For every wingnut who spent the last 5 years screaming about “Chicago Style politics” for even the most tepid comment from Obama, this should give them an aneurysm:
That was so awesome I need to take a cold shower. The Obama team knows what they are doing.
Romney is tone deaf in every way possible.
Of course, the same wingnuts always seem to call him Obambi. I think the rule is that he’s a Chicago thug on odd numbered days and a wimpy pushover on even numbered days.
And on February 29th, he’s Batman.
Bobby Boucher approves. Damn.
Comrade Mary
@dmsilev: YOU LIE! I don’t see him anywhere in this.
Hypatia's Momma
It’s been decades since I read that book and so my memory may be wrong, but doesn’t Bambi go on to dominate all the bucks, win all the does, and rule the forest as their benevolent God-Emperor or something?
I just Tweeted this. It’s my own, and I couldn’t resist because I figured so many in this room would love it: “If he’s defeated in November, Romney plans to start a radio station called WATB.”
Tony Blair was once called Bambi too.
Mike E
Yep. Despite what prissy concern trolls say, too. CNN is asscancer,* but Begala calling out Ed Rendell for his incessant “He’s not doing it right!” was really great.
*Okay, I won’t watch it anymore. I promise!
FYI, there are some interesting analyses of the audio up now at TPM.
I can imagine the wild eyed glee the obama campaign had when they saw the footage of Romney singing. Awesome.
@Hypatia’s Momma: Well, yes, but somehow the wingnuts gloss over that. They’re probably thinking more along the lines of this.
I think I just came.
Villago Delenda Est
The pain of the wingnuts.
It is like a soothing balm to me.
Suffer, maggots. Suffer.
I’m glad TeamObama is on our side.
::lights cigarette::
@Mike E:
can we haz benefit of your seeing it to tell us what Begala told Rendell?
The ads, they make themselves.
Is this a slogan that we’ll be hearing over and over again going into November?
Spaghetti Lee
“Oh beautiful for Swiss accounts,
for tax loopholes galore…”
I have been grinning all day from this ad. It is so perfectly brutal. the best is that it just seals him as a let them eat cake entitled jerk, and all in the sound.
Roger Moore
It’s not like that’s the only area where they’re having a hard time. They can’t make up their minds if he’s a Godless Socialist, a follower of a radical black minister, or a closet Muslim. I think the only real answer is that they think it’s possible to be all kinds of terrible things at once.
I suppose some factcheck racket will waste a lot of breath analyzing how many Pinocchios this ad gets due to the sound effects.
I sure hope they get on that, it will be an excellent use of their time.
I like very much that Bams (and should we not call him that by now), has his acknowledgement at the beginning, while he saunters towards the camera with casual and open assurance. Signals to me that he is ready willing and able to back up his ads, as per any future ‘request’ (and many polite ones surely will arise at the debates).
Jay C
This. Is a great ad: I think it has the potential to end up in the ranks of Johnson’s “daisy” ad, or Bush 41’s “Willie Horton”one : yeah, a negative connotation, to be sure: but effective in context.
Keith G
I hope a lot of swing staters see this often.
@Hypatia’s Momma: Obama is the type of Bambi who says, “let’s *walk* down the hill and fuck *all* the does.”
Which not only drives wingnuts crazy, but our progressive betters too.
I think I just had an “accident.”
After 3.5 years of being pelted with fecal matter every day, this is exhilarating.
I love that he saunters as if he is coming to get Romney’s a**.
I am a tad puzzled about how it might just not be that a timid, lackadaisical, inadequate black man in over his head, with his goofy gaffe prone ‘crazy uncle in the attic side kick’ got the jump on kicking some ass in this campaign. And doing so with truth, not with lies.
I am so damn puzzled by that.
Edit: And none of you jokers check my old comments. I was young a young callow lad, and didn’t really mean it, Oh No!
Hypatia's Momma
@Spaghetti Lee:
“For out-sourced jobs in ‘down-turn times’
and money kept off-shore”
The saunter and “I’m Barack Obama and I approve this message” is a delicious response to Mitt crying for his mommy to go make Obama apologize and take responsibility.
