Couldn’t access the website for a while there…
Oh, and for your viewing pleasure, here is a Boston Terrier in a summer dress riding a scooter:
Why not?
This post is in: Open Threads, Sports
Couldn’t access the website for a while there…
Oh, and for your viewing pleasure, here is a Boston Terrier in a summer dress riding a scooter:
Why not?
Comments are closed.
It appeared that my comments were banned.. haha..
Go Falcons.
also, too.. I blame the Syrian Electronic Army because, I can
That’s because it’s FUCKED, like 8000 people were saying on the last thread.
I’m always relieved when it isn’t just me.
Omnes Omnibus
Green Bay looks good today.
I guess the RGIII is about over.
Go Bears, Go Falcons!
@Leadpipe: I doubt that he’s the one that should be held accountable. Rodgers has thrown over 400 yds. according to nbcsports.
Omnes Omnibus
@JPL: GB’s offense is on fire, but the D is also playing pretty well.
@raven: My antenna signal is a play ahead of my friend’s cable at times.
@JPL: if he could sustain a drive it might keep Rogers off the field.
The falcons are gonna find a way to lose this game.. ugh
John Cole
What a helpful comment. Has it occurred to you that I would need to access the website in order to read the comments in the last thread?
…27%… I blame WP
@JPL: There is a 30 second difference between my hd and analog signals. It has removed any thought of listening to the game on the radio but, then again, the Mighty Munson is gone so it doesn’t matter.
Manning vs. Manning should bring out all the haters.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I just noticed the GB score. Stuck with the Chicago/Minnesota game since I am, duh, in Chicagoland. Sucks to live here and be a Packers fan sometimes.
It’s difficult to decide who I want to lose this game more, though. I guess the Bears since they have a 1-0 record and Vikes are 0-1.
@Donut: Fuck the Packers. We used to drive form Urbana to Kankakee to see the Bears when they weren’t on in the twin-cities!
@burnspbesq: we get to watch Jacksonville at Oakland instead.
Amir Khalid
OMG, John Cole, did you get banned too?
@Leadpipe: I just realised I have no idea who the QB for Jacksonville is.
@Omnes Omnibus: I can always root for Green Bay (except when they play the Seabirds) because socialists. Plus still have a crush on Aaron.
Vikes-Bears score should have wifey in a decent mood if it holds. Also. Too.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: The Bears still suck.
That’s a violation of the Eighth Amendment. You should sue.
@Omnes Omnibus: How’d those high achieving Badgers do?
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: They’ll be fine.
Betty Cracker
@raven: We had to give up listening to Gene Deckerhoff calling the Bucs games for that reason. I didn’t really mind since GD is a Seminole homer, plus he’s unable to pronounce the “r” in “throw” for some reason. But the mister misses him.
@Omnes Omnibus: With a brain transplant!
Betty Cracker
PS: Go Bucs!
c u n d gulag
I’m getting ready for “The Manning Bowl.”
GO ELI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GO JINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve got the Mets on my phone and the Sparks on my iPad.
ETA: Diana Taurasi is the women’s equivalent of Larry Bird. She gets away with more shit than anybody in the history of the WNBA.
Can you remind me, how many Super Bowls have the Bears won since ’86?
Oh, that’d be 000000000.
@Betty Cracker: Munson was strange, transplanted Yankee and these people worshiped him. He often got confused but he was fun when he got going with “we stepped on their neck with a hobnailed boot”!
@Donut: Yea, I think I’ll switch my lifelong allegiance to the Bears because the fucking Packers have won more games. That’s how it works for front runners doesn’t it?
Oops, that link was suppose to be this:
Still sucking after all these years.
mai naem
What’s happened to AL? Just wondering. She wasn’t here yesterday either.
@Donut: Put up a link to cheap shot motherfucking Charles Martin will ya?
falcons.. score.. yeah
@mai naem: Maybe the constant personal attacks?
