(Jim Morin via GoComics.com)
Did someone say “man date”?… From Mark Joseph Stern, at Slate:
On Wednesday, the viciously anti-gay National Organization for Marriage finally released its 2013 tax filings—two days late, in direct violation of federal law. The results are nothing short of brutal. NOM raised $5.1 million last year—a 50 percent drop-off from its 2012 earnings. Two donors accounted for more than half of that money. And the group’s “Education Fund,” which churns out anti-gay propaganda and homophobic calumny, raised less than $1.7 million, a 70 percent decline from 2012. NOM closed out the year more than $2.5 million in debt…
… Gay marriage is here to stay; a $100 (or $100,000) check to NOM won’t change anything. Maybe a few former donors have even changed their mind about the whole gay marriage issue. Either way, most people know a lost cause when they see one. And anyone not totally blinded by bigotry can see pretty clearly that NOM is waging a war against the inevitable…
… In the near future, NOM’s higher-ups will release that they’re on the brink of officially folding. At that point, they’ll give the piggy bank one last shake, then jump ship for good. The resulting collapse will be pitiable, painful, and pathetic—a finale befitting an organization built on a platform of nothing but hate.
Apart from small, hard-won victories — and, of course, the President’s address — what’s on the agenda for the evening?
Mike in NC
Today same-sex marriage became legal in South Carolina, one of America’s worst places.
livestream of speech
Mike E
WRAL5 is airing the speech live with their news anchors doing the lead in.
CBS local affiliate in DC covering PBO speech; also the NBC and Fox affiliates.
Not ABC. I think I’ll watch PBS.
Here’s PBO.
Five votes by the Supreme Court takes us back to the last century in every state that didn’t enact marriage equality through legislation.
I hope Obama announces that he is giving out special Steve King green cards to Latinos with calves as big as cantaloupes.
@Mike E: 11alive in Atlanta is covering also with a lead in by the local news.
(nbc station)
I assume the Republican Response(tm) will be a continuous loop of Steve King screaming oogaboogaoogabooga cantaloupe thighs!
Local NBC in NY City is showing the speech
“yes or no vote”
@Baud: The Republican response to this speech is just going to be one long guttural scream.
Turtle McConnell earlier today intoned that the government that (virtually no!) Americans voted in will be addressing this in 2015.
Proposal #1: Border Moat! Now with alligators!
That would be an improvement to their usual response.
I’m concerned that this action will sour the relationship between the White House and Republicans in Congress.
@Baud: More coherent, anyway.
Yikes! quoting W Bush
@Baud: The Washington Post says you’re hired.
“at least temporarily, without fear of deportation.”
Interesting. Still selection mechanism down the road. But throws the ball to Congress. Very smart.
“pass a bill!”
Five years is pretty damn recent. In all honesty. But I liked the way he turned “amnesty” on its head.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: If you get the fainting couches, I’ll get the pearls.
Congress needs a higher purpose.
No argument here.
Stick it.. haha
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’ve got the snuff and brandy.
“Many of us, including myself, go back many generations in this country”
@skerry: Who’s he? I thought we went straight from Bill Clinton to the first of Obama’s pre-terms. That was how Obama became responsible for the Katrina response.
@Omnes Omnibus: I’ve always wanted a nice strand of pearls.
@Elizabelle: It’s Congress. Keep the brandy for yourself.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Like you, I had never heard of Eric Dondero before today. He’s a former senior aide to Ron Paul, so in no way connected to the Republican Party.
Meanwhile NOM cheers on 16 magistrates out of over 600 that have resigned instead of officiating same sex marriages.
NOM Blog
Mike E
@Elizabelle: It’s the whole slate here in Mayberry too…I’m watching the CBS affiliate out of loyalty to their decent quality of covering my area.
Our nightly PBS show North Carolina Now covered a photojournalist’s 18 year study of an undocumented immigrant named Marisol…the segment served as the lead-in to the president’s speech.