Ahh, the fu is so powerful it makes my leg tingle!
Jewish Steel
A beat-down like that oughta have an NC 17 sticker on it.
Joe Bauers
I made my first donation to the campaign today. Seeing a Democrat bring a gun to a gun fight is just too awesome to not reward.
FROM FORBES, of all places:
35 Questions Mitt Romney Must Answer About Bain Capital Before The Issue Can Go Away
Isn’t it somewhat heartening to see light in the tunnel? If Obama keeps punching with factual real stuff middle america cares about as character defining issues Romney will be the John Kerry of 2012.
Karl Rove is shitting his pants knowing he gave Obama the formula to win in 2012.
The Other Chuck
@Roger Moore: I was just explaining it to the SO last night that the wingnuts don’t really suffer cognitive dissonance to call Obama a socialist wall-streeter with a sharia gay agenda.
See, in order for dissonance to happen, they would have to have a clue what any of that actually _means_, instead of just being sounds emitted on command and on cue. Cognitive dissonance implies some search for facts, some desire to make synthesis of opposing views, but the very _concept_ of “factual” simply doesn’t enter in to the equation here.
Mike G
RMONEY: Invest in Bermuda
Deposit in Geneva
Send Jobs to Calcutta
“The Obama team knows what they are doing.”
Well yeah…they’ve always been great at campaigning.
It’s follow up and conviction and ruthlessness on the side of right at which they, for the most part, have sucked since the first election.
Compared to governing, campaigning is easy.
That aside, would it have not made sense to hold this ammo until after the Mitt was coronated at the Goop convention? They could still go with someone else, you know.
First saw this ad while watching Chris Hayes’ “Up” this morning. James Carville was a guest, and after watching this he was struggling to hide his erection.
Here in Cincinnati, aka Battleground Ohio, this ad just played for real while I was watching ESPN. I love this, I love this, I love this.
Do not make deliver a lecture of the importance of civility, young lady!
Dang kids today, and their cuss words.
Now, if you had put in another asterisk, it would have been ‘arse’, and merely ‘blue’ not uncivil.
Edit: ‘blue’ is an olde tymey grown up slang for dirty jokes that were deemed OK? Is that right? Not sure. Anyway, that is what it was supposed to mean.
Hypatia's Momma
They must be so shocked that he’s turned out somewhat different.
I miss the Spike & Mike shows.
No, no, no.
Mitt and Anne will be the ideal couple for a Cialis commercial shot in their beach house in La Jolla.
see and I self-censured and left off the f word that preceded the a word :D
eta: fix’d for grammar and to say–yes I think that’s what blue means.
Joe Klein was comparing the Bain Capital attacks to Willie Horton. The Village thinks this shit is fucking toxic as hell for Romney even if they don’t quite want to admit it.
(My parents have been calling it “Swift Yachting”, which I think it hilarious.)
Joshua Norton
Sing out, Louise.
Hey toots, don’t bogart that, um, cigarette.
@Jewish Steel: Just a couple of hours ago YouTube showed 302 views for that video. Now it’s at 11,822. I hope it goes viral.
One thing I really like is the “He’s the problem.” line. You always hear “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem”, but they’re very deliberately not saying “PART of the problem”. They’re saying “he’s the problem”. I love it.
I also love that Romney’s voice gets shakier just at the point where they are talking about swiss bank accounts and accounts in bermuda. It’s like Romney doesn’t even believe what he’s singing.
Best truthful political ad ever.
Villago Delenda Est
Memo to Team Rmoney:
We’re going to have to call this. It’s a wipe.
” kicking some
assarse in this campaign. And doing so with truth, not with lies. ”Apologies for any offense.
Don’t let the Cole lad see it. He is impressionable.
Edit: Neither let Valdivia see it, whom I begin to suspect is a lady with an untoward impudence.
Romney wanted an apology, Obama’s reply is “Spin on this!”
