… and being taken to the hospital for ‘multiple injuries’. Really hope they can keep him alive, because it’ll tamp down some of the wilder conspiracy theories if he’s (eventually) availabe for questioning.
ETA Comic relief (h/t commentor Dmsilev) from TPM Livewire:
Addressing what he described as a “most unfortunate misunderstanding” to emerge after it was revealed that the two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings are of Chechen descent, Petr Gandalovič, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the United States, issued a statement on Friday to clarify that the “Czech Republic and Chechnya are two very different entities.”…
Salute to the law enforcement and first responders all week.
Great job LEO!
So glad they took him alive.
Good job to all on the job.
Great fucking job BPD, ATF, and FBI.
Great fucking job to all the PDs of surrounding cities, embassy security officers, and everyone else who chipped in.
Nice fucking job Dunkin’ Donuts.
High fives all around.
Spaghetti Lee
Glad they got him alive. I hope they get him to talk, like you said.
Bruce S
“…it’ll tamp down some of the wilder conspiracy theories if he’s (eventually) available for questioning.”
Or not. Might tamp down some of the less bizarre conspiracy theories, but the wilder ones will roll merrily along.
and Guard reports (carefully saying unconfirmed) Mirandized.
Mary G
You stepped on your own thread this time, AL!
Nice job by law enforcement. Thanks to all who praised CBS, they are refreshingly calm, measured, and precise.
@Joel: Shitty job by the media. And a true Epic Fail to the folks out in social-media land who prompted this statement.
I am applauding the police and responders.
Here in my living room in Virginia.
Betty Cracker
News shows residents lining the streets cheering for the cops. Awesome.
since i don’t look at the crazy people.. what are the more ridiculous conspiracy theories?
that this is a “false flag” op designed to be the next great way to TAKEALLGUNSNOW!!!11ELEVENTY ?
@Bruce S:
Given the barely casual acquaintance most conspiracy theories have to facts, this should not impede their momentum much at all.
Has Lop
So single gunman who is the subject of the most intensive manhunt in history is in a shoot out with police but gets away. Police place 2 million people on lockdown in a 200 square mile area and then conduct a house to house search in area and find nothing. The release lockdown. Woman goes outside and sees a trail of blood leading to a boat that is a mile away from shoot out scene.
Yeah, some top notch police work there. Who would ever think that someone might hide in a boat in a backyard?
Treating this as a crime instead of an act of war clearly shows Obama isn’t serious about fighting terrorism. Also, too.
Aw, Lindsey haz a sad at implementation of Constitutional Rights.
Spaghetti Lee
Yeah. Also that it’s al Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood’s first step in destroying the world. Or the UN’s. Maybe they’ll get him to talk and it turns out he’s in some group, but I haven’t seen any evidence pointing to that.
I don’t understand what drove this poor kid to this madness and callousness. I cried for the victims of this horrific crime, specially that lovely boy Martin Richard but this kid’s fate makes my heart ache even more. It pains me that someone like him with such potential is driven to this level of misguided hate. He makes me despair for humanity.
Ok, I am now a CBS News and Scott Pelley convert. CBS news has been the most calm, cool and collected of all the national nets and cable news net. Mr Pelley’s calm demeanor and the news staff cautionary reporting was well appreciated in comparison to the other idiot news programs.
@scav: Lindsay will need to loosen his corset strings over that one.
A guy on CNN pointed out that they had an ambulance there but simply took him away in a polie car, so unlikely the injuries are life threatening
So glad he was taken alive. We need him to talk. I am right now about 1/2 way through the book “Columbine.” Looking for an engrossing book? this is it. The parallels between these two cases are fascinating.
While the Columbine boy’s journals helped, talking to them after the fact would have been stunningly helpful to law enforcement and mental health professionals. We need to talk to this kid.
Highway Rob
Try him, find him guilty, sentence him to being dropped in the middle of Southie after publicly removing every officer assigned to the neighborhood.