@JPL: This Red Zone is da shit!
My Gramps on both sides were Packers fans. Dad’s a Packers fan. Lived in WI during the Favre years. Can’t help it, it’s in my blood now.
@raven: I hadn’t thought of that but it makes sense.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Ha. I see you beat me to it.
@Yatsuno: I’m hopeful you have more important shit in your head than who the Jacksonville QB is. Why would it matter?
@Donut: There ya go.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: You know that McMahon got a Superbowl ring with Green Bay, right?
Betty Cracker
Would not surprise me if the Bucs get lightninged out. Bad storm here — strong winds blowing chickens off their perches. Looks like it’s barreling right toward RayJay Stadium too.
@Leadpipe: Idle curiosity more than anything. I’m actually psyching myself up for the next week of instruction at work and awaiting the evening’s athletic contest. And pizza. There might be pizza involved later.
@Betty Cracker:
The henhouse holding up okay?
@John Cole:
You need to upgrade your hardware.
Shehawks vs. Fortywhiners – one of those epithets should stick today. Actually, Shehawks would be a good name for Seattle’s cheer leading squad.
Any other game today is just a runner-up.
Balentien launched one in the first inning on Sunday night to break Sadaharu Oh’s single-season HR record. Then he launched another his next at-bat. He’s got 57 with 18 games to go.
You know what sucks?
A person can bet on the NFL in Delaware (two outlets within 6 miles of my house), but you have to play 3 team parlays or teasers.
Going 2-1 every Sunday is going to give me a fucking ulcer.
khead +3
@Omnes Omnibus: He doesn’t remember, I guess I should.
@khead: Someone in Delaware bought my Georgia-Florida for a good amount of dough. Wiseguys?
@billgerat: Any other game today is just a runner-up.
Pretty much says it all. Looking forward to it.
@Betty Cracker: That is a doozie.
Had to be wise guys – no college games in DE.
Edit – No legal college games in DE. Heh.
@khead: GO BLUE HENS!!!
@khead: Yea, the game is in Jacksonville but I sold em on Stub Hub and that’s where they went.
Betty Cracker
@Yatsuno: It would probably withstand a Cat 5. But damned if the birds will go in before dark, no matter how bad the weather gets. Stubborn creatures, chickens.
The Dangerman
I’d short Shanahan and the Redskins every Sunday; now you just have to find two other locks.
BTW, if anyone watched the game, who screwed up with ASU/Wisconsin? If the referees boned it, why wasn’t the play reviewed upstairs? If it was the QB, well, oops….
There are no sports of any kind in Delaware. They had women’s basketball for four years, but DelleDonne graduated.
@The Dangerman: You decide
@Betty Cracker: If it gets wet enough they will. Wind they don’t seem to mind but Allah help you if they get wet. Even snow they’re (somewhat) okay with.
@The Dangerman:
Two of my favorite teams right now are “whoever plays the Skins” and “whoever plays the Jags”.
The Dangerman
I’ve watched it a couple different times; looks to me like it’s mostly the QB that fucked up, he has to know the clock didn’t stop with a kneel down…
…but they didn’t recognize the kneel down best I can tell. If it was change of possession, clock should stop. So, the refs fucked up, too.
Crazy play in a crazy night for sports (Giants dropped 19 on the Dodgers, highest ever for an opponent at Dodger Stadium).
schrodinger's cat
Going to grill salmon on a plank later this evening. BTW any ideas what to do with lemon grass?
Da Bearz!
@schrodinger’s cat: Zuppa?
And wifey’s gonna be cranky
@Geoduck: Seachickens or Seahens are classics.
@billgerat: I prefer “Seahacks” or “Seaschmucks” myself.
@The Dangerman: That would be my thinking.
Sir Nose'D
You vicious jackal! How dare you say something disparaging about my favorite football team. I expect better treatment in the BJ comment section.
schrodinger's cat
@Yatsuno: Will keep that in mind, any grilling recipes?
