castle with a pitchfork in one hand, and a remote control in the other.
posted on previous three binteresting enter here.
interesting video. Gov Scott and aids finding out about ACA. the first are all smiles once someone saw the initial “struck down” reporting, then those smiles disappearing once someone corrected them. check out the big azz smiles despite the facts that millions of people might be without health care.
Bondi tells Scott about healthcare decision
@Yutsano: I shall never stop giggling!! And, what an exit for Mean Jean, amirite? I’d love to buy the cell phone videographer a drink.
Mark B
@Davis X. Machina: I doubt they know how to wield a pitchfork.
@Davis X. Machina: Where does he keep his can of beer?
ugh..double post..
c u n d gulag
What a putz!
They military will vaporize your fat sorry ass before you can scream, “WOLVERINES!!!”
Davis X. Machina
@JPL: That’s what the hat with the two cupholders is for.
A Hellfire missile with the phrase “Constitutional, bitch” painted on it would be just fine for this sack of shit.
the far right has it’s eyes closed and is swinging it’s arms in a frantic tantrum of verbal outrage that they will have to obey the Nclang’s law, as Joh Stewart said “it supposed to taste like a shit sandwich” , hu, sucks to be them!
Actually, Matt Davis got a nice new seat on the wingnut welfare train! Not that MLive is particularly a wingnutty publication, but it just goes to show that treason is good for a wink, a nod, and a paycheck in mainstream journalistic circles as long as its a Republican calling for armed insurrection.
Felinious Wench
@Davis X. Machina:
@Davis X. Machina:
There is an important point here. BJ linked long ago to a discussion of fascism compared to modern conservatism. There is one crucial element of a fascist takeover they don’t have: The soldiers. They need their frothing zealots to be under 30, not over 65.
Scott S.
May the Rethug insurrectionists all be stuffed down a deep, dark prison cell long before they get a chance to hurt anyone.
You dare mock the Brotherhood of the Grey Hairs! You can rest assured, good sir (or madam), that when the Revolution comes, you shall never again be given leave to set foot on Our Lawn!
Yeah, it’s fun to visualize Foghorn Leghorn leading the 1st Armored Rascal Scooter Division in a miniature war of southern aggression, but when we get a new Gabby Giffords shooting the wingnuts will shrug their shoulders and whine “isolated incident! Just a random crazy! Not our fault!” Just wait. It only takes one deranged teabagger to freak out enough to put a hole in someone. This is only the beginning.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@Davis X. Machina: Awesome.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@Haydnseek: That, or immediate rebrandong of the shooter as a leftist because he bought a bag of Oreos once.
“Jan” Schmidt? Like Jan Brewer? What, do all insane white female Republican politicians look the same to you?!?
You raise a serious point. There’s a lot of hate out there right now. I just hope that nobody’s worked up enough about a health care law to go on a shooting rampage over it.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Yutsano: I can’t giggle because we’re still stuck with Fox News Personality Kasich in Columbus. Plus, Mean Jean will spend more time in the actual geographic area.
Nevertheless, I hope you’re healing well.
Well, one’s blonde and one’s brunette, but other than that, I defy you to tell them apart.
@Mnemosyne: One is more pointy, the other more screamy.
@RossInDetroit: Likeliest target:
Chief Justice Roberts.
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant):
Thank you, ABL. You have solved one of the little mysteries of the Tea Party Movement for me. They chant relentlessly that their freedoms and liberties are being taken away, and much of their ‘don’t tread on me’ style rhetoric derives from that meme. As many have asked, what liberties do they imagine they’ve lost?!
This dufus has explained it plainly, and now it really does make sense. I couldn’t figure it out before, because I didn’t take into account that rationalization works in the opposite direction from logic. They’re not trying to delegitimize Obama’s election. That he’s illegitimate is assumed, obvious, one of the foundations of the rest of their thought. If you assume we have a fake, illegal president and that fake, illegal president accomplishes a lot of stuff, then by that reasoning your liberties have been hugely impinged upon – you’ve been seriously disenfranchised. Assume, as they do, that a black Democrat can’t possibly be elected president except by massive conspiracy and fraud, and all that ‘liberty’ stuff makes sense.
(I guess I’ll cross-post this on the ABLog, too!)
Yeah, armed resistance to the U.S. government, that’s the ticket. Roy, ol’ buddy, why don’t you check with Crazy Horse, or for that Jefferson Davis, and see how that worked for them? Guy’s probably already got Homeland Security and the FBI on his ass like white on rice.
Assume, as they do, that
a blackany Democrat can’t possibly be elected president except by massive conspiracy and fraud, and all that ‘liberty’ stuff makes sense.Fixed.
That’s pretty much it. These guys are not big fans of democracy except insofar as it produces the results that they want. If the democratic process does not produce the results they desire, then by definition the democratic process is corrupt and fraudulent, because conservatism – to these folks – is not only a cause but a religion.
As has been said in another context, conservatism cannot fail, it can only be failed.
Shorter version: double down on teh crazy if you don’t win the first time!
red dog
What will all these right wingers do after the Dems win this fall and pass more of this nutty shit.
Patricia Kayden
The Righties do a lot of talking. Let’s see that revolution/rebellion in action. They must have forgotten that they lost the last Rightwing rebellion, aka the civil war.
Eric k
Just to be clear about this is what he calls forcing something on people:
1) Obama campaigns on health care and wins the election
2) health care is passed wth 60 votes in the Senate and a majority in the house
3) several lower courts, including several republican judges rule it is constitutional
4) the supreme court in a decision written by conservative John Roberts rules it constitutional
When will this undemocratic tyranny end:-)
It’s one thing to link to another person’s piece you are commenting on but linking to your own writing on your website when essentially every bit you wrote yourself is already in this BJ post except the quote you are talking about is extremely poor form. It’s not like your website is even the original source of the quote.
In this case you have your entire Chronicles post on BJ except the direct quote from the nutball. Such a blatant traffic grab pisses me off instead of making me want visit your site regularly. If you want people to visit your website let them know you have one then write interesting posts on BJ and other websites so people check them out. I assume Cole is aware that posts like this are basically advertisements for your website instead of actual BJ posts though.
You’re not very bright, are you? Nor particularly observant of other front pagers, either.
Sock puppet, no doubt.
I honestly can’t tell the difference anymore.
I don’t have to click through to DougJ’s website to actually make sense of his Balloon-Juice posts.
Front pagers generally post complete thoughts with excepts from another website they are commenting on. Occasionally they leave things out and suggest everyone go to a website because they did great work. They don’t typically post incomplete thoughts with a link to their own website in an attempt to boost it’s traffic.
As I said, not very bright and not very observant.
Please note that a lot of people really don’t have a problem with this. Since you do, the best thing to do is to skip over to front pagers you like better. Doesn’t take much brains to do that.
This would be different if you owned this blog. Since you don’t, you’re just another loudmouth like me, with just as much authority.
DougJ has a website?
Millions ofthousands ofhundreds ofA few BJ readers are saying to themself “I MUST remember to not check it out some day”“Make sense”? Unpossible.
@red dog:
It’s hard to say. But, I don’t think that the prospect of squadrons of retrofitted, battle-hardened, and armed Hoverounds should be ruled out or taken lightly.