Comrade Mary
What a relief.
I totally misread the last word. I blame AL’s previous post.
People on my facebook feed are now cheering for waterboarding. Ugh.
@Has Lop: It took ’em three fucking days to find these guys in a metro area of 4 1/2 million people. That’s fucking impressive.
Gin & Tonic
@Has Lop: Based on prior experience I really hate to agree with you, but yeah. The whole fucking area was frozen. The kid is 19, possibly wounded, probably scared. Sooner or later he’s got to eat something or take a leak. If I was chief of police, I wouldn’t be putting this on my resume.
They say he’s conscious. Really amazing.
never EVER thought they’d take him alive
Time to exhale.
So to update the Obama motto; GM is alive, Osama is dead, Tsarnaev is captured, no wars being started.
So we treated this like a criminal act and caught the bad guys in less than week. As opposed to bombing Iran and taking 10 years to find the schmoes.
Obama > Bush
Highway Rob
@Violet: Boston cops. Incredible.
Libby's person
It’s pretty amazing how quickly this has happened. It’s only been a few days since the bombing. After it happened, I assumed that it would take weeks, if not months, to break this case. Congratulations to the police, FBI, etc. on a job well done.
David Koch
If Bush was president Dzhokhar would have been allowed to escaped through the Tora Bora pass.
Bruce S
Good to know that, even as they captured the bomber, Boston police were also able to protect the country from attacks on our freedoms by Lindsey Graham.
@Joel: no shit. This ain’t NCIS. This is the real world.
@Gin & Tonic: It’s not that hard to hide in a city if you really don’t want to be found, especially since the kid could just attempt to blend in anywhere. Plus he is at least familiar with all the hiding spots at the very least. Police work is sometimes the result of lucky breaks.
Just wow! To take a fugitive who could be wired alive is amazing. Just wow!
Michele C
@Comrade Mary: thank you for making me actually guffaw out loud!
Anne Laurie
He’s 19, no family in the area except his older brother, who seems to have seriously lost the thread. You know the high-faluting quote about, “Given a choice between betraying my friend and betraying my country, I hope I’d have the decency to betray my country”?
@Unsympathetic: Oh hell, that one was running strong on Monday within hours of the actual bombings.
the bombings are federal cases. he’s under the FBI’s thumb.
Pete Williams just called him a domestic terrorist.
@Comrade Mary: Uh-huh. I think we might need to have a nice chat about your possible inner lesbyterian. Maybe over timbits and coffee?
This is wonderful news! Kudos to all of law enforcement!! They won’t be buying their drinks for a very long time! Now, hopefully, he’ll get a fair trial and we can find out more about why it happened. Condolences to all the victims and their families and friends. The fact that he’s alive is very good news indeed. This has been like a looong movie. Thanks for all the threads!
Gin & Tonic
@Yutsano: At 2:00 am he fled a shootout on foot, possibly wounded, in a residential area of mostly single or two-family homes, bounded on one side by a river. He couldn’t have gotten far.
Heartfelt props to all the cops. Please consult to LA about how to conduct a case like this without hosing unrelated civilian vehicles with gunfire.
And again, thanks! I’m done with terror pr0n for a long, long time.
@Gin & Tonic: you do realize they did not know for sure he was the only person involved, nor did they know for certain that there weren’t lots of other bombs left around Boston.
Has lop
@Joel: how so?
Their decision to kill a security guard, rob a 7-11, and then hijack a car may have drawn some attention to their whereabouts.
@dmsilev: the entire editorial staff of the onion has been reprimanded for allowing reality to scoop them
@Has lop: rob a 7-11
They didn’t rob the 7-11. They were in the 7-11 when someone else robbed it.
[‘Of all the luck…’]
@Yutsano: Well, it was the city of Boston that found the guy. Angry, angry residents keeping an eye out for him until they got the bastard.
@Has lop: Thought the 7-11 robbing ended up to be just a rumor.
