Thought we could all use a little late-70s feel-good soft rock today. Talk about whatever.
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by DougJ| 85 Comments
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Thought we could all use a little late-70s feel-good soft rock today. Talk about whatever.
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Isn’t the rwnj truckers’ we’re gonna surround DC until the kenyan resigns rally today?
now Ted is trying to one up Glen Beck , at VV Summit :
“I don’t know that they’ve yet violated the Third Amendment, but I expect them to start quartering soldiers in people’s homes soon”
Eric U.
@elftx: since we have troops on food stamps and they aren’t funding food stamps, I say let’s quarter some troops and their families at Ted’s house
Villago Delenda Est
From the sublime (Steve Forbert, and that fantastic piano lick) to the ridiculous, via Noisemax:
Trump: ‘I’m a Tea Party Believer’
Allen West: Obama Has ‘Animus’ Toward US
Is there a 16 ton weight shortage in this country that explains why these two assclowns have not been crushed beneath them?
Liberate the squirrel (or whatever furry creature it is) atop Trump’s head!
@elftx: If the Republicans insist on not paying the military, we will see a lot more solidiers quartered in doorways and under highway overpasses.
David in NY
I am not liking the House Republican’s offer to Obama. Sounds like debt ceiling lifted, government opened (maybe) but only on condition of benefit cuts. Obama meeting with Senate R’s who may understand this is a problem. But really need a clean CR seems to me.
Omnes Omnibus
Romeo dies. Juliet dies. Their families and friends die. Romeo is a poor model for lovers to emulate.
Second Thermonuclear Weapon commander one-step below National Command Authority sacked this week.
Will we ever recover from Clinton’s example?
Villago Delenda Est
@Eric U.:
I would also suggest that said troops be issued their personal weapons from the arms room to be able to enforce “domestic tranquility” at Ted’s house.
“Me and Mr. M-16A2 say ‘pass the butter, Senator'”
Please update TBOGG’s link in the left hand column.
Villago Delenda Est
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yes, but they left great looking corpses.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yes, but being one of Romeo’s “boys” looked like it was pretty cool.
John McCain has gone off script, blaming the shutdown entirely on the GOP:
I also heard a Bush administration treasury undersecretary on NPR yesterday saying completely sane and rational things about the need to raise the debt ceiling. In fact, he went so far as to say their shouldn’t be such a thing as a debt ceiling.
Meanwhile, the House GOP continues to punch itself in the face.
Village whiners protest WH metaphors
Amir Khalid
More to the point, is there some kind of systemic problem at the top level of the US military officer corps?
@Omnes Omnibus: Even as a teenager I found those twits addle-pated and annoying. Mercutio however, at least he had wit and a way with words.
@Villago Delenda Est: M4’s. The cool kids are all using carbines now. That’s why they’re the “in” thing on the gun market. These rwnj’s may be too obese and stupid to be SEALs, but they love to dress like one.
Villago Delenda Est
I can hear the little snots wailing all the way here on the west coast.
Someone change their diapers, please.
@Amir Khalid: Lots of evangelicals in the officer corp. most of them come from upper/ upper middle class, white, suburban families who are lifelong Republicans and evangelical Christians.
@amk: Yes, but no:
What the hell?
Villago Delenda Est
@Amir Khalid:
The Air Force is infested with Christianist fundies.
David in NY
@Cassidy: That the Air Force or all branches of the services? Makes me think of Gen. Jack D. Ripper.
@MattF: The French are much, much better at this kind of thing.
Batman takes a job as a desk jockey:
Lots of other jwz-flavored stuff at the site, not all sfw. In fact, very little of it is sfw.
THEN the KenyanCommie will raise the amount requiring a jury trial from $20 to $40!
@MattF: 30, just 30 fucking tractor trailers ?
yet another rwnj fizzle
Mike E
Working the matinee performance of the John Williams’ film scores concert…my symphony crushes your excuse for an orchestra!
@Eric U.:
Third Amendment remedies fuck yeah!
? Martin
For a site of this size, and being the government, and being shut down during it, this is downright nimble of them.
Cuts out the need to create an account, which was a significant point of failure for the site previously.
Amir Khalid
@David in NY:
These two that have been fired in the past week are two-stars — an Admiral and an Air Force Major-General, and both were in charge of nuclear weapons.