Rand Paul Apostle Of Liberty And The One Prophet Of Greenwaldism: “I just want alligators with frickin’ laser-beams….”
etc etc.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Dondero must be so sad that Rand Paul has become a huge civil rights hero to minorities.
Ha. Obama’s now quoting the Koran!
@dmsilev: Balloon Juice 11.20.14 reporting bo immigrationorder doubleplusungood refs unperson rewrite fullwise upsub antefiling
Immigrants cross the Atlantic, the Pacific, or the Rio Grande. Fortunately, the DMZ between here and Canada has protected us, mostly, from the Northern Hordes.
That’ll leave a mark.
Oh, Congress. I’ll have the brandy.
Sixteen minutes? That was speedy.
And the GOP response to come. From who? Thinking it’s NOT Steve King … aha, it is Darell Issa. Uh huh.
Make that “a Republican” response. PBS with Judy Woodruff.
I love that good man.
Obama: “And to those Members of Congress who question my authority … I have one answer: Pass a bill.”
Obama said “God bless this country we love” instead of “God bless the United States of America.”
The MSM has a new scandal.
CBS in DC still covering with local anchors. NBC airing a toothpaste commercial. CBS just left and returned to primetime.
C-Span has callers.
@dmsilev: Excusez-moi?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Elizabelle: Judy Woodruff is going to Darrell Issa for a response? That actually surprises me. That’s pretty pathetic. CNN-level pathetic.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Darrell Issamaniac is on the loose again?
dance around in your bones
@Baud: Ha the fucking HA!
It was a wonderful speech – too bad no ‘pubs will listen, ’cause Cleek’s Law and all….
I’m back to Eddie Vedder and his gorgeous eyes..OMG.
ETA: Also, that cartoon makes me think of “Whadda you mean WE, kemosabe?:!”
Is that the local news? The national networks said no, right?
@skerry: So he even worked a joke into the speech.
dance around in your bones
@Omnes Omnibus: I have no brandy or pearls, but I’ll join ya on the fainting couch if ya want.
Well, if Mrs Omnes agrees. we could all lay on the couch :)
@Elizabelle: My local nbc said and now we return to regular schedule program, the biggest loser.
Yep. Local affiliates in the DC area.
ABC aired its primetime, but most other stations coughed up the — get this — 16 minute speech.
It was not an hour. I am truly wondering about the networks there.
@dance around in your bones:
I am just wondering when Blobby will turn up to complain that Obama deliberately ignored all those innocent Russian immigrants in the Ukraine.
dance around in your bones
@dmsilev: Tide goes in, tide goes out….who knows why?
John McCain tweets: immigration should be decided by the reps of the people.
Uh huh. The reps elected with the lowest turnout yet, right?
How representative.
@dance around in your bones:
Would that be the official BJ couch?
Sounds good to me. As the President said, pass a bill.
@Baud: I had this ambitious plan to read the scriptures of all the major religions. Had to admit defeat with the Koran; just couldn’t slog through it. Anyone familiar with it to quote it gets my salute.
dance around in your bones
@Morzer: Any minute now, Katie.
dance around in your bones
@Baud: What else? Wanna join us?
@mdblanche: Right! What you said!
Whatever it was.
Steve Schmidt on MSNBC now says this kills the chance of immigration reform for the rest of Obama’s term. Really? They’re going to have a 2 year temper tantrum?
I could never get passed the Adam & Eve story in Genesis. Maybe I’ll try an audio book one day.
BTW, in case you thought I was serious, the president said he was quoting “scripture.” The “Koran” was my snarky gloss.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Elizabelle: Build the dang fence! I mean, pass the dang bill! I’m proud of Governor Palin…
Who am I mad at today? Call Bill Kristol and find out what I think. Mr Puddles… ?
They were going to do that no matter what.