Mike E
@Valdivia: Sorry for implying, through truncation, that Rendell and Begala were present in the same teevee cage. It was a sorta Crossfire reunion, or redux, with Soledad Conan O’Brien interviewing Ari Wormtongue and Begala, and his pointed remark was a lovely aside from all the “both sides do it” kerfuffery. After she brought up Rendell’s criticism of Obama #672 It was something like, “I know Ed has had his share or rough campaigns, and he’s being a good Dem, I dunno, mebbe not so much here, but I’m tired of him telling the president how to run his campaign.” Sorry for the lame paraphrase but that was the gist. Lost forever in the ether…
@kindness: “If Obama keeps punching with factual real stuff middle america cares about as character defining issues Romney will be the John Kerry of 2012.”
I hope it is much worse than that. If Kerry wins Ohio he wins, right? Luckily, it looks more like: ONLY if Romney runs the table on ALL the tossup states, he wins.
I was out hosing down Sheamus after a ride. Did Mittens get his apology yet?
Did OBL get his?
Oh, never mind.
That level of chaos, this late in the nominating process would be fanfuckingtastic.
Oh, and did anyone notice Romney called himself the nominee during his high dudgeon on CBS yesterday? I mean we know it’s a coronation, but etiquette suggests one refer to oneself in the future tense till the coronation ball is over.
@Mike E:
thank you. I’ll just imagine him getting that talking to in person.
I’ve starting seeing that phrase echoing around the intertubes over the last week or so. It’s awesome.
I’m sorry, Mitt, did I break your concentration? I didn’t mean to do that. Please, continue, you were saying something about an apology. What’s the matter? Oh, you were finished! Well, allow me to retort.
I actually thought he was throwing Ronald Reagan into their face: “government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem” is a favorite quote from St. Ronnie.
Maybe it wasn’t intentional. But somehow I think it was.
Mike E
And this fills you with fear? I can honestly say that, apart from the birth of my daughter, this experience would give such a joy-gasm, the likes I can only dream of. Stop yer concern trolling.
Oh boy, Romney’s gonna be demanding another apology for sure!
TeamObama of Plouffe, Axelrod, Messina, Gibbs, Cutter, and a cast of thousands have been preparing for this campaign for years. They have known as far back as 2008 that Romney would be the likely candidate that they would face in 2012. They probably know more about Romney’s past than Romney’s own staff knows.
If TeamObama is rolling out this powerful ad in mid-July, imagine what is coming in September and October. It only gets better!
In reference to the Post itself and the “cold shower” comment. I know, right? Cold shower, hell, I took up smoking just so I could light myself a cigarette after seeing that commercial.
If this somehow gets the Republican National Convention to devolve into intra-party warfare over whether or not Mitt Romney will be the nominee, then Team Obama will have succeeded beyond their wildest hopes and dreams.
The absolute BEST POSSIBLE outcome is that they ditch Romney and shovel together someone untested and unprepared to campaign for the last few months until election day.
Also – if this is the stuff they have out this far from the convention, can you imagine what they’re sitting on waiting for swing voters to actually start paying attention. Maybe this is the best stuff they’ve got, but somehow I doubt it.
If you only “think” you did, then you’re doing it wrong.
AMK had the ad posted at 7:25.. I sent it to my address book at 7:28…
Ha ha ha. Here’s the Romney camp response. via LGF
Also, what the fuck is in those tax returns that makes weathering this shitstorm more attractive than releasing them? At this point I’m not sure I believe it’s just plain old rich-person tax avoidance.
My theory is that he gave six figure donations to Planned Parenthood, which is a totally normal thing for a Massachusetts Republican with a boatload of money to do.
@Valdivia: I think that’s wingnut-ese for “I’ve got nothing”.
Goodness, how many nyms has it BEEN now? : )
@NonyNony: I love it. It should be a rallying cry for everyone on the left from this day forward. The Rmoneys of the world are not the solution; they are the problem. Let’s weed out the plutocrats and reseed with democrats.
@Valdivia: Someone should tell Rmoney that he spelled Amercia wrong.
making fun of America the Beautiful. Can’t stop laughing.
@slag: at least he didn’t sing Amercia too ;)
Jewish Steel
@WaterGirl: It’s pretty damn snarky, making fun of his horrid voice and all. That’s a good recipe for virulence.
@Valdivia: When you’re willfully missing the point, you’re losing.
@Valdivia: Yeah, but that’s only because he couldn’t pronounce it.
