Still playing Arkham Origins. The developers have come up with several analogs to the gadgets used in Arkham City. It’s very fulfilling to drop back into Arkham City mindsets when confronted with certain challenges.
This Batman is good, but not as good as Arkham City Batman.
Mike E
Wow, what a stinker of a finish for a WS game…picked off first!
@efgoldman: Either in bed or feteing the Packer victory. Of course those are just guesses.
where are the cat pictures? You have a cat, don’t you?
That’s amazing. Let’s see if I can make a new thread happen by commenting. It’s like clockwork.
I’m starting to see rumblings about Michelle “Antoinette” Obama again, this time regarding the website. I was wondering when the conspiracy theories would start.
I’ve just spent the past two weeks with excruciating tooth pain that turned out to be an infection of my salivary glands instead of any actual tooth problem. I know I’m being a wimp, but holly crap, tooth pain is the worse. This is the closest I’ve come to crying from sheer pain in years. To make matters worse, the worst of it hit when I was working two back to back 13 hour over night shifts. Fun weekend. But now I have anti-biotics and pain medication and hopefully I’ll be able to open my mouth all the way again one of these days.
This whole thing has me once again thankful for having health insurance. This past weekend I had a CT scan, and ultrasound, saw three different Doctors and made 4 clinic visits. I’ll have an ER copay and a couple of office copays, but other than that, most of what is so far probably going to be at least a couple of grand is covered. Even something as simple as toothpain like this that turned out to be a medical and not a dental issue could realistically set an average person back months, if not years, financially. More over, if I didn’t have health insurance and just worked through the pain, the infection could have spread and could have ultimately been fatal, all in exchange for 10 bucks worth of anti-biotics.
Too bad because of the website issues Obamacare is a failure. Oh well. Good luck future generations.
At least my Bears dint lose today.
Wally Ballou
@Mike E: These O. Henry endings are the best! I can’t wait to see how tomorrow night’s game finishes!
Omnes Omnibus
@Yatsuno: As far as the Packer victory goes, I have been quietly enjoying it. It looks like with Lacy and Starks/Franklin, GB finally may have the personnel to grind out a 4th quarter and secure a win without putting Rodgers at risk.
@Omnes Omnibus: So we can expect a strongly-worded condemnation from Congressman Ryan right? RIGHT???
@Omnes Omnibus: Tonight I am enjoying the fact that the Seachickens did not lose today. Tomorrow is another story, even if the Lambs are QB shopping like mad.
Brett Favre? RLY?
Omnes Omnibus
@Yatsuno: Yeah, his intern will get right on that.
Omnes Omnibus
Vampire Weekend on Austin City Limits right now here.
Well, I like ’em.
ETA: I would guess they would earn a spot on Stuff White People Like if it was still updating.
Its an open thread, right?
The only people who should be fired over tracking Angela Merkel’s cell phone are Germans on her staff.
If the US can track them, then who else can?
Suffern ACE
@Alison: so if I believe his story, those men hit themselves to frame him?
Omnes Omnibus
@MikeJ: FWIW I believe Wisconsin spent more time with two Jewish senators than any other state. And my first girlfriend was Jewish – she used it to brazenly seduce me.
I was a late convert to good music, but when I got my teeth in it, there was no letting go. We saw Lou in the early 80’s and it was up there in the top 5 of my best concerts. Genesis was #1 ’cause I was TOTALLY stoned and Genesis/Stoned was a nuclear
combination. Throw in some Psychedelic Furs, and a few others I can’t remember at this minute. Oh, fu**ing IGGY. That was special.
Omnes Omnibus
@Suffern ACE: No, if you believe his story, you are gullible.
Omnes Omnibus
@Paddy: I think Iggy, like Keef, is indestructible.
Suffern ACE
I can’t brag in the office, but I’m 8-0 in the office fantasy football league. So I’ll brag here briefly. Bragging over. Now Back to your original open thread.
Mike E
@Wally Ballou: I’m digging it…it’s not “perfect” baseball as much as it’s two hard-playing teams that can take the series if the other lets up for an instant. Fun.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Wait a minute. How can you toss out that raise after touting the Sox? Aren’t you obligated to raise water?
@Omnes Omnibus: I don’t think Iggy has any natural parts left. They got replaced by the copious amounts of drugs he used all through the 70s and 80s. Come to think of it, has he ever really run on pure air?
@Suffern ACE: No SYG in Cheeseheadville. Walker hasn’t driven them totally around the bend yet fortunately.
Yes, much worse than that clean, emotionally satisfying finish last night.
@Paddy: The first Lou Reed song I heard was in college in the late 80s. Dirty Boulevard.
Pedro lives out of the Wilshire Hotel
he looks out a window without glass
The walls are made of cardboard, newspapers on his feet
his father beats him ’cause he’s too tired to beg
He’s got 9 brothers and sisters
they’re brought up on their knees
it’s hard to run when a coat hanger beats you on the thighs
Pedro dreams of being older and killing the old man
but that’s a slim chance he’s going to the boulevard
He’s going to end up, on the dirty boulevard
he’s going out, to the dirty boulevard
He’s going down, to the dirty boulevard
This room cost 2,000 dollars a month
you can believe it man it’s true
somewhere a landlord’s laughing till he wets his pants
No one here dreams of being a doctor or a lawyer or anything
they dream of dealing on the dirty boulevard
Give me your hungry, your tired your poor I’ll piss on ’em
that’s what the Statue of Bigotry says
Your poor huddled masses, let’s club ’em to death
and get it over with and just dump ’em on the boulevard
Get to end up, on the dirty boulevard
going out, to the dirty boulevard
He’s going down, on the dirty boulevard
going out
Outside it’s a bright night
there’s an opera at Lincoln Center
movie stars arrive by limousine
The klieg lights shoot up over the skyline of Manhattan
but the lights are out on the Mean Streets
A small kid stands by the Lincoln Tunnel
he’s selling plastic roses for a buck
The traffic’s backed up to 39th street
the TV whores are calling the cops out for a suck
And back at the Wilshire, Pedro sits there dreaming
he’s found a book on magic in a garbage can
He looks at the pictures and stares at the cracked ceiling
“At the count of 3” he says, “I hope I can disappear”
And fly fly away, from this dirty boulevard
I want to fly, from dirty boulevard
I want to fly, from dirty boulevard
I want to fly-fly-fly-fly, from dirty boulevard
I want to fly away
I want to fly
Fly, fly away
I want to fly
Fly-fly away (Fly a-)
fly-fly-fly (-way, ooohhh…)
Fly-fly away (I want to fly-fly away)
fly away (I want to fly, wow-woh, no, fly away)
I backtracked and listen to most if not all he did. But the above I will never forget. Hit me like a sledgehammer. A song writer could, well write about life. Social causes.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yatsuno: Ever see him without a shirt? It’s unnatural. Like something from a Bodies exhibit.