Aren’t we now at 6 years and counting? I dunno about permanent majorities, but the GOP certainly seems to have become the party of perpetual raging assholery.
@dance around in your bones:
I have got to start attending these Balloon Juice meat-ups.
@skerry: Thank you.
Explain to me why MSNBC thinks Pile of Schmidt is a reasonable Republican? He’s always seemed like a total tool to me.
But does anyone really want to see how that sausage is made?
Gordon, the Big Express Engine
@Baud: I see what you did there
Grading on a curve.
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: Don’t forget the smelling salts.
Well, there’s a distinction between a moderately extreme tool and an extremely extreme tool and, after all, both sides do it….
That cartoon immediately made me think of the classic “Fly vs. Fly” segment from “The Simpsons” when the second half of Bart’s creation comes out of the matter transporter.
“Eeeww! You can be Lisa’s pet.”
You guys would be encouraged by listening to C-Span. They have a constitutionalist GOP caller on now, but an earlier GOP caller said he didn’t want to hurt children.
And now the constitutionalist is saying we are dealing with Mexican nationalists who are rapists and killers. Way to go. C-Span finds another caller quick.
Second caller who says she was a Republican, but is no longer.
ETA: the C-Span callers, for the most part, are listening to their better angels. Obama touched that part of them.
schrodinger's cat
@BGK: Reasonable Republican, isn’t that an oxymoron? Most Republican are just plain old morons!
@BGK: I think all appearances by Schmidt should be preceded by five minutes of the hosts pointing, laughing and saying “Sarah Palin!”.
He’s the president. He shouldn’t go full-metal snarky. That’s what we’re for!
@Pogonip: English Translation: The reporting of Barrack Obama’s immigration executive orders in Balloon Juice on November 20th 2014 is extremely unsatisfactory and makes reference to nonexistent persons. Rewrite it in full and submit your draft to higher authority before filing.
@schrodinger’s cat:
That’s what I meant to say! Came up with snuff instead.
But was thinking of “I have the vapors” Lindsey Graham throughout.
What did you think about the speech and proposals?
Interesting the GOP is going after “power grab” rather than substance.
Holy Crap. CNN has Alberto Gonzalez commenting on the “lawfulness” of the plan. Alberto does not have a clue. Dunno, the former Attorney General says.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
I’m getting set for tomorrow. Meeting with my . . . I’m not sure what to call her, consultant, I guess, for a cover briefing. And it’s also the day I should get the first edits back and can really start to dig into the actual story again.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Morons on oxy – the Limbaugh dancers.
dance around in your bones
@Baud: well, what about Deuteronomy? Or whatever that book was that was all about he begat and he begat and HE begat….
I don’t know I was raised Episcopal. I read the damn Bible but it wasn’t compulsory. I read The Koran, too – just as incomprehensible. Book of Mormon – check. That Dianetics book? check. Don’t even ask me about the Jehovah’s Witnesses – we used to hide from them in HOLLAND, for Gawd’s sake, later on in Baja, we just told them we were Muslim or something, and they skedaddled like rats.
All fucking religious books are insane when you really scrutinize them.. Read Karen Armstrong, if you haven’t already :)
Where is Valdivia? She was going to watch it on Univision I’m interested in her and their reaction is.
Wouldn’t be any different from the temper tantrum they’ve been having for years.
Funny. I never, ever thought of catching this on CNN.
This is the third C-Span caller saying she used to be a Republican.
I kid you not.
ETA: Tomorrow’s Las Vegas speech is going to be a barnburner, I would think. Just before 4 pm Eastern.
This doesn’t have anything to do with the president or his speech. But I thought it was funny. For four years I have been contending with a piriformis syndrome that is finally healing up. So there I was, puttering around and shaking my long unshaken booty, and my son gets on the phone with his grandpa and reports, “Mom’s shakin’ and snappin’ her fingers, just like in Eddie Money’s song!”. Grandpa is 87 and, of course, doesn’t have a clue who Eddie Money is ( a singer, for you young whippersnappers) but since he is no longer surprised by any strange thing his children do, he just replied, “Well, that’s good.”
