(Scott Meyer’s website)
Who wants to complain about their local weather? Today was only in the low 80s but the dewpoint was in the “oppressive” range, ergo, “tropical” — a word that should never be used to describe the Boston area. It’s been alternating between mizzle and thunder most of the week, and is predicted to keep doing so for most of the next week. And yet, I’m aware that many of you, especially in the West, are in much worse straits…
I think that may be the best scott meyer cartoon I’ve ever seen. I usually don’t like them, but this one was spot on.
RobertDSC-iPhone 4
It’s goddamed hot here in LA. No bueno.
What’s on tap? Just more old Mac stuff. My machines are easier to deal with than people.
Omnes Omnibus
Humid here. Me no like. It is not hot enough that I feel right about turning on the a/c, but I may do it to prevent damp rot.
Weather? Ooooh, we’re getting our arses kicked but good. It’s 101 with 103, 105, 106 and 106 predicted the next few days. Yeehaw.
But it’s a thick heat.
Comrade Mary
@aimai: As much as I loved the cartoon, I think one of his commenters topped him:
This week on Full Show Friday – Little Feat live at Rockplast from 1977.
@Comrade Mary:
Okay, that’s pretty darn perfect. (pretty perfect? more perfecter?)
Although he forgot dragons with knives.
i bought one GOT book but quickly lost interest. I just skipped ahead to see the evil/weak brother-pimp GET HIS and then stopped reading. One idea i have about this after hearing that EVERYBODY DIES at some point – I guess the author just ran out of ideas and the simplest thing to do at that point was kill everyone and start over. Am I right? Or am i right?
Rain up here in Maine, but not enough to get my stream flowing. That said, everything outside is green as fuck.
? Martin
Warmish here – 80. Coast is protecting me from 100 degrees. We’ll see if I’m as fortunate tomorrow.
I do miss thunderstorms, though. I expect to see rain next in November.
@2liberal: Which book? Who’s the pimp?
Omnes Omnibus
@trollhattan: Bears made of knives is obviously a metaphor for dragons with knives.
? Martin
@Comrade Mary: LOL
? Martin
@Omnes Omnibus: And I think the knives are a metaphor for knives.
Today was 105, then it will be 108, 109, 109, 107
It is hot here in NorCal but not unusual to have a heat wave like this.
The unusual thing was it rained on Monday and Tuesday with highs in the 60s. Very rare.
Now that right there is climate change.
Wait, is this a GoT thread or a Crappy Weather thread?
I get so confused ….
Omnes Omnibus
@? Martin: And swords and daggers and all manner of cutlery and edged weapons.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Damn it, I shoulda stayed awake in litterchure klass!
I blame it on coeds and rock and roll.
Omnes Omnibus
Don’t we all…
Hot in San Diaaaago today. No AC in our house. When my wife was pregnant with our daughter we got a portable AC unit. We’re having a “sleepover” in our room. Brought in the old mattress from the crib for our daughter. She’s loving it.
@trollhattan: My friend was excited to be working in the Nevada desert today where the forecast high was 118. I think it may have ended up topping that where she was.
Alrighty, Nic Cage fans will love this. I’m watching the last bits of The Rock with Sean Connery and Nic Cage. I really need to get this one on BluRay. Makes me wonder how Sean Connery’s health is going. I remember seeing a vid of him congratulating the dude who won the Olympic Gold medal in tennis. At 80, I understand he’s been full on retired for some time now though.
@Redshirt: the original game of thrones book.
see “in the east” section re: Viserys Targaryen
how he got his ;
I hit a high of 60 today FYI.
Spring level flooding by me. Didn’t get it in the spring, no snow pack. It has just been so so wet. The garden and yard are like jungles, I can’t keep up. I have potatoes 3′ high, they are more like trees than bush shaped. The humidity was 87% inside the house yesterday morning. I had to turn on the a/c at 9am although temps did not call for it.