@Omnes Omnibus: DH grew up in Detroit and being a few years older than me knew the Stooges by group. I’m not supposed to tell the stories of those days that involve his misbehavior, but there are PLENTY of them. Strangest thing I’ve taken from it was the symbiotic relationship with the Stooges and the nascent Black Panthers back at that time.
John Kruk was just bemoaning the sloppy play on ESPN.
Suffern ACE
@Omnes Omnibus: yeah. But the state has issues with intimacy and that’s what leads to these kinds of incidents. Too much stress. If only someone would think if opening some kind of place where people could go for hugs and spooning with friends and strangers. A Cuddle House or something like that. That would help.
Felonius Monk
I’m more boring than usual.
Not really. Just average. Perhaps you could improve your standing by posting a multitude of pictures of the Great and Powerful Steve and the girls. Or at least tell us about your midnight snack.
@Tommy: Someone said (sounds stupid but you know what I mean) that Lou was an artist that just chose music as his medium. He wasn’t a musician, or a poet, or a writer. He combined it all, set it out and said “You Choose”.
@Steeplejack: Sure. Lot’s of cheddar. And it is the only place outside of the Netherlands that produces Limburger – I don’t know that we should be proud of that, ew.
And my first girlfriend was Jewish – she used it to brazenly seduce me.
Seduction, you call this? Not even. Ecch, sit down by me and I’ll show you things.
@Steeplejack: Cardinals fan. This series is nerve destroying. One game ends in an obstruction rule (I guess it was correct, but as a Cards fan didn’t want to win that way). The next with a rookie getting picked off from first with the best hitter by stats in the history of the playoffs up to bat. How does that happen?
@Omnes Omnibus: I have, actually. It’s inhuman. It almost requires suspension of disbelief that all the requisite organs* are present. One could almost use him as some kind of warning against…something.
*Please note that this is an egregious assumption on my part.
@hilts: And two beleaguered parks take the play down a notch: Fenway, old and oddly shaped; and, Busch, with it’s fucked up sod from too many non-baseball events that tore up the field. Add a tight match up, jacked up adrenaline, and voila.
@FlipYrWhig: Hey, she called me to come over and watch a Mel Brooks movie, High Anxiety, I think. It was on TV and she thought that I, as a WASPy type, could benefit from her knowledge of Yiddish and Borscht Belt humor. then she took advantage of me. I have always admired her for that.
I especially liked the twist where Pedroia sold his glove to buy Holliday some pine tar and Holliday sold his bat to buy Pedroia some leather conditioner.
Also, Wisconsin Brick cheese is another cheese developed in state that has no European equivalent.
@Mike E: The sod is an old story. Not totally true. Last year it was terrible after a U2 concert. This year not so much. I feel Fox has too much to talk about. Does that field not look playable to you?
Omnes Omnibus
@different-church-lady: Can’t the team just fucking buy a new glove and bat? Jeebus!
ETA: It’s not like they are the Brewers under Bud Selig.
You could go anywhere in the mails. Then it struck
him. He didn’t have enough money to go to Wisconsin in the accepted fashion,
true, but why not mail himself? It was absurdly simple. He would ship himself
parcel post, special delivery.
As long as the Red Sox find a way to win this World Series, I’ll tolerate two beleaguered parks, Jake Peavy, and more sloppy play.
@hilts: That’s hilarious. Lou Reed and Frank Zappa FUCKING HATED each other. VU warmed up for Zappa in LA, and Zappa would come on and say, “Boy, did those guys suck or what?” Just the whole vibe of them, they couldn’t stand each other. Zappa had no tolerance for Reed’s drug use, serious arty pretentiousness, and, most offensively, the simplicity and boringness and monotony of the music. Reed couldn’t stand Zappa’s outlandishness, juvenile sense of humor, and irreverence. And when Reed got picked to induct Zappa, Gail and Moon went ape-shit. Just went ballistic about it. What an insult. Anyway, they pulled it together well enough in the end and pretended to like each other. But they didn’t.
Omnes Omnibus
@MikeJ: The Gift, from White Light/White Heat. Disturbing. I didn’t click on the link.
(World Series warning!) This is quite the twitter feed. I’m assuming it has to be a Cubs fan behind it. But man, does sports bring out the worst in people.
@fuckwit: I’m not a huge fan of either but I’ll side with Reed on this one, because I at least liked about five or six of his songs. Which is more than zero for the other guy.
Mike E
@Tommy: What a fucking travesty of groundskeeping! Benghazi!!
But seriously, I’m loving the human element and “wrinkles” play on both teams equally, so, yeah, eminently playable. At least it isn’t concrete bowl Busch. Or The Vet.
Omnes Omnibus
@Joel: I don’t know. My mom really hates the Cards. I mean, it is visceral.
@Joel: I don’t even need to look. I know how hateful folks can be. I am a diehard Cardinals fan. My largest client lives in Boston. Heck my friends and family members are Cubs fan. We can have fun. Mock each other. Give each other a hard time and not be rude about it. It is a fuckiung sport. I guess unless you bet on said sport it is just a game.
Other ways world series games have never ended:
* three consecutive passed balls
* ground out 6-4-9-1-7-3
* quadruple play
* two-point conversion
* sharknado
* Alien invasion
* called on account of boll weevils
* Hung jury
Omnes Omnibus
@Joel: I go with East Coast subversive arty guy over the West Coast subversive arty guy. But really, I like John Cale.
I’d like to see Steve and the girls my own self. In fact I’m feeling rather insistent on the matter.
