Chicken pot pie, Penguins hockey, then episode 2 of Black Sails, then maybe SNL until I fall asleep in the chair and once again fail to yell at drunks outside. Sounds like a solid plan.
Don’t know how many of you know David Ferguson at the Raw Story, but his mum is going through a horrible spell at the moment, battling cancer, a staph infection, and embolisms in the lungs. He’s asked for thoughts and prayers, and I told him I would huddle with the dogs and the Steve and send positive thoughts. If you know him, or if you are just someone who wants to send some good vibes, keep him and his mom in your thoughts.
Speaking of moms, this is what it is like when your parents are English profs, as all conversations on the phone for your entire adult life are little more than attempts to one-up or out-clever each other. Like tonight, when I got the upper hand:
Me: Hey, What’s going on?
Mom: I’m feeding the dogs while Seth walks them.
Me: That’s weird. Why don’t you try to feed them while they are stationary?
Mom: That’s not what I meant. I am putting out their food while Seth walks them.
Me: Well, that’s not what you said.
I think because all my conversations with my mom and brother are like this, that is why I get so angry when I sloppily write something and some of you intentionally misinterpret it, and all I can think is I can’t get away from these people (my family). Now they have willing and gleeful internet surrogates.
Oh, the reason I was calling my mom was to tell her that Wiley Cash’s second book, This Dark Road to Mercy, which becomes available in a few days, has already been selected by the Oprah book thing, which is really amazing.
I am sure we can schedule another live chat.
Also, I completely realized I promised autographed books a few months back, took the names, and then with Wiley moving back to NC, forgot to get them signed and shipped. I will take care of that on Monday.
some guy
Gator basketball (#3 in the nation) is still Fan-Tastic.
Corner Stone
Jesus Christ. Really?
It’s no wonder they conveniently go to the beach house on vacation and leave you behind each year.
I was going to ask you if you could schedule another live chat. I’ve already downloaded Wiley’s new book to my Kindle app but it is going to have to wait its turn.
Also “liked” his Facebook page a few days ago, and it is fun to see where his book-signings are taking him, all in NC so far, I think. Hope he comes to Atlanta — I would definitely go see him, and in all likelihood would buy a hardcover copy of the book, just so he could sign it.
Melissa McCarthy hosting SNL, so try to stay awake.
schrodinger's cat
@Garbo: I used to like her, back from the time when she was the crazy chef in Gilmore Girls.
Going thru the DVR queue
Just finished watched The Wolverine. I liked it. It was much better than I thought it would be. Still, glad I didn’t pay for it at the movies.
Since I was in an action kinda mood now. I’m watching Olympus Has Fallen, with Morgan Freeman and Gerard Butler .
First of all, Why the fuck would anyone be driving the POTUS on a icy winter road!!!!
Secondly, are there really missiles on top of the White House?
Also too, if the POTUS was in the middle of meeting with a foreign leader and his team and some shit went down, wouldn’t they take the other dude and his peep to ANOTHER bunker!
Damn, it’s only 35 min into this Olympus Has Fallen movie and it’s raining bullets, bodies and blood! Damn, this is my kinda action flick. I’m all in now.
Lastly, Scariest thing about Olympus Has Fallen, is the idea that Speaker of the House John Boehner could every be ACTING POTUS!!!! Talk about nightmares
schrodinger's cat
Caturday thread needs Caturday Kittehs
I don’t know who David Ferguson is, but do read Raw Story from time to time, and it is usually good. Best wishes for his mom.
As for Cole, when drunken boorish frat revelers yelling on their way home wake him up again tonight, I say, go outside and try to shame them. I’m curious who he’ll scare up in his flashlight tonight.
Some quiet skinny kid two nights in a row is umprobable. But he might get a little old lady walking her dog or something, if it’s not too late. Hope he lets us know.
Have known him virtually many years, since his TRex posts at then non-cesspool FDL made me howl with laughter in the midst of some very dark days. A brilliant writer, great guy and animal lover in the finest BJ tradition. Thanks for this shout out to him, Cole.
@Garbo: is it a repeat?
Our cat Gracie spent the day pooping on herself and then spreading the shit throughout the house because it was stuck to her floofy fur.
