(Deep Cover/Tim Egan via GoComics.com)
Speaking of futile dorks, Dave Weigel reminds us it’s not officially Silly Season – Election Edition until Politico starts paying attention to Ralph Nader.
Apart from the usual obsessives, what’s on the agenda for the evening?
Hot in NJ. You hot up there AL?
Thinking I might go to a WNBA game tonight.
Right around 80 in OC, but no humidity to speak of.
Still in vacation countdown!
Anne Laurie
@Maude: We’ve been relatively lucky weatherwise up here in the rightmost corner — it’s only in the mid-80s now, which would be fine if the humidity percentage wasn’t almost identical!
@Raven: Have a wonderful trip.
Your pups are already planning surprises for your return, hehehe
ugh.. my computer is so touchy.. I need to adjust that.
c u n d gulag
I’m so sick of all of this election coverage on TV!
My Mom asked me this morning, what was in the news?
I said, “Nothing, it’s a Presidential election year! The only things that can possibly get them off that subject would be if the moon landed in an ocean, or a young white woman was missing.”
The moon would get one day’s coverage.
The missing white woman would be covered for at least a week.
@JPL: That is the only negative aspect of this. They know something is up with all the luggage and activity and they are playing me like a violin!
Looking for a new laptop after my Dell 1530 crapped out on me. 7 yo and I never had a problem, until it didn’t work.
So I went to Apple and looked at the new Macbook Pro 15 inchers. Wow. Just wow. 1799 or 2499. For a fucking laptop.
I only put 900 down when I bought my car. They are damn nice, but I am now shocked that so many of my classmates at college have Macbooks. That was last semester, but day-yum!
Ash Can
Lake breeze in Chicago! We have been freed from the clutches of the dreaded heat wave!
A Lenovo is good. Reliable. I’d go for a refurbished.
I have a Sony Vaio that I have loaned out. It is old, I worked on it’ It’s running ZP and it isn’t having problems.
I’ve managed Lenovos and I like them.
They were used.
Not sure what the temperature was when I went out earlier but it was close, not sticky close but stuffy feeling. Not nice. I was thinking of going to the movies but I’m not sure now. I’d like it to rain and freshen the air.
@Hal: Check out the Air. I’ve had mine almost two years and missed the DVD drive about twice. But everybody that sees it is amazed that the thin tiny light thing is an actual computer.
Why of course someone made an animated gif of this.
Hanging on by a thread.
I have some pizza dough rising, I’ll make a couple of pies and just set them out on the patio table to bake.
Going to grill some fine looking ribeyes and steam some fresh corn on the cob, then some Braves baseball. Too damn hot to do much of anything else.
We’re headed to Panama City Beach for vacation in late August and I’m trying not to get overexcited about the opportunity to eat all the oysters on the half shell.
@Phylllis: I there an R in August?
@Raven: They’re not as tasty in the spawning months, but they’re still good eating.
@Phylllis: Maybe in Apalachicola but way the hell over in PCB??? Oh my!
Mark S.
Just watched Klitschko vs. Opponent. Vlad didn’t have any trouble.
@Raven: Actually, I can’t believe I’m willingly going to PCB. I grew up on the gulf near Sarasota; as far as we were concerned, the Panhandle was the left armpit of FLA (with Daytona being the right). But my husband loves it there.
@Phylllis: We go to Seagrove at Thanksgiving and just love it. Caught a big ass Red in the surf there 2 years ago.
hallelujah It is raining. Pop up showers have been nearby all week but kept missing my area. It might only be a ten minute shower but it’s still rain. Happy plants!
@JPL: I thought so from the radar. We got one last night.