If I don’t get my way, I will have no choice but to post links to poor and possibly disturbing substitutes, like THIS!
Now, we don’t really want to see more of that sort of thing, do we???
@Mike E: The old Busch was terrible. As you said a “Concrete Bowl.” I hated to see a game there. The “new” Busch is better, but not at the level I’d like. I lived in DC when Baltimore opened their new stadium. Like two decades ago. That was a stunning place to see a game. Stunning. Wish we had more of that.
@Omnes Omnibus: i never listened to either of them very much, I was busy listening to ELO, Raspberries and Big Star… but got no problem with those that admired their music and were fans….
@Tommy: But it was the nicest of all the concrete bowls.
I go with East Coast subversive arty guy over the West Coast subversive arty guy.
I’m with you. Could never stand Zappa. I did think it was nice of Mike Nesmith to give the kid a break on his show, but it’s a pity he never did anything with it.
So Cole — eedad is a Raiders fan and is vaguely aware that I hang out at some blog of which the BlogLord is a Steelers fan…..and he suggested I convey something to the effect that your team sucks worse than his does.
In other news, eechild hazd a sad because the Redskins lost.
I may not know anything about sports, but at least I’m informed.
@Tommy: Safeco is the best field I’ve ever seen. Especially in the summer for night games. Amazing sunsets.
@different-church-lady: high on life at the time…. my tastes are not as diverse as others here, but then again, I think a lot of it depends on where you grew up as to just how accessible the music was.
I’m a little behind on the World Series. Except I think it’s still going on.
@Joel: I’ve heard the San Fran places, but never been to one, just drove by them. Many in the midwest and more than a few on the East coast are my speed.
Mike E
@Joel: CBP in Philly is great. I hear Yinzer Park is really cool, would love to see a game there. When I hit the lotto, I’m doing the entire league tour.
Omnes Omnibus
@piratedan: Going from central Wisconsin (even with arty parents) to college was a giant whack in the face. Suddenly, I got introduced to this world of amazing music. Some of it, I thought, sucked, but there it was. Shiny and new and different. I was stunning and ever so cool. I am not sure I have fully recovered.
different-church-lady twitter feed:
Game 5 prediction: a peregrine falcon grabs a Stephen Drew popup and flies it out of the park for a game-winning homer
@Omnes Omnibus: You’re welcome. My work here is done …for now.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: It is still going on. I don’t care about baseball except to the extent that it affects my mom. If the Brewers get there, I will cheer like hell. Since she hates the Cards, I will root against. But, in the end, I don’t get baseball at all. I just want Mom to be happy. Got a problem with that?
@different-church-lady: Hey, right now that means I want Boston to win. Also, a boy’s best friend is his mother.
@Omnes Omnibus: i was a transplanted child of the south, Raleigh in HS, Chapel Hill at University, was lucky enough to be at Chapel Hill during the dawn of college radio and the new wave scene in the South, so our bar bands were groups like B-52’s, Pylon, the db’s, The Spongetones, The Bad Brains, Four out of Five Doctors and Arrogance. Got gobsmacked by the likes of Rockpile and Elvis Costello and Shoes when I was in school, my parents, sad to say, thought I was into Punk Rock simply because I knew of the bands and liked to wear buttons….. still have my Dave Edmunds Repeat When Necessary button in my desk drawer around here someplace….
@Omnes Omnibus: I bought their first CD and was unimpressed. Maybe I thought they’d be something like Fela. There’s a difference between “Zombie” and singing about deck shoes or whatever.
@piratedan: Violent Femmes was my local claim to fame. I saw them in London in ’84 – in Soho. As my equally preppy looking friend and I were trying to find the theatre, we bumped into some Brit punks. They overheard us and basically said “Oi, Violent Femmes? The fuck, you posh gits?” We explained and they adopted us. The concert was great and after ward we ended up in dive bars where people kept looking at us (the two Yanks) and asking ” who are the posh gits?” Awesome night. Sometimes, an American accent helps.
@MikeJ: well Mike, I was all over the place back then, call it a gumbo plan of music, liked what I liked and some connected and some didn’t. The Tractor lads were alright but I just never got moved to buy…
now the above was a reflection of my penchant to date the wrong kind of girl…..
Mike E
@piratedan: The Spongetones are the best Beatles cover band, hands down! Jamie Hoover played at my friend’s funeral in Albemarle. Charlotte was quite the local scene, too, with groups passing thru the big city on their way to fame/oblivion. I even delivered a pizza to Chris Robinson, and since he stiffed me all I have is the memory as my only trophy.
ETA The db’s teamed up with the Chapel Hill Chorus Project to do Waterloo Sunset, I saw it on youtube once and then it was made “private”. The kids done good!
@Omnes Omnibus: sounds awesome…. for a while, my biggest claim to fame was that I threw up on Fred Schneider’s shoes when they were playing a gig in Carrville. Kind of “Dean Wormer” moment….. sadly Fred never writes….
Omnes Omnibus
@Bob In Portland: Hence the Stuff White People Like reference. I am not beyond self mockery. OTOH I think they are a band with potential – whether they realize it or not is another thing.
@Mike E: linked into their Facebook site and they still gig from time to time, thought Hoover was incredibly undervalued as a wrier and those guys knew/know their craft. Have a couple of old vinyls that I wore out and had to break down and get a best of CD (which is awesome).
I saw the Violent Femmes and the Del Fuegos at the Blue Note in Columbia, and I don’t recall who opened for the Femmes when they played the KCOU birthday/Halloween party. I do recall drinking two bottles of champers and taking over for the guy on the air at about 2am, then being relieved by the PD at about 3.
Omnes Omnibus
@MikeJ: Shit, there is a Julianna Hatfield Three song I need to find.
@Omnes Omnibus: hell no, passed out, my buddies apologized and propped me up in a chair off to the side against the wall. Think there still may be pictures in the old fraternity archive, but alas, I couldn’t vouch if they were before, after or during shots…. I had a hard time staying hydrated on beer and dancing.
ETA: I found out I actually share a B-day with two regulars already.
@Omnes Omnibus: thankfully, yes, but these days I am grateful to have been old enough not to have every moment of youthful stupidity captured and uploaded onto the net for eternity… small favors and all that. Still was lucky to have seen bands in their infancy that helped to make the scene what it was and change music for everyone.