Concerned Citizen
This is weird to watch. I love the fact he fights like a republican. I hope more Dems pick up on this. It’s really good. I’ve never seen anything like it.
@Pillsy: Lots of drug money stashed away in the Cayman Islands. And lots of American investments in Iraq and Iran back in the day. If Romney was willing to outsource jobs overseas and invest in fetus disposal, there’s nothing that I wouldn’t put past him.
Jewish Steel
@Kane: Why not all three? The Tri-fecta!
@Concerned Citizen:
One difference between this and GOP is that there is truth in what Obama says. I think much more truth than can be written or stated, or covered in bamboozel over ‘quirks in the law’, about Romney’s, and his crowd’s, Amercialization of our culture.
Linda Featheringill
I read [somewhere] that public perceptions “gel” in July and don’t change a whole lot after that unless something really dramatic happens. Assuming this is true, I could guess that if Obama controls the topics of discussion for two more weeks and keeps Romney on the defensive for a couple more weeks, he might arrive at Labor Day with a higher approval rating from the country as a whole.
All is speculation, of course.
@Hypatia’s Momma:
And then he kills bin Laden.
my guesses:
1. not only did he pay a low tax rate, he paid NO TAXES for MANY YEARS.
2. He paid more in TITHES TO THE MORMON CHURCH than he did in TAXES to the country he wants to be elected President of
3. Remember when the Obama Administration gave a ‘ grace period’ to tax cheaters that had their money overseas – I bet he’s on that list.
remember this above all else:
4. John McCain saw 23 years of tax returns…AND CHOSE PALIN
Mike E
@Concerned Citizen:
I can’t wait when microphones record him doing a variation of Lord Farquad’s “It’s bad enough being alive when nobody wants you…”
Maybe Rove will fight back with a video of Obama singing . . . oh, wait.
This issue is complicated enough that it will take some time to percolate. And assuming that the Obama campaign knows Romney’s schedule, they know that he’ll be out of the country while the pundits have nothing to talk about except for this and Anne’s horse.
Also, I think Nonynony’s right: they have LOTS more stuff, and stuff that is much more toxic.
This is all good news for Ron Paul!
Xecky Gilchrist
@Spatula: I think we can put the “Republican knight in shining armor riding to the rescue at the convention” myth to bed now.
Future Glen Kessler tweet:
“If a GOPer mix engineer had offered his services, then I wouldn’t give it three pinnochios, just one and a half.”
What’s the name of the villain in the new Batman movie, again? :)
Paul (@princejvstin)
It’s a good punch from Team Obama.
But not even Tyson could win a fight with a single punch.
So, more, please.
Blue Neponset
Wow, that was brutal!!
This is why I voted for Obama in 2008. I thought he would mix it up like this with the Republicans. If he wins in November hopefully we get to see more of this side of Obama.
@Blue Neponset: I think it’s easier when Obama has a clear and focussed team behind him. Easy to do when it’s a campaign.
During governance, with a fractured, loosely affiliated coalition of Blue Dog and progressives? Harder to do, so we’ll see it less often.
I now firmly believe Romney after looking at all of the evidence. this leads me to the following conclusion: Mitt’s lead claim to the presidency is his unrivaled ability to run a company that ran itself for three full years without him. oh, wait. that really is his argument. The company ran itself. so, what made you so valuable to the company in the preceding years? nothing. mind blowing logic from romney camp
Bobby Thomson
@eric: Ding fucking ding. That to me is the most damaging effect of this whole thing.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Poor Rmoney, the only reason he can’t carry a tune is because he can’t fold it up and put it in his wallet.
Romney: “{waah waah} disgraceful {sob, sniff} apology {sniff, sob}”
Obama: “Allow me to quote from your book….No Apology”
It’s moments like these that make me want to thank Rick Perry’s doctor, or whoever it was that told him to double up on those pain killers. Romney is a genuinely ungifted candidate.
Brian R.
Watching that I want to scream like Bill Paxton firing on automatic in Aliens: YEAH! YEAH! GET SOME! GET SOME!
Brian R.
I’ve found myself thinking that a couple of times this year. Kept checking the url. Thought I’d detoured to Mother Jones.
