Though history tells us that third party candidates in total don’t usually pick up for then 3-5%, so maybe it’s just early noise of people saying they’re unhappy with Romney. Still, it’s one more line where voters who would otherwise go for Romney (along with Johnson) can check.
@Anya: Obama wins Virginia. Goode’s been polling 7 to 9% in VA, and he doesn’t take votes from Obama.
@kdaug: Har! If I’d been drinking tea it would have been all over the keyboard. “Horizontal stripe JayGee”. That’s a keeper.
Villago Delenda Est
Weird putting faces to names.
That always is a strange experience to me.
Locally, I was a bit of an online celebrity in the 90’s, because I was one of the most “public”, if you will, personas of our small little local ISP. When people were introduced to me IRL, they recognized the name, put it in the context of the ISP, and you could see in their faces that they were having problems adjusting from the mental image of me from online vs. the meatspace image of me.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
“Weird putting faces upraised hands to names.”
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
I can’t wait for the moment where a stressed out John Cole goes Sean Penn on some bloggers ass and smacks the camera out of their hands.
That’d be awesome.
Ann Rynd
Is this what we’re going to be getting from Cole during this whole trip? Five word sentences once a day and a “Going to bed” at night?
Having a Miss Peggy Lee moment, here.
Then let’s keep dancing…
Let’s bring out the booze and have a ball,
If that’s all
there is…
You know, that’s actually a decent theme song for this blog.
@KG: It seems to me that if Romney continues to poll badly and if in November he’s not favored to win Virginia anyway, then why not vote your conscience / third party?
I would be interested to know if 3rd party candidates fare better in safe states than swing states. Logically they would, but I have no idea.
@BGinCHI: Do Cole’s striped shirts count? Or do the stripes have to be vertical to count?
@Citizen_X: What Cole and others need to understand that we humans are genetically programed to use faces as a way to bond with others. By not allowing us to take in and consider his face, we never bond in that essentially human way. All Cole gains by that juvenile antic is to be perceived as a schlub with self confidence issues…..which sorta explains his years as a wingnut.
@BGinCHI: That we were questioning whether his attire below his torso was new pants or shorts and if it did or did not have an open fly is also not a good sign.
I feel like I’m being terribly mean. My wardrobe is hardly impressive.
@KG: That’s wonderful. Kinda like What happened in Illinois when Green Party candidate LeAlan took from Alexi Giannoulias. I watched that race very closely and was so dissapointed by the lose.
See what happens? Cole hits the big city, buys some city duds, goes to a party and he dumps us. Gone!
Make me a White Russian, Jeff, will ya, honey?
@Yutsano: Catty and mean are two different things.
Hey, need a couple bar recs for a buddy coming to Seattle. I know Ballard but what about places for craft beer and atmosphere? Any joints you’d recommend? This is someone used to cool Chicago bars….
I can’t wait for the moment where a stressed out John Cole goes Sean Penn on some bloggers ass and smacks the camera out of their hands.
Knowing Cole, whoever he attacked would probably be some poor schmuck who doesn’t even have a camera but was just holding his burner cell high and out to find a phone number because he forgot his reading glasses.
Yeah, I suspected it before but I’m certain that Cole is just trolling us now with the running joke about faces…
In the spirit of my new post 50th birthday obsession with how ancient I am…..who can id the phrase “Meaner than a junkyard dog”?
Ann Rynd
It’s always the ones with their flies open who put their hands over their faces.
@jibeaux: I’d suspect that third party candidates do better in safe states, but haven’t done the research. I know that Johnson was running above 10% in New Mexico, but I suspect that has as much to do with him being the former governor as it does with New Mexico being a safe Democratic win.
It’s also tough to say what will happen in Virginia just yet, head-to-head, Romney remains in the margin of error, which tells me that some of the Goode voters will go back into the GOP fold. But then again, if Romney does poll badly, or if he bombs at the debates, I could see protest votes for third parties. Skepticism is probably the best approach for the time being.
I’d also be curious to see what would happen if there was a competent/viable third party candidate, even if he was regional. I mean, if I were Johnson (for example), I’d focus my campaign on New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, maybe Oklahoma, Kansas, etc; or if I were Goode, I’d focus on Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, etc. If a third party candidate could get themselves into play in a state or two, I think that changes the game in a big way (if nothing else, it should get them on the stage for a debate).