@Omnes Omnibus: Zappa was born and raised mostly in Baltimore. And made his fame really in New York (Garrick Theater) and in Europe, particularly Eastern Europe, where he was something of a hero. He hated the West Coast and despised being associated with it.
Then again, Zappa hated everything. A more curmudgeony musician never there was, I believe, at least not in modern times.
Even things he loved, he still hated at the same too and in equal measure. R&B. Modern orchestra music. Rock and Roll. Jazz. America. The British, the Germans, the French, the Italians, the Finnish, in fact all of Europe. Being married. Guitars. Being a dad. Capitalism. Socialism. Performing music. Politics. His family. Television. Musicians. Technology.
The weird and uniquely charactaristic thing about Zappa is how much he absolutely loathed the things he loved most and was most obsessed with.
Omnes already knows my Femmes brag, but here it is again: Mojo Nixon, the Pogues and the Violent Femmes triple bill. I think it was at Alpine Valley, but definitely one of the outdoor venues in the northeast Illinois/southeast Wisconsin area.
I don’t drink much, so, sadly, I don’t have a vomiting story to go with it.
I dig chicks, but thanks all the…Oh, the date! 7/26.
Radio One
Balloon Juice has to be the only political website on the internet where open threads nightly turn into routine discussions of 80’s college rock radio.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): Where else? You would have noticed if it were Wolf Trap, right?
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): well surely there has to be a running semi-nekkid in public one you could share…..
Funny, that. The ’80s college rock radio website I used to have bookmarked (oddly dubbed “’80s College Rock Radio”) was nothing but discussions about people’s pets.
I was a really fat baby (10 lbs 8 oz) and my mom has hips not meant for birthing anything but preemies, so I was a week late. I was supposed to be a Cancer. [insert joke here]
This is the second time I’ve seen this reference today, and I must admit, quite sadly, that it seems to refer to an internet tradition with which I am not aware. I suspect that it has something to do with our blog host, who doesn’t mind telling the NSA every last damned embarrassing thing that has ever happened to him in his life.
Omnes Omnibus
@max: Not me. I am of the Juliana is hot generation. I also like Courtney..
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): Back in the AOL chat room days, I used to hang out in the BDSM chat rooms. My mom asked me why, and I said, “In the gardening rooms, they’re talking about sex. In the politics rooms, they’re talking about sex. In the music rooms, talking about sex. In the sex rooms, they’re talking about….gardening.”
I’m supposedly a cusp (August 23), but always related more to Leo than Virgo. Except I think it’s all stupid.
And in further sports news, I am furthermore informed that Terrelle Pryor set an NFL record today by running a 93 yard touchdown…..and somehow that makes the Steelers suck even worse.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Actually truth be told I have a pretty bad temper. I just keep it under control, though I did blow up at a guy at work the other day. Protip: don’t show me the evidence you’re lying.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
For the record, I didn’t link that Fleshtones’ thing. I would never link ’80s college rock here. I think Doug J has hijacked my account.
Frank Zappa is trite and bad.
No one who reads this blog often would call you boring. And no one who likes Zappa can really be boring.
Also too, am I terrible that when I saw this my first thought was “Oy, caramba!” Terrible and/or cheesy, that is…
RobertDSC-Power Mac G5 Dual
Still playing Arkham Origins. The developers have come up with several analogs to the gadgets used in Arkham City. It’s very fulfilling to drop back into Arkham City mindsets when confronted with certain challenges.
This Batman is good, but not as good as Arkham City Batman.
Mike E
Wow, what a stinker of a finish for a WS game…picked off first!
Omnes Omnibus
@Alison: @efgoldman: Janesville is in Paul Ryan’s district.
@efgoldman: Either in bed or feteing the Packer victory. Of course those are just guesses.
where are the cat pictures? You have a cat, don’t you?
That’s amazing. Let’s see if I can make a new thread happen by commenting. It’s like clockwork.
I’m starting to see rumblings about Michelle “Antoinette” Obama again, this time regarding the website. I was wondering when the conspiracy theories would start.
I’ve just spent the past two weeks with excruciating tooth pain that turned out to be an infection of my salivary glands instead of any actual tooth problem. I know I’m being a wimp, but holly crap, tooth pain is the worse. This is the closest I’ve come to crying from sheer pain in years. To make matters worse, the worst of it hit when I was working two back to back 13 hour over night shifts. Fun weekend. But now I have anti-biotics and pain medication and hopefully I’ll be able to open my mouth all the way again one of these days.
This whole thing has me once again thankful for having health insurance. This past weekend I had a CT scan, and ultrasound, saw three different Doctors and made 4 clinic visits. I’ll have an ER copay and a couple of office copays, but other than that, most of what is so far probably going to be at least a couple of grand is covered. Even something as simple as toothpain like this that turned out to be a medical and not a dental issue could realistically set an average person back months, if not years, financially. More over, if I didn’t have health insurance and just worked through the pain, the infection could have spread and could have ultimately been fatal, all in exchange for 10 bucks worth of anti-biotics.
Too bad because of the website issues Obamacare is a failure. Oh well. Good luck future generations.
At least my Bears dint lose today.
Wally Ballou
@Mike E: These O. Henry endings are the best! I can’t wait to see how tomorrow night’s game finishes!
Omnes Omnibus
@Yatsuno: As far as the Packer victory goes, I have been quietly enjoying it. It looks like with Lacy and Starks/Franklin, GB finally may have the personnel to grind out a 4th quarter and secure a win without putting Rodgers at risk.
@Omnes Omnibus: So we can expect a strongly-worded condemnation from Congressman Ryan right? RIGHT???
@Omnes Omnibus: Tonight I am enjoying the fact that the Seachickens did not lose today. Tomorrow is another story, even if the Lambs are QB shopping like mad.
Brett Favre? RLY?
Omnes Omnibus
@Yatsuno: Yeah, his intern will get right on that.
Omnes Omnibus
Vampire Weekend on Austin City Limits right now here.
Well, I like ’em.
ETA: I would guess they would earn a spot on Stuff White People Like if it was still updating.