Edit – Also, I was just informed by the wife that we have another winter storm coming on Monday. So, we have that going for us too.
schrodinger's cat
My review of Downton Abbey from last Saturday here and the first episode of the 3rd season of Sherlock here.
ETA: Warning: Both have spoilers.
schrodinger's cat
@khead: Did you shave her ass?
Made lentil soup today and am now enjoying a hot bowl of soup with a Zoe (local beer). My youngest has decided on Arrow so I’m half watching while catching up on the news.
All the animals are sleeping in front of the fireplace cuddled up together. I think the dog is having some kind of chase dream because he seems to be running in his sleep.
@lamh36: Nope. New episode
schrodinger's cat
@MomSense: I have not heard of that beer, I like Shipyard beers.
Heading up to midtown to give bad directions to tourists after my husband sells them fake Superbowl tickets.
That ain’t “misinterpretation”, Cole.
That’s poking you in the gut.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Maine beer company makes some excellent beers. Definitely worth trying. I like Zoe the best but if you prefer a lighter beer Peeper is nice. They also have Lunch and Mean Old Tom (stout). Oxbow farmhouse and Allegash make some great beer as well. There is a little brewery that sells at the farmers’ market called Funky Bow- awesome! We have to bring the bottles back each week.
@schrodinger’s cat:
A trim with scissors. Because there was no way in hell we could clean it all – Gracie is like Chewbacca – and we aren’t crazy enough to try and shave her ass either.
schrodinger's cat
@khead: I give my orange furball a butt bath, gently wash her behind with very dilute baby shampoo and it all washes away. It is a two person operation, though.
David was T-Rex in the old days as FDL. He’s a really nice fellow who keeps up with BJ and has helped with local cat rescues here in Athens.
@schrodinger’s cat: Half of each cat was doing homework. The other half was dead.
Sometimes, it isn’t even that sloppy.
@khead: Have you tried wiping her aft end with warm baby wipes?
Wow- your friend Walt is going to be really rich…Congrats to him!
In the battle of the bad movies, Drive Angry is a lot more fun than Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
With regard to the proposed meet-up on the 8th, I just got an offer to shoot an event for a group for the same night. Unfortunately, I’d have to pay for my ticket and any payment would be the portrait request commissions. I’m debating doing it, but I find the fact that I have to pay to work with no guarantee of reimbursement much less profit to be less than ideal. Career building is such a bizarre thing.
wasabi gasp
Saturday night’s alright for lentils.
MEDIA ALERT: Wiley Cash is going to be on NPR’s “Weekend Edition” tomorrow morning. Check your local listings; program airs from 8:00-10:00 a.m. here in the ATL, but may be different times where you are. Anyhow, for those who are fans of Wiley’s writing, probably worth tuning in.
Keith G
I like your Mum and heartily endorse her views.
My grandmother was an English professor and when I used to write her letters, I made sure not to make any spelling mistakes because if I did, I’d get the letter back with red marks!
Yeah, that’s the general remedy. And she was actually miserable enough to allow the butt bath (two person operation!) when it got too bad earlier. But after that bath and trim just touching her was an invitation to bleed.
Bill E Pilgrim
Huh. I don’t get why not. Saying “feeding the dogs” to mean putting the food out in bowls sounds perfectly reasonable to me. That’s all she would do whether they were there or not, it’s not like anyone is putting the food directly in their mouths.
Actually I should probably know better than to get into family discussions, on the other hand hey you posted it.
Mike in NC
Watching “The Butler” starring Forrest Whitaker. Not bad. “Black Sails” was pretty crappy pirate nonsense.
Not watched Back Sail. Will give it a chance.
Allagash Black is my wife’s very favorite.
schrodinger's cat
WP eated my last comment!
Ash Can
Granted, I’m about +4 right now, but this is truly one of the funniest headlines I’ve ever seen:
(Courtesy of LGF)
Suffern ACE
Watching Don Jon. Could use some gratuitous nudity, honestly. It’s not bold considering the subject matter. I’m glad I didn’t pay full theater prices.
@Mike in NC: I just wish they hadn’t stuck the stuff about the brother getting killed in the Nam when he didn’t.
Better than I expected. Usually these sort of genre pics are weighted down by bad plotting and pacing. Instead Gerard Butler straight up executes everyone they put in front of him in the most brutal way possible. I thought it was right there with McBain as a parody of the genre. Whether that was intentional or not….
