Some nasty weather up here- frozen mix followed by snow and the roads are a hot mess even though there has only been about an inch and a half of accumulation because the rain froze underneath it. So there you go, all you guys with massive SUV’s and pick up trucks with dual exhausts and “MAKE IT NASTY” or “BAD COMPANY” across the top of your windshield- sometimes an inch and a half is enough and you don’t need to compensate.
I went to town and stocked up for supplies, and I’ve got a pork shoulder in the crock pot with kraut to make it through the blustery weekend, so I got that going for me. I also picked up enough dog and cat treats so I can make it a few days without being cut. Speaking of, here’s a pic of Steve:
I can’t state too often how awesome he is. He’s always around me, and he just does crazy shit all day long. About a half hour ago, I was sitting here watching Homeland, and he came racing from the bedroom, streaked through the hallway and living room, and jumped from about three feet away and managed to hit the hole on his cat tree on the second level. It was awesome.
Speaking of Homeland, I’m working my way through Season 1, and this description on Comcast of an episode cracked me up in a sad kind of way:
In the previous episode, the FBI had accidentally shot and killed two men at morning prayers in a mosque while chasing an alleged terrorist, and the way Comcast (and the show of most of America looks at it), the chief concern is the PR nightmare. Not the dead people or accountability. Art imitates life.
Same as it ever was; I was just willfully blind for a while.
BTW- is Morena Baccarin the most beautiful human being on the planet or what? Thank you, Whedon.
Comrade Mary
That is all.
i’d kill to see MAKE IT NASTY in big letters on the back of a yugo. next to a cartoon of calvin pissing in jesus’s mouth.
that would make my day.
Big R
@chopper: I get where you’re coming from. But let’s have it be something else than Calvin. Everything C&H that’s not a book is a ripoff.
Omnes Omnibus
Saabs are again in production. Yippee! I am sure it will be a while before they are being sold here in the US again, but mine is in good shape so everything may work out.
Felonius Monk
Pork and kraut — nothing more needs to be said.
How about a bumper sticker?
“My other car is a Trabant.”
Ash Can
I can’t wait for the stories John will be posting here when Steve starts losing his winter fur in the spring.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: “Invading Federal forces? “
Angry at myself for leaving my gloves in an NYC cab. I imagine I am far from the first person to have done such a thing.
PF37 +5
RobertDSC-Power Mac G5 Dual
Doing the last ten stunt jumps for Grand Theft Auto 5. The last 10 are what I need for 100%.
I’m exhausted after a rough week and am just tired of everything.
If you’d been +4, you might have left just one glove and been even more annoyed about that.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Why not? They deserved it.
@NotMax: It was +2 when I left them in the cab, so theoretically should be more angry.
However, I bought some gloves, mainly for running, recently, so I’m not that wiped out about it. Also, the gloves I left behind were 3 years old, and I got them on sale from Macy’s, so not too torn up about it.
Omnes Omnibus
@PsiFighter37: You only had two pairs of gloves?
FEMA camps.
Omnes Omnibus
She certainly is up there.
St. Paul had a snow/rain mix on tuesday, heavy wet snow on wednesday, and we went into the deep freeze yesterday and today. The city roads crews have been at it 24/7 all week but the streets are almost all glare ice. I just checked into a facebook posting by the utility crews and from the comments you;d think everybody just moved here from Florida. A woman was bitching becuse she couldn’t keep her Subaru Outback under control! There was more bitching about how we can afford to repair the state capitol but still not get ice off the roads!! Driving is pretty shitty right now but we’d just gotten a triple punch of bad conditions in just the right order.It’s MN, people need to stop whining at the truck drivers who are trying to fix it.I was going to blame it on Obama, but commenters were getting their knickers in too big a twist to fire off jokes.
My plan for tomorrow is to stay in all day, do laundry, and try to get over the red hot hatred I have for my boss tonight. A coulple weeks ago I got moved into a smaller cube with zero access to sunlight away from everyone in our department. This afternoon he called me in and told me that I was an ‘ambassador’ for our group while I was over at the other place and that I should make sure that I am never late or leave a bit early because people will talk about it (but not to me). When I was in my old cubicle in wiith my group, I was always the second to the last one to leave, but things are different now: I’m an ambassador to a bunch of tight assed clock watching contract writers. I hate it.
@gbear: getting laundry dry must be the pits or very expensive. I hate using the dryer(she says while living in a close to tropical zone).
Morley Bolero
Gonna be -35c in Manitoba tonight. I might have to put long pants on,
Bubblegum Tate
@Omnes Omnibus:
Had to do an image search…she’s up there, but it’s still all about Rashida Jones.
Earth – 100,000; Mars – 0.
@gbear: When we were last in MI my husband’s cousins asked what winters were like here near Denver. He told them how it snows a similar amount, but because it is sunny so often that the roads are usually dry within a day or two, at which point all 3 of them gasped in unison at our good fortune. That was one of the most memorable moments of the whole trip.
Midwestern winters are apparently a whole different animal from what I’ve lived with my whole life here. We’ve just had a nice bit of snow and some of the coldest weather in years, but within a day the main roads were dry thanks to how low the humidity is here and the sunshine, even when it is 7 degrees for a high.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Mumphrey, et al.)
Well, this is something I wish I could say shocks me, only I can’t. This is who these people are. They always say it’s only a few deranged outliers, but it isn’t. This is their base. These are their voters. They could never make it into office, or stay there, without these–for lack of a better word–people. We need to sear this into our minds, so that when somebody tries to whitewash this kind of thing, we can come back with examples of what these people really believe. We need to beat them over the head with this.