That is all great news. And the best news to come out of this thing, besides no one else getting hurt or killed, is that this kid is going to have his rights (and by extension we will all have our rights) protected.
If Bush were still in office, we wouldn’t have heard about his capture until after the third quart of water was used on the board at GITMO and we had invaded Czech Republic because we were attacked by a Chechen.
As I noted in the previous thread: We need to show the rest of the world (and ourselves) that we can do this without resorting to barbarism. Read him his rights, follow the rules, put him on trial, get the conviction with solid, verifiable evidence. If we say we follow the rule of law, let us follow the rule of law. That is how we get people to think differently about the US.
@Has Lop:
I had been thinking the same thing. It’s great that it is over, but I hope law enforcement doesn’t just wallow in the public praise that will rightfully be coming their way, and (privately) does some “lessons learned” on this caper.
Gin & Tonic
@Aimai: I do realize that. I’m saying that there was a near-zero probability he’d left Watertown. He fled the shootout on foot, so he couldn’t have been carrying much ordnance.
Amen again.
Has lop
Oh and I forgot to mention that, during the course of the carjacking, they bragged to th victim that they were the bombers. That may have alerted the LEOs that should follow up.
Suffern ACE
@Has lop: they had already checked that boat according to reports. So who knows where he had been moving.
Right there with you.
I didn’t think they would, but I was hoping they could. The information that’s coming out (and it is, of course, all subject to the usual caveats) made it sound as though his brother was the mastermind, so once his brother was dead, I was hopeful that they could talk him down and take him alive.
@Comrade Mary:
tee hee
@Anne Laurie: The dynamic of the little brother and his big brother is, lots of times, fraught.
I thought of this kid a lot this week. We used to babysit him; he lived down the street.
How did the FBI “informant” (who hired him when he was unemployed, and gave him all the beer and pot he could metabolize) get the kind, gentle little brother, a kid who would brush my dog for an hour if she had a burr, into the car to carry out a non-existent bombing plot? Simple: “Don’t be a wuss, Connor”.
Obviously it’s complicated, but I’d guess this is complicated too. If only his big brother had been yet another plant…
I hope he lives too, but I can’t imagine what his life will be like from here on out. If mixed in with the general prison population, he’d be a prime target. Some criminal would shank him for sure.
I’m sure he deserves what is coming, but I can’t help but think that this kid wouldn’t have done what he did without being influenced by his older brother.
Has lop
@Violet: I don’t know for sure, of course, but the pic posted from the 7-11 camera sure looked like him.
No, no,no. If Bush was President we would have heard about his capture right before the election.
@Has Lop: Spend a lot of time searching for armed hostiles who may or may not have assistance in heavily urbanized terrain with a limited force have you?
That shit is a LOT harder than people think it is, even when the public is ostensibly on your side.
Tell it, brother.
They had a lot of bad luck. The surviving bomber (probably accidentally) running over and killing his brother during the escape is like something out of a Jim Thompson novel.
@David Koch:
There is a nice summary of their latest fuckups here.
I especially like the one about CNN:
The Czech Republic, and east, west, south and north somewhat.
Mary G
I would think that the public gets in the way and makes officers anxious about hitting innocent bystanders and don’t find it unreasonable to lock down the city after what happened last night.
Anne Laurie
@Has lop:
Latest detail was that they didn’t rob the 7-11 — just got caught on the security camera there. After which, seems like they panicked, shot that poor MIT cop, and set off the whole day’s drama. They did carjack the SUV, but (small point in their favor) they turned the driver loose… after ‘confessing’ that they’d done the Marathon bombing.
Let’s not give the Tsarnaev brothers too much credit: They weren’t hardened jihadis or glamourous outlaws, just sad angry young men who decided to commit an unusually prolonged, publicity-friendly suicide by cop. It’s to the credit of all the law enforcement involved that the younger kid didn’t get to live out his action-movie fantasies. Better in every sense that he shares as much information as he has (even if that’s not much more than “My brother had a psychotic break, and I felt too much of a sense of responsiblity to let him die alone”) and stands as a Bad Example rather than a Glorious Martyr!