@Sir Nose’D:
The obvious question is “why?”
Dolphins — YES!
Go Falcons!!
Go Bears!
@schrodinger’s cat: Paste it with some garlic, ginger, and lime zest. Are you thinking for the salmon?
I wish I had a dress-wearing, scooter-riding Boston Terrier.
Dee Loralei
Larry Summers withdraws his name from consideration for the Fed! Win for the good guys!
schrodinger's cat
@Yatsuno: No, chicken thighs. Salmon is marinading in lime, roasted jalapenos and cilantro mix.
@Betty Cracker:
Accurified that for ya.
Gin & Tonic
I’m not a follower of American football at any level, and barely know the names of any current players. But here’s an interesting (to me) factoid. I just checked my Google News feed, which has completely standard parameters. The “Sports” section of that feed as of right now has five headlined stories. All of them are about NFL contests in progress. Three of the five stories are about players leaving their respective games with injuries.
I know Cole, if he even bothers to read the comments, will get up in anyone’s grill for commenting about the violence in NFL football. It’s one of many reasons I don’t watch it. But here’s a reasonably random (or at least not human-influenced) algorithm for selecting sports stories, and 60% of them are about injuries.
Enjoy the games, folks.
@schrodinger’s cat: You can just bruise the lemongrass with the garlic and the ginger with soy sauce, lime juice, and honey. I wouldn’t marinade more than a couple of hours because of the acid though. Then keep some aside to glaze the chicken as you grill it. I assume you’re grilling anyway.
@Gravenstone: Chickens iz dumb. Not as dumb as domestic turkeys, but they iz dumb. They iz also delicious, and fresh huevos are wunderbar.
Mike E
Needed to unskew the ‘polls’, some unanimous picks lost today. I blame
AcornObama.Looking for an NFC sweep today, so, GO Papa Peyton! Beat them takerz!
The best thing about the Pretty Woman on a Scooter is, the dog obviously loves riding the scooter… and maybe even wearing the dress, who knows? She’s certainly having fun.
I have an herbal remedy workshop to go to; will watch the Seahawks game afterward. (A friend is giving the workshop. She moved to Portland, and this is a chance to see and hang out with her.)
Gin & Tonic
OT, but news flash says Larry Summers did the honorable thing and withdrew his name.
@Dee Loralei: @Gin & Tonic:
Very good news. Does that mean Yellen gets the post – were there any other serious candidates?
I wonder if Summers “withdrew” his name after learning he wouldn’t be named anyway. Hard to imagine his withdrawing his name for the good of the country.
@CaseyL: Summers seemed to me to have a mercurial streak. This could just be manifesting itself here.
Joseph Nobles
We don’t have Larry Summers to kick around anymore.
Well now the Obama haters will have to find another thing to complain about since Summers withdrew. Though the same crowd including Ezra Klein predicted that he would be picked for head of the World Bank, and when he wasn’t picked all I heard was silence.
mai naem
@CaseyL: I have heard in the media that Obama was considering Geithner as well. Wonder if Obama told Summers he couldn’t do it and it would look better for both if Summers withdrew.
WTF? At LGM, Lemieux hopes Obama won’t pick some white guy out of spite.
Is it just me, or does anyone else here think that the Syria issue has really intensified dislike for Obama in certain progressive quarters?
ETA: @mai naem: If Obama does name Geithner, it will seem as if he wanted to do anything BUT name Yellen.
@Gin & Tonic:
so no war in Syria and no summers at the fed? what are people gonna firebag about now?
gogol's wife
Me too. But I wouldn’t make her wear the dress.
