This is my third day of all over body pain. It started like a Mg deficiency with sore calves and a migraine, but I’ve tried all my usual remedies to no avail. I’ve had two colds in the last two weeks but nothing but some sinus pressure right now. Unlike low Mg, no actual cramping. I’ve been taking Tylenol but it keeps coming back. I don’t think my sleep has been great but I’m not not sleeping. Any suggestions?
So Romney was on Jimmy Fallon and “slow jammed the news” ala President Obama.
What is this some “Single White Female” stuff going on? All it reminded me of was that olé stool commercial with Michael Jordan….that Like Mike commercial. Someone should make a song for Romney called “Like Obama” or something. What’s next, is Romney gonna belt out some Al Green too?
What’s next, is Romney gonna belt out some Al Green too?
Maybe some Osmond Brothers.
(“One Bad Apple” is pretty catchy.)
@DougJ: it really must irk GOP how cool Obama comes across in these things. So they try to be like him not realizing it’s Obama inherent cool and not some fakery designed to impress the kids.
it really must irk GOP how cool Obama comes across in these things.
Sure. It’s like the rest of us can’t see how urban thug dictator he is. As if we can’t tell that he’s black.
@Another Holocene Human: Sorry you’re feeling bad. Any other symptoms? Fever? Could you have the flu? That’s cold symptoms accompanied by all over aches and pains, but also fever.
I posted earlier this week that after three weeks of misery I finally found relief with a nasal spray product called Xlear. I found it at Whole Foods, but it’s available elsewhere and online. The migraine could be due to sinus issues and you’ve got some infection in there your body is struggling to clear–hence the aches and pains.
To get the xylitol to work on the infection in your sinusus, use the Xclear nasal spray many times a day–every hour isn’t too much. The bacteria go to eat it because it’s sweet but it doesn’t have sugar in it so they don’t get fed and die.
I sound like I work for them, but I don’t. I just found out about it and after three weeks of misery and two doctor’s visits it’s the only thing that has worked. Hope you feel better!
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
I’ve gotten two stories revised this afternoon. Nothing too impressive since they’re both under 1,000 words but that was the task I set for myself today. Now I’m hoping to get feedback on them. I think they’re pretty close to the point where I declare that they’re done and start sending them off to try to sell them.
Other than that I’m mulling over the next thing I’m going to write, which will probably commence tomorrow, and waiting for the Gopher hockey game this evening. As I see it, there are two ways to look at the way the second half of the season has started. You can be encouraged by the fact that we’ve outscored the opposition 22-2 in five game. Or you can be worried that we’re winless in games where we allow more than zero goals.
I think it does irk them that he is genuinely cool and that he is a really polished and competent politician. They keep trying to put him down (TelePrompTer) and then they put their hopes in Jindal/Rubio/Perry/Christie and they all end up looking or sounding (Kenny the page Jindal) ridiculous.
Just looked at that video and the way Romney came out and stood too close to jimmy- creepy.
Just turned on the news for a little while I fixed lunch. Talking about the shooting in Maryland. The “expert” they had on said more didn’t die cause we know what to do. The host to her credit was like, “come again, are you saying these shootings are so common place people have an escape plan?” The guy said yes. There are a lot of sad things on the news each day but that one line or two has to be close to the top for today.
We watched the Commitments about a month ago. I love that movie and the soundtrack is so much fun. My kids enjoyed it and my youngest got a kick out of the bathtub interviews as he is a big shower talker and singer.
@Tommy: Did they have any facts on the shooting yet? When I read that the gunman killed two people and then himself, I made the assumption it was a targeted killing rather than a random shooting spree, but who knows.
As for the escape plan, maybe the people who work there had one in mind, but the shoppers probably just ran and hid like scared little bunnies, which is normal human behavior in that scenario. I was in an office building shooting once (ages ago), and I bet I could have passed Usain Bolt, I was running so fast. I didn’t even realize I’d ditched my shoes until I quit running.
Another Holocene Human
@lamh36: Shit, just like his attention-whoring after Christie’s downfall, the dude absolutely NEEDS people to tell him he’s needed, he’s the only one, he’s their savior, etc.
Maybe they should just make him RNC head, but I think it’s easier to sit on the sidelines and attention-whore from GOPers pissed at their party, and there will be no shortage of disaffected GOPers for the next few cycles.
Then again, RNC PR BS never owns any of his multitude of fails so I’m sure M…. R…. could play that game. (I feel about saying his name the way Dave Barry felt about typing out “Richard Milhouse Nixon”. He was my governor for a while and I hate him more than the corrupt shithaids that preceded him: Weld (gave big dig contract to Cali cronies who fucked up initial engineering, public process, and construction management, adding years and billions to cost and causing failures that killed people), “Bumbles” Celucci, who did whatever the corrupt Southie machine wanted while his fellow GOP officials robbed the state blind–really, as in, some of them went to prison, and the original state helicopter to her kid’s games Gov, Jane Swift. Think “swift” in the ironic sense: a dim bulb.)
Did they have any facts on the shooting yet? When I read that the gunman killed two people and then himself, I made the assumption it was a targeted killing rather than a random shooting spree, but who knows.
That was what they were saying but as you might guess they are stilling trying to piece everything together.
Go get a gallon apple cider vinegar – check the ingredients; it has to be made from apples and not be “apple cider flavored”. Pour half a gallon of the apple cider vinegar into the tub and take a nice a nice hot bath. Soak for 20-30 minutes.
DO NOT RINSE when you get out. You’ll smell a bit like vinegar, but that’s okay.
It helps with aches and pain when you have body aches from being sick or over-doing exercise. I don’t know what’s going on with you, of course, but this will typically help body aches. A lot.
Use the other half gallon in a bath tomorrow.
Doing dishes and spinning actual vinyl. Rolling Stones, Hot Rocks.