S. Holland
@Joel: Yes!!!
@Anne Laurie:
I wish we spend money and resources on mental health promotion and social programs rather than military and endless wars (including war on drugs).
Well done!! That was amazingly fast. Great work by LE, and by the massive community of people assisting them with pictures, videos, data, etc. I guess the Panopticon isn’t such a bad thing. 5 days from commission to custody. Wow.
I am glad they have Mirandized this kid and hopefully will get him to talk, or at least be able to gather enough info to close this down fast. I’m also hoping they have enough evidence at this point to put him away indefinitely.
I am not worried about the DA getting a conviction, not after a firefight, they must have him at least on resisting arrest and a bunch of other shit now. If they had a warrant to arrest him to begin with, then they have much more too. If they’ve already found explosives on property, he’s pretty much done in, and if it matches what was found at the Marathon, then there it is, they got him.
And I really do hope we are able to uncover any and all network connections these kids have to anyone else, and shut them down, ASAP.
Weird though. Pot-smoking, Truther Muslim terrorists quoting rap music? This is some through-the-looking-glass territory. What the fuck was going on in these kids’ heads?
@Arclite: Some “criminal”? You’re kidding me! They are going to send him to jail with CRIMINALS? Had I known …
Mr Stagger Lee
My fellow Americans the big difference between Chechens and Czechs is that, Czechs play good hockey and make good Pilsner Beer! Maybe the Discovery Channel, TLC or History do an reality show involving geography.I don’t know maybe Honey Boo Boo in Prague, Sons of Guns do Gozny, Caucasus Moutain Duck Pawn or some stuff like that.
Gin & Tonic
@Aimai: Also, this demonstrated for anyone with half a brain that *if* there had been others, if there were a cell of say half a dozen, with more ordnance, and not US high school kids, but *real* Chechen or Ingushetian terrorists, we’d have no chance. Look at this picture. That’s for one kid.
S. Holland
@Betty Cracker: Great, great to see!!
The best aspect of him being taken alive (and hopefully staying alive) is that we’ll not only find out more about why they (allegedly) did it, but where they got the horrific weaponry, including the bombs and the IED’s and the guns. And, if they were involved with a terrorist organization, we’ll gain valuable intelligence. But more importantly, as others have said, we can show the rest of the world how actual due process works with no torture and no “enhanced interrogation” mand none of that other crap that the Bush administration shoved down our throats.
I’m not usually a huge law enforcement fan, but major kudos here. Sure, there were missteps from which to learn, but you can’t argue with success in a mere four days. Boston’s Finest indeed! Props to the FBI! And the entire team!
Has lop
@Soonergrunt: no can’t say that I have.
I have had quite a bit of experience, though, with officious LEOs, ESP. The ex-mil ones, to know that their reflexive defense of procedures, no matter how poorly conceived, doesn’t deserve much deference.
….issued a statement on Friday to clarify that the “Czech Republic and Chechnya are two very different entities.
Maybe it’s a lack of imagination on my part, but I don’t see how could someone over the age of 15 possibly confuse the two.
G and I had an interesting discussion last night about testosterone poisoning in young men and a weird tendency that they have for deciding that their symbolic actions send a specific message, only to discover that the “message” leaves everyone scratching their heads.
I have never been a teenage boy, and G has, so I take his word for it when he says that testosterone and male bonding can lead you to very strange places.
@Eric: CBS reporting he actually has 2 gun shot wounds from earlier shootout and there was alot of blood. he in in serious condition.
Anne Laurie
Hell, people keep forgetting how hard it can be to find a little kid or a dementia patient lost in a restricted area, much less a 19-year-old athlete who’s got every incentive to stay ahead of the searchers.