@Alison: Cheese-nacht.
When are you going to catch Red Sox fever?
I’ll see your Love and I’ll raise you a Garage
Its an open thread, right?
The only people who should be fired over tracking Angela Merkel’s cell phone are Germans on her staff.
If the US can track them, then who else can?
Suffern ACE
@Alison: so if I believe his story, those men hit themselves to frame him?
Omnes Omnibus
@MikeJ: FWIW I believe Wisconsin spent more time with two Jewish senators than any other state. And my first girlfriend was Jewish – she used it to brazenly seduce me.
I’m plagued by Lou’s death. When Iggy goes I just may have to shut down for a week.
I was a late convert to good music, but when I got my teeth in it, there was no letting go. We saw Lou in the early 80’s and it was up there in the top 5 of my best concerts. Genesis was #1 ’cause I was TOTALLY stoned and Genesis/Stoned was a nuclear
combination. Throw in some Psychedelic Furs, and a few others I can’t remember at this minute. Oh, fu**ing IGGY. That was special.
Omnes Omnibus
@Suffern ACE: No, if you believe his story, you are gullible.
Omnes Omnibus
@Paddy: I think Iggy, like Keef, is indestructible.
Suffern ACE
I can’t brag in the office, but I’m 8-0 in the office fantasy football league. So I’ll brag here briefly. Bragging over. Now Back to your original open thread.
Mike E
@Wally Ballou: I’m digging it…it’s not “perfect” baseball as much as it’s two hard-playing teams that can take the series if the other lets up for an instant. Fun.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Wait a minute. How can you toss out that raise after touting the Sox? Aren’t you obligated to raise water?
@Omnes Omnibus: I don’t think Iggy has any natural parts left. They got replaced by the copious amounts of drugs he used all through the 70s and 80s. Come to think of it, has he ever really run on pure air?
@Suffern ACE: No SYG in Cheeseheadville. Walker hasn’t driven them totally around the bend yet fortunately.
@Mike E:
Yes, much worse than that clean, emotionally satisfying finish last night.
@Paddy: The first Lou Reed song I heard was in college in the late 80s. Dirty Boulevard.
I backtracked and listen to most if not all he did. But the above I will never forget. Hit me like a sledgehammer. A song writer could, well write about life. Social causes.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yatsuno: Ever see him without a shirt? It’s unnatural. Like something from a Bodies exhibit.
Almost there. “Cheddarnacht” is better.
@Omnes Omnibus: DH grew up in Detroit and being a few years older than me knew the Stooges by group. I’m not supposed to tell the stories of those days that involve his misbehavior, but there are PLENTY of them. Strangest thing I’ve taken from it was the symbiotic relationship with the Stooges and the nascent Black Panthers back at that time.
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again):
I’m a bigger Zappa fan than a Standells fan, but I do love dirty water.
Long live Zappa/Mothers of Invention, the Velvet Underground/Lou Reed, and the Red Sox.
@Paddy: The first time I ever bought drugs from a FoaF I had Waiting for the Man on my walkman. Music was my gateway drug.
Omnes Omnibus
@Paddy: @Tommy: FYI there is an RIP thread. Probably dead by now, but worth reading if, as it seems, you are fans.
media stalks model
Mike E
@Steeplejack: Well, my team is nowhere close to this level, so I’m loving it regardless.
Heh, at least it wasn’t Jim Joyce at 1B punching out that last out. Shit seems to find that dude.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I was thinking the same thing. He was on Colbert a while back and looked way too buffed for a man of his age and mileage.
@Mike E: @Wally Ballou:
John Kruk was just bemoaning the sloppy play on ESPN.
Suffern ACE
@Omnes Omnibus: yeah. But the state has issues with intimacy and that’s what leads to these kinds of incidents. Too much stress. If only someone would think if opening some kind of place where people could go for hugs and spooning with friends and strangers. A Cuddle House or something like that. That would help.
Felonius Monk
Not really. Just average. Perhaps you could improve your standing by posting a multitude of pictures of the Great and Powerful Steve and the girls. Or at least tell us about your midnight snack.
@Tommy: Someone said (sounds stupid but you know what I mean) that Lou was an artist that just chose music as his medium. He wasn’t a musician, or a poet, or a writer. He combined it all, set it out and said “You Choose”.
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again):
Me at 18? 19? in that Dirty Water.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: Colby is the only recognized cheese variety that was developed in the US. In Colby, WI. Which of course in nowhere near Janesville.
@Mike E:
I don’t have a dog in this hunt. Just noting the odd, messy ending in two consecutive games.
Omnes Omnibus
@Suffern ACE: A bar?
@Omnes Omnibus:
But they do produce a lot of cheddar in Wisconsin, neh?
And, FFS, someone alert Yutsano to the new Google doodle!
Lou Reed inducting Frank Zappa into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: Sure. Lot’s of cheddar. And it is the only place outside of the Netherlands that produces Limburger – I don’t know that we should be proud of that, ew.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Seduction, you call this? Not even. Ecch, sit down by me and I’ll show you things.
@Steeplejack: Cardinals fan. This series is nerve destroying. One game ends in an obstruction rule (I guess it was correct, but as a Cards fan didn’t want to win that way). The next with a rookie getting picked off from first with the best hitter by stats in the history of the playoffs up to bat. How does that happen?
@Omnes Omnibus: I have, actually. It’s inhuman. It almost requires suspension of disbelief that all the requisite organs* are present. One could almost use him as some kind of warning against…something.
*Please note that this is an egregious assumption on my part.
@Steeplejack: ZOMG EDNA MODE WAS REAL!!!
Mike E
@hilts: And two beleaguered parks take the play down a notch: Fenway, old and oddly shaped; and, Busch, with it’s fucked up sod from too many non-baseball events that tore up the field. Add a tight match up, jacked up adrenaline, and voila.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yeah, no.
Omnes Omnibus
@FlipYrWhig: Hey, she called me to come over and watch a Mel Brooks movie, High Anxiety, I think. It was on TV and she thought that I, as a WASPy type, could benefit from her knowledge of Yiddish and Borscht Belt humor. then she took advantage of me. I have always admired her for that.