@Ash Can:
Is King expressing pride or offense?
It was due to his cantaloupe-calves crack, so it’s probably befuddlement.
She has great taste!
Oh John I understand. I understand. I don’t have English majors in my house, but Phds. Everything is up for debate. I will never forget my dad used to write me letters everyday. Back before the days of email. I’d write back and he’d edit them. My grammatical mistakes. I hate this and stopped writing him. It didn’t stop him from writing me almost daily.
Years later when his father passed away I got his copy of my fathers dissertation. It is around 700 pages. My grandfather marked it up with a red pen. Got that was just the way things where.
wasabi gasp
When they say something vague, I try my best to understand WTF they’re talking about without giving them a hard time about it. But it can be difficult. She will lay a whole story on me without using any pronouns. It’s hypnotizing. And If I don’t quickly catch her and stabilize this, I will pass the fuck out.
@wasabi gasp: They who?
schrodinger's cat
Is Susan Davies of USA Today a wingnut? While flipping channels I happened on Washington Week hosted by Gwen Ifill and they were discussing income inequality, without a hint of irony Susan Davies the USA Today Congressional correspondent said that the Dems have only offered an increase in the minimum wage while Republicans have outlined an entire policy of deregulation and tax cuts. I immediately changed the channel.
wasabi gasp
@raven: They them, silly.
@wasabi gasp: Ahso.
@schrodinger’s cat:
If you’re looking for something to watch, they were showing the South Carolina Tea Party rally on c-span.
schrodinger's cat
@Baud: That is crazy ^ n, do not want, besides I no has cable!
@schrodinger’s cat: LOL. Their plan is just so they can wave around a plan (see Charles P. Pierce). Look we have a plan. They don’t think it will pass, Heck they don’t care if it doesn’t.This is what they do.
One could safely assume that the White House has some form of defenses that would work against airborne threat. Goalkeeper at the very least but probably;y some sort of missile shield.
@schrodinger’s cat: I can’t watch that, even thought I am finding myself pulled to it. I can’t stop myself from something else, the Beatles. My local TV station, this young lady was asked her favorite Beatles song. She said she didn’t know the Beatles. The two hosts (about my age, 40s, not really old) were like dude WTF. At each segment they kept coming back to her asking if she had figured out a Beatles song she liked. She never did …..
@Tripod: agreed. It was literally just beaucoup head shots and body shots. No martial arts heroics, just full on artillery.
It did have a “die-hard”-esque quality to it, without the quips. I actually forgot how quippy action flicks are now.
@Schlemizel: yeah, you would imagine that, but still I honestly never thought about it…lol
Part of me hopes they also have ninjas.
@Schlemizel: As a guy that lived on Captial Hill. About .75 miles from the Capital there is a group of Marines, their objective to save the White House if anything goes down. I would not want to be somebody that pissed them off.
@schrodinger’s cat:
thanks for the reviews
The down side is that if that stuff is there & ever gets used a bunch of people would probably die. .50 rounds may go a couple of miles but they will fall to earth & if they hit something there is going to be a lot of bits raining down. Missiles would be way worse. Maybe they wouldn’t do it just because of that
My mother now asks in public where I picked up my love of language. A tiny voice inside my head shouts, “IT’S A TRAP!”
True enough. You particularly wouldn’t want to go up against them without a plan & real discipline. They can fight as a team or individuals & it would probably not go well for a rag-tag bunch in a head to head meeting
edit: thats why I laugh when those fat fungoos from Ohio & Michigan, Idaho & Wyoming play soldier & think they could over throw the government. They would get eaten alive
@lamh36: yeah, you would imagine that, but still I honestly never thought about it…lol
Among other things, the WH has a deep below ground bunker (no good against a direct hit with a nuke, but fine for a miss), tunnels to all the other important government buildings, steel shutters on the windows, armor plate under the siding, and yeah, missiles on the roof. (I believe they added the missiles after that guy flew the plane into the White House.)
Chicken pot pie, Penguins hockey, then episode 2 of Black Sails, then maybe SNL
You reminded me, so I went and made dinner. Pomodoro alla penne (more or less). Going to finish up conquering the Armenians, and maybe get into it with other Roman factions, or I’m going to get bored with the end game part and go start up a game playing the Vandals against the late Empire.