At some point can we please can them something other than suspect one and two.. Really maybe call them assholes or fill in the blanks.
Wilder conspiracy theories, eh?
Now, where exactly is “Ben Franklin” hiding?
Gin & Tonic
@Soonergrunt: How much of the theater was operationally necessary and how much of it was to give the SWAT guys an opportunity to play with all the cool toys we bough them?
Looking at all of the people on the streets in Watertown – pretty amazing.
Michele C
@Anne Laurie: yes. Yes, indeed.
Apparently the bomber brothers thought the police responding to 7/11 burglary were coming for them. Because, astoundingly, the brothers were nearby. So that’s why they shot Sean Collier, alas. They thought they had to escape the cops.
So without the 7/11 robbery, the shoot out at MIT might not have happened.
(Of course, this was reported on TV, so may not be true.)
Warren Terra
Does the ambassador’s clarification mean we can’t root around for a connection between these Chechen-descended assho|es in Boston, and the tragedy that hit West, Texas, home of the Czech Stop?
Suffern ACE
@Mary G: and since they were looking for people with bombs, how many other young males would be asked to strip and be subjected to Jake Tapper’s very odd commentary.
White Trash Liberal
Thank you. The disconnect in this guy’s criticism had me flummoxed. They succeeded in flushing him out in less than 24 hours. Everyone was tethered to their homes, then allowed to move and the breakthrough followed. If anything this manhunt has been superlative. Compare it to the Chris Dorner fiasco.
And, I just want to add: with all these people within and without the media taking and uploading photos and video, who needs drones?
Tone in DC
Bush would have invaded the Czech Republic, Chechnya, Chad, Cherry Pit Falls and every local Checkers. Just sayin’.
But I am VERY glad it’s over.
Gin & Tonic
@Anne Laurie: A 19-year-old wounded, sleep-deprived, scared and probably hungry kid.
@Mandalay: And Cheers for the unleashing of The Onion on such media shit.
Anne Laurie
Hell, just look at some of the shenanigans John Cole has confessed!
There’s a reaons behind the old joke that the four most dangerous words in a young man’s vocabulary are “Hey, y’all — watch this!”
It is good to see Charlie Pierce on Rachel’s show (as it has been good to see him on Chris Hayes’ show).
Mr Stagger Lee
@MazeDancer: I would like to throw this out to any lawyers, if the 7-11 robber is caught is he on the hook also for the murder of the MIT police officer, since his action triggered the brothers to shoot?
A Miranda warning isn’t a magic spell that confers rights. You have the right to remain silent even if the cops don’t tell you. Not warning the suspect only serves to blow the case.
By the same token, if you’re going to be called an enemy combatant, it doesn’t really matter what they’ve told you.
I am thrilled that the justice system is going to be given a chance to work.
Random observation: Governor Patrick is too short to be a presidential candidate..
@JPL: I’ve been referring to Suspect #2 as “that little shit” – perhaps it’s not politically correct, but it is how I feel. But I do hope that the little shit gets a fair trial and recovers from his injuries.
@Morzer: Indeed, been wondering where the little shit stirrer is? Granted, if he wants to just disappear into the dustbin of internet history, I wholeheartedly approve.
Carmen Ortiz on the tee-vee.. Mixed feelings.
I am not a kook
@PeakVT: How many states does the US have on your planet?
@Warren Terra: I, for one, support the invasion of the Czech Republic. Their support of terrorism has got to stop. Damn liberals, afraid of their own shadows. Sometimes you just gotta invade.
James Hare
We need to start a fund to send Lindsey Graham to North Korea, where the “rule of law” is more in line with his beliefs. His adamant refusal to acknowledge that due process is NOT optional is truly sickening to witness from a member of the highest legislative branch in the land. Folks like the Boston bombers are no threat to our way of life. Folks like Lindsey Graham ARE.
Tone in DC
Menino looks kinda stature-deprived, too.