Another Holocene Human
@Violet: Sometimes I think I might have a mild fever. I was vaccinated so it could be some sort of weak infection b/c yeah, I did think the pain was similar to flu onset. I will see if Walgreens has that stuff on the way to work.
Tylenol + coffee is helping a bit and my vagus nerve has decided to back off. It was really threatening to make me puke when I got up this morning. I wish there was a way to desensitize the damn thing.
@Violet: I got some turmeric to see if that might help my shoulder.
Betty Cracker
@Botsplainer: Great album. I don’t think there’s a bad song on it.
@DougJ: I cannot believe you made me watch that! (without a warning)
Another Holocene Human
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN): Good for you! My wife really pushed the last two months and finished the first draft of book #3. Now she’s messing around with fan art, which is much lower stress. I thought she would never finish because the tough parts of the book were really driving her up a wall and stressing her out. I really admire anyone who can do that kind of thing. (book #2 is in the can and coming out later this year, and yes, I am very proud)
Another Holocene Human
@MomSense: He’s the real deal. They hate that, it makes them rage (why do the wingnuts, why do the wingnuts rage so fu–ri—ously–y together?).
President Perfessor can be a bit awkward, though. Here’s a loving parody:
@Another Holocene Human: I am amazed by anybody that can write for a living. My father wrote a book this year and I had a front row seat for the process, and as he found out it was a lot harder then he thought it would be. What he thought would take a couple months took more than a year.
The only good thing is once published, more than a few people actually bought it. Scary thing, not nearly enough to make any kind of living doing it :).
BTW: what I was really amazed by is how easy it seems it is to self-publish a book these days. I figured the end results would be kind of “cheap” but it is no different then if I went to buy a Stephen King novel. And the price point they offered him, well it also makes me wonder how much money a publisher makes versus the actual author.
Edit: I got to the thread late, but I really enjoyed seeing the photos of your dad. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree, I see, at least looks wise.
@Tommy: I like near the mall. Local police have confirmed that a man with a shotgun shot and killed a man and a woman in a single store called Zumiez. He then fired other shots, hitting another person in the foot. He then killed himself. Total of 5 people taken to local hospital with misc injuries, seizure – only the one gun injury.
I once tried to write a novel. One whole paragraph later, I realized I didn’t have the skillz.
Betty Cracker
I wonder if Romney is thinking of running again? It seems like he’s been in the media a lot lately, and there’s that documentary on Netflix. I plan to watch it but haven’t yet — has anyone else?
It’s not the most insane idea ever — nominees have lost and then come back to win, and the GOP “deep bench” has exploded.
@Tommy: I like near the mall. Local police have confirmed that a man with a shotgun shot and killed a man and a woman in a single store called Zumiez. He then fired other shots, hitting another person in the foot. He then killed himself. Total of 5 people taken to local hospital with misc injuries, seizure – only the one gun injury.
Shotgun killings are generally personal, and generally about somebody stepping out.
My guess is that the guy and gal were the targets, the collaterals due to them dissuading himself from his glorious suicide.
@Betty Cracker: I would have laughed at you for asking that not so long ago. Now I think he might. First off he is everywhere now. He could finance his own campaign if he wanted. And honestly, who else do they have? Dole and McCain ran how many times between them?
@Betty Cracker: I was thinking the exact same thing about Romney running again about 5 minutes ago. Maybe he sees an opening with Christie blowing up.
I would have laughed at you for asking that not so long ago. Now I think he might. First off he is everywhere now. He could finance his own campaign if he wanted. And honestly, who else do they have? Dole and McCain ran how many times between them?
I think he still has illusions about it, but I think the tea party would revolt if it looked like the GOP brass was lining up behind him a second time.
@Another Holocene Human: The website has a store finder link on it. You can just put your zip code in and find where it’s available near you.
It could be a mild flu infection. The flu shot doesn’t mean you won’t get the flu at all–just lessens the intensity or the chance you’ll get it. Hope you feel better!
Great album. I don’t think there’s a bad song on it.
Ironically, I found a couple of seeds and stems (ahem) in the fold in the cover. Gotta be about 30 years old, because that was the last time I pulled it out to uh, sort through the pickings.
That is a great video! Even the professorial Obama is cool, though and he isn’t afraid to let his inner nerd out.
The level of wingnut rage is off the charts. They have gone to some dark and paranoid places. Did you ever see any of the new left media interviews of tea party and Romney rallies? There is so much awesome in those videos. I don’t know how the interviewer can keep his composure.
@raven: Are you taking turmeric pills or using it on your skin in a lotion or something else? I used turmeric pills for awhile to see what it did to some inflammatory issues I’ve got. I couldn’t tell any difference but when I stopped taking it I had the weirdest hormonal/emotional reaction for about 24 hours. I’d cry for no reason–I knew I wasn’t sad but I couldn’t stop crying. It was almost comical. I know it was the turmeric because I didn’t change anything else.
Subsequently, when I took the gut-targeted antibiotic this summer and ended up with the suicidal thoughts, I figured I must have been right about that. I know hormonal stuff is centered in the gut, but I hadn’t figured out how sensitive I was to it until I stopped the turmeric.
Hope it helps your shoulder!
@WaterGirl: Yikes, I can’t remember when I posted them?
BTW: what I was really amazed by is how easy it seems it is to self-publish a book these days.
Who did he use? I’m going to be looking for a publisher soon for a couple of projects.
@Violet: Pills, I ate one this morning. I have had a cough for a few days and now I’m starting to really feel crummy. Hope that’s not it!
@Cacti: I know I am not the first to say this but I think the tea party will run as a third party this time. The corporate side of their party won’t put up somebody like Cruz IMHO and the tea party won’t stand for another Mitt. I believe they really think they are losing cause they are not running a “real Republican.”
