Slept for six hours straight last night. Whoever invented infant anti-gas drops will get a condo in heaven.
Open thread.
by Tim F| 57 Comments
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Slept for six hours straight last night. Whoever invented infant anti-gas drops will get a condo in heaven.
Open thread.
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Aw, the little dude got some zzz’s.
Long Tooth
Bill Cosby has likened parenthood to 18 years of combat on Guadalcanal.
Gin & Tonic
Commemorating that it’s still summer with a homemade gazpacho and a nice cold Rich & Dan’s Rye IPA.
The Hokies are playing better than the score but they are getting spanked! 29 minutes till the Dawgs!!!!
I just finished using the nasty variety of paint stripper on a disassembled shutter, the citrus variety being totally ineffective. I did it in the garage with the door open, but it was a hot, muggy, still day, and now my head hurts. I’m having a beer anyways.
RobertDSC-iPhone 4
Sweltering in 100+ degree inside temps at the second job. I’ll be here a bit longer.
Glad the President went to Congress today.
@Long Tooth: I’m not so sure, I think most of the time the children aren’t actively trying to kill you and the weather may be slightly better.
@raven: The big game is on. I have it on good authority that GA was offered 10,000 tickets and didn’t take it. They took 7,500 because they did not want to reciprocate next year with 10,000.
The reason you are not at the game is cuz of GA.
@JPL: The number of tickets is negotiated by contract. I would have sold mine just like I did my Florida tickets. I can deal with the drunks here because I know exactly where I am at all times. I don’t need that road game bullshit.
@JPL: The number of tickets is negotiated by contract. I would have sold mine just like I did my Florida tickets. I can deal with the drunks here because I know exactly where I am at all times. I don’t need that road game bullshit.
Six hours is great!. Many decades ago when I had a little one, a neighbor with a fussy baby and three others, asked me when mine slept through the night. When I didn’t answer quickly, she started crying.
Ugh Mooseburger callin the Dawgs!
Cute commercial with Marcus Allen and Earl Campbell! Skoal Brother!
@raven: Clemson wanted to give 10,000, just sayin but GA would have had to give up the same amount next year. A few years ago I went to a Clemson ball game with my friends and sat in air conditioning with lots of good food. I know better than to call their house tomorrow if Clemson loses.
Waiting around for my Ikea bookcases to be delivered. All I know is that they’re going to arrive sometime between now and later tonight. Sigh.
And I can’t even run to the grocery store to get dessert because G isn’t home from work yet.
@JPL: Georgia is NEVER going to give up that many tickets to a visiting team, why would they?
Got my bearware on, root beer chillin’ in the fridge and getting into the first row for the game.
What a fucking joke making the bus trip to the stadium some big deal. Play the goddamn game sissy fucking tiger cubs.
Roger Moore
@Long Tooth:
I think the fatality rate of parenthood is a bit lower than the ~2%/month for American forces in Guadalcanal.
@Poopyman: There’s a soy based stripper from a company called Franmar that does work. Totally non toxic and works, though you may need two coats. Highly recommended.
@raven: Actually that makes sense, but my friends think it’s unfortunate. haha
Clemson was trying to help them out.
@raven: If they walked the half of block, they wouldn’t have the energy to run down the hill.
Howard Beale IV
Outsourced to Khalil Gabran.
Those baby gas drops are a gift from the FSM. They worked wonders on our first.
Davis X. Machina
@JPL: We were going to name my daughter “Macbeth” — “Sleep?? Sleep?? There is no sleep. MacBeth hath murdered sleep.”
Keith G
Tim, can you send some of those anti-gas drops over to Syria? Please?
Mr Stagger Lee
@raven: I do like some of the college football traditions, like Clemson and that rock(or between the hedges and Script Ohio), though TV and ESPN is doing everything to shit on them.
GA defense looks good.
@Davis X. Machina: How sweet! I assume you wanted to raise a thespian!
@Long Tooth: speaking of Bill Cosby, I was just watching an episode of The Cosby Show. Man if they Cosby show ain’t the best “family oriiented” sitcom in modern sitcom history, I don’t know what else is. Other than being a Black family, The Cosby Show is STILL good and dare I say relevant today
beer time somewhere
3 minutes in and already I’ve muted the game. Can’t stand Brent Munchinhead. GO DAWGS.
This sounds like something that Zippy the Pinhead should be repeating.
BTW, I wanted to thank anyone who sent well wishes for me and my sister in the last open thread. All in all we spent about 5 hours in the ER from the time she arrived to the time I left.