@Mnemosyne: They had a lot of bad luck. The surviving bomber (probably accidentally) running over and killing his brother during the escape is like something out of a Jim Thompson novel.
Yeah. I almost posted something this morning (but decided it was too much humor, even for gallows humor) that these guys seemed to be the Col. Klink and Sgt. Schultz of terrorists.
[‘Nein! Nein! First you shoot at the police and then you blow yourself up before your brother runs you over with the car! Not the other way around! Dummkopf! {headslap}’]
Carmen Ortiz has blood in her hands. She should not be on my teevee pretending to care about justice.
@Tone in DC: Now he check himself back into the hospital for surgery on his ankle.
@Anya: No snark – can you bring me up to speed on Ortiz?
@Mnemosyne: It’s true. It’s a problem.
I think the solution is moar sex, more easily accessible sex, and sex available only to those who are peaceful and grounded, as an incentive to get that way and stay that way. Maybe the non-religious west (i.e. modern Europe) is heading that way.
Cultures and religions that severely restrict sex and provide it as a reward for violent or aggressive behavior (fundamentalist Christianity and Islam, I’m looking at you!) tend to produce this kind of testosterone-poisoned violence.
I enjoyed the book “Sex at Dawn”. Apparently, in most tribal cultures, the women long ago found out that ready availability of sex kept the men relatively rational and calm and peaceful. The women would use sex rituals as a way to keep the peace, doing it often enough to keep the testosterone to a mellow level.
@Gin & Tonic: A 19-year-old is an adult, not a kid.
Gin & Tonic
@hildebrand: She was the driving force behind aggressively prosecuting Aaron Swartz. Many blame his suicide on her.
@hildebrand: This should explain it all.
@I am not a kook: All of them, Katie.
Anne Laurie
One of the local anchors referred to him a “Knucklehead”. Works for me.@Joel:
One advantage to all the publicity, Ortiz won’t be allowed within blocks of the suspect. No doubt she’ll throw herself in front of every camera comes within range, but the only one she can hurt by flapping her mouth is herself.
Suffern ACE
@max: at the very least if the kid survives his injuries, I can get some answers on this get away attempt.
@Gin & Tonic: Ah, bugger – I knew the name was vaguely familiar, but simply couldn’t bring it to mind. My thanks.
I am not a kook
I does sound like somebody in the Czech Foreign Office got a report of hate mail coming in from lots of mouth breathers in Amercia and promptly recognized an existential threat to their Republic.
If they hadn’t caught the guy, certain Representatives and Senators would have started banging the war drum. CNN and NYTimes would have started reminding people about Muhammed Atta and Prague!
The trauma of George W. Bush will not fade very soon from the world’s memory.
Jay C
Another Halocene Human
@NobodySpecial: Thank you for saying this. I said as much in the stomped thread but you said it better.
Gin & Tonic
@Violet: Have you looked at him? I think he’s still a kid. And after being in a shootout, being up all night, and probably not having eaten, I’d bet by mid-afternoon he was on such an adrenaline down that your Aunt Mabel could have caught him.
Mike in NC
We were at dinner tonight when the server mentioned that they caught this perp. Hope the people of the city can now relax and get on with their lives.
Boston Technical High School, Class of ’72
@Jay C: Indeed.
Another Halocene Human
@Violet: We know now that a 19 year old’s brain hasn’t finished developing. It doesn’t mean they’re intellectually deficient but executive functioning hasn’t reached its full potential, among other things.
I’m not saying a 19yo should be treated like a 12yo but most I think recognize it’s a far cry from 26.
Thank you. I wish asshats like Lindsey Graham knew that.
Bruce S
Unless, of course, they happen to be your kid…in which case Good Luck with the “adult” thing.
OMG.. they are still talking about the miranda warning….
fu lindsay
@Gin & Tonic: I’ve only seen photos online. No idea how accurately they portray him as he was just prior to the bombing.
@Another Halocene Human: I understand. But legally he’s an adult.