@eemom: Bad, bad Leroy Brown, baddest man in the whole damn town.
@eemom: “Bad, bad Leroy Brown”…or did you mean something else?
I’m too young for Jim Croce but for some reason they played him all the time at a summer camp I went to and I can sing all the hits.
@trollhattan: hahahaha… I’m going to use that “… is like hoping you get cancer so you can lose a few pounds” line… I don’t know where, but I will.
@TK421: That doesn’t even make sense. It should really be either a quip about a guy so blown up he doesn’t have a face, or an intelligence agent scrambling to come up with a name from a list of evildoers to match an unidentifiable body. Step up your game.
The state Republican Party has actively challenged the validity of the signatures gathered by Goode, who is seen by some as a potential spoiler to Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney in the Commonwealth. Pennsylvania Republicans had Goode removed from the state’s ballot last month.
Besides which, Goode’s running on “The Constitution Party.” What better way for low information voters to signal their disgust with Mitt’s moderate stands?
Delicious development.
Amir Khalid
Ooh! Ooh! I know this one! It’s from the Jim Croce song, Bad Bad Leroy Brown!
ETA: Rats. Beaten to it.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
Don’t you guys get it: John Cole is an alias for Thoma Pinchon.
@eemom: Bad bad Leroy Brown, Croce and a name of them Georgia Bulldawg Defenses!
I am so sorry that I cannot be with you guys in the middle of all this; work was already going to be a beast with a project I’m working on, but with a short week and a looming deadline there’s no way to get away. I will have to live vicariously through the blog this time.
@Raven: I used to live in Charlotte, and the klan used to march uptown once a year (prolly still do FAIK) and one image that stands out in my mind is of black sheriff’s deputies unloading shotguns from their cruisers, having a laugh; I’d imagine it was out of irony since they were there to protect the marchers who were easily outnumbered by the protesters.
Firebaggers are completely bonkers, neck and neck with the GOP. What are they going to do when Obama wins, slit their wrists? On second thought, nah, they’ll all be looking for jobs in rightwing world if they aren’t already doing that.
@TK421: Probably not. The cameras on drones are really, really good. I’d imagine that putting the name to a face is pretty simple.
@TK421: Probably not. The cameras on drones are really, really good. I’d imagine that putting the name to a face is pretty simple.
@Elizabelle: I really don’t buy the bullshit horserace narrative. Romney is behind in all the “battle ground states.” Also, too, can someone explain to me how is PA considered a swing state when it voted for the Dem candidate in the last 5 presidential elections?
Heard that one on XM radio this morning. Jim and Leroy were closely related, except Jim found out where it’s at, which is not hustlin’ people strange to you, even if you do got a two-piece custom made pool cue. Whereas Leroy ended up looking like a jigsaw puzzle with a coupla pieces gone.
The choice is between a robotic nut who uses racial demogogery, a genuine racist demagogue, and Obama.
Yes, congratulations, indeed to Virginia’s conservatives for offering another “choice” to conservatives.
Thank you! And yes, I do inhabit this godforsaken flat-earth wasteland….and I am indeed giggling madly with glee over this delightful new development.
I even have my very own pathetic set of neighbors who cling to their Ron Paul yard sign; perhaps I shall present them with a shiny new Virgil Goode replacement, just to be niiiiice.
And so Cole’s Assimilation Horizon has nearly been achieved: Complete absorption from the mindless Republican National Committee model to the new mindless Democratic National Committee model.
The independent and bravely non aligned thought on display here is astounding.
I’m sure this has been answered, but that bad, bad Leroy Brown would chew up and spit out junkyard dogs.
And really, people have a point here, Cole! WTF is up with short, cryptic posts half a day apart? Jeebus, you’re a shitty blogger (kidding about the last part, but not the first).
We are supposed to be feeling like we are there! Updates! News! Impressions of the other bloggers, especially the ones we don’t like! And, for fuck’s sake, man, get yourselves over to the Tweety set so we can see you. You can give us the signal–a husky man in baggy shorts and horizontal striped shirt with a hand over his face. We’ll all spot you!