I don’t know if those articles make it into the print publication, but they are the occasional pleasant surprise.
@Odie Hugh Manatee: Beautiful.
TaMara (BHF)
Between “Citizen Bain” and “Swift Yachting” I can’t quit you Balloon-Juice.
I was just blown away by what they did with the sound in this ad. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a political ad which used sound to this effect. This is very sophisticated. Kudos to whoever did this work. It is stellar.
Agoraphobic Kleptomaniac
Just looking around on Maddow’s blog and found this:
This should be part of the follow up ad.
Ash Can
Oh dear. At this rate, by the three-minute mark of the first presidential debate, Mitt’s going to be down on all fours looking for all the teeth that just got knocked out. That is, if he’s actually the one at those debates — I do believe his abject incompetence is leaving the door open for Ron Paul.
::throws more popcorn in mouth and crunches happily::
@ant: I have the benefit/misfortune of being in a swing state (Iowa) and these ads run non-stop on all the tv channels. It is grating. But Obama has a couple gems that are really stinging Mitt. The slogan about Mitt not being the solution but the problem is working and they are using it liberally.
Mitt Romney is not the solution.
He is the problem.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is your 10 word answer.
CW in LA
Nice singing, Citizen Bain. Who’s Dukakis in the damn tank now?
CW in LA
Nice singing, Citizen Bain. Who’s Dukakis in the damn tank now?
CW in LA
Nice singing, Citizen Bain.
Who’s Dukakis in the damn tank now?
As an aside, in the Chicago Suntimes today an article regarding the 29 year old Obama campaign worker who died suddenly yesterday the paper put up a note saying they had to shut down the comments due to the disrespectful comments being posted. One can only imagine how ugly those comments were. They must have been pretty bad as the Suntimes lets a lot of very nasty comments on stories through all the time. Just sad people will disrespect a young man’s death like that. The Obama haters have no shame.
J Hall
Romney can’t even get the name of the country right. I thought it was AMERCIA.
James Wolcott links to this BJ entry to discuss the attack ad:
The pushback from Romney supporters is… weak. “Where are Obama’s college records?”
And from Romney’s spokespersons? My God. Here’s one: “It is sad and shameful that President Obama would mock ‘America The Beautiful.’ But sadly it’s not surprising for the man who launched his presidency with an apology tour.”
The defensiveness speaks for itself.
@RSA: Yep, that’s a pathetically weak comeback, but maybe the best Rmoney can do, given all the stuff he wants to keep hidden.
And I love the way Wolcott – linked by MonkeyBoy @112 – wrapped up his post (my favorite part bolded):
Sure, if you’re Mark Halprin.
R Cates
@Spatula: Better to define your opponent early, before his coronation, and during the time of year when reporters are bored and looking for a story. Now they have a story with more legs than a millipede. Rather than being a one week “news cycle” event every reporter can get a chance at scooping the competition by taking inquiry down one of the many roads this story offers. this is weeks of distraction, it makes the GOP look unorganized, unsure of their candidate, and hits them when they are already not happy with a guy who really only garnered 35% support during the primary season. A couple weeks of finger pointing leading in to their convention and that photo op turns into a nightmare as every question posed to a delegate will be their take on Bain. And, lets not assume there are not other killer ads ready for the weeks ahead.
You don’t say. And yet you whine and whine and whine.
I thought it was an term of confidence an endearment, used by Wonkette.
Patricia Kayden
Wasn’t Romney mocking “Amercia” by singing “America the Beautiful” so poorly? Has someone (beside his wife) told him that he could sing? Was he trying to compete with President O’s singing of “Let’s Stay Together”?
Great ad!
@ant: I’s the typical obamican jujitsu move of raygun’s gobinment is the problem crap that the thugs worship.
@RaflW: Remember the mittbot’s bleating cry during primary debates ‘anderson, anderson, they’re stealing my time’ ? Fucking whiny weasly, asshhole, if ever one, that ran for the highest office in the world.
@NonyNony: Firebagging klowns are not known for deep thinking. They really do live the moment with the past poutrage dejour of the day.