[‘Because it’s winter.’]
Mike in NC
@Schlemizel: There are missile defenses all around DC, including the Washington Navy Yard and Andrews AFB.
Jeez I love the internet. Just filed my taxes. It took less than 30 minutes.
I do that with my kids, and when they catch me, I have to think to myself, “You had it coming.”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I was wondering why Twitter people were making “David Wildstein in high school” jokes. I thought they were mocking the idea that he and Christie were friends. It’s actually part of OJW’s defense:
@Mike in NC:
I wouldn’t think that was something that was public knowledge but it seems obvious. Still, I would hate to think of the amount of collateral damage if that crap ever got used. If it was far enough out into MD or VA there might not be anything horrible but if stuff got close there could be some very ugly urban renewal in the District. I would not want to be the CinC that OK’ed that
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Someone needs to ask the Outlaw Jersey Whale, if you knew all of that why on earth did you give him a job with the State?
Dee Loralei
@karen: HA! My Grandmother did that to me too. Though she wasn’t a Prof, just an HS English teacher.
My mother loved Wiley’s first book, I still haven’t read it. Unfortunately she passed away on Jan 19th or would have been first in line to buy his second. I may buy it in her memory, just because she was such a believer in supporting new talent. It’s major league awesome that it got picked up by Oprah, though I’m not sure she has the reach she once did.
I know I posted a few weeks ago about my moms illness and everyone here was so kind and thoughtful, and y’alls comments really helped keep me uplifted. Her last few days were filled with love and laughter and many of the people who she loved most in the world.
We held a wake for her on Monday Jan 20 for the family who were here, local friends and our long-time neighbors. Lots of laughter and tears and great food and wine. And some rather hilarious and moving toasts to her over many bottles of Prosecco. It was truly gratifying to hear from so many people how much she meant to them. And I’m glad my nieces and nephews got to learn more about her from other people, since they never knew her very well. But my son spent a good few hours alone with her 2 days before she passed and they said their goodbyes. I’m still pretty much an emotional hot mess, but I’m holding it together well enough for my father and son, and keeping the house and my dads lab going, at least the book keeping/ billing parts of it. I’m finding that keeping physically busy and trying to maintain normalcy is helping me a lot. I’ve set aside tomorrow as the day I finally read all the cards that were sent, and to write Thank You notes to the people who deserve them. I figure that’s going to be a hugely emotionally draining and trying time for me, but my son will be at a Super Bowl party and my dad can watch the game without me this year.
Oh and I got in a wreck a week after the last time I saw her alive, almost to the minute. I’m just a bit banged up and the car has minimal damage considering I was in a Chevy Cobalt at a complete stop and got rear-ended by a Mercedes sedan and then slammed into the SUV in front of me, and ping ponged between those two behemoths several times. My first thought after being hit was ” What are Cooper and Daddy going to do without me?” But luckily as I said the SUV and I were at complete stops at the light and so we weren’t pushed in to the oncoming traffic from the major cross-street. I banged my knee pretty good, but no permanent damage. But when I got out of the car I started just blubbering and hyperventilating and had a panic attack in the middle of the street. at that moment, it was all just too much. Mercedes driver said her floor mat was rumpled and she was trying to fix it and hit the gas instead of the brakes. Of course, she got the citation. And luckily, I had a few pain meds left from a dental visit 6 months or so ago. So no ambulances called, and I didn’t need to see a Doctor. But there’s much more to the story, and if any of you know any good litigation attorneys in Memphis please let me know. Because apparently the Mercedes driver has pretty shitty insurance, my All State guy said Erie is one of the worst insurance companies to deal with in the entire country.
I know tl;dr.
TRex, you and your mother are in my thoughts and prayers as are any people who love her. I’m so sorry for what you are going through. You were my favorite writer over at FDL, you and Christie, and I followed you to the Treehouse, but only occasionally commented so you may not remember me, but I thank you for the many late night laughs and think you are such an excellent writer, son and all around human being. So, all my best to you and yours at this time. And now that I know you are at Raw Story, I’ll pop over there to start reading you again.
Mike in NC
@Schlemizel: Exactly. I always questioned the idea of having Hawk batteries positioned above the parking garage at the Navy Yard where I worked, given the fallout that could occur in a worst case scenario.