@David in NY: The AF has a higher proportion, but all branches have them. I’d say about a quarter are hard core evangelicals, another quarter are evangelical/ Protestant Christians but not “end times” crazy.
@beltane: Not just any Bush admin flunky – Tony Fratto.
He seemed hardcore at the time.
Navy Vice Admiral General Tim Giardina (also in charge of nukes) was fired for gambling a few days ago.
This is another general being sacked? From the Air Force?
Interesting. Wonder if it’s the same gambling investigation.
in moderation
I put up a link that a US Navy Admiral was just fired for g a m b l i n g
@? Martin: Good they have it now.
Amazing that they did not have it on day one. whoocoodanode?
? Martin
@catclub: Design decision. Getting everyone an account is still a goal, so this undermines that effort. How serial a process you make a service like this is always a bit of a contentious decision.
Ignore the word “Carville” at the top of the page. This is good research that needs to be broadly understood as we plan to retake control of our Government and end the Cold Civil War in November 2014.
The Other Chuck
Slightly creepy soft rock
(video’s quite creepy too for its own unintentional reasons)
@Cassidy: Only partly true. The upper-middle class aspect is not present. They’re aspirational, for the most part, but that’s about it. Many are from the southern, midwestern, and western parts of the country, many from places and backgrounds where ROTC paying for college was the best deal they could get. Some products of the military academies are from well-connected old military backgrounds, but the typical demographic is not as elegant as you’d think. Not nearly as many polo=players as there were in Patton’s day.
The conservatism is right there, though–and so, in many cases, is the religiosity, especially in the USAF.
Villago Delenda Est
Say what?
When has THAT ever been a firing offense? Unless, of course, it’s William Bennett levels of indulgence.
That might be a serious problem for someone who is in the nuke surety chain.
I’m at the airport. Asked the TSA people if they were working without pay. First guy said yes and emphasized “without pay.” Next couple of them said it was fine and they were just doing their jobs. I thanked them for working without getting paid. I’m no fan of the TSA but them working means planes get to fly.
And it’s pouring cats and dogs.
Not like the Beltway is a speedway today to begin with.
Truckers’ protest in Harrisonburg, PA has not materialized. It’s raining heavily up there too.
@MattF: I LOVE the WaPost readers comments.
Villago Delenda Est
There was also a serious fundie problem at the USAF academy in Colorado Springs (!) a decade or so ago. Jewish cadets being told by upperclassmen that they were going to Hell, for example. More twits unfamiliar with Article VI of the Constitution.
The Covered California website, which is otherwise pretty good, has a horrible print function. Other than that, it works fine. It took about 15 minutes to register a family of three and 10 minutes to review the available alternatives. In our situation we have a lot of good choices, which generally resolve down to “save money on premiums and risk being worse off net-net due to deductibles and co-pays” vs. “pay about what you’re paying now for much better (as in, almost as good as what I had when I worked in BigLaw) coverage.”
I hope that’s true. An alternative explanation in my mind is … worrisome.
@fidelio: I said they were upper/ upper middle class. Translation: white suburbanites. I wasn’t referring to the rich “polo players”. I only worked with them for 13 years.
@Villago Delenda Est:
I was not clear enough. Alleged that the admiral used counterfeit chips.
@Elizabelle: that kenyan muslin is a lucky dood, isn’t he ? Or will these morons claim that he brought the rains on them with nsa/cia/fbi/weather bureau assistance ?
Four days until the new Toad the Wet Sprocket album comes out. Yee-haa!
@Villago Delenda Est:
In moderation again, but issue is c o u n t e r f e i t c h i p s used in g a m b l i n g.
He was suspended on September 3.
Omnes Omnibus
@fidelio: I think that is closer to the truth. My experience, 20 years ago, was that the officers who came from “good schools” may have been conservative, but few were fundies. None of the West Point grads I served with were fundies. I had several friends who had come out the Princeton ROTC program – no fundies. The few of us from selective liberal arts colleges weren’t fundies either. Texas A&M, however, did produce fundies. And so on.
@Villago Delenda Est: I saw something the other day indicating that the Admiral had been “misleading” when asked questions about the behavior.
@Omnes Omnibus: It’s changed. A lot.