Comments are closed.
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Virgil Goode Qualifies For Presidential Ballot In Va. What does this mean for the president?
Ah, yeah, except for the guys that obsessively hide their faces.
Just sayin’,
It helps if you remove your raised hand from your eyes. ;)
Ding dong
That’s it. That’s all you have to say after not posting for twelve hrs?
It’s good news for McCain.
@Anya: He’ll peel off some conservative votes from Romney. Some think he’ll put VA out of reach for Romney
@Anya: there was a poll a while back that showed Goode picking up as much as 9%, and giving Obama a 14 point lead in Virginia.
Though history tells us that third party candidates in total don’t usually pick up for then 3-5%, so maybe it’s just early noise of people saying they’re unhappy with Romney. Still, it’s one more line where voters who would otherwise go for Romney (along with Johnson) can check.
@Anya: Obama wins Virginia. Goode’s been polling 7 to 9% in VA, and he doesn’t take votes from Obama.
Probably takes 1.0 to 2.5 points fro Romney
This from “horizontal-stripe JayGee”?
@kdaug: Har! If I’d been drinking tea it would have been all over the keyboard. “Horizontal stripe JayGee”. That’s a keeper.
Villago Delenda Est
That always is a strange experience to me.
Locally, I was a bit of an online celebrity in the 90’s, because I was one of the most “public”, if you will, personas of our small little local ISP. When people were introduced to me IRL, they recognized the name, put it in the context of the ISP, and you could see in their faces that they were having problems adjusting from the mental image of me from online vs. the meatspace image of me.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
“Weird putting
facesupraised hands to names.”fyp
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
I can’t wait for the moment where a stressed out John Cole goes Sean Penn on some bloggers ass and smacks the camera out of their hands.
That’d be awesome.
Ann Rynd
Is this what we’re going to be getting from Cole during this whole trip? Five word sentences once a day and a “Going to bed” at night?
Having a Miss Peggy Lee moment, here.
Just don’t tell anyone you’re Carnacki. I’m still getting hit with paternity suits from someone doing that at Netroots Nation two years ago.
I wonder if the hand-over-face greeting will be the new lefty blogger greeting. Sort of a not-so-secret handshake.
Yeah, it’s like every time I see a picture of Tunch I say, “Holy SHIT that cat is fat!”
Cole, how many folks in pajamas?
@Ann Rynd:
Then let’s keep dancing…
Let’s bring out the booze and have a ball,
If that’s all
there is…
You know, that’s actually a decent theme song for this blog.
@KG: It seems to me that if Romney continues to poll badly and if in November he’s not favored to win Virginia anyway, then why not vote your conscience / third party?
I would be interested to know if 3rd party candidates fare better in safe states than swing states. Logically they would, but I have no idea.
@BGinCHI: Do Cole’s striped shirts count? Or do the stripes have to be vertical to count?
@BGinCHI: Black silk with cone hats?
Putting weird faces to names. FTFY
@Violet: That you have to even ask is not good news for Cole’s wardrobe.
At least he’s not wearing Hawaiian shirts. Never a good look on a big man.
@Raven: At least the black would be slimming.
Keith G
@Citizen_X: What Cole and others need to understand that we humans are genetically programed to use faces as a way to bond with others. By not allowing us to take in and consider his face, we never bond in that essentially human way. All Cole gains by that juvenile antic is to be perceived as a schlub with self confidence issues…..which sorta explains his years as a wingnut.
@BGinCHI: That we were questioning whether his attire below his torso was new pants or shorts and if it did or did not have an open fly is also not a good sign.
I feel like I’m being terribly mean. My wardrobe is hardly impressive.
@KG: That’s wonderful. Kinda like What happened in Illinois when Green Party candidate LeAlan took from Alexi Giannoulias. I watched that race very closely and was so dissapointed by the lose.
Thanks everyone who responded. This makes my day!
@Ding dong: I second that…we need a bit more info about what’s going on! Particularly from the latter hours of the night…
No one is ever mean on this blog.
@BGinCHI: I have my moments…
@rlrr: Shouldn’t that be goode news for McCain?