Concerned Citizen
@jl: Sure, but that’s always been true. It just seems like now we’re doing something about it! Jimmy Carter was a kick ass guy (he’s why we have micro brew) but look at how he’s been painted.
I’ve been following politics for a long time, and normally Democrats are apologetic pussies. Look at how Booker tried to wimp out on Bain.
This is really fun to watch. I hope it continues.
Concerned Citizen
@Mike E: Just did a google search and it only came back to this comment. Enlighten me. I’m old and have no idea what you’re talking about.
@Concerned Citizen: Lord Farquad is a reference to the movie Shrek. Towards the end, Shrek storms into the church (just before Fiona is supposed to marry Lord Farquad) and tries to win Fiona. Lord Farquad makes the, “It’s bad enough being alive when nobody wants you!” comment prior to being gobbled up by a dragon. (I think. Or something like that.)
Bottom line: it’s a remark made by a completely ignorant and out of touch individual who has absolutely misread the situation at hand. I don’t want to speak for Mike E, but I’m guessing that’s sorta what he had in mind … ?
(I tried to find a Youtube clip but no luck. It’s towards the end of the first Shrek movie, though, for anyone with the DVD at home.)
Even teabaggers are grudgingly acknowledging that this add is effective. Here is a comment at freerepublic:
Obama may be “evil” as you suggest, but the facts are Romney is getting outflanked, out campaigned, and generally trounced. The narrative is set. Romney is a rich out of touch money grubbing outsourcer who is hiding things in his tax returns.
Of course it is probably all BS but the fact remains that is what the news and blogs are talking about. The new ad today even I had to appreciate it for its devestating effects. Some have mentioned Atwater. I think he would appreciate it. At this point he can deny, attack, or scream from the mountains and all anyone will say what about Bain, your taxes, and your offshore accounts. I do not know how he changes the narrative. I can tell you one thing though getting your picture taken on a boat when Obama is campaigning in the rain is probably not the way. I am afraid the die is cast.
Romney goes on the networks and all he said was Obama is mean please apologize. Yeah Obama put the ad out this morning do how did that work?
Wait until Obama runs an ad on Stericycle in the bible belt to depress turnout of evangelicals.
As you can tell I do not see much hope. The electoral math for Romney is tough as it is. He is making it so much easier.;page=66#66
El Cid
Given how easily Willard is driven to pissiness, this is great for all kinds of possible entertainment value.
He may become enraged and through around the round chocolate baked goods, or the cookies which were clearly purchased from 7/11, or the cheap rain ponchos which people went all out with.
David Koch
@JenJen: We love u 2, Jenn
You say that like it’s some impressive revelation. Of course governing is more difficult. At least, it is more difficult for someone (like Obama) who realizes that he’s the President of the whole country and not just of the people who voted for him. The fact that we now have a President who understands this (unlike Bush the younger) is a rather major relief for me.
If the GOP were dumb enough to go down that road, the Obama team would probably be ecstatic. Replacing the candidate who actually won the primary with someone completely unknown, unvetted, and unprepared would throw the whole GOP into chaos, and leave them scrambling for a new foothold just a few short months before the election. In fact, the Obama team probably already have opposition research files on who they consider the most likely replacements just in case it really comes to that.
Wait, did a high – profile Romney surrogate just do the “college records” number in response to the ad?
These troglodytes will wind up having Larry Sinclair second Romney at the convention.
David Koch
@eemom: we. miss. u. luv.
Hello, Rochester!
When I posted that to facebook, I described it as scrumtrulescent. And it truly is.
@Joe Bauers:
Obama is not bringing a gun to a gun fight, he’s bringing Hellfire missiles to a gun fight.
Fixed so as not to offend Mittens’s delicate sensibilities, for Pete’s sake!
They could, which would signify that they
A) were in complete disarray and panicking
B) that they cared diddly-squat about all those GOPers who voted in the primaries
So please, do that GOP.
@Joe Bauers: @Brian R.:
Hee–or Bruce Campbell in ARMY OF DARKNESS. “Alright. Who wants some?” Can’t wait till November, when Obama can rightly quote: “That’s it, go ahead and run. Run home and cry to mama!”