@Wally Ballou:
I especially liked the twist where Pedroia sold his glove to buy Holliday some pine tar and Holliday sold his bat to buy Pedroia some leather conditioner.
Suffern ACE
@Omnes Omnibus: nah. A Snuggry. I think that’s what they’re calling it.
Also, Wisconsin Brick cheese is another cheese developed in state that has no European equivalent.
@Mike E: The sod is an old story. Not totally true. Last year it was terrible after a U2 concert. This year not so much. I feel Fox has too much to talk about. Does that field not look playable to you?
Omnes Omnibus
@different-church-lady: Can’t the team just fucking buy a new glove and bat? Jeebus!
ETA: It’s not like they are the Brewers under Bud Selig.
LOL. Okay, that was funny. Well played.
While we’re speaking of Wisconsin:
@Mike E:
As long as the Red Sox find a way to win this World Series, I’ll tolerate two beleaguered parks, Jake Peavy, and more sloppy play.
@hilts: That’s hilarious. Lou Reed and Frank Zappa FUCKING HATED each other. VU warmed up for Zappa in LA, and Zappa would come on and say, “Boy, did those guys suck or what?” Just the whole vibe of them, they couldn’t stand each other. Zappa had no tolerance for Reed’s drug use, serious arty pretentiousness, and, most offensively, the simplicity and boringness and monotony of the music. Reed couldn’t stand Zappa’s outlandishness, juvenile sense of humor, and irreverence. And when Reed got picked to induct Zappa, Gail and Moon went ape-shit. Just went ballistic about it. What an insult. Anyway, they pulled it together well enough in the end and pretended to like each other. But they didn’t.
Omnes Omnibus
@MikeJ: The Gift, from White Light/White Heat. Disturbing. I didn’t click on the link.
(World Series warning!) This is quite the twitter feed. I’m assuming it has to be a Cubs fan behind it. But man, does sports bring out the worst in people.
@fuckwit: I’m not a huge fan of either but I’ll side with Reed on this one, because I at least liked about five or six of his songs. Which is more than zero for the other guy.
Mike E
@Tommy: What a fucking travesty of
healthcare.govgroundskeeping! Benghazi!!But seriously, I’m loving the human element and “wrinkles” play on both teams equally, so, yeah, eminently playable. At least it isn’t concrete bowl Busch. Or The Vet.
Omnes Omnibus
@Joel: I don’t know. My mom really hates the Cards. I mean, it is visceral.
@Joel: I don’t even need to look. I know how hateful folks can be. I am a diehard Cardinals fan. My largest client lives in Boston. Heck my friends and family members are Cubs fan. We can have fun. Mock each other. Give each other a hard time and not be rude about it. It is a fuckiung sport. I guess unless you bet on said sport it is just a game.
Other ways world series games have never ended:
* three consecutive passed balls
* ground out 6-4-9-1-7-3
* quadruple play
* two-point conversion
* sharknado
* Alien invasion
* called on account of boll weevils
* Hung jury
Omnes Omnibus
@Joel: I go with East Coast subversive arty guy over the West Coast subversive arty guy. But really, I like John Cale.
I’d like to see Steve and the girls my own self. In fact I’m feeling rather insistent on the matter.
If I don’t get my way, I will have no choice but to post links to poor and possibly disturbing substitutes, like THIS!
Now, we don’t really want to see more of that sort of thing, do we???
@Mike E: The old Busch was terrible. As you said a “Concrete Bowl.” I hated to see a game there. The “new” Busch is better, but not at the level I’d like. I lived in DC when Baltimore opened their new stadium. Like two decades ago. That was a stunning place to see a game. Stunning. Wish we had more of that.
@Omnes Omnibus: i never listened to either of them very much, I was busy listening to ELO, Raspberries and Big Star… but got no problem with those that admired their music and were fans….
@Tommy: But it was the nicest of all the concrete bowls.
“When Reed got picked to induct Zappa, Gail and Moon went ape-shit… They pulled it together well enough in the end and pretended to like each other.”
I wonder how hard the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame tried to find a musician who actually appreciated Zappa’s music.
While they may have detested each other, I love Zappa and Reed and I wish they were both still with us and making more great music.
Omnes Omnibus
@sharl: The fuck? I won’t sleep tonight. I shan’t forgive you.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m with you. Could never stand Zappa. I did think it was nice of Mike Nesmith to give the kid a break on his show, but it’s a pity he never did anything with it.
You’re killing it tonight!
That’s quite a cocktail you had going there.
So Cole — eedad is a Raiders fan and is vaguely aware that I hang out at some blog of which the BlogLord is a Steelers fan…..and he suggested I convey something to the effect that your team sucks worse than his does.
In other news, eechild hazd a sad because the Redskins lost.
I may not know anything about sports, but at least I’m informed.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: Well done on the being informed thing.
@Tommy: Safeco is the best field I’ve ever seen. Especially in the summer for night games. Amazing sunsets.
@different-church-lady: high on life at the time…. my tastes are not as diverse as others here, but then again, I think a lot of it depends on where you grew up as to just how accessible the music was.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m a little behind on the World Series. Except I think it’s still going on.
@Joel: I’ve heard the San Fran places, but never been to one, just drove by them. Many in the midwest and more than a few on the East coast are my speed.
Mike E
@Joel: CBP in Philly is great. I hear Yinzer Park is really cool, would love to see a game there. When I hit the lotto, I’m doing the entire league tour.
Omnes Omnibus
@piratedan: Going from central Wisconsin (even with arty parents) to college was a giant whack in the face. Suddenly, I got introduced to this world of amazing music. Some of it, I thought, sucked, but there it was. Shiny and new and different. I was stunning and ever so cool. I am not sure I have fully recovered.
different-church-lady twitter feed:
@Omnes Omnibus: You’re welcome. My work here is done …for now.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: It is still going on. I don’t care about baseball except to the extent that it affects my mom. If the Brewers get there, I will cheer like hell. Since she hates the Cards, I will root against. But, in the end, I don’t get baseball at all. I just want Mom to be happy. Got a problem with that?
@Omnes Omnibus:
What kind of monster wants that?
Steeplejack (tablet)
Here’s all you need to know: series tied 2-2, remaining games Monday, Wednesday and Thursday (if necessary).