And as for Mitt, every “insider” story I’ve read (and the new Netflix movie) all say that Mitt and his inner circle all thought he’d win, even late on election day. My gut is that will always be in the back of his mind and he might “roll the dice” again.
On Rachel the other night, she said that the Republicans were going to have three responses to the SOTU: official, tea party, and Rand Paul.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN): Trafford Publishing. My father is pretty darn anal and he would give them a 10 across the board, well until the book was published. But as I explained to him, he bought a package that didn’t include any promotion so as soon as he signed off on the final product they were done with him.
And I should note I can be pretty picky as well and I was totally floored by the quality of the product. In fact I tried to find something wrong with the final product and I couldn’t.
Oh, fuck. I just played “pull the random album out”. I actually own a Black Oak Arkansas album.
God, they suck ass.
@Betty Cracker: Has a failed major party nominee ever run as that party’s nominee a second time around? Certainly in modern times it’s unheard of. I don’t see it happening. I know candidates run over and over (Ron Paul, I’m looking at you, but even McCain and Romney ran more than once), but they don’t run again once they’ve lost the big election.
Unless Romney gets tapped to head up some splinter party’s ticket–the 1% Party, or the 53% Party, or the Sensible Conservative Party (ie, Chamber of Commerce, Robber Barons, etc.)–he’s not going to run for President again.
Did you ever see if you could get them professionally touched up?
@raven: Anything you take can affect you in unexpected ways. We use a lot of vitamins and supplements in this country but they’re not always benign. They may have unintended consequences. I doubt the turmeric is making you sick, though.
If you think you’re getting a cold or other virus, start slamming Vitamin C. I say this every time, but if you start it early you really can keep the virus from taking hold. Take Vitamin C to bowel tolerance. You’ll know what I mean when you get there. It’s way more than you’d take normally, the amount you need when you’re getting sick. It really does work to ward off a cold. I’ve done it twice successfully.
Gawd. What gruesome choices. Although they’re all in office now, unlike some of the dolts from the clown car primaries.
Could not bear the Black Oak Arkansas. Did another pull, Chicago, the one with the map on the cover.
Much better, much funkier.
@Roger Moore: That was 1960, right? So over 50 years ago. Things have changed a lot. That was back in the smoke filled room era when party bosses chose the candidate. I just don’t see rank and file voters choosing the same nominee via primaries. Unless something crazy had happened during the election and they knew they had a great candidate who needed another shot. Romney is not that candidate. He was the last man standing.
@Elizabelle: Santorum didn’t even make the list? He’s got a strong case for Next In Line.
Amir Khalid
@Betty Cracker:
When you put it that way, another Mitt candidacy does seem plausible. Come 2016, the man from Uncanny Valley might just find himself in acres of space with only the goalkeeper to beat*. And his family will let him run, I reckon, if he wants it badly enough. It’s just that he needs two things that he lacked in 2012: a more convincing policy agenda than the Democratic candidate, and a personality. Otherwise he just spends a whole year creeping out people all over America, and ends up again with nothing to show for it.
Nixon lost in 1960, then came back and won in 1968, so the loss was over 50 years ago but the win was just less. I’ll agree that politics has changed, but today’s Republican party is such a mess I can imagine Romney successfully coming back to win the nomination. I don’t expect that kind of thing to be common, but it’s hardly unprecedented.
@Betty Cracker: Who has lost a Presidential election and then came back to win? Not counting Grover Cleveland.
ETA: Nixon, of course. Not a good omen.
Suffern ACE
Sitting in Juniors like the tourist I’ve become, waiting out the snow. I’ll be eating slowly, since the theater doesn’t open for another 3 hours.
Apparently the New Mayor doesn’t want to operate a 9/11 memorial at $100m a year and thinks that $150 for a family of four to visit isn’t a long term solution for that gift. I wish him well on his quest to get federal funding, but I doubt he’ll get any.
@raven: I thought it was in the last few days. But it could have been a thread from dec 30, 2013 – someone linked to that in the past week and I had never read it. It was a good one so I read it straight through. Could have been in that one, I guess!
60% Of KY GOPers Buck McConnell, Support Medicaid Expansion
Dylan Scott – January 24, 2014, 5:11 PM EST8710
A solid majority of Kentucky Republicans support the state’s decision to expand Medicaid under Obamacare, according to a new poll, standing in stark contrast to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s opposition to the provision.
The Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky poll, reported by NPR-affiliated WFPL, found that 60 percent of self-identified Republicans said they support expansion. In total, 79 percent of Kentuckians agree with Democratic Gov. Steve Beshear’s decision to expand coverage to low-income people under the health care reform law.
In a statement to WFPL, McConnell spokesman Robert Steurer dismissed the findings.
“Most new Obamacare enrollees are not on private plans, but are added to the state’s struggling Medicaid program,” he said, “where one hundred percent of these costs will be picked up by taxpayers and where there is already a shortage of physicians accepting Medicaid patients.”
More than 120,000 Kentuckians have enrolled in Medicaid through the state’s Obamacare website since it launched in October, according to Beshear’s office, though that number includes some people who were previously eligible for the program.
I hope you feel better. Ouch! Is being here therapeutic?
@raven: I would watch your pup over the other three, for sure!
@WaterGirl: Ha cool! It’s funny, there are two pictures, one of him crossing the street in uniform and one of me with really long hair, but the look on our faces is exactly the same.
The author of the racist cartoon tried coming to Chauncey’s website to ‘educate’ Chauncey, but of course, Chauncey wasn’t having any of this racist’s bullshyt.
Friday, January 24, 2014
The Ugly Lie of Glenn Foden’s ‘It’s Not My Fault That Gravity is Racist’ Editorial Cartoon
I am curious as to your reactions and thoughts about this editorial cartoon by Glenn Foden.