Best dog photo ever? Dunno, but it has to rank right up there.
Villago Delenda Est
Whoa. Yup, off with his head, and display it as an example for others.
Cripes. What the fuck was this asshole thinking? That he’s smarter than the guys operating the establishment?
Villago Delenda Est
Oh, and curse and praise the Mullah, Steve Forbert is my earworm for the day.
Could of course be much worse. Could be, say, Tony Orlando and Dawn…
I actually attended a concert of his, at Toad’s Place in New Haven in 1980.
Older than Tutankhamun I iz.
I can quarter two of our troops at my house, but they better be young and well hung…
Is that from TBogg’s house?
Villago Delenda Est
With a great deal of stamina? They run like four miles, minimum, every day, you know.
Had the misfortune to interview Steve Forbert a couple years ago. He is a bitter, bitter little man, very upset that after four decades in the music business, he’s known solely for this song and for appearing in the video for “Girls Just Want To Have Fun.”
Cris (without an H)
What are “southern kisses?”
My graphics card on my desktop at home just died, I fear, which puts a serious crimp on my Bioshock Infinite gametime.
Ergo, I am forced once again to shill my ebooks so I can get 50,000 buyers to help pay for the computer repairs. Please let all your friends with disposable incomes know that, thank you.
Okay, maybe I can cope with just 5,000 buyers. But dammit those graphic cards get expensive on a librarian’s salary!
Also, #FireSchiano. Thank you.
@Cris (without an H):
(checks map)
Maybe a chocolate confectionery operating in Chattanooga?
what the hell is the Navy doing in IOWA?
The Bobs
You guys need to update the TBogg link to his new digs at Raw Story.
Cris (without an H)
@Warren: That’s too bad, the part about being bitter. I’ve seen some musicians who are extremely grateful that they had one breakout hit. Forbert should think of how many artists never even get that.
I was surprised to learn that Al Stewart is very dismissive about “Year of the Cat.” Sure, I understand that it’s not your idea of the kind of work you want to do, but dude — think of how many vanity projects could be subsidized by the proceeds from that album.
I heard that John Sebastian (no one-hit-wonder, he) said of the theme song to Welcome Back, Kotter, “I love that song. It paid for my house.”
Omnes Omnibus
@PaulW: The Admiral was assigned to STRATCOM. The location in Iowa is right across the river from STRATCOM’s HQ.
the Conster
I love Toad!! Glen Phillips gives concerts from his couch on Stage It. He’s like an old friend now.
On the heels of last weekend’s Ted Cruz appearance on behalf of Ken Cuccinelli, now a busload of Duggars will tour Virginia for the Republican gubernatorial candidate.
They arrive Monday, presumably after the Truckers for the Constitution have cleared area roads.
The oldest Duggar child (aged 25) is Executive Director of Family Research Council Action, sponsor of this tour.
My wife was supposed to check in to be induced this morning at 7. Hospital called us at 5:30 and said they had too many other ladies delivering so we have to wait. Frustrating.
Amir Khalid
Playing the piano like real men. The look on the lady judge’s face is priceless.
@ranchandsyrup: Sex. Sex, semen, and orgasm can cause labor. And if at first you don’t succeed…
Good luck to you, Mrs. ranch and soon to be big sister ranch.
@Cassidy: We’ve been doing the “dosin’ of pitocin” and frequent walks or dance-offs with our daughter. Will keep at it.
@Elizabelle: Thx! :) We’re all excited.
@ranchandsyrup: My wife hated pitocin. And I honestly don’t know how well sex works, but it was a damn good sales pitch when I tried it.
@Cassidy: Yeah, it’s a great sales pitch. I’ve been calling those exercises the “dosin of pitocin” as they have the same effects and I couldn’t come up with a rhyme for sperm.
ETA: My wife calls our routine “The old walk-n-bone”.
DougJ: Thought we could all use a little late-70s feel-good soft rock today
Yacht Rock!
@ranchandsyrup: I like that. Alas, we have four and are not having anymore. No more of “The old walk-n-bone”.
@Cassidy: last one for us. Have a good ‘un Cassidy.
What has happened to John Cole?
ARGH just got pushed to tomorrow morning.
@windpond: Get used to it.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Michael McDonald (J.D. Ryznar) is my first cousin!