Miss Kitkas's Comrade Wayne
You fucking idiot, John X Cole.
Lou Reed is dead.
@Miss Kitkas’s Comrade Wayne: Yeah, but so is Frank Zappa.
Omnes Omnibus
@different-church-lady: Hey, right now that means I want Boston to win. Also, a boy’s best friend is his mother.
@Omnes Omnibus: i was a transplanted child of the south, Raleigh in HS, Chapel Hill at University, was lucky enough to be at Chapel Hill during the dawn of college radio and the new wave scene in the South, so our bar bands were groups like B-52’s, Pylon, the db’s, The Spongetones, The Bad Brains, Four out of Five Doctors and Arrogance. Got gobsmacked by the likes of Rockpile and Elvis Costello and Shoes when I was in school, my parents, sad to say, thought I was into Punk Rock simply because I knew of the bands and liked to wear buttons….. still have my Dave Edmunds Repeat When Necessary button in my desk drawer around here someplace….
Bob In Portland
@Omnes Omnibus: I bought their first CD and was unimpressed. Maybe I thought they’d be something like Fela. There’s a difference between “Zombie” and singing about deck shoes or whatever.
Don’t forget Fuck Truck.
Omnes Omnibus
@piratedan: Violent Femmes was my local claim to fame. I saw them in London in ’84 – in Soho. As my equally preppy looking friend and I were trying to find the theatre, we bumped into some Brit punks. They overheard us and basically said “Oi, Violent Femmes? The fuck, you posh gits?” We explained and they adopted us. The concert was great and after ward we ended up in dive bars where people kept looking at us (the two Yanks) and asking ” who are the posh gits?” Awesome night. Sometimes, an American accent helps.
@MikeJ: well Mike, I was all over the place back then, call it a gumbo plan of music, liked what I liked and some connected and some didn’t. The Tractor lads were alright but I just never got moved to buy…
now the above was a reflection of my penchant to date the wrong kind of girl…..
Mike E
@piratedan: The Spongetones are the best Beatles cover band, hands down! Jamie Hoover played at my friend’s funeral in Albemarle. Charlotte was quite the local scene, too, with groups passing thru the big city on their way to fame/oblivion. I even delivered a pizza to Chris Robinson, and since he stiffed me all I have is the memory as my only trophy.
ETA The db’s teamed up with the Chapel Hill Chorus Project to do Waterloo Sunset, I saw it on youtube once and then it was made “private”. The kids done good!
@Omnes Omnibus: sounds awesome…. for a while, my biggest claim to fame was that I threw up on Fred Schneider’s shoes when they were playing a gig in Carrville. Kind of “Dean Wormer” moment….. sadly Fred never writes….
Omnes Omnibus
@Bob In Portland: Hence the Stuff White People Like reference. I am not beyond self mockery. OTOH I think they are a band with potential – whether they realize it or not is another thing.
@Mike E: linked into their Facebook site and they still gig from time to time, thought Hoover was incredibly undervalued as a wrier and those guys knew/know their craft. Have a couple of old vinyls that I wore out and had to break down and get a best of CD (which is awesome).
@Omnes Omnibus:
Surely you jest. Given my nomenclature, I obviously regard you as Teh Perfect Man.
@Steeplejack (tablet):
Thanks! It’s, um…..4 out of 7 then.
I also know that the Red Sox and Yankees hate each other, and my late Dad hated the Yankees…..but that was because of the Brooklyn Dodgers.
Omnes Omnibus
@piratedan: Gordon Gano never recognized me at all. Then or later. You, at least, have the barf. You scraped up, right?
@Omnes Omnibus:
I saw the Violent Femmes and the Del Fuegos at the Blue Note in Columbia, and I don’t recall who opened for the Femmes when they played the KCOU birthday/Halloween party. I do recall drinking two bottles of champers and taking over for the guy on the air at about 2am, then being relieved by the PD at about 3.
Omnes Omnibus
@MikeJ: Shit, there is a Julianna Hatfield Three song I need to find.
ETA: here it is.
@Omnes Omnibus: hell no, passed out, my buddies apologized and propped me up in a chair off to the side against the wall. Think there still may be pictures in the old fraternity archive, but alas, I couldn’t vouch if they were before, after or during shots…. I had a hard time staying hydrated on beer and dancing.
@Omnes Omnibus: We share a birthday.
Omnes Omnibus
@piratedan: Well, you have the story.
Omnes Omnibus
@MikeJ: That is the one.
ETA: I found out I actually share a B-day with two regulars already.
@Omnes Omnibus: thankfully, yes, but these days I am grateful to have been old enough not to have every moment of youthful stupidity captured and uploaded onto the net for eternity… small favors and all that. Still was lucky to have seen bands in their infancy that helped to make the scene what it was and change music for everyone.
@Omnes Omnibus: Zappa was born and raised mostly in Baltimore. And made his fame really in New York (Garrick Theater) and in Europe, particularly Eastern Europe, where he was something of a hero. He hated the West Coast and despised being associated with it.
Then again, Zappa hated everything. A more curmudgeony musician never there was, I believe, at least not in modern times.
Even things he loved, he still hated at the same too and in equal measure. R&B. Modern orchestra music. Rock and Roll. Jazz. America. The British, the Germans, the French, the Italians, the Finnish, in fact all of Europe. Being married. Guitars. Being a dad. Capitalism. Socialism. Performing music. Politics. His family. Television. Musicians. Technology.
The weird and uniquely charactaristic thing about Zappa is how much he absolutely loathed the things he loved most and was most obsessed with.
@Omnes Omnibus: Jeebus. FOUR Leos on this blog?
Omnes Omnibus
@fuckwit: How did he feel about the Belgians?
In any case, he is still associated with the West Coast. He sure as hell is not a part of the Warhol Factory art scene.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Make that five. I don’t think I share the same birthday, though.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yatsuno: At least three on the same day.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
Omnes already knows my Femmes brag, but here it is again: Mojo Nixon, the Pogues and the Violent Femmes triple bill. I think it was at Alpine Valley, but definitely one of the outdoor venues in the northeast Illinois/southeast Wisconsin area.