For the record, I was shakin’ and snappin’ my fingers to “On and On,” recorded by Gladys Knight and the Pips (more singers, whippersnappers), not to Eddie Money.
schrodinger's cat
@Elizabelle: I missed the speech, I was under the impression that it was at 9. I have been playing with my new phone. *hangs head in shame*
Mike J
The layout is not what I look for in a story unless I’m reading Oulipo. Arranging things in order of length doesn’t do it for me when it comes to narrative.
Beat me to it. I can only hope that the raging self-loathing with which Woody Harrelson portrayed him is real and eats away at his fuqqing guts nightly.
C-Span rebroadcasting PBO speech, in all its 16 minutes, NOW.
@dance around in your bones:
I’ve read a couple of Karen Armstrong book. The ones with “God” in the title — can’t recall exactly right now. I like her — she’s very smart.
@Baud: I’m pretty sure that curve’s been steamrolled into a pancake.
@mdblanche: Sorry, I’m busy shakin’ and snappin’ my fingers. Big Brother will have to check back later.
@schrodinger’s cat:
What’d you get?
That’s why they are Communist-span!
schrodinger's cat
@Baud: Moto G.
schrodinger's cat
@Elizabelle: No has cable, where can I find the transcript?
@schrodinger’s cat:
I’ve heard good things about it. I was in the market for a new phone, but I’ve decided to hold off for a while.
@schrodinger’s cat:
WaPo transcript
dance around in your bones
Well – especially about the fundamentalists of ANY fucking religion – they’re all nuts.
@efgoldman: Mrs. Goldman could be a Pip. Or anything she wants. She is lovely.
Of course not! Republicans will just continue the 6 year temper tantrum they’ve been throwing for another two years – which they were gonna do anyway,
Edited to Add:
Sigh. I should have known someone would have gotten there first.
@dance around in your bones:
Right. Her big theme, IIRC, is that religion was never intended in ancient times to be taken literally. That’s a modern reaction to ancient texts that was somewhat brought about by the scientific revolution. In other words, fundamentalists are fundamentally wrong about religious tradition.
#amnesty is trending. Idiots.
Howard Beale IV
Got my new IKEA office chair assembled, figuring our how the new controls work. I’z happy. Unfortunately, the audio is out on tinykittens.com, so I’m in squeak withdrawal.
Mike J
I was raised in a semi-fundegelical church and they could never explain to me why they didn’t ask Jewish people how this or that book should be read. Usually they would just tell me that *real* Jews believed exactly what they did (about OT stuff) and liberal US Jews didn’t count.
@efgoldman: Who didn’t?
I remember seeing a great comedy routine (Flip Wilson, maybe) about the Pips having to perform without Gladys. Dance in background…”Leavin!” …pause, dance…”on that midnight train to Georgia…” pause, dance…”hmmmmm”…pause, dance–etc. Looked for it on YouTube once but couldn’t find it since I didn’t have the comedian’s name.
Did you ever hear “Letter Full Of Tears”? Like Brenda Lee, Gladys sounded 40 or so when she was 15. God bless her. May she sing on and on.
Me too.
dance around in your bones
@Baud: Well, of COURSE they are! They are reading texts from a bazillion years ago and cherry picking what they want to believe…..ok, in the case of the Scientologists and Mormons they are just fucking gullible.
It’s interesting to follow a religion from its inception in modernish times to it’s increasing popularity – like P.T. Barnum said (or didn’t say) there’s a sucker born every minute.
Back to Eddie.
For the 9:00 p hour, C-Span just put up an hour of immigration speeches today by Boehner, John Cornyn, and Ted Cruz.
Click goes the remote.