Its narrative is obvious: the country’s first president who happens to be black uses false claims of racism to deflect responsibility for his failures. Such claims are part of a broader “colorblind” white racist narrative that people of color–blacks in particular–are a group of ingrate lying complainers who use false charges of racist, accusations which are de facto slurs against good white people, to somehow get over in America.
Foden is not indicting Obama; he is indicting black and brown Americans as somehow being dishonest liars, and whose experiences are vetoed by the ability of white folks, working through white privilege, to publicly invalidate what they have experienced and know.
In the Age of Obama, “colorblind” white racism has succeeded in advancing one of the most noxious and bizarre claims in recent memory: a recent public opinion survey highlights how 44 percent of respondents actually believe that “racism” against white people is as significant a social problem as racial discrimination against people of color.
Such a data point speaks to a type of white backlash and rage that is being actively deployed to advance the plutocrats’ and the 1 percent’s agenda of using racial anxiety and hatred to further legitimate the evisceration of the public commons and the social safety net. Glenn Foden’s cartoon is a visual embodiment of a process through which white elites have been able to manipulate the white working class and poor into supporting policies that actually hurt them economically.
However, I am trying to reconcile why I feel unsettled by the semiotics of such an obvious cartoon.
Could it be that I am offended intellectually, and my sense of reason is disturbed, by how any thinking person could believe that Barack Obama, who rarely if ever talks about race (except to scold black people), is somehow able to deploy his “blackness” as political capital in an effective manner on a national level?
Maybe this editorial cartoon bothers me because I am instinctively repelled by intellectual dishonesty, especially as it serves white supremacy.
@Betty Cracker: I wonder if Romney is thinking of running again? It seems like he’s been in the media a lot lately, and there’s that documentary on Netflix. I plan to watch it but haven’t yet — has anyone else?
I just got around to reading last week’s Sunday NYT op/eds, and an anonymous R suggested to MoDo (I think it was her) that they should draft Willard for another go ’round. A nice netflix movie isn’t gonna change my opinion of him. I can’t find a non-NY Post link to the story about Willard saying Putin has played Obama. That’s the short version
I can’t deal with politics this very cold and very snowy weekend. I’m going to eat a nice steak, drink some good red wine, cuddle my pups and my man and watch the Pens and forget about all the assholes in this world. Danielle Steele’s ex has just put me over the edge.
I owe you some comments but its not happening till tomorrow.
You are ignoring that they are 0-0-1 in games where they have given up a goal, not terrible. I think it’s too early to tell.
My grandma’s sister was a hoarder. She took things away from people that wanted them & kept them for herself. Packed away, never to be used or enjoyed. When she died she had boxes of once nice things that had moldered and decayed, never enjoyed. I am going to lose the one jersey I really wanted to someone who told me she will never wear it because it might get dirty. I would not mind nearly so much if I didn’t believe it will sit in a closet for years and end up at goodwill for $5 some day going to someone who just wanted a cheap jersey to wear for Halloween.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Mittens was already 68 in 2012. He would be oldest ever.
It would be great if he were running against Hillary or Biden. Battle of the olds.
@Joel: I get why people are upset, but I can’t get that upset myself. But then again I don’t live in San Fran. If I did I’d be upset about the housing prices. Last time I was there was in 2001. I recall reading the paper and a studio condo was going for $550,000. I hate to think what that place would cost now.
Housing prices are high in California. . . no shit.
@raven: I suspect someone will answer you about the same time as they take Pat Lang off the blogroll. :-)
@WaterGirl: I mean damn! They must be some kind of hairless cat.
@Tommy: If they want lower housing prices, allow new high rise buildings. People want to live in SF. You can either build more housing or prices go up.San Francisco has fought tooth and nail against anything new being built.
@raven: I didn’t get a calendar, but I’m gonna go look on-line.
@raven: I think you’re right. Or maybe 2 chihuahuas? I couldn’t get the zoom to work so I couldn’t see them closely. They sure are buddies, though!
You can either build more housing or prices go up.San Francisco has fought tooth and nail against anything new being built.
The city doesn’t feel they can support more people. They just finished rebuilding a major bridge. They have a massive parking problem that they’re trying to address. Mass transit needs to expand. The private buses only prove the city’s concern is valid. Google and Apple et al aren’t paying into the SF tax base – instead they’re privatizing the city mass transit system and subsiding the cost of their employees moving there. So SF isn’t as expensive for their employees as it is for all other employees.
Mondale in 1980 and 1984.
Dole in 1976 and 1996, right? It was Ford-Dole in 1976.
I also mentioned George W Bush. Perhaps the truest one of all.
No, Mondale wasn’t the nominee in 1980. Carter was. Mondale was VP. Not the same.
Dole was Ford’s VP running mate in 1976. He ran as the nominee only once in 1996.
George W. Bush was eventually inaugurated as President so unless you’re talking about losing the 2000 election, he wasn’t actually the failed nominee. No one else but him became President, so he won even if he didn’t win.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@? Martin: All that is true, but how do you afford to expand infrastructure? Expand the tax base. How do you expand the tax base? By letting more people live and work there. How do you let more people live and work there? Let them build places to live and work.
The myopia of complaining that housing and office space is too expensive while refusing to let people expand the supply of them never fails to make me wonder at just how clueless people are.
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Another Holocene Human
This is my third day of all over body pain. It started like a Mg deficiency with sore calves and a migraine, but I’ve tried all my usual remedies to no avail. I’ve had two colds in the last two weeks but nothing but some sinus pressure right now. Unlike low Mg, no actual cramping. I’ve been taking Tylenol but it keeps coming back. I don’t think my sleep has been great but I’m not not sleeping. Any suggestions?
So Romney was on Jimmy Fallon and “slow jammed the news” ala President Obama.
What is this some “Single White Female” stuff going on? All it reminded me of was that olé stool commercial with Michael Jordan….that Like Mike commercial. Someone should make a song for Romney called “Like Obama” or something. What’s next, is Romney gonna belt out some Al Green too?