The animals were funny, they were just lying there as though they were prostrate entirely from heat although they were in the a/c. I have to say I haven’t gotten up to much myself, just the thought of it makes me feel sweaty.
re: weather. It hit 116 F here today in the Southeast Valley near PHX
100+ in Houston, but I don’t mind since April/May were unusually moderate this year. Three and a half more months of this to go!
@2liberal: He’s not a pimp, he’s her brother! That’s how they roll. And no, you’re not right. Not everyone dies. In fact, the “everyone dies” meme is well overstated.
@ranchandsyrup: We had that occasionally when I was growing up. For whatever reason the memories have stuck with me, and they’re very good ones.
Is there such a thing as “death weather”? Because I think that qualifies.
Once rode my motorcycle to Redding in a heatwave like this. When I got there it was 118. Somehow, the windchill graphs don’t accommodate the combination of 118 and 70mph, but the folks who make beef jerky understand.
Omnes Omnibus
@Redshirt: Everyone who dies dies.
it’s not the heat, it’s the humanity
Suffern ACE
Yeah I hate weather. But heat and humidity are the most boring things to complain about. Everything outside just kind of stops feeling like moving. But it’s not hot enough here to cook an egg on the sidewalk and not humid enough to make glasses fog up when exiting an air conditioned building. It’s still slow, though. Can we call it glacial heat?
My university was pretty darn loose but they didn’t have an open-container-in-class policy. That would have been cool.
Gotta go pick up a pizza. I wonder if it will be cold when I get home?
Omnes Omnibus
Those don’t interfere with litterchur learning’.
? Martin
I’ve got a chart that covers it. I’d need to know how many pounds you weigh and whether your goal was to arrive still with some pink on the inside, though.
OK, I’ll play along.
The Wundermap says it’s 70 out there, after 2 waves of T-storms knocked the heat down. The problem is that the dewpoint is also 70 and I don’t have gills.
We’ve got a bunch of teeny little showers moving through the Twin Cities. Temps have dropped from about 80 down into the 60’s but it’s still really muggy.
Spending the evening doing a couple loads of laundry and listening to my vinyl of the Atlantic Super Hits Volumes I, 2 and 3 (after listening to four sides of the new Big Star ‘Nothing Can Hurt Me’ soundtrack. What a great record that is, but it still can’t quite beat those Atlantic Super Hits LPs.
I’m thinking I need to do a Nic Cage movie night. I’m more a fan of his action work than his dramas (Leaving Lost Vegas and the like), although I do love City of Angels, but it’s more of an Romantic drama than you “emotional” drama although I admit to being misty-eyed at the fate of Meg Ryan’s character.
Anyway, thinking about actors I love, I’m a big Paul Rudd fan, and I came across this quiz and I realize that Paul Rudd, must snack on babies tears and puppies blood, because he seems to NOT AGE!
Take Our Ageless Paul Rudd Quiz
ok, i didn’t read it that closely. He lost me very early on, where in describing a corpse , RR made use of a lot of descriptive literary devices pointing out how fresh the corpse was. and they pointed out that it had maggots in the eyes. Just really bad writing. he lost me right there.
@Poopyman: It’s odd which memories stick with you and which ones don’t. I gotta say that having the whole family in here (including the dogs that are hogging the AC flow) is really comforting.
Omnes Omnibus
I have a portrait of myself that I keep safely tucked away in a backroom that does the trick for me.
Higgs Boson's Mate
103° in my corner of SoCal. 102° predicted for tomorrow and a bone chilling 106° on Sunday. Not to worry, Tuesday is predicted to be only 99° with a 20% chance of rain. Hand me down my jungle greens.
A friendly bet: I say that Obama approves that godforsaken Canadian pipeline over America’s aquifer.
Anyone disagree?
neither did I
@lamh35: I read today that Johnny Depp is as old as Wilfred Brimley was when he starred in Cocoon. Some quick wikipedia and math verifies it. Doesn’t seem right, though.
@Omnes Omnibus: SPOILER!