Mike J
@Pogonip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdN27HzoyO4
@Mike J:
I used to listen to fundy radio and TV. I thought it was interesting for about a year. But after a while, the “patterns” and tactics of persuasion they use become more obvious. But they really do have it down to a science. I guess they have lots of practice.
schrodinger's cat
@Baud: Thanks for the transcript!
Howard Beale IV
@Baud: Speaking of which, ex-pornstar Asia Carera had her Utah driver license taken wearing a colander in unity with the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
@Howard Beale IV:
Now there’s a religion I can get behind!
dance around in your bones
@Baud: Hey, me too! In addition to my Balloon Juice coffee mug (with the OLD, really GOOD logo!!!) I have a Pastafarian coffee mug and canvas bag to carry shit home from the grocery store.
Got into a really interesting conversation with a young employee guy in a record store (‘member those., girls and boys?!!) about the FSM..
I left the store feeling like Thelma in the movie Thelma and Louise after she first saw Brad Pitt – like, pant, pant, pant……l
Bill Arnold
You might like the brick testament, in Lego.
@Bill Arnold:
Ha! That’s especially amusing because I just saw the Lego movie for the first time last weekend.
Howard Beale IV
@dance around in your bones:
The only good vinyl that was ever pressed was from Mobile Fidelity, Japanese pressings, Naultilus, and CBS Mastersound. and the odd 180 gm virgin half-speed pressings. And the occasional Angel 45 RPM Sonic Series when it wasn’t pressed on reground vinyl. Oh, yeah, I have a Direct-to-Disc recording of The LA Philharmonic Of Wagner Ride of the Valkyires.
Yeah, I’m a snob. Fuck ya all.
Hitchcock’s The Birds on TCM. 8 to 10:15 p.
It’s Rod Taylor night.
I remember that. It was on Richard Pryor’s show.
Can we help make this happen?
Release of the CIA torture report via the Speech and Debate Protection of the Constitution.
@Baud: I am here!
Sorry but was attending to the family while watching and only now got back:
Univision’s lead in was the Latin Gramys red carpet! they delayed the start of the show so everyone could see this.
Ramos said it was the most important immigration action since the 60s. In the background you could hear the national tv talking heads talking only about how Republicans could screw it and Ramos looked pissed
Will report more as I read the teitters
Yay, Valdivia. Gutierrez(?) was on msnbc lauding the president just before the speech.
The Pale Scot
Watching 60’s era Dr. Who and Brigadier General ??? just proclaimed “That if you can’t trust UNIT who can you trust.
I’m always asking that question.
Howard Beale IV
@catclub: If Udall doesn’t do this then we are fucked as a nation, and Udall deserves to be forgotten and become nothong more than a footnote in the nations history, and it will prove once and for all that the CIA has control of one part of the nations security state-and that is not a good thing.
@Baud: I just saw that Enrique Igelsias won the song of the year and called the night historic for Latinos. The Grammys are an Obama love fest. Genius to do it today during that program.
@beth: They’ve been having temper tantrums for 6 years now, what’s another 2 years.
@Howard Beale IV:
Vinyl didn’t get much better than the soundtrack album from “Casino Royale” (1967, COLGEMS COSO-5005).
There was a great PBS documentary about rock and roll that they ran in the 1990s and I still remember the opening narration of the episode about girl groups: “In the early 1960s, God was a young black girl who could sing.”
Gin & Tonic
@Howard Beale IV: Mosaic did good vinyl.
I’m just glad it’s done at this point. It’s been a long time coming. Time to move onto the next stage, whatever that might be.
dance around in your bones
@Howard Beale IV: Bull-fucking-shit..
I had a friend back in the day who collected old 78’s and they were fucking stellar (Mostly old Delta Blues, and what we called World and Weird Music – that’s where my nym comes from)…. I still have the cassette tapes (‘member those. boys and girls?) AND the CD’s we made from them with some special machine.
There’s something about a 78, scratches and all, that just kills, doncha know?