She refused to come over to my house or her grandmother’s house, she’s young, stubborn and independent (sometimes, she doesn’t always have enough money to be fully independent). She wanted to go back home to her apartment. Oh well, I told her to keep me in the loop and I expect her to come over to my house tomorrow and spend the day and Labor Day.
Again, thanks for the well wishes.
Well that is not good for GA fans. ugh…
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@RobertDSC-iPhone 4:
Same here. Imagine, actually taking the issue of war to the body that is supposed to deliberate it! The… audacity! The NeoConfederates need to either do their fucking jobs or SHUT THE HELL UP.
Also, ODS sucks donkeys.
Ben Cisco +3
Also thinking about the Cosby Show, I was thinking if you wanted at least 2 examples of child stars who came out of child stardom intact and NOT insane, look no further than Keisha Knight Pullam (Rudy) and Raven-Symone (Olivia).
In fact, Raven-Symone is also an example of a Disney star who didn’t have to practically whore herself out just to get out of the Disney mold.
@Davis X. Machina: Please, only refer to it as “the Scottish child.”
Did she ever have a blood clot before?
I had a DVT in 2001 and even now if I have calf pain or my legs swell up I have to go to check if it’s another DVT. I’m so happy your sister is ok!
Bobby Thomson
The inventor of simethicone drops is the anti-Thomas Midgley, Jr.
Well, that was more prompt than I hoped — Ikea said they would deliver “after 5 o’clock” and I got it at 5:45 pm.
I just went back and read about it. I’m so glad she is ok.
@efgoldman: What the heck just happened…
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@efgoldman: Apparently I understand separation of powers better than he does. I suspect that is only one of a great many things I grok that he doesn’t.
Heads Obama loses. Tails Obama loses. The narrative never changes.
beer time somewhere
@efgoldman: This game might be won by the team who has the ball last.
@lamh36: The Simpson’s
What am these “DAWGS!!!” littering the comments at BJ?
And where, exactly, are they supposed to “GO!!!”?
I hate his voice. Him and Al Michaels.
@karen: no she’s never had DVT. She just recently got off the Deprovera(sp?) birth control shot though and her doctor said it would take a while for the hormones to get completely out her system and one of the possible causes of pulm embolism can be attributed to hormones or birth control use.
Roger Moore
I assume that coming out of the closet probably helped in that department.
Roger Moore
That’s going to be a challenge, since Scully started broadcasting the Dodgers at the ripe old age of 22. Musberger didn’t start in sports until he was in his 30s, so he’s going to have to keep going into his 90s to catch up with Scully’s 64+ years on the job.
You’re lucky. That did wonders for my older one, but it never worked with my youngest. Poor boy usually didn’t get to sleep (full sleep, not cat naps) until two in the morning until he was over one.
Firstborn spent the first 10 months of her life waking and nursing EVERY TWO HOURS.
Then she spend the next year sleeping from 8 pm to 8 am, plus took a half hour nap at 11 and a two-hour nap at 2.
We figured she was just as exhausted as we were . . . what I learned from her is that it’s possible to normalize sleep-deprivation. You don’t even know you’ve done it until the day you get 6 straight hours, and then it’s — whoa!! I remember this! Actual thoughts and everything!
That child kept me unable to track world events for the entire second Reagan administration. A gift.
@lee: You mean they have something for that now? When my middle child needed it I don’t think there was anything available in the US, but I found out later that in the UK they had been using peppermint diluted in lots of water and they swore it worked. By that time though, we didn’t need it any more.
@Roger Moore: He can keep it up for twice as long and never catch up with Vin Scully.
For my part, I hate any and all of the ESPN announcers who cover Angels games. I tend to mute the game and listen to the radio while we watch the action. The radio is a little ahead of the pictures, which is kind of fun most of the time.
Yes it looks like peptobismol and has a little eye dropper as a dispenser. It miracle worker for babys with gas/colic.
I think the first time we gave it to our first was the first time she slept all the way through the night.
If memory serves — and I just checked on Google anyway — in real history her name was Gruach or Gruoch, so it’s not surprising she’s not named in the play.
Ah, baby sleep! I basically just nursed, changed diapers, and slept the entire time for the first 4 months — the sleeping coming in bits of 15-20 minutes or so between feedings and changings (and washings). That was several decades back, and I was lucky, I didn’t have to go back to my job for a couple of years. Tell you what, though, if I only had the energy, I’d be ecstatic to do it all again starting today. Congratulations to all the new parents.