Not so much. Bran?
Suffern ACE
@JWL: nope. Won’t take the bet. I’m also in favor of calling it the Obama pipeline. Maybe if they name it after him, he’ll spend his 30 or so post presidentin’ years driving its length, looking for leaks.
@ranchandsyrup: Whoah. That blows my mind.
Omnes Omnibus
@ranchandsyrup: Depp just turned 50 and Brimley was almost 51. They are both younger than Cary Grant was in To Catch a Thief.
Suffern ACE
Do any of the totters around here have any experience with slivovice? I’ve got about two shots left from a pint I bought in the Czech Republic in April. I’ve not liked anything I’ve done with it so far. I want to give it one more chance.
@ranchandsyrup: OMG! I’m just realizing that Johnny Depp is 50!!!! Man, I distinctly remember him in 21 Jump Street, Nightmare on Elm Street and Edward Scissorhands…damn!
Omnes Omnibus
@Suffern ACE: Shots. It is the only way I’ve ever seen it done or done it. Good luck.
It was a sunny 118 in Phoenix today. Ye gods get me out of here.
Ahhh, I see Sarah the Grifter still at it again.
Sarah Palin’s Biblical Insult To Marco Rubio On Immigration Bill: Was It Worth ’30 Pieces Of Silver?’
Well I came out in the 50’s so I had 20 years of vinyl love going before CDs showed up. My collection is about 50/50, but there are times when slapping on a record is just the best thing to do. And some aspects of the sound of an LP are better than CDs – infinite sampling has it’s merits.
Jesus Christ it sucks in Seattle. My thermometer said it was 90F outside and even with my roll around AC it was 80 inside. Argh! I can’t wait for October when the rains come back.
@ranchandsyrup: I fucking hate you.
/feels older than shit
Hill Dweller
@2liberal: I think this is where the Night’s Watch finds bodies that don’t look decomposed, but someone notices maggots. They’re baffled by the incongruity.
It is all explained later in the chapter.
The first time you play it anyway.
My mp3s of Rockpile’s Seconds of Pleasure is full of clicks and pops since I played the fuck out of the album I recorded it from.
I hate it :( For health reasons, I can’t go outside in this kind of heat, which sucks because I have an errand I need to do in the next couple days. May have to beg my mom to do it for me. I hate being decrepit.
On another note! If there are any folks in the Bay Area who want to buy a pair of tickets to tomorrow’s Quakes vs Galaxy match, my friend down in the Santa Cruz mountains has two to sell. Let me know and I’ll see about the details.
dance around in your bones
I remember when cd’s first came out, in a tiny little section of Tower Records (remember that place?) and they were all $25 bucks or more – we snorted through our noses and wondered who the hell would buy those chingaderas when you already had the vinyl.
Well, we were soon buying those chingaderas. Stuff changes.
Omnes Omnibus
Screwtops on wine bottles are at least as effective as corks, but I still like the ritual of opening a bottle with a corkscrew. Partly because I am decent at it.
WTF. I go away for a bit, get sent to moderation in my first post and it gets dumped. Was the youtube link too offensive to the current moderator? Wow, things have sure changed. I remember when open threads were freaking open.
I saw Rockpile in the coffee house at UC Davis. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to brag about something 1.7 living humans give a shit about.
I suspect my Seconds of Pleasure ellpee is in darn good shape; sadly, I don’t have a vinyl to MP3 workflow.
@dance around in your bones: I bought my first 2 CD’s at Tower on the Ave in the U district in Seattle. The Police’s Synchronicity and a Japanese pressing of Abbey Road(the rest of the Beatles catalog wouldn’t be released for several years). Oh, I didn’t have a CD player; got that in about a week.
Omnes Omnibus
@trollhattan: At least 2.7 people. I think it’s cool.
Does anybody know what happened to Ross in Detroit? He restores classic analogue audio gear and was always fun to hear from.