Suffern ACE
@NotMax: I have four 1/2 pairs of gloves. Why my gloves keep breaking up with each other I don’t know. Three left hand gloves, one right hand glove. Since they are all black, I sometimes just wear a mismatched set.
So the whole photographic light thing was a temporary phenomenon, then. Possibly weather-related.
@Bubblegum Tate: That little jump/clap she does (did) in the P&R intro always makes me smile. Oh and it’s 23 fucking degrees here in Seattle and it’s only 9:30.
Roger Moore
@Ash Can:
They’ll be about the wonders of the furminator.
Omnes Omnibus
@Bubblegum Tate: TCM is currently showing Casablanca, so Ingrid deserves a shout out.
Howard Beale IV
@Omnes Omnibus: She’s played some real nasty characters (Audra in Stargate SG-1, Anna in the Remake of V). She’s this generation’s Servalan.
Has anyone else heard about record low food bank donations this year? I was at my local grocery store, and doing my standard donation, and the checkers were telling me that the donations were less than half that of last year, which I found both startling and scary.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: How do people lose so many gloves? I have a couple of pairs of leather gloves that are more than 25 years old. Also, how do people lose sunglasses all the time? I still have my Wayfarers that I bought in 1983 among my collection. I guess I just don’t lose accessories.
James E. Powell
@Felonius Monk:
Pork and kraut — nothing more needs to be said.
I would add caraway seeds to the pork & kraut. And somebody has to say “dumplings” or it just won’t be a dinner.
Omnes Omnibus
@James E. Powell: No. Just no.
@Big R:
okay, how about Jesus pissing into your mouth?
@efgoldman: Damn. Have you heard why? It doesn’t seem like the economy is worse this year than last. Not saying it’s a GOOD economy, just that, if anything, I’d have thought this year was about the same or a little better than last year. I wonder if the lateness of Thanksgiving has reduced December donations??
@jenn: It’s odd. I used to volunteer at my church food bank (they closed years ago) and my mother helps with a “Wednesday Night Dinner” they host for the poor and/or homeless. The odd part would be that this year has recorded the fewest amount of people attending in what has proven to be an extremely popular and well-run program.
For the food bank scene I would wager that donations are down because the people most likely to donate are probably a few missed checks from joining the line.
On my monitor it looks like Steve is checkin’ out the donk on the girl in the “google banned this video” ad.
Villago Delenda Est
Fucktards may have won that battle, but they lost the war.
However, they didn’t lose the war badly enough. That will need to be rectified.
My first suggestion is destroying the effigies on Stone Mountain, GA.
Villago Delenda Est
Good thing Steve can’t click the link, or he’d be sorely disappointed.
@Liquid: Huh. Well, thanks for the extra data point. Our family Christmas gifts are all donations (we all have way too much crap in our lives!); I may nix my current plans in favor of food bank donations a little closer to home.
James E. Powell
@Omnes Omnibus:
Bohemian soul food – I occasionally have dreams about my grandmother’s cooking.
James E. Powell
@Villago Delenda Est:
My first suggestion is destroying the effigies on Stone Mountain, GA.
I find the existence of the Stone Mountain shrine to traitorous slave-owners beyond strange. I can’t think of a noun that encompasses all of its wrongness.
@Omnes Omnibus: My car works, picked it up on Wednesday, 28 years ago. Yup, December 4, 1985.
I am having a very annoying computer issue. Every night for the past few days or so when I go to shut down my computer, it shows that it has an update to install. So just now I checked again before I was ready to shut down for the night, so I wouldn’t have to wait for it. Turns out it’s trying to update me to IE11, but it keeps failing. But it keeps wanting to do it even though I tried unchecking it. I got error code 9C47 and Googling makes it look like I have to do a whole lot of crap that I don’t want to do. Is there some way to just tell it I don’t want to fucking update IE ever since I never use it?
just in the land of something that shocked me and then I forgot – ’cause of how the game ended.
I swear I heard one of the bands playing the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” on my TV during the Alabama at Auburn game last week.
I’m probably missing something from my toddler days in Jacksonville Alabama, but that whole bit of playing that song gave me a bit of a shock.
@Alison: Go into control panel->system & security->windows update. Mine is set up for automatic install of updates, and IE 11 is listed in wupdate, but is unchecked. My computer hasn’t tried to install it yet. So try just unchecking it.
Probably a good idea to get all the other recommended updates
@MikeJ: I did that but then when I looked again it reverted back to wanting to install it. But this time it worked, or so it seems. Fucking Microsoft. There is a reason people become Apple addicts, I guess, although I’m sure those systems have problems too…
Villago Delenda Est
While I might install Internet Exploder, you can only get me to use it at gunpoint. Even then, I’ll seriously consider the blood spatter on the keyboard to be more acceptable than firing up that security nightmare POS.
For the record.
Here in San Francisco, I woke up freezing. I thought I was sick. Then I noticed it was fucking 32f. This happens sometimes, and if I was on it, I’d still live in fucking Brooklyn.
Did me move to Utah, and I didn’t notice? Stop it.
Yes, I am a pussy. I pay for the privilege.
You didn’t say which OS you are running. But the basic idea should be the same. Go to the Security Center (via Control Panel). Click on “Automatic Updates.” You have several choices ranging from full auto (download and install — that is the default) to turning Automatic Updates “off” altogether. You will probably want to choose one of the other two options — “Download updates for me; but let me decide when to install them.” OR “Notify me, but don’t download or install them.”
Either of those two should prevent you from having the annoying problem you’re having now.
I laugh at your 1.5 inches accumulation. DFW airport had that same amount on Thursday and it is still 95% cancelled flights. Been here for 2.5 days and it looks like it’ll turn to 3 1/2 days before I can leave.
I must admit I paused Firefly more than once because of her.