Big R
@Dee Loralei: Jeez, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I am a litigation attorney in Memphis, or the suburbs at least. I’ll meet with you and either offer you representation or refer you to somebody good.
@lamh36: I thought the most interesting thing about World War Z was that after 10 minutes, you were in the action. The slow part of the movie came at the end. An inversion of the normal action movie sequence.
Hill Dweller
They didn’t just hire Wildstein; they created the position for him.
Another WVA tragedy, this time a cell phone tower and workers: And.of course, the existing water poisoning scandal just keeps getting worse. At some point, West VA needs to get a clue that destroying their really beautiful natural environment and towns and cities for the profits of the uber 1% is not a real good idea. Probably not going to happen though.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Jesus. Did they read the article they linked to in the email?
They plead guilty! And this:
How is this article a defense of Christie? It’s like a goldmine of quotes tying Wildstein to Christie.
I don’t know. I think I’m betting on Mr. Wildstein winning this battle.
fleeting expletive
The thing I most hate on websites is “Follow us on Twitter”? Why? Why?
@Hill Dweller:
I had forgotten that – yeah OJW is in a lose-lose, there must be even worse things coming!
@Dee Loralei: Holy cow. Condolences and so thankful it wasn’t worse.
@Kay: this is getting to be schadenfreude with chocolate sauce and a cherry on top, cubed.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
This won’t get any attention among the other Christie speculation, but I thought it was great and an indication that his opponents think he’s more vulnerable:
Christie’s got a full-on ed public school privatization revolt on his hands, in addition to all his other problems:
I can’t believe that’s the defense. Wildstein is loyal to Christie and was placed in a made-up job to enforce Christie’s agenda. Okay, then! We’ll take your word on that, Team Christie!
Maybe there’s another rogue group in that administration sending emails that purport to defend Chris Christie but are actually intended to damage him? :)
Renee Fleming in “Rusalka” next week on Live at the Met. You don’t want to miss it.
Dee Loralei
@Big R: wow that was quick. YAY BJ! Email me at my screen name here, but no space between the two names @ aol. Yes, I’ve been online since 1/94, and no I don’t still use it as a web browser. ( I know folks still tease me about it, my son being the worse.) Put in the header something about Balloon Juice, that way I won’t accidently delete it as spam. And thank you so much for your reply. I’m in Cordova. You?
joel hanes
@Dee Loralei:
my All State guy
Don’t accept this excuse from your insurance.
It’s Allstate’s responsibility to cover your loss; that’s what you’ve been paying them for.
It’s also Allstate’s responsibility to litigate with the other guy’s insurance; that’s also what you’ve been paying them for.
Tell your Allstate guy that Allstate is handling it right and right away or you’re finding new insurance.
Then go find new insurance.
Bob In Portland
I’m not sure who I’m going to root for, the Seahawks knocked my Niners off, but Peyton makes those commercials with Papa John and every two or three weeks I get this picture of Papa’s castle on Facebook and how he keeps screwing his employees, there’s Peyton and John in a kinda time machine car with Joe Montana in the backseat. And that offends my socialist tendencies. So I may root for the Seahawks.
@Kay: NJ did a deal on Camden last year, along the lines of closing the public school and opening a really crappy private school as a replacement, and all the parents were furious.
I don’t remember the details because I don’t live around there anymore and didn’t see any follow-ups, but it sounded awful, like what Kay’s trying to bat down in Ohio.
ETA: Didn’t see I was writing about Kay to Kay. Time to go to bed.
Big R
@Dee Loralei: You have e-mail. Further Deponent Saieth Not On Balloon Juice, except to apologize to everyone for being such an ambulance chaser and vulture.
@joel hanes: You are dead-on that the insurer SHOULD handle this, but their interests and DL’s don’t necessarily align. Having your own lawyer may help protect you from a bad-faith insurer.
I’ll wait for burnsie to quite properly tsk tsk me.
TaMara (BHF)
@Dee Loralei: Wow, what month! I hope it eases up for you and I’m so sorry about your mom. Also, hit from behind, watch out for head injuries – they can pop up later and are very, very common when your head gets tossed to and fro. The brain can slam into the skull pretty hard, even if you haven’t hit your head.