Omnes Omnibus
@trollhattan: Changed his ‘nym to Ultraviolet Thunder for work reasons. I think it is his stage name.
ETA: I presume he is a male stripper, a drag queen, or the bassist in a KISS cover band.
ETAA: He could be all three like the late Earl Warren.
Still wading through 165 pages of majority, concurring, and dissenting opinions from the Tenth Circuit in the Hobby Lobby case. So far, I think the dissent has the better of the argument, for both common-sense and legal-mumbo-jumbo reasons.
Bottom line for me: you can’t have your corporate veil and eat it too. Regardless of the religious beliefs of their shareholders (and the dissent is careful to point out that the individual plaintiffs aren’t even the shareholders–the stock is owned by trusts), corporations should be held to be incapable of “exercising religion,” within the meaning of the RFRA.
This one’s headed to the supreme court eventually, but if DOJ is smart, they will conduct realllllly extensive discovery, call a shit-load of expert witnesses to dig deeply into the question of whether IUDs prevent fertilization or instead prevent implantation of a fertilized egg, appeal if they lose, and ask for rehearing en banc if they lose before the Tenth Circuit panel. That will keep the case away from the Supremes until around 2015, and hopefully by then Scalia will have keeled over.
ETA: link to opinion, for all you self-abusers out there.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Tiny place so it was doubly-thrilling to be there practically in Lowe and Edmunds’ laps. Whoever booked bands there must have had an inside connection with Stiff Records because we also saw Elvis Costello there.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Aaah, thanks! (I kanna keep up.)
@MikeJ: I used to pile up 5-6 albums on the phonograph and fall asleep to records. I still do that with a small bedside CD player with some of the same albums, and I realize that I miss the ticks and pops from my original old records. It was kind of a comforting sound. The CDs seem cold.
@dance around in your bones: When CDs came out and people started dumping their record collections, I was back in the used LP bins snapping up some incredible bargains. Those were glory days.
I still look through the used LP bins when I go record/CD shopping, and I’m starting to notice that amazing stuff is starting to show up again. The boomers are starting to get shuffled off to senior apartments, and they (or their kids) are dumping or downsizing their collections. I’ll be there soon enough.
Edit: I’ll have to one-up trollhattan on the Rockpile stories. A friend of mine worked as a record buyer for Musicland and was backstage at a Rockpile concert. He had the whole band autograph a copy of Seconds of Pleasure. That’s in my collection now.
I am officially a Retiree. I don’t feel any different, though.
I do. This puppy makes flipping awesome vinyl rips.
Where are you located?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Earl was very…va-va-voom! in that Zaza Gabor way. Always suspected he and Eric Sevareid had a thing.
“Had a bitch of a day in the high court.”
The first time I saw Talking Heads, it was in a club about the size of my current living room (the Hullabaloo in Renssalaer, NY).
@SiubhanDuinne: Congratulations?
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Congrats. Right? FWIW my parents have loved being retired. They chose to go while they were still healthy and still liked what they were doing. the also were fortunate to be able to do so. Have fun.
Weather? It kinda rained a wee bit this morning but it’s sunny right now. Supposed to be arther toasty (for up here) at least through the holiday.
@trollhattan: I’ll make it 3.7 people. Sounds like a great way to see them.
Watched the Footloose remake tonight. It was actually pretty decent.
Omnes Omnibus:
Same here, and I hate turning on the AC unless it’s over 85 but it’s just too goddamn humid.
I’ll take that bet. I think he made it pretty clear earlier this week that Keystone XL, as currently conceived, ain’t happening.
Holy moly, that looks drenched in audio awesome sauce.
I’m in Galifornia’s gabital. (Jerry has yet to rebrand us even after two years, although the cigar tent is now a yoga spot [no kidding].)
The good stuff isn’t cheap, but there’s software that can take care of that.
Omnes Omnibus
@JGabriel: I am preventing damp rot. No way I could sleep tonight if I didn’t remove humidity from the air. I would not do well in the tropics.
You win.