Maybe some Osmond Brothers.
(“One Bad Apple” is pretty catchy.)
@DougJ: it really must irk GOP how cool Obama comes across in these things. So they try to be like him not realizing it’s Obama inherent cool and not some fakery designed to impress the kids.
Great documentary! I look forward to finishing it later. It reminds me that I want to watch “The Commitments” again sometime.
Amir Khalid
Or maybe one of the old Nat “King” Cole hits Donny liked to do sickly-sweet covers of, like this one.
You think Obama will ever top this for cool?
? Martin
Sure. It’s like the rest of us can’t see how urban thug dictator he is. As if we can’t tell that he’s black.
@Another Holocene Human: Sorry you’re feeling bad. Any other symptoms? Fever? Could you have the flu? That’s cold symptoms accompanied by all over aches and pains, but also fever.
I posted earlier this week that after three weeks of misery I finally found relief with a nasal spray product called Xlear. I found it at Whole Foods, but it’s available elsewhere and online. The migraine could be due to sinus issues and you’ve got some infection in there your body is struggling to clear–hence the aches and pains.
To get the xylitol to work on the infection in your sinusus, use the Xclear nasal spray many times a day–every hour isn’t too much. The bacteria go to eat it because it’s sweet but it doesn’t have sugar in it so they don’t get fed and die.
I sound like I work for them, but I don’t. I just found out about it and after three weeks of misery and two doctor’s visits it’s the only thing that has worked. Hope you feel better!
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
I’ve gotten two stories revised this afternoon. Nothing too impressive since they’re both under 1,000 words but that was the task I set for myself today. Now I’m hoping to get feedback on them. I think they’re pretty close to the point where I declare that they’re done and start sending them off to try to sell them.
Other than that I’m mulling over the next thing I’m going to write, which will probably commence tomorrow, and waiting for the Gopher hockey game this evening. As I see it, there are two ways to look at the way the second half of the season has started. You can be encouraged by the fact that we’ve outscored the opposition 22-2 in five game. Or you can be worried that we’re winless in games where we allow more than zero goals.
Karen in GA
@DougJ: Well, of course. Crazy Horses would be too edgy.
I think it does irk them that he is genuinely cool and that he is a really polished and competent politician. They keep trying to put him down (TelePrompTer) and then they put their hopes in Jindal/Rubio/Perry/Christie and they all end up looking or sounding (Kenny the page Jindal) ridiculous.
Just looked at that video and the way Romney came out and stood too close to jimmy- creepy.
Just turned on the news for a little while I fixed lunch. Talking about the shooting in Maryland. The “expert” they had on said more didn’t die cause we know what to do. The host to her credit was like, “come again, are you saying these shootings are so common place people have an escape plan?” The guy said yes. There are a lot of sad things on the news each day but that one line or two has to be close to the top for today.
We watched the Commitments about a month ago. I love that movie and the soundtrack is so much fun. My kids enjoyed it and my youngest got a kick out of the bathtub interviews as he is a big shower talker and singer.
I’ve been interested in Northern Soul for a couple of years. I also have several of Dave Godin’s Deep Soul Treasures: Taken From Our Vaults, .
There also is an upcoming dramatic film coming out.
Northern Soul
Betty Cracker
@Tommy: Did they have any facts on the shooting yet? When I read that the gunman killed two people and then himself, I made the assumption it was a targeted killing rather than a random shooting spree, but who knows.
As for the escape plan, maybe the people who work there had one in mind, but the shoppers probably just ran and hid like scared little bunnies, which is normal human behavior in that scenario. I was in an office building shooting once (ages ago), and I bet I could have passed Usain Bolt, I was running so fast. I didn’t even realize I’d ditched my shoes until I quit running.
Another Holocene Human
@lamh36: Shit, just like his attention-whoring after Christie’s downfall, the dude absolutely NEEDS people to tell him he’s needed, he’s the only one, he’s their savior, etc.
Maybe they should just make him RNC head, but I think it’s easier to sit on the sidelines and attention-whore from GOPers pissed at their party, and there will be no shortage of disaffected GOPers for the next few cycles.
Then again, RNC PR BS never owns any of his multitude of fails so I’m sure M…. R…. could play that game. (I feel about saying his name the way Dave Barry felt about typing out “Richard Milhouse Nixon”. He was my governor for a while and I hate him more than the corrupt shithaids that preceded him: Weld (gave big dig contract to Cali cronies who fucked up initial engineering, public process, and construction management, adding years and billions to cost and causing failures that killed people), “Bumbles” Celucci, who did whatever the corrupt Southie machine wanted while his fellow GOP officials robbed the state blind–really, as in, some of them went to prison, and the original state helicopter to her kid’s games Gov, Jane Swift. Think “swift” in the ironic sense: a dim bulb.)
Another Holocene Human
@lamh36: Sincerity and integrity are always cool.
@Betty Cracker:
That was what they were saying but as you might guess they are stilling trying to piece everything together.
@Another Holocene Human: Vinegar bath!
Go get a gallon apple cider vinegar – check the ingredients; it has to be made from apples and not be “apple cider flavored”. Pour half a gallon of the apple cider vinegar into the tub and take a nice a nice hot bath. Soak for 20-30 minutes.
DO NOT RINSE when you get out. You’ll smell a bit like vinegar, but that’s okay.
It helps with aches and pain when you have body aches from being sick or over-doing exercise. I don’t know what’s going on with you, of course, but this will typically help body aches. A lot.
Use the other half gallon in a bath tomorrow.
Doing dishes and spinning actual vinyl. Rolling Stones, Hot Rocks.
Another Holocene Human
@Violet: Sometimes I think I might have a mild fever. I was vaccinated so it could be some sort of weak infection b/c yeah, I did think the pain was similar to flu onset. I will see if Walgreens has that stuff on the way to work.