@danimal: Invade their country and take their sweet, sweet beer.
Quite a lot of the rest of the world know how actual due process works, thank you very much. Although they would appreciate it if America could show that it can remember how it works as well.
@Gus: Ah, but he is very intelligent, well-spoken and drop-dead gorgeous good-looking in person. He’d have my vote!
@Bruce S: I have a friend whose son is about to turn 18. He’s been busy telling his parents how he can do what he wants when he turns 18 because he’ll be an adult. Uh huh. And how’s he going to pay for all the fun he thinks he’s going to be having?
Public Security Exception is being used on the young man. At this time there will be no mirandanizing.
@Another Halocene Human: And yet long before I was 12 I knew better than to commit mass murder.
Ortiz is the prosecutor who offered a plea deal to a burglar caught red-handed, who then took his own life. A lot of people, without much reason, blame Ortiz for the burglar’s psychological problems that led to his suicide.
Suffern ACE
@Mnemosyne:it is too easy to blame the older brother because it is a great novel. It also is like Columbine where you have one really kind of nice, almost normal boy involved with a complete psychopath. We are going to find out some things about this kid that will challenge that narrative.
Bruce S
Bitcoins? Get designated “too Big to fail” w/ credit line from The Fed? Robbing 7/11s? Lots of options.
Another Halocene Human
@Gin & Tonic: Not too impressed with her performance just now. Publicity hound at the very least.
Laughing so hard at Watertown PD chief’s tan!
Bruce S
@Suffern ACE:
I guess I’m an idiot cuz I’ve got no idea what we’ll find out..
grandpa john
@James Hare: Ms Lindsey is just rousting out the base here in SC because a second primary opponent announced this week.
This doesn,t help him by splitting the vote because in SC you have to win the primary with a majority vote. so this could mean a runoff.
Another Halocene Human
@Suffern ACE: They probably both had that occipital lobe thing. Robbin’ mama probably does too. But I would almost lay money at this point on big brother having had a brain injury. He’s dead and I don’t know if they were looking for that at autopsy. FBI’s involved, so hopefully, yes.
Jay C
PS: Having watched the Dzhokhar Tsarnaev manhunt all afternoon and evening (not that I had much choice off the major nets) I’ll second the nomination of Scott Pelley and CBS for the “best” coverage of the affair. Not that that was a particularly high bar to hurdle: after hour after hour of endless shots of cops standing around idling in little groups on Watertown streetcorners: punctuated by some of most banal commentary I’ve ever heard in decades of TV-watching, we were almost ready to chuck it in and retreat to the TiVo. But not quite: we were able to (finally) catch the denouement live.
Weirdest moment for us: ABC had ex-Bush Admin sec honcho Richard Clarke as a commentator, and Diane Sawyer kept referring to him as “Dick”. And I kept thinking only of THIS “Dick Clark”…
Another Halocene Human
@smintheus: I did not make any statements about knowing right from wrong or about the appropriateness of incarceration. Please don’t read that into what I said.
There are billions of people on this earth who wouldn’t commit a mass murder under any circumstances.
James Hare
@grandpa john: I’ve got family in South Carolina and he’s making the whole state look worse than it already does. Obviously oaths don’t mean shit to politicians in South Carolina be they wedding oaths or solemn oaths to protect the Constitution.
Why the Miranda obsession? If they have enough evidence to be willing to not use his statements in the case against him in court does it actually matter?
I mean if they don’t need the statements to convict…
One of the networks is reporting no Miranda warnings and intent to rely on “public safety” exception.
Is this must some right wing wankers hoping to do away with Miranda all together?
Bruce S
@James Hare:
Not to put too fine a point on this but over the past dozen years Graham, McCain, Cheney, Bush, Rice et al have done more damage to our country than bin Laden – including loss of life.
Another Halocene Human
@Violet: On credit, bad credit credit, Jennifer furniture and those horrid bank cards and buy here pay here cars, just like every other “Im18nyaanyaa” does.