OK, the vinyl lamp is lit. Popping the shrink wrap on the 40th anniversary remastering of “Will the Circle Be Unbroken.”
@trollhattan: Gah! I take it back. It wasn’t Seconds of Pleasure, they all autographed a copy of Dave Edmunds Track on Wax 4. Too many records…
burnspbesq: @burnspbesq:
From the website:
I think I’ll wait for the paperback.
Seriously, that’s like the world’s most expensive MP3 ripper.
Omnes Omnibus
@gbear: Your win now has an asterisk.
Hmmm. I’m in OC. Difficult, but not insurmountable. I have to come through there in late August, in connection with moving the kid back into the dorms in Seattle. Perhaps something can be done …
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Alison: is that at Stanford? Going by what the high trmperature is supposed to be here tomorrow, ugh.
It’s also a reference-quality digital-to-analog converter and a killer headphone amp. And nobody pays list for pro-audio gear. There’s a dealer in northern Kentucky who will sell it to you for $1,850 if you call them, ask for the right person, and say the right magic word
@Omnes Omnibus: My Seconds of Pleasure win only provided seconds of pleasure.
@The prophet Nostradumbass: Yeah, I know. People are nuts.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Oh yes, this was on my own terms, after 25 mostly very happy years. And I’ll be doing some contract work for them over the next few months, so it’s an easy transition all around. Still, I admit at age almost 71, I’m looking forward to more leisure and pretty much doing what I want to do, when I want to do it. Always glad to hear success stories from those who’ve been there :-)
When it comes to audiophile stuff…well, you just don’t want to know.
Higgs Boson's Mate
Damn’ thing is worth more than my car.
A very kind offer.
@SiubhanDuinne: In that case, congratulations!!! Don’t have any advice other than “have fun but pace yourself”.
First day of beach season! Got off work early. Water was very refreshing. Looks like a cool evening today too. I got no complaints.
Even if you’re kicked out of the Kewl Kidz Klub it’s still a great memento. By coincidence I listened to “Creature from the Black Lagoon” this afternoon, tickled by the odd, fat guitar chords anchoring what otherwise was a novelty song. Dude never took a misstep.
One of my favorite places to check out high end analog equipment is Jerry Raskin’s Needle Doctor. Some of the reviews of the most expensive turntables are pretty funny.
Good God, Rhino Records is apparently still in Claremont, Things hanging on is almost more stunning than the opposite.
Later. Ok, Claremont is seriously scarey that way.
It was so hot today that we had to move our office party inside because no one wanted to sit outside, even in the shade.
For reals.
@trollhattan: The other kewl kidz thing I have is a full set of Badfinger LPs autographed by everyone in the band except for Pete Ham, who had already committed suicide by that time. Pete Ham was the most talented guy in the band by far, so it’s a bittersweet omission. I’m still a big fan of Badfinger, although some of their post-breakup LPs have been pretty dismal.
Edit: Rats. I checked the Needle Doctor site and they’ve cleaned out the sarcastic comments from the $170,000 turntable.
I’ll speculate the pleasured moans of Olivia Wilde would be its sonic equal, but hell if I’m ever going to find out.
Has a pop group ever crafted more perfect pop gems than Badfinger in such a brief period? A favorite cover.
170? Did Clearaudio take a price increase on the Statement, or has it been surpassed in absurdity?
Umm, Crowded House?
dance around in your bones
It all just seemed so incomprehensible to us….what could cd’s do that vinyl couldn’t? It was wacky. AND really expensive.
I had a friend who used to do the same with old 78’s back in the day. Had a great collection -you had to have a specialized turntable and (what the heck do you call the needle arm? Stylus? Dang, it’s been a long time – you used to have to put a nickel on the arm to make it heavy enough) but that person used to find treasures, I mean TREASURES in old people’s attics. Sometimes at flea markets as well, for pennies.
I remember when we lived in Amsterdam and ran our record turntable off a car battery on our houseboat. (LP’s? WTF are they?)