I want to see Cole pull off his best Hefner move and go to the Carnival (convention) in a bathrobe & silk PJs.
Then we’d get pics.
How thick is the Cheetos dust? Who have you seen/met?
Omnes Omnibus
@BGinCHI: Kay is.
Ann Rynd
See what happens? Cole hits the big city, buys some city duds, goes to a party and he dumps us. Gone!
Make me a White Russian, Jeff, will ya, honey?
@Yutsano: Catty and mean are two different things.
Hey, need a couple bar recs for a buddy coming to Seattle. I know Ballard but what about places for craft beer and atmosphere? Any joints you’d recommend? This is someone used to cool Chicago bars….
@Omnes Omnibus: Oh yeah, forgot about Kay.
She’s mean as hell.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford:
Knowing Cole, whoever he attacked would probably be some poor schmuck who doesn’t even have a camera but was just holding his burner cell high and out to find a phone number because he forgot his reading glasses.
Yeah, I suspected it before but I’m certain that Cole is just trolling us now with the running joke about faces…
“Weird putting faces to names.”
I wonder if Obama’s drone operators feel that way when they blow up innocent people with missiles?
Can we bribe ABL and Heather to see this does happen? I would donate.
@Ann Rynd: The Dude is at the Convention!!
If you will it, Dude, it is no dream.
@mdblanche: Isn’t EVERYTHING?
Ann Rynd
@Ann Rynd: Not too white, darlin. Let me know when it’s noon in Carmel. We’ll have one for Clint.
@BGinCHI: The Abiders!
“I said ‘All hand on deck.’ Leave Dick alone!”
So then tell us what they look like naked.
We should be getting hourly updates.
For anybody with an ample popcorn supply, it’s TBogg vs. the Firebaggers time (again).
Cris (without an H)
Best “faces to names” moment in the history of blogging was Digby’s appearance at the Koufax awards.
@Cassidy: Cole’s not even using the Twitters to keep us updated. ::pouts::
@Omnes Omnibus:
In the spirit of my new post 50th birthday obsession with how ancient I am…..who can id the phrase “Meaner than a junkyard dog”?
Ann Rynd
It’s always the ones with their flies open who put their hands over their faces.
@jibeaux: I’d suspect that third party candidates do better in safe states, but haven’t done the research. I know that Johnson was running above 10% in New Mexico, but I suspect that has as much to do with him being the former governor as it does with New Mexico being a safe Democratic win.
It’s also tough to say what will happen in Virginia just yet, head-to-head, Romney remains in the margin of error, which tells me that some of the Goode voters will go back into the GOP fold. But then again, if Romney does poll badly, or if he bombs at the debates, I could see protest votes for third parties. Skepticism is probably the best approach for the time being.
I’d also be curious to see what would happen if there was a competent/viable third party candidate, even if he was regional. I mean, if I were Johnson (for example), I’d focus my campaign on New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, maybe Oklahoma, Kansas, etc; or if I were Goode, I’d focus on Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, etc. If a third party candidate could get themselves into play in a state or two, I think that changes the game in a big way (if nothing else, it should get them on the stage for a debate).
@eemom: Bad, bad Leroy Brown, baddest man in the whole damn town.
@Soonergrunt: Only when you ask Dan Quayle.
@eemom: “Bad, bad Leroy Brown”…or did you mean something else?
I’m too young for Jim Croce but for some reason they played him all the time at a summer camp I went to and I can sing all the hits.
@trollhattan: hahahaha… I’m going to use that “… is like hoping you get cancer so you can lose a few pounds” line… I don’t know where, but I will.
@TK421: That doesn’t even make sense. It should really be either a quip about a guy so blown up he doesn’t have a face, or an intelligence agent scrambling to come up with a name from a list of evildoers to match an unidentifiable body. Step up your game.
From Anya’s TPM item re Virgil Goode qualifying for presidential ballot in Virginia:
Besides which, Goode’s running on “The Constitution Party.” What better way for low information voters to signal their disgust with Mitt’s moderate stands?
Delicious development.
Amir Khalid
Ooh! Ooh! I know this one! It’s from the Jim Croce song, Bad Bad Leroy Brown!