Tylenol + coffee is helping a bit and my vagus nerve has decided to back off. It was really threatening to make me puke when I got up this morning. I wish there was a way to desensitize the damn thing.
@raven: Ah, it’s part of this doc.
@Violet: I got some turmeric to see if that might help my shoulder.
Betty Cracker
@Botsplainer: Great album. I don’t think there’s a bad song on it.
@DougJ: I cannot believe you made me watch that! (without a warning)
Another Holocene Human
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN): Good for you! My wife really pushed the last two months and finished the first draft of book #3. Now she’s messing around with fan art, which is much lower stress. I thought she would never finish because the tough parts of the book were really driving her up a wall and stressing her out. I really admire anyone who can do that kind of thing. (book #2 is in the can and coming out later this year, and yes, I am very proud)
Another Holocene Human
@MomSense: He’s the real deal. They hate that, it makes them rage (why do the wingnuts, why do the wingnuts rage so fu–ri—ously–y together?).
President Perfessor can be a bit awkward, though. Here’s a loving parody:
@Another Holocene Human: I am amazed by anybody that can write for a living. My father wrote a book this year and I had a front row seat for the process, and as he found out it was a lot harder then he thought it would be. What he thought would take a couple months took more than a year.
The only good thing is once published, more than a few people actually bought it. Scary thing, not nearly enough to make any kind of living doing it :).
BTW: what I was really amazed by is how easy it seems it is to self-publish a book these days. I figured the end results would be kind of “cheap” but it is no different then if I went to buy a Stephen King novel. And the price point they offered him, well it also makes me wonder how much money a publisher makes versus the actual author.
@raven: Raven, have you tried ArniFlora or Arnica Rub on your shoulder?
Edit: I got to the thread late, but I really enjoyed seeing the photos of your dad. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree, I see, at least looks wise.
@Tommy: I like near the mall. Local police have confirmed that a man with a shotgun shot and killed a man and a woman in a single store called Zumiez. He then fired other shots, hitting another person in the foot. He then killed himself. Total of 5 people taken to local hospital with misc injuries, seizure – only the one gun injury.
Can’t edit earlier post — I *live* near the mall
I once tried to write a novel. One whole paragraph later, I realized I didn’t have the skillz.
Betty Cracker
I wonder if Romney is thinking of running again? It seems like he’s been in the media a lot lately, and there’s that documentary on Netflix. I plan to watch it but haven’t yet — has anyone else?
It’s not the most insane idea ever — nominees have lost and then come back to win, and the GOP “deep bench” has exploded.
Shotgun killings are generally personal, and generally about somebody stepping out.
My guess is that the guy and gal were the targets, the collaterals due to them dissuading himself from his glorious suicide.
@Betty Cracker:
I was just thinking that he seems to be in the media a lot for someone who doesn’t hold elected office.
@Betty Cracker: Just saw him on imgur of all places.
@Betty Cracker: I would have laughed at you for asking that not so long ago. Now I think he might. First off he is everywhere now. He could finance his own campaign if he wanted. And honestly, who else do they have? Dole and McCain ran how many times between them?
@Betty Cracker: I was thinking the exact same thing about Romney running again about 5 minutes ago. Maybe he sees an opening with Christie blowing up.
I think he still has illusions about it, but I think the tea party would revolt if it looked like the GOP brass was lining up behind him a second time.
@Another Holocene Human: The website has a store finder link on it. You can just put your zip code in and find where it’s available near you.
It could be a mild flu infection. The flu shot doesn’t mean you won’t get the flu at all–just lessens the intensity or the chance you’ll get it. Hope you feel better!
@Betty Cracker:
Ironically, I found a couple of seeds and stems (ahem) in the fold in the cover. Gotta be about 30 years old, because that was the last time I pulled it out to uh, sort through the pickings.
Gave me a laugh.
@Another Holocene Human:
That is a great video! Even the professorial Obama is cool, though and he isn’t afraid to let his inner nerd out.
The level of wingnut rage is off the charts. They have gone to some dark and paranoid places. Did you ever see any of the new left media interviews of tea party and Romney rallies? There is so much awesome in those videos. I don’t know how the interviewer can keep his composure.
@raven: Are you taking turmeric pills or using it on your skin in a lotion or something else? I used turmeric pills for awhile to see what it did to some inflammatory issues I’ve got. I couldn’t tell any difference but when I stopped taking it I had the weirdest hormonal/emotional reaction for about 24 hours. I’d cry for no reason–I knew I wasn’t sad but I couldn’t stop crying. It was almost comical. I know it was the turmeric because I didn’t change anything else.
Subsequently, when I took the gut-targeted antibiotic this summer and ended up with the suicidal thoughts, I figured I must have been right about that. I know hormonal stuff is centered in the gut, but I hadn’t figured out how sensitive I was to it until I stopped the turmeric.
Hope it helps your shoulder!
@WaterGirl: Yikes, I can’t remember when I posted them?
Roger Moore
@Betty Cracker:
Who of the other possible Republican candidates could beat him? Their bench hasn’t gotten any deeper since 2012.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
Who did he use? I’m going to be looking for a publisher soon for a couple of projects.
@Violet: Pills, I ate one this morning. I have had a cough for a few days and now I’m starting to really feel crummy. Hope that’s not it!
@Cacti: I know I am not the first to say this but I think the tea party will run as a third party this time. The corporate side of their party won’t put up somebody like Cruz IMHO and the tea party won’t stand for another Mitt. I believe they really think they are losing cause they are not running a “real Republican.”
And as for Mitt, every “insider” story I’ve read (and the new Netflix movie) all say that Mitt and his inner circle all thought he’d win, even late on election day. My gut is that will always be in the back of his mind and he might “roll the dice” again.