Suffern ACE is a Basset Hound
@trollhattan: I don’t know. The owner of the pipeline can just ask for a religious exemption. What court can even question that kind of evangelism by an owner?
@burnspbesq: Well it’s the Clearaudio Statement that’s selling for $170k. Anything that I look at on that site, I have to click on the ‘budget’ section and still scroll 2/3 of the way to the bottom. I can’t afford the cool stuff..I’m listening tonight with the Dual 1229 that I bought in my early 20’s.
Weather: 64 days of hell left (out of 92, June 1-August 31). I loathe summer in the city. When September arrives, the worst is behind me and the days grow shorter.
The forecast monsoons failed to arrive the past couple of days, and tonight’s heat&humidity suckitude level is at least bearable.
CDs: I still buy ’em. Yesterday got Bill Frisell’s new “Silent Comedy” and Steely Dan’s old “The Royal Scam.” My knowledge of audio technology does not quite fill a thimble.
Talking Heads: The first time I saw them was at the Mudd Club on a double-bill with Television, circa 1979.
dance around in your bones
From what I have read in comments from Siubhan Duinne, she has a full schedule planned for her retirement! I applaud her and wish her Happy Trails. :)
@dance around in your bones: I used to go garage saling on my lunch hour when I worked in a tony Minneapolis suburb and if they didn’t have records out, I’d ask if they had any. Sometimes they’d bring out a box full of crap, but there were a few good ones. Nothing life-changing (except for the 1965 Twins Division Champ button that was sitting on the top of one box of records). Collecting 78’s must be a lot more fun.
@dance around in your bones: The early Vinyl to CD transfers sound so awful too, I don’t get why people switched. Once people started mastering specifically for CD they sounded good, but if you were like some early adopters and rushed out to replace your record collection with CDs you really would have been better off lighting your money on fire.
dance around in your bones
@efgoldman: Yeah, I was just as clueless. I still think LP’s sound better, though. Even though I went through a whole cassette tapes (recorded off the original LP’s) to CD conversion – they are all sitting in my closet awaiting conversion to MP3 or whatever nowadays…..
@gbear: What this person collected was primarily blues and what we used to call ‘world and weird music’. I recorded all of it onto from LP’s onto cassettes (see above) and then onto cd’s and I guess I will convert it into some form of digital crap at some point. Anyway, I’ve still got it all in some form that will no doubt become unplayable in a few years, haha!
@SatanicPanic: Well, that’s the way I felt back in the day, and I wasn’t even really an audiophile, just a music lover. Plus, they were so fucking expensive! (cd’s)
Weather? Fuck you all. It was 121 in the parking lot at work today.
Which means it was the PERFECT time for two of the tires to go flat.
It ain’t the West that fricasees your butt, it’s the American Southwest. Get the fuck out of the Southwestern part of America. You’ll have to anyway within a few years due to global warming, so might as well get ‘er done now before the water riots and forced evacuations start.
I used to live in Southern piece-of-shit California and by 1990 global warming had become shockingly apparent, and that entire region had grown completely unlivable. So I got the hell out, stat. Now we’re getting headlines like “life threatening temperatures to hit Los Angeles.” Told ya, chumps.
Looking forward, you can see 130 degree Fahrenheit heat in Los Angeles within another generation. Explain to me how Los Angeles stays populated when people are stuck in 130 degree heat for two hours in their hot cars every day with $10-a-gallon gasoline. Just try and explain that one, buckaroo.
Higgs Boson's Mate
I for one will stay because I’ve always wanted to try slow cooked long pig.
You must be writing in some new dialect of English, because this makes no sense whatsoever.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@SatanicPanic: being in a state of perpetual outrage may warp your use of language.
Did frogs, boils or locusts figure at all in this hellacious week for you?
I can only hope that some much-deserved, much-earned comfort and serenity might soon be coming your way.
@The prophet Nostradumbass: She must have lived in Needles. That’s the only way I can process that level of California hate.