@Big R: – having been through the nightmare of a bad accident and dealing with reluctant insurance companies, a good lawyer is worth his/her weight in gold, so happy you’re looking out for DL.
Dee Loralei
@joel hanes: You are right, and All State is and will be handling all that stuff. It was just some weird stuff post-accident that I may have inadvertently enmeshed myself in and which All State won’t necessarily handle.
@Big R: Thanks so much, I’ll respond tomorrow, I’m just too emotionally exhausted to deal with my own life right now, I think I’ll have a beer and escape by watching some Lark Rise to Candleford and Primeval as long as my eyes can last. Thanks again!
Big R
@TaMara (BHF): To clarify and protect myself: not looking out for anybody. DL said she needed a lawyer in Memphis. I happen to know lots of Memphis lawyers, including myself. If and when I ever meet with DL, I will make a point of pointing her elsewhere first, and then offering to see if I can meet her needs.
[Boy, those attorney advertising rules are tough! Think I covered my tuchos sufficiently, though.]
Omnes Omnibus
@Big R: You responded to a request for information about litigation attorneys in the Memphis area by saying that you have such information. You are in the clear. At least, you would be in Wisconsin and Ohio – the states in which I am licensed.
ETA: And it is decent of you to offer to point DL in the right direction.
I hope I caught you in time, but DON’T DO IT! My friend’s husband got sucked into a similar offer for their daughter’s softball team, and it ended up costing them more money than they earned. Remember my whole lecture about valuing yourself enough as an artist to charge for your work? Don’t make me repeat myself. :-)
@Dee Loralei:
Ugh. I think I told it at the time, but a couple of weeks after my dad died, I was running late to get a root canal and got pulled over by CHP for using my cell phone to try and call the endodontist. I was calm on the surface right up until she handed me the actual ticket, and then I started sobbing hysterically. I think I scared her, because she kept saying, “Are you okay to drive? Are you sure you’re okay to drive?”
Anne Laurie
@Dee Loralei: Good heavens! Glad you’re here to tell the tale, and hope that the new Lunar New Year is an improvement on January…
@Mnemosyne: I just heard back from them. They didn’t mean I’d have to pay to attend, just that they couldn’t comp me the fancy feast. Since the expenses would be nil and the photos commission would be pure profit, it becomes a lot more of an interesting project. I can do my script analysis for a friend tomorrow, interview the Dept of Ag on the drought impacts this week, shoot a party in the weekend, do a table read during the next week and since I have the 14th off anyway, reschedule LA for then. Suddenly, I’m very busy.
Ah, okay, that’s slightly different. They should provide you a meal, but event photographers don’t usually get the full meal anyway. And you can always bring a sandwich if they’re not willing to feed you at all.
Omnes Omnibus
@ruemara: While one seldom finds words of wisdom in the musings of Courtney Love, this is something to contemplate:
@Mnemosyne: I’d actually prefer to eat mine own cooking. Salt in commercial foods is where they save on expensive spices.
@Omnes Omnibus: Honestly, I love CL, when she’s playing Hole songs. And that’s pretty darned good.
Omnes Omnibus
@ruemara: You and I are in a very small band of Courtney fans. My point, though, was the same as Mnem’s: Don’t undervalue your talent and skills.
I saw that Wiley Cash book displayed on one of the front tables at the Barnes & Noble. The original Cole endorsement was clearly mighty. I had all of 10 minutes to spend in the store so when they did not have “Bring Up The Bodies” on the shelf I was gone.
The next experiment will be if Subterranean Books sees fit to carry it.
Also too, the new cat is gorgeous.
Oh, thanks for thinking of me! I’ve been counting the days! Except for the “Song to the Moon” and the Polonaise, I don’t know Rusalka at all, and can hardly wait.
This and Prince Igor are the two operas I’m most excited about seeing this season.
@Big R: I wouldn’t worry about it. You were responding to a request. In general, though, and certainly in Tennessee, you’re right to be careful: real-time electronic solicitation of potential clients is a no-no.
@Corner Stone: Not literally true, we can hope.
But as for this:
Pix or it didn’t happen.
I’ll definitely read Wiley Cash’s new book. I read “A Land More Kind Than Home” on your recommendation and loved it so much I gave a copy to my daughter, a voracious reader who has turned me on to some wonderful books.