Gads. Purists.
@Mike E: For everyone else, that’s Raleigh, NC, evidently.
Gin & Tonic
@efgoldman: Having had three children in various residences over the years I’ve done my fair share of IKEA-assembling, and you get used to the instructions; oftimes you can put stuff together without them.
Yes, that was Gerry Goffin’s line.
Absolutely. Next: Iran deal.
I must say though I was glad to see the latino community responding and being supportive. Nice change of pace from regular channels
@dmsilev: Turns out it is, surprisingly, Issa. Our favorite ex-car thief offers a hilarious, completely incoherent word salad as a response. Best fail since crazy eyes Bachmann’s back when. Hahahaha.
Gin & Tonic
@dance around in your bones: Some people are more about the recording than about the music. I was always struck by the mediocre sound systems of the several professional musicians I’ve known — they hear the music in their head anyway, and are more concerned about the quality (or lack of) of the performance, than about its reproduction.
Richard Pryor show (had to google it) Richard Pryor presents “And the Pips”
Yeah – and I totally forgot Richard Pryor once had a show … remember Flip’s though.
@The Pale Scot:
Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart
Howard Beale IV
@Gin & Tonic: So did RCA in their half-speed series – they used Europa Disk Plating for the mothers, but on some of their series, they sent the mothers to the US for pressing, which typically used reground vinyl-not cool.
You could always tell by looking at the record whether it was using virgin vinyl or reground vinyl-if the record let some light through, it was virgin vinyl-otherwise, it was reground vinyl, and the noise floor would always be at least 10-20 db higher.
dance around in your bones
I.E. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nlg46kIGm_Q
Also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNVuBSaRzj8
Top that!
@dmsilev: Yeah, first thing I thought too. What about all those SNL folks and Captain Kirk and Lorne Greene, Peter Jennings, etc, etc., eh?
@Baud: Well, the Koran is scripture. It’s the sacred text of a religion. All such is scripture.
Joey Maloney
@Baud: “pass a bill!”
Obama mispronounced, “go fuck yourselves”.
Howard Beale IV
@efgoldman: The supervinyl was actually out in the late 70s, right around the time I entered the ‘Audiophile hobby’. Before that listened to music via transistor radio in the late 60s, 45s and LPs/FM in the early 70s.
I actually still have my first set of HI-FI speakers I built in the Mid-1970s, using ElectroVoice SP-8C’s and T-35s, tuned for 3rd order Butterwoth Thiele-Small parameters. They now due duty as my rear surrounds in my Home-theater system.
Omnes Omnibus
@Howard Beale IV:
If whether we are fucked as a nation comes down to one particular action by one Senator, then we are probably already fucked.
dance around in your bones
@Gin & Tonic: Well, I get that, kinda.
For us NON-purists, it’s the effect the music has on you that matters,. Like, when I hear Dance Around In Your Bones I wanna do JUST THAT!!
All those who found “…And the Pips!”. That’s it! Thank you! Hee Hee Hee Hee.
They’re capitalizing my hee’s again. Regardless of what God they worship, or none, all right-thinking folk ought to agree that this is just plain wrong. Fight the Hee’s!
@Baud: There is a unix fortune that describes the author(s) of the Bible as an extremely uneven but captivating writer.
Right after God has his big speech and throws Adam and Eve out of the garden, but before they are ejected, He makes clothes for them. Imagining God as a Tailor carefully clothing us, is salutary, in my view.
Found it:One of my less pleasant chores when I was young was to read the Bible
from one end to the other. Reading the Bible straight through is at
least 70 percent discipline, like learning Latin. But the good parts
are, of course, simply amazing. God is an extremely uneven writer, but
when He’s good, nobody can touch Him.
— John Gardner, NYT Book Review, Jan 1983
(also I think there are discussions in the Commentaries to decide which animal is the first one killed to make the clothes.)