ETA: Rats. Beaten to it.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
Don’t you guys get it: John Cole is an alias for Thoma Pinchon.
@eemom: Bad bad Leroy Brown, Croce and a name of them Georgia Bulldawg Defenses!
Linda Featheringill
Leroy Brown
@FlipYrWhig: Tiki421 thinks he can Clint Eastwood us- make some random comment with scare words, then wait for applause.
@Linda Featheringill: The judges will also accept Fred Sanford, meanest junkyard dog ever.
the LOOG collective mancrush on John Cole continues:
Ash Can
@eemom: That phrase is badder than ol’ King Kong.
ETA: I’m pleased to see how many other old farts are here.
peach flavored shampoo
Ok, now I’m putting Hank Jr. in the lottery for the first person of note to go N-word on Obama, after this outburst.
Ben Cisco
I am so sorry that I cannot be with you guys in the middle of all this; work was already going to be a beast with a project I’m working on, but with a short week and a looming deadline there’s no way to get away. I will have to live vicariously through the blog this time.
I do hope you enjoy Charlotte though.
Linda Featheringill
Fred Sanford. :-)
Mike E
@Raven: I used to live in Charlotte, and the klan used to march uptown once a year (prolly still do FAIK) and one image that stands out in my mind is of black sheriff’s deputies unloading shotguns from their cruisers, having a laugh; I’d imagine it was out of irony since they were there to protect the marchers who were easily outnumbered by the protesters.
Firebaggers are completely bonkers, neck and neck with the GOP. What are they going to do when Obama wins, slit their wrists? On second thought, nah, they’ll all be looking for jobs in rightwing world if they aren’t already doing that.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: Leroy Brown.
@TK421: Probably not. The cameras on drones are really, really good. I’d imagine that putting the name to a face is pretty simple.
@TK421: Probably not. The cameras on drones are really, really good. I’d imagine that putting the name to a face is pretty simple.
@Elizabelle: I really don’t buy the bullshit horserace narrative. Romney is behind in all the “battle ground states.” Also, too, can someone explain to me how is PA considered a swing state when it voted for the Dem candidate in the last 5 presidential elections?
Leads the nation in elderly white voters? You know, the ones that count?
@eemom: bad, bad leroy brown. Probably late, dam left coast time.
ETA: oh, ya, very late. Don’t spit into the wind.
@Elizabelle: I see!
Thank you, thank you, fellow oldsters (and youngsters who listen to old tunes)! It is so nice to have company in my dotage.
@eemom: It is from the Jim Croce song “Leroy Brown”.
Heard that one on XM radio this morning. Jim and Leroy were closely related, except Jim found out where it’s at, which is not hustlin’ people strange to you, even if you do got a two-piece custom made pool cue. Whereas Leroy ended up looking like a jigsaw puzzle with a coupla pieces gone.
Re Virgil Goode, and gift wrapped for eemom’s birthday (‘cuz I think you’re a Commonwealth dweller too?)
Reader JPRS comment from the WaPost article on Goode qualifying for Virginia ballot:
Thank you! And yes, I do inhabit this godforsaken flat-earth wasteland….and I am indeed giggling madly with glee over this delightful new development.
I even have my very own pathetic set of neighbors who cling to their Ron Paul yard sign; perhaps I shall present them with a shiny new Virgil Goode replacement, just to be niiiiice.
And so Cole’s Assimilation Horizon has nearly been achieved: Complete absorption from the mindless Republican National Committee model to the new mindless Democratic National Committee model.
The independent and bravely non aligned thought on display here is astounding.
Mike E
Troll sez derrp
I’m sure this has been answered, but that bad, bad Leroy Brown would chew up and spit out junkyard dogs.
And really, people have a point here, Cole! WTF is up with short, cryptic posts half a day apart? Jeebus, you’re a shitty blogger (kidding about the last part, but not the first).
We are supposed to be feeling like we are there! Updates! News! Impressions of the other bloggers, especially the ones we don’t like! And, for fuck’s sake, man, get yourselves over to the Tweety set so we can see you. You can give us the signal–a husky man in baggy shorts and horizontal striped shirt with a hand over his face. We’ll all spot you!