@Betty Cracker: Senior Bowl is on.
On Rachel the other night, she said that the Republicans were going to have three responses to the SOTU: official, tea party, and Rand Paul.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN): Trafford Publishing. My father is pretty darn anal and he would give them a 10 across the board, well until the book was published. But as I explained to him, he bought a package that didn’t include any promotion so as soon as he signed off on the final product they were done with him.
And I should note I can be pretty picky as well and I was totally floored by the quality of the product. In fact I tried to find something wrong with the final product and I couldn’t.
@Baud: My cocker is available.
Oh, fuck. I just played “pull the random album out”. I actually own a Black Oak Arkansas album.
God, they suck ass.
@Betty Cracker: Has a failed major party nominee ever run as that party’s nominee a second time around? Certainly in modern times it’s unheard of. I don’t see it happening. I know candidates run over and over (Ron Paul, I’m looking at you, but even McCain and Romney ran more than once), but they don’t run again once they’ve lost the big election.
Unless Romney gets tapped to head up some splinter party’s ticket–the 1% Party, or the 53% Party, or the Sensible Conservative Party (ie, Chamber of Commerce, Robber Barons, etc.)–he’s not going to run for President again.
Roger Moore
Nixon is the most recent I can think of.
Did you ever see if you could get them professionally touched up?
@raven: Anything you take can affect you in unexpected ways. We use a lot of vitamins and supplements in this country but they’re not always benign. They may have unintended consequences. I doubt the turmeric is making you sick, though.
If you think you’re getting a cold or other virus, start slamming Vitamin C. I say this every time, but if you start it early you really can keep the virus from taking hold. Take Vitamin C to bowel tolerance. You’ll know what I mean when you get there. It’s way more than you’d take normally, the amount you need when you’re getting sick. It really does work to ward off a cold. I’ve done it twice successfully.
@Betty Cracker:
Interesting. Maybe Romney would.
Today’s WaPost “Opinions” section unscientific poll:
Who do you think is the current front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016?
31% New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
10% Texas Sen. Ted Cruz
15% Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul
10% Florida Sen. Marco Rubio
18% Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan
17% Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker
Gawd. What gruesome choices. Although they’re all in office now, unlike some of the dolts from the clown car primaries.
Could not bear the Black Oak Arkansas. Did another pull, Chicago, the one with the map on the cover.
Much better, much funkier.
@Roger Moore: That was 1960, right? So over 50 years ago. Things have changed a lot. That was back in the smoke filled room era when party bosses chose the candidate. I just don’t see rank and file voters choosing the same nominee via primaries. Unless something crazy had happened during the election and they knew they had a great candidate who needed another shot. Romney is not that candidate. He was the last man standing.
@Elizabelle: Santorum didn’t even make the list? He’s got a strong case for Next In Line.
Amir Khalid
@Betty Cracker:
When you put it that way, another Mitt candidacy does seem plausible. Come 2016, the man from Uncanny Valley might just find himself in acres of space with only the goalkeeper to beat*. And his family will let him run, I reckon, if he wants it badly enough. It’s just that he needs two things that he lacked in 2012: a more convincing policy agenda than the Democratic candidate, and a personality. Otherwise he just spends a whole year creeping out people all over America, and ends up again with nothing to show for it.
*Soccer metaphor
Roger Moore
Nixon lost in 1960, then came back and won in 1968, so the loss was over 50 years ago but the win was just less. I’ll agree that politics has changed, but today’s Republican party is such a mess I can imagine Romney successfully coming back to win the nomination. I don’t expect that kind of thing to be common, but it’s hardly unprecedented.
@Betty Cracker: Who has lost a Presidential election and then came back to win? Not counting Grover Cleveland.
ETA: Nixon, of course. Not a good omen.
Suffern ACE
Sitting in Juniors like the tourist I’ve become, waiting out the snow. I’ll be eating slowly, since the theater doesn’t open for another 3 hours.
Apparently the New Mayor doesn’t want to operate a 9/11 memorial at $100m a year and thinks that $150 for a family of four to visit isn’t a long term solution for that gift. I wish him well on his quest to get federal funding, but I doubt he’ll get any.
@Roger Moore:
Not more recent, but Adlai did it twice in a row.
@raven: I thought it was in the last few days. But it could have been a thread from dec 30, 2013 – someone linked to that in the past week and I had never read it. It was a good one so I read it straight through. Could have been in that one, I guess!
60% Of KY GOPers Buck McConnell, Support Medicaid Expansion
Dylan Scott – January 24, 2014, 5:11 PM EST8710
A solid majority of Kentucky Republicans support the state’s decision to expand Medicaid under Obamacare, according to a new poll, standing in stark contrast to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s opposition to the provision.
The Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky poll, reported by NPR-affiliated WFPL, found that 60 percent of self-identified Republicans said they support expansion. In total, 79 percent of Kentuckians agree with Democratic Gov. Steve Beshear’s decision to expand coverage to low-income people under the health care reform law.
In a statement to WFPL, McConnell spokesman Robert Steurer dismissed the findings.
“Most new Obamacare enrollees are not on private plans, but are added to the state’s struggling Medicaid program,” he said, “where one hundred percent of these costs will be picked up by taxpayers and where there is already a shortage of physicians accepting Medicaid patients.”
More than 120,000 Kentuckians have enrolled in Medicaid through the state’s Obamacare website since it launched in October, according to Beshear’s office, though that number includes some people who were previously eligible for the program.
@Another Holocene Human:
I hope you feel better. Ouch! Is being here therapeutic?
@raven: I would watch your pup over the other three, for sure!
@WaterGirl: Ha cool! It’s funny, there are two pictures, one of him crossing the street in uniform and one of me with really long hair, but the look on our faces is exactly the same.
The author of the racist cartoon tried coming to Chauncey’s website to ‘educate’ Chauncey, but of course, Chauncey wasn’t having any of this racist’s bullshyt.