Omnes Omnibus
Howard Beale IV
@Omnes Omnibus: Sad so say, that is probably going to be the case. I suspect Udall isn’t going to want to upset getting into the government/corporate revolving door complex, and by reading a underacted report that names names into the Congressional record, his employability into the government/corporate revolving door complex goes from 100% to zero.
As a veteran of several types of home furniture assembly, I can tell you that Ikea is actually one of the better ones. World Market (aka Cost Plus) also tends to have clear instructions and easy-to-assemble products.
Don’t let your daughter buy any furniture from Target that needs to be assembled if she finds Ikea’s instructions hard to understand. Her head will explode.
Omnes Omnibus
@Howard Beale IV: I was suggesting that things probably aren’t as dire as you were stating.
dance around in your bones
Doncha all know Alanis Morrisette is Gawd? And Chris Rock is the 13th disciple?
Plus, Buddy Christ!!!!
At least watch the first 10 minutes. George Carling is in it, introducing Buddy Christ :)
Major Major Major Major
@Howard Beale IV: a udall doesn’t need the revolving door. They’re mountain west royalty.
@dance around in your bones: I still have ’78s from the 1930s that I inherited from my grandfather. All of them are blues. And he was an Irish working class immigrant who knew nothing about the history of African-Americans but he liked the music and it was evidently popular in the early 20th century (as, of course, it certainly is now).
Howard Beale IV
@Major Major Major Major: If that’s the case, then we are fucked.
Howard Beale IV
@Omnes Omnibus: @Omnes Omnibus: Nevertheless-the clock’s ticking-but I’m not hopeful-especially with the current crew ensconced.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I think the Car Thief was the official GOP responder not NewsHour’s preferred commenter (hardly).
dance around in your bones
@mainmati: Save them!! Save them!! They are worth $$$$$ and even if you don’t want to sell them, you can listen to and enjoy them in yer dotage.
I used to fly on an airplane to hand carry old brittle 78’s to clients of my friend. It was fucking fun.
Major Major Major Major
@Howard Beale IV: I actually know the guy, kinda. Friend of the family. He’s weird. What I meant was that he isn’t being influenced by money since he’ll be fine whatever.
He’s been a really good Dem and an even better civil libertarian; let’s see.
Howard Beale IV
@efgoldman: Assembly is actually easy. The one control, OTOH, I’m still trying to figure out what the fuck it actually is supposed to do. (page 16)
schrodinger's cat
I saw David Brooks on the Newshour, playing the role he excels at, concern troll.
Omnes Omnibus
@dance around in your bones: I don’t get rid of music, books, or art. Some stuff is in storage – I don’t need to have immediate access to the vinyl, cassette, and cd versions of Outlandos D’Amour at all times.
Omnes Omnibus
@Howard Beale IV: It determines how much effort is required to tilt the chair. My guess.
dance around in your bones
@Omnes Omnibus: Watching Dogma now, and laughing like a loon.
I have been carrying around these tape cassettes and CD’s for fucking years, and I don’t even know if they make a machine that will play them anymore.
I guess I could stick a CD in my laptop and check it out.
(Ooooooo – that sounded salacious!!)
Howard Beale IV
@dance around in your bones: Actually, RCA did some spectacular work restoring some very old Enrico Caruso recordings back in the mid 1970s using the Stockman process.
Unfortunately, those, as well as 78s, are things that are not in my wheelhouse. If you are offended by that, it was not intentional, as my focus is more contemporary.
Howard Beale IV
@efgoldman: I’m somewhat surprised that unlike other chairs, it doesn’t provide a locking mechainsm. Oh well. no great loss. Now I get to dissaseble the old chair so I can pitch it-it’s broke, so I don’t want to unload it on somebody else.
dance around in your bones
@Howard Beale IV: Understood, dudely man.
Still watching Dogma and laughing like a loon, Can’t wait for Alanis to show up and scream.