Parents, make sure you talk to your kids about safe sex and safe credit. Or they might be like my former coworker with big debts and two kids at 23, wistful about what could have been.
Tone in DC
He haz wheelchair?
Time to give India some “shock and awe” and start a ten year invasion.
Suffern ACE
@Gian: what the right wing things is that once you read a Miranda statement, you’re giving up the option to torture and start the punishment immediately. They used to hate it because they thought it allowed all the thugs to get off on a technicality hence the need for Dirty Harry cops. But now, they just want a torture chamber for anyone who a bureaucrat declares to be a terrorist.
Well if you think that shit is hard, try being on the lam without food or shelter in a city where your face is constantly on all news channels on national TV, and the entire nation is definitely not on your side.
I don’t think any of us here are qualified to render any objective verdict on the performance of law enforcement at this stage. It was less than perfect, but they got their men, and resolved the issue very quickly. That’s about all we really know for sure at the moment.
Another Halocene Human
You know it strikes me that these kids were so fucking dumb, getting caught because they did a carjacking and then killed a cop. Didn’t they ever play GTAIII? That shit’s guaranteed helicopters overhead.
johnny aquitard
@Has Lop: Top notch police work is the relationship they have with the people they serve, such that when that lady who sees that blood trail, and because of the lockdown knows its damn important, actually calls the police because she is suspicious, and she trusts her police force to respond. There were a hundred ways that citizen could have responded to that, including just going back inside and closing her door.
That, dumbass, is what top notch police work looks like. It’s a relationship between the police and the people they serve that makes the BPD way more effective than just a few thousand isolated armed men searching for bad guys could ever be. It’s a potent force multiplier.
Anne Laurie
@Calouste: Ortiz is a glory hound who’s fcked up what should have been easy cases in her search for the spotlight, long before Aaron Schwartz came to Cambridge. She’s Bernie Kerik in a skirt, hoping for a promotion to Rudy Guiliani.
Anne Laurie
@Another Halocene Human:
Golden Glove boxer, so the possiblity certain exists.
grandpa john
@Bruce S: Sad, but true. somewhere in the future, historians will determine that the SCOTUS and media aided theft of the 2000 presidential election was the beginning of our final descent into third world status and the death of democracy as our founding fathers framed it.
@Suffern ACE:
Oh, I’m sure we are. I was just explaining why I had some hope the kid could be taken alive. I could end up being 100 percent wrong about the why.
Though if anybody had “Chechen immigrants who came here as kids” in the betting pool, my hat is off to them. That was one hell of a twist.
the Conster
Compared to Ed Davis who was standing behind him – Ed Davis is at least 6’6″, maybe more, and weighs probably 380. Deval is around 5’8″ which really isn’t that short.
Another Halocene Human
@Violet: Who called him a minor?
johnny aquitard
@Bruce S: I know it’s snark but…This.
Another Halocene Human
@fuckwit: Cool story, bro.
Another Halocene Human
@scav: The Onion was on fire today.
Another Halocene Human
@Tone in DC: To be fair, Checkers does stock weapons of intestinal destruction.
Ok, it’s days like this that bring out my inner patriot, and by that I don’t mean my Bill Belichick patriot.
Don’t fuck with Boston.
Not incompetent enough.
They probably would have invaded Chile.
Matt McIrvin
Do you think that’s actually going to happen?
Matt McIrvin
@Unsympathetic: There was a story developing for the past day or two that the Saudi guy who got tackled at the bombing scene was the real bomber, which you could tell because his last name was an al-Qaeda last name, and he got deported to hush it up for nefarious mystery Obama reasons.
Now that the actual bombers have been revealed to be Muslim, they don’t need that one any more, and are instead concentrating on how the media are distracting us from the jihad by not calling them Muslims often enough.
Matt McIrvin
Never mind; I see this is being discussed in the next thread up.