Friday, January 24, 2014
The Ugly Lie of Glenn Foden’s ‘It’s Not My Fault That Gravity is Racist’ Editorial Cartoon
I am curious as to your reactions and thoughts about this editorial cartoon by Glenn Foden.
Its narrative is obvious: the country’s first president who happens to be black uses false claims of racism to deflect responsibility for his failures. Such claims are part of a broader “colorblind” white racist narrative that people of color–blacks in particular–are a group of ingrate lying complainers who use false charges of racist, accusations which are de facto slurs against good white people, to somehow get over in America.
Foden is not indicting Obama; he is indicting black and brown Americans as somehow being dishonest liars, and whose experiences are vetoed by the ability of white folks, working through white privilege, to publicly invalidate what they have experienced and know.
In the Age of Obama, “colorblind” white racism has succeeded in advancing one of the most noxious and bizarre claims in recent memory: a recent public opinion survey highlights how 44 percent of respondents actually believe that “racism” against white people is as significant a social problem as racial discrimination against people of color.
Such a data point speaks to a type of white backlash and rage that is being actively deployed to advance the plutocrats’ and the 1 percent’s agenda of using racial anxiety and hatred to further legitimate the evisceration of the public commons and the social safety net. Glenn Foden’s cartoon is a visual embodiment of a process through which white elites have been able to manipulate the white working class and poor into supporting policies that actually hurt them economically.
However, I am trying to reconcile why I feel unsettled by the semiotics of such an obvious cartoon.
Could it be that I am offended intellectually, and my sense of reason is disturbed, by how any thinking person could believe that Barack Obama, who rarely if ever talks about race (except to scold black people), is somehow able to deploy his “blackness” as political capital in an effective manner on a national level?
Maybe this editorial cartoon bothers me because I am instinctively repelled by intellectual dishonesty, especially as it serves white supremacy.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
You rang? Not Al Green, but not exactly Mormon Tabernacle fare….
I have to admit, the google bus protests aren’t making a convert of me.
@MattF: George W Bush.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I just got around to reading last week’s Sunday NYT op/eds, and an anonymous R suggested to MoDo (I think it was her) that they should draft Willard for another go ’round. A nice netflix movie isn’t gonna change my opinion of him. I can’t find a non-NY Post link to the story about Willard saying Putin has played Obama. That’s the short version
I can’t deal with politics this very cold and very snowy weekend. I’m going to eat a nice steak, drink some good red wine, cuddle my pups and my man and watch the Pens and forget about all the assholes in this world. Danielle Steele’s ex has just put me over the edge.
@catclub: Sad but true.
@Violet: “Has a failed major party nominee ever run as that party’s nominee a second time around?”
Mondale in 1980 and 1984.
Dole in 1976 and 1996, right? It was Ford-Dole in 1976.
I also mentioned George W Bush. Perhaps the truest one of all.
Hey, what are Boss and Bounty on the Feb calendar?????
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN):
I owe you some comments but its not happening till tomorrow.
You are ignoring that they are 0-0-1 in games where they have given up a goal, not terrible. I think it’s too early to tell.
My grandma’s sister was a hoarder. She took things away from people that wanted them & kept them for herself. Packed away, never to be used or enjoyed. When she died she had boxes of once nice things that had moldered and decayed, never enjoyed. I am going to lose the one jersey I really wanted to someone who told me she will never wear it because it might get dirty. I would not mind nearly so much if I didn’t believe it will sit in a closet for years and end up at goodwill for $5 some day going to someone who just wanted a cheap jersey to wear for Halloween.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Mittens was already 68 in 2012. He would be oldest ever.
It would be great if he were running against Hillary or Biden. Battle of the olds.
The President is near?!?!
@Joel: I get why people are upset, but I can’t get that upset myself. But then again I don’t live in San Fran. If I did I’d be upset about the housing prices. Last time I was there was in 2001. I recall reading the paper and a studio condo was going for $550,000. I hate to think what that place would cost now.
Housing prices are high in California. . . no shit.
@raven: I suspect someone will answer you about the same time as they take Pat Lang off the blogroll. :-)
schrodinger's cat
@catclub: What about Nixon?
@WaterGirl: I mean damn! They must be some kind of hairless cat.
@Tommy: If they want lower housing prices, allow new high rise buildings. People want to live in SF. You can either build more housing or prices go up.San Francisco has fought tooth and nail against anything new being built.
@raven: I didn’t get a calendar, but I’m gonna go look on-line.
@raven: I think you’re right. Or maybe 2 chihuahuas? I couldn’t get the zoom to work so I couldn’t see them closely. They sure are buddies, though!
schrodinger's cat
Caturday thread needs a Caturday Kitteh
? Martin
The city doesn’t feel they can support more people. They just finished rebuilding a major bridge. They have a massive parking problem that they’re trying to address. Mass transit needs to expand. The private buses only prove the city’s concern is valid. Google and Apple et al aren’t paying into the SF tax base – instead they’re privatizing the city mass transit system and subsiding the cost of their employees moving there. So SF isn’t as expensive for their employees as it is for all other employees.
No, Mondale wasn’t the nominee in 1980. Carter was. Mondale was VP. Not the same.
Dole was Ford’s VP running mate in 1976. He ran as the nominee only once in 1996.
George W. Bush was eventually inaugurated as President so unless you’re talking about losing the 2000 election, he wasn’t actually the failed nominee. No one else but him became President, so he won even if he didn’t win.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@? Martin: All that is true, but how do you afford to expand infrastructure? Expand the tax base. How do you expand the tax base? By letting more people live and work there. How do you let more people live and work there? Let them build places to live and work.
The myopia of complaining that housing and office space is too expensive while refusing to let people expand the supply of them never fails to make me wonder at just how clueless people are.