I don’t drink much, so, sadly, I don’t have a vomiting story to go with it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): Date? If you care to share… If not, cool.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
@Omnes Omnibus:
I dig chicks, but thanks all the…Oh, the date! 7/26.
Radio One
Balloon Juice has to be the only political website on the internet where open threads nightly turn into routine discussions of 80’s college rock radio.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): Where else? You would have noticed if it were Wolf Trap, right?
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): well surely there has to be a running semi-nekkid in public one you could share…..
Omnes Omnibus
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): A day after Beau, my dog.- he was awesome. The rest of us are August people.
@piratedan: I believe the phrase you’re looking for here is, “Tits, or GTFO.”
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): Oh gravy. The Scorpio will be in the corner stewing.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
@Radio One:
Funny, that. The ’80s college rock radio website I used to have bookmarked (oddly dubbed “’80s College Rock Radio”) was nothing but discussions about people’s pets.
@Radio One: and just for you….
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): bet there was a rotating tag regarding mopping while nekkid too
Omnes Omnibus
@piratedan: That is just mean.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
@Omnes Omnibus:
I was a really fat baby (10 lbs 8 oz) and my mom has hips not meant for birthing anything but preemies, so I was a week late. I was supposed to be a Cancer. [insert joke here]
Taurus puts on stoic expression.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yatsuno: The horrible thing is that I have somehow arrived at YouTubes of Hole. I like Courtney, but I started with Lou.
@Omnes Omnibus: ETA: here it is.
A good song, but not as good as this.
[‘Everybody whines about her voice.’]
@Yatsuno: You could completely misread me, bare ass cheeks would have been acceptable too :-) (Sorry Mnemo)
sorry OO, that was the most annoying song that I heard on College Radio too, but a whole lotta folks liked their Stevie F, so its a free country.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
This is the second time I’ve seen this reference today, and I must admit, quite sadly, that it seems to refer to an internet tradition with which I am not aware. I suspect that it has something to do with our blog host, who doesn’t mind telling the NSA every last damned embarrassing thing that has ever happened to him in his life.
Omnes Omnibus
@max: Not me. I am of the Juliana is hot generation. I also like Courtney..
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): Back in the AOL chat room days, I used to hang out in the BDSM chat rooms. My mom asked me why, and I said, “In the gardening rooms, they’re talking about sex. In the politics rooms, they’re talking about sex. In the music rooms, talking about sex. In the sex rooms, they’re talking about….gardening.”
Radio One
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): I thought it was kinda funny.
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): Check the lexicon. It is a story for the ages.
I’m supposedly a cusp (August 23), but always related more to Leo than Virgo. Except I think it’s all stupid.
And in further sports news, I am furthermore informed that Terrelle Pryor set an NFL record today by running a 93 yard touchdown…..and somehow that makes the Steelers suck even worse.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Thank you, Mr. Scorpion.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: Stop now.
Of course the astrology stuff is dumb. What is fun that isn’t dumb? Be honest.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
The Fleshtones Right Side Of A Good Thing
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
@Omnes Omnibus:
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): If I be waspish, best beware my sting.
Actually truth be told I have a pretty bad temper. I just keep it under control, though I did blow up at a guy at work the other day. Protip: don’t show me the evidence you’re lying.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
For the record, I didn’t link that Fleshtones’ thing. I would never link ’80s college rock here. I think Doug J has hijacked my account.
Omnes Omnibus
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): No thank you.
John Revolta
Triple bill, ya say? Saw Mink deVille, Rockpile and Elvis Costello in Chicago,
1978 or so.
Saw the Pogues and the Men They Couldn’t Hang in Brixton,1985. In between act Costello turned up with an acoustic guitar and did 4 or 5 tunes.
Then there was Rory Gallagher, Delaney & Bonnie, and Blind Faith……
but perhaps I’ve said too much.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
@Omnes Omnibus:
At least you could thank me for tossing that 65 mph fastball over the middle of the plate.
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): That’s unfair. AL could be just as easily messing with your head.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Joe King Carrasco & The Crowns Buena
Omnes Omnibus
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): I am a football guy. My bad.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
I don’t think that’s in her wheelhouse.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again):
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): I’m finding this…thoroughly entertaining. And I realised there are at least two other possibilities. Though neither has shown a proclivity for this before.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Everything But The Girl Missing
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
At least, huh? Who else?
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again):
Really? REALLY?!?!
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): Could be a grunt, could be a fictional 93 year old woman. After that link though, nah, it’s DougJ. He’s the only one that sadistic.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
The least he could do is link something with an edge on it, like The Jesus and Mary Chain.
Omnes Omnibus
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): This is better.
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again):
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m not disagreeing.
@Omnes Omnibus: That makes me want a cigarette, a beret, a nice light omelette with some good crusty baguette and pain au chocolat for a finish.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Heaven 17 (We Don’t Need This) Fascist Groove Thang
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again):
I….Okay, I kind of like that, but is it college rock?
Omnes Omnibus
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): Here.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
TYVM…But to be clear, I didn’t link it. I’m not about linking that ’80s college rock.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): KRETEK? Those things are terrible.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
@The prophet Nostradumbass:
I was thinking Djarum, but, ya know, whichever.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Dwight Yoakam Bury Me
That’s how I roll, Doug. Real deal.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Sammi Smith Help Me Make It Through The Night
Billie Jo Spears
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
The DeZurik Sisters I Left Her Standing There
@Radio One: Look at the average age of the readers/commenters.
Waving my hand as a 40-something… and apparently we’re all here in force, often.
Morning! I sent in my pet pictures for the bjcalendar, did you?
The local CBS news just logged onto without any problems. It appears to be working. wahoo!
A Humble Lurker
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again):
How is sex not dumb, or at the very least, not consistently undignified, which is more or less in the same ball park?
Good god, don’t you people ever sleep?
Paul in KY
@Steeplejack: Jumping around a stage every night in front of powerful & hot lights is quite an aerobic workout it appears.
Paul in KY
@Steeplejack: They produce a crapton of cheese in Wisconsin. Alot of the best stuff never gets out of the state.
I watched it for a little while
I love to watch things on TV
Satellite of love
Satellite of love
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
@A Humble Lurker:
Yer doin’ it all wrong, kid!