? Martin
@Dee Loralei:
Anyone who thinks this was an act of charity by Summers is an idiot. Warren and the Banking subcommittee opposed his nomination and make it clear to the WH that this would be a very difficult fight with Dems in this kind of opposition and the WH told him to pull his name. This is how it’s always done (or should be done) within a party – not with public battles, as much as some in the party would prefer.
here’s to hoping Larry withdrew his name because he learned Obama wouldn’t pick him.
here’s to hoping Obama delays the Keystone pipeline decision until it is obvious that it isn’t needed, and can be safely scrapped.
here’s to hoping the chemical weapons deal re Syria actually works…
because if all this is true I feel vindicated volunteering & voting for him. Twice.
Change we can indeed believe in, believe me!
Just heard Larry Summers had his fee fees hurt so much he withdrew his name for consideration to be an ass on an even larger stage.
C&L has more info:
@Dee Loralei:
@Gin & Tonic:
This is such good news! Would love to know the behind-the-scenes story. Now, Mr. President, please nominate Janet Yellen.
Ben Franklin
Receivership….fuck yeah.
Bill E Pilgrim
(moving this up from the dead thread)
Mr Stagger Lee
@Geoduck: I heard SHE-hawks myself back in the day. I am so glad that there is no crime in Seattle that the Seattle PD can dress up as 49er fans and bait Seahawk fans into harassing them, I wonder which idiot on that force volunteered to do it? As a badge I could not do it and ever go into a sports bar in the Puget Sound again.
Team lost.
On the other hand. Netflix announces season 4 of Spiral is now available.
@gogol’s wife:Aw, I think she looks quite festive in it. How about a hula skirt, then ?
@mai naem: When will people stop believing the crap that comes out of the media. They are wrong more times than I can count and they got the World Bank pick wrong. I just say wait till the President announces who it is.
No act of God can stop Brees.
Geaux Saints.
Well, the Rams lost, as expected, but they did make half a game of it at the end. I can’t wait until tomorrow for all the Bradford blaimers to tell us how Sam lost the game by throwing it too hard for the receivers to handle, or to the outside away from the defender so the receivers had to reach for it, etc etc. And what was up with that field position after every kickoff or punt? Why in FSM’s name didn’t Sam get at least 30 yards on every return???
They are young. This year they continue to learn and improve. Sucks to be saying after 2 games, “Next year!” but to be honest? I was saying that before the season began
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
@Omnes Omnibus:
And you know that someone is going to look at the raw numbers and bitch about the 300 yards yielded through the air and 108 yielded on the ground, and they’ll fail to put it in context of playing a prevent/run-the-clock defense for the entire second half. Shades of 2011 all over again…
Shifting gears: It’s really nice to see Johnny Jolly back and playing well.
Omnes Omnibus
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): I can’t wait until Hayward and Burnett are back.
@raven: I miss Munson, but I’d still rather listen to Scott Howard than any of those assholes on TV.
Mike E
@Jeremy: Don’t have to find; O haterz have what seem to be an endless bitching supply in waiting, sorta like shark teeth. See: Eschaton
Mr Stagger Lee
@jak: HALLELUJAH!!!! HALLELULJAH!!! Now only they can get Season 4 of Underbelly.
Tim I
da Bears!!!!
gogol's wife
That might be okay. I’m a cat owner, so when I see dogs in clothing I just wonder why they haven’t ripped it to shreds yet.
gogol's wife
Oh, only if all that is true. Otherwise Obama has failed you. Boo-hoo.
I’m so sick of this kind of thing.
@gogol’s wife:
Amen to that… a bunch of wntbs — where is my unicorn!!!
Separately —
Well at least the whole NFC East is going down today, lightens the impact of the Skins debacle today.
Thunder and lightning in Seattle. Raining off and on. Not what the Forty Niners want to play in.
It’s hard to figure out how much of what we’re seeing from Griffin is lingering effects of the knee reconstruction (not everybody can be Adrian Peterson), how much is the lack of a preseason (veteran QBs can do without, but a second year guy who was running a simplified version of the offense his rookie year certainly can’t) and how much is defenses adjusting. It’s a little early to declare him over.