@handsmile: No frogs or locusts, but I did completely break out all over my face. I look disgusting.
@SatanicPanic: It’s nice just to see:
dance around in your bones
So what fucking paradise do you live in now, oh Cassandra WHO WILL NOT BE IGNORED?
I don’t know, I’ve lived in many Southwestern states and loved them all to varying degrees. I like the desert. I never moved out of a state for fear of the future…..there is time and time enough to cope with that stuff. Not like it hasn’t happened in the past (shitty though that is) – think of the Anasazi.
@MikeJ: I haven’t added mclaren yet, T&H, yup.
Janet Strange
@SiubhanDuinne: I retired a year and a half ago from a job I loved for over 20 years with a passion. Prof at a community college. I was almost panicky about whether it was the right thing to do – I wasn’t even 65 yet.
But I do love it. Took a little while to discover a new rhythm, but it is so great to have time to do things right. For me, I realize now how much I was just settling for good enough because that’s all I had time for. I teach one class every other semester. It’s lovely. Not like work at all, just fun. My garden thrives, my house is clean, my Blackboard site is better organized and has more helpful stuff for my students than ever, and I ride my bike almost every day. Unless it’s a yoga day. Or I decide to swim instead, like today.
I just feel lucky as hell to have this time . . . with plenty of time to do things and still healthy enough to do them. So many of my friends are already gone and never got the chance. Ever since my 60th birthday, every day seems like a gift. (Still alive? yep. Faculties intact? yep. Can still dance? yep. Yippee!)
I bet you’ll feel the same once you get used to it.
Higgs Boson's Mate
Heh. I live in a town 29 miles east of downtown Los Angeles. Our business district is two blocks long. I can walk four blocks north of home and be in the Angeles National Forest. I think it’s pretty livable. OTOH, I have lived in a WWII vintage non-air-conditioned open barracks in Kingsville, Texas, a CONEX box in the Mekong Delta, and a ’57 VW bus so I may not be as scrupulous as some folks.
@MikeJ: Some things I just can’t let go. Especially after a very nice day in southern California.
@dance around in your bones: Somewhere with rivers of chocolate and populated with oompa-loompas I guess
Game of Thrones is easy enough to explain: It’s a soap opera for D&D-loving dudes. Or, as someone I know (who actually likes the show) calls it: Boobs and Barbarians.
dance around in your bones
@SatanicPanic: If it doesn’t have beer volcanoes, I ain’t moving.
I live a block from the beach and it’s pretty awesome (SoCal/SB). I’m not freaking out yet.
Higgs Boson's Mate
I tried watching Game of Thrones. I kept hearing the rattle of 20-sided dice.
@Higgs Boson’s Mate: They do have a special rattle, don’t they.
Even though I’m not a geek myself, I find this series fairly entertaining. Probably because it doesn’t take itself seriously. Self-effacing geeks are really the only tolerable geeks.
In 1990, air quality, traffic, or crime would have been understandable reasons to leave SoCal. Climate, not so much.
Must suck being mclaren and carrying the terrible burden of omniscience.
And for the record, Needles isn’t the worst place in SoCal. That honor unquestionably belongs to Brawley.
@burnspbesq: Brawley has a rodeo and a nice parade that goes along with it. And a pretty cool main street and town park. I’ve spent lots of time in Brawley, it’s not even the worst place in the Imperial Valley- I’d say that honor should go to Calipatria or one of the towns around the Salton Sea. In recent years Desert Hot Springs has had some of the worst crime in the nation, so maybe there. Also, Trona.
Phoenix hit 113 yesterday, maybe higher today. If you live here, 100 to 105 is tolerable, almost nice. 110 is not nice, and the into the teens is do not go outside unless you have to. June is usually the first really hot month, though it can start in April. July is the “monsoon” season. But anymore you need a really big storm cell to push into the heat island of the city. August is not quite as hot, but